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公务卡制度改革是加强公共财政管理、进一步深化国库集中支付改革的需要,是推进政府管理科学化、精细化的必然要求。但由于本身的局限性,在推行过程中也暴露出用卡观念需要提高、用卡环境需要改善等问题。结合自身工作实践,剖析科学事业单位公务卡制度执行过程中存在的问题,并提出相应得改进建议。  相似文献   

根据科研院所的文化特征,讲述了文化管理的内涵,管理者认清文化管理的重要性、前瞻性、实效性和针对性。提出管理者要转变管理模式,由经验管理向文化管理型转变,由随意性管理向针对性管理转变,由保守性管理向创造性管理转变。同时,要不断提升教育管理能力、和谐管理能力、制度管理能力、科学决策能力和沟通协调能力,形成具有科研院所特色,由集体共享的理想、价值观、行为准则和共同标准,不断推动热科事业又好又快发展。  相似文献   

农业科研管理历来问题不少、难题较多。本文结合我国农业科研管理实际,针对普遍存在的问题,从理顺关系和完善制度等方面进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

大麦集食用、饲用、工业原料三元为一体,种植大麦有较高的经济和社会效益。从概括大麦种子生产失控、种子经营推广乱、种子质量差、深加工水平低等问题,探索了相应的品种鉴定(认定)或登记制度、生产申报制度、档案管理制度、强化违法行为的打击管理措施。  相似文献   

采用从宏观到微观、从战略到战术层面的思路,实行战略成本管理思想指导采购成本控制、完善相关采购制度等方面对成本控制措施进行总结,树立市场竞争意识,落实具体的材料等成本管理措施,旨在为企业的采购成本控制提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

元明时期的茶叶市场管理机构主要分为茶引由制度茶叶管理机构、边销制度茶叶管理机构、外销制度茶叶管理机构。不同的管理体制有不同的管理机构、管理职能、管理人员、管理特点。  相似文献   

农业产业化必然要有种子产业化的支撑.作为一项上游和重要的农业产业,种子管理部门有义务、有责任引导和管理该产业的健康有序发展。本文着重阐述了种子管理部门面对《种子法》的不完善和种子管理制度滞后的困难局面,提出了新的制度建设的思路。  相似文献   

2007年郧县县委、县政府认真贯彻落实国办发[2006]40号文件、鄂政办发[2007]1号文件、鄂编办发[2007]42号文件精神,按照“政企分开为突破口,强化职能,明确责任,完善制度,稳定队伍,提高素质,改善执法手段”的总体要求,全面推进种子管理体制改革,把县种子公司进行民营制改革,新成立了郧县种子管理局,依法履行《种子法》赋予的种子管理等职责。  相似文献   

品种是农业科技的载体,优良品种的不断推陈出新是促进农业增产增效、农民增收的重要手段和途径。为了保证推广优良品种,促进农业生产稳定发展,我国非常重视品种的选育、审定和推广工作,依法建立了国家和省两级农作物品种审定制度。但是近年来,审定品种数量越来越多.品种自身及市场管理等面临的矛盾越来越突出,实行品种动态管理,启动品种退出机制已成为各级农业管理部门的共识。  相似文献   

种子市场开放以后,为了引进外国先进的管理理念、育种科研技术以及优质的种质资源,我国种业市场开始积极引进外资;同时,中国作为一个超级农业大国,广阔的种子市场空间也吸引着国际资本。然而在今天看来,由于制度的种种缺陷,我国对外资监管的漏洞凸显,使得外资种子企业的发展逐渐威胁到了整个产业安全,甚至是农业安全。因此,健全我国外资种子企业监管的法律制度迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

A range of systems are available for the production of recombinant wheat gluten proteins, from simple and widely used systems based on Escherichia coli to more sophisticated eukaryotic systems in yeasts or cultured insect cells. The characteristics of these systems are summarised and their advantages and disadvantages for application to wheat gluten proteins discussed. We then review the applications of heterologous expression systems to the synthesis and characterisation of wheat gluten proteins, including the production of wild type and mutant proteins for structure–function studies. We also discuss the use of heterologous expression to establish model systems including perfect repeat peptides based on motifs present in gliadins and glutenin subunits and ‘analogue glutenin proteins’ based on C hordein of barley. It is concluded that the pET series of vectors and E. coli are suitable for most applications, providing high-level expression and being rapid and easy to use.  相似文献   


Rice-wheat based cropping systems in South Asia are among the most highly evolved production systems in the world. The productivity growth of these systems in South Asia is declining due to several factors including the biotic stresses of plant parasitic nema-todes. This article reviews the research on rice and wheat nematodes in a cropping systems perspective and identifies nematodes that have wide host ranges and are greatly influenced by the crop rotations and sequences. These polyphagous nematodes can cause significant damage to rice and (or) wheat crops, either alone or in combination with other microorganisms. The research projects on pest management in the region lack inter-disciplinarity and it is important for nematologists to become integral members of interdisciplinary teams on improving the productivity and sustainability of the rice-wheat cropping systems.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to explore the extent to which systems approaches to innovation are reflected in the crop protection literature and how such approaches are used. A systematic literature review is conducted to study the relation between crop protection and systems approaches to innovation in 107 publications. The analysis of the crop protection literature demonstrates that only a small fraction is systems-oriented as compared to the bulk of publications with a technology-oriented approach. The analysis of agricultural innovations systems literature shows that, although crop protection is addressed, the potential of this systems approach remains largely unexplored for crop protection innovation. A large share of the publications included in this review focus on cropping or farming ‘systems’ while ‘innovation’ often equals the development, transfer, adoption and diffusion of crop protection technologies at farm level. There is relatively little attention for the institutional and political dimensions of crop protection and the interactions between farm, regional and national levels in crop protection systems. The traditional division of roles and responsibilities of researchers as innovators, extension personnel as disseminators, and farmers as end-users, is challenged only to a limited extent. The majority of publications discusses ways to optimise existing features of crop protection systems, without exploring more structural transformations that may be required to enhance the resilience of crop protection systems.  相似文献   

Consumer demand regarding the impacts of conventional agriculture on the environment and human health have spurred the growth of organic farming systems; however, organic agriculture is often criticized as low-yielding and unable to produce enough food to supply the world's population. Using wheat as a model crop species, we show that poorly adapted cultivars are partially responsible for the lower yields often found in organic farming systems when compared with conventional farming systems. Our results demonstrate that the highest yielding soft white winter wheat genotypes in conventional systems are not the highest yielding genotypes in organic systems. An analysis of variance for yield among 35 genotypes between paired organic and conventional systems showed highly significant (P < 0.001) genotype × system interactions in four of five locations. Genotypic ranking analysis using Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (RS) showed no correlation between genotypic rankings for yield in four of five locations; however, the ranks were correlated for test weight at all five locations. This indicates that increasing yield in organic systems through breeding will require direct selection within organic systems rather than indirect selection in conventional systems. Direct selection in organic systems produced yields 15%, 7%, 31% and 5% higher than the yields resulting from indirect selection for locations 1–4, respectively. With crop cultivars bred in and adapted to the unique conditions inherent in organic systems, organic agriculture will be better able to realize its full potential as a high-yielding alternative to conventional agriculture.  相似文献   

Environmentally safe spray techniques have been developed to use minimal pesticide inputs and apply them only when and where needed with reduced losses to the environment. In this paper, two such systems are described: (1) shielded systems that recycle spray liquid that would otherwise be lost; (2) detection systems that recognise where there are gaps in crop rows for which spray is not needed. The results of studies by several research groups prove the relevance of these sprayers in reducing pesticide losses. Shielded spraying allows a reduction in chemical input in orchard protection by up to 85% by exploiting more uniform in-canopy spray distribution, recycling the spray that would otherwise be wasted. Sprayers with target detection systems apply spray only where target trees or bushes are present. This technique can reduce chemical consumption in orchards by 30% and decrease drift by 50%.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):437-455

The problem of nitrogen surpluses in Northwestern Europe is related in part to recent segregation of animal and crop production. A long-term solution can be found by re-integration of the main agricultural production components into mixed farming systems. In a new classification scheme of farming systems, high-input systems are placed in a sequence of modes in agriculture that each address sus-tainability problems in different ways. In this classification scheme, New-Conservation Agriculture (NCA) is considered to be a new mode of farming that aims to replace losses from the system, whilst not overloading it through critical use of non-renewable resources. Mixed farming systems that integrate crops and livestock are a typical example of NCA. The advantageous environmental features of mixed farming systems are illustrated by the favorable nitrogen balance of two experimental prototypes (a conventional and an organic one) where arable, dairy and sheep farming are integrated to a high degree. However, particularly the plowing of grass/clover swards caused serious problems on both farms regarding seedling survival and product quality in sugarbeet, maize, onion, and potato crops. This was due to the occurrence of large pest populations of leatherjackets (Tipula paludosa) and wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae).  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):209-248

Environmental concerns currently trigger the development of more sustainable soil fertility management strategies. It appears that effective sustainable practices are those that enhance natural soil processes. Soil processes include the decomposition of residues and mineralization of organic matter, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, nitrate leaching, denitrification and sulfur reduction. Natural soil processes also include less well-understood interactions, namely, those leading to the dissolution of minerals by organic acids, as well as rhizospheric and mycorrhizospheric interactions. Plants, associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal symbionts, supply and distribute carbon and energy, sustaining most of the biotic mechanisms responsible for nutrient release from soil, and maintaining organic pools of nutrients. Among these pools, the microbial biomass and fine roots pools, with their very fast turnover time, are particularly important as they can maintain large amounts of nutrients in very labile form and, therefore, increase soil fertility. Agricultural soil systems are very dynamic and are characterized by large spatial and temporal variations, which are largely driven by plant development. In addition, nutrient dynamics in agricultural soil systems seem particularly influenced by temperature, moisture, and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Nitrogen losses from soil are reduced in systems where nitrogen release corresponds to plant demand. Biological nitrogen fixation is a sound way to input nitrogen in cropping systems. Phosphorus losses can be reduced through increased reliance on the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis of crops. Soils are diverse and complex systems, which, furthermore, respond to increasingly unpredictable climatic variations. Optimal agricultural soil management is a moving target and, hence, a challenging goal that will never be totally reached.  相似文献   

The main driver of agricultural systems of the twentieth century was yield. Awareness of the limits of the planet and the impacts of agriculture triggered the realization that new objectives have to be part of the food systems agenda. The development of new models of agriculture including environmental and sustainability dimensions implies a new view on the process of innovation and a better balance between the paradigms of innovation. Systemic lock-ins are keeping the agricultural and food systems on less relevant pathways. Acknowledgement of the relevance of alternative systems of production such as organic farming and a shift from a linear model of innovation diffusion to the building up of new partnerships of innovation are key enablers of a transition.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):271-305

Cropping systems have been central to managing associated pests for centuries. This treatment focuses on the history, concepts, and the integration of available Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tools/strategies into cropping systems. Pest assessments/diagnoses, IPM-decision-making aids, and examples of pest management in selected crops/cropping systems (wheat, soybean, corn, cotton, potato, and strawberry) as well as emerging opportunities and challenges are discussed. The evolving philosophy of IPM and the recently renewed emphasis on ecologically based pest management address the fact that significant levels of predation and/or parasitism are desirable insofar as they promote diversity and sustainability of agroecosystems. Thus, cropping systems are beginning to focus on soil and crop health as well as specific IPM and production goals. Although extensive efforts have been directed toward modeling the many interactions between crops, associated pests and the environment, the general implementation of a systems approach to integrated crop and pest management remains to be accomplished.  相似文献   


Courses and curricula in agriculture are traditionally organized within disciplinary boundaries, while study of integrated systems has been confined to aggregation of components and often superficial analysis. Agroecology is emerging as an integrative field that expands our focus to embrace the broad complexities of agricultural production and the entire food system. Education in agroecology must provide the skills and knowledge needed to design and evaluate new systems, as well as the capacity to vision into the future and anticipate the impacts of systems as well as new challenges that will face humanity. Agricultural universities need to be organized to prepare students to meet these increasingly complex challenges in the food and natural resource arena. Agroecology courses can build awareness and competence in using ecological principles to inform the design of future systems that are productive, economically sound, environmentally sustainable, and socially viable for the indefinite future. A model program in the Nordic region is presented as an example of one innovative curriculum. Study of the ecology of food systems can put natural resource, human population, and agricultural production into a balanced perspective that can guide our research and development efforts toward a sustainable food system for the future.  相似文献   

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