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土壤水分梯度对阔叶红松林结构的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
2002年8月,在吉林省白河林业局红石林场(12755E,4230N),沿着一个山坡设置了一个长宽为112m8m、包含14个样方的样带。调查了群落结构、0-10cm和10-20cm的土壤含水量、枯落物现存量及其C、N、P含量,主要树种的叶片和枝条的C、N、P含量。沿着山坡的不同位置土壤含水量的不同导致阔叶红松林的群落结构发生变化。蒙古栎的比例随着土壤含水量的下降而逐渐升高,而其他主要阔叶树种则逐渐减少乃至消失。枯落物的水分变化趋势与土壤一致。在不同坡位枯落物的分解状况不同,干重差异显著。坡下枯落物含量较坡上的丰富,部分原因在于群落结构的变化。水分和养分含量的变化影响了枯落物的成分、降解及其养分的释放,进一步影响了林木的生长速度和林分结构并最终影响整个生态系统。图7表2参14。 相似文献
通过对阔叶红松林择伐后19a的调查,证明择伐强度对阔叶红松林的恢复和发展有着重大影响。在调查的9个小区中,6小区择伐强度较小,伐后它的公顷保留量比其它8个小区平均每公顷多保留27.70m3,19a后,6小区的公顷生长量比8个小区平均每公顷为生长56.24m3,6小区比8小区每公顷多保留29.92m3蓄积,19a后,6小区净增林木蓄积143.06m3/hm2,8小区仅净增65.28m3/hm2,前者的净增量是后者的2.2倍。用每公顷少采29.92m3蓄积,换来每公顷多生长77.78m3蓄积,这是生态经济双丰收。现在6小区已完全郁闭成林,公顷蓄积量已达本地区阔叶红松林近熟林水平,8小区还处于阔叶红松林中龄林初期。6小区林木多样性指数,丰富度指数,均匀度指数均高于其它8个小区,重要值与其它8个小区近似,处于合理的区间,天然更新良好,说明适宜控制择伐强度,对阔叶红松林的恢复和发展十分有利。 相似文献
阔叶红松林主要树种生长的水热指数和最优生长过程的模拟研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
以阔叶红松林8个主要组成树种为研究对象,根据水分和热量是决定植物地理分布的主要因素的原理,应用干燥度和≥10℃的年积温建立了树木生长水热指数;设在最佳环境条件下树木的生长与叶量成正比,与本身大小成反比,推导出树木最优生长模型。然后,应用该水热指数和生长模型模拟了不同水热条件下树木的最优生长过程,揭示了不同树种、或同一树种在不同水热条件下的生长特征。这些研究结果可用于划分树种地理分布区质量等级和评价林分的生长。 相似文献
东北地区阔叶红松林恢复的相关问题研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
东北林区现有林经营面临的首要任务是恢复阔叶红松林。栽针保阔是恢复阔叶红松林的科学理论,但还需时间的检验并不断完善。天保工程的实施为提高现有林生产力、恢复阔叶红松林提供了历史机遇,但在实施过程中还存在诸多问题,需要转变观念,正确认识。以近自然森林经营理论为指导,适当发展红松人工林具有重要意义,落叶松人工林可以通过人为诱导向阔叶红松林发展。传统意义上的封山育林不利于阔叶红松林的恢复,应由“封山”向“育林”转变。 相似文献
We tested, compared and modified three models of stomatal conductance at the leaf level in a forest ecosystem where drought stress is a major factor controlling forest productivity. The models were tested against 2 years (1999 and 2000) of leaf-level measurements on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) growing in the Mediterranean climate of California, USA. The Ball, Woodrow and Berry (1987) (BWB) model was modified to account for soil water stress. Among the models, results of the modified BWB model were in the closest agreement with observations (r2 = 0.71). The Jarvis (1976) model showed systematic simulation errors related to vapor pressure deficit (r2 = 0.65). Results of the Williams, Rastetter, Fernandes et al. (1996) (SPA) model showed the poorest correlation with empirical data, but this model has only one calibration parameter (r2 = 0.60). Sensitivity analyses showed that, in all three models, predictions of stomatal conductance were most responsive to photosynthetically active radiation and soil water content. Stomatal conductance showed little sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in the Jarvis model, whereas in both the BWB and SPA models, vapor pressure deficit (or relative humidity) was the third most important variable. Parameterization of the SPA model was in accordance with the parameterization of the modified BWB model, although the two models differ greatly. Measured and modeled results indicate that stomatal behavior is not water conservative during spring; however, during summer, when soil water content is low and vapor pressure deficit is high, stomatal conductance decreases and, according to the models, intrinsic water- use efficiency increases. 相似文献
We simulated how possible changes in wind and ground-frost climate and state of the forest due to changes in the future climate may affect the probability of exceeding critical wind speeds expected to cause wind damage within one northern and one southern study area in Sweden, respectively. The topography of the study areas was relatively gentle and the forests were dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Using estimated changes in the net primary production (NPP) due to climate change and assuming a relative change in the site productivity equal to a relative change in NPP, we simulated possible future states of the forest under gradual adjustment of the site index in response to climate change using the model The Forest Time Machine. Global climate change scenarios based on two emission scenarios and one general circulation model were downscaled to the regional level. The modified WINDA model was used to calculate the sensitivity of the forest to wind and the probability of wind damage for individual forest stands for the periods 2011–2041 and 2071–2100 and for a control period 1961–1990. This was done while taking into account effects on stability of the forest from expected changes in the occurrence of ground frost. Increasing sensitivity of the forest to wind was indicated for both study areas when adhering to recommended management rules of today. Adding also a changed wind climate further increased the probability of wind damage. Calculated probabilities of wind damage were generally higher in the southern study area than in the northern one and were explained by differences in wind climate and the state of the forests, for example with respect to tree species composition. The indicated increase in sensitivity of the forest to wind under the current management regime, and possibly increasing windiness, motivate further analysis of the effects of different management options on the probability of wind damage and what modifications of Swedish forest management are possibly warranted. 相似文献
印度喜马拉雅库蒙地区阔叶林下草本植物的生物量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在喜马拉雅库蒙地区(Kumaun Himalaya)中部的不同海拔高度设立研究地点,集中研究由白橡(Quercus leucotrichophora)、石斛(Quercus floribunda)、高山栎(Quercus semicarpifolia)组成的阔叶林下的草本植物群落动态及植物生物量。随着海拔高度的上升,3种森林的林分密度及生物量明显下降。在所有研究样地中,白橡林密度和生物量最大。在两个不同方位研究地,草本植物平均密度明显不同,表现为在西向坡地的草本植物密度较大。在各研究地点,总生物量随着海拔高度明显下降(p〈0.05),且白橡树林的总生物量最高。 相似文献