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Information on reference blood values in the literature is lacking for many wild rodents. In this study, comprehensive reference intervals (RIs) for a wide range of analytes from 101 healthy free-ranging nutria were determined. Animals were captured in Buenos Aires, Argentina (37degrees 50'S, 57 degrees 34'W), and southward (38 degrees 60'S, 58 degrees 23'W), encompassing major biotopes of agricultural pampas with dunes and grassland steppes on the east coast. Traps were set at locations with high-density nutria populations (i.e., those areas that showed signs of movement, territorial marking, or feeding activities). Although the small sample size limits the interpretation of these findings, RIs were determined by a robust method using the central 95th percentile. In nutria, the RI range varied greatly for the leukocyte differentials, with mature neutrophils: 3,907-5,544/mmicrol for females and 3,744-5,900/microl for males; band neutrophils: 0-10/ll for females and 3-18/microl for males; lymphocytes: 4,213 5,940/microl for both sexes combined; monocytes: 165-402/microl for both sexes combined; eosinophils: 13-91/microl for females and 108-165/microl for males; and basophils: 0-87/microl for both sexes combined. Platelet concentration was 543-727 x 10(9)/L for both sexes combined. There was also a wide RI range for biochemistry values for some enzymes, such as alkaline phosphatase: 200-399 IU/L for both sexes combined; cholinesterase: 762-1,407 IU/L for females and 763-1,284 IU/L for males; creatine kinase: 182-552 IU/L for females and 162-451 IU/L for males; amylase: 853-1,865 IU/L for females and 779-1,293 IU/L for males; and glucose concentration 120.2-180.6 mg/dl for both sexes combined. Conversely, there was not a wide pooled RI range for calcium: 7.0-11.2 mg/dl; phosphorous: 6.1-9.3 mg/dl; sodium: 133.0-159.0 mEq/L; potassium: 3.0-8.2 mEq/L; chloride: 101.4-143.0 mEq/L; and urea: 11.3-36.8 mg/dl. The red blood cell indices had a narrow range, with mean corpuscular volume: 84.0 -102.5 fl and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration: 18.2-28.8 g/dl, and which was most likely due to strict physiologic controls. The results from this study were similar to those previously reported for farmed nutria.  相似文献   

Ninety trapped nutria (Myocastor coypus) from a protected area of Piedmont (Italy), including the Po river, were examined for the prevalence for lesions in major viscera, selected serum antibodies and enteric bacteria. Coccidial lesions in the liver included cholangitis, calcification and necrosis. Renal lesions were nonsuppurative interstitial nephritis and a single case of renal adenocarcinoma. The lungs had a 41.1% prevalence of nonsuppurative interstitial pneumonia. Ten of 87 sera (11.5%) had antibodies against Leptospira bratislava, 3 of 87 (3.4%) against Leptospira ichterohaemorrhagiae, 15 of 41 (36.6%) against Toxoplasma gondii, and antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus were detected in 5 of 78 sera (6.4%). All fecal samples were negative for Salmonella, Shigella, and Pseudomonas, and growth of enterobacteriaceae was in the normal range.  相似文献   

Using histological, histochemical and macroscopic and microscopic measurement techniques, the macroscopic and microscopic structures of coypu ovaries were studied in sexually mature virgin females. The mature ovaries of the coypu were ovoid or elongated bodies, not encapsulated, covered by a single layer of epithelium. They had a parenchyma formed by follicles at different stages of evolution and true and accessory corpora lutea. The interstitial tissue was a prominent and permanent structure in the ovaries. Some ovaries contained a few rete ovarii in the hilus.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the catecholaminergic neurones located within the midbrain of the coypu, a South American hystricomorph rodent. The neuronal distribution of the catecholaminergic systems and morphological parameters of the immunostained cell bodies and fibres were investigated, using an immunohistochemical method. The brains of five coypu were fixed, immersed in gelatine-glycerol and cut in 40-micron slices using a freezing microtome. Samples were processed with ultrasound-based antigen retrieval and stained with labelled antityrosine hydroxylase monoclonal antibody. An image analyser was used to measure the neuronal bodies. The catecholaminergic neurones of the tuberoinfundibular system were mainly observed in the arcuate and periventricular nuclei with their axons projecting towards to the median eminence; they represented 28% of the global population of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive cells observed. Significant morphological differences were observed in comparison with the other two studied systems. Fifty per cent of total catecholaminergic neurones were detected in the nigrostriatal system distributed in the reticular and compact substance nigra. Most neuronal bodies had a fusiform aspect. The immunoreactive neurones of the mesolimbic system represented 22% of the total population. They were distributed around the interpeduncular nucleus. Two types of morphologically different catecholaminergic systems of the brain were established: hypothalamic neurones located in the periventricular and arcuate nuclei and mesencephalic neurones located in the substance nigra and interpeduncular nuclei. These systems showed morphological and probably physiological-pharmacological differences.  相似文献   

Morphohistological features of the tubular organs of the Myocastor coypus (coypu) female reproductive tract were studied. Specimens came from breeding farms with yard breeding systems. The analysis of the organs was made by histological methods and by macro and microscopic measurement techniques. The animals showed oviducts with macro and microscopically differentiable regions. Their mucosa showed primary branched folds in the ampullar sector. In the rest of the oviduct tract these folds were only of the primary type. The double uterus showed regional variations in the lumen, endometrial glands along the whole surface and a wide fibromuscular cervix with pseudoglands. The endocervical mucosa made clear a complex system of folds covered by a mucus-secreting epithelium. In the long vagina of the coypu a folded, rugose and irregular mucosa was observed.  相似文献   

Six experiments were conducted to determine the relationship between the serving capacity of bulls as predicted by a 40-min yard test and their fertility during paddock mating, measured by the conception rate at first oestrus and the pregnancy rate at the end of 10 weeks of mating. Twenty bulls varying in serving capacity from 1 to 11 were mated to 40 heifers each. As serving capacity of the bulls increased from 1 to 7, conception rate increased from 18 to 70%. Average conception rates achieved by 4 bulls with low serving capacity (25.3%), 8 bulls with medium serving capacity (61.4%) and 7 bulls with high serving capacity (72.3%) were all significantly different from one another. Bulls of low serving capacity (1 or 2 services) impregnated a significantly lower proportion of their heifers (40.3%) than bulls with medium (91.2%) or high (95.3%) serving capacity. It was concluded that bulls of serving capacity 1 or 2 (in 40 min) should be considered unsound for breeding. An explanation for the results and their implication in beef production is discussed.  相似文献   

In a set of 154, and/or 260 ejaculates, collected from 72 boars, a relationship was studied between the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in seminal plasma and sperm concentration, and/or percent occurrence of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa. We failed to demonstrate any relation between the AST activity and sperm concentration (r = 0.023; P greater than 0.05). However, a statistically significant relation (P less than or equal to 0.05) was demonstrated between the AST activity and percent occurrence of morphologically abnormal spermatozoa (r = 0.343). Applying the above results and in agreement with literary data, determination of AST activity in the seminal plasma of boars can be considered as an important indicator of the cellular damage of sperms.  相似文献   

The present study localizes and characterizes complex glycoconjugates in the seminal vesicles of the Japanese Shiba goat, using several carbohydrate histochemical procedures, including lectin techniques at light and electron microscopic levels. Glandular epithelial cells and luminal secretions were shown to contain neutral and acidic glycoconjugates with various saccharide residues, such as alpha-D-Man, alpha-D-Glc, alpha-L-Fuc, beta-D-Gal, GalNAc, GlcNAc, and NeuAc (sialic acid). The terminal oligosaccharide chains of sialoglycoconjugates present in the seminal vesicles were NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-3GalNAc and NeuAc alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc. In addition, in lysosomes of the glandular epithelial cells alpha-D-Man, alpha-D-Glc, GlcNAc and NeuAc (sialic acid) residues could be detected, the secretory vesicles contained alpha-L-Fuc, and the endoplasmic reticulum exhibited alpha-D-Man and alpha-D-Glc residues. The complex glycoconjugates with various sugar residues found in the seminal vesicles of the goat may be involved in various fertilization-related events.  相似文献   

The study investigated seasonal changes in the morphology of the seminal vesicles of Eidolon helvum in a typical African tropical environment. Seminal vesicles of forty-eight bats were examined during the early rainy, late rainy and peak dry seasons, using gross anatomical, histological and ultrastructural techniques. The interlobular connective tissue septa from the external capsule demarcated the glandular parenchyma into numerous lobules of tubulo-alveolar glands. A simple cuboidal epithelium of mono- or bi-nucleated cuboidal cells lined the glandular mucosa during the rainy season. This was replaced by a bistratified cuboidal epithelium, whose upper layer of cells showed evidence of degeneration, during the dry season. The PAS-positive secretory products appeared to be numerous during the rainy season, but few and clumped together during the dry season. The mean gross weight, interlobular septal thickness, acini diameter and epithelial height of the glands varied significantly with season. Ultrastructural features of the secretory cells during the rainy season showed well-developed cytoplasmic organelles, numerous electron lucid secretory vesicles and electron-dense granules. Secretory epithelial cells of the seminal vesicles are very active during the rainy season, while regeneration of degenerated epithelium in preparation for the next reproductive cycle occurs during the dry season.  相似文献   

Adult sows fed a constant amount of a basal diet received purified cellulose either orally at levels of 0 and 475 g/animal.d (Experiment 1) or intracecally at levels of 0, 285, 570 and 855 g/animal.d (Experiment 2). Each experiment consisted of subsequent periods of faeces and urine collection with the animals re-allocated to the treatments each time. With that, a total of 36 observations on each parameter was achieved. The faecal samples were analyzed for the contents of organic matter, cell wall carbohydrates and various nitrogen fractions such as bacterial N and undigested dietary N. Furthermore, N balance, urinary allantoin excretion and plasma urea concentrations were determined. In a preliminary study, the effects of freeze-drying and of shaking of the faecal samples as suspensions with water (in order to release bacteria from fibre) on content and composition of faecal nitrogen had turned out to be reproducible. Cellulose significantly enhanced faecal nitrogen loss whereas N retention was not affected due to the counteraction of urinary N loss. Plasma urea concentration reflected the situation with urinary N. The proportion of undigested dietary N and of water-soluble protein in total faecal N was somewhat increased by cellulose at cost of the bacterial N proportion which accounted for about 72% of total N on average. Urinary allantoin did not respond to the higher bacterial activity in the hindgut in the presence of supplementary cellulose. Cellulose significantly decreased the apparent N digestibility by on average about 3 percentage units per 100 g of supplementary cellulose. True N digestibility was also reduced by cellulose but did not go below 95%. The supplementary cellulose was fermented in the hindgut at similar rates of on average about 60% regardless of the route of administration. The almost 100 g of native cellulose incorporated in the basal diets were lignified by about 20%, and that is why they were fermented at a rate of only about 30%. The rate of fermentation was only slightly decreasing with increasing amounts of supplementary cellulose, and a daily quantity of 564 g (11 g/W0.75) cellulose was fermented on average if the highest level of cellulose was provided. This was within a range exclusively reported for easily-fermentable carbohydrates but was achieved in the case of cellulose only at a consistently higher level of supply. The true efficiency of bacterial protein synthesis was 5.2 g bacterial protein/100 g supplementary cellulose on average. The apparent efficiency was 60% higher averaging 8.4 g bacterial protein/100 g further apparently fermented organic matter.  相似文献   

In order to establish a semen bank for the endangered Cantabrian brown bear, we tested five glycerol concentrations and three freezing rates for electroejaculated semen. Electroejaculation was performed on nine males. Semen was diluted in TES-Tris-Fructose (20% egg yolk, 2% EDTA, 1% Equex) with 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% or 10% glycerol and frozen at -10, -20 or -40°C/min. Before and after cryopreservation, samples were analysed for motility (CASA), viability and acrosomal status (flow cytometry). Pre-freezing results showed that glycerol concentration had no significant effect on total motility or progressive motility, but it significantly decreased VCL, ALH, viability and acrosomal status (p < 0.05). After thawing, sperm motility was higher at extender with 4%, 6% and 8% glycerol, but only at 4% and 6% glycerol for viability and acrosomal status. For 4% and 6% glycerol, freezing rates did not have significant effects. The curve fitting gave an estimate of the optimal glycerol concentration, with all the optimal values for every parameter between 6% and 7% glycerol falling. We propose using 6% glycerol and a freezing velocity of -20°C/min for freezing brown bear ejaculated spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The seminal glomera from captive budgerigars were dissected and prepared for ultrastructural and histochemical studies of the lining epithelia. The general structure suggested that they are formed by convolutions of the terminal portions of the ductus deferens which appear as a network of tubules. The epithelium lining the tubules was identified as pseudostratified ciliated and non-ciliated columnar epithelium. With the electron microscope it was possible to identify two different cell types in the epithelium: type 1, ciliated cells and type 2, non-ciliated epithelial cells. Light microscopy revealed periodic acid Schiff (PAS) positive material, resistant to diastase digestion in the distal parts of some of the epithelial cells, indicating its glycoprotein nature. Alcian blue/PAS staining showed mixed acidic and neutral glycoproteins. Alcian blue staining at different hydrogen ion concentrations (pH) showed that the acidic glycoprotein was of the weakly sulphated type. Periodic acid thiocarbohydrazide silver proteinase staining, at the ultrastructural level, confirmed the presence of an intracellular glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Blood lactate concentrations were determined in 16 horses (three Thoroughbreds, seven Standardbreds and six polo ponies) before and 5 mins after they galloped over distances of 200, 300 and 400 m at maximal speed. The highest net lactate concentration (delta Lamax) of 14 to 15 mmol/litre was attained by the polo ponies and the highest speed by the Thoroughbreds. The maximal rate of lactate production (delta L?max) was about 35 mmol/litre X min for the polo ponies and 20 to 25 mmol/litre X min for the Standardbreds and the Thoroughbreds. Values for delta Lamax and delta L?max were similar to those measured in human athletes after exhaustive work. delta L?max increases with the speed (v) and can be described by the equation delta L? = a (v-v1), where a is a proportionality constant representing the amount of lactate needed to cover a unit distance and v1 the theoretical speed at which delta L? = 0 X v1 was highest for the Thoroughbreds and lowest for the polo ponies; this difference could be caused by the effect of training and/or to genetic differences among the different breeds of horses X v1 could be a useful index of the fitness of a horse following a training programme.  相似文献   

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