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耕作及轮作对土壤氮素径流流失的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
5年轮作和1年水平沟耕作试验表明:在不同的坡度上,与传统耕作法相比,水平沟减少产流7%,径流液铵态氮浓度提高19%,流失量达到13.01kg/(km2·a),比传统耕作多流失1.11kg/(km2·a);径流硝态氮浓度减少27%,比传统耕作减少7.68kg/(km2·a);径流硝态氮流失减少量和铵态氮增加量相差6倍,水平沟可减少6.57kg/(km2·a)矿质氮流失;水平沟拦截泥沙25%左右,泥沙中全氮富集率提高13%,土壤全氮流失457kg/(km2·a),平均减少18%;一季黑豆和一季黄豆及两季黑豆和一季黄豆参与的5年轮作周期,土壤侵蚀量仅为896t/(km2·a)和984t/(km2·a),不及糜子和土豆参与轮作周期的1/2.  相似文献   

水蚀条件下硝酸铵施用对黄绵土氮素流失的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究结果表明不同坡度谷子地,高N处理小区径流中铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮浓度平均为1.06、0.76和1.82mg/kg,低N分别为0.64、1.29和1.93mg/kg;高氮处理土壤铵态氮、硝态氮和有效氮平均流失量分别达到17.90、12.93和30.84kg/(km2·a),低N流失量为11.90、23.86和35.77kg/(km2·a)。高氮处理小区泥沙中有机质和全氮浓度平均为5.21和0.536g/kg,而低氮处理分别为4.94和0.481g/kg;高氮和低氮处理土壤有机质流失量分别为5702和5743kg/(km2·a),土壤全氮流失量为498和559kg/(km2·a)  相似文献   

丹江口水库农业径流小区土壤氮磷流失特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对丹江口水库小流域雨季(2013年8月)观测的降雨—径流农业小区试验数据,分析不同种植作物下农田地表产流规律,研究土壤氮磷流失特征,为库区农业面源污染控制提供依据。结果表明,农业小区径流总磷(TP)含量在0.13~0.82mg/L之间,颗粒态磷(PP)占TP比例超过60%,径流中TSS与PP也呈现极显著相关(p0.01),表明磷素流失主要以颗粒态流失为主。径流总氮(TN)含量范围为0.7~4.7mg/L之间,TN流失量与硝态氮极显著相关(p0.01),径流中硝态氮占TN比例也超过了50%,表明硝态氮是地表径流无机氮流失的主要成分。25°玉米、15°荒地径流小区的氮流失率超过了1.5%、磷流失率超过了0.12%,高于其它类型的小区,可能与这2种小区高坡度、低植被覆盖度有关。土壤氮的流失风险要高于磷,是面源污染的主要控制目标。利用梯田种植作物,同时在坡地上形成相对较高的植被覆盖密度是减少这一地区土壤养分流失有效手段。  相似文献   

侵蚀条件下土壤氮素流失对土壤和环境的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
土壤侵蚀严重地影响土壤物理和化学性质,限制了作物生产;它对作物生产具有长期和短期效应,短期效应通过施肥和培肥土壤等措施可得到恢复,而长期效应在较短时间内很难得到弥补。土壤氮素随径流流失不仅造成土壤肥力退化,而且对人类生存的自然环境造成危害。  相似文献   

安徽省园地氮磷径流流失   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
茶园、桑园和葡萄园在安徽省分布面积较广,果园的施肥量一般较大,但利用率低,很大一部分氮、磷随地表径流流入水体,给水体污染带来严重威胁。研究安徽省园地径流氮磷流失规律,对于控制安徽省农业面源污染具有重要意义。研究采用径流池收集降雨径流的方法测算出安徽省园地在常规施肥条件下,总氮的年径流流失量为1.85~13.70kg/hm2,其中茶园为2.127kg/hm2,桑园为8.380kg/hm2,葡萄园为7.940kg/hm2;总磷的年径流流失量为0.202~1.770kg/hm2,其中茶园为0.261kg/hm2,桑园为0.263kg/hm2,葡萄园为1.148kg/hm2;总氮的径流流失率在0.049%~0.453%之间,总磷的径流流失率在0.046%~0.416%之间;且铵态氮和硝态氮是园地中氮素径流流失的主要形态,约占总氮的58%,大多数园地中磷素主要以可溶磷的形态径流流失,但在桑园中却只有29.77%的磷素以可溶磷的形态流失。  相似文献   

山地果园套种绿肥对氮磷径流流失的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用野外天然降雨条件下的小区试验研究山地新生果园套种黑麦草、紫云英和箭舌豌豆绿肥作物对氮磷径流流失的影响。结果表明,果园套种绿肥作物黑麦草、紫云英和箭舌豌豆能分别减少36.4%,33.9%和5.3%的径流水量流失,56.4%,55.2%和8.8%的泥沙流失,土壤保水能力增加,固土效果加强。地表径流和泥沙携带侵蚀是果园氮磷养分流失的主要途径,种植绿肥作物黑麦草、紫云英和箭舌豌豆能使总氮流失分别减少55.2%,49.3%和18.7%,总磷流失分别减少58.5%,55.6%和30.1%。山地果园套种绿肥可使氮磷流失量明显降低,有助于水体环境的保护,同时还增加土壤肥力,改善果实品质。  相似文献   

不同氮肥对侵蚀坡面土壤氮素流失的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在模拟降雨条件下研究等氮量和相同施肥方式下不同氮肥品种的氮素流失特征。结果表明:不同氮肥品种对氮素流失量有显著影响,施用碳酸氢铵、普通尿素的小区全氮、铵态氮和硝态氮的流失量较大,而施用包膜控释尿素则可以显著降低氮素流失量。不同施肥处理的小区径流液中全氮、NH4+-N及流失泥沙中全氮的流失规律表现为碳酸氢铵>尿素>硫包膜控释尿素>树脂包膜控释尿素>对照;径流液中NO3--N的流失量表现为尿素>碳酸氢铵>硫包膜控释尿素>树脂包膜控释尿素>对照。  相似文献   

影响土壤氮素径流流失的因素探析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从自然因素和人为因素出发探讨了地形、降雨、土壤理化性质、植被以及施肥、耕作制度等因素对土壤N素流失的影响,并综述了国内外有关研究的最新进展。并认为,基于这些因素相互作用的复杂性,有必要开展以下3方面的内容:一是大量开展多因子交叉实验,定量评价它们之间的关系,这为深入理解土壤N素流失机理和确定流域非点源污染模拟模型参数提供科学依据;二是加强有关土壤N素流失机理的多学科之间的联系,协同攻关建立较完善的理论认识;三是利用微观径流小区开展田间试验,结合遥感和GIS分析等方法,建立宏观大尺度土壤N素流失模型,为环境问题的宏观决策提供支持。  相似文献   

采用二因素四水平随机区组试验设计,利用模拟径流小区观测的方法,研究氮肥形态和覆盖对坡耕地玉米产量及土壤氮素流失通量及途径的影响。结果表明:土壤径流以地表径流为主,氮素主要流失途径是地下径流,占总径流量的71.3%,氮素流失的主要形态是硝态氮,占无机氮的92.0%,占水溶性总氮的57.1%。地膜覆盖降低径流深和土壤侵蚀量,增加水溶性氮流失量,提高玉米产量,但是酰胺态氮肥和缓控释肥地膜覆盖可降低氮素流失量,且酰胺态氮肥对玉米增产效果显著;裸地条件下硝态氮肥和缓控释肥可降低地下径流深和氮素流失量,且缓控释肥对玉米增产效果显著。综合考虑水土流失治理和粮食增产增收,四川紫色坡耕地适宜肥料类型为缓控释肥,其次是硝态氮肥,酰胺态氮肥通过地膜覆盖也能较好地控制氮素流失和增加玉米产量。  相似文献   

有机农业土壤氮素流失与防止措施   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据国外浆,综述了有机农业土壤氮素流失规律与防止措施,综述指出,虽然有机农业生产方式可有效地减少氮素流失,但仍然存在流失的可能性,有机氮肥只有在微生物降解为可溶性氮素后,才能被作物大量吸收,这种降解过程是持续进行的,受诸多因素的影响的,可溶性氮素流失的规律与集约农业相似,土壤可储藏氮素的观念是措施的。田间植物对氮素的吸收和合理的氮肥使用技术,可有效地减少氮素淋失。  相似文献   

新疆库尔勒香梨NPK肥料效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用二次多项式组合设计,在新疆阿克苏棕漠土上进行了连续3年的香梨氮、磷、钾肥料效应定位试验,研究结果表明,本试验条件下当N 380~395 kg/hm2,P2O5185~190 kg/hm2,K2O 134~138 kg/hm2,三要素比例为1∶0.49∶0.35时,香梨有最佳的经济效益和最高的产量。  相似文献   

Quantifying seasonal dynamics of active soil C and N pools is important for understanding how production systems can be better managed to sustain long-term soil productivity especially in warm subhumid climates. Our objectives were to determine seasonal dynamics of inorganic soil N, potential C and N mineralization, soil microbial biomass C (SMBC), and the metabolic quotient of microbial biomass in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) under conventional (CT), moldboard (MB), chisel (CH), minimum tillage (MT), and no-tillage (NT) with low (45kgNha–1) and high (90kgNha–1) N fertilization. An Orelia sandy clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, hyperthermic Typic Ochraqualf) in south Texas, United States, was sampled before corn planting in February, during pollination in May, and following harvest in July. Soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization were usually highest in soils under NT, whereas these characteristics were consistently lower throughout the growing season in soils receiving MB tillage. Nitrogen fertilization had little effect on soil inorganic N, SMBC, and potential C and N mineralization. The metabolic quotient of microbial biomass exhibited seasonal patterns inverse to that of SMBC. Seasonal changes in SMBC, inorganic N, and mineralizable C and N indicated the dependence of seasonal C and N dynamics on long-term substrate availability from crop residues. Long-term reduced tillage increased soil organic matter (SOM), SMBC, inorganic N, and labile C and N pools as compared with plowed systems and may be more sustainable over the long term. Seasonal changes in active soil C and N pools were affected more by tillage than by N fertilization in this subhumid climate. Received: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

氮磷肥对黑土玉米农田生态系统土壤微生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:51,自引:7,他引:51  
通过田间氮磷肥配施试验研究了氮磷配施对黑土玉米农田生态系统玉米不同生育时期微生物量碳、氮的影响。微生物量随玉米不同生育期的动态变化表明,氮磷肥对微生物量碳和微生物量氮的动态影响并不同步,微生物量碳和微生物量氮变化最显著的时期均是授粉期,但此时微生物量碳是最低的谷值,而微生物量氮是最高的峰值。不同氮磷配比对微生物量碳影响的回归分析表明,氮肥是影响微生物量碳的主导因素,无论是适量施用还是过量施用都是氮肥对微生物量碳的影响较大。不同氮磷配比对微生物量氮影响的回归分析表明,过量氮肥的施用减少了土壤微生物量氮的含量。磷肥无论高量和低量均能增加微生物量氮的含量,但随着施用量的增加对微生物量氮的正效应减小。氮磷配合施用可增加土壤的微生物量氮,由此可见无论单施氮肥还是单施磷肥,过量施用对微生物量氮的增加都是不利的,只有氮磷配合施用才是增加土壤微生物量氮的有效途径。  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major environmental problem in China. Planning for soil erosion control requires accurate soil erosion rate and spatial distribution information. The aim of this article is to present the methods and results of the national soil erosion survey of China completed in 2011. A multi-stage, unequal probability, systematic area sampling method was employed. A total of 32,948 sample units, which were either 0.2–3 km2 small catchments or 1 km2 grids, were investigated on site. Soil erosion rates were calculated with the Chinese Soil Loss Equation in 10 m by 10 m grids for each sample unit, along with the area of soil loss exceeding the soil loss tolerance and the proportion of area in excess of soil loss tolerance relative to the total land area of the sample units. Maps were created by using a spatial interpolation method at national, river basin, and provincial scales. Results showed that the calculated average soil erosion rate was 5 t ha−1 yr−1 in China, and was 18.2 t ha−1 yr−1 for sloped, cultivated cropland. Intensive soil erosion occurred on cropland, overgrazing grassland, and sparsely forested land. The proportions of soil loss tolerance exceedance areas of sample units were interpolated through the country in 250 m grids. The national average ratio was 13.5%, which represents the area of land in China that requires the implementation of soil conservation practices. These survey results and the maps provide the basic information for national conservation planning and policymaking.  相似文献   

采用二次饱和D—最优设计 ,在粘质潮土上进行田间试验 .结果表明 ,棉花 4个产量性状和籽棉产量与氮磷化肥用量之间均可用二元二次回归方程描述 ,并达极显著水平 .经计算 ,要获得籽棉 2 50kg/亩的目标产量 ,应施N 1 2 2~ 9 1 1kg/亩和P2 O56 0 9~ 1 1 5kg/亩 .  相似文献   

Soil erosion contributes negatively to agricultural production, quality of source water for drinking, ecosystem health in land and aquatic environments, and aesthetic value of landscapes. Approaches to understand the spatial variability of erosion severity are important for improving landuse management. This study uses the Kelani river basin in Sri Lanka as the study area to assess erosion severity using the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) model supported by a GIS system. Erosion severity across the river basin was estimated using RUSLE, a Digital Elevation Model (15 × 15 m), twenty years rainfall data at 14 rain gauge stations across the basin, landuse and land cover, and soil maps and cropping factors. The estimated average annual soil loss in Kelani river basin varied from zero to 103.7 t ha-1 yr−1, with a mean annual soil loss estimated at 10.9 t ha−1 yr−1. About 70% of the river basin area was identified with low to moderate erosion severity (<12 t ha−1 yr−1) indicating that erosion control measures are urgently needed to ensure a sustainable ecosystem in the Kelani river basin, which in turn, is connected with the quality of life of over 5 million people. Use of this severity information developed with RUSLE along with its individual parameters can help to design landuse management practices. This effort can be further refined by analyzing RUSLE results along with Kelani river sub-basins level real time erosion estimations as a monitoring measure for conservation practices.  相似文献   

以黑土为供试土壤,根茎为繁殖材料,分别测定了不同生长时期内穿龙薯蓣全株氮、磷、钾养分含量并分析其变化规律。结果表明:在长春地区,生长季内氮、磷、钾的吸收量N:P2O5:K2O=5.8:1:5.3。氮、钾在5月30日~7月10日是第一个吸收高峰期,7月10日达全年最大值,磷则在5月30日~7月21日,7月21日达全年最大值;氮、磷、钾在8月12日~9月1日时均出现了第二个吸收高峰期,在9月1日同时达到第二个吸收峰值。  相似文献   

氮肥用量和水分淋溶对土壤和小麦氮素平衡的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
:利用标记15N尿素研究不同施肥量和淋溶对小麦生长的影响 ,结果表明水分淋溶对小麦生长的影响不明显 ;地上部生物产量与肥料利用率成正相关 .小麦根系越发达 ,收集到的淋溶液越少 ,损失的肥料N越少 .施用相同量的氮肥 ,淋溶处理的氮肥利用率略低于正常浇水的处理  相似文献   

在黄土丘陵区坡耕地黄绵土上进行径流小区试验,研究侵蚀条件下土壤氮素流失规律,并采用硝化力培养方法研究黄绵土的供氮能力。研究结果表明,侵蚀土壤供氮能力远低于非侵蚀土壤,施肥处理的径流氮浓度显著提高,从而加大了氮流失,泥沙氮富集率为1.05~1.58.土壤氮流失主要由土壤冲刷所引起,在一年内,土壤氮的流失主要发生在几场暴雨中。种植中耕作物加剧了土壤氮的流失。建议:采取施肥耕作措施以提高黄绵土的供氮能力,加强土壤保持工作,防止土壤冲刷引起的土壤氮素流失,特别是防止几场降雨强度大的暴雨引起土壤氮的大量流失。种植中耕作物一定要采用水土保持耕作法。  相似文献   

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in northwestern China as a monoculture is hampered by unfertile soil and drought. With the fast-developing Chinese chemical fertilizer industry, many farmers now use more nitrogen (N) fertilizer as topdressing for winter wheat in early spring, in addition to a basal dose of N fertilizer applied in the previous autumn at seeding time. The objective of this study was to evaluate the increase in grain yield of dryland winter wheat by early spring N fertilizer topdressing, and its relationship to soil moisture, available N, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Field experiments with no N fertilizer topdressing (Fb) and N fertilizer topdressing (Fb+t) treatments were carried out over two growing seasons at 54 site-years to assess the relationship between increase in winter wheat grain yield by early spring N fertilizer topdressing and soil moisture, available N, P and K in Changwu county, Shaanxi province, China. Compared to Fb treatment, the Fb+t treatment produced grain yields lower at 10 site-years, and increased by <10% at 21 site-years and by >10% at 23 site-years. The results indicated that topdressing N fertilizer could increase wheat grain yield when soil nitrate-N accumulation in the 0–20, 20–40 and 40–60 cm depths was less than 121.7, 36.4 and 24.1 kg N ha?1, and soil moisture content in the 40–60, 60–80 and 80–100 cm depths was more than 15.7%, 16.7% and 16.9%, respectively. The findings also suggested that it is not necessary to analyze soil for ammonium-N, available P and K before topdressing N fertilizer. It is necessary to analyze 0–60 cm soil profile for nitrate-N and 40–100 cm depth for soil moisture before topdressing N fertilizer for winter wheat in dryland areas of northwestern China.  相似文献   

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