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Ecological phenomena vary over space and time and interpretation of these processes also varies depending on the measurement scale. As the spatial scale of observation increases and decreases, changes in population abundance will likely exhibit alternating patterns of asynchrony and synchrony. While the study of how and why population dynamics change with spatial scale of measurement is intrinsically interesting, most population ecologists seek to study mechanisms of population change on a discrete study area. Our study develops methods that population ecologists can use to determine spatially appropriate sampling designs, and demonstrates how such spatial scales can be determined for 25 species of songbirds using long-term data from the boreal mixedwood forest of Alberta, Canada. To determine minimum scales of synchrony in population dynamics, we calculated the average correlation of changes in population abundance over time across different numbers of fixed-radius point-count samples. We then used a randomization test to remove the effect of number of replicates from the determination of appropriate spatial scale. The maximum extent of synchrony was estimated as the distance where population dynamics were no longer correlated. Estimates of the minimum scale of synchrony differed between species, ranging from 3.1 to 18.6 ha. The maximum scale of synchrony was estimated to be greater than or equal to 8 km for 14 of the 25 species examined, and to be greater than or equal to 70 km for Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina). Maximum spatial extents were significantly correlated with body mass and territory size.  相似文献   

论述我国森林经理的发展历程,探讨新时期森林经理学科在林业可持续发展中的作用,分析现阶段森林经理发展中存在的问题,提出重振森林经理学科、促进森林科学经营的若干改革建议。  相似文献   

Assessing the long-term dynamics of mountain landscapes that are influenced by large-scale natural and anthropogenic disturbances and a changing climate is a complex subject. In this study, a landscape-level ecological model was modified to this end. We describe the structure and evaluation of the fire sub-model of the new landscape model LandClim, which was designed to simulate climate–fire–vegetation dynamics. We applied the model to an extended elevational gradient in the Colorado Front Range to test its ability to simulate vegetation composition and the strongly varying fire regime along the gradient. The simulated sequence of forest types along the gradient corresponded to the one observed, and the location of ecotones lay within the range of observed values. The model captured the range of observed fire rotations and reproduced realistic fire size distributions. Although the results are subject to considerable uncertainty, we conclude that LandClim can be used to explore the relative differences of fire regimes between strongly different climatic conditions.  相似文献   

如东县海堤林业资源经济生态效益的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对如东海堤林业资源经济、生态效益进行初步研究,为进一步完善如东海防林体系的建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

根据北方农林混合区域的生产资源及水平特征,以农平2010—2为试验材料,采用不同农业生产副产品及林业生产副产品为原料的配方,利用高压热力灭菌生产方法,对平菇进行菌丝生长速度、产量测定、产值效益及不同类型原料投入分析,综合评价出适应于地域性经济效益较高的试验配方,为广大平菇生产的菇农及食用菌科研工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

We studied habitat selection and breeding success in marked populations of a protected seabird (family Alcidae), the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), in a relatively intact and a heavily logged old-growth forest landscape in south-western Canada. Murrelets used old-growth fragments either proportionately to their size frequency distribution (intact) or they tended to nest in disproportionately smaller fragments (logged). Multiple regression modelling showed that murrelet distribution could be explained by proximity of nests to landscape features producing biotic and abiotic edge effects. Streams, steeper slopes and lower elevations were selected in both landscapes, probably due to good nesting habitat conditions and easier access to nest sites. In the logged landscape, the murrelets nested closer to recent clearcuts than would be expected. Proximity to the ocean was favoured in the intact area. The models of habitat selection had satisfactory discriminatory ability in both landscapes. Breeding success (probability of nest survival to the middle of the chick rearing period), inferred from nest attendance patterns by radio-tagged parents, was modelled in the logged landscape. Survivorship was greater in areas with recent clearcuts and lower in areas with much regrowth, i.e. it was positively correlated with recent habitat fragmentation. We conclude that marbled murrelets can successfully breed in old-growth forests fragmented by logging.  相似文献   

The planning and management of urban forest has become increasingly important as a focus of urban environmental management. The objectives of this study were to analyze the landuse/land cover and to map functional zones of the urban forest in the upper catchment area of Addis Ababa. This study identifies five landuse/land cover types: (i) Eucalyptus–Juniperus dominated forest, (ii) mixed native forest, (iii) built-up areas, (iv) Eucalyptus plantation (v) crop/grazing lands. The vegetation analysis shows 44 woody plant species representing 31 families, out of which 13 tree species, 29 shrubs and two species of lianas. The woody species diversity was 1.35 with the species richness and evenness of 44 and 0.80, respectively. This indicates that the forest has poor species diversity which is attributed to high anthropogenic pressure and monoculture plantation development strategies in the last decades. The density of plants ranged from 25 for Olea europea to 825 individuals per hectare for Eucalyptus globules from the tree layers and from 50 for Dombeya torrida and Erica arborea to 900 individuals per hectare for Myrsine africana from shrub layers. Based on importance value index (IVI), Eucalyptus globulus and Juniperus procera showed the highest IVI of 96.37 and 54.80, respectively as compared to other species. The forest structure showed higher contagious distribution where out of the recorded 44 species, 37 species showed contagious distribution. The result also showed poor regeneration potential in all studied forest layers. Based on the landuse/cover analysis, the phytosociological study and field observation, this study recommends six urban forest zoning. These include: (i) conservation zone, (ii) recreation zone, (iii) production zone, (iv) agroforestry zone, (v) reforestation zone, (vi) buffer zone between the green area and the built-up environment. The green area in the upper catchment has no definite boundaries and needs re-demarcation activities.  相似文献   

大兴安岭林区栽培金针菇试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经试验筛选出金针菇品种卢菌5号。该品种质优高产。在气候寒冷的大兴安岭林区适于瓶栽。用桦木锯末作主料代替谷壳栽培,成本低廉,其生物转化率可达71%,生长周期为50d(天)。  相似文献   

韩笑  栾雨时 《北方园艺》2011,(14):105-107
番茄高效、稳定再生体系的建立是进行番茄细胞工程和基因工程研究的基础。现对影响番茄叶片离体再生的主要因素进行分析,得出激素是影响番茄叶片再生的首要因素,多数以BA 0.5~2.0 mg/L+IAA 0.05~1.0 mg/L组合为最佳;外植体基因型及叶片成熟度、培养条件等也对再生有较大的影响,一般选择8~20 d无菌苗或18~20 d实生苗叶片,在20~28℃、14~16h/d光照条件下培养再生率较高。此外,提出了该领域研究中存在的问题及发展趋势。  相似文献   

Spatial information on urban forest canopy height (FCH) is fundamental for urban forest monitoring and assisting urban planning and management. Traditionally, ground-based canopy height measurements are time-consuming and laborious, making it challenging for periodic inventory of urban FCH at crown level. Airborne-light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor can efficiently measure crown-level FCH; however, the high cost of airborne-LiDAR data collection over large scales hinders its wide applications at a high temporal resolution. Previous studies have shown that in some cases, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-digital aerial photogrammetry (DAP) approach (i.e., UAV-based structure from motion algorithm) is equivalent to or even outperform airborne-LiDAR in measuring forest structure, but few studies have evaluated their performances in measuring FCH in more complex urban environment, across non-ground coverage (including both canopy and building coverage) and topographical slope gradients. Also, the contribution of multi-angle measurement technique from UAV-DAP to FCH estimation accuracy has rarely been explored in the urban environment. Here, we compared the performances of UAV-LiDAR and UAV-DAP approaches on measuring thousands of crown-level FCH at different non-ground coverage and topographical slope areas in an urban environment. Specifically, UAV-LiDAR-based spatial measurements of crown-level FCH were used as the reference after ground-based validation (R2 = 0.88, RMSE = 2.36 m). The accuracy of UAV-DAP approach with/without multi-angle measurement in different non-ground coverage and topographical slope areas were then analyzed. The results showed that although the DAP multi-angle-based approach can improve the accuracy of spatial measurement for crown-level FCH in some cases, non-ground coverage (including both canopy and building coverage) was still the main factor affecting the broad applications of DAP approach in measuring urban FCH: at areas where non-ground coverage < 0.95, no matter how topographical slope varied, the accuracy of DAP approach was high (R2 = 0.86∼0.94, RMSE = 1.56∼2.93 m); at areas where non-ground coverage > 0.95, except for the case of flat areas (i.e., topographical slope <= 2°), the accuracy of DAP was poor (R2 = 0.20, RMSE = 12.34 m). However, using LiDAR-digital terrain model (DTM) instead of DAP-DTM, at areas where non-ground coverage > 0.95, can significantly improve the accuracy of UAV-DAP approach in measuring crown-level FCH (R2 = 0.91, RMSE =1.61 m). Our study thus provides a complete guidance on the usage of cost-effective UAV-DAP approach for measuring crown-level FCH in the urban environment, which will be helpful for precise urban forest management and improving the efficiency of urban environmental planning.  相似文献   

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