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沙棘干部害虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省朝阳地区,为害沙棘(Hippophaerhamnoides L.)干部的害虫,主要有黄带蓝天牛(Polyzonus fasciatusF.)、杨柳虎天牛(Chlorophorusmotschulskyi Gangl.)、小褐木蠹蛾(Holcocerus insularis Staudinge)、蒙古木蠹蛾(Cossus mongolicus Erschoff)。作为沙棘的干部害虫,国内未见报道。我们于1987~1988年,在朝阳市国营建平县青松岭林场,对以上4种害虫做了详细的观察和研究,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

<正> 天蛾科(Sphingidae)害虫是西双版纳地区常见的害虫之一。其数量多,危害广。萝芙木白腰天蛾(Oeilephila nerii L.)和钝叶黄檀天蛾(Clanis sp.是最近新发现的两种。现将这两种害虫描述如下。  相似文献   

青杨天牛蛀姬蜂繁殖与应用技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青杨天牛(Saperda populnea L.)是北方杨树的大害虫,仅山西省雁北地区成灾的就有64万亩。其天敌昆虫种类不多,目前能繁殖利用的只有蛀姬蜂(Schreine-ria sp.)。该蜂分布广泛,局部地区寄生  相似文献   

枸杞蚜虫(Aphis sp.)是宁夏枸杞生产中主要害虫之一.宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)属无限花序的连续花果植物,植株因茎叶繁茂、浆果汁多含糖,易被蚜虫寄生,每年防治蚜虫达5~6次,是造成枸杞农药残留物产生的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi Zhang(Coleoptera:Curculionidae)是我国近年来危害最为严重的松林钻蛀性害虫[1],主要危害湿地松(Pinus elliottii Engelmann),也危害火炬松(P.taeda L.)、马尾松(P.massoniana Lamb.)和华山松(P.armandi Franch.).  相似文献   

大斑啄木鸟 Dendrocopos major(L.)是河西防护林重要蛀干害虫——十斑吉丁虫的优势天敌鸟类。本项试验在搞清该鸟生活习性的基础上进行了人工招引试验,取得了成功的经验,为今后在河西地区开展鸟类生态研究及利用展示了前景。  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾(CatpOcapsapCm1nella L.)属鳞翅目,卷叶蛾科,小卷蛾亚科,小卷蛾属,是毁灭性蛀果害虫,属世界性检疫性有害生物,1996年被列为全国森林植物检疫对象名  相似文献   

天牛肿腿蜂(Scleroderma sp.)属膜翅目、肿腿蜂科。是一些钻蛀性害虫的幼虫和蛹体外寄生天敌。本试验的蜂种引自河北林业专科学校。从1978年冬~1981年春,在前人研究的基础上对其生物学、生态学特性及繁殖利用等进行了研究。并对青杨天牛(Saperda populnea L.)、梨眼天牛(Cureouma poyuhei Thomson)、花椒黄带虎天牛(Calloides magnificus pio)、家茸天牛(Semanapas lifaseia Tas)、白  相似文献   

西双版纳棚栽辣木主要害虫及防治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了西双版纳棚栽辣木存在的主要害虫:朱砂叶螨(Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval)、美洲斑潜蝇(Liriomyza sativae Blanchard)、斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura Fabricius)和小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella L.)为害症状和防治。  相似文献   

青杨天牛(Saperda populnea L.)是世界性大害虫,在我国特别是长江以北绝大多数省区普遍分布,为害多种杨树2—3年生植株的枝、干,大发生时满树虫瘿,造成枝梢枯萎或树干畸形,使大片杨树变为“小老树”,甚至死亡。以往采用剪枝,喷化学农药等防治措施,效果不够理想,且污染环境,杀伤天敌,导致某些次要害虫上升为主要害虫。  相似文献   

光肩星天牛Anoplophoraglabripennis,(Motschulsky)分布于国内大部分省区。山东绝大多数个体(约占90%)1年1代,少量个体(约占10%)3年2代(即1年1代和2年1代交替进行),以卵、卵态幼虫和幼虫越冬。成虫有啃食嫩枝...  相似文献   

洞庭湖区杨树有害生物及天敌昆虫调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007—2009年,通过线路踏查,标准地详查,室内饲养昆虫,灯光诱捕昆虫,查阅相关资料等方法,对洞庭湖杨树主栽区进行了杨树有害生物及天敌昆虫普查,普查发现洞庭湖区危害杨树的有害昆虫共计8目36科146种,病害12种,有害动物5种,有害植物4种,主要天敌昆虫13种。  相似文献   

Today, more than 143 species of insects infest both indigenous as well as exotic species of poplars in northwestern India, with about 65 species infesting Populus deltoides alone. Random sampling surveys (1984-2002) were undertaken in lower hills and plains of six states (Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu and Kashmir) in this region. The survey included 36 nurseries, 84 large ( ≥ 3 ha) and 255 small (< 3 ha) block and bund plantations and recorded seven species causing outbreaks. However, eight insects having wide spread distribution in this region were identified as posing a threat to agroforestry with P. deltoides and need to be managed. Amongst these, three species (Clostera cupreata, C. fulgurita and Apriona cinerea) were ranked as 'major pests' as they had relatively higher incidence (> 50% of attack) and caused extensive economic loss during outbreaks, coupled with tree mortality which persisted for several years in succession over large areas. Five insects were identified as 'potential pests', as they also caused heavy infestation and economic loss, but only in some years, on a localized scale and with no large scale plant mortality, but need to be checked to improve productivity. The 'potential pests' were: one species in plantations (Ascotis selenaria) and four insects in nurseries [(Eucosma glaciata , Phalantha phalantha, Nodostoma waterhousie and white grubs) with >50% incidence]. Integrated pest management practices, comprising cultural methods, use of bio-pesticides, tolerant poplar varieties/clones, natural enemies, recommended safe insecticides and avoiding alternate host plants of the pest, are discussed for important pests.  相似文献   

Post-harvest losses caused by the larger grain borer (LGB, Prostephanus truncatus) aggravate food insecurity among small-scale farmers. Host plant resistance is a method of LGB control which should be prioritized in order to reduce these losses. The objective of this study was to assess maize resistance to the larger grain borer and recognize some potential causes of resistance. One hundred and sixty-three (163) genotypes were tested; these included 85 hybrids, 2 checks, 6 open pollinate varieties, and 70 landraces, among them gene bank accessions. Grain biochemical content, (protein, oil and starch) and insect resistance parameters, (percentage grain damage, weight loss, flour weight, and number of emerged insects) were measured. There were significant differences (P < 0.001) among the genotypes for all the traits measured except number of insects. The most resistant hybrids were CKPH08024, CKPH08009, CKPH08012, CKPH08014, CKP08033, CKPH08026, CKPH08014, and CKPH08003. The most resistant landrace accessions were BRAZ 2451, GUAT 1162, BRAZ 2100, and GUAN 36. The percentage weight loss was found to be the most important resistance trait for discriminating among genotypes for it had the largest canonical coefficient. Protein content had higher contribution to variation in resistance to the larger grain borer and this probably contributed to the grain hardness which is a putative trait of resistance to storage pests. The LGB-resistant germplasm could be used for the development of an integrated pest-management program against the LGB.  相似文献   

The insect pests attacking grain sorghum in Australia are reviewed. For easy handling the insects are grouped according to the stages in plant growth which they attack, e. g. pests of the planting and seedling stages, pests of the vegetative stage, pests of flowering stage and pests of the maturity stage. Reference is made to the importance of storage pests. The adoption of minimum tillage practices in Australian summer cropping areas, the importance of soil insects during establishment stage of the crop is expected to increase. The sorghum midgeContarinia sorghicola (Coquillet) no doubt is the most damaging pest species.Heliothis armigera (Hübner) is second in importance to sorghum midge as a pest of sorghum. Damage and control methods of this and other pests are discussed. Economic injury levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

Forest entomological problems in the Hungarian low land A view is given on the most important species of insect pests found in the forests of the Hungarian low land in 1975. These pests become constantly more dangerous because they were favoured by the founding of large monocultures of pines, black pines and poplars. In times to come more attention should be called to plant tree species suitable for the different localities.  相似文献   

抚顺地区森林昆虫资源调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查了解森林昆虫种类组成,以及不同林分类型的森林害虫分布范围和危害状况,林木害虫的天敌种类、数量及利用价值等,不仅对治理森林害虫,保护森林安全发挥积极作用,而且对天敌昆虫的利用提供理论依据。于1984-1995年,对辽宁省抚顺地区的森林昆虫资源进行了较深入的调查研究。通过调查,已发现该地区的森林昆虫种类有18目、185科、l660种,基本摸清了各林分娄型的主要森林昆虫种类.并提出了防治对策。  相似文献   


Diversity of insect communities can be used as bioindicators for change in the environment especially in farms under different management systems. In line with that, we conducted a research on insect species associated with cocoa under organic and conventional management systems in the Eastern and Central regions of Ghana. Insect collection was done using Hand height visual count, Canopy, and “Knock down”, pitfall, coloured bowl and fruit-baited traps. A total of 13,742 individual insects belonging to 138 species from 63 families and 12 orders were recorded in the study. Insect abundance and diversity were generally higher in organic farms compared to conventional farms with Oecophylla longinoda as the most dominant species in both management systems and especially more dominant in organic cocoa farms. Our study revealed that most of the insect species recorded were known cocoa pests although there was high abundance of beneficial insects too. Some of the pest species were Planococoides njalensis, Salhbergella singularis, Helopeltis spp and Pseudococus spp, while some of the beneficial insects recorded were Pheidole spp, Tegenaria spp, Camponotus spp, Crematogaster spp. We can conclude that cocoa farms are potential habitats for insect biodiversity conservation. We recommend that management and/or agronomic practices used in cocoa farms should be geared towards protecting beneficial organisms for instance pollinators and natural enemies by effectively suppressing insect pest populations while enhancing good seed production.


Present study was designed to assess the prey preference behaviour of three most dominant hunting spiders [Lycosa terrestris Butt, Anwar and Tahir 2006 (Araneae: Lycosidae), Pardosa birmanica Siman 1884 (Araneae: Lycosidae) and Oxyopes javanus (Thorell 1887) (Araneae: Oxyopidae)] of rice ecosystems both in the laboratory and in the field. Two types of laboratory experiments, i.e., choice and no choice feeding, were performed using only adult male and female specimens of the spiders. No choice test showed that each of the three hunting spiders readily consumed larvae and nymphs of rice pests offered. Female hunting spiders consumed more prey compared to male hunting spiders. Results of choice feeding test indicated that L. terrestris and P. birmanica preferred nymphs of rice insect pests while O. javanus preferred larvae of rice insect pests. Results of direct observations showed that in August, dipterous insects were the most numerous rice pests consumed by L. terrestris, P. birmanica and O. javanus, comprising over 56.3, 38 and 48% of their respective diets. In contrast, in September, the proportion of dipterous insects decreased dramatically and hoppers become the most numerous pests, comprising over 50, 51 and 41% of all prey and spiders consumed by L. terrestris, P. birmanica and O. javanus, respectively. In October, aquatic Heteroptera were frequently observed in their diets. Predatory potential of these hunting spiders differed statistically in the laboratory as well as in the field. It is concluded from the results of present project that studied species of spiders could successfully be used to control insect pests of rice ecosystems.  相似文献   

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