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丙酮酸甲酸裂解酶是肠道细菌在厌氧代谢中十分关键的酶,丙酮酸甲酸裂解酶激活因子(pyruvateform ate lyase activator,PFL-A)在功能上具有重要的作用。为进一步研究PFL-A的激活机理,以大肠杆菌K-12的基因组为模板,通过G enB ank上公布的序列设计引物,扩增出目的基因,克隆到pM D 18-T载体,经测序,所扩增出的基因与p f l-act基因具有99%的同源性。将p f l-act连接到高效表达载体pET-22b( )中,经异丙基硫代-β-D-半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导,结果发现,p f l-act以包涵体形式表达。改变诱导剂、诱导剂量或培养温度,对包涵体的形成均没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires has led to growing attention to the effects of fire disturbance on soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling. While many studies have examined fire impacts on plant communities, and a growing body of research is detailing the effects of fire on soil microbial communities, little attention has been paid to the interaction between plant recolonization and shifts in soil properties and microbial community structure and function. In this study, we examined the effect of a common post-fire colonizer plant species, Corydalis aurea, on soil chemistry, microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity and bacterial community structure one year after a major forest wildfire in Colorado, USA, in severely burned and lightly burned soils. Consistent with past research, we find significant differences in soil edaphic and biotic properties between severe and light burn soils. Further, our work suggests an important interaction between fire severity and plant effects by demonstrating that the recolonization of soils by C. aurea plants only has a significant effect on soil bacterial communities and biogeochemistry in severely burned soils, resulting in increases in percent nitrogen, extractable organic carbon, microbial biomass, β-glucosidase enzyme activity and shifts in bacterial community diversity. This work propounds the important role of plant colonization in succession by demonstrating a clear connection between plant colonization and bacterial community structure as well as the cycling of carbon in a post-fire landscape. This study conveys how the strength of plant–microbe interactions in secondary succession may shift based on an abiotic context, where plant effects are accentuated in harsher abiotic conditions of severe burn soils, with implications for bacterial community structure and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

For the use of gene expression for nutritional diagnosis, a rapid and easy method of detecting levels of gene expression was proposed. Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the GUS reporter gene was injected into intact tobacco leaves with a plastic syringe, and transient GUS expression was determined. GUS activities were reproducible in young leaves.  相似文献   

以基因组DNA为模板,利用PCR技术从克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)中扩增得到含有1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶基因(dhaT)的DNA片段,将其定向连接到克隆质粒pGEM-3xf上,得到重组质粒pGEM-dhaT。将此重组质粒转化到受体菌Escherichia coli DH5α中,通过蓝白斑鉴定挑选出阳性菌株。DNA序列分析表明其基因全长为1185bp。将该片段插入表达载体pSE380,构建成重组子pSE-dhaT,并在E.coli JM109中获得表达,经SDS-PAGE检测,表达产物分子质量与天然纯1,3-丙二醇氧化还原酶(DHAT)相同,约为43ku。  相似文献   

非生物胁迫是引起全世界作物减产的主要因素, 利用分子生物学技术提高作物耐逆性已成为作物改良的新途径。本课题组采用Affymetrix水稻表达芯片分析了超级稻亲本“培矮64S”全基因组表达模式, 发现了众多逆境相关基因。OsMsr8基因受低温、干旱等多逆境因子诱导, 在孕穗期干旱胁迫下表达水平显著上调。qRT-PCR分析试验数据与芯片结果基本吻合。利用生物信息学方法对所获得序列进行开放阅读框、序列同源性分析, 预测了编码蛋白质产物的理化性质。该基因ORF全长为834 bp, 编码277个氨基酸残基, 不含内含子, 无典型的基因保守结构域。在不同物种中有高相似性的蛋白, 功能未知。对启动子区域进行分析, 发现含有多种与逆境诱导相关的调控元件, 推测该基因与植物耐逆性有一定关系。  相似文献   

地衣芽孢杆菌菌株GXNl51的cell2A基因为783bp,可编码含261个氨基酸的羧甲基纤维素酶Cel12A,Cel12A的N-末端第1~28氨基酸具典型的信号肽特征、第9~31氨基酸具跨膜功能域特征、第104~261氨基酸形成家族12糖基水解酶(glycosyl hydrolase)功能域。将编码其第73-261氨基酸的DNA序列克隆到大肠杆菌表达载体pET一30a( )得表达质粒pGXNl2A,用1mmol/IPTG诱导处理JMl09(DE3)/pGXNl2A的培养液6h pGXNl2A的表达量达到最高,在JMl09(DE3)和BL21(DE3)pLysS中该表达蛋白质可分别占菌体胞内总蛋白的54.3%和20.9%。在含羧甲基纤维素的LA平板上JMl09(DE3)/pGXNl2A和BL21(DE3)pLysS/pGXNl2A表现有较弱的羧甲基纤维素酶活性,说明重组的Cell2A的催化功能域具有独立的催化活性。包含体检测表明pGXNl2A在JMl09(DE3)中的表达产物大部分形成不溶性包含体。  相似文献   

【目的】研究采前、 采后钙处理对葡萄柚果实细胞壁组分、 细胞壁降解酶活性变化及其相关基因表达的影响,可为了解钙与果实细胞壁物质代谢之间的关系,揭示钙对果实软化的作用机理,为调控葡萄柚果实膳食纤维含量,提高果实质地品质提供理论依据。【方法】试验于2011年2月至11月在云南省玉溪市葡萄柚果园进行,供试品种为‘里约红’葡萄柚,该品种于2005年嫁接于当地砧木,株行距为3 m×3 m。试验由采前和采后钙处理两部分组成。采前钙处理在幼果初期、 幼果末期、 膨大初期、 膨大末期、 转色期,叶面喷施2% CaCl2; 采后钙处理在果实成熟采后浸于2% CaCl2溶液5 min, 室温贮藏。之后每15天取样一次,每次取10个果实,测定葡萄柚果肉细胞壁组分、 细胞壁降解酶活性及其基因表达量。【结果】随葡萄柚果实后熟软化,紧密结合型果胶(共价结合型果胶)解聚为松散结合型果胶(水溶性果胶、 离子结合型果胶),紧密结合型半纤维素(24% KOH可溶性半纤维素)解聚使其含量下降,而松散结合型半纤维素含量增加(4%KOH可溶性半纤维素)。果实PG、 PME、 Cx、 α-L-Af和β-Gal酶活性及其基因表达量均随果实软化呈不同程度增加。PME活性在果实采收后表现出较高含量,而PG活性在果实贮藏前期急剧增加,其酶基因的表达量与酶活性变化趋势基本一致。Cx、 α-L-Af和β-Gal活性在贮藏中、 后期上升较快,相关酶基因的表达量亦明显增加。钙处理显著地降低果实细胞壁降解酶活性和基因表达水平,其中采后钙处理对α-L-Af和β-Gal活性和基因表达在贮藏中、 后期的调控作用较显著,酶活性和基因表达均维持在较低水平。【结论】外源钙处理降低细胞壁降解酶活性及其基因表达,抑制了细胞壁物质的解聚,采后钙处理对细胞壁物质代谢的调控效果优于采前钙处理。外源钙处理抑制了细胞壁降解酶基因表达水平,降低了细胞壁降解酶活性,减缓了果胶、 半纤维素的解聚,从而达到调控果实膳食纤维含量、 维持果实质地品质、 延长果实货架期寿命的目的。  相似文献   

The contribution of N remobilization is crucial for new shoots growth and quality formation during spring tea shoots development. However, the translocation mechanism of N from source leaves to sink young shoots is not well understood. In the present study, 15N urea was applied to mature tea leaves one week before bud break to track N remobilization in a field experiment. The dynamic changes in plant 15N abundance, contents of amino acids, and the expression levels of genes related to N metabolism and translocation were followed during the 18‐d development of new spring shoots until three expanding young leaves. The results showed that during the growth of new shoots the amount of 15N in the shoots increased, whereas the Ndff (N derived from 15N‐urea) in mature leaves decreased, showing that the foliar‐applied N in mature leaves was readily exported to new shoots. This process was found to be accompanied by decline of chlorophylls. In the mature leaves, expression CsATG18a and CsSAG12 involved in autophagy was dramatically induced (> 4‐fold) at approximately nine days after the bud breaking. The genes involved in the transformation of amino acids, including primarily CsGDH2, CsGDH4, CsGLT3, CsGS1;3, and CsASN2 were upregulated by > 3‐fold after bud breaking. The expression levels of CsATG8A, CsATG9, CsSAG12, CsGS1;1, CsGDH1, and CsAAP6 correlated negatively with the Ndff in mature leaves, but positively with 15N amount and total N amount in new shoots, suggesting these genes played important roles in N export from mature leaves. In the new shoots, the expression of most genes showed two defined peaks, one on six days and one on 12 days after bud breaking. The expression of CsGS2, CsASN3, CsGLT1, and CsAAP4 positively correlated with the 15N amount and total N amount in new shoots. These genes might be involved in the transport and re‐assimilation of N from mature leaves. The overall results demonstrated that the translocation of 15N from mature leaves to new spring shoots was regulated by the genes involved in autophagy, protein degradation, amino acid transformation and transport.  相似文献   

The inability to utilize a fungal siderophore as source of iron nutrition by most of the rhizobial cultures isolated from pigeon pea, could be considered a negative fitness factor since hydroxamate siderophores are found in significant amounts in natural soils. Thus these cultures were engineered to use ferrichrome a prototype of hydroxamate type siderophore. Pigeon pea Rhizobium spp. IC3123 and ST1 harboring Escherichia coli fhuA gene, responsible for uptake of Fe3+-ferrichrome, were obtained by transformation with pGR1, a broad host range plasmid carrying the fhuA gene under the control of the lac promoter of E. coli. Expression of fhuA in transformed rhizobial strains IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 was confirmed by the ability of the plasmid-bearing strains to utilize iron bound to ferrichrome. Inoculation of pigeon pea plants with fhuA expressing rhizobial strains in pot experiments showed a significant increase in plant growth as well as nodule density as compared to those inoculated with the parent as well as the empty vector-bearing strain. Inoculation of pigeon pea seedlings with IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 led to marked increase in shoot fresh weight, nodule number per plant, chlorophyll content of leaves and effective nodule symbiosis when compared with plants inoculated with the parent strains IC3123 and ST1. The positive effect of IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 treatment on plant growth was more significantly observed when ferrichrome producing Ustilago maydis, known to secrete ferrichrome, was co-inoculated along with the transformed rhizobia. The presence of fhuA gene in rhizobial strains also led to an increased survival and root colonization.  相似文献   

细菌在高细胞密度下可以产生化学信号分子调控细菌相关基因的表达,这种信号分子被称为自体诱导物(Autoinducer,AI)。采用检测菌株JZA1在中慢生型天山根瘤菌CCBAU060A(Mesorhizobium tianshanenseCCBAU060A)培养上清液中检测到了高活性的自体诱导物;利用转座子随机突变的方法获得了AI缺失突变株,并克隆得到了相关的自体诱导物合酶基因;将自体诱导物合酶基因在大肠杆菌中进行表达,对大肠杆菌重组菌株进行自体诱导物检测发现,该合酶基因在大肠杆菌中能够合成四种自体诱导物分子。  相似文献   

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