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The fourth through sixth parity of 5- to 10-yr-old cows were used to evaluate trade-offs involved with sires of large mature size vs medium mature size in a terminal sire crossbreeding program and to characterize five breeds and their crosses for their potential as dam lines. Charolais and Red Poll bulls, representing large (L) and medium (M) mature size, respectively, were mated to cows representing Angus (An), Brahman (Br), Hereford (He), Holstein (Ho) and Jersey (Je) and their crosses (reciprocals pooled). Cows were randomly assigned for mating to either an L or M bull for each breeding. Size of calf sire did not influence (P greater than .10) the subsequent calving interval of cows. Calving intervals for the straightbred (SB) dairy breeds (Ho and Je) were longer than for SB An and He, but the difference did not exist among the respective crossbred (CB) cows. As a group, Br crosses had shorter intervals than the other CB groups. Crossbred cows exhibited intervals that were 16 d shorter (P less than .05) than SB. Calves sired by L bulls were larger (P less than .01) and faster gaining (P less than .01) for all measures of size and growth studied, but exhibited lower (P less than .01) survival rates to weaning than M-sired calves. Calves of CB dams were 1.5 kg heavier (P less than .01) at birth than calves of SB dams and slightly greater (nonsignificant) hip and shoulder measurements were observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Data included pubertal, reproductive and lactation records of primiparous females produced in a diallel of Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey. Brahman heifers were oldest, tallest and heaviest at puberty, while Jersey heifers were youngest, shortest and lightest. Crossbred heifers were 22 d younger (P less than .01) at puberty than straightbred heifers; no significant differences were detected between the two groups for weight or height at puberty. Dairy heifers (Holstein and Jersey) required fewer services (P less than .05) to conception than beef heifers. The difference between straightbred and crossbred heifers for number of services to conception was small and nonsignificant. Rank of straightbreds for age at conception was similar to their rank for age at puberty except that Holstein required 1.2 fewer services and were younger at conception than Jersey. Crossbreds were 41 d younger (P less than .05) at conception than straightbreds. Brahman had the longest gestation length and were oldest at first calving; Jersey had the shortest gestation length and Holstein were youngest at first calving. Straightbred heifers gestated 1.3 d longer and were 45 d older (P less than .05) at first calving than crossbred heifers. Dairy females had greater peak and total milk yield than beef females (P less than .01). Overall straightbred and crossbred means for peak milk yield and total milk yield did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

Data were 876 birth records and 727 weaning records of straightbred and F3 crossbred calves produced in the third generation of a five-breed diallel. Among straightbreds at birth, Holstein calves were heaviest and widest at the shoulders and hips. Jersey calves were lightest and narrowest at the hips, and Brahman calves were narrowest at the shoulders. Holstein crosses tended to be larger at birth than crosses among other breeds. Among straightbreds at weaning, Holstein calves were heaviest and tallest, and Hereford calves were lightest and shortest. Angus calves had the highest survival to weaning rate, and Holstein calves had the lowest survival rate. Among crossbred calves, Holstein crosses tended to be larger at weaning. Estimates of average heterosis retained for birth characters were not significant. Significant breed mean heterosis retention was observed for birth weight, shoulder width, and hip width of Hereford calves and for shoulder width and hip width of Holstein calves. Estimates of average heterosis retained for weaning weight and height were 6.1 kg (P less than .01) and 1.02 cm (P less than .05), respectively. In general, estimates of specific and average heterosis retained for survival to weaning were nonsignificant. Significant breed mean heterosis was observed for weaning weight and height of Brahman, Hereford, and Holstein calves and for survival to weaning of Hereford, Holstein, and Jersey calves.  相似文献   

Data from 498 cows of 15 breed-types produced in a five-breed diallel (reciprocals pooled) including Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey were analyzed for differences in productive longevity, mean life span and reasons for removal from the herd over approximately 14 yr. The only culling related to production was of cows that did not give birth to at least one live calf every 24 mo. Otherwise, cows were only removed when they appeared to be incapable of weaning another live calf. The average age at removal, estimated from linear regression, was 3,470 d, with values ranging from 2,174 d (Jersey) to 4,087 d (Angus-Brahman). Longevity of crossbred cows was greater than that of purebred cows (P less than .001). Purebred cows usually had higher initial rates of removal than crossbred cows. Estimates of mean longevity from the nonlinear regression resembled the results of the linear regression analysis; mean life spans ranged from 6.2 yr (Jersey) to 14.6 yr (Angus-Brahman). The major reason for removal of Brahman and Brahman-cross cows was for reproductive reasons. Angus and Angus-cross cows were culled more frequently for structural unsoundness; Hereford cows had a higher incidence of cancer eye, calving difficulty and mammary problems; cows with 100% dairy breeding had exceptionally high susceptibility to diseases and mineral imbalance.  相似文献   

Monthly weights, heights and condition scores and measurements taken at the time of puberty were utilized to estimate effects of breed-type and heterosis on characters related to growth, size and puberty of second-generation heifers of a five-breed diallel involving Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey. One group of heifers was maintained on pasture with supplemental feed; two other groups were fed in individual pens starting at weaning and 1 yr of age, respectively. A model including main effects of breed-type, sire within breed-type, management, parity of dam and birth-season was used for analyzing all characters. Breed-type tested with sire within breed-type was significant for all characters except ADG from 360 to 450 d. Straightbred and crossbred means were larger for the second generation than for the first, presumably due to management and(or) year effects. Heterosis generally was positive and, when expressed as a percentage, decreased with age, which is in agreement with other research reports. Holsteins and Brahmans were largest for growth and size characters, whereas Jerseys were smallest. Jerseys were the youngest, lightest and shortest at puberty, whereas Brahmans were oldest, heaviest and tallest.  相似文献   

Records of 2,449 births and 2,120 weanings of terminal-cross calves were used to characterize maternal productivity of first- and second-generation cows from a diallel of Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey when mated to third-breed sires. Third- and later-parity cows were randomly assigned after each parturition to Charolais and Red Poll bulls in multiple-sire pastures. Calves were weaned at approximately 7 mo of age; males were not castrated. A mixed model was assumed for data analysis. Effects included in the model were breed-type of dam, cow within breed-type of dam (random), breed of sire of calf, season of record, year of record, age of dam group, sex of calf and age of calf (covariate). Age of dam groups were 4- and 5-yr-olds, 6- and 7-yr-olds, 8-, 9- and 10-yr-olds, and those greater than 10 yr of age. Dependent variables were calf weight, shoulder width and hip width at birth, weaning weight, weaning height and survival to weaning. Holstein and Holstein crosses tended to produce the largest calves at birth and weaning. Among straightbred dams, the smallest calves were born to Brahman, whereas Hereford weaned the smallest calves. Brahman-Jersey dams produced the smallest calves at birth among crossbreds; Angus-Hereford cows weaned the smallest calves. Average maternal heterosis estimates for birth weight were small and non-significant. Calves of F1 crossbred dams were 17.4 kg heavier (P less than .01) and 1.70 cm taller (P less than .01) at weaning than calves of first-generation straightbred dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dissection and chemical analysis data from 197 bulls of 15 breedtypes were used to examine the distribution of total fat (TOTFAT) among carcass fat (CFAT), viscera fat (VIF), kidney plus pelvic fat (KPF) and blood fat (BLF). The bulls were obtained from a five-breed diallel involving Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey; reciprocal crosses were pooled. One or two bulls of each breedtype were slaughtered at each of seven ages: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24 and 30 mo. An allometric equation was utilized to describe growth rate of each fat depot relative to either TOTFAT or carcass side weight (CSW). The pooled within-breedtype differential growth rates obtained from the allometric equation indicated that as TOTFAT or CSW increased, the proportion composed of CFAT and KPF increased (growth coefficients significantly greater than 1), whereas the proportion composed of VIF and BLF decreased (growth coefficients significantly less than 1). Holstein and Jersey tended to have more CFAT than Hereford, Angus and Brahman. Jersey had more KPF than other breeds. Crossbreds exhibited positive heterosis for CFAT and VIF, and negative heterosis for KPF. On a constant CSW basis, there were no significant breedtype differences in TOTFAT: nevertheless, differences in fat distribution among breedtypes persisted. There were different amounts of fat at the depots studied, but fat growth coefficients relative to TOTFAT tended to be homogeneous among breedtypes.  相似文献   

Slaughter and carcass data were obtained on 197 bulls produced in a diallel involving Angus, Brahman, Hereford, Holstein and Jersey that were slaughtered at either 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24, or 30 mo of age. Bulls were given ad libitum access to a 72% TDN diet on an individual basis from 6 mo of age until slaughter. Empty body weight (EBWT) was determined as the sum of the weights of blood, hide, hard drop, soft drop (minus contents of the digestive tract), and carcass weight (CWT), which were recorded at slaughter. Carcass protein (CPROT) and fat (CFAT) were based on weights and chemical analyses of lean and fat tissue and bone of the carcass. Empty body protein (EBPROT) and fat (EBFAT) were based on weights and chemical estimates of the components of the empty body. Growth of EBWT, EBPROT, EBFAT, CWT, CPROT, and CFAT relative to either live weight (LWT), EBWT, or CWT were investigated using the allometric equation. Breed-type differences existed (P less than .01) for the growth of EBWT relative to LWT. Comparisons of general combining abilities revealed that Angus, Hereford, and Jersey generally had lower maturing rates of EBWT relative to LWT and that Brahman and Holstein had higher maturing rates. Across breed-type, relative growth rates indicated that fat and protein were later-maturing components relative to LWT, EBWT, or CWT, which implies that other components mature relatively earlier. Relative maturing rates of components studied were not important in explaining differences in body composition that have been previously reported for these breed-types.  相似文献   

This study was conducted with Angus, Polled Hereford and Santa Gertrudis straightbred and crossbred cows. The subsequent cow breeding and calf performance of cows that were nonpregnant (NP) were compared with cows that were pregnant (PG) at the time calves were weaned. All NP cows had a calf the year previous to their being nonpregnant. They were diagnosed as physically sound with no detection (by rectal palpation) of an abnormal reproductive tract. The NP and PG cows were aged 4 to 9 yr. Also, the NP cows were compared with replacement females exposed to calve first as 2- and 3-yr-olds (H2 and H3, respectively), and with cows exposed for second calving as 3-yr-olds (C2). Cows were assigned within breed composition and age to sire breeding groups on pasture. Subsequent calving and weaning rates were similar for NP, PG and H2 cows, similar for H3 and H2 cows and lowest (P less than .05) for C2 cows. Calves from NP and H3 cows were born earlier (P less than .05) in the calving period than calves from PG and H2 cows, whereas calves from C2 cows were born later (P less than .05) than those from NP, PG and H3 cows. Calving difficulty was similar for NP, PG and C2 and greatest (P less than .05) for H2 cows. Calf 205-d weights were highest (P less than .05) for NP, similar for PG and H3 and lowest (P less than .05) for C2 and H2 cows. Calf weaning weight per cow exposed for breeding from NP cows was 13.8, 32.3, 55.2 and 1.0 kg higher than from PG, H2, C2 and H3 cows, respectively. Causes for cows being nonpregnant were reported. Also, calving patterns during 6 consecutive calving periods (6 yr) were evaluated.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究群饲犊牛自由采食酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料对哺乳犊牛和断奶应激期犊牛生长性能的影响。选择3~5日龄、体重相近犊牛300头,随机分为6栏,每栏50头,随机选择3栏饲喂常规颗粒犊牛开食料(颗粒料组),其余3栏饲喂结构性犊牛开食料(结构料组)。两种日粮的配方完全一致。颗粒犊牛料中所有物料均经粉碎、混合、制粒,制成颗粒料。将饲粮配方中玉米和大麦取出,换为蒸汽压片玉米和带壳大麦,其余物料粉碎、混合、制粒,为颗粒浓缩料,再将颗粒浓缩料与蒸汽压片玉米、带壳大麦混合,制成结构性饲料。整个试验分为哺乳期和断奶应激期共计90 d,哺乳期试验第1 d饲喂酸化奶,第15 d供应开食料。颗粒料组犊牛在哺乳期饲喂开食料,断奶后补饲苜蓿干草。结构料组犊牛断奶后饲喂结构性生长料。将结构性开食料与20%苜蓿干草混合,制成结构性生长料。结果表明:哺乳期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高40%(P<0.05),日增重高19%(P<0.01);断奶应激期间,结构性饲料采食量比颗粒料组高29%(P<0.01),日增重高25%(P<0.01),饲料利用效率高11%(P<0.05);试验结束时,结构料组犊牛体重更高(P<0.05)。综上所述,在哺乳期自由饮用酸化奶的条件下,结构性饲料在哺乳期和断奶应激期的效果均优于传统颗粒开食料,可促进犊牛生长,缓解断奶应激。  相似文献   

Interactions of the regression of preweaning ADG on dam milk yield and quality with breed group and forage environment were evaluated in a two-phase study. Phase I consisted of milk yield and quality and calf gain records from 1989 to 1991 for purebred Angus (n = 64) and Brahman (n = 62) cows mated to sires of both breeds. Phase II consisted of milk yield and quality and calf gain records from 1991 to 1997 for Angus (n = 94), Brahman (n = 85), Angus x Brahman (n = 86) and Brahman x Angus (n = 93) mated to Polled Hereford sires. In Phase I, forage environments included common bermudagrass and endophyte-infected tall fescue. In Phase II, forage environments included common bermudagrass and endophyte-infected tall fescue (1991 to 1995) and a rotational system of both forages (1995 to 1997) in which each forage was grazed during its appropriate growing season, usually June through October for bermudagrass and November through May for tall fescue. Milk yield was estimated monthly six times during lactation from spring through fall and converted to a 24-h basis. Milk fat, milk protein, and somatic cell count were analyzed by a commercial laboratory. In Phase I, the relation of preweaning ADG to milk yield, milk fat yield, and protein yield was greater (P < 0.05) in Brahman cows on bermudagrass than Angus on bermudagrass. The regression of preweaning ADG on milk yield in Phase I was greater (P < 0.05) for cows on tall fescue than cows which grazed bermudagrass. In Phase II, the relation of preweaning ADG to milk yield, milk fat yield, and milk protein yield was greater or tended to be greater (P < 0.01, P < 0.11, P < 0.01, respectively) in purebred cows compared to reciprocal-cross cows. The regression of preweaning ADG on milk yield and milk protein yield was greater (P < 0.05) on tall fescue than bermudagrass in Phase II. These results suggest that the influence of milk yield and quality on calf growth may differ among breed types and production system, and the efficacy of genetic improvements in milk traits may depend on the breed type and forage environment.  相似文献   

The effect of monensin on the growth and rumen metabolism of young calves (30 days old initially) was followed in 70-day experiment. Calves diet consisted of a milk substitute (4 1 per day), a concentrate mixture (13 g per 1 kg of live weight per day) and meadow hay ad libitum. Ten calves were fed 0.65 mg of monensin (SPOFA, Czechoslovakia) per 1 kg of live weight per day. Ten calves served as a control. The non-glucogenic/glucogenic ratio of VFA, mol-% acetate and butyrate were significantly lower and propionate higher in monensin-treated calves. Monensin-fed calves gained non significantly more (+ 7.2%) than control calves. A possible mode of action of monensin in young calves is discussed.  相似文献   

The health and housing of the stock on 26 organic dairy herds in four counties in eastern Sweden were studied for one year. The herds ranged in size from 12 to 64 cows, and their milk production from 3772 to 10,334 kg per cow per year. A large-animal practitioner visited the farms three times during the year, and a random sample of a third of the cows in each herd were examined. The calves and young stock and their housing were also studied. The calves were in good condition in all but four herds; their serum immunoglobulins varied from almost none to high levels. The young stock were in good condition and in good housing in 20 herds. No cows with clinical signs of metabolic disorders were found. Body condition scores were adequate or good except in two herds. Acetone was analysed in milk samples from individual cows three to six weeks postpartum, and only sporadic cases with high levels were found. The incidence of diseases treated by a veterinarian was lower in the organic herds than the average for the conventional herds in the local dairy association. The findings at the farm visits supported these data, and it is evident that a good standard of health and welfare can be achieved in organic dairy herds.  相似文献   

Two nutritional levels following parturition and five weaning ages for the calf were evaluated to study their effect of reproduction in Gyr cows in the savannas of West Central Brazil (Campos Cerrados). Early weaning of calves reduced postpartum weight losses and shortened the postpartum interval to conception. Energy level did not affect cow weight at weaning or conception, the number of days from parturition to first estrus or the number of matings/conception; however, the postpartum period to conception was reduced (116 vs 160 d; P less than .05) for cows on the higher energy diet. Weaning age significantly affected postpartum weight loss in cows. Six months after calving, cows that nursed calves for 1 mo were 89 kg heavier than those that nursed calves for 6 mo (384 vs 295 kg; P less than .05). Cows that were nursed for 1 mo returned to estrus at an average of 40 d postpartum, which was 23 d earlier (P less than .05) than the average of the other groups nursed for longer periods of time. There was no significant difference in the postpartum period to conception among cows that had their calves weaned at 1 mo, 3 mo and cows which were nursed twice daily beginning 30 d after parturition (57, 94 and 97 d, respectively), but was less (P less than .05) for cows nursed for 5 or 6 mo (212 and 231 d, respectively). The results show that Gyr cattle are genetically capable of responding reproductively to improve nutrition and reduced lactation stress achieved through early weaning or controlled nursing.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of tropically adapted sire breeds on preweaning growth performance of F1 calves and on reproductive performance of their Angus dams. Angus (A) cows were bred in two consecutive years (1992 and 1993) by AI using semen from Brahman (B; Bos indicus; n = 10), Senepol (S; Bos taurus; n = 10), and Tuli (T; Sanga; n = 9) bulls. A total of 82 B x A, 85 S x A, and 91 T x A calves were born. The statistical model included the fixed effects of year, sire breed, calf sex, sire breed x calf sex, and cow parity and the random effect of sire within sire breed. Birth weight, weaning weight, 205-d adjusted weaning weight, ADG from birth to weaning, and hip height at weaning were greater (P < .001) for B x A calves than for S x A or T x A calves. Greater differences were detected between sexes for B x A than for S x A and T x A (for all traits sire breed x calf sex, P < .05). Sire breed affected (P < .01) the percentage of unassisted calvings (B x A, 87%; S x A, 98%; and T x A, 100%) and tended (P < .10) to affect the percentage of calves that survived until weaning (B x A, 90%; S x A, 94%; and T x A, 98%). Sire breed of calf did not affect (P > .10) length of gestation, and sire breed did not affect the interval from calving to first observed estrus or pregnancy in Angus dams. These results demonstrate that preweaning growth performance of B x A calves was greater than that of either S x A or T x A calves. However, use of Brahman sires on Angus dams led to calving problems and tended to reduce the percentage of calves that survived until weaning. Thus, heavier weaning weights of B x A calves would be an advantage for cow-calf producers marketing calves, but heavier birth weights and calving difficulty attributed to Brahman sires would be a disadvantage.  相似文献   

Calves following an enhanced-growth feeding program usually show lower starter intakes during the preweaning period compared with conventionally-fed calves. To assess whether this low intake in calves following an enhanced-growth feeding program affects calf capacity to digest starter after weaning, 19 Holstein male calves were used to measure apparent nutrient digestibility at weaning. Calves were divided in two groups: calves on a conventional feeding program (CF) and calves on an enhanced-growth feeding program (EF). After one week of adaptation to milk replacer (25% CP and 19% fat), the CF calves were fed 4 l/d of milk replacer (MR) at 12.5% DM dilution rate from d 1–28, and 2 l/d from d 29 to weaning day at d 35, and the EF calves were offered MR at 18% DM dilution rate: 4 l/d from d 1–6, 6 l/d from d 7–13, 7 l/d from d 14–20, 6 l/d from d 21–28, and 3 l/d from d 29 to 35. Calf starter (20% CP) was offered ad libitum from the beginning to the end of study at d 42, and its consumption was recorded daily. Calves were weighed at d 3, 17, 24, 31, 38 and 42. Daily total faeces collection was conducted for the last 5 d of study. Final BW was numerically greater in EF than in CF calves (88.6 vs 81.2 ± 3.36 kg, respectively). Starter DMI was greater (P < 0.05) in CF compared with EF calves during the preweaning (0.68 vs 0.36 ± 0.078 kg/d, respectively) and postweaning (2.52 vs 1.90 ± 0.102 kg/d, respectively) periods, but there were no differences in total DMI (1.12 and 1.26 ± 0.078 kg/d, in CF and EF calves, respectively) during the preweaning period. However, apparent DM, OM, NDF, CP, and GE digestibility coefficients were greater (P < 0.05) in CF compared with EF calves (77.4 vs 71.8 ± 1.23%, 78.7 vs 73.2 ± 1.18%, 34.7 vs 20.3 ± 3.79%, 77.1 vs 71.6 ± 1.29%, and 75.6 vs 69.8 ± 1.25%, respectively) the week after weaning. It is concluded that calves in the EF treatment presented lower nutrient digestibility coefficients compared with CF calves the week after weaning.  相似文献   

摘要:[目的]探究繁殖营养素对西门塔尔杂交母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的影响。[方法]试验对33头390kg左右妊娠8-9月的初配西门塔尔杂交母牛饲喂不同添加量的繁殖营养,对母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的数据进行分析。[结果]饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素母牛人工助产率较对照组大幅降低,且犊牛成活率提高,犊牛发病率减少。第一次发情时间提前7.42d,且受胎率也有所提高;饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素大幅度降低了母牛胎衣不下、子宫炎和乳房炎疾病的发病率;添加了10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素组的犊牛从出生到产后3月龄,其体重和体尺都有不同程度提高。[结论]母牛日粮中添加10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素能提高母牛繁殖性能、降低母牛产后疾病的发生率以及一定程度上提高犊牛的生长性能。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of postpartum mastitis between first calving and subsequent conception on production and reproduction performance as well as culling of Holstein cows. A data set of 9,183 first lactation cows was used. Results showed that the first cumulative 100?days' milk production and the milk yield standardized to 305?days were affected by the interval from calving to first mastitis (P??0.05). Calving year, calving difficulty score, and cumulative first 60?days milk production had significant impacts on mastitis risk (P?相似文献   

Mature Charolais x Angus rotational cross cows were adjusted to moderate body condition by d 190 of gestation then randomly blocked to a maintenance (ME) or low-energy (LE) diet. At parturition, the 128 cows were randomly allotted within prepartum (PRP) diet to a high-energy (HE) or LE diet. At d 30 postpartum (PP), cows were randomly blocked to two treatments in which calves were weaned early (EW) or normally (NW) at 7 mo of age. Cows receiving a LE PRP diet had lighter calves at birth (34.7 vs 39.0 kg) and 105 d (127.9 vs 144.6 kg). Prepartum and PP energy interacted to affect postpartum anestrous interval (PPI, d) and cycling activity (%), respectively (LE-LE = 72.6, 33.3; LE-HE = 54.3, 56.3; ME-LE = 65.7, 52.9; ME-HE = 68.4, 54.3). High PP energy averaged over PRP diet increased (P less than .10) pregnancy rate by 22.7% and 105-d calf weight by 15.1 kg. Early weaning reduced PPI by 24.3 d (P less than .01) and first service conception rate by 21.7% (P less than .10). Cycling activity within 60 d PP was affected (P less than .01) by PRP diet and suckling status (LE-EW = 62.5, LE-NW = 26.7, ME-EW = 88.9, ME-NW = 13.3%). Thin cows had a longer PPI but had a higher first service conception rate than moderate and fleshy cows. Higher pregnancy rates were observed in cows approaching or maintaining average body condition from parturition to conception than for cows moving away from moderate body condition. Results suggest that fleshy and thin cows at parturition should be managed to approach moderate body condition before the breeding season to optimize reproductive performance and preweaning calf gain.  相似文献   

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