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1 分类与命名甜菜胞囊线虫属垫刃目、垫刃总科、异皮(胞囊)科、异皮(胞囊)亚科、异皮(胞囊)属。英名:Sugar beet Cyst nematode 学名:Heterodera schachtii Schmidt,1871 异名:Tylenchus schachtii(schmidt,1871)Oerley 1880;Heterobolbus schachtii(Schmidt,1871)Railliet 1896;Heterodera schachtii minor O.Schmidt,1930;Heterodera schachtii A.Schmidt(Franklin,1940);Heterodera schachtii Schmidt,1871(Skarbilovich 1959) 相似文献
甜菜胞囊线虫HeteroderaschachtiiSchmidt1871是甜菜上具有重要经济意义的植物寄生线虫,被列入我国进境植物危险性病、虫和杂草名录,因此掌握该线虫与其近似种的形态、分类等方面的特征,对搞好进境植物、植物产品的检疫工作,防止该线虫传入我国... 相似文献
从宁波口岸进境的日本鸡爪槭(Acer palmatum)景观树根际介质中分离到1种胞囊线虫属的2龄幼虫,通过形态鉴定和分子特征分析,鉴定其为旱稻胞囊线虫(Heterodera elachista Ohshima,1974)。该日本群体的2龄幼虫体长374~421μm;唇区有3个唇环;口针粗壮,长16.5~19.2μm,基部球圆形或前端略凹陷;侧线3条;尾长圆锥形,末端细圆,透明尾长22.9~30.7μm,约占尾长的50%。基于核糖体DNA的28S-D2/D3区和ITS区序列构建的系统发育树以及ITS序列酶切分析证实该鉴定结论,这是我国首次截获旱稻胞囊线虫。 相似文献
荷兰马铃薯胞囊线虫防治和种薯出口检疫陈其文(拱北动植物检疫局519020)本文是作者1994年8~12月在荷兰进修期间走访荷兰植物保护所(PlantPro-tectionService)和作物种子及马铃薯种薯检测所(TheGeneralInspect... 相似文献
马铃薯胞囊线虫包括马铃薯金线虫(Globoderarostochiensis (Wollenweber )Skarbilovich)和马铃薯白线虫 (Globoderapallida(Stone)Mulevy&Stone) ,是马铃薯等茄科植物上危害极严重的植物寄生线虫。该线虫起源于南美洲山区 ,目前已扩散至世界 70多个国家和地区 ,在我国尚无分布 ,口岸检疫部门亦长期没有该线虫的截获报道。就在马铃薯胞囊线虫行将被人们“遗忘”之际 ,不久前江苏的南京、江阴、常州口岸连续3次截获该线虫。短短 1个月内 ,马铃薯胞囊线虫 3次… 相似文献
寄生麦类作物的胞囊线虫种类、分布及其鉴定特征郑经武,林茂松,方中达(南京农业大学植保系210095)很多属的植物寄生线虫可在麦类作物上寄生及危害,影响麦类作物的产量及品质。其中以胞囊线虫属HeteroderaSchmidt,1871的胞囊线虫发生最普... 相似文献
拟水稻胞囊线虫阴门锥形态特征李怡珍(广州动植物检疫局510010)关于拟水稻胞囊线虫Heteroderao-ryzicola的幼虫、雄虫、雌虫及胞囊等形态特征描述,1985年植物检疫第1期已作了报道。鉴定胞囊线虫的种类是以阴门锥的形态特征作为主要依据... 相似文献
国外甜菜孢囊线虫发生危害、生物学和控制技术研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
甜菜孢囊线虫(Heterodera schachtii Schmidt)是全世界重要检疫性有害生物,对甜菜具有毁灭性危害,该线虫已在全世界50多个国家或地区有分布,22个国家将其列为检疫对象。甜菜孢囊线虫寄主多达23科95属218种植物,可导致甜菜产量损失达25%~70%,甚至绝产,在欧洲每年造成的经济损失已超过9 000万欧元,严重威胁当地甜菜生产和制糖业。甜菜孢囊线虫是我国重要进境检疫性有害生物,因其对甜菜具有毁灭性危害,我国各级农业行政主管部门对甜菜孢囊线虫都高度重视,严防该线虫的暴发和危害,本文介绍国外甜菜孢囊线虫研究进展。 相似文献
ABSTRACT Heterodera schachtii-suppressive soil at a rate of either 1 or 10% (dry wt/wt) transferred suppressiveness against the beet cyst nematode to fumigated field plots when mixed into the upper 10-cm soil layer. Soil suppressiveness was established after 1 month of moist fallow and 77 days of Swiss chard cropping in the 10% transfer treatment and after 230 days in the 1% transfer treatment. The number of infective second-stage juveniles (J2) of H. schachtii, monitored initially at 150 degree-day intervals and later at 300 degree-day intervals, indicated the status of suppressiveness in the different treatments during the cropping period. In a greenhouse experiment, amending fumigated field soil with 0.1, 1.0, or 10% suppressive soil, suppressed multiplication of H. schachtii when soils were infested with an additional 5,000 J2. In a second greenhouse experiment, a fumigated sandy loam amended with 10 or 25% suppressive soil and a fumigated loam amended with 25% suppressive soil had significantly fewer eggs per cyst than the nonamended fumigated treatments when 1,000 J2 were added. 相似文献
Saïd Amiri Sergei A. Subbotin Maurice Moens 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2002,108(6):497-506
PCR-RFLPs of ITS-rDNA and PCR with species-specific primers were developed for identification of cysts and juveniles of the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii. Restrictions of PCR product by MvaI or ScrFI distinguish H. schachtii, H. betae, H. trifolii and H. medicaginis. RFLP profiles with eight restriction enzymes for these four nematode species are presented. Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer sequences of populations from several Schachtii group species, a specific primer for H. schachtii was designed, permitting amplification of the target sequence from juveniles and cysts of the beet cyst nematode. A duplex PCR protocol tested with a wide range of nematode samples is described. 相似文献
The activity of arginase (ARGAH), which results in ornithine and urea production, is important for nitrogen metabolism in all organisms as well as for defence responses. The second‐stage juveniles of the cyst‐forming nematode Heterodera schachtii penetrate roots and induce the formation of a permanent feeding site. To determine whether infection with H. schachtii causes the induction of arginase, the expression was studied in Arabidopsis roots and shoots at the day of inoculation and at 3, 7 and 15 days post‐inoculation (dpi). Parasite infection caused a strong decrease of root arginase activity and ARGAH1 gene expression, which persisted over the entire examination period. In shoots, the mRNA expression of ARGAH2 increased at 3 and 7 dpi, but the enzymatic activity was significantly enhanced only at 3 dpi. Thus, while arginase down‐regulation occurs in roots, which is apparently due to the presence of nematode effectors, in shoots the activity is only transiently up‐regulated despite persistently high gene expression. As oxidative stress is possible during nematode infection, the activity and gene expression of glutathione reductase, a marker of the redox equilibrium, were estimated and found to be significantly enhanced at 7 dpi in shoots of infected plants. The level of proline, an amino acid known for its ability to scavenge free radicals, was increased 60‐fold. The results suggest that the disruption of redox homeostasis, as reflected by increased proline level and glutathione reductase expression and activity, accompanies changes in arginine metabolism in the shoots, indicating systemic changes induced by nematode infection. 相似文献
W. Van Der Werf R. Rabbinge W. Heijbroek 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1986,92(1):33-42
A simulation model was developed for the spring invasion of the beet cyst nematode,Heterodera schachtii Schmidt, into sugarbeet roots, according to the state variable approach. This model describes the processes of egghatch, emergence of second stage larvae from cysts, migration to roots and penetration into roots quantitatively, using published data.In 1983 a field experiment was conducted to test this model.H. schachtii cysts were introduced at depths 6–29 cm in PVC-cylinders, buried in the soil. The rooting depth of sugarbeet seedlings, growing in these cylinders, was limited to 5 cm by 50 m mesh nylon gauze. Every 10 days the second stage larvae, which had penetrated into the roots of these seedlings were counted. After 50 days, about 40% of the eggs had hatched. More than 20% of the emerged larvae penetrated if the cysts had been buried undeeply, and only 4% if the cysts had been buried at 29 cm depth.The model predicted the course of penetration into the root during the first 40 days with reasonable accuracy (r2=0.79), but in the 5th period of 10 days the model made an overestimation of more than 100%. Egghatch after 50 days was correctly simulated. The differences in penetration into the root between the model and the experiment might result from an oversimplified simulation of the penetration success or the neglection of mortality of second stage larvae. Detailed experiments should be done to provide better parameters for these factors.Samenvatting Volgens de toestandsvariabele-benadering werd een simulatiemodel ontwikkeld van de voorjaarspenetratie van het bietecystenaaltje. Het model beschrijft aan de hand van literatuurgegevens het uikomen van de eieren, het verlaten van de cyst door de larven, de migratie naar en de penetratie in de wortel.In 1983 werd een veldproef uitgevoerd om het model te toetsen. Cysten vanH. schachtii werden op 5 dieptes tussen 6 en 29 cm ingegraven in PVC-cylinders, welke waren verzonken in de bodem. De bewortelingsdiepte van de suikerbiete-zaailingen die hierin groeiden werd beperkt tot 5 cm door nylon gaas van 50 m maaswijdte. Elke 10 dagen werden de larven geteld die in de wortels van deze plantjes waren gepenetreerd. Na 50 dagen was 40% van de eieren uitgekomen. Meer dan 20% van de gelokte larven penetreerden als de cysten ondiep waren ingegraven, en slechts 4% als de cysten op 29 cm diepte waren ingegraven.Gedurende de eerste 40 dagen werd het verloop van de penetratie in de wortel met redelijke nauwkeurigheid door het model voorspeld (r2=0.79). In de 5e periode van 10 dagen maakte het model echter een overschatting van meer dan 100%. Het uitkomen van de eieren werd correct gesimuleerd. De verschillen in penetratie tussen het model en de proef zouden het gevolg kunnen zijn van een oververeenvoudigde simulatie van het penetratiesucces of van het verwaarlozen van de mortaliteit van de migrerende larven. Betere gegevens hierover zullen moeten komen uit detailproeven. 相似文献
D. A. COOKE P. L. MATHIAS DAPHENE M. CHAWARSZCZYNSKA L. J. COPPOCK 《Plant pathology》1983,32(3):339-343
Population assessment methods for Heterodera schachtü were compared in two tests. In the first there were no consistent differences between numbers of H. schachrü extracted by Fenwick cans (at two laboratories), a flotation column and an automatic cyst extraction apparatus, from dried soils from three sites containing no other cyst nematodes. The second, made on 54 commercial sugar beet fields, compared numbers of H. schachtü extracted from dried soil samples by Fenwick cans (at two laboratories) with results of a bioassay of soil samples and a subsequent examination of roots in the field. Most samples were placed into the same broad groups by the cyst extraction and bioassay methods and the two techniques were equally good at predicting field infestations. 相似文献
This study examined the role of the fungi Dactylella oviparasitica and Fusarium oxysporum in the beet-cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii) suppressiveness exhibited by a southern Californian soil. In prior research, the abundance of D. oviparasitica rRNA genes positively correlated with high levels of suppressiveness, whereas the abundance of F. oxysporum rRNA genes positively correlated with minimal to moderate levels of suppressiveness. In this report, both fungi were added to fumigation-induced nonsuppressive soil, planted with Swiss chard, and infested with H. schachtii juveniles. After two nematode generations, D. oviparasitica strain 50 reduced the population densities of H. schachtii eggs and juveniles to those in the suppressive soil and H. schachtii cysts to levels lower than in the suppressive soil. F. oxysporum did not significantly reduce H. schachtii populations. These results suggest that D. oviparasitica strain 50 plays a major role in the suppression of H. schachtii population development in this southern Californian soil. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Soil suppressiveness to Heterodera schachtii was demonstrated in a field at the research station of the University of California, Riverside. In two field trials planted to Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris), introduced H. schachtii multiplied 2.7 and 1.7 times more in preplant metam sodium-fumigated plots than in nontreated plots in 1994 and 1995, respectively. In greenhouse experiments, preplant treatments with metam sodium, methyl bromide, methyl iodide, formaldehyde, and aerated steam reduced suppressiveness of soil against H. schachtii to undetectable levels. H. schachtii multiplied significantly less in nontreated soil than in treated soil on Swiss chard. At harvest, the number of infective second-stage juveniles in suppressive soil was close to the lowest detection level, whereas high numbers were encountered in soils initially treated. In a crop rotation trial with host crops of H. schachtii, introduced H. schachtii populations were monitored for five cropping periods over 30 months in initially fumigated versus nontreated suppressive field plots. In fumigated plots, H. schachtii population levels increased in the first and second cropping periods and then declined in the third cropping period. In the fourth and fifth cropping periods, the nematode reproduction factor in the initially fumigated plots was not significantly different from that in suppressive plots. 相似文献