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This study provides evidence that egg-parasitic nematophagous fungi, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Pochonia rubescens and Lecanicillium lecanii, can also reduce root colonisation and root damage by a fungal pathogen. Interactions of nematophagous fungi with the take-all fungus, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), and their influence on severity of the root disease it causes were studied in laboratory and pot experiments. In Petri dish experiments the three nematophagous fungi reduced colonisation of barley roots by Ggt and also reduced necrotic symptoms. On the contrary, root colonisation by nematophagous fungi was unaffected by Ggt. In growth tube experiments, the three nematophagous fungi again reduced Ggt root colonisation and increased effective root length of barley seedlings. This was true for both simultaneous and sequential inoculation of nematophagous fungi versus Ggt. In the pot experiments the inoculum of the tested fungi in soil was applied in the same pot, as a mixture or in layers, or in coupled pots used for wheat grown with a split-root system. The nematophagous fungi P. chlamydosporia (isolate 4624) and L. lecanii (isolate 4629), mixed with Ggt or in split root systems with the pathogen, promoted growth of wheat (i.e. increased shoot weight), although no disease reduction was found. In split root systems, lower levels of peroxidase activity were found in seedlings inoculated with Ggt in combination with the nematophagous isolates 4624 and 4629 than when the take-all fungus was applied alone.Our results show that nematophagous fungi reduce root colonisation by Ggt, root damage and stress induced senescence in Ggt-inoculated plants.  相似文献   

The systemic effect of root colonization by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae on infection of barley by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) was studied. In split-root systems of barley one side was inoculated with G. mosseae and the other side was inoculated with Ggt.Root infection by Ggt was systemically reduced when barley plants showed high degrees of mycorrhizal root colonization, whereas a low mycorrhizal root colonization exhibited no effect on Ggt infection. Our results show a clear systemic bioprotectional effect depending on the degree of root colonization by the mycorrhizal fungus. At a higher mycorrhizal colonization rate the concentration of salicylic acid (SA) was increased in roots colonized by the mycorrhizal fungus but no systemic increase of SA could be measured in non-mycorrhizal roots of mycorrhizal plants, indicating that the systemic bioprotectional effect against Ggt is not mediated by salicylic acid.  相似文献   

The extent of damage to the host plant caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) and var. graminis (Ggg) is a result of a net effect of host susceptibility and mycelium infectivity. The disease severity on cereal roots caused by G. graminis (Gg) fungi varies considerably depending on the genetic subtypes. Results of our rhizobox placement experiments additionally showed a subtype-specific effect of the spatial distance between host and fungus on the infection. The highest pathogenicity of each subtype was found in different zones of the root system: pathozones of different subtypes alternated along the root. The extent of the pathozone profiles did not depend on the infectivity of the inoculum and plant age. However, disease severity was shown to be affected by defence reactions of the host plant. An attack of a fungal subtype that is easily recognized by the host plant leads to defence reactions like increased root growth, thus minimizing the damage to the shoot. Detailed analysis showed that a Ggt subtype had a high potential for colonizing root laterals. It formed concentric zones of high colonization efficiency at a distance of ca. 5 cm around the shoot.  相似文献   

Wheat roots are susceptible to colonisation by soil-borne pathogens, such as Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt), which causes the globally important disease take-all, and mutualistic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Certain rhizosphere fluorescent Pseudomonas strains have received much attention as potential biocontrol agents given their ability to produce antibiotics, such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), that confer a measure of plant protection. Here we show that Pseudomonas fluorescens only produced DAPG in the presence of soluble carbon from soil containing either Ggt or AMF, and production increased by two orders of magnitude in response to both AMF and Ggt. Encouragement of mycorrhizal colonisation may therefore offer a sustainable strategy for protection against take-all.  相似文献   

The chemotaxic response of zoospores of the plant pathogen, Phytophthora nicotianae, towards exudates from mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal transformed tomato roots was studied. A bi-compartmental in vitro system was used to grow Ri T-DNA-transformed tomato roots colonized or non-colonized with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus, Glomus intraradices, and to collect root and mycorrhizal exudates. The root and mycorrhizal growth dynamics were first characterized in order to determine two times of exudate sampling. Exudates collected from 16-wk-old mycorrhizal roots were significantly more attractive for P. nicotianae zoospores than exudates from non-inoculated roots. On the contrary, concentrated exudates harvested from 24-wk-old mycorrhizal roots were repulsive to zoospores compared to exudates from non-colonized roots and the water control. In exudates of G. intraradices-inoculated roots, HPLC–MS analyses revealed significantly higher concentrations of proline and isocitrate after 24 wk of growth, while after 16 wk of growth, proline concentration did not differ between exudate types, and the isocitrate concentration was lower in mycorrhizal root exudates. Mycorrhizal inoculation had no effect on the amounts of other amino acids and organic acids and on the sugars quantified within exudates. Our results suggest that modification in exudate composition of mature roots by mycorrhizal colonization may provoke the repulsion of P. nicotianae, and that their capacity to infect host roots may in this manner be reduced.  相似文献   

The effects of soil disturbance and residue retention on the functionality of the symbiosis between medic (Medicago truncatula L.) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were assessed in a two-stage experiment simulating a crop rotation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) followed by medic. Plants were inoculated or not with the AMF, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita, separately or together. The contribution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) pathway for P uptake was determined using 32P-labeled soil in a small hyphal compartment accessible only to hyphae of AMF. In general AM colonization was not affected by soil disturbance or residue application and disturbance did not affect hyphal length densities (HLDs) in soil. At 4 weeks disturbance had a negative effect on growth and phosphorus (P) uptake of plants inoculated with G. margarita, but not G. intraradices. By 7 weeks disturbance reduced growth of plants inoculated with G. margarita or AMF mix and total P uptake in all inoculated plants. With the exception of plants inoculated with G. margarita in disturbed soil at 4 weeks, the AM pathway made a significant contribution to P uptake in all AM plants at both harvests. Inoculation with both AMF together eliminated the negative effects of disturbance on AM P uptake and growth, showing that a fungus insensitive to disturbance can compensate for loss of contribution of a sensitive one. Application of residue increased growth and total P uptake of plants but decreased 32P in plants inoculated with the AMF mix in disturbed soil, compared with plants receiving no residue. The AMF responded differently to disturbance and G. intraradices, which was insensitive to disturbance, compensated for lack of contribution by the sensitive G. margarita when they were inoculated together. Colonization of roots and HLDs in soil were not good predictors of the outcomes of AM symbioses on plant growth, P uptake or P delivery via the AM pathway.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen addition on the activity of rhizosphere bacteria was studied using barley seedlings. Three different nitrogen sources were added to the soil (nitrate, ammonium and ammonium+nitrate) at four different concentrations (0, 100, 300 and 500 mg N kg−1 soil) and the plants were allowed to grow for 6 weeks. The bacterial activity was estimated by measuring thymidine and leucine incorporation into bacteria extracted using homogenisation-centrifugation. Bulk soil bacterial activity was low compared with that of rhizosphere bacteria. Nitrogen addition did not affect the activity of the bulk soil bacteria, indicating that the activity was not nitrogen limited. The thymidine and leucine incorporation rates of rhizosphere bacteria decreased when ammonium or ammonium+nitrate was applied compared with the non-amended controls. No effect on bacterial activity was found following nitrate addition. There was a significant positive correlation between rhizosphere bacterial activity and rhizosphere pH. Shoot length following ammonium treatment was significant lower than in the non-amended control, while nitrate and ammonium+nitrate addition had no effect. This indicates that the varying effects due to nitrogen sources on rhizosphere bacterial activity were not due to effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

Exudates of Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, a yeast commonly found in the rhizosphere, increased hyphal length of the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Gigaspora rosea and Gigaspora margarita. Rhodotorulic acid (RA), a siderophore compound obtained from R. mucilaginosa exudates, increased hyphal length and branching. Thus, the increase in the number of entry points and the higher AM root colonization of tomato plants in the presence of RA can at least partially be explained by the positive effect of RA on the pre-symbiotic stages of the AM fungi.  相似文献   

The bacterium Wautersia [Ralstonia] basilensis has been shown to enhance the mycorrhizal symbiosis between Suillus granulatus and Pinus thunbergii (Japanese black pine). However, no information is available about this bacterium under field conditions. The objectives of this study were to detect W. basilensis in bulk and mycorhizosphere soils in a Japanese pine plantation in the Tottori Sand Dunes, determine the density of W. basilensis in soil, and determine the optimal cell density of W. basilensis for mycorrhizal formation in pine seedlings. We designed and validated 16S rRNA gene-targeted specific primers for detection and quantification of W. basilensis. SYBR Green I real-time PCR assay was used. A standard curve relating cultured W. basilensis cell density (103-108 cells ml−1) to amplification of DNA showed a strong linear relationship (R = 0.9968). The specificity of the reaction was confirmed by analyzing DNA melting curves and sequencing of the amplicon. The average cell density of W. basilensis was >4.8 × 107 cells g−1 of soil in the mycorrhizosphere and 7.0 × 106 cells g−1 in the bulk soil. We evaluated the W. basilensis cell density required for mycorrhizal formation using an in vitro microcosm with various inoculum densities ranging from 102 to 107 cells g−1 soil (104-109 cells ml−1). Cell densities of W. basilensis of >106 cells g−1 of soil were required to stimulate mycorrhizal formation. In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that W. basilensis was sufficiently abundant to enhance mycorrhizal formation in the mycorrhizosphere of Japanese black pine sampled from the Tottori Sand Dunes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient in plant-based primary production systems, therefore measurements of N cycling by microorganisms may add value to agricultural soil monitoring programs. Bacterial-mediated nitrogen cycling was investigated in soils from two broad land-uses (managed and remnant vegetation) across different Soil Orders from three geomorphic zones in Victoria, Australia, by examining the abundance of the genes amoA and nifH using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The aim of the study was to identify parameters influencing bacterial populations possessing the genes nifH and amoA, and examine their distribution at a regional scale across different management treatments. The gene amoA was most abundant in the neutral to slightly alkaline surface soils from Calcarosols in North-West Victoria. There was a highly significant (P < 0.001) interaction between land-use and geomorphic zones in terms of the abundance of amoA. Detection of the gene nifH was site specific with low copy number (less than 100 copies per nanogram of DNA) observed for some strongly acidic surface soil sites in North-East Victoria (Dermosols) and South-West Victoria (Sodosols/Chromosols), while nifH was more abundant in selected Calcarosols of North-West Victoria. The gene amoA was detected across more sites than nifH and was strongly influenced by land-use, with almost consistently greater abundance in managed compared to remnant sites, particularly for North-West and South-West Victoria. The abundance of nifH was not related to land-use, with similar copy numbers observed for both managed and remnant sites at some locations. For the gene nifH, there was no significant interaction between land-use and geomorphic zones, between managed and remnant sites or between the three geomorphic zones. Regression tree analysis revealed a number of likely soil chemical and microbial variables which may act as drivers of gene abundance of amoA and nifH. Variables identified as drivers for amoA included pH, Olsen P, microbial biomass carbon, nitrate and total nitrogen while for nifH the variables were microbial biomass carbon, electrical conductivity, microbial biomass nitrogen, total nitrogen and total potassium. Measures of N cycling genes could be used as an additional indicator of soil health to assess potential ecosystem functions. The spatial scale of the current study demonstrates that a landscape approach may assist soil health monitoring programs by evaluating N cycle gene abundance in the context of the different microbial and chemical conditions related to Soil Order and land-use management.  相似文献   

Interactions between the biocontrol fungus Clonostachys rosea IK 726 and a tomato/Glomus intraradices BEG87 symbiosis were examined with and without wheat bran, which served as a food base for C. rosea. In soil without wheat bran amendment, inoculation with C. rosea increased plant growth and altered shoot nutrient content resulting in an increase and decrease in P and N content, respectively. Inoculation with G. intraradices had no effect on plant growth, but increased the shoot P content. Dual inoculation with G. intraradices and C. rosea followed the pattern of C. rosea in terms of plant growth and nutrient content. Wheat bran amendment resulted in marked plant growth depressions, which were counteracted by both inoculants and dual inoculation increased plant growth synergistically. Amendment with wheat bran increased the population density of C. rosea and reduced mycorrhizal fungus colonisation of roots. The inoculants were mutually inhibitory, which was shown by a reduction in root colonisation with G. intraradices in treatments with C. rosea and a reduction in colony-forming units (cfu) of C. rosea in treatments with G. intraradices, irrespective of wheat bran amendment. Moreover, both inoculants markedly influenced soil microbial communities examined with biomarker fatty acids. Inoculation with G. intraradices increased most groups of microorganisms irrespective of wheat bran amendment, whereas the influence of C. rosea on other soil microorganisms was affected by wheat bran amendment. Overall, inoculation with C. rosea increased and decreased most groups of microorganisms without and with wheat bran amendment, respectively. In conclusion, despite mutual inhibition between the two inoculants this interaction did not impair their observed plant growth promotion. Both inoculants also markedly influenced other soil microorganisms, which should be further studied in relation to their plant growth-promoting features.  相似文献   

It is not known why sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) cultivated in tropical regions tolerates acid soil. Here, we report the involvement of mycorrhizal symbiosis in this tolerance. Plants were grown in root-boxes filled with either acidic soil (pH 4.2) or the same soil amended with lime (pH 5.2) for 30 d in a growth chamber. In the inoculated treatments, the percentage of root length colonized by Gigaspora margarita was not affected by soil pH (23±9% at pH 4.2 vs. 30±12% at pH 5.2). The root and shoot dry weights of the non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 27 and 35%, respectively, of those at pH 5.2. The root and shoot dry weights of the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 were 70 and 51% of those at pH 5.2. Growth promotion in mycorrhizal plants was significant only at pH 4.2 (2-fold increase in whole plant dry weight), but not at pH 5.2. As a result, no significant difference was detected in whole plant dry weight between the mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 and non-mycorrhizal plants at pH 5.2. The mycorrhizal plants at pH 4.2 showed reduced toxic symptoms of Mn (brown specks on mature leaves) and Al (poor root growth) compared to non-mycorrhizal ones, but tissue concentrations of P, K and Ca did not increase in mycorrhizal plants. We assume that the mycorrhizal colonization can reduce toxic effects of those elements while the exact mechanisms should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Plants inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi utilize more soluble phosphorus from soil mineral phosphate than non-inoculated plants. However, there is no information on the response of soil microflora to mineral phosphate weathering by AM fungi and, in particular, on the catabolic diversity of soil microbial communities.The AM fungus, Glomus intraradices was examined for (i) its effect on the growth of Acacia holosericea, (ii) plant-available phosphate and (iii) soil microbial activity with and without added rock phosphate.After 4-months culture, AM fungal inoculation significantly increased the plant biomasses (by 1.78× and 2.23× for shoot and root biomasses, respectively), while mineral phosphate amendment had no effect in a sterilized soil. After 12-months culture, the biomasses of A. holosericea plants growing in a non-sterilized soil amended with mineral phosphate were significantly higher than those recorded in the control treatment (by 2.5× and 5× for shoot and root biomasses, respectively). The fungal inoculation also significantly stimulated plant growth, which was significantly higher than that measured in the mineral phosphate treatment. When G. intraradices and mineral phosphate were added together to the soil, shoot growth were significantly stimulated over the single treatments (inoculation or amendment) (1.45×). The P leaf mineral content was also higher in the G. intraradices+mineral phosphate treatment than in G. intraradices or rock phosphate amendment. Moreover, the number of fluorescent pseudomonads has been significantly increased when G. intraradices and/or mineral phosphate were added to the soil. By using a specific type of multivariate analysis (co-inertia analysis), it has been shown that plant growth was positively correlated to the metabolization of ketoglutaric acid, and negatively linked to the metabolisation of phenylalanine and other substrates, which shows that microbial activity is also affected.G. intraradices inoculation is highly beneficial to the growth of A. holosericea plants in controlled conditions. This AM symbiosis optimises the P solubilization from the mineral phosphate and affects microbial activity in the hyphosphere of A. holosericea plants.  相似文献   

The Medicago sativa-Sinorhizobium symbiosis is challenged by acidity, resulting in generally poor nodulation and production. Medicago murex, however, can nodulate and grow at low pH. The effect of low pH on signal exchange in the Sinorhizobium-Medicago symbiosis was studied to gain a greater understanding of the basis for poor nodulation of M. sativa compared to M. murex. Root exudates from M. sativa and M. murex grown in buffered nutrient solution at pH 4.5, 5.8 and 7.0, were collected to measure the expression of nodB induction in Sinorhizobium. A nodB-gusA fusion was constructed and inserted into Sinorhizobium medicae strains WSM419 (acid tolerant) and CC169 (acid sensitive). We identified greater induction by root exudates from both Medicago spp. collected at pH 4.5 than at pH 5.8 and 7.0, less induction by M. murex than M. sativa and less induction of WSM419 than CC169. The same major inducing compounds, 4′,7-dihydroxyflavanone (liquiritigenin), 4′,7-dihydroxyflavone, and 2′,4′,4-trihydroxychalcone (isoliquiritigenin), were identified in exudates of M. murex and M. sativa at all pH values, although in increasing amounts at lower pH. Poor nodulation of M. sativa relative to M. murex under acid conditions is not the consequence of decreased induction of Sinorhizobium nodB by chemical inducers present in the root exudates of both species at low pH.  相似文献   

Soil populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) that are infective and symbiotically effective on pea (Pisum sativum L.) have recently been shown to be quite widespread in agricultural soils of the eastern Canadian prairie. Here we report on studies carried out to assess the genetic diversity amongst these endemic Rlv strains and to attempt to determine if the endemic strains arose from previously used commercial rhizobial inoculants. Isolates of Rlv were collected from nodules of uninoculated pea plants from 20 sites across southern Manitoba and analyzed by plasmid profiling and PCR-RFLP of the 16S-23S rDNA internally transcribed spacer (ITS) region. Of 214 field isolates analyzed, 67 different plasmid profiles were identified, indicating a relatively high degree of variability among the isolates. Plasmid profiling of isolates from proximal nodules (near the base of the stem) and distal nodules (on lateral roots further from the root crown) from individual plants from one site suggested that the endemic strains were quite competitive relative to a commercial inoculant, occupying 78% of the proximal nodules and 96% of the distal nodules. PCR-RFLP of the 16S-23S rDNA ITS also suggested a relatively high degree of genetic variability among the field isolates. Analysis of the PCR-RFLP patterns of 15 selected isolates by UPGMA indicated two clusters of three field isolates each, with simple matching coefficients (SMCs) ≥0.95. However, to group all field isolates together, the SMC has to be reduced to 0.70. Regarding the origin of the endemic Rlv strains, there were few occurrences of the plasmid profiles of field isolates being identical to the profiles of inoculant Rlv strains commonly used in the region. Likewise, the plasmid profiles of isolates from nodules of wild Lathyrus plants located near some of the sites were all different from those of the field isolates. However, comparison of PCR-RFLP patterns suggested an influence of some inoculant strains on the chromosomal composition of some of the field isolates with SMCs of ≥0.92. Overall, plasmid profiles and PCR-RFLP patterns of the isolates from endemic Rlv populations from across southern Manitoba indicate a relatively high degree of genetic diversity among both plasmid and chromosomal components of endemic strains, but also suggest some influence of chromosomal information from previously used inoculant strains on the endemic soil strains.  相似文献   

The influence of shrubs used as nurse plants was tested on the growth of Cupressus atlantica, on microbial activity and on arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) soil potential in a Mediterranean environment. An experimental plantation was conducted combining uninoculated, arbuscular mycorrhized Cypress seedlings and an association between Lavandula stoechas planted close to newly planted C. atlantica seedlings. After three years plantation, this association between C. atlantica and L. stoechas lead to a higher growth of C. atlantica and better soil microbial characteristics compared to the control treatment. AM mycelium network, total microbial activity, dehydrogenase activity, phosphate-solubilizing fluorescent pseudomonads and N, P nutrient uptake by C. atlantica, were significantly higher in the presence of L. stoechas than those recorded in the other treatments. This pioneer shrubs facilitates the early establishment of Cypress seedlings by improving soil microbial characteristics and AM fungus community development. Given that the facilitative effect of one plant species to another increases with abiotic stress, the benefits of this technique would be useful in reforestation programs undertaken to rehabilitate degraded areas in Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

For optimum production, the use of commercial rhizobial inoculant on pea (Pisum sativum L.) at seeding is necessary in the absence of compatible rhizobial strains or when rhizobial soil populations are low or symbiotically ineffective. Multiple site experiments were conducted to characterize the abundance and effectiveness of resident populations of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae (Rlv) in eastern Canadian prairie soils. A survey of 20 sites across a broad geographical range of southern Manitoba was carried out in 1998 and was followed by more intensive study of five of the sites in 1999 and 2000. Appreciable nodulation of uninoculated pea was observed at all sites which had previously grown inoculated pea. However, uninoculated pea grown at two sites, which had not previously grown pea, had negligible nodulation. Likewise, wild Lathyrus sp. and Vicia sp. plants collected from uncultivated areas adjacent to agricultural sites were poorly nodulated. In the more intensively studied sites, there was a tendency towards higher nodulation in pea plants receiving commercial inoculant containing Rlv strain PBC108 across all site-years (e.g., 4.7% in nodulation and 22% in nodule mass), but the effect was significant at only 2 of 10 site-years. Despite a relatively high range of soil pH (6-8), regression analysis indicated that decreasing soil pH resulted in lower nodulation rates. Likewise, electrical conductivity (EC) was correlated to nodulation levels, however the effect of EC was likely more indicative of the influence of soil texture and organic matter than salinity. As with nodulation, commercial inoculation tended to increase above-ground dry matter (DM) and fixed-N (estimated by the difference method) at the early pod-filling stage, but again the effects were significant at only 2 of 10 site-years. Specifically, above-ground DM and fixed-N levels were up to 29 and 51% greater, respectively, in inoculated compared to non-inoculated treatments at these sites. Addition of N-fertilizer at a rate of 100 kg N ha−1 decreased nodulation at almost all site-years (by as much as 70% at one site), but rarely resulted in increases in above-ground DM compared to inoculated plots. The study indicates for the first time that populations of infective, and generally effective strains of Rlv occur broadly in agricultural soils across the eastern Canadian prairie, but that there is a tendency for increased symbiotic efficiency with the use of commercial inoculant.  相似文献   

The composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) communities found in agricultural systems has been found to be very different to that of forest. The implications of this, if any, for the restoration of indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land is poorly understood. This study investigated the effect that AMF communities isolated from ex-agricultural and forest soils have on the growth of an indigenous New Zealand tree species (Podocarpus cunninghamii). The forest AMF community was isolated from a remnant stand of P. cunninghamii forest and the ex-agricultural AMF from a retired grazing grassland. In addition, the study examined how the two AMF communities affected the competitiveness of P. cunninghamii when grown in competition with an invasive grass species (Agrostis capillaris), which is frequently dominant on ex-agricultural land in New Zealand. P. cunninghamii growth was significantly decreased by inoculation with ex-agricultural AMF compared to forest AMF. Furthermore, the forest AMF community was able to significantly increase P. cunninghamii root production when in competition with A. capillaris. The findings suggest that when attempting to restore indigenous forest on ex-agricultural land, inoculation of tree seedlings with appropriate forest AMF may improve their growth and survival.  相似文献   

 A soil microcosm experiment was performed to assess the uptake of Hg from various Hg-spiked food sources (soil, leaf litter and root litter of Trifolium alexandrinum) by two earthworm species, Lumbricus terrestris (anecic) and Octolaseon cyaneum (endogeic). Treatments were applied in which one of the three food sources was Hg spiked and the other two were not. Additional treatments in which all or none of the food sources were Hg spiked were used as controls. Uptake of Hg from soil into tissues of both earthworm species was significantly higher than uptake of Hg from leaf litter or root litter, indicating that soil may be the most important pool for the uptake of Hg into earthworms. In addition, the anecic L. terrestris significantly accumulated Hg from all Hg-spiked food sources (leaf litter, root litter and soil), whereas the endogeic O. cyaneum took up Hg mainly from soil particles. Interestingly, there was no further increase in Hg in L. terrestris when all food sources were Hg spiked compared to the single Hg-spiked sources. This may be attributed to the relatively high Hg content in the soil, which may have influenced the feeding behavior of the earthworms, although their biomass did not significantly decline. We suggest that, in addition to the physiological differences, feeding behavior may also play a role in the contrasting uptake of Hg by the two earthworm species.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to induce the biocontrol of soilborne diseases, to change the composition of root exudates and to modify the bacterial community structure of the rhizosphere, leading to the formation of the mycorrhizosphere. Tomato plants were grown in a compartmentalized soil system and were either submitted to direct mycorrhizal colonization or to enrichment of the soil with exudates collected from mycorrhizal tomato plants, with the corresponding negative controls. Three weeks after planting, the plants were inoculated or not with the soilborne pathogen Phytophthora nicotianae growing through a membrane from an adjacent infected compartment. At harvest, a PCR-Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from the total DNA extracted from each plant rhizosphere was performed. Root colonization with the AM fungi Glomus intraradices or Glomus mosseae induced significant changes in the bacterial community structure of tomato rhizosphere, compared to non-mycorrhizal plants, while enrichment with root exudates collected from mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal plants had no effect. Our results support that the effect of AM fungi on rhizosphere bacteria would not be mediated by compounds present in root exudates of mycorrhizal plants but rather by physical or chemical factors associated with the mycelium, volatiles and/or root surface bound substrates. Moreover, infection of mycorrhizal or non-mycorrhizal plants with P. nicotianae did not significantly affect the bacterial community structure suggesting that rhizosphere bacteria would be less sensitive to the pathogen invasion than to mycorrhizal colonization. Of 96 unique sequences detected in the tomato rhizosphere, eight were specific to mycorrhizal fungi, including two Pseudomonas, a Bacillus simplex, an Herbaspirilium and an Acidobacterium. One Verrucomicrobium was common to rhizospheres of mycorrhizal plants and of plants watered with mycorrhizal root exudates.  相似文献   

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