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Earthworms are important processors of soil organic matter (SOM) and nutrient turnover in terrestrial ecosystems. In agroecosystems, they are often seen as beneficial organisms to crop growth and are actively promoted by farmers and extension agents, yet their contribution to agroecosystem services is uncertain and depends largely on management. The Quesungual slash-and-mulch agroforestry system (QSMAS) of western Honduras has been proposed as a viable alternative to traditional slash-and-burn (SB) practices and has been shown to increase earthworm populations, yet the effect of earthworms on soil fertility and SOM in QSMAS is poorly understood. This study examined the role of Pontoscolex corethrurus in QSMAS by comparing their influence on aggregate-associated SOM and fertilizer dynamics with their effects under SB and secondary forest in a replicated field trial. Both the fertilized QSMAS and SB treatments had plots receiving additions of inorganic 15N and P, as well as plots with no inorganic N additions. Earthworm populations were manipulated in field microcosms at the beginning of the rainy season within each management treatment via additions of P. corethrurus or complete removal of existing earthworm populations. Microcosms were destructively sampled at harvest of Zea mays and soils were wet-sieved (using 53, 250 and 2000 μm mesh sizes) to isolate different aggregate size fractions, which were analyzed for total C, N and 15N. The effects of management system were smaller than expected, likely due to disturbance associated with the microcosm installation. Contrary to our hypothesis that earthworms would stabilize organic matter in soil aggregates, P. corethrurus decreased total soil C by 3% in the surface layer (0-15 cm), predominantly through a decrease in the C concentration of macroaggregates (>250 μm) and a corresponding depletion of C in coarse particulate organic matter occluded within macroaggregates. Earthworms also decreased bulk density by over 4%, but had no effect on aggregate size distribution. Within the two fertilized treatments, the QSMAS appeared to retain slightly more fertilizer derived N in smaller aggregate fractions (<250 μm) than did SB, while earthworms greatly reduced the recovery of fertilizer N (34% decrease) in both systems. Although management system did not appear to influence the impact of P. corethrurus on SOM or nutrient dynamics, we suggest the lack of differences may be due to artificially low inputs of fresh residue C to microcosms within all management treatments. Our findings highlight the potential for P. corethrurus to have deleterious impacts on soil C and fertilizer N dynamics, and emphasize the need to fully consider the activities of soil fauna when evaluating agroecosystem management options.  相似文献   

In most parts of tropical Africa, conversion of forests into agricultural lands is often accompanied by drastic changes in soil properties. However, little study has been done to examine changes in biological properties of soils from different land-uses in response to addition of C and nutrients. We conducted this study with the aim of investigating nutrient limitations for microbial activity in soils from agricultural (farm) and forest land-uses at Wondo Genet (Ethiopia) after amendment with C and limiting nutrients. We measured CO2 respiration rates from the soils incubated in the laboratory before and after addition of glucose-C together with N and/or P in excess and/or limiting amounts. Based on the respiration kinetics, we determined the basal respiration (BR), substrate-induced respiration (SIR), specific-microbial growth rate (μ), respiration maxima (Rmax), % of glucose-C respired, and microbially available N and P in the soils. We found that N was more limiting than P for the micro-biota in the soils considered, suggesting the presence of ample amounts of indigenous P that could be extracted by the micro-biota, if provided with C. Addition of P resulted in a respiration pattern with two peaks, presumably reflecting different N pools being available over time. The SIR, Respiration maxima, μ and microbially available P were higher in soils from the farm, while %C respired was higher in the forest, suggesting increased C costs for micro-biota to be able to utilize nutrients that are strongly bound to organic-matter or clay minerals. Depending on land-use, about 49-69% of added glucose-C was respired during two and a half weeks time, but differences between N or P additions were not significant. The correlation between soil physical and chemical properties and respiration parameters, however, depended on whether N or P was limiting. We concluded that examining the soil respiration kinetics could provide vital information on nutritional status of micro-organisms under different land-uses and on potential availability of nutrients to plants.  相似文献   

Direct estimates of C:N ratios of ectomycorrhizal (EM) mycelia growing in situ in forest soils have been obtained for the first time. The mycelial samples were collected from sand-filled mesh bags that were buried in the soil and incubated for 12-18 months in two Norway spruce forests in southern Sweden. At harvest the mesh bags were heavily colonized and the mycelia were extracted from the sand with water. The collected mycelia had earlier been identified as belonging to EM fungi based on their C isotopic composition. The mean value of the C:N ratio for mycelia was 20.2±0.8 (n=25). EM mycelia collected at different soil depths (5, 15 and 30 cm) had similar C:N ratios. C:N ratios of microbial biomass obtained by fumigation-extraction of similar soils have usually been lower (6-13) so possible differences in the extraction efficiency of C and N from bacteria and fungi are discussed.  相似文献   

The 13C and 15N values of sugarcane plant tissues, decomposing harvest residues, soil and the casts and body tissues of the earthwormPontoscolex corethrurus were determined. Little variation in 13C values was found between plant parts. The 13C values of the decomposing harvest residues declined and became more variable after 148 days of exposure in the field. In the decomposing residues, 13C values of the neutral detergent fibre fraction were similar to those of the whole tissues while those of the proximate lignin were more negative. The 15N values of the residues also declined over time after a short initial delay.P. corethrurus populations are more intimately associated with the roots of sugarcane than with the bulk soil. Tissue 13C values suggest that the earthworm diet is similar to or more enriched in13C than sugarcane tissues and is substantially more enriched than the soil C. Earthworm tissues have similar levels of15N enrichment to both the soil and plant tissues. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that this earthworm derives much of its assimilated C relatively directly from organic matter associated with the roots and decomposing harvest residues.  相似文献   

Temperature dependant mineralization dynamics during fire of litter species characteristic of the New Jersey pine barrens was determined. Senescent leaf material of pitch pine (Pinus rigida), white oak (Quercus alba) and black huckleberry (Gaylusssacia baccata) were collected at the time of abscission; sorted, ground and oven-dried at 70 °C. Replicate samples were then heated for 2 h at: 70, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 550 °C. Mass loss and total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration of the heated material were determined. Additional samples of the residual material were extracted with deionized water, and the filtrate was assayed for the anions: , , ; and cations: , K+, Mg++, and Ca++.By heating leaf litter over a range of temperatures, to simulate the heterogeneous nature of forest litter burning, we identified patterns of nutrient mineralization characteristic of specific temperatures, some of which were common to all three litter species and others unique to individual species. In general, it appears that black huckleberry leaf litter was the most nutrient rich and the most labile. In huckleberry litter, there was a large reserve of soluble nitrogen, sulfur, phosphate, calcium and magnesium that became available upon heating to 200 °C. Pitch pine litter was the most nutrient poor, and the rates of nutrient mineralization were also generally the lowest of the three species studied. White oak litter nutrient concentration and rates of mineralization along the temperature gradient were intermediate. For all three litter species examined organic and inorganic nitrogen losses due to volatilization were >99% upon heating to 550 °C, and soluble magnesium concentrations declined significantly at temperatures of 300 °C, despite having a volatilization temperature greater than 1100 °C. Under the temperature range employed, heating of leaf litter resulted in little volatilization loss of phosphorus; however, the amount of soluble phosphate phosphorus was much lower in all three litter types at temperatures of 300 °C and above. With increasing temperatures, inorganic phosphate ions presumably became bound to cations in the ash, forming insoluble metal phosphates. The dramatic increase of the ratio of total phosphorus to soluble inorganic phosphate at higher temperatures, the loss of soluble magnesium above 300 °C, and the near complete loss of nitrogen at 550 °C suggests that after intense fires availability of these minerals may be dramatically reduced.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a central role in the functioning of ecosystems, and is beneficial from agronomic and from environmental point of view. Alternative cultural systems, like direct seeding mulch-based cropping (DMC) systems, enhance carbon (C) sequestration in agricultural soils and lead to an increase in soil macrofauna. This study aimed at evaluating in field mesocosms the effects of earthworms on SOM dynamics and aggregation, as influenced by residue quality and management.In the highlands of Madagascar, buckets were filled with 2 mm-sieved clayey Inceptisol. The effects of earthworm addition (Pontoscolex corethrurus), residue addition (rice, soybean, and no addition), and localization of the residues (mulched or buried) were studied. After 5 months, soil from mesocosms with earthworms had significantly lower C concentration and higher proportion of large water-stable macroaggregates (>2000 μm) than those without earthworms, because of the production of large macroaggregates by earthworms. Earthworm effect on soil aggregation was greater with rice than with soybean residues. Casts (extracted from mesocosms with earthworms) were slightly enriched in C and showed significantly higher mineralization than the non-ingested soil (NIS), showing that at the time scale of our study, the carbon contained in the casts was not protected against mineralization. No difference in microbial biomass was found between casts and NIS.Complementary investigations are necessary to assess long-term effects of earthworm addition on SOM dynamics, the conditions of occurrence of physical protection, and the impact of earthworms on the structure of the microbial community.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of plant residues decomposition on N2O emission, laboratory incubations were carried out for a period of 21 days using urea and five plant residues with a wide range of C:N ratios from 8 to 118. Incorporation of plant residues enhanced N2O and CO2 emissions. The two gas fluxes were significantly correlated (R2=0.775, p<0.001). Cumulative emissions of N2O and CO2 were negatively correlated with the C:N ratio in plant residues (R2=0.783 and 0.986 for N2O, and 0.854 for CO2, respectively). A negative relationship between the N2O-N/NO3-N ratio and the C:N ratio was observed (R2=0.867) when residue plus urea was added. We calculated the changes in dissolved organic C (DOC) and the relevant changes in N2O emission. The incorporation of residues increased DOC when compared with the control, while the incorporation of residue plus urea decreased DOC. Cumulative emissions of N2O and CO2 were positively correlated with DOC concentration measured at the end of the incubation. In addition, the N2O emission fraction, defined as N2O-N emissions per unit N input, was not found to be a constant for either residue-N or urea-N amendment but dependent on C:N ratio when plant residue was incorporated.  相似文献   

The possible effects of excreta of the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo on decomposition processes and dynamics of nutrients (N, P, Ca, K, Mg) and organic chemical components (lignin, total carbohydrates) were investigated in a temperate evergreen coniferous forest near Lake Biwa in central Japan. Two-year decomposition processes of needles and twigs of Chamaecyparis obtusa were examined at two sites, control site never colonized by the cormorants (site C) and colonizing site (site 2). Mass loss was faster in needles than in twigs. Mass loss of these litter types was faster at site C than at site 2, which was ascribed to the decreased mass loss rate of acid-insoluble ‘lignin’ at site 2. Net immobilization of N, P, and Ca occurred in needles and twigs at site 2; whereas at site C, mass of these elements decreased without immobilization during decomposition. Duration of immobilization phase of these nutrients at site 2 was estimated to be 1.6 to 2.5 years in needles and 19.6 to 23.5 years in twigs. Immobilization potential (maximum amount of exogenous nutrient immobilized per gram initial material) was similar between needles and twigs for N and Ca but was about 10 times higher in twigs than in needles for P. δ13C in needles was relatively constant during the first year and then increased during the second year, whereas δ13C in twigs was variable during decomposition. Acid-insoluble fraction was depleted in 13C compared to whole needles (1.6-2.1‰) and twigs (2.0-2.5‰). δ15N of needles and twigs and their acid-insoluble fractions approached to δ15N of excreta during decomposition at site 2. This result demonstrated the immobilization of excreta-derived N into litter due to the formation of acid-insoluble lignin-like substances complexed with excreta-derived N. No immobilization occurred in K and Mg and their mass decreased during decomposition at both sites. Based on these results of nutrient immobilization during decomposition and on the data of litter fall and excreta amount at site 2, we tentatively calculated stand-level immobilization potential of litter fall and its contribution to total amount of N and P deposited as excreta. Thus, the potential maximum amount immobilized into litter fall (needles and twigs) was estimated to account for 5-7% of total excreta-derived N and P.  相似文献   

Dynamics of soil biomass C,N, and P in a dry tropical forest in India   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary Three dry tropical forest soils along a topographic sequence were examined to determine the seasonal dynamics of microbial C, N, and P. The lowest microbial biomass was found in forest soils at the foot of the hill followed by midslope forest soils. The hilltop soil, which had the most fine particles, water-holding capacity, organic C, and total N, reflected the presence of greater amounts of microbial C, N, and P. Mean annual microbial C, N, and P ranges were 466–662, 48–72 to 21–30 g g-1, respectively. The seasonal pattern of microbial biomass, C, N, and P was similar at all sites, the values being greatest during the dry season and lowest during the wet season. The seasonal values for microbial biomass C, N, and P were positively correlated with each other and a negative correlation was found between microbial biomass and the fine root mass in these forest soils.  相似文献   

Below-ground transfer of nitrogen (N) fixed by legume trees to associated non-N2-fixing crops has received little attention in agroforestry, although the importance of below-ground interactions is shown in other ecosystems. We used 15N natural abundance to estimate N transfer from the legume tree Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. to C4 grass Dichanthium aristatum (Poir.) C.E. Hubb. in a silvopastoral system, where N was recycled exclusively by below-ground processes and N2 fixation by G. sepium was the sole N input to the system. Finding a suitable reference plant, a grass without contact with tree roots or litter, was problematic because tree roots invaded adjacent grass monocrop plots and soil isotopic signature in soil below distant grass monocrops differed significantly from the agroforestry plots. Thus, we used grass cultivated under greenhouse conditions in pots filled with agroforestry soil as the reference. A model of soil 15N fractionation during N mineralization was developed for testing the reliability of that estimate. Experimental and theoretical results indicated that 9 months after greenhouse transplanting, the percentage of fixed N in the grass decreased from 35% to <1%, due to N export in cut grass and dilution of fixed N with N taken up from the soil. The effect of soil 15N fractionation on the estimate of the reference value was negligible. This indicates that potted grass is a suitable reference N transfer studies using 15N natural abundance. About one third of N in field-grown grass was of atmospheric origin in agroforestry plots and in adjacent D. aristatum grassland invaded by G. sepium roots. The concentration of fixed N was correlated with fine root density of G. sepium but not with soil isotopic signature. This suggests a direct N transfer from trees to grass, e.g. via root exudates or common mycorrhizal networks.  相似文献   

沙地土壤C∶N∶P比对早期植物群落物种多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示土壤碳∶氮∶磷(C∶N∶P)比对植物群落物种多样性的影响,以宁夏哈巴湖国家级自然保护区内沙地植物群落(沙柳群落和油蒿群落)为研究对象,调查计算了沙地植物群落的物种多样性,测定了群落中土壤C、N、P含量,分析讨论了土壤C∶N∶P比与沙地植物群落物种多样性之间的关系。结果表明,分布于流动、半固定沙地的沙柳群落其土壤C∶N∶P比对物种多样性的影响不显著,而分布于半固定、固定沙地的油蒿群落其土壤C∶N∶P比对物种多样性的影响显著。这说明沙地植物群落生物量不断增大的同时,枯枝落叶增多,土壤C、N、P显著增多,较大的土壤C∶N比与N∶P比与不断增大的物种多样性有趋同变化,因此,土壤的C∶N∶P比能够影响沙地植物群落的物种多样性。  相似文献   

Although most studies have indicated that biochar can boost rice (Oryza sativa) growth, the material may also suppress it, depending on ratios of carbon (C) to nitrogen (N) and available N to available phosphorous (P). The current study sought to examine the impacts of biochar on rice growth and to identify underlying mechanisms. A pot experiment was conducted using two soils of high (3.05%) and low (0.54%) organic carbon (OC) content, mixed with 0, 1.5, 3, 6, and 12% biochar and planted with rice. Rice growth components, five rice tissue nutrients, and nine soil properties were measured. The results showed that the response of rice growth to biochar rates could be described using an exponential-growth function in high-OC soil but an inverted U-shaped curve in low-OC soil. In high-OC soil, the 12% biochar rate led to the greatest total biomass, increased by 47%, whereas in low-OC soil, the 3 and 6% rates exhibited the highest total biomass, increased by 44%, compared to the no-biochar added soils. Biochar elevated the C:N ratio from 11.5 to 39.1, with an optimal range of 20–30 corresponding to the highest rice growth. Biochar declined the ratio of NH4-N to Mehlich-1 P, causing N deficiency. In brief, high biochar rates may suppress rice growth when the soil C:N ratio exceeds 30. The applied biochar rate should be considered based on soil properties typically OC and N content to obtain the C:N ratio between 20 and 30 for optimal rice growth.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that accretion of microbial turnover products is an important driver for isotopic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) enrichment of soil organic matter (SOM). However, the exact contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to soil isotopic patterns remains unknown. In this study, we compared 13C and 15N patterns of glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), which includes a main fraction derived from AMF, litter, and bulk soil in four temperate rainforests. GRSP was an abundant C and N pool in these forest soils, showing significant 13C and 15N enrichment relative to litter and bulk soil. Hence, cumulative accumulation of recalcitrant AMF turnover products in the soil profile likely contributes to 13C and 15N enrichment in forest soils. Further research on the relationship between GRSP and AMF should clarify the exact extent of this process.  相似文献   

Isotope fractionation during composting may produce organic materials with a more homogenous δ13C and δ15N signature allowing study of their fate in soil. To verify this, C, N, δ13C and δ15N content were monitored during nine months covered (thermophilic; >40 °C) composting of corn silage (CSC). The C concentration reduced from 10.34 to 1.73 g C (g ash)−1, or 83.3%, during composting. Nitrogen losses comprised 28.4% of initial N content. Compost δ13C values became slightly depleted and increasingly uniform (from −12.8±0.6‰ to −14.1±0.0‰) with composting. Compost δ15N values (0.3±1.3 to 8.2±0.4‰) increased with a similar reduced isotope variability.The fate of C and N of diverse composts in soil was subsequently examined. C, N, δ13C, δ15N content of whole soil (0-5 cm), light (<1.7 g cm−3) and heavy (>1.7 g cm−3) fraction, and (250-2000 μm; 53-250 μm and <53 μm) size separates, were characterized. Measurements took place one and two years following surface application of CSC, dairy manure compost (DMC), sewage sludge compost (SSLC), and liquid dairy manure (DM) to a temperate (C3) grassland soil. The δ13C values and total C applied (Mg C ha−1) were DM (−27.3‰; 2.9); DMC (−26.6‰; 10.0); SSLC (−25.9‰; 10.9) and CSC (−14.0‰; 4.6 and 9.2). The δ13C of un-amended soil exhibited low spatial (−28.0‰±0.2; n=96) and temporal (±0.1‰) variability. All C4 (CSC) and C3 (DMC; SSLC) composts, except C3 manure (DM), significantly modified bulk soil δ13C and δ15N. Estimates of retention of compost C in soil by carbon balance were less sensitive than those calculated by C isotope techniques. One and two years after application, 95 and 89% (CSC), 75 and 63% (SSLC) and 88 and 42% (DMC) of applied compost C remained in the soil, with the majority (80-90%) found in particulate (>53 μm) and light fractions. However, C4 compost (CSC) was readily detectable (12% of compost C remaining) in mineral (<53 μm) fractions. The δ15N-enriched N of compost supported interpretation of δ13C data. We can conclude that composts are highly recalcitrant with prolonged C storage in non-mineral soil fractions. The sensitivity of the natural abundance tracer technique to characterize their fate in soil improves during composting, as a more homogeneous C isotope signature develops, in addition to the relatively large amounts of stable C applied in composts.  相似文献   

A microcosm was used to study the effect of the endogeic earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa (Savigny) on the use of C by microorganisms in a calcareous beech forest soil and its dependence on temperature (5–25%C). Inclusion of 14C-labelled beech leaf litter made it possible to differentiate between C use by litter-colonizing microflora and by autochthonous soil microflora. The effect of temperature on the soil microbial biomass 12C was confined to a significant increase at 15 and 20°C. The size of the 14C-labelled microbial biomass, in contrast, was positively correlated with temperature. The 12C mineralization increased exponentially with temperature. The relationship between 14C mineralization and temperature, in contrast, followed a logistic curve. Significant main effects of A. caliginosa were confined to 12C mineralization, reflecting an increase in 12CO2–C production in the earthworm treatments. The earthworm effects on 12CO2–C production and on 14C incorporation of the microflora were not linear. The effect of A. caliginosa on 12CO2–C production was most pronouned at intermediate temperatures. It is concluded that temperature alterations affect the microbial use of different C sources in different ways and that the temperature effects can be significantly modified by endogeic earthworms.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between soil organic matter (SOM) content and N dynamics in three grassland soils (0-10 and 10-20 cm depth) of different age (6, 14 and 50 y-old) with sandy loam textures. To study the distribution of the total C and N content the SOM was fractionated into light, intermediate and heavy density fractions of particulate macro-organic matter (150-2000 μm) and the 50-150 μm and <50 μm size fractions. The potential gross N transformation rates (mineralisation, nitrification, NH4+ and NO3 immobilization) were determined by means of short-term, fully mirrored 15N isotope dilution experiments (7-d incubations). The long-term potential net N mineralisation and gross N immobilization rates were measured in 70-d incubations. The total C and N contents mainly tended to increase in the 0-10 cm layer with increasing age of the grassland soils. Significant differences in total SOM storage were detected for the long-term (50 y-old) conversion from arable land to permanent grassland. The largest relative increase in C and N contents had occurred in the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter, followed by the 50-150 and <50 μm fractions. Our results suggest that the heavy density fraction of the macro-organic matter could serve as a good indicator of early SOM accumulation, induced by converting arable land to permanent grassland. Gross N mineralisation, nitrification, and (long-term) gross N immobilization rates tended to increase with increasing age of the grasslands, and showed strong, positive correlations with the total C and N contents. The calculated gross N mineralisation rates (7-d incubations) and net N mineralisation rates (70-d incubations) corresponded with a gross N mineralisation of 643, 982 and 1876 kg N ha−1 y−1, and a net N mineralisation of 195, 208 and 274 kg N ha−1 y−1 in the upper 20 cm of the 6, 14 and 50 y-old grassland soils, respectively. Linear regression analysis showed that 93% of the variability of the gross N mineralisation rates could be explained by variation in the total N contents, whereas total N contents together with the C-to-N ratios of the <50 μm fraction explained 84% of the variability of the net N mineralisation rates. The relationship between long-term net N mineralisation rates and gross N mineralisation rates could be fitted by means of a logarithmic equation (net m=0.24Ln(gross m)+0.23, R2=0.69, P<0.05), which reflects that the ratio of gross N immobilization-to-gross N mineralisation tended to increase with increasing SOM contents. Microbial demand for N tended to increase with increasing SOM content in the grassland soils, indicating that potential N retention in soils through microbial N immobilization tends to be limited by C availability.  相似文献   

Summary A range of soil microbiological parameters were measured at intervals throughout the growing season of a potato crop. Treatments applied to the soil at sowing were zero N fertilisation of N fertilisation at 120 kg N ha–1, either alone or supplemented with straw or sucrose at 1200 kg C ha–1. C and N flushes determined by fumigation-incubation and fumigation-extraction, and substrate-induced respiration, were measured as indicators of microbial biomass. Microbial activity was measured as respiration (CO2 production) and dehydrogenase activity (formazan production). The greatest effects were obtained from the addition of N plus sucrose. Both biomass size and activity were significantly stimulated for up to 25 days after incorporation, with the magnitude of the effects consistently diminishing over time. By 125 days after planting, there was no detectable legacy from any of the treatmentson any of the biomass parameters that were measured, and all values had reverted to those prevalent at planting. There was no consistent effect from adding N, either alone or supplemented with straw, on any of the biomass parameters. There was no evidence for crop-induced stimulation of the biomass. The experiment demonstrates that biomass is only influenced where the quantity, quality, and rate of incorporation of C into the soil is appropriate, in this case, only by adding C as a pulse of sucrose.  相似文献   

Scanty information on long-term soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics hampers validation of SOC models in the tropics. We observed SOC content changes in a 16-year continuously cropped agroforestry experiment in Ibadan, south-western Nigeria. SOC levels declined in all treatments. The decline was most pronounced in the no-tree control treatments with continuous maize and cowpea cropping, where SOC levels dropped from the initial 15.4 to 7.3-8.0 Mg C ha−1 in the 0-12 cm topsoil in 16 years. In the two continuously cropped alley cropping (AC) systems, one with Leucaena leucocephala and one with Senna siamea trees, SOC levels dropped to 10.7-13.2 Mg C ha−1. Compared to the no-tree control treatments, an annual application of an additional 8.5 Mg ha−1 (dry matter) of plant residues, mainly tree prunings, led to an extra 3.5 Mg C ha−1 (∼0.2% C) in the 0-12 cm top soil after 11 years, and 4.1 Mg C ha−1 after 16 years. The addition of NPK fertilizer had little effect on the quantities of above-ground plant residues returned to the soil, and there was no evidence that the fertilizer affected the rate of SOC decomposition. The fact that both C3 and C4 plants returned organic matter to the soil in all cropping systems, but in contrasting proportions, led to clear contrasts in the 13C abundance in the SOC. This 13C information, together with the measured SOC contents, was used to test the ROTHC model. Decomposition was very fast, illustrated by the fact that we had to double all decomposition rate constants in the model in order to simulate the measured contrasts in SOC contents and δ13C between the AC treatments and the no-tree controls. We hypothesized (1) that the pruning materials from the legume trees and/or the extra rhizodeposition from the tree roots in the AC treatments accelerated the decomposition of the SOC present at the start of the experiment (true C-priming), and/or (2) that the physical protection of microbial biomass and metabolites by the clay fraction on this site, having a sandy top soil in which clay minerals are mainly of the 1:1 type, is lower than assumed by the model.  相似文献   

In mineral soil, organic matter (OM) accumulates mainly on and around surfaces of silt- and clay-size particles. When fractionated according to particle density, C and N concentration (per g fraction) and C/N of these soil organo-mineral particles decrease with increasing particle density across soils of widely divergent texture, mineralogy, location, and management. The variation in particle density is explained potentially by two factors: (1) a decrease in the mass ratio of organic to mineral phase of these particles, and (2) variations in density of the mineral phase. The first explanation implies that the thickness of the organic accumulations decreases with increasing particle density. The decrease in C/N can be explained at least partially by especially stable sorption of nitrogenous N-containing compounds (amine, amide, and pyrrole) directly to mineral surfaces, a phenomenon well documented both empirically and theoretically. These peptidic compounds, along with ligand-exchanged carboxylic compounds, could then form a stable inner organic layer onto which other organics could sorb more readily than onto the unconditioned mineral surfaces (“onion” layering model).To explore mechanisms underlying this trend in C concentration and C/N with particle density, we sequentially density fractionated an Oregon andic soil at 1.65, 1.85, 2.00, 2.28, and 2.55 g cm−3 and analyzed the six fractions for measures of organic matter and mineral phase properties.All measures of OM composition showed either: (1) a monotonic change with density, or (2) a monotonic change across the lightest fractions, then little change over the heaviest fractions. Total C, N, and lignin phenol concentration all decreased monotonically with increasing density, and 14C mean residence time (MRT) increased with particle density from ca. 150 years to >980 years in the four organo-mineral fractions. In contrast, C/N, 13C and 15N concentration all showed the second pattern. All these data are consistent with a general pattern of an increase in extent of microbial processing with increasing organo-mineral particle density, and also with an “onion” layering model.X-ray diffraction before and after separation of magnetic materials showed that the sequential density fractionation (SDF) isolated pools of differing mineralogy, with layer-silicate clays dominating in two of the intermediate fractions and primary minerals in the heaviest two fractions. There was no indication that these differences in mineralogy controlled the differences in density of the organo-mineral particles in this soil. Thus, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that variation in particle density reflects variation in thickness of the organic accumulations and with an “onion” layering model for organic matter accumulation on mineral surfaces. However, the mineralogy differences among fractions made it difficult to test either the layer-thickness or “onion” layering models with this soil. Although SDF isolated pools of distinct mineralogy and organic-matter composition, more work will be needed to understand mechanisms relating the two factors.  相似文献   

In peatlands the reduced decomposition rate of plant litter is the fundamental mechanism making these peat-accumulating ecosystems effective carbon sinks. A better knowledge of litter decomposition and nutrient cycling is thus crucial to improve our predictions of the effects of anthropogenic perturbation on the capacity of peatlands to continue to behave as carbon sinks. We investigated patterns of plant litter decomposition and nutrient release along a minerotrophic-ombrotrophic gradient in a bog on the south-eastern Alps of Italy. We determined mass loss as well as P, N, K, and C release of seven vascular plant species and four moss species after 1 year in both native and transplanted habitats. Hence, differences in litter decay were supposed to reflect the degree of adaptability of microbial communities to litter quality. Polyphenols/nutrient and C/nutrient quotients appeared as the main parameters accounting for decomposition rates of Sphagnum litter. In particular, litter of minerotrophic Sphagnum species decomposed always faster than litter of ombrotrophic Sphagnum species, both in native and transplanted habitats. Decomposition rates of vascular plant litter in native habitats were always higher than the corresponding mass loss rates of Sphagnum litter. Minerotrophic forbs showed the fastest decomposition both in native and transplanted habitats in accordance with low C/P and C/N litter quotients. On the other hand, C/P quotient seems to play a primary role also in controlling decomposition of graminoids. Decomposition of deciduous and evergreen shrubs was negatively related to their high lignin content. Nitrogen release from Sphagnum litter was primarily controlled by C/N quotient, so that minerotrophic Sphagnum litter released more N than ombrotrophic Sphagnum litter. Overall, we observed slower N release from litter of ombrotrophic vascular plant species compared to minerotrophic vascular plant species. No single chemical parameter could predict the variability associated with different functional groups. The release of K was very high compared to all the other nutrients and rather similar between ombrotrophic and minerotrophic litter types. In Sphagnum litter, a higher C/P quotient was associated with a slower P mineralisation, whereas a faster P release from vascular plant litter seems primarily associated with lower C/P and polyphenols/P quotients.  相似文献   

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