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Abstract. Changes in blood properties and the chemical components, histology and isometric twitch tension of lateral muscle were studied in carp, Cyprinus carpio L., showing clinical signs of sekoke disease induced by a diet containing oxidized oil. When compared to normal fish, sekoke fish were found to have significantly lower mean blood pH, haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and muscle water content. However, plasma lactate, lipoperoxide and total lipid concentrations were significantly higher in sekoke fish. It was found that in sekoke fish the maximum tension and the number of isometric twitches leading to complete fatigue of lateral muscle were greatly reduced. Histological studies confirmed that these reductions were related to the degree of structural damage within this tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mechanism of protection against Aeromonas hydrophila infection in carp was studied. Recipient fish, into which pronephric cells from carp previously immunized by dipping in bacterial crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) at 25°C for 2h were transferred, demonstrated almost the same level of protective ability as an immunized control group. The protective ability was transmitted by non-adherent (to nylon fibre) immune pronephric cells. These non-adherent cells were damaged by anti-carp thymocyte serum and were, thus, considered to be T-like cells. The protective ability was depressed in immunized carp treated with anti-carp thymocyte serum in vivo and was also remarkably reduced in immunized carp whose macrophage function was impaired by Dextran sulphate-500 treatment. These results indicate that the protection shown by carp immunized by dipping in crude LPS is dependent on cellular immunity regulated by a T-like cell-macrophage system.  相似文献   

Abstract. The efficacy of 10 polysaccharides (curdlan, inulin, krestin, laminaran, lentinan, levan, schizophylian, selerogiucan, yeast glucan and zymosan) to enhance protection of carp, Cyprinus carpio L., against bacterial infection was investigated. Carp were intraperitoneally injected with the polysaceharides (2–l0 mgkg-1) on days 1 and 4, and challenged with Edwardsiella tarda on day 7. Among the polysaccharides tested, lentinan, schizophyllan and scleroglucan, which are l,6-branchcd-β-l,3-glucans, significantly increased the survival rate. They also induced a protective effect against Aeromonas hydrophila at a dose of 5 mg kg-1. The ability of the polysaccharides to activate the alternative complement pathway (ACP) was examined by incubating the polysaccharides with carp serum and measuring the residual ACP activity. At a final concentration of 0.l mgml-1, l,6-branched-β-1,3-glucans greatly reduced (76–77%) the ACP activity. Therefore, it is suggested that the protective effect of the l,6-branched-β-1,3-glucans may be associated with the activation of ACP.  相似文献   

Abstract. The lysine requirements of fingerling carp, Cyprinus carpio L., for optimum growth and efficiency of food utilization were determined in two experiments by the addition of graded supplements of lysine to a basal diet deficient in this amino acid.
The lysine requirement was estimated to be around 14.5 g/kg dry matter at an ambient temperature of 20°C. At 25°C continuing growth responses occurred up to a dietary lysine concentration of 22.4 g/kg DM. However, when these responses are considered in relation to daily lysine intake, the gross efficiency of utilization of dietary lysine for growth appeared to be unaffected by environmental temperature.
Dietary lysine concentrations exerted no consistent effect upon carcass composition of carp. However, fat deposition tended to increase as food intakes increased in response to lysine additions or to elevated ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Storage of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., eggs for short durations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, a short-term storage of pre-activated eggs of the Japanese ornamental (koi) carp, Cyprinus carpio L., at three different temperature regimes is reported. Koi eggs were stored at low temperatures (6-9oC), at variable or high temperatures (12-31C) and at moderate-stable temperatures (20-24.5oC). Survival of the developing embryos was examined at the first and the second day post-activation, and in hatch-out larvae. Survival was calculated for each treatment by linear regression Y = a-bX (P± 0.01), except for eggs incubated at temperature of about 20 C(P > 0.1).The specific mortality index (b/a 100), as a ratio between the mortality rate (b) and the fertilization rate (a), indicated that the highest mortality is associated with the high and unstable storage temperatures, while the lowest mortality is with the moderate and stable storage temperatures. Eggs can be stored at moderate and stable temperatures for a maximal duration of 6h, yielding survival of hatch-out larvae higher than 50%. In two trials, fertilization potency of sperm stored in a domestic refrigerator (5-9oC) for 5h, was compared with freshly stripped sperm and no differences in fertilization rates were found between the two treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract. The degree of resistance to an atypical strain of Aeromonas salmonicida , the causative bacterium of carp erythrodermatitis, was examined in two strains of carp, Cyprinus carpio L.: a Polish line. R3, sixth generation of conventional inbreeding (full-sib matings); and a Hungarian line. R8, fifth generation of conventional inbreeding. Comparisons were made between and within the two strains. Results showed a significant difference ( P < 0·001) in the degree of resistance, with the Hungarian carp showing greater resistance than the Polish carp. Differences within each strain were also observed indicating a maternal influence on resistance. Two transferrin genotypes in three genetic combinations were identified (DD, DG, GG) but were not found to influence resistance.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of carp, Cyprinus carpio L., was investigated on the regression of papilloma which had been induced in carp experimentally infected with Herpesvirus cyprini (CHV). The regression of the papilloma was delayed in carp injected with anti-carp PBL serum. In addition, the spontaneous cytotoxic activity of PBL derived from normal carp was suppressed by injection with anti-carp PBL serum. These results suggest that the spontaneous cytotoxic activity of carp PBL plays an important role in the regression of carp papilloma.  相似文献   

Abstract. Vaccination with crude lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced better protection against infection with Aeromonas hydrophila in carp than vaccination with formalin killed vaccine. Dipping fish in vaccine for 2 h at 25°C was more effective than intraperitoneal injection of the vaccine in procedural simplicity, lower stress loading and the degree of protection acquired. In carp immunized with crude LPS by the dip method, antibodies were not detected by bacteriai agglutination, passive haemagglutination and the agar diffusion tests. The results indicate that the protection against A. hydrophila infection in carp is not dependent on humoral immunity.  相似文献   

Koi herpesvirus (KHV) poses a significant threat to cultured koi and common carp, both Cyprinus carpio L. Since the first reported case in Israel in 1998, KHV has rapidly spread worldwide. This study investigates the spread of KHV to Taiwan by collecting 49 cases of suspected common carp and koi infections from 2003 to 2005 for analysis. Clinical signs included lethargy, anorexia, increased respiratory movements and uncoordinated swimming. Hyperaemia, haemorrhage on body surface and necrotic gill filaments were recorded. Gill epithelial hyperplasia, necrosis and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were observed by histological examination, while virions were detected using transmission electron microscopy. By detecting the presence of the KHV thymidine kinase (TK) gene and the KHV 9/5 gene using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 37 cases were identified as KHV-positive, and the cumulative mortality of infected fish was 70-100%. Positive cases showed identical sequences for the genes analysed, implying that they were of the same origin. For the KHV 9/5 gene sequence, these cases exhibited 100% identity with the Japanese strain (TUMST1, accession number AP008984) and 99% identity with the Israeli (KHV-I, DQ177346) and US (KHV-U, DQ657948) strains. Additionally, a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was performed and found to be more sensitive than PCR tests, suggesting its potential use as a rapid diagnostic method for KHV. This is the first epidemiological study of KHV infection in cultured common carp and koi in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Carp respond to water hypoxia with an evaluation in the rate of gill ventilation. In order to characterize closer the adequate stimulus for the increase in respiratory drive specimens of carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were exposed simultaneously to moderate environmental hypoxia (PwO2? 75mmHg, 10kPa) and elevated water nitrite concentration (089 ± 0-lmmol/l) for 24h. The differential effects of these treatments were utilized to distinguish between the responses to an immediate reduction in water and arterial Poa (P,O2), and to the slowly developing reduction of arterial oxygen content (CaO2) and functional oxygen saturation (SaO2). After onset of hypoxia gill ventilation quickly increased, leading to a reduction in PaCO2. Slowly rising blood methaemoglobin levels resulted in a gradual decline in CaO2 and SaO2 over 24h, whereas P002 remained steady for the entire exposure period. This pattern of lowered Paco2 and PaO2, essentially constant for 24 h, together with the lack of any correlation with changes in CaO2, suggests PO2 (Pa,O2 and/or Pwo2) as the primary stimulus in the regulation of ventilation of carp.  相似文献   

The effect of reproduction was investigated on females of Hungarian strain W, French strain F, and their cross‐breed 1X whose ovulation was stimulated with carp pituitary (0.3 mg kg?1and, after 12 h, 2.7 mg kg?1) or Ovopel (one‐fifth of a pellet per kg and, after 12 h, one pellet per kg). It was found that in the case of Ovopel treatment, the percentage of spawning females of strain F and the cross‐breed 1X was higher than in the hypophysed fish compared. The applied ovulation stimulators did not significantly affect the weight of obtained eggs, whereas the significant (P ≤ 0.01) effect was recorded with respect to the quality of eggs after 12‐, 24‐, 36‐ and 48‐h of incubation. After Ovopel stimulation, the quality of eggs was better. The origin of the females had no statistically significant effect on the weight of eggs although the yield of eggs from fish of strain W was much smaller than that from females of strain F and the 1X cross‐breed. The interaction between the ovulation stimulator and the provenance of the females was significant (P ≤ 0.05) for the percentage of live embryos after 48‐h of incubation of eggs. Eggs of the best quality (and highest weight) were obtained from fish of strain F and cross‐breed 1X treated with Ovopel. In females of strain F that spawned within 6 and 10 h after the second Ovopel injection, the effect of the ovulation time on the weight of eggs was non‐significant. It was significant with respect to the percentage of egg fertilization and of live embryos after 36‐h of incubation (P ≤ 0.01 and P ≤ 0.05 respectively). The better quality of eggs (and their higher weight) was recorded when this time was shorter.  相似文献   

Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a novel method that amplifies DNA with high specificity and rapidity under isothermal conditions. In this study, using the LAMP method, a protocol for koi herpes virus (KHV) detection in common carp was designed. A set of four primers, two inner and two outer, were designed based on the sequence of the thymidine kinase (tk) gene of KHV. Time and temperature conditions for detection of KHV were optimized for 60 min at 65 degrees C. The detection limit using LAMP was found to be similar to that by polymerase chain reaction. In this study, we have developed a highly sensitive and rapid diagnostic procedure for detection of KHV infection in common carp.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of sperm of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Milt of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. was cryopreserved in pellet form with the use of 12 extenders. Most efficient were: BE2 original extender (containing 85 mM NaCl, 50 mM KCl, 3 mm CaCl2, 1 mm MgCl2 with 10% dimethyl-acetamide (DMA) and 10% addition of hen's egg yolk) and Kurokura et al.'s extender with 15% DMA and 10% yolk (about 73% and 69% of eyed eggs, about 61% and 52% of swim-up larvae, respectively). Within the most effective treatments, survival from the eyed-egg stage to the swim-up stage was similar to that observed in the control group. Survival from the eyed-egg stage to the swim-up stage (percentage of eyed eggs was considered as 100%) was highly significantly and positively correlated with the actual rate of swim-up larvae.  相似文献   

Abstract. Epitheliocystis infections in the gills of carp from Israel and Portugal occurred in lining epithelial cells as well as mucus and chloride cells. Ultrastructural studies of infected cells revealed several morphological forms of epitheliocystis showing the existence of a pleomorphic developmental cycle. The following stages were observed: chlamydia-like round cells (RC), non-dividing round cells (NRC) and bullet-shaped small cells (SC). All these were identical in shape to RC and SC described from epitheliocystis of other fish, The rickettsia-like cells (PLC and ILC) which occur in epitheliocystis from other fish species and produce the SC were absent in carp epitheliocystis and instead the RC were seen transforming into SC. Transformation to SC, however, occurred at any stage of the developmental process, even before the replication potential of the RC was exhausted, i.e. before reaching the NRC stage.  相似文献   

Abstract. A large tegumental tumour was observed in a common carp from the pool of the Jardin des Plantes, Montpellier. The tumour was a fibroma characterized by centripetal fibrogenesis and intense calcification of the central region.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the differences in disease resistance against artificial infection with Aeromonas hydrophila between genetically different common carp families. Four strains differing in their origin and breeding history were selected from the live gene bank of common carp maintained at the Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI, Szarvas, Hungary) to establish families with wide genetic background: Szarvas 15 (15), an inbred mirror line; Tata (T) scaly noble carp; Duna (D), a Hungarian wild carp and Amur (A), an East Asian wild carp. A diallele mating structure was used to allow the assessment of genetic variation within and between the tested 96 families for a variety of traits. The existing technologies of fertilization and incubation of carp eggs, as well as larval and fingerling rearing had been modified because of the large number of baseline populations. Two challenge trials of the 96 families of carp with Aeromonas hydrophila were done. The 10 most resistant and 10 most susceptible families to A. hydrophila were identified from these two challenges. The crosses that produced the most resistant families were mainly those having parents from Tata and Szarvas 15 domesticated strains, while the most susceptible families were from the wild strains Duna and Amur.  相似文献   

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