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为了全面掌握当前我国捕捞业渔具渔法现状,加强和规范渔具渔法管理,推进捕捞渔具准入制度研究,建立渔具准用目录,日前,农业部办公厅向各省(区、市)渔业主管厅(局)、各海区渔政局以及流域渔业资源管理委员会发出通知,准备在全国范围内开展捕捞业渔具渔法调查工作。  相似文献   

福建海洋渔具、渔法的沿革历史悠久,据《福建渔业史》载:“明朝(1368—1644年)福建的渔业有许多新的发展。其中最主要有三个方面:一是海水养殖业的崛起;二是远洋渔业有长足发展;三是渔具的改进”。但由于历代社会经济发展缓慢,生产力水平较低,加上战争及海盗掠夺,使海洋捕捞业进步很慢,直到1949年全省海洋捕捞产量仅达34500吨,占全省水产产量51%。中华人民共和国成立后,变革旧的生产关系,开始有领导地开展捕捞业技术改造,  相似文献   

当今我们所经营的捕捞渔业,仍然是一种狩猎型的渔业,只是单纯地通过渔法、渔具对天然生长的水产生物进行采捕。因而,所谓捕捞渔业的发展与进步,主要地是渔法、渔具的改善和进步。但是到了今天这种狩猎型的传统捕捞业已陷于进退维谷的境地。主要表现有如下三个状况:  相似文献   

南海区是我国最大的海区,地处热带亚热带海域,渔业资源种类繁多,渔具渔法多种多样。小型渔具渔法是南海区海洋渔具渔法的一个组成部分。由中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所杨吝研究员等人撰著的《南海区海洋小型渔具渔法》作为2002年出版的《南海区海洋渔具渔法》的续集,于2007年11月由广东科技出版社正式出版。《南海区海洋小型渔具渔法》基于近5年来的调查研究结果撰著而成,主要介绍我国南海三省(区)海洋渔业代表性小型渔具(包括近年来开发的一些新颖小型渔具)及其渔法。全书共分13章,第1~12章分别介绍了12类代表性渔具的结构特点、装配…  相似文献   

2010年6~7月,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所和河北省水产研究所共同对环黄渤海3省1市沿海一线的陷阱类渔具渔法进行了调查,根据网具结构、作业方式和主要捕捞对象分类,本次共调查到陷阱类渔具2类6种。现根据调查资料把陷阱类渔具渔法的现状整理成文,并针对当前的陷阱类现状进行了分析,提出了一些见解,以备有关人员参考。  相似文献   

江苏沿海银鱼捕捞业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银鱼及衍生品主要来自淡水湖泊、水库,迄今未见海栖型银鱼资源开发利用的公开报道。文章综述了江苏中部沿海近年来新兴的银鱼捕捞产业,介绍了银鱼渔场、渔汛、渔具渔法和生产效益,并对渔具类别进行界定。  相似文献   

俄罗斯大力开发秋刀鱼Coloabis saira(Brevoort)捕捞新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俄罗斯最新开发的“降落伞式”尾拖渔网和工作母船投入使用后给西北太平洋及远东地区的秋刀鱼捕捞业注入了新的活力,使俄罗斯在这一地区的秋刀鱼捕捞量大幅上升,尽管这种渔法不同凡响,但就其40万吨左右的总可捕量而言,秋刀鱼捕捞仍有相当大的商业潜力,所以俄罗斯的科研人员和海洋渔业公司都在积极地开发研制新型的渔具渔法。  相似文献   

近十余年来,辽宁省的淡水捕捞事业有了很大的发展,各地渔业工作者不仅完善与发展了原有的渔具渔法,而且还不断吸取国内外先进经验,引进和试验了不少新的渔具渔法,从而使我省淡水捕捞的渔具渔法进入了一个新阶段。纵观全省所使用的各种淡水渔具渔法,几乎包括了淡水渔具渔法的全部分。  相似文献   

<正> 长江流域淡水捕捞在全国占有重要的地位,根据若干具有代表性年份的淡水捕捞量计算,占全国淡水捕捞量的57.08~65.38%。长江流域河川交错,湖泊、水库众多,并有着种类繁多的适合鱼类习性和各种不同水域环境的渔具渔法。一、主要渔具渔法及发展近况 1966年,长江水产研究所等编写的《长江流域渔具渔法渔船调查报告》(以下简称《报告》)介绍了具有代表性的渔具渔法  相似文献   

渔具立法刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 渔具是渔业行政依法管理的对象之一,因此对渔具不仅要从技术角度去认识,也要从法律角度去认识,并进而完善渔具立法。本文就此刍议,不妥之处,敬请指正。1 渔具现状 我国水域广阔、捕捞业历史悠久,发展至今已有刺、围、拖、曳、张、赶、箔、钓、电等众多渔具。这些渔具在实用中必然发生一定的法律关系,概括地说有如下特点:1.1 良莠不齐 有好的渔具,也有不好的,如电、毒、炸之类的毁灭性渔具、渔法。1.2 优劣并存 如箔筌渔具和近年出现的“地笼网”,具有节省劳力的优点,但前者网目过小时对渔业资源常有严重破坏,后者因水下作业便于在禁渔期隐蔽偷捕,对渔业资  相似文献   

A variety of gears and analytical methods can be used to characterise lentic fish assemblages; however, the combined influence of gear type and analysis can affect conclusions about assemblage patterns. Fish assemblages sampled with night electric fishing, gillnets and trapnets from 153 lakes were evaluated using summary indices of species composition, pairwise community similarity comparisons and multivariate ordination. For a given amount of effort, electric fishing had the highest species richness, while gillnets had higher diversity and evenness. Pairwise comparisons between gears revealed that (1) richness was positively correlated among all gears, (2) diversity and evenness were generally not correlated across gears and (3) electric fishing and trapnets captured more similar species than all other pairwise comparisons. Gear‐specific multivariate correlation and ordination revealed that gillnet and electric fishing samples more similarly characterised variation in assemblages among lakes, while trapnets characterised assemblages along different gradients of species composition. These results indicate that either electric fishing or trapnetting can be used when assessing shallow‐water assemblages for diversity or evenness, gillnets and either electric fishing or trapnets should be used for whole‐lake assessments, and either gillnets or electric fishing should be used when evaluating regionwide variation in lake assemblages.  相似文献   

利用几何相似原理将传统的过滤性渔具选择性曲线转化为选择性曲面。运用选择性方程,并假设不同网目大小的渔具对相同尺寸渔获个体的渔获服从多项分布后,对过滤性渔具的网目选择性建立模型。使用极大似然估计法对模型进行拟合,同时,通过假设检验对模型进行简化。使用平行作业法试验条件下的张网渔具的黄鲫(Setipinrm taty)渔获数据进行模型拟合。结果显示,所建模型可以在没有对照网的情况下估算出各不同网目大小网囊的选择率,并同样适用于套网法试验条件下的选择性分析。模型的建立为今后进行过滤性渔具网目选择性试验方法改革提供了理论参考。通过与SELECT模型比较,认为模型使用选择性方程并区分渔获能力和捕捞努力量使得模型更具普遍性。  相似文献   

辽宁省海洋渔具渔法结构调整的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据辽宁省海洋捕捞产量的统计资料,运用灰色关联法分析了拖网、围网、流刺网、钓具、定置网5种主要渔具渔法的产量与海洋捕捞总产量的关联度,运用改进的层次分析法确定了5种主要渔具渔法产量的权重。结果表明,海洋捕捞产量与定置网、拖网的产量的关联度高,与围网、钓具和流刺网的产量关联度低;拖网、围网、流刺网、钓具、定置网产量的计算权重分别约为23.3%、16.1%、31.1%、20.4%、9.1%。对辽宁省渔具渔法产量结构调整进行了讨论。  相似文献   

黄渤海区拖网渔具综合定性调查及特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2010年6~7月,对黄渤海区沿海一线的32个主要渔港渔村和5家网具生产厂的拖网渔具渔法情况进行了综合定性调查(访问)和定量(测量)研究,调查分析了拖网渔具的作业原理、渔期、渔场、渔具配比、渔船功率等及网口周长、网衣总长、网口网目尺寸、囊网最小网目尺寸等现状。结果表明,环黄渤海区共有各种类型的拖网船25000余艘;小型拖网渔船比例高达80%,主要分布在渤海海域和黄海的部分近岸海域。共调查到34种拖网网型,分别为:有翼单囊单船小型底拖网7种,有翼单囊单船小型浮拖网1种,有翼单囊双船小型底拖网1种,有翼单囊双船小型浮拖网两种,单船桁杆多囊拖网1种,单船桁杆、框架单囊拖网5种,有翼单囊单船中型底拖网5种,有翼单囊单船大型底拖网两种,有翼单囊单船大、中型浮拖网两种,有翼单囊双船中型底拖网3种和有翼单囊双船大、中型浮拖网5种。拖网捕捞强度大大超出渔业资源承受能力,渔获物品种低值、幼小;生计渔业与商业捕捞矛盾突出。翼网和网口网目尺寸大型化、囊网网目尺寸小型化,整个网具大型化;最大网型翼网网目尺寸16000mm,网口网目尺寸15000mm,网口周长840m,网衣总长长度170m,囊网最小网目尺寸40~45mm或18~20m...  相似文献   

Gillnets and traps often are considered to have fewer holistic environmental impacts than active fishing gears. However, in addition to the targeted catches, gillnets and traps still cause unwanted mortalities due to (i) discarding, (ii) ghost fishing of derelict gear, (iii) depredation, (iv) escaping or dropping out of gear, (v) habitat damage, and potentially (vi) avoiding gear and predation and (vii) infection of injuries sustained from most of the above. Population‐level concerns associated with such ‘unaccounted fishing mortalities’ from gillnets and traps have been sufficient to warrant numerous attempts at mitigation. In this article, we reviewed relevant research efforts, locating 130 studies in the primary literature that concomitantly quantified mortalities and their resolution through technical modifications, with the division of effort indicating ongoing concerns. Most studies (85) have focused on discard mortality, followed by ghost‐fishing (24), depredation (10) and escape (8) mortalities. The remaining components have been poorly studied (3). All problematic mortality components are affected by key biological (e.g. species), technical (e.g. fishing mechanisms) and/or environmental (e.g. temperature) factors. We propose that these key factors should be considered as part of a strategy to reduce impacts of these gears by first assessing modifications within and then beyond conventional configurations, followed by changes to operational and handling practices. Justification for this three‐tiered approach is based not only on the potential for cumulative reduction benefits, but also on the likely ease of adoption, legislation and compliance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Research on ghost fishing became active in the late 1980s. Ghost fishing has been confirmed for traps, gillnets, trammel-nets and small seine nets. Some lost traps are functional for a long period of time, even in shallow waters. Consequences for gillnets after loss depend on seabed conditions. The ghost fishing function of gillnets remaining on flat seabeds declines rapidly with decreasing heights and increasing visibility. Gillnets left tangled around an artificial reef, for example, three-dimensionally maintain the initial magnitude of ghost fishing for a long period of time, even after badly fouled. There are increasing numbers of researches working on the total number of mortality per gear after gear loss for gillnets and trammel-nets. It has become also possible to estimate the total number of mortality for a unit period of time in a certain fishing sector. This paper reviews research which has provided evidence and quantitative data on ghost fishing, and proposes five items important for future studies on ghost fishing.  相似文献   

为解决涉海工程深水渔业资源评估的问题,于2014~2015年在南海北部局部海域开展底拖网与灯光罩网联合调查渔业资源活动。结果表明:在深水区底拖网渔获组成与灯光罩网有明显的不同,并受到季节与海域的影响(P0.05)。拖网渔获物中鱼类平均占渔获总尾数的93.36%,头足类占3.53%,甲壳类占3.11%;灯光罩网渔获物中鱼类平均占渔获总尾数的63.33%,头足类占36.65%,甲壳类占0.02%。两种调查的相同渔获物1~6种,主要为鱼类和头足类,在拖网中所占比值较低,平均占渔获总尾数的2.07%,而在灯光罩网中比值极高,平均占渔获总尾数的67.03%。灯光罩网与底拖网调查的渔业资源密度直接比值平均为0.06,灯光罩网与底拖网扣除相同渔获种类后的资源密度比值平均为0.06,相应的质量密度直接比值平均为0.62,扣除相同渔获种类后的比值平均为0.67。研究认为,深水海域的渔业资源量应该是两种渔具调查结果之和,对两种渔具调查中出现的相同渔获物,宜取其评估数据的平均值。由于各站点调查结果差异较大,采用所有站点的平均值来计算评估海域的损害赔偿较为合适。建议对SC/T9110-2007技术规程修订,规范中上层渔业资源调查方法。  相似文献   

本文报道了将萤光网线应用在光诱鱿鱼敷网的底网网衣及其近网口部位的试验,结果表明,这种做法能扩大该网具作业区域内的有效集鱼范围,提高诱引捕捞对象入网的效果。根据对2000年7月-2000年10月的海上生产472网次对比资料统计及比较:萤光网的夜平均产量增加10.6%,夜平均产值增加12.1%以上;由于渔场作业水深不同、渔获组成不同和捕捞对象不同,萤光网的捕捞效应也发生变化。本文还讨论了不同捕捞对象的趋光性能和背景光的影响等问题。  相似文献   

Gear-based management for coral reef fisheries is often overlooked in the scientific literature. Empirical studies have demonstrated the conservation benefits of gear-restricted areas (i.e. prohibiting fishing gears), which can support greater biomass than unrestricted areas and protect species that play key functional roles. However, population dynamics of functional feeding groups of reef fishes under specific gear-restriction regimes remains uncertain. Here, we constructed a multi-species, length-based fisheries model to observe relative biomass and catch of reef fishes under various gear-restriction management scenarios. We used fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data to determine the catchability of functional groups and selectivity of size classes for hook-and-line, net and spear fishing, which are widely used gear types on coral reefs globally. Our model revealed trade-offs involved with gear-restriction management such that no single management strategy was able to maximize biomass or catch of all functional groups simultaneously. Also, we found that spear fishing (i.e. prohibiting hook-and-line and net fishing) maintained the highest total biomass summed across functional groups, whilst hook-and-line fishing (i.e. prohibiting net and spear fishing) and a ban on spears maintained the lowest biomass. However, hook-and-line fishing generated the highest catch-per-unit-effort. Our model results were primarily driven by differential growth rates, maximum per capita production of recruits, and catchability of functional groups targeted by each fishing gear. We demonstrate that gear restrictions can be a critical management tool for maintaining biomass and catch of certain functional groups but will likely require additional management to protect all key functional feeding groups of coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

刺网网目尺寸对南海区金线鱼选择性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金线鱼刺网是南海区的主要渔具之一。根据近年来世界上刺网选择性研究常用的最大似然法原理,应用Normal、Gamma和Lognormal3种常用的刺网选择性曲线模型,对1992年在南海区进行的45、50、55和60mm网目尺寸金线鱼刺网捕鱼比较试验的渔获资料作了分析。结果表明,南海区金线鱼刺网的选择性最适合用Log normal模型曲线公式描述。  相似文献   

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