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In this investigation, the capacity of peat to treat two different landfill leachates was determined. Freundlich isotherms showed that, for the tested metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb), an increased time of contact increased the level of adsorption over the entire range of influent values studied. In addition, metal interaction may play an important role in the adsorption of metals from leachate, as the various metal ions compete for the available adsorption sites on the peat. Column studies using two leachates, one from a municipal refuse fill (Al, Ca, Cd, Fe, Mg, Na, and Pb), and one from a fill which receives mainly oil and fly ash (Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, and V), were conducted to establish design parameters for full-scale design. The efficiency of treatment was evaluated as a function of factors important for developing filter design criteria. Further considerations were given to filter longevity and ease of replacement, as well as for the ultimate disposal of the peat from the filters. For the municipal leachate a compaction density of 0.12 g mL?1 gave the best results as clogging occurred at higher densities, whereas 0.18 g mL?1 provided the best removal for the industrial leachate. While peat is incapable of adequately removing metals to acceptable levels for direct discharge, peat can provide substantial removal as a pretreatment process at low hydraulic loadings. Desorption of up to 50% was found when deionized water was applied to spent columns so ultimate disposal of the peat would require a dry environment.  相似文献   

The soil microbial communities of a landfill cover substrate, which was treated with landfill gas (100 l CH4 m?2 d?1) and landfill leachate for 1.5 years, were investigated by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA), ergosterol and respiratory quinone analyses. The natural 13C depletion of methane was used to assess the activity of methanotrophs and carbon turnover in the soil system. Under methane addition, the soil microbial community was dominated by PLFAs (14:0 and 16:1 isomers) and quinones (ubiquinone-8 and 18-methylene-ubiquinone-8) related to type I methanotrophs, and 18:1 PLFAs contained in type II methanotrophs. While type I methanotrophic PLFAs were 13C depleted, i.e. type I methanotrophs were actively oxidising and assimilating methane, 13C depletion of 18:1 PLFAs was low and inconsistent with their abundance. This, possibly reflects isotopic discrimination, assimilation of carbon derived from type I methanotrophs and a high contribution of non-methanotrophic bacteria to the 18:1 isomers. Landfill leachate irrigation caused the methanotrophic community to shift closer to the soil surface. It also decreased 18:1 PLFAs, while type I methanotrophs were probably stimulated. Gram positive bacteria, but not fungi, were also 13C depleted and consequently involved in the secondary turnover of carbon originating from methanotrophic bacteria. Cy17:0 PLFA was 13C depleted in deep soil layers, indicating anaerobic methane oxidation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of monitoring the shallow groundwater quality around two municipal landfill sites in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Boreholes were installed at Dhahran and Juaymah sites upstream and downstream of the landfill. Twenty water samples were collected from each borehole and analyzed for various parameters mainly for BOD, COD, TOC, NH3-N, TKN, sulphate, chloride, hardness and metals. The result of the analysis of water samples from Dhahran boreholes shows an increase in the concentration of pollutants in downstream groundwater over that observed in upstream boreholes. The average concentration of BOD5, COD and TOC in the samples obtained from the downstream borehole was found to be 6.5, 23.5, and 34.3 mg L?1, respectively. On the other hand, the mean concentration of the same parameters in upstream monitoring wells was found to be less than 2.4, 11.5, and 10.0 mg L?1, respectively. The ammonia-N and organic-N in the downstream wells were 0.37 and 0.29 mg L?1, respectively, whereas, in upstream wells they were 0.11 and 0.15 mg L?1, respectively. At Juaymah, the average concentration of BOD and TOC in groundwater samples obtained from upstream boreholes were less than 3.0 and 7.2 mg L?1, respectively, while the concentration of the same parameters in downstream well samples were above 5.0 and 35.0 mg L?1, respectively. A similar trend of increment of ammonia-N, organic-N, phosphate, sulfate and metals in downstream samples was observed. Since the water from these shallow aquifers at both places is not being used for human consumptions or for any other commercial purpose, therefore, the minor increase in pollutants concentration at downstream level is not of a great concern.  相似文献   

Leachates from two landfills, namely Junk Bay (JB) and Gin Drinkers' Bay (GDB), were assessed for their acute toxicity using four green algal species, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, C. vulgaris, Scenedesmus sp. and Dunaliella tertiolecta. JB leachate was more toxic to the four algal species tested than leachate from GDB landfill. The growth rates of all four species in 50% JB leachate, and two species (C. vulgaris and D. tertiolecta) in 50% GDB leachate were significantly lower (P<0.05) than those in the control (Bristol Medium only). Values of 96h-EC50 of JB leachate for all four species were lower than those of GDB. The high contents of ammoniacal-nitrogen and organic compounds (such as volatile fatty acids) seemed to be the factors governing the toxicity of leachate on algae. There were differential sensitivities to leachate exhibited by the tested algal species. Susceptibility to leachates in terms of cell number were in the ascending order of C. pyrenoidosa, Scenedesmus sp., C. vulgaris and D. tertiolecta.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide, NH3 and CH4 are pollutant gases known to be generated from the fermentation of organic matter in solid waste. This work was conducted in a completed sanitary landfill in Baghdad to investigate the possible effect of gases generated and emitted from this landfill on the ambient air quality of the area. Pollutant gases were monitored twice a week for a 14 mo period using continuous monitoring type instruments. Results indicate that concentrations of H2S, NH3, and CH4 occasionally reach relatively high levels. The air quality of the area is not substantially deteriorated.  相似文献   

An old lead mine tailings pile in Southeast Missouri is being used as a sanitary landfill. The tailings were found to consist of 60–70% dolomite, 20–30% mascovite/illite and trace amounts of quartz, galena, and calcite. The pH was 8.1 and the lead concentrations were 810-3200 mg/kg. Several samples at the site were found hazardous using the EPA toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP). Since little was known about the mobility of the lead under these conditions, laboratory scale column experiments were conducted to determine if the lead in the tailings might be mobilized with a landfill leachate. Total lead was determined and lead availability was determined using sequential extraction. The lead associated with Fractions 1 (MgC12), 2 (NH4OAc), and 3 (Na4P2O7) of the sequential extraction leached rapidly and immediately produced a leachate after 1 hr of 440 mg/L before decreasing to 40 mg/L after 12 hr. Fraction 4 (EDTA) and Fraction 5 (HNO3), were unaffected by the leachate.  相似文献   

The effect of solution composition on the movement of Hg ions through soils was studied. Three solutions spiked with HgC12 were passed through four different soils. The solutions were 0.25 mM Na2 EDTA, simulated sanitary landfill effluent, and deionized water. The Hg ions were found to be more mobile in the effluent from the simulated landfill than in the other solutions. The formation of mercurous ions and the presence of organic matter seem to be the major contributing factors for Hg; movement through soils in simulated landfill effluent.  相似文献   


Sodic water and spring water percolated through clay, clay loam, and sandy loam (SL) soils with exchangeable sodium percentages (ESPs) of 0, 10, 30, and 50. Reduction in saturated hydraulic conductivity and water stable aggregates recorded at higher ESPs. At ESP ≈30, application of sodic and spring water to clay soil (C) reduced saturated hydraulic conductivity from 1.2 to 3 mm hr?1, whereas in SL soil, the values were 2.8 and 6.2 mm hr?1, respectively. Results indicated that at any ESP and water source, the highest free swelling obtained was in the C soil. This study has practical importance to the management of irrigation water quality with respect to soil deterioration.  相似文献   

Irrigation with saline–sodic water causes sodic conditions in the soil which reduces soil productivity. We evaluated the changes in a number of important indices related to soil structural stability when treated wastewater (TWW), albeit with higher loads of organic matter and suspended solids, was used instead of more saline–sodic irrigation water, under different degrees of aggregate slaking. We studied soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (HC) using disturbed samples packed in columns, and soil infiltration rate, runoff and erosion under simulated rainfall. Aggregate slaking was manipulated by wetting the samples prior to all tests at either a slow (1–2 mm h− 1) or a fast (50 mm h− 1) rate. Samples of a calcareous silty clay (Typic Calciorthids) from the Bet She'an Valley, Israel, were taken from plots irrigated for three years with either TWW, saline–sodic Jordan River water (JRW), or moderately saline–sodic spring water (SPW), and also from a non-cultivated area (control). With little or no aggregate slaking (use of slow wetting), higher HC values and lower amounts of total runoff and soil loss were measured compared to when more severe aggregate slaking was induced (use of fast wetting). The HC values for the TWW treatment were similar to, or lower than, those for the control and significantly higher than those for the JRW treatment. For the runoff and soil loss data, differences among the water quality treatments were, generally, more pronounced when aggregate slaking was substantially reduced, and were related to soil sodicity. Under the latter condition, runoff and soil loss from the TWW treatment were comparable with those from the control and significantly lower than those from the JRW treatment. Our results suggested that replacing saline–sodic irrigation water with TWW could have favorable effects on soil structural stability, especially under conditions where aggregate slaking can be reduced (e.g., in regions with low to moderate rain intensities; and/or use of low intensity irrigation systems).  相似文献   


One approach to evaluating computer models which predict terrestrial‐aquatic ecosystem response to acid deposition is the experimental acidification of soils with subsequent comparisons among predicted and measured soil solution response. Using a soil microcosm experimental approach, comparisions between simulated acid rain (i.e. dilute H2SO4), dry NH4NO3, and prilled reduced S were made for suitability for large‐scale field experiments. Soil microcosms consisting of reconstructed soil profiles received a background simulated throughfall dosing over the six month treatment period. Results indicated that simulated throughfall, applied at twice the ambient rate, acidified soil leachates approximately 0.5 pH units over the treatment period. Along with the decline in leachate pH was an apparent release of base cations as well as Fe and Al. Over the length of the treatment period, very little of the prilled S dissolved and the simulated acid rain treatment did not have significant effects on leachate chemistry.  相似文献   

节水灌溉稻田土壤呼吸变化及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了揭示节水灌溉稻田土壤呼吸变化特征及其影响因素,基于蒸渗仪试验结果,分析了不同灌溉模式对稻田土壤呼吸速率日变化的影响,阐明了土壤呼吸速率对节水灌溉干湿交替过程的响应;同时,分析了节水灌溉稻田土壤呼吸速率的影响因子。结果表明,在处理间土壤水分状况差异较小的生育阶段,节水灌溉和常规灌溉稻田土壤呼吸速率日变化规律基本一致;在处理间水分差异较大的生育阶段,控灌稻田土壤呼吸日变化幅度较大,且速率和变化幅度均要大于常灌稻田土壤。控灌稻田全生育期土壤呼吸速率日变化均值为常灌稻田的1.47倍。控灌稻田土壤一般在复水和脱水的临界点上会出现土壤呼吸速率峰值。控灌稻田土壤呼吸速率受土温和土壤水分影响较大。稻田土壤呼吸速率与5 cm土温有较好的指数相关性,控灌稻田土壤达到了显著水平(P0.05)。土壤体积含水率在35%~55%之间时,土壤体积含水率43%为控灌稻田土壤呼吸的一个临界值,当土壤体积含水率低于临界值时,土壤呼吸速率随着土壤含水率的升高而逐渐增大(P0.05),当土壤体积含水率超过临界值时,土壤呼吸速率随着土壤含水率的增大而降低(P0.05)。研究结果为更加全面地评价节水灌溉的生态环境效应,同时为准确评估稻田生态系统碳源/汇特征提供依据。  相似文献   

The effect of sludge and sludge compost as a mulch for dissipating raindrop impact and maintaining a relatively high percolation rate was studied using a Paleudalf from South Africa. Three kg soil were packed in perforated boxes in a making a two cm layer, and subjected to five consecutive simulated rainstorms during a period of 26 days. A 4-day incubation was allowed between the first 4 storms and 10 days before the 5th storm. The soil was amended with either a dry waste activated sludge or a sludge compost at a rate equivalent to 45 Mg ha−1. The amendments (<2-mm) were applied either on the surface or mixed with the whole soil. The application of both sludge and sludge compost reduced the final percolation rate (FPR) compared with the unamended control. The effect of the consecutive rainstorms on the average FPR from all the treatments was as follows: FPR after 1st storm 2nd3rd4th>5th. The effect of amendment on average FPR from all storms was: control>sludge mixed with the soil>surface-applied sludge>sludge compost mixed with the soil≥ surface-applied sludge compost. The decrease of FPR was not related to the electrical conductivity or clay concentration of the leachates. The main chemical species that appeared in the leachates from the treated soils, and persisted throughout the five rainstorms, were ammonium and sulfate. Other ions, such as calcium and magnesium, were present in high concentrations in the leachate during the first storm but at low concentrations in subsequent storms. Nitrate concentrations were high during the first and fifth storms. It is suggested that the adverse effect of the amendments resulted from mechanical and microbial clogging of soil pores.  相似文献   

Processes taking place at different levels of the soil structural arrangement in irrigated and rainfed soils of the Lower Volga region are analyzed. Interactions between these processes and the dependence of their rates on the duration of irrigation are discussed. It is shown that irrigation-induced changes are more pronounced and proceed faster in soils of poorly drained landscapes in comparison with well-drained landscapes. Interaction of the processes taking place at different hierarchical levels of soil arrangement is observed. At the ionic-molecular level, migration and transformation of the composition of soil humus and soluble salts and various exchange reactions take place; at the level of elementary soil particles, the processes of disintegration, peptization, transformation, and the destruction of minerals; at the aggregate level, changes in the water stability of soil aggregates and the degree of soil micro- and macroaggregation; at the level of particular morphological elements, horizons, and pedons, reorganization of soil material (changes in the thickness and bulk density of soil horizons, synthesis and destruction of various neoformations, etc.); finally, at the level of the soil cover pattern, irrigation leads to a higher complexity of the soil cover; the degree of contrast in the soil cover pattern increases, and the soil development at different sites proceeds with different velocities.  相似文献   

The degree of eutrophication in fresh water ecosystems may be influenced by the forms of phosphorus (P) leached from agricultural systems. Physico-chemical fractionation of P in leachate from a grassland soil carried out over a two year period indicated that the majority of the P loss from the Lismore soil occurred in unreactive particulate (55-76%) P forms. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of a selected leachate sample indicated that unreactive P was mainly comprised of monoester and diester forms of organic P. The presence of phosphomonoesterase (20-200 μg p nitrophenol l−1 h−1) and phosphodiesterase (68 μg bis-p nitrophenol l−1 h−1) activity in leachate resulted in hydrolysis of 10-21% of total unreactive P (TUP), indicating that some of the monoesters and diesters can be eventually hydrolyzed into inorganic P forms during P transport. Enzyme hydrolysis showed that 23% of the TUP was present as labile monoester P (LMP), followed by 20% as inositol hexakisphosphate (IHP) and 14% as diesters (phospholipids and nucleic acids). The findings of this study suggest that LMP, IHP and diesters are an important component of organic P leaching from the grassland soil.  相似文献   

苏永中  杨荣  杨晓  王婷  王敏 《土壤学报》2014,51(6):1192-1201
在黑河中游边缘绿洲通过田间试验研究不同土壤条件下节水灌溉对棉花产量及灌溉水生产力(Irrigation Water Productivity,IWP)的影响,为区域农业土壤的合理利用和制定不同土壤的灌溉对策提供依据。田间试验涉及不同肥力和粒级组成梯度的5种土壤(砂土S1、S2;壤砂土S3和砂壤土S4、S5三个质地类型),设三个灌溉水平:常规充分灌溉(I1)、减量10.5%节水灌溉(I2)和减量21.0%节水灌溉(I3)。结果表明,与充分灌溉相比,减量10.5%和21.0%的节水灌溉,在棉花不同生育期的地上单株生物量和叶面积及收获时的茎干生物量有所降低,但籽棉产量增加了11.6%和11.2%。在减量10.5%和21.0%的节水灌溉下棉花IWP分别为0.51 kg m-3和0.57 kg m-3,较传统灌溉(0.41 kg m-3)提高24.4%和39.0%。不同质地土壤棉花生物量、产量及棉花IWP有显著差异。棉花IWP随土壤黏粉粒和有机质含量的增加而增加,但在黏粉粒和有机质含量最高的土壤出现下降,呈多项式关系。土壤质地与灌溉量对棉花霜前花率、生物量及产量有显著的交互效应。有机质和黏粉粒含量最高的砂壤土S5在充分灌溉下营养生长过旺、吐絮期延后,导致霜前花率降低、籽棉产量和IWP降低。节水灌溉可显著提升棉花IWP,在水资源紧缺的边缘绿洲区,对新垦的砂质土壤种植耗水量较低的棉花、并进行节水灌溉管理,是实现区域节水和合理土地利用的适宜选择。  相似文献   

The root zone of the plant must be well supplied with both water and oxygen. Water potential should be kept close to saturation but if a low water tension is maintained, particularly in clay soil, plants will suffer most of the time from a sub-optimal level of oxygen supply in the root zone. The diffusion rate of gases in air is about 10,000 times greater than in water. Thus, it is obvious that the rate of gas diffusion decreases as the water content of the soil increases. These two requirements are apparently contradictory and the assessment of optimum level of soil aeration in the root environment is essential for better crop establishment and growth. Influence of irrigation treatments (three depths of irrigation of 2, 4 and 6 r cm and four IW/CPE ratios of 0.45, 0.60, 0.75 and 0.90) on the soil oxygen diffusion rate (ODR) during various growing phases of peanut crop ( Arachis hypogaea L.) were studied on a lateritic sandy loam soil (ultisols) for two consecutive seasons. The rate of ODR decreases as water content of the soil increases after irrigation and then increases gradually with the lapse of time. However, it starts decreasing with decrease in soil moisture after 96 h of irrigation.  相似文献   

The effects on soil aeration of varying both the intensity and quantity of water applied per irrigation were investigated in a field experiment on a clay soil. Soil physical and soil aeration parameters were measured before, and for up to 7 days after irrigation. Irrigation increased the volumetric water content of the surface layer by approximately 8% v/v. However, periods of waterlogging were short on this soil. Significant decreases in soil oxygen content in the days after irrigation were caused by increased soil and root respiration. In terms of subsequent crop growth, the practice of applying 30 mm irrigation water at an intensity of 5 mm h−1 was shown to be superior to irrigations providing half this quantity (15 mm) or double this intensity (10 mm h −1). The lower intensity irrigations decreased soil permeability by homogeneous wetting and swelling, and thus more of the water applied was recovered in the soil. Approximately one third of the water applied at the higher intensity was lost through cracks, and wetting of the soil was less uniform.  相似文献   

有机污染型灌溉水对土壤团聚体的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了评估灌溉水中有机污染物对农田土壤物理状态的影响,本研究以长期采用有机污染型水体灌溉的陕西交口灌区农田土壤为研究对象,以气候条件、土壤条件以及耕作制度基本一致,长期采用未污染的地下水灌溉的农田土壤为对照,分别用干筛和湿筛法测定了土壤团聚体和微团聚体组成等,分析了优势团聚体的变化情况。结果表明:长期采用有机污染水灌溉明显降低土壤中大于10 mm大团聚体和小于0.25 mm微团聚体的含量,显著增加了直径为1~5 mm范围内"(质量)优势团聚体"的含量;水稳性团聚体与土壤有机质含量呈显著正相关,而与机械组成的相关系数未达到显著水平;有机污染型水体灌溉可以显著改善微团聚体的特性,增大了土壤团聚度,降低其分散系数,从而改善了土壤结构状况。综合试验结果证明,灌溉水中的有机污染物质有助于显著地改善土壤结构状况和特性。  相似文献   

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