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Myoelectric activity in 2 cows instrumented with permanent electrodes in the ileum, cecum, proximal loop of the ascending colon (PLAC), and spiral colon was analyzed after an obstruction developed in the distal small intestine. Results were compared with patterns from a group of 7 normal cows. Myoelectric activity in the ileum immediately orad to the occlusion was characterized by abolition of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) and a constant pattern of strong spike bursts of long duration. Cyclic activity was present in all parts of the large intestine, and propagation of phase III activity was evident from proximal to distal. A slight degree of disorganization in phase III propagation was restricted to the spiral colon. Activity cycles tended to be shorter in the cecum and PLAC of both cows with colic than in normal cows, and the intensity of spiking activity was generally lower. Changes in duration of the MMC in the spiral colon (bovine colonic MMC, bcMMC) were inconsistent, but the intensity of spiking activity tended to be lower in phases I and II of both cows compared to controls. The organization of phase III in several spindles typical of the bovine spiral colon was not disrupted, but phase IV of the bcMMC occurred only infrequently. Organized cyclic activity occurred in the large intestine of both cows despite complete disruption of the small intestinal MMC, indicating the presence of mechanisms able to initiate and regulate coordinated myoelectric patterns in the large intestine independent of the small intestine.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Epiploic foramen entrapment (EFE) is one of the more common causes of colic in horses, but recent reports suggest a poor prognosis after surgical treatment. HYPOTHESIS: That EFE has a good prognosis compared with other small intestinal strangulating lesions. METHODS: Surgical findings, surgical procedures and short-term outcome were recorded for 157 horses that underwent surgery for strangulating lesions of the small intestine at the University of Illinois from 1994 to 2003. Horses were assigned to 3 groups for comparison; those with EFE, strangulation by lipoma and miscellaneous strangulating lesions. A logistic regression model and Monte Carlo tests of the binomial proportions were used to examine survival rates. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine differences in usage of surgical treatments. Measurements of length and viability indices were analysed using a one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's HSD test, and viability scores were analysed using an exact Kruskal-Wallis test. Significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: Horses with EFE were significantly more likely to be discharged (95%) than those with the other conditions (P < 0.05). The proportion of horses with ileal involvement was greater in horses with EFE than in the other 2 groups (P < 0.05), although this did not affect outcome. The distributions of viability grades for EFE and lipoma differed significantly (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The prognosis for horses that had surgery at this hospital for EFE was better than for those with the other conditions, although the greater proportion of horses with EFE with ileal involvement could influence outcome. Therefore, surgeons must consider ways of improving jejunocaecostomy and determining when bowel is viable, the latter to avoid jejunocaecostomy.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Epiploic foramen entrapment (EFE) has been associated with a particularly poor post operative prognosis for equine colic cases, but the reasons for this are unknown. OBJECTIVES: To identify variables associated with post operative survival following surgery for small intestinal disease; develop a model describing long-term post operative survival; and identify reasons for the poor prognosis associated with EFE. METHODS: Data from 382 horses undergoing surgery were used to identify variables associated with survival. A multivariable Cox proportional hazards model for post operative survival was developed and model fit evaluated. RESULTS: The final model included the variables total plasma protein (TP) and packed cell volume (PCV) at admission, duration of surgery and the dichotomous variable relaparotomy (yes/no). Risk of death was positively associated with increasing PCV, but negatively associated with increasing TP (which decreased the probability of death). In a univariable model, EFE cases had a significantly higher death rate than other types of small intestinal disease (hazard ratio = 1.7, P = 0.035). Multivariable modelling indicated that some of the increased risk associated with EFE cases was due to lower TP values and longer duration of surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative TP is associated negatively with the risk of post operative death in horses recovering from small intestinal surgery. Other variables associated with the probability of survival are preoperative PCV, duration of surgery and relaparotomy. The increased post operative death rate of EFE cases can be explained in part by lower TP and longer surgery times of these cases. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Total plasma protein may be not simply a measure of hydration status in small intestinal colic cases, but an important determinant of survival. Further investigation of this relationship is warranted. Our model for post operative survival highlights the importance of preoperative TP, PCV and duration of surgery as prognostic indicators. This information should allow a more accurate post operative prognosis following small intestinal surgery.  相似文献   

A yearling Irish Cob stallion was presented to De Morette Equine clinic for severe acute abdominal pain, nonresponsive to analgesics and sedatives. Rectal palpation and a limited transabdominal ultrasonographic examination led to the presumptive diagnosis of a strangulated obstruction of the small intestine. The painful behaviour of the pony did not allow conservative treatment and surgical exploration was denied by the owners for financial considerations. On necropsy, a large cystic mature teratoma was adhered to the ventral body wall, the mesenteric root, omentum and intestines. Teratomas are rare in man and animals, and an extragonadal intraperitoneal location has not previously been reported in the equine species.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship of colonic luminal pressure (CLP) measurements to outcome in horses with large colon volvulus (LCV) after either manual correction or large colon resection and anastomosis (LCRA). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Horses (n=57) that had LCV. METHODS: Records for horses with LCV (March 1997-December 2003) were reviewed. Inclusion criteria were strangulating LCV proximal to the cecocolic ligament (>270 degrees), recorded CLP, and successful recovery from anesthesia. CLP measurements and survival/mortality rates were compared between horses that had manual correction (M) or LCRA (R). RESULTS: Of 57 horses, 27 had M and 30 had LCRA. For group M, CLP measurements had a sensitivity of 0.60 and specificity of 0.77 for predicting survival, whereas for group R, sensitivity was 0.50 and specificity was 0.54. CONCLUSION: In our LCV population, elevated CLP measurements had poor accuracy for predicting outcome in horses after surgical correction, especially after LCRA. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: CLP measurements based on a single hospital population of horses with LCV should be used with caution for other hospital populations of LCV. CLP may be only one of many variables needed for predicting outcome of horses with strangulating LCV, especially after LCRA.  相似文献   

Microvascular circulation of the small intestine in horses.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microvascular anatomic features of the small intestine was described by correlating results of microangiography, light microscopy, gross studies, and scanning electron microscopy of vascular replicas in 14 horses. After heparinization, the horses were euthanatized, a length of jejunum was transected, and blood was flushed free of the circulation, using isotonic NaCl solution. In six horses, the circulatory system was perfused with a modified radiopaque medium and evaluated radiographically. These sections were then evaluated by standard histologic methods. Sections from 8 horses were perfused with 1 of 2 types of plastics and studied grossly or by scanning electron microscopy. The marginal arterial arcade gives rise to vessels that enter the jejunum at the mesenteric angle. These vessels penetrated either directly, by branching and entering on both sides of the mesenteric angle, or supplying only 1 side of the mesenteric angle. All these vessels continued in the submucosa branching extensively, forming a submucosal plexus. This submucosal plexus supplied the tunica muscularis, tunica serosa, and the mucosa. Vessels within the 2 muscle layers ran parallel to the muscle fibers and, consequently, perpendicular to each other. The arterial supply to the mucosa penetrated the muscularis mucosae and branched to supply 2 mucosal capillary networks. An eccentrically placed arteriole penetrated the base of the villus and spiralled to the tip where it "fountained" into a mesh-like capillary network, which descended peripherally in the villus to drain via 1 to 3, but most commonly 2 venules. Venules from adjacent villi united and drained via the submucosal veins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the outcome of surgical treatment of acute abdominal crises in miniature breed horses. DESIGN: Retrospective case series of miniature horses presented to the University Veterinary Centre, Camden with an acute abdominal crisis. METHODS: Hospital records of all miniature horses that underwent ventral midline laparotomy for acute abdominal crisis between 1997 and 2001 were reviewed. The signalment, history, clinical signs, results of ancillary diagnostic procedures, location and type of intestinal lesion, treatment and outcome were retrieved from each case record. Long-term survival was determined by telephone interview of owners. RESULTS: Eleven miniature horses including five females and six males underwent ventral midline laparotomies for acute abdominal crisis during the study period. Ages ranged between 1 month and 19 years. Surgical findings included faecalith obstruction (seven horses), enterolith (one horse), strangulating lipoma of the descending colon (one horse), jejunal infarction (one horse), and caecal infarction (one horse). Long-term survival rate (minimum 12 months post surgery) was 55%. Six of eight horses with simple intraluminal obstructions survived, while the three horses with gastrointestinal lesions associated with vascular compromise were euthanased either at surgery (caecal infarction), or postoperatively, due to complications (strangulating lipoma of the descending colon, jejunal infarction). Postoperative complications in this study included impaction of the descending colon (two horses), diarrhoea (two horses), peritonitis (one horse), hyperlipaemia (two horses), incisional infection (two horses) and abdominal adhesions (one horse). Hyperlipidaemia was present in five of seven horses in which serum triglycerides were measured at presentation. CONCLUSIONS: Simple intraluminal obstructions of the large intestine were frequently encountered during exploratory laparotomy in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal crises, and their surgical treatment was associated with a good prognosis. In contrast, this study suggested that abdominal pain associated with vascular compromise of gastrointestinal tissues in miniature horses was associated with a poorer prognosis, consistent with reports in other horse breeds. Possible contributing factors to faecalith formation, including poor quality roughage, dental disease, and inadequate water consumption, should be recognised and avoided in miniature horses. Serum triglyceride concentrations should be measured in miniature horses presented for acute abdominal pain. If elevated, nutritional supplementation should be provided.  相似文献   

This retrospective study was conducted in the UK and identifies the most frequent causes, diagnoses, treatment and prognoses for short- and long-term survival in 54 cases of horses with haemoperitoneum. Clinical signs of haemorrhagic shock and colic were common, and abdominal ultrasound was very useful for the identification of haemoperitoneum. Causes of haemoperitoneum included uterine injury (22 per cent), involvement of specific blood vessels (20 per cent), splenic injury (19 per cent), neoplasia (13 per cent) and other (4 per cent). No source was identified in 22 per cent of cases. Fifty-seven per cent of cases underwent exploratory laparotomy. Of the surgical cases, a diagnosis was made in 65 per cent, with 42 per cent surviving to discharge. It was felt that exploratory laparotomy had both diagnostic and therapeutic implications. Twenty-eight per cent of cases died, and 33 per cent were euthanased, whereas 39 per cent survived to be discharged from the hospital, with 35 per cent of these surviving in the long term. Idiopathic haemoperitoneum was associated with the best outcome for long-term survival.  相似文献   

The historical, clinical, laboratory, surgical and necropsy findings in 54 cases of gastric rupture in horses are described. Eleven per cent of the deaths of horses undergoing exploratory coeliotomy for colic during the period of the study were a result of gastric rupture. Comparison with all horses which had exploratory coeliotomies for colic over an eight year period did not show that horses with gastric rupture were different from these reference horses regarding age, breed or season. There were fewer stallions than expected in the gastric rupture group. Horses with histories of both acute and chronic (more than 36 h) colic were susceptible to gastric rupture. Primary and idiopathic causes of gastric dilation and rupture accounted for about one-third of the horses. All but one of these cases resulting from secondary causes fell into three aetiologically-related groups: obstructive, peritoneal and enteric, with approximately equal numbers of horses in each group. Most of the ruptures occurred along the greater curvature of the stomach. At least six horses ruptured their stomachs postoperatively in the presence of an indwelling nasogastric tube. The presence or absence of gastric reflux following nasogastric intubation was not a reliable indicator, on its own, of gastric dilation. Horses that later died from gastric rupture had markedly elevated heart rate, hypochloraemia, peritoneal exudative effusion (particularly with evidence of sepsis), pre- and/or postoperative gastric reflux and small or large intestinal disease. However, no distinctive feature of these horses was shown to place them at risk of gastric rupture.  相似文献   

The clinical features of 71 cases in 70 horses in which part of the small intestine became entrapped in the epiploic foramen are described. The horses' sex, age and breed, the month during which they were affected, and whether they exhibited stereotypic behaviour were compared with the same variables in 1279 horses which suffered other types of surgical colic during the same period. Thoroughbred and thoroughbred cross horses were over-represented among the 70 affected horses. There was no age or sex predilection. Fifty-five (77.5 per cent) of the cases occurred between October and March and 15 (21.1 per cent) occurred in January. The cases were significantly more likely to have a history of crib-biting/windsucking than the control group (odds ratio 7.9, 95 per cent confidence interval 4.1 to 15.3). The condition had recurred in two of the horses. Fifty-eight (81.7 per cent) recovered from surgery and 49 (69 per cent) survived until they were discharged from hospital. The median survival time of 31 of the affected horses discharged from the hospital was 700 days, whereas 417 horses with other types of surgical colic had a median survival time in excess of 1931 days.  相似文献   

This paper describes the successful surgical management of two horses with fine wire penetration of the small intestine. Exploratory laparotomy in Case 1 revealed an adhesion between adjacent loops of jejunum. Dissection of the adhesion revealed a small length of fine wire. In Case 2, exploratory laparotomy revealed a dense adhesion between the jejunum and the ventral abdominal wall. Dissection of the adhesion also revealed fine wire extending from the jejunum. Neither case required intestinal resection, and both horses made uncomplicated recoveries from the surgical procedures and were discharged 5 days after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical findings and compare effects of treatment and outcome for horses treated medically or surgically for impaction of the small colon. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 84 horses with impaction of the small colon. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for history, physical examination findings, laboratory values, treatment, response to treatment, complications, out-come, and necropsy findings. RESULTS: 47 horses were treated medically and 37 horses were treated surgically. Significant differences between groups were not identified for duration of clinical signs, physical examination findings, or laboratory values. Horses treated surgically were hospitalized longer than horses treated medically. Complications recorded during hospitalization included diarrhea, jugular thrombophlebitis, recurrent colic, fever, and laminitis. Salmonella organisms were isolated from 20 horses. Horses treated surgically were more likely to have signs of moderate abdominal pain, gross abdominal distention, and positive results for culture of Salmonella spp than horses treated medically. Follow-up information was available for 27 horses treated medically and 23 horses treated surgically. Twenty-four (72%) and 21 (75%) of the horses, respectively, survived and were being used for their intended purpose at least 1 year after treatment. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Colitis may be a predisposing factor for impaction of the small colon in horses. Prognosis for horses treated surgically or medically is fair.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that horses requiring surgical correction of strangulating intestinal obstruction may develop post operative complications as a result of ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, the mucosal and serosal margins of resected small intestine from 9 horses with small intestinal strangulating lesions were examined for evidence of ischaemia/reperfusion injury. Severe mucosal injury and marked elevations in myeloperoxidase activity were detected at ileal resection margins (n = 4), whereas the mucosa from proximal jejunal (n = 9) and distal jejunal (n = 5) resection margins was normal. However, the serosa from jejunal resection margins had evidence of haemorrhage and oedema, and the proximal jejunal serosa had significantly increased numbers of neutrophils. Histological injury in ileal stumps is indicative of the inability fully to resect the ileum in horses with distal small intestinal strangulations. One of 4 horses subjected to ileal resection was subjected to euthanasia and found to have a necrotic ileal stump. Evidence of serosal injury and neutrophil infiltration in the proximal jejunal resection margins may predispose horses to post operative adhesions. Four of 8 horses discharged from the hospital suffered from recurrent colic in the post operative period.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the visibility of various portions of the small intestine in healthy horses using capsule endoscopy. Procedure Six healthy, conscious adult Thoroughbreds were restrained and an endoscopic capsule (PillCam® SB capsule) was inserted into the oesophagus using an intranasal catheter aided by a guide wire. Water (500 mL) flushed the capsule down the gastrointestinal tract. Data were collected and stored in the recorder of the endoscopic system for 6 hours after capsule insertion and the images were evaluated using an image reader and scored using a visual analogue scale. Results Capsule endoscopy enabled observation of the distinct mucosal shape, colour, and villus structure of the intestinal lumen from the duodenum through the proximal jejunum. At 4 h after passing the pylorus, the endoscopic capsule started transmitting increasingly dark images in the distal jejunum as the lumen circumference increased. Means of the visual analogue scale in the duodenum, proximal jejunum, and distal jejunum were 93.8 ± 1.3%, 86.2 ± 2.5% and 48.8 ± 6.3%, respectively. Differences among these values were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance Capsule endoscopy enables observation of the distinct mucosal shape, colour and villus structure of the proximal and mid-small intestine in healthy horses.  相似文献   

Strangulating volvulus of the large colon was treated by resection and anastomosis of the colon in 9 horses. Tissue specimens were obtained at the site of the resection for histologic evaluation. An attempt was made to correlate the appearance of the colon at the time of surgery to the histologic evaluation and the eventual outcome. Six of the 9 horses (66%) survived. This is in contrast to a reported survival of 34.7 to 36% after decompression and reduction of colonic volvulus. Survival after surgery could not be predicted on the basis of visual assessment or histologic examination.  相似文献   

Perforating ulceration of the small intestine was diagnosed in 5 adult horses. Affected horses presented with signs of low‐grade colic, depression and inappetance. Abdominal paracentesis yielded abnormal peritoneal fluid in all cases. Perforating ulcers were located at the mesenteric border in 4 horses and the ileum in one horse. All horses had diffuse septic peritonitis. The aetiology of the condition is unknown.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Small intestinal resection and anastomosis is a relatively common procedure in equine surgical practice. This study was designed to test objectively the subjective opinions of surgeons at the Liphook Equine Hospital that an end-to-end jejuno-ileal anastomosis (JIA) is an effective and clinically justifiable procedure, contrary to conventional recommendations. HYPOTHESIS: An end-to-end JIA carries no greater risk of morbidity and mortality than an end-to-end jejunojejunal anastomosis (JJA). METHODS: A retrospective observational study was performed on a population of 100 horses that had undergone small intestinal resection and end-to-end anastomosis. Two groups were identified; Group 1 (n = 30) had undergone an end-to- end JIA and Group 2 (n = 70) an end-to-end JJA. The 2 populations were tested for pre- and intraoperative comparability and for their equivalence of outcomes. RESULTS: The 2 populations were comparable in terms of their distributions of preoperative parameters and type of lesion present. The observations used as outcome parameters (incidence risk of post operative colic, incidence risk of post operative ileus, duration of post operative ileus, rates of functioning original anastomoses at the time of discharge and at 12 months, survival rates at 6 months and 12 months) were equivalent between the 2 groups. CONCLUSION: End-to-end JIA carries no greater risk of morbidity and mortality than an end-to-end JJA. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Surgeons faced with strangulating obstructions involving the jejuno-ileal junction in which there remains an accessible length of viable terminal ileum may reasonably perform an end-to-end JIA. This has the potentially significant advantage over a jejunocaecal anastomosis of preserving more anatomical and physiological normality to the intestinal tract. The study was, however, relatively small for an equivalence study and greater confidence would be gained with higher numbers.  相似文献   

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