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When conservation tillage is practised in agriculture, plant residues remain on the soil surface for soil protection purposes. These residues should be widely decomposed within the following vegetation period as microbial plant pathogens surviving on plant litter may endanger the currently cultivated crop. Important soil-borne fungal pathogens that preferably infect small grain cereals belong to the genus Fusarium. These pathogens produce the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON), a cytotoxic agent, in infected cereal organs. This toxin frequently occurs in cereal residues like straw. So far it is unclear if DON degradation is affected by members of the soil food web within decomposing processes in the soil system. For this purpose, a microcosm study was conducted under controlled laboratory conditions to investigate the degradation activity of the earthworm species Lumbricus terrestris when exposed to Fusarium-infected wheat straw being contaminated with DON.Highly Fusarium-infected and DON-contaminated straw seemed to be more attractive to L. terrestris because it was incorporated faster into the soil compared with straw infected and contaminated at low levels. This is supported by a greater body weight gain (exposure time 5 weeks) and smaller body weight loss (exposure time 11 weeks) of L. terrestris, respectively, when highly contaminated straw was offered for different time periods.Furthermore, L. terrestris takes part in the efficient degradation of both Fusarium biomass and DON occurring in straw in close interaction with soil microorganisms. Consequently, earthworm activity contributes to the elimination of potentially infectious plant material from the soil surface.  相似文献   

Two root-colonizing Fusarium strains, Ls-F-in-4-1 and Rs-F-in-11, isolated from roots of Brassicaceae plants, induced the resistance in Lepidium sativum seedlings against Pythium ultimum. These strains caused an increase in the content of benzyl isothiocyanate, and of its precursor glucotropaeolin, in the roots of the host plants. The increased isothiocyanate content is one of the factors contributing to the resistance of L. sativum against P. ultimum. To be transformed into the fungitoxic compound benzyl isothiocyanate, glucotropaeolin has to be hydrolyzed by myrosinase, which can be produced either by plants or microorganisms. The Fusarium strain Ls-F-in-4-1 has a myrosinase activity but the strain Rs-F-in-11 has not. These results suggest that both strains are able to trigger the metabolic pathway leading to benzyl isothiocyanate production in the plant. In the case of the myrosinase-negative strain Rs-F-in-11, hydrolyzation into isothiocyanate is only due to the myrosinase activity of the plant, and in the other case, the myrosinase produced by the strain Ls-F-in-11 also would contribute to the production of isothiocyanate. This paper reports a new mode of action of non-pathogenic Fusarium strains in controlling P. ultimum.  相似文献   

Fertilizer costs are a major component of corn production. The use of biofertilizers may be one way of reducing production costs. In this study we present isolation and identification of three plant growth promoting bacteria that were identified as Enterobacter cloacae (CR1), Pseudomonas putida (CR7) and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (CR3). All bacterial strains produced IAA in the presence of 100 mg l−1 of tryptophan and antifungal metabolites to several soilborne pathogens. S. maltophilia and E. cloacae had broad spectrum activity against most Fusarium species. The only strain that was positive for nitrogen fixation was E. cloacae and it, and P. putida, were also positive for phosphate solubilization. These bacteria and the corn isolate Sphingobacterium canadense CR11, and known plant growth promoting bacterium Burkholderia phytofirmans E24 were used to inoculate corn seed to examine growth promotion of two lines of corn, varieties 39D82 and 39M27 under greenhouse conditions. When grown in sterilized sand varieties 39M27 and 39D82 showed significant increases in total dry weights of root and shoot of 10-20% and 13-28% and 17-32% and 21-31% respectively. Plants of the two varieties grown in soil collected from a corn field had respective increases in dry weights of root and shoot of 10-30% and 12-35% and 11-19% and 10-18%. In sand, a bacterial mixture was highly effective whereas in soil individual bacteria namely P. putida CR7 and E. cloacae CR1 gave the best results with 39M27 and 39D82 respectively. These isolates and another corn isolate, Azospirillum zeae N7, were tested in a sandy soil with a 55 and 110 kg ha−1 of nitrogen fertility at the Delhi research Station of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada over two years. Although out of seven bacterial treatments, no treatment provided a statistically significant yield increase over control plots but S. canadense CR11 and A. zeae N7 provided statistically significant yield increase as compared to other bacteria. The 110 kg rate of nitrogen provided significant yield increase compared to the 55 kg rate in both years.  相似文献   

This study tested the competitive ability of three locally isolated Cyclopia rhizobia and strain PPRICI3, the strain currently recommended for the cultivation of Cyclopia, a tea-producing legume. Under sterile glasshouse conditions, the three locally isolated strains were equally competitive with strain PPRICI3. In field soils, the inoculant strains were largely outcompeted by native rhizobia present in the soil, although nodule occupancy was higher in nodules growing close to the root crown (the original inoculation area). In glasshouse experiments using field soil, the test strains again performed poorly, gaining less than 6% nodule occupancy in the one soil type. The presence of Cyclopia-compatible rhizobia in field soils, together with the poor competitive ability of inoculant strains, resulted in inoculation having no effect on Cyclopia yield, nodule number or nodule mass. The native rhizobial population did not only effectively nodulate uninoculated control plants, they also out-competed introduced strains for nodule occupancy in inoculated plants. Nonetheless, the Cyclopia produced high crop yields, possibly due to an adequate supply of soil N.  相似文献   

An eight-year-long census and habitat evaluation of the Macaca sylvanus population was conducted in a 484-km2 area of the central region of the Middle Atlas Mountains in Morocco between June 1994 and October 2002. The authors walked a 93.5-km circuit - divided into 16 transect segments - 30 times with teams of trained research assistant volunteers, collecting data on a total of 2,805 linear km. Previous studies had reported an average density of 44-70 individuals per km2, while data from the present study indicate a progressive population decline, from 25 to 30 individuals per km2, down to a current average density of 7-10 I/km2. The population decline is attributed to the loss of prime habitat, mainly cedar forest, which has significantly decreased from 1994 to 2002, due to the growing impact of overgrazing by mixed flocks of goats and sheep and consequent forest degradation. At present, human-caused habitat deterioration in the Middle Atlas risks further compromising the future of the world’s only remaining large M. sylvanus population.  相似文献   

Upland heather moors are high priority biotopes for conservation in Britain, but are under threat from a number of sources. One such threat is a change from a vegetation dominated by dwarf shrubs, mainly Calluna vulgaris, to a grassland dominated by Molinia caerulea. Restoration of a dwarf shrub community has proved problematic with studies showing that herbicide use may be necessary to control Molinia. Previously the non-selective herbicide, glyphosate, has been recommended, but this herbicide may damage Calluna and other moorland species severely. Here, we tested a range of selective herbicides (graminicides) for use in an herbicide-based conservation strategy under field conditions. Two selective herbicides, propaquizafop and quizalofop-ethyl, gave a short-term check to Molinia and another, cycloxydim, provided a reduction for at least 1 year, but this effect disappeared after 3 years. Damage to Calluna was less than that caused by glyphosate, and the selective herbicides had little effect on other moorland species present. Our findings suggest that selective herbicides have a potential role in reducing Molinia during moorland restoration, although follow-up applications, and appropriate moorland management, will also be needed.  相似文献   

Field pea (Pisum sativum L.) is widely grown in South Australia (SA), often without inoculation with commercial rhizobia. To establish if symbiotic factors are limiting the growth of field pea we examined the size, symbiotic effectiveness and diversity of populations of field pea rhizobia (Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae) that have become naturalised in South Australian soils and nodulate many pea crops. Most probable number plant infection tests on 33 soils showed that R. l. bv. viciae populations ranged from undetectable (six soils) to 32×103 rhizobia g−1 of dry soil. Twenty-four of the 33 soils contained more than 100 rhizobia g−1 soil. Three of the six soils in which no R. l. bv. viciae were detected had not grown a host legume (field pea, faba bean, vetch or lentil). For soils that had grown a host legume, there was no correlation between the size of R. l. bv. viciae populations and either the time since a host legume had been grown or any measured soil factor (pH, inorganic N and organic C). In glasshouse experiments, inoculation of the field pea cultivar Parafield with the commercial Rhizobium strain SU303 resulted in a highly effective symbiosis. The SU303 treatment produced as much shoot dry weight as the mineral N treatment and more than 2.9 times the shoot dry weight of the uninoculated treatment. Twenty-two of the 33 naturalised populations of rhizobia (applied to pea plants as soil suspensions) produced prompt and abundant nodulation. These symbioses were generally effective at N2 fixation, with shoot dry weight ranging from 98% (soil 21) down to 61% (soil 30) of the SU303 treatment, the least effective population of rhizobia still producing nearly double the growth of the uninoculated treatment. Low shoot dry weights resulting from most of the remaining soil treatments were associated with delayed or erratic nodulation caused by low numbers of rhizobia. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fingerprinting of 70 rhizobial isolates recovered from five of the 33 soils (14 isolates from each soil) showed that naturalised populations were composed of multiple (5-9) strain types. There was little evidence of strain dominance, with a single strain type occupying more than 30% of trap host nodules in only two of the five populations. Cluster analysis of RAPD PCR banding patterns showed that strain types in naturalised populations were not closely related to the current commercial inoculant strain for field pea (SU303, ≥75% dissimilarity), six previous field pea inoculant strains (≥55% dissimilarity) or a former commercial inoculant strain for faba bean (WSM1274, ≥66% dissimilarity). Two of the most closely related strain types (≤15% dissimilarity) were found at widely separate locations in SA and may have potential as commercial inoculant strains. Given the size and diversity of the naturalised pea rhizobia populations in SA soils and their relative effectiveness, it is unlikely that inoculation with a commercial strain of rhizobia will improve N2 fixation in field pea crops, unless the number of rhizobia in the soil is very low or absent (e.g. where a legume host has not been previously grown and for three soils from western Eyre Peninsula). The general effectiveness of the pea rhizobia populations also indicates that reduced N2 fixation is unlikely to be the major cause of the declining field pea yields observed in recent times.  相似文献   

The former and present distribution of white clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in the province of Granada (southern Spain) is studied. Before 1980 it was widely distributed but at present only 16 populations exist. The decline is related to the presence of the freshwater red-swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), an American species, vector of the aphanomycosis disease, introduced to the Iberian Peninsula in 1974 and now widely distributed in the watercourses and marshes of southern Spain. To establish an appropriate conservation policy for A. pallipes at its southernmost distribution limit, we studied watercourses from two river basins, Genil and Guadiana Menor, (tributaries of the Guadalquivir River). P. clarkii inhabits the medium to lower reaches of these two river basins (with its upper limit at 820 m a.s.l.). The distribution of this species was best explained by the effect of three of the 12 analyzed variables: altitude, water-current and minimum winter temperatures. From our results, the repopulation of the native crayfish is almost impossible in those reaches inhabited by P. clarkii. However, based on the habitat selection study, it is clear that upper reaches are unsuitable for the red-swamp crayfish, where the native white-clawed crayfish may have greater survival possibilities, and these sites can be used for future restocking projects.  相似文献   

Our previous study indicated that the diversity of the major capsid gene (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages (phages) of Novosphingobium and Sphingomonas strains isolated from the floodwater of a Japanese paddy field is comparable to those of the clones obtained from other Japanese paddy fields. For more strict comparison of the diversity, this study examined g23 sequences between Novosphingobium and Sphingomonas phages and phage communities in the identical floodwater of a Japanese paddy field. The clones were obtained by applying g23-specific primers to DNA extracted from the floodwaters. Many 23 clones in the floodwater were grouped into the same clusters of Paddy Groups I-VI with g23 genes of Novosphingobium/Sphingomonas phages with some clones belonging to an additional cluster. In addition, the remaining clones belonged to the clusters of marine clones and T4-type enterophages. These findings indicate that the g23 genes in the floodwater are more diversified than those of Novosphingobium/Sphingomonas phages including g23 genes closely related to the genes of enterophages and marine origins.  相似文献   

Information about geographic distributions is required for species conservation and management. Ultimately, this information is derived from records of occurrence. However, the reliability and availability of occurrence records are variable. A conceptual framework for evaluating the reliability of occurrence records is provided. Only records associated with physical evidence, especially a museum voucher specimen, are considered verified. However, errors in species identification or location are possible even for verified records. In addition, biases exist in occurrence records because they generally are collected haphazardly. Other sources of bias include sampling error associated with small areas or range limits and aspects of the species’ biology that make it unlikely to be documented. A practical method is provided for interpreting a species’ distribution in a particular area given a paucity of reliable occurrence records. Factors that must be considered for including such areas of interest within the range of a species include: (1) plausible reason for the paucity of records; (2) continuous suitable habitat between the area of interest and localities of reliable occurrence; and (3) absence of biogeographic breaks in the distribution of other organisms with similar evolutionary histories. The possible distribution of wolverine (Gulo gulo) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) in New Mexico provides a case study of this approach. It is concluded that the mountains of north-central New Mexico should be considered within the natural range of wolverine and Canada lynx.  相似文献   

冬小麦不同株型品种和灌溉类型是影响产量遥感估测的重要因素, 对二者的实时监测可以提高产量的估测精度。结合遥感数据(MODIS 数据)与非遥感数据(GPS 数据和外业调查资料), 研究了不同株型品种冬小麦在水、旱地条件下归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)的动态变化特征, 分析了不同生育时期NDVI 与产量之间的关系。结果表明: 冬小麦不同株型品种间NDVI 随生育时期的变化具有明显一致性, 呈“小-大-小”变化趋势; 拔节期至孕穗期不同株型品种冬小麦NDVI 差异显著, 披散型品种高于紧凑型品种, 该时期为准确识别冬小麦株型的最佳时期。水、旱地同一种株型的冬小麦品种在整个生育时期NDVI 均值差异较显著, 均表现为水地冬小麦高于旱地冬小麦, 尤以抽穗初期最为明显。水旱地冬小麦不同生育时期NDVI 与产量相关性均以抽穗初期为最高, 但用抽穗初期和灌浆期NDVI 与产量的复合回归方程进行产量预测比用抽穗初期NDVI 与产量的回归方程效果好, 旱地冬小麦尤为明显。  相似文献   

Information on decomposition and nutrient release from leaf litter of trees in agroforestry parkland systems in Sub-Saharan Africa is scarce despite the significant role of these trees on soil fertility improvement and maintenance. Decomposition and nutrient release patterns from pruned leaves of the two most common species of parklands of the semi-arid zone of West Africa: Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn (known locally as karité) and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth. (known locally as néré), were investigated by a litter-tube study in Burkina Faso. Litter quality, methods of leaf exposure to the soil and combination with fertilizers were the factors studied. Leaves of néré had a higher nutrient content (C, N, P, Ca) and contained more ash and lignin than leaves of karité. Karité leaves had a greater content of K, cellulose and polyphenols. The pruned leaves of karité and néré showed two distinct decomposition patterns. Néré leaves decomposed more rapidly, with less than 32% of the initial weight remaining after the rainy season (4 months) while karité leaves decomposed more slowly with 43% of the leaf litter remaining after the rainy season. Addition of urea and compost did not significantly affect the rate of decomposition. Significant interaction was observed between species and method of leaf exposure for the first sampling date. Leaf litter of néré buried in soil gave the highest weight loss (34% of the initial mass in 1 month) compared with exposed leaf litter of néré and karité, and buried leaf litter of karité. Except for N, nutrient release patterns were similar for both species but the nutrient release rates were higher for néré leaves compared with karité leaves. N was immobilised in karité leaves most likely due to low N and high phenolic content. The rate of nutrient release from karité leaves followed the general trend K>P>N.  相似文献   

Historical data on the distribution and status of the purple gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio) in Portugal were collected by bibliographic research, from museum catalogues and from questionnaires to wetland managers, ornithologists and birdwatchers. The population suffered severe decline and range contraction at the end of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, due mainly to habitat loss and degradation and excessive hunting. However, the population has begun to recover in the last decade mainly through direct protection of the species and of the remaining habitat, together with creation of artificial wetlands and a reintroduction programme, and probably also due to immigration from Spain. The population size has increased about 10-fold and the range has expanded to most of its former area. The estimated Portuguese breeding population in 2002 was 49-67 pairs. Densities varied between 0.05 and 7 individuals/ha in recently colonized areas and stable (saturated) areas, respectively. Although the population is recovering, its small size, high fragmentation and several natural and anthropogenic threats lead us to consider it still a species of major concern in Portugal.  相似文献   

There is much concern over the high mortality of many populations of Acacia raddiana, a keystone tree species in the Negev desert of Israel. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to assess patterns of genetic variation within and among 12 populations of A. raddiana from the Arava (Syrian-African Rift) valley and western Negev. A high level of genetic polymorphism was recorded within populations. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that about 59.4% of total genetic variance occurred among populations, which is considerably greater population differentiation than that recorded for other outbreeding species. Cluster and principal coordinates analyses and AMOVA indicate that the western Negev and Arava valley populations are highly differentiated. We suggest that there may have been two invasions of A. raddiana into Israel: one across the northern Sinai/Gaza Strip area into the western Negev, with some plants reaching the Dead Sea and a second invasion across the southern part of the Sinai peninsula, or even from Saudi Arabia, up to the Arava valley. From the conservation point of view, each population should be conserved separately because they are genetically highly differentiated and loss of any one population would lead to a dramatic loss of genetic variation. The mixing of genetically distinct populations may give rise to outbreeding depression (particularly because of GXE interactions). An obvious first step to the maintenance of this species' genetic diversity is the separate management of the western Negev and Arava valley populations because of their different evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of habitat alteration on population structure and persistence is critical for effective conservation strategies. Timber harvest and wildfire are two of the most prevalent disturbances across temperate forests, yet the long-term effects of these two forces on population connectivity have rarely been studied. We studied populations of the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus) across landscapes that have experienced either timber harvest or broad scale fires. Rocky Mountain tailed frogs generally require forested habitat, and are a species of concern in managed forests. We used landscape genetic techniques to test the explanatory power of alternative paths of connectivity across both burned and harvested forests and identified topographical and climatic variables that significantly influenced gene flow. We found that timber harvest and fire led to different patterns of genetic connectivity. Widespread terrestrial gene flow was maintained across previously burned areas and connectivity was primarily limited by solar radiation. In contrast, gene flow among populations in managed forests followed riparian corridors, presumably to avoid the loss of cover due to timber harvest. Gene flow along riparian corridors in Rocky Mountain tailed frogs differs from a population of the closely related coastal tailed frog (Ascaphus truei), for which gene flow appears to occur primarily over land. These results suggest management of Rocky Mountain tailed frogs should focus on maintaining riparian buffer zones, which may be less effective for the coastal species. Thus, consideration of landscape differences is essential even for conservation of closely related, morphologically similar species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

Heavy nitrogen fertilisation is often implemented in maize cropping systems, but it can have negative environmental effects. Nitrogen-fixing, phytohormone-producing Azospirillum plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been proposed as crop inoculants to maintain high yield when decreasing nitrogen fertilisation. In this context, agronomic and ecological effects of the inoculation of maize seeds with the PGPR Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 were studied in two consecutive years. The inoculant was recovered from maize at 105 CFU g−1 root or higher. Inoculation enhanced root growth and development based on results of root biomass, rooting depth and/or parameters describing root system architecture, and a transient positive effect on shoot height was observed in the first year. Inoculation did not increase yield, but reducing mineral nitrogen fertilisation had only a minor effect on yield. This suggests that the lack of positive effect of the PGPR on yield was due to the fact that the whole field was heavily fertilised in years prior to the start of the experiment. Soil nitrogen levels decreased during the 2 years of the study, and the inoculant had no effect on residual soil nitrogen levels at harvest. Inoculation had no impact on Fusarium symptoms and concentration of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in maize kernels, but both were influenced by the interaction between inoculation and nitrogen fertilisation level. Inoculation did not influence meso/macrofaunal soil populations, but had a small but significant effect (smaller than the effect of added nitrogen) on decomposition, nitrogen mineralisation and mesofaunal colonisation of maize leaves (in litter bags). Overall, the ecological impact of seed inoculation with the PGPR A. lipoferum CRT1 was small, and its magnitude was smaller than that of chemical nitrogen fertilisation.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades a dramatic decline in the number of Mediterranean monk seals (Monachus monachus) limited scientific studies on the biology, behaviour, and ecology of the species. This lack of information impaired the effectiveness of conservation strategies. Thus, any further information gathered on the monk seal has utmost value in the work to halt and reverse the plight of the species. A hitherto unknown Cilician Basin colony of the Mediterranean monk seal has been investigated during a 6-year period between 1995 and 2001. Results of direct in-cave surveys and land based seal-watch observations enabled the evaluation of habitat use and preliminary demographic information. A total of 39 caves were discovered among which only three were used for breeding. Scarcity of the breeding caves emphasised the importance of breeding habitat in the survival of the colony. Common features of the breeding caves are found as an entrance with a protective barrier against strong waves; a chamber with a wide beach; and a well-sheltered shallow pool. Supplementary data obtained from infrared monitors installed in three actively used caves were used to assess the number of individuals. Throughout the study period, 25 individuals were identified and 11 newborn pups were found. Evaluation of the results suggests the presence of sub-regions inhabited by an individually identified sub-group of monk seals. Recommendations for conservation guided by this information is a Marine Protected Area consisting of two zones; a restricted core zone prohibiting any human activity securing breeding habitat and a restricted fishery zone securing sustainability of the food source.  相似文献   

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