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本文从研究海洋生物活性物质入手,提出了生物技术在海洋药物开发研究的主导技术作用。福建海洋生物资源丰富,生物技术力量雄厚开发海洋药物具有得天独厚的优势,应加快发展海洋药物产业。  相似文献   

海洋遥感在渔场分析中的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
渔场的形成机制和分布规律受到鱼类自身生物特性和外界环境条件的影响,海洋遥感能够获取的大范围同步的海洋热力、海洋水色和海洋动力地形等海洋环境要素,为人类理解海洋鱼类种群动力机制提供了丰富的信息。运用渔场分析和预报模型,结合地理信息系统技术对多元数据的集成为渔业的即时管理提供了发展方向。目前运用海洋遥感进行渔场研究存在的问题有:1.海洋遥感手段仅能获得渔场表层的信息,必须结合浮标海洋剖面信息才能更好地解释鱼类栖息环境;2.运用海洋遥感技术获取渔场水色信息的精度不高,给渔场资源的研究带来了困难;3.利用遥感技术进行渔场的实时预报容易受到天气条件的影响;4.如何建立科学的渔场预报模型的评价体系是渔场预报亟待解决的问题;5.渔场分析和预报走向智能化、自动化的关键技术还有待深入研究。遥感技术不断向高光谱和定量方向发展,为渔场资源的定量评估提供重要条件。在高效开发和利用海洋生物资源的同时,对海洋生物的资源存量进行定量的评估从而指导人类合理开发和可持续利用大洋渔业资源具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正>21世纪是海洋的世纪。海洋的价值远不止于能源、食品等已知的传统领域,还是新兴产业的"策源地"。而作为战略性新兴产业之一的海洋生物医药产业更是被称为本世纪最有前途的产业之一。海洋生物制药指以海洋生物和海洋微生物为药源,运用现代科学方法和技术研制而成的药物。目前,海洋药物的主要研究方向为海洋抗癌药物、心脑血管药物、抗菌、抗病毒药物、海洋生物毒素等。  相似文献   

<正>南方海洋科学与工程实验室揭牌由中国科学院和广东省政府、广州市政府共建的南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室1月8日在广州揭牌。实验室将着力解决粤港澳大湾区岛屿和岛礁可持续开发、资源可持续利用、生态可持续发展等科技难题。南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室相关负责人介绍,实验室将聚焦8个海洋科学前沿基础研究方向,发展7个海洋  相似文献   

<正> 1993年7月24日,’93荣成国际渔民节海洋综合开发国际学术研讨会在石岛胜利召开。来自日本、韩国及国内近10所高等院校、科研院所的40余名知名水产专家,共商海洋综合开发大计。近几年,随着海洋开发不断向深度和广度发展,在海水养殖、海洋捕捞及水产品精深加工  相似文献   

专家预测二十一世纪我国水产技术发展趋势 ,大致概括为以下五个方面 :(1)生物工程开发研究 ,培育和改良新的养殖品种 ,是生物工程研究的重点 ;(2 )水产增养殖可持续性开发研究 ,保持水产养殖业良性循环发展 ;(3)水产养殖病害防治及预测技术 ,从分子生物学技术研究防治病害的新方法、新技术 ;(4 )转变传统养殖模式 ,发展和建立工厂化健康养殖技术新体系 ,改变水产养殖自身污染环境 ;(5 )开发海洋药物 ,利用技术从海洋生物资源宝藏中寻找和开发海洋药物 ,为人类健康作贡献。水产技术发展趋势  相似文献   

台湾政府已初步将海洋科技列入十二项重点科技发展计划之一。 海洋科技中程计划规划小组制定的发展课题包括海洋科学基础研究,海洋渔业及生物技术等方面共42项。其中海洋渔业及生物技术包含:开发海洋渔业资源;改进及发展水产养殖技术;开发海洋生物技术。  相似文献   

福建省医药研究部门十分重视开发海洋药物资源,自从“福建省海洋动物药调查初报”之后,又对福建省宁德地区,漳州市以及福州市各沿海地区海洋生物药进行全国调查。据《中国海洋药物》杂志报道,福建省海洋动物药调查已告结束。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国内外水产品保鲜和保活技术研究、高新技术在水产加工业的应用、海洋生物活性物质的提取技术研究、海洋功能食品和海洋药物的开发研究动态。  相似文献   

本文对目前国内外研究报道的部分海洋动物蛋白药物进行了归纳总结,分别介绍了海兔毒素、芋螺毒素、海鞘毒素、海绵活性多肽、海葵活性多肽及其结构类似物、衍生物的来源、结构、药理、分子靶标、临床试验研究现状和发展瓶颈,以期为开发强效、稳定的新型海洋药物提供参考。  相似文献   

海藻降血压肽的作用机制与制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海藻是我国重要的海洋生物资源,因其含有丰富的活性物质成分而成为开发海洋药物研究的主要方向之一.来源于海藻中的降血压肽,安全无毒、无副作用,对预防和治疗高血压具有良好的效果.本文在介绍海藻中的降血压活性成分和降血压肽的作用机制的基础上,综述了海藻降血压肽的研究进展及其制备过程,并提出其开发应用前景.  相似文献   

This study analyses drug trafficking associated with fisheries around the globe. Records of vessel interdiction carried out between 2010 and 2017 suggest that the global trade of illicit drugs relies increasingly on fishing vessels. Fishery‐based trafficking is growing. A key obstacle to understanding the scope of this problem is the limited data on activities that are intentionally obscured, such as drug trafficking. Using a Fermi estimation technique for determining unknown values from limited data, we analyse 292 known cases of fishing boats engaged in drug shipment between 2010 and 2017. Results suggest that drug shipment sizes per vessel are becoming smaller over time, even as the total flow of drugs is increasing. Counter‐drug enforcement intensifies this effect, suggesting that drug trafficking networks adapt to interdiction efforts making use of smaller vessels to lower the risk of seizure. The use of fishing vessels in drug trans‐shipment has tripled over the past 8 years to about 15% of the global retail value of illicit drugs. Small‐scale fishers are at risk of turning to drug trade as an economic buffer against poverty, especially in contexts of mounting competition over declining fish stocks or strict marine conservation. At the same time, illicit capital flowing from the narcotics trade into fisheries may be driving over‐capitalization of fisheries and unsustainable resource use, ultimately to the detriment of resource‐dependent coastal communities and marine ecosystems. Future research is needed to better understand whether and how small‐scale fishermen turn to drug trade to counter livelihood risks of various kinds.  相似文献   

石永闯  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2019,41(1):118-128
小型中上层海洋鱼类是重要的渔业资源,目前其捕捞产量约占到全球海洋渔获量二分之一。小型中上层海洋鱼类具有生命周期短、生长速度快、分布不均匀、易受环境因素影响等生物学特点,近年来,一些小型中上层海洋鱼类渔获量出现下降趋势,为保证其资源的可持续利用,对其进行准确的资源评估研究和制定合理有效的管理策略显得尤为重要。以文献计量统计分析为基础,对20多年来应用于小型中上层海洋鱼类资源评估的模型方法以及所需数据类型进行归纳与回顾,同时对模型中重要的参数估计、不确定性来源进行总结。分析认为,由于缺乏完整、准确的生物学信息导致无法对小型中上层海洋鱼类使用传统的资源评估方法进行评估,因此,其资源评估研究仍处在发展阶段。建议今后研究中应开展以下工作:1)努力提高现有模型的评估精度,尽可能考虑更多影响因素; 2)要进行长期系统的渔业资源独立调查; 3)充分利用体长等易获得数据,开发体长结构模型和基于生态系统的评估模型,降低模型选择的局限性。  相似文献   

海洋资源的开发和利用是以海洋产业的合理布局和海洋产业的有效管理为支撑的,海洋资源的可持续发展是建立在海洋资源的有效管理和合理开发基础上的。指导和扶持海洋产业在持续发展的轨道运行,必须建立在自然资源和环境可持续利用的基础上,发展不能超越资源和环境的承载能力。文章对中国海洋资源的特点进行态势分析,提出解决现存问题的对策建议,旨在提高中国海洋产业整体竞争力和促进海洋资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

The world's fisheries are under severe pressure. Yet, according to the marine trophic index, the health and stability of marine ecosystems vary greatly across countries. The argument developed and tested in this article holds that some of the sources of this variation can potentially be derived from differences in the character of two fundamental relationships in society – a horizontal one between resource users and a vertical relationship between the government and the resource users. The empirical analysis focuses on sub‐Saharan Africa and finds that levels of ethnic and linguistic heterogeneity and levels of democracy in the year that each country declared its exclusive economic zone have a close relationship with ensuing marine exploitation patterns.  相似文献   

Interactions between fisheries and marine mammals have created costly and unresolved issues throughout the world. This study examines the spatial and resource overlaps between recolonising New Zealand sea lions, Phocarctos hookeri (Grey) (using satellite tracking) and local fisheries (using spatio‐temporal catch database) on the Otago coast, New Zealand. Around Otago, spatial and resource overlaps existed year‐round and it is predicted that incidental deaths in fishing gear and resource competition may arise as the sea lion population increases. Preventive management methods (e.g. marine protected areas) and monitoring studies (e.g. fish stock assessments) are proposed. The use of precautionary management could ensure sustainable profitable fisheries and successful recolonisation by sea lions around Otago, and it could be used as a case study for other areas with recovering marine mammal populations that interact with fisheries.  相似文献   

王鲁民  王忠秋 《水产学报》2023,47(11):119716-119716
综合应用船舶、机械、信息、新材料等技术,从海洋中捕捞经济渔获物并综合利用,是现代海洋捕捞业的主要特征。海洋捕捞技术的发展和创新,对保障我国食物安全、保护近海生态与资源、实现渔民增收和新渔村建设、推动渔业产业结构调整和转型、维护我国海洋权益等方面具有非常重要的作用。本文通过简析海洋捕捞渔场探测、渔具渔法与高效自动化辅渔助渔技术等方面的研究进展,提出海洋捕捞技术的重点发展方向,以期为我国海洋捕捞实现节能高效、生态友好和资源可持续利用,海洋捕捞技术升级和产业高质量发展提供参考。  相似文献   

The increasingly complex nature of marine resource management calls for stronger stakeholder participation in advancing knowledge and developing management approaches. Studies on stakeholder involvement in marine resource management have primarily focussed on participation in resource use negotiation and not on participation in science. Using fishers' knowledge research frameworks, we evaluate over 15 years of science‐industry research collaboration (SIRC) in Dutch demersal fisheries. Four key lessons emerge: (a) Capacity building in SIRC works multiple ways and triggers shifts in the fishers' knowledge research spectrum; (b) Successful SIRC depends on acceptance of industry collected data for scientific advice, which necessitates close involvement of end‐users from the outset to provide feedback and obtain support; (c) (Fisher) participation raises often‐overlooked equity questions and may result in selection bias; and (d) The governance context strongly influences structure of SIRC and integration of SIRC knowledge. To ensure a sustainable, continuous process of stakeholder participation and use of their knowledge in marine resources research, collaborative research should be embedded in the institutional frameworks for science and management. It demands continuous maintenance of the relationship between scientists and stakeholders in the context of management developments, calls for reflection about selection and equity considerations, and requires continuous attention for communication with all parties involved at different levels. The lessons learnt in science‐industry research collaboration in fisheries are also relevant for the wider field of marine science, where stakeholder participation is necessary but not yet common.  相似文献   

Ignore fishers' knowledge and miss the boat   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We describe five examples of how, by ignoring fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK), marine researchers and resource managers may put fishery resources at risk, or unnecessarily compromise the welfare of resource users. Fishers can provide critical information on such things as interannual, seasonal, lunar, diel, tide-related and habitat-related differences in behaviour and abundance of target species, and on how these influence fishing strategies. Where long-term data sets are unavailable, older fishers are also often the only source of information on historical changes in local marine stocks and in marine environmental conditions. FEK can thus help improve management of target stocks and rebuild marine ecosystems. It can play important roles in the siting of marine protected areas and in environmental impact assessment. The fact that studying FEK does not meet criteria for acceptable research advanced by some marine biologists highlights the inadequacy of those criteria.  相似文献   

海洋渔业生物种质资源库是现代种业提升工程规划中的重要内容,早在2007年就启动了项目前期工作,其他海区分库和淡水渔业生物种质资源库也于近期启动项目申报工作。目前我国仍没有种质库尤其是海洋渔业生物种质资源库的设计、建设标准,国家海洋渔业生物种质资源库的建设可以说是一个在摸索中前进,发现问题和解决问题的历程。文章系统概述了海洋渔业生物种质资源库的保存现状、特点和功能,国家海洋渔业生物种质资源库的设计原则、指标要求,以及在设计和建设中遇到的问题及其解决措施,以期对渔业生物种质资源库的建设起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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