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A 14-year-old cow (Dawn) born and kept in a Boophilus microplus-free region gave birth to a calf, which showed the presence of an Anaplasma marginale infection after splenectomy. The calf's grand dam was from a B. microplus infected area and we assume the infection originated via the transplacental route over two generations. An isolate, prepared from the calf, had similar or lower pathogenicity as Anaplasma centrale, and previously exposed steers were resistant to challenge by four A. marginale field isolates. Two attempts to transmit the isolate using B. microplus were unsuccessful. Our results indicate that Dawn A. marginale may be a useful vaccine in Australia and warrants larger scale validation of its safety and potency locally as well as of the protection it affords against African and New World isolates.  相似文献   

The dynamics of natural infections by Anaplasma marginale was studied in two adjacent dairy farms with different levels of Boophilus microplus infestation. The farms were located in the enzootic area of bovine anaplasmosis of the Northwest of Argentina. The study was carried out in 35 calves from birth in March-August 1985 to March 1986. The infection rate by A. marginale was evaluated by the observation of blood films and by determination of specific antibodies. The degree of infestation by B. microplus was also evaluated. The tick was found all over the year in farm A with peaks of 100 and 95% of infested calves in October and January, respectively. In farm B, B. microplus was found only in December and January with a maximum of 50% of infested calves. Natural infections by A. marginale started in June until the end of the study when 89% (farm A) and 81% (farm B) of the calves proved to be infected. According to the active serological reactors, the rate rose to a maximum of 85% (farm A) and 81% (farm B) at the end of the study. It is remarkable that 69% of primo-infections by A. marginale in farm B occurred when B. microplus was absent. Moreover, no direct relationship between the peaks of tick infestation and primo-infections with the rickettsie was detected in farm A. The authors concluded that B. microplus could have less importance in the transmission of A. marginale than previously assumed under the local conditions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the innate resistance of and transmission in naive Bos taurus cross Bos indicus and purebred Bos indicus cattle when placed in a paddock with cattle infected with Anaplasma marginale and carrying Boophilus microplus ticks. DESIGN: A group of 49 purebred B indicus, and 48 B indicus cross B taurus (50%, F1 generation) 24-month-old steers were kept in the same paddock with cattle artificially infected with a virulent isolate of A marginale and Boophilus microplus. The cattle were seronegative for A marginale at the start of the trial but had previously been exposed to Babesia bovis and B bigemina. PROCEDURE: Cattle were inspected twice weekly for 118 days. Whole blood, blood smears and serum samples were collected from the cattle on day 37 after exposure and then at regular intervals to day 83 after exposure to measure packed-cell volumes, parasitaemias and antibody titres to A marginale. Any animals that met preset criteria were treated for anaplasmosis. On day 83 all cattle were treated with an acaricide and cattle infected with A marginale were removed from the rest of the group. RESULTS: A marginale was detected in blood smears from 14 crossbred and 9 B indicus steers between days 56 and 72 after exposure. Five and two of the infected crossbred and B indicus steers required treatment, respectively. One of the Bos indicus cattle died as a result of the A marginale infection despite treatment. Antibodies to A marginale were detected in the 23 infected cattle. The mean packed-cell volume depression was 40 and 37% in the affected crossbred and Bos indicus groups, respectively. There was no significant difference detected in susceptibility between these two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Innate resistance of purebred B indicus and crossbred cattle was not significantly different. The results confirm that purebred B indicus and crossbred cattle are sufficiently susceptible to warrant the use of vaccination against Anaplasma infections.  相似文献   

Ticks often cluster at preferred feeding sites on hosts, and the co-feeding of ticks at the same site has been shown to increase feeding success and the transmission of some pathogens. While the major route of infection of ticks with pathogens is via the bloodmeal during feeding on a parasitemic host, non-systemic transmission of viruses and spirochetes has been shown to occur from infected to uninfected ticks at common feeding sites on uninfected hosts. In this research, two separate studies were done using the tick-borne rickettsial pathogen of cattle, Anaplasma marginale. In one study we tested whether A. marginale could be transmitted non-systemically from infected to uninfected Dermacentor variabilis males while co-feeding on rabbits. Infection of ticks was determined by allowing them to transmission feed on susceptible cattle and by DNA probe and microscopy studies on salivary glands. In the second study, we tested whether the co-feeding of male and female ticks on parasitemic cattle would increase the acquisition and development of A. marginale in males. A. marginale infections in salivary glands were determined by quantitative PCR after the ticks were allowed to transmission feed on susceptible cattle. Non-systemic transmission of A. marginale did not occur from infected and uninfected ticks that fed at the same site on rabbits and, therefore, does not appear to be a means of A. marginale transmission. A. marginale infections in male ticks were not increased while co-feeding with females. Thus, co-feeding of adult Dermacentor spp. does not appear to influence the dynamics of A. marginale transmission.  相似文献   

Isolate of Anaplasma marginale not transmitted by ticks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The tick-borne transmissibility of 2 isolates of Anaplasma marginale was compared. Dermacentor variabilis were exposed to A marginale as nymphs by feeding on 1 of 4 splenectomized calves during periods of ascending parasitemia (maximum 49% to 81% parasitized erythrocytes) induced by injection of a stabilate. Tick-borne transmission was attempted, using 26 to 224 adult ticks within 30 to 220 days after molting. Adult D variabilis did not transmit an Illinois isolate of A marginale in 7 tick-borne transmission experiments (P = 0.0047), including 2 experiments in which calves were inoculated IV with homogenates of adult ticks. In contrast, a Virginia isolate of A marginale was readily transmitted by the same tick colony. Thus, previously reported morphologic and immunologic differences among A marginale isolates may extend to tick-borne transmissibility. The Virginia and Illinois A marginale isolates had an inclusion appendage that was not a marker for tick transmissibility.  相似文献   

The development of Anaplasma marginale was studied in Dermacentor andersoni nymphs after they had fed on a calf with ascending Anaplasma infection. Gut tissues were collected on day 4 of tick feeding, from newly replete (fed) nymphs and on postfeeding days (PFD) 5, 10, 15, 20, and were processed for light and electron microscopy to determine density of A marginale colonies. Homogenates of gut tissues were prepared from nymphs collected on the same days and inoculated into susceptible, splenectomized calves to test for infectivity. Anaplasma colonies were detected in gut cells on PFD 5, 10, 15, and 20. Although colony density appeared to be higher on PFD 10 and 15, differences were not significant. Nymphal type-1 colonies were detected in highest numbers on PFD 5 and 10, transitional colonies were seen in highest numbers at PFD 10 and 15, and nymphal type-2 colonies were observed only on PFD 20. Gut homogenates that were collected from ticks at 4 days of feeding, when newly replete, and on PFD 20 caused anaplasmosis when injected into susceptible calves, but homogenates made from ticks collected on PFD 5, 10, and 15 were not infective. The data indicate that of the colony types of A marginale that develop in replete nymphs, nymphal type-1 and transitional colonies may contain organisms that are not infective for cattle.  相似文献   

Since the 1983 summer outbreak of anaplasmosis in southern Saskatchewan, the role of the tick, Dermacentor andersoni as an overwintering reservoir for Anaplasma marginale has been questioned. The purpose of this study was to determine if spring-collected ticks carried virulent A. marginale. Sixteen splenectomized calves were assigned randomly to two groups of 14 principals and two controls. Adult D. andersoni, collected in April from areas having high transmission rates of A. marginale, were confined to the ears of the principals by special bags and allowed to feed for eight days. The two control calves were subsequently challenged intravenously with blood from a calf infected with the Virginia strain of A. marginale. Principals and controls were monitored for 60 and 50 days postexposure respectively for signs of infection by clinical, hematological and serological procedures. None of the principals developed anaplasmosis but both control calves developed signs of disease.  相似文献   

The tick-borne pathogen, Anaplasma marginale, has a complex life cycle involving ruminants and ixodid ticks. It causes bovine anaplasmosis, a disease with significant economic impact on cattle farming worldwide. The obligate intracellular growth requirement of the bacteria poses a challenging obstacle to their genetic manipulation, a problem shared with other prokaryotes in the genera Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, and Rickettsia. Following our successful transformation of the human anaplasmosis agent, A. phagocytophilum, we produced plasmid constructs (a transposon bearing plasmid, pHimarAm-trTurboGFP-SS, and a transposase expression plasmid, pET28Am-trA7) designed to mediate random insertion of the TurboGFP and spectinomycin/streptomycin resistance genes by the Himar1 allele A7 into the A. marginale chromosome. In these trans constructs, expression of the fluorescent and the selectable markers on the transposon, and expression of the transposase are under control of the A. marginale tr promoter. Constructs were co-electroporated into A. marginale St. Maries purified from tick cell culture, and bacteria incubated for 2 months under selection with a combination of spectinomycin and streptomycin. At that time, ≤1% of tick cells contained colonies of brightly fluorescent Anaplasma, which eventually increased to infect about 80–90% of the cells. Cloning of the insertion site in E. coli and DNA sequence analyses demonstrated insertion of the entire plasmid pHimarAm-trTurboGFP-SS encoding the transposon in frame into the native tr region of A. marginale in an apparent single homologous crossover event not mediated by the transposase. Transformants are fastidious and require longer subculture intervals than wild type A. marginale. This result suggests that A. marginale, as well as possibly other species of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia, can be transformed using a strategy of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

Major surface protein 1 (MSP1) of the cattle pathogen Anaplasma marginale (Rickettsiales: Anaplasmataceae) is a complex of two proteins, MSP1a and MSP1b. Previous studies demonstrated that MSP1a and MSP1b are adhesins for bovine erythrocytes, while only MSP1a proved to be an adhesin for tick cells. In this study, a tick cell culture system for propagation of A. marginale was used to develop an infection inhibition assay for testing the ability of antisera to block infection of A. marginale for cultured tick cells. A. marginale derived from cell culture was incubated with various antisera prior to inoculation onto cell monolayers. The monolayers were harvested 7 days post-inoculation and A. marginale in the cultures was quantified using an antigen detection ELISA. Antisera tested in the infection inhibition assay were derived from persistently infected cattle, from cattle immunized with A. marginale purified from bovine erythrocytes, and from rabbits and cattle that were immunized with the recombinant MSP1a, MSP1b and MSP1 complex. Antibodies from cattle persistently infected with A. marginale, cattle immunized with A. marginale from bovine erythrocytes or cattle immunized with the recombinant MSP1 complex did not inhibit the infectivity of A. marginale for tick cells. Antiserum from rabbits immunized with MSP1a and MSP1b (individually or combined) reduced infection of both the Virginia and Oklahoma isolates of A. marginale for tick cells by 25-70%. Likewise, antisera from cattle immunized with recombinant MSP1a or MSP1b inhibited infection of tick cells by 26-37%. These results further confirm the role of MSP1 complex proteins in infection of tick cells. Lack of inhibition of infection by antisera from naturally infected cattle or cattle immunized with whole organisms suggests that the bovine immune response is not directed toward blocking infection of A. marginale for tick cells and may contribute to the continued infectivity of the pathogen for ticks.  相似文献   

During feeding of ticks of the species Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, most of the proteins in salivary gland extracts (SGEs) remained unchanged from the unfed to the fully fed state (from day 1 to day 7 of the experiment), as revealed by SDS-PAGE. However, a 45-kDa protein band disappeared and 26-, 32- and 33-kDa bands appeared when feeding commenced. Some of the protein bands changed their intensity. When probed with anti-H. anatolicum anatolicum hyperimmune sera, transblotted SGE proteins of unfed H. anatolicum anatolicum and Hyalomma dromedarii revealed two common bands of 105 and 80 kDa. A 36-kDa protein band present in H. anatolicum anatolicum SGE could not be detected in H. dromedarii. None of these proteins were detected in partly fed Boophilus microplus when probed with anti-H. anatolicum anatolicum hyperimmune serum. This H. anatolicum anatolicum specific 36-kDa protein was strongly recognized throughout feeding, and thus may be an immunogen of importance for the development of an H. anatolicum anatolicum specific serodiagnostic assay.  相似文献   

The cattle rickettsia Anaplasma marginale is distributed worldwide and is transmitted by about 20 tick species, but only Rhipicephalus simus, a strictly African tick species, has been shown to transmit the vaccine strain of A. centrale. The aim of the present study was to examine transmission of field strains of A. marginale and of the vaccine strain of A. centrale by three tick species -Hyalomma excavatum, Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) annulatus - to susceptible calves. Two genetically distinct Israeli field strains of A. marginale, tailed and non-tailed (AmIsT and AmIsNT, respectively), were efficiently transmitted by R. sanguineus, whereas H. excavatum transmitted only the tailed isolate, and R. (Boophilus) annulatus did not transmit A. marginale. None of the three tick species transmitted A. centrale. By means of msp1a primers in PCR assays, amplicons of similar sizes were obtained from either A. marginale-infected calves that were used for acquisition feeding, from R. sanguineus fed on the infected calves, or from calves to which anaplasmosis had been successfully transmitted by these ticks. Although an A. centrale-specific fragment was amplified from salivary glands of R. sanguineus, no transmission to susceptible cattle occurred during 3 months of observation, and anaplasmosis was not induced in splenectomized calves that were subinoculated with blood from calves on which R. sanguineus had fed.  相似文献   

Anaplasma marginale is the etiological agent of anaplasmosis, a tick-transmitted disease with an important economic impact that affects cattle throughout the world. Although, North American isolates of A. marginale and their antigens have been extensively studied, relatively little information is available on the antigenic composition of South American isolates. The characterization of diverse geographical isolates of A. marginale will result in a thorough antigenic profile and may lead to the identification of additional diagnostic and immunoprophylactic tools. Short-term cultures of a Venezuelan isolate (Ta) of A. marginale were maintained for up to 13 days in vitro. During that period, the A. marginale remained viable and were propagated in the bovine erythrocyte culture system. During the initial days of culture, cell division and reinvasion were evidenced by a significant rise in parasitemia up to a 50%. A. marginale antigens were identified by metabolic labeling with (35S) methionine, followed by fractionation and immunoprecipitation with homologous and heterologous bovine sera. This yielded a complete antigenic set for the Ta isolate of A. marginale, including soluble, secreted and corpuscular polypeptide antigens. Fifteen immunodominant polypeptides were recognized by the bovine sera in the soluble and corpuscular fractions with relative molecular weights of 200, 150, 100-110, 86, 60, 50, 47, 40, 37, 33, 31, 25, 23, 19 and 16kDa. Seven polypeptides were present in the exoantigen fraction. The 31 and 19kDa antigens were recognized by the ANAR76A1 and ANAF16C1 monoclonal antibodies, respectively which are specific for MSP-4 and MSP-5 from North American isolates of A. marginale. Metabolic labeling with (14C) glucosamine prior to immunoprecipitation with bovine sera allowed the identification of glycoprotein antigens of 200, 100-150, 60, 55, 50, 45-43, 37, 33, 31, 22, 19 and 16kDa in the soluble fraction.  相似文献   

Anaplasmosis can be diagnosed either by immunological techniques or by direct microscopic examination of blood smears. Both methods are time-consuming and labour intensive. The use of DNA probes in an hybridization assay may simplify the diagnosis of anaplasmosis in cattle and sheep. A genomic DNA library of Anaplasma centrale was constructed in an expression vector and screened to detect clones containing A. centrale DNA. Four probes which hybridized to A. centrale and Anaplasma marginale DNA were isolated. One of these (AC-1) hybridized only to A. centrale DNA, whereas AC-2, AC-3 and AC-4 could detect DNA from both A. centrale and A. marginale. Probes AC-1 and AC-2 could detect 127 ng and 8 ng DNA respectively, while AC-3 and AC-4 detected 64 ng A. centrale DNA.  相似文献   

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