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Polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) in combination with sequencing of amplified partial 18S ribosomal DNA was used to assess the effects of transgenic Bt corn 5422Bt1 (event Bt 11) and 5422CBCL (event MON810) on the community structure of a non-target microorganism, namely the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus in corn roots and rhizosphere soils, relative to their non-Bt isolines 5422 (conventional parent) and 5422wx (conventional hybrid). AMF colonization in roots of different corn genotypes was also assessed using microscopic visualization. No adverse effect was detected on the indigenous AMF colonization of the roots of Bt hybrids 5422Bt1 and 5422CBCL. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN®) and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the DGGE data from corn roots presented differences between Bt and non-Bt corn isolines (5422Bt1 vs. 5422wx, and 5422CBCL vs. 5422wx). However, differences were also recognized between the two non-Bt corn cultivars (5422 vs. 5422wx), and between the two Bt corn lines (5422Bt1 vs. 5422CBCL) in roots. Our results suggest that corn genotypes may have a greater influence on the AMF community structure of plant roots and rhizosphere soils than other factors, such as the age of the growing plants.  相似文献   

Soils with greater levels of microbial biomass may be able to release nutrients more rapidly from applied plant material. We tested the hypothesis that the indigenous soil microbial biomass affects the rate of decomposition of added green manure. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) Walp.] leaves were added to four soils with widely differing microbial biomass C levels. C and N mineralization of the added plant material was followed during incubation at 30°C for 60 days. Low levels of soil microbial biomass resulted in an initially slower rate of decomposition of soil-incorporated green manure. The microbial biomass appeared to adjust rapidly to the new substrate, so that at 60 days of incubation the cumulative C loss and net N mineralization from decomposing cowpea leaves were not significantly affected by the level of the indigenous soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

Ecosystem and biogeochemical responses to anthropogenic stressors are the result of complex interactions between plants and microbes. A mechanistic understanding of how plant traits influence microbial processes is needed in order to predict the ecosystem-level effects of natural or anthropogenic change. This is particularly true in wetland ecosystems, where plants alter the availability of both electron donors (e.g., organic carbon) and electron acceptors (e.g., oxygen and ferric iron), thereby regulating the total amount of anaerobic respiration and the production of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. In this study, we examined how plant traits associated with plant inputs of carbon (photosynthesis and biomass) and oxygen (root porosity and ferric iron on roots) to mineral soils relate to microbial competition for organic carbon and, ultimately, methane production. Plant productivity was positively correlated with microbial respiration and negatively correlated to methane production. Root porosity was relatively constant across plant species, but belowground biomass, total biomass, and the concentration of oxidized (ferric) iron on roots varied significantly between species. As a result the size of the total root oxidized iron pool varied considerably across plant species, scaling with plant productivity. Large pools of oxidized iron were related to high CO2:CH4 ratios during microbial respiration, indicating that as plant productivity and biomass increased, microbes used non-methanogenic respiration pathways, most likely including the reduction of iron oxides. Taken together these results suggest that increased oxygen input from plants with greater biomass can offset any potential stimulation of methanogenic microbes from additional carbon inputs. Because the species composition of plant communities influences both electron donor and acceptor availability in wetland soils, changes in plant species as a consequence of anthropogenic disturbance have the potential to trigger profound effects on microbial processes, including changes in anaerobic decomposition rates and the proportion of mineralized carbon emitted as the greenhouse gas methane.  相似文献   

Forests cover one-third of the Earth’s land surface and account for 30-40% of soil carbon (C). Despite numerous studies, questions still remain about the factors controlling forest soil C turnover. Present understanding of global C cycle is limited by considerable uncertainty over the potential response of soil C dynamics to rapid nitrogen (N) enrichment of ecosystems, mainly from fuel combustion and fertilizer application. Here, we present a 15-year-long field study and show an average increase of 14.6% in soil C concentration in the 0-5 cm mineral soil layer in N fertilized (defined as N+ hereafter) sub-plots of a second-rotation Pinus radiata plantation in New Zealand compared to control sub-plots. The results of 14C and lignin analyses of soil C indicate that N additions significantly accelerate decomposition of labile and recalcitrant soil C. Using an annual-time step model, we estimated the soil C turnover time. In the N+ sub-plots, soil C in the light (a density < 1.70 g cm−3) and heavy fractions had the mean residence times of 23 and 67 yr, respectively, which are lower than those in the control sub-plots (36 and 133 yr in the light and heavy fractions, respectively). The commonly used lignin oxidation indices (vanillic acid to vanillin and syringic acid to syringaldehyde ratios) were significantly greater in the N+ sub-plots than in the control sub-plots, suggesting increased lignin decomposition due to fertilization. The estimation of C inputs to forest floor and δ13C analysis of soil C fractions indicate that the observed buildup of surface soil C concentrations in the N+ sub-plots can be attributed to increased inputs of C mass from forest debris. We conclude that long-term N additions in productive forests may increase C storage in both living tree biomass and soils despite elevated decomposition of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

In an incubation experiment with flooded rice soil fertilized with different N amounts and sampled at different rice stages, the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production in relation to soil labile carbon (C) pools under two temperature (35°C and 45°C) and moisture (aerobic and submerged) regimes were investigated. The field treatments imposed in the wet season included unfertilized control and 40, 80 and 120 kg ha?1 N fertilization. The production of CH4 was significantly higher (27%) under submerged compared to aerobic conditions, whereas CO2 production was significantly increased under aerobic by 21% compared to submerged conditions. The average labile C pools were significantly increased by 21% at the highest dose of N (120 kg ha?1) compared to control and was found highest at rice panicle initiation stage. But the grain yield had significantly responded only up to 80 kg ha?1 N, although soil labile C as well as gaseous C emission was noticed to be highest at 120 kg ha?1 N. Hence, 80 kg N ha?1 is a better option in the wet season at low land tropical flooded rice in eastern India for sustaining grain yield and minimizing potential emission of CO2 and CH4.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency and aluminium toxicity in weathered soils can be amended by applying organic residues. Nitrogen mineralization, changes in P-availability and changes in salt-extractable Al following the incorporation of residues of various green manures (Flemingia congesta, Mucuna pruriens, Pueraria phaseoloides, Tithonia diversifolia) were quantified in a field core incubation experiment. Dried residues were added at an application rate of 45 kg P ha−1 to two soils representative for the main soil groups of the South Vietnamese uplands, set up in incubation cores in an experimental field near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Decomposition of the residues proceeded at high rates. Mineralized nitrogen from the residues was recovered mainly as ammonium during the first 2 weeks of incubation. Nitrogen release from Tithonia residues with the highest lignin content and lignin:N ratio occurred more gradually compared to the three legumes. Resin-extractable P was significantly increased by residue treatments. Largest and sustained increases in resin-extractable P (0.67 and 2.06 mg P kg−1 in the two soils) were observed in samples amended with Tithonia, which was related to the large P-content (0.37%) and small C:P ratio (110) of the residues. The P-concentration in the residues, rather than the total amount of P applied through the residues, affected the increase in P-availability. The increase in resin-extractable P was correlated to the P-content (R=0.64) and C:P ratio (R=−0.65) of the residues. Salt-extractable Al-concentrations were considerably reduced by the organic amendments, up to 70 and 50% in the two soils. At the rate of 45 kg P ha−1, no significant differences between the residue treatments to reduce soil acidity were observed.As such, the application of high quality residues that are rich in P, in particular T. diversifolia, may enhance crop production by creating favourable soil conditions during the initial stages of plant development of the main crop.  相似文献   

Genetically modified crops, that produce Cry insecticidal crystal proteins (Cry) from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), release these toxins into soils through root exudates and upon decomposition of residues. The fate of these toxins in soil has not yet been clearly elucidated. Persistence can be influenced by biotic (degradation by microorganisms) and abiotic factors (physicochemical interactions with soil components, especially adsorption). The aim of this study was to follow the fate of Cry1Aa Bt toxin in contrasting soils subjected to different treatments to enhance or inhibit microbial activity, in order to establish the importance of biotic and abiotic processes for the fate of Bt toxin. The toxin was efficiently extracted from each soil using an alkaline buffer containing a protein, bovine serum albumin, and a nonionic surfactant, Tween 20. The marked decline of extractable toxin after incubation of weeks to months was soil-dependent. The decrease of extractable toxin with incubation time was not related to microbial degradation but mainly to physicochemical interactions with the surfaces that may decrease immunochemical detectability or enhance protein fixation. Hydrophobic interactions may play an important role in determining the interaction of the toxin with surfaces.  相似文献   

Cellulose and lignin degradation dynamics was monitored during the leaf litter decomposition of three typical species of the Mediterranean area, Cistus incanus L., Myrtus communis L. and Quercus ilex L., using the litter bag method. Total N and its distribution among lignin, cellulose and acid-detergent-soluble fractions were measured and related to the overall decay process. The litter organic substance of Cistus and Myrtus decomposed more rapidly than that of Quercus. The decay constants were 0.47 year−1, 0.75 year−1 and 0.30 year−1 for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively. Lignin and cellulose contents were different as were their relative amounts (34 and 18%, 15 and 37%, 37 and 39% of the overall litter organic matter before exposure, for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively). Lignin began to decrease after 6 and 8 months of exposure in Cistus and Myrtus, respectively, while it did not change significantly during the entire study period in Quercus. The holocellulose, in contrast, began to decompose in Cistus after 1 year, while in Quercus and Myrtus immediately. Nitrogen was strongly immobilized in all the litters in the early period of decay. Its release began after the first year in Cistus and Myrtus and after 2 years of decomposition in Quercus. These litters still contained about 60, 20 and 90% of the initial nitrogen at the end of the experiment (3 years). Prior to litter exposure nitrogen associated with the lignin fraction was 65, 54 and 37% in Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, while that associated with the cellulose fraction was 30, 24 and 28%. Although most of the nitrogen was not lost from litters, its distribution among the litter components changed significantly during decomposition. In Cistus and Myrtus the nitrogen associated with lignin began to decrease just 4 months after exposure. In Quercus this process was slowed and after 3 years of decomposition 8% of the nitrogen remained associated with lignin or lignin-like substances. The nitrogen associated with cellulose or cellulose-like substances, in contrast, began to decrease from the beginning of cellulose decomposition in all three species. At the end of the study period most of the nitrogen was not associated to the lignocellulose fraction but to the acid-detergent-soluble substance (87, 88 and 84% of the remaining litter nitrogen).  相似文献   

To understand the implications of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on carbon turnover in peatlands, we conducted a 13C pulse labeling experiment on Calluna vulgaris and Eriophorum vaginatum already receiving long-term (5 years) amendments of 56 kg N ha−1 y−1 as ammonium or nitrate. We examined shoot tissue retention, net ecosystem respiration returns of the 13C pulse, and soil porewater DOC content under the two species. 13C fixation in Eriophorum leaves was enhanced with nitrogen addition and doubled with nitrate supply. This newly fixed C appeared to be relocated below-ground faster with nitrogen fertilization as respiration returns were unaffected by N inputs. By contrast, increases in 13C fixation were not observed in Calluna. Instead, net ecosystem respiration rates over Calluna increased with N fertilization. There was no significant label incorporation into DOC, suggesting a conservative strategy of peatland vegetation regarding allocation of C through root exudation. Greater concentrations of total DOC were identified with nitrate addition in Calluna. Given the long-term nature of the experiment and the high N inputs, the overall impacts of nitrogen amendments on the fate of recently synthesized C in Eriophorum and Calluna in this ombrotrophic peatland were surprisingly more moderate than originally hypothesized. This may be due to N being effectively retained within the bryophyte layer, thus limiting, and delaying the onset of, below-ground effects.  相似文献   

Summary A study was conducted to determine the effects of grinding, added N, and the absence of soil on C mineralization from agricultural plant residues with a high C:N ratio. The evolution of CO2 from ground and unground wheat straw, lentil straw, and lentil green manure, with C:N ratios of 80, 36, and 9, respectively, was determined over a period of 98 days. Treatments with added N were included with the wheat and lentil straw. Although the CO2 evolution was initially much faster from the lentil green manure than from the lentil or wheat straw, by 98 days similar amounts of CO2 had evolved from all residues incubated in soil with no added N. Incubation of plant residues in the absence of soil had little effect on CO2 evolution from the lentil green manure or lentil straw but strongly reduced CO2 evolution from the wheat straw. Grinding did not affect CO2 evolution from the lentil green manure but increased CO2 evolution from the lentil straw with no added N and from the wheat straw. The addition of N increased the rate of CO2 evolution from ground wheat straw between days 4 and 14 but not from unground wheat straw, and only slightly increased the rate of CO2 evolution from lentil straw during the initial decomposition. Over 98 days, the added N reduced the amounts of CO2 evolved from both lentil and wheat straw, due to reduced rates of CO2 evolution after ca. 17 days. The lack of an N response during the early stages of decomposition may be attributed to the low C:N ratio of the soluble straw component and to microbial adaptations to an N deficiency, while the inhibitory effect of N on CO2 evolution during the later stages of decomposition may be attributed to effects of high mineral N concentrations on lignocellulolytic microorganisms and enzymes.  相似文献   

The possible effects of excreta of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo on decomposition processes and dynamics of nutrients (N, P, Ca, K, Mg) and organic chemical components (lignin, total carbohydrates) were investigated in a temperate evergreen coniferous forest near Lake Biwa in central Japan. Two-year decomposition processes of needles and twigs of Chamaecyparis obtusa were examined at two sites, control site never colonized by the cormorants (site C) and colonizing site (site 2). Mass loss was faster in needles than in twigs. Mass loss of these litter types was faster at site C than at site 2, which was ascribed to the decreased mass loss rate of acid-insoluble ‘lignin’ at site 2. Net immobilization of N, P, and Ca occurred in needles and twigs at site 2; whereas at site C, mass of these elements decreased without immobilization during decomposition. Duration of immobilization phase of these nutrients at site 2 was estimated to be 1.6 to 2.5 years in needles and 19.6 to 23.5 years in twigs. Immobilization potential (maximum amount of exogenous nutrient immobilized per gram initial material) was similar between needles and twigs for N and Ca but was about 10 times higher in twigs than in needles for P. δ13C in needles was relatively constant during the first year and then increased during the second year, whereas δ13C in twigs was variable during decomposition. Acid-insoluble fraction was depleted in 13C compared to whole needles (1.6-2.1‰) and twigs (2.0-2.5‰). δ15N of needles and twigs and their acid-insoluble fractions approached to δ15N of excreta during decomposition at site 2. This result demonstrated the immobilization of excreta-derived N into litter due to the formation of acid-insoluble lignin-like substances complexed with excreta-derived N. No immobilization occurred in K and Mg and their mass decreased during decomposition at both sites. Based on these results of nutrient immobilization during decomposition and on the data of litter fall and excreta amount at site 2, we tentatively calculated stand-level immobilization potential of litter fall and its contribution to total amount of N and P deposited as excreta. Thus, the potential maximum amount immobilized into litter fall (needles and twigs) was estimated to account for 5-7% of total excreta-derived N and P.  相似文献   

Earthworms, which play a key role in biogeochemical processes in soil ecosystems, could be negatively affected by the cultivation of transgenic Bt crops. Studies to date have found few effects of Bt maize on earthworm species. If adverse effects occur, they are likely to be chronic or sub-lethal and expressed over large spatial and temporal scales. Our objective in the present study was to investigate potential effects on earthworm populations in soil cultivated with Bt maize in a large multiple-year field study. We surveyed the earthworm populations in 0.16-ha experimental field plots of two varieties of Cry1Ab Bt maize, one variety of Cry3Bb1 Bt maize, and three non-transgenic control varieties cultivated for four years. Four earthworm species were found in our sample: Aporrectodea caliginosa, Aporrectodea trapezoides, Aporrectodea tuberculata (collectively, the A. caliginosa species complex), and Lumbricus terrestris. We found no significant differences in the biomass of juveniles and adults for all four species between Bt and non-Bt maize varieties. From this and previous studies, we conclude that the effects of Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 Bt maize on the A. caliginosa species complex and L. terrestris are small. Nonetheless, general conclusions about the effects of Bt maize on earthworm populations are not warranted due to the small number of species tested. In future laboratory studies, earthworm species should be selected according to their association with a Bt crop and the impact of that species to valued soil ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Summary Sandy soils have low reserves of mineral N in spring. Therefore organic-bound N is the most important pool available for crops. The objective of the present investigation was to study the importance of the organic-bound N extracted by electro-ultrafiltration and by a CaCl2 solution for the supply of N to rape and for N mineralization. Mitscherlich-pot experiments carried out with 12 different sandy soils (Germany) showed a highly significant correlation between the organic N extracted (two fractions) and the N uptake by the rape (electroultrafiltration extract: r=0.76***; CaCl2 extract: r=0.76***). Organic N extracted by both methods before the application of N fertilizer was also significantly correlated with N mineralization (electro-ultrafiltration extract: r=0.75***; CaCl2 extract: r=0.79***). N uptake by the rape and the mineralization of organic N increased with soil pH and decreased with an increasing C:N ratio and an increasing proportion of sand in the soils. Ninety-eight percent of the variation in N uptake by the rape was determined by the differences in net mineralization of organic N. This show that in sandy soils with low mineral N reserves (NO inf3 sup- -N, NH 4 + -N) the organic soil N extracted by electro-ultrafiltration or CaCl2 solutions indicates the variance in plant-available N. Total soil N was not related to the N uptake by plants nor to N mineralization.  相似文献   

Land-use type and nitrogen (N) addition strongly affect nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) production, but the impacts of their interaction and the controlling factors remain unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of both factors simultaneously on N2O and CO2 production and associated soil chemical and biological properties. Surface soils (0–10 cm) from three adjacent lands (apple orchard, grassland and deciduous forest) in central Japan were selected and incubated aerobically for 12 weeks with addition of 0, 30 or 150 kg N ha–1 yr–1. Land-use type had a significant (p < 0.001) impact on the cumulative N2O and CO2 production. Soils from the apple orchard had higher N2O and CO2 production potentials than those from the grassland and forest soils. Soil net N mineralization rate had a positive correlation with both soil N2O and CO2 production rates. Furthermore, the N2O production rate was positively correlated with the CO2 production rate. In the soils with no N addition, the dominant soil properties influencing N2O production were found to be the ammonium-N content and the ratio of soil microbial biomass carbon to nitrogen (MBC/MBN), while those for CO2 production were the content of nitrate-N and soluble organic carbon. N2O production increased with the increase in added N doses for the three land-use types and depended on the status of the initial soil available N. The effect of N addition on CO2 production varied with land use type; with the increase of N addition doses, it decreased for the apple orchard and forest soils but increased for the grassland soils. This difference might be due to the differences in microbial flora as indicated by the MBC/MBN ratio. Soil N mineralization was the major process controlling N2O and CO2 production in the examined soils under aerobic incubation conditions.  相似文献   

Sprays of commercial insecticidal preparations of the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (Btk), usually a mixture of cells, spores and parasporal crystals, have been used for the last 10 yr in Sardinia (Italy) to protect cork oak forests against the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.). Until now, the protective antilepidopteran efficacies of each of the various spray treatments rather than their effects on the environment have been evaluated. Consequently, the persistence of Btk and its toxin, released in sprays (FORAY 48B®), in soils of cork oak stands, located in Orotelli, Tempio Pausania and Calangianus (Sardinia), were investigated. In the Calangianus soil, the numbers of Btk remained essentially constant for 28 months (the longest time studied) after spraying, indicating that Btk was able to compete with the indigenous microbial community; the toxin was detected 28 months after spraying by immunological assay, but at a reduced concentration; and the larvicidal activity decreased essentially linearly to 14 months and then decreased markedly between 14 and 28 months. In the Tempio Pausania and Orotelli soils, cells of Btk were detected, whereas the toxin was not detected by immunological and larvicidal assays, 52 and 88 months (the longest times studied) after spraying, respectively. The numbers of Btk cells detected were probably too low to account for the presence of the toxin in all of the soils studied, as there was no correlation between numbers of Btk and toxin detected by immunological assays (correlation coefficient of −0.66) in the Calangianus soil. Our results indicated that Btk and its toxin introduced into soils in sprays can persist for long periods (at least 88 months for Btk and at least 28 months for its toxin).  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric CO2 tends to stimulate plant productivity, which could either stimulate or suppress the processing of soil carbon, thereby feeding back to atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We employed an acid-hydrolysis-incubation method and a net nitrogen-mineralization assay to assess stability of soil carbon pools and short-term nitrogen dynamics in a Florida scrub-oak ecosystem after six years of exposure to elevated CO2. We found that soil carbon concentration in the slow pool was 27% lower in elevated than ambient CO2 plots at 0-10 cm depth. The difference in carbon mass was equivalent to roughly one-third of the increase in plant biomass that occurred in the same experiment. These results concur with previous reports from this ecosystem that elevated CO2 stimulates microbial degradation of relatively stable soil organic carbon pools. Accordingly, elevated CO2 increased net N mineralization in the 10-30 cm depth, which may increase N availability, thereby allowing for continued stimulation of plant productivity by elevated CO2. Our findings suggest that soil texture and climate may explain the differential response of soil carbon among various long-term, field-based CO2 studies. Increased mineralization of stable soil organic carbon by a CO2-induced priming effect may diminish the terrestrial carbon sink globally.  相似文献   

Understanding carbon dynamics in soil is the key to managing soil organic matter. Our objective was to quantify the carbon dynamics in microcosm experiments with soils from long-term rye and maize monocultures using natural 13C abundance. Microcosms with undisturbed soil columns from the surface soil (0-25 cm) and subsoil (25-50 cm) of plots cultivated with rye (C3-plant) since 1878 and maize (C4-plant) since 1961 with and without NPK fertilization from the long-term experiment ‘Ewiger Roggen’ in Halle, Germany, were incubated for 230 days at 8 °C and irrigated with 2 mm 10−2 M CaCl2 per day. Younger, C4-derived and older, C3-derived percentages of soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), microbial biomass (Cmic) and CO2 from heterothropic respiration were determined by natural 13C abundance. The percentage of maize-derived carbon was highest in CO2 (42-79%), followed by Cmic (23-46%), DOC (5-30%) and SOC (5-14%) in the surface soils and subsoils of the maize plots. The percentage of maize-derived C was higher for the NPK plot than for the unfertilized plot and higher for the surface soils than for the subsoils. Specific production rates of DOC, CO2-C and Cmic from the maize-derived SOC were 0.06-0.08% for DOC, 1.6-2.6% for CO2-C and 1.9-2.7% for Cmic, respectively, and specific production rates from rye-derived SOC of the continuous maize plot were 0.03-0.05% for DOC, 0.1-0.2% for CO2-C and 0.3-0.5% for Cmic. NPK fertilization did not affect the specific production rates. Strong correlations were found between C4-derived Cmic and C4-derived SOC, DOC and CO2-C (r≥0.90), whereas the relationship between C3-derived Cmic and C3-derived SOC, DOC and CO2-C was not as pronounced (r≤0.67). The results stress the different importance of former (older than 40 years) and recent (younger than 40 years) litter C inputs for the formation of different C pools in the soil.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of different litter input rates and of different types of litter on soil organic matter accumulation and net N mineralization were investigated in plant communities dominated by Erica tetralix L. or Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench. Plots in which the litter on the soil had repeatedly been removed were compared with plots in the same plant community in which litter had been added to the soil. In another treatment, litter was removed and replaced by litter from the other plant community. Net N mineralization was measured in situ after 5 years. Less soil organic matter and soil N was found in plots in which litter had been removed, compared with control plots, or plots to which litter had been added, but these differences were significant for the Erica sp. soils only. Plots in which litter had been replaced and control plots did not differ significantly in the amount of soil organic matter. However, in both plant communities, the differences agreed with the faster decomposition rate of Molinia sp. litter compared with Erica sp. litter. The gravimetric soil moisture content was correlated positively with the amount of soil organic matter, both in the Erica sp. soils and the Molinia sp. soils. Net N mineralization rates (g N m-2) differed significantly between treatments for Erica sp. soils but no for Molinia sp. soils. For Erica sp. soils, net N mineralization rates increased with increasing amounts of soil organic matter and soil N. Replacing the litter with Molinia sp. litter (which differs in chemical composition) had no clear additional effect on the net N mineralization rate.  相似文献   

The Antarctic dry valleys are characterized by extremely low temperatures, dry conditions and lack of conspicuous terrestrial autotrophs, but the soils contain organic C, emit CO2 and support communities of heterotrophic soil organisms. We have examined the role of modern lacustrine detritus as a driver of soil respiration in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica, by characterizing the composition and mineralization of both lacustrine detritus and soil organic matter, and relating these properties to soil respiration and the abiotic controls on soil respiration. Laboratory mineralization of organic C in soils from different, geomorphically defined, landscape elements at 10 °C was comparable with decomposition of lacustrine detritus (mean residence times between 115 and 345 d for the detritus and 410 and 1670 d for soil organic matter). The chemical composition of the detritus (C-to-N ratio=9:1-12:1 and low alkyl-C-to-O-alkyl-C ratio in solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) indicated that it was a labile, high quality resource for micro-organisms. Initial (0-6 d at 10 °C) respiratory responses to glucose, glycine and NH4Cl addition were positive in all the soils tested, indicating both C and N limitations on soil respiration. However, over the longer term (up to 48 d at 10 °C) differential responses occurred. Glucose addition led to net C mineralization in most of the soils. In the lake shore soils, which contained accumulated lacustrine organic matter, glucose led to substantial priming of the decomposition of the indigenous organic matter, indicating a C or energetic limitation to mineralization in that soil. By contrast, over 48 d, glycine addition led to no net C mineralization in all soils except stream edge and lake shore soils, indicating either substantial assimilation of the added C (and N), or no detectable utilization of the glycine. The Q10 values for basal respiration over the −0.5-20 °C temperature range were between 1.4 and 3.3 for the different soils, increasing to between 3.4 and 6.9 for glucose-induced respiration, and showed a temperature dependence with Q10 increasing with declining temperature. Taken together, our results strongly support contemporaneous lacustrine detritus, blown from the lake shore, as an important driver of soil respiration in the Antarctic dry valley soils.  相似文献   

弱光下硝铵比对小白菜氮吸收和碳氮分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过水培试验研究了弱光下不同硝铵比对小白菜硝酸盐吸收和体内碳氮化合物在不同器官间分配的影响。结果表明:全硝培养条件下,与自然光相比,弱光导致小白菜叶片、叶柄和根系的干物重分别下降了73.8%、82.2%和74.4%;总碳及氮含量也分别下降了76.7%、84.5%和79.4%及71.2%、79.5%和80.4%;根系活力和硝态氮吸收量也显著下降。通过调节弱光下营养液的硝铵比,降低了硝态氮的吸收,促进了碳的同化和氮的积累,小白菜的干物重增加。当硝铵比为85:15时,小白菜取得最大的干物重,总碳氮积累量、根系活力与硝态氮吸收量随铵的增加而持续减少。  相似文献   

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