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Forty-one and 55 records of right-sided and systemic arterial pressures, cardiac output, and end-diastolic and end-systolic right ventricular volumes were collected from a group of 6 conventional and 6 double-muscled calves, respectively. In each group, the mean right ventricular pressure-volume loop was constructed. Global cardiac performance was significantly lower in the double-muscled than in the conventional calves. The right ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, as well as the diastolic portion of the mean pressure-volume loop, were similar in the 2 groups. Those results suggest that the reduced cardiac performance of double-muscled calves is not due to a lowered ventricular preload and that diastolic properties of their myocardium are similar to those of conventional calves. When expressed on a body weight basis, however, the right ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes were lower in the double-muscled than in conventional calves. When expressed as a function of probable metabolic demand, therefore, the volumetric capacity of the cardiac pump appears to be reduced in double-muscled calves. The significantly lower right ventricular ejection fraction, maximal rate of ventricular pressure rise and right ventricular peak-systolic pressure to end-systolic volume ratio measured in double-muscled as compared with conventional calves suggest that reduced myocardial contractility may also be partly responsible for the significantly lower stroke index of the former calves. The cardiac pump of double-muscled cattle thus seems to be less effective than that of conventional cattle because of reduced volumetric capacity and lowered strength of contraction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess in vivo blood oxygen binding in double-muscled calves and dairy calves with conventional muscle conformation. ANIMALS: 58 dairy and 48 double-muscled calves. PROCEDURE: Calves were classified as neonatal (24 hours old) or older calves (2 to 26 days old). Venous and arterial blood samples were collected, and hemoglobin concentration, pH, PCO2, and PO2 were determined. Blood oxygen equilibrium curves (OEC) under standard conditions were constructed, and the oxygen exchange fraction (OEF) and the amount of oxygen released at the tissue level by 100 ml of blood (OEF Vol%) were calculated. RESULTS: In each breed, partial pressure of oxygen at 50% saturation of hemoglobin (P50) under standard conditions was significantly higher in older than in neonatal calves, indicating a right shift in OEC with age. Venous P50 was significantly lower in neonatal double-muscled calves than in neonatal dairy calves, but arterial and venous P50 were significantly higher in older double-muscled calves than in older dairy calves. In double-muscled, but not in dairy, calves, OEF was significantly higher in older than in neonatal calves. In neonatal calves, OEF Vol% was not significantly different between breeds, but OEF Vol% was significantly higher in older double-muscled calves than in older dairy calves. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The lower OEF in neonatal double-muscled calves, compared with dairy calves, could contribute to the higher sensitivity of double-muscled calves to hypoxia. Blood oxygen affinity decreased with age, but OEF and OEF Vol% were unchanged with age in dairy calves, whereas they increased with age in double-muscled calves.  相似文献   

We studied, by means of echocardiography in vivo, the cardiac consequences of the double-muscled character selection in beef cattle. Morphologic and functional echocardiographic variables were regularly estimated in 17 Friesian and 8 Belgian White and Blue calves during their growth. A total of 50 and 44 sets of data were collected in each group, respectively. Recordings were obtained, using 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography, and included measurements in long- and short-axis views of the heart. Most of the diastolic measurements of the left ventricle were not significantly different between breeds when normalized for body weight. To the contrary, systolic measurements of left ventricular wall thickness and dimensions were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.001) lower and greater, respectively, in Belgian White and Blue calves than in Friesian calves. This was interpreted as a result of significantly (P less than or equal to 0.001) lower left ventricular systolic functional indices in Belgian White and Blue than in Friesian calves. Echocardiographic evidence that the double-muscled selection in cattle induces alteration in morphologic variables of left ventricle was not found. However, results indicate that indices of left ventricular systolic function are lower in double-muscled calves than in calves with standard conformation.  相似文献   

Hypoxic-induced pulmonary hypertension is known to be intensive in the bovine species and sometimes leads to pathological cardiac repercussions. On the other hand, doubled-muscled cattle are predisposed to develop hypoxaemia during exercise and with respiratory diseases. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate the cardiovascular response to acute hypoxia in double-muscled calves compared with calves of standard conformation. Pulmonary arterial pressure, electrocardiogram and blood temperature were simultaneously recorded, arterial blood was sampled for blood gas analysis and cardiac output was determined in six Friesian calves and six double-muscled calves of the Belgian White and Blue breed(BWB) when breathing air (fractional inspiratory oxygen concentration [FIO2]: 21 per cent) and when breathing a hypoxic gas mixture (FIO2: 10 per cent). All the absolute values of the measured parameters were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.001) different between the two breeds, except heart rate and arterial blood gas values. The pattern of hypoxic-induced decrease in arterial PO2 was similar in the two breeds of calves, suggesting that the pulmonary exchange capacities during hypoxia are no less efficient in double-muscled calves than in calves of standard conformation. Similarly, the percentage of variation of the mean pulmonary arterial pressure from its normoxic to its hypoxic value was the same in the two breeds of calves, suggesting that double-muscled calves are not predisposed to develop a more precocious or more intense pulmonary hypertension for a given level of hypoxaemia. The significantly smaller normoxic and hypoxic cardiac index and stroke index found in BWB compared with Friesian calves was interpreted as a less efficient cardiac function in double-muscled subjects.  相似文献   

Five healthy Friesian calves and five double-muscled Belgian White and Blue calves were studied, using a 99m Technetium (99mTc) aerosol inhalation combined with a 99mTc macroaggregate injection and collimated scintillation counters. The inhalation-to-perfusion ratio (I/P) was calculated for both left and right sides of the thorax at four sites situated at three different levels in the auscultatory area on the same vertical axis and at a more anterior site just behind the scapulohumeral joint.I/P was higher in the left than in the right hemithorax. In both breeds, a vertical and a horizontal gradient were observed. I/P was higher in the lower and in the more cranial zones of the lungs. However the vertical gradient was more pronounced in Friesian calves while the horizontal one was greater in Belgian White and Blue animals.It was concluded that the factors affecting the topographical distribution of pulmonary ventilation and perfusion seem to be different in calves as compared to other species.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken from 19 double-muscled (DM) and 20 normal (N) bull calves at the ages of 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5.5, 6.5 and 9 mo to compare the plasma concentrations of growth hormone and insulin in DM with those in N bull calves and to relate these to differences in growth rate between the two breed groups. Double-muscled bull calves were lighter (P less than .0001) than N calves at all ages and had lower (P less than .001) preweaning and postweaning rates of gain. Double-muscled bull calves had lower (P less than .01) mean growth hormone concentration than N calves. Mean growth hormone concentration was correlated positively with body weight and preweaning rate of gain. The effect of age on growth hormone concentration was linear (P less than .05); however, mean growth hormone concentration fluctuated between ages 1.5 to 4.5 mo but stabilized after 5.5 mo of age in both breed groups. Mean insulin concentration was lower (P less than .01) in DM than in N bull calves. The effect of age on insulin concentration was both linear and quadratic (P less than .0001). Mean insulin concentration generally was constant in both breed groups, at around .75 ng/ml, from 1.5 to 6.5 mo of age but rose sharply to around 1.67 ng/ml after weaning when the bulls were put on a high-energy diet.  相似文献   

Twenty-four nonlactating and nonpregnant Belgian Blue double-muscled cows, with diverging parities (one to seven), body conditions and body weights (436 to 903 kg), were used to investigate empty body (EB) composition. Direct measurements of EB composition, such as water, fat, protein, ash and energy, were carried out after slaughter. EB weight (EBW) averaged 624.7 kg and consisted of 393.3 kg water, 122.3 kg protein, 84.5 kg fat and 24.6 kg ash and was characterized by an energy content of 6158 MJ. Relationships between body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), chest girth, dressing percentage, carcass grading score, EBW, rib-cut components and EB composition were determined. Significant regression equations (P<0.001) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of more than 0.9 were obtained between BW or BW and BCS and EB water, EB fat and EB energy. The prediction of EB ash was less accurate (R2<0.75). The relationship could further be improved by inclusion of carcass characteristics and rib-cut components (R2>0.95). Energy contents of EB lipids and protein amounted to 39.3 and 23.2 MJ/kg. EB protein (197 g/kg) was higher in the present double-muscled cows than reported for non-double-muscled animals, while EB fat (126 g/kg) and EB energy (9.5 MJ/kg) were lower. One BCS unit corresponded with 26.7 kg EB fat (P<0.001; R2=0.659). It can be concluded that simple live animal measurements as BW and BCS can be considered as potentially useful predictors of EB composition in double-muscled cows. Theoretical calculations based on the present observed data indicated that body reserves were lower in Belgian Blue double-muscled cows than in most other breeds. Body reserve tissue may be limited in young primiparous suckling cows so that energy restriction may be detrimental for reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Some morphological and physiological characteristics of the culard phenotype have been studied on ‘conventional’ and ‘double-muscled’ animals slaughtered at a constant weight of 83 kg (experiment I) or at a constant age of 1 year (experiment II). Muscle hypertrophy of the culard occurs at the expense of other organs (thymus, spleen,71 ) or tissues (fat, bones) which are relatively hypotrophied. Haematocrit appears to be significantly lower in double-muscled animals.On the contrary, plasma creatinine concentration is much higher in the culard (+60% at 4.5 months, +35% at 12 months). Therefore, plasma creatinine concentration may be a useful laboratory test to distinguish between these two bovine phenotypes. However, this excess in creatinine concentration cannot be accounted for by the muscular hypertrophy alone which amounts to some 20% in the ‘double-muscled’ animals.  相似文献   

The in vitro susceptibility of Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, Pasteurella multocida, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from young calves and their environment to kanamycin and its semisynthetic derivative--amikacin, was compared by the tube dilution method. The minimal inhibitory concentration of amikacin was two- to fourfold lower than the minimal inhibitory concentration of kanamycin for the Salmonella group B, Ps aeruginosa and P multocida strains examined, whereas the E coli and Salmonella group D strains were eqaully susceptible to the 2 antibiotics. The concentrations of amikacin and kanamycin in the serum of calves after single intramuscular injections at 10, 25, and 50 mg/kg were determined, and differences between the 2 antibiotics were not observed. Intramuscular dosage schedules were calculated, based on the sensitivity of the different bacterial strains and the duration of effective serum drug concentrations.  相似文献   

The performance of six groups of six calves each from a previous field experiment was followed from the beginning of housing until turning out seven months later. When housed the groups harboured different levels of infection with Ostertagia ostertagi and had corresponding weight and gain reductions. The most heavily infected groups improved rapidly following housing. Elevated serum pepsinogen levels decreased markedly, and approached normal values at eight weeks. Differences in serum pepsinogen levels between groups diminished considerably, but remained significant over the entire stabling period. The serum albumin level was low in the most seriously affected animals at the time of housing, but normal levels were restored within the first twelve weeks. In general, the number of parasite eggs in the faeces of the animals decreased, but there was considerable fluctuation. Apart from a single sampling date, no significant difference in egg per gram (EPG) could be demonstrated between the experimental groups during the stabling period.The calves were fed according to their age. The live weight differences between most and least affected groups diminished from 64 kg at the time of housing to 37 kg at the end of the stabling period. The reduction took place particularly during the first four weeks of housing.Considering both the grazing and stabling periods, it appeared that anthelmintic treatment twice during the period had no effect on the final live weight, whereas remeated treatments at three-week intervals resulted in an increase of 24 kg. Similarly, moving the animals to a clean pasture in mid-July resulted in an increase of 39 kg at the end of the stabling period when compared to calves which were not moved. Treatment of moved animals did not result in further body weight gain after seven months of housing.No significant correlation was found between parasite EPG of faeces and growth rate during the stabling period. However, a positive correlation was found between serum pepsinogen during the first eight weeks of housing and the weight gain over the entire stabling period. This was in contrast to the correlation experienced during the grazing period.  相似文献   

The mechanisms responsible for the rapid decline of chloramphenicol plasma levels after oral administration in young calves during their first weeks of life were investigated. Chloramphenicol was administered by stomach tube, to four 2 week old calves on three consecutive days at a dose of 50 mg/kg. The plasma levels increased daily to a peak value on the third day. The minimum therapeutic concentration of 5 μg/ml, however, was barely obtained. Simultaneous estimation of the ruminal contents showed a parallel increase in chloramphenicol concentration. Thus it can be assumed that there is an inefficient absorption of chloramphenicol from the forestomachs of young calves. Chloramphenicol was not metabolized by the ruminal contents until the calves were 9 weeks old. Finally chloramphenicol was administered to 7 week old calves by the intra-abomasal route, intraruminal route and by mouth. Only with the intra-abomasal method could a therapeutically effective level be reached. This indicates that the rapid decline of chloramphenicol plasma levels in calves during their first weeks of life could be attributed to the delayed reticulo-rumen emptying and to inefficient absorption from the forestomachs.  相似文献   

Adverse effects of excess methionine were examined using 12 Holstein bull calves trained to maintain reflex closure of the reticular groove even after weaning at 5 wk of age. Two nitrogen balance experiments were conducted for 2 wk each from 6 wk (Stage 1; BW = 62 kg) and 12 wk of age (Stage 2; BW = 103 kg) by dividing the calves into three groups at each stage. Calves were fed a corn-soybean meal diet at 62 g/kg of metabolic BW at both stages. At Stage 1, feed efficiency (gain:feed intake) and nitrogen retention did not differ between the group supplemented with .333 g of DL-methionine and .111 g of L-lysine monohydrochloride/kg BW per day and the group supplemented with isonitrogenous diammonium citrate, although the level of DL-methionine was considered to be enough to induce toxicity. Conversely, administration of isonitrogenous casein increased nitrogen retention. At Stage 2, administration of the same levels of methionine and lysine resulted in reduced feed intake, depressed nitrogen retention, and BW loss. Conversely, administration of the isonitrogenous casein did not increase nitrogen retention compared with the supplement of isonitrogenous diammonium citrate. Administration of excess methionine and lysine increased plasma methionine concentrations up to 230 (Stage 1) or 190 micromol/dL (Stage 2). Plasma lysine concentrations were less than 24 micromol/dL at every stage. Administration of the amino acid mixture decreased plasma concentrations of branched-chain amino acids and phenylalanine more obviously at Stage 2 than at Stage 1. These results indicated that abomasal administration of .333 g of DL-methionine/kg BW per day induced methionine toxicity at Stage 2 but methionine imbalance at Stage 1.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between herd-level factors and the isolation of Salmonella in calves from dairy farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and New York. Study farms were 129 conventional and organic farms enrolled without regard to previous history of Salmonella infection. Herds were sampled at 2-month intervals over a 1-year period. Salmonella was isolated in fecal samples from 176 (3.8%) of 4673 preweaned calves with 40 (31.0%) of 129 farms having at least one positive calf sample over the course of the study. Multivariable logistic regression using the generalized estimating equations approach was used to evaluate risk factors for Salmonella shedding after adjustment for effects of herd size, season, state of origin and the multiple sampling occasions per herd. Factors retained in the final model that were associated with an increased odds for Salmonella shedding were lack of routine feeding of milk replacer containing antimicrobials to preweaned calves (OR = 2.8, 95% CI: 1.4, 5.8), use of maternity housing as a hospital area for sick cows more than once a month (OR = 2.1, 95% CI: 1.1, 4.0), and cow prevalence level by visit, categorized into the following four-levels: ≥20% (OR = 11.6, 95% CI: 5.7, 23.7), 10–19.9% (OR = 4.7, 95% CI: 2.0, 11.5), 0.1–9.9% (OR = 3.6, 95% CI: 1.5, 8.7) and 0% (reference level). Herd size was not associated with Salmonella shedding in the final multivariable model.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of amikacin sulphate were investigated in calves and sheep. Five animals of each species were given 7.5 mg kg-1 intravenously and intramuscularly. After intravenous administration the pharmacokinetic parameters significantly different (P less than 0.01) between calves (first value) and sheep (second value), were: the initial concentration (87.05, 146.6 micrograms ml-1), the apparent distribution volume (350, 200 ml kg-1), the area under curve (5512, 11,018 min micrograms ml-1) and the clearance (1.5, 0.7 ml min-1 kg-1). After dosing intramuscularly the peak concentration (23.5, 34.36 micrograms ml-1), the peak time (45, 75 min) and the area under curve (5458, 9191 min micrograms ml-1) were significantly different (P less than 0.01). No significant differences were observed in the terminal halflife values, suggesting that elimination rate was independent of both route of administration and animal species. The drug in aqueous solution showed a good bioavailability in both animal species (about 0.87 in sheep and greater than 0.99 in calves) despite the greater serum concentrations always attained in sheep.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of ampicillin and sulbactam administered in combination were studied in calves and sheep. The animals were administered an aqueous solution of ampicillin/sulbactam (2: 1, w/w) intravenously and intramuscularly at doses of 13.2 and 6.6 mg.kg-1, respectively. A microbiological method was used to detect ampicillin, and HPLC was used to detect sulbactam in serum. Following intravenous (i, v.) administration, the distribution phases were rapid and similar (about 15 min) for both drugs in both species, whereas sulbactam in calves and ampicillin in sheep showed a faster elimination rate. After intramuscular (i.m.) administration both drugs showed peak concentrations higher in calves than in sheep: the peak time of sulbactam was shorter in calves than in sheep. No other significant differences in the pharmacokinetics of the combination were observed between the species after i.m. injection. The mean residence and absorption times, calculated by non-compartmental analysis, for both calves and sheep suggested that the differences in ampicillin and sulbactam phgrmacokinetics could be attributable to the different molecular structures.  相似文献   

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