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Soil microbial communities in dryland ecosystems play important roles as root associates of the widely spaced plants and as the dominant members of biological soil crusts (biocrusts) colonizing the plant interspaces. We employed rRNA gene sequencing (bacterial 16S/fungal large subunit) and shotgun metagenomic sequencing to compare the microbial communities inhabiting the root zones of the dominant shrub, Larrea tridentata (creosote bush), and the interspace biocrusts in a Mojave desert shrubland within the Nevada Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. Most of the numerically abundant bacteria and fungi were present in both the biocrusts and root zones, although the proportional abundance of those members differed significantly between habitats. Biocrust bacteria were predominantly Cyanobacteria while root zones harbored significantly more Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria. Pezizomycetes fungi dominated the biocrusts while Dothideomycetes were highest in root zones. Functional gene abundances in metagenome sequence datasets reflected the taxonomic differences noted in the 16S rRNA datasets. For example, functional categories related to photosynthesis, circadian clock proteins, and heterocyst-associated genes were enriched in the biocrusts, where populations of Cyanobacteria were larger. Genes related to potassium metabolism were also more abundant in the biocrusts, suggesting differences in nutrient cycling between biocrusts and root zones. Finally, ten years of elevated atmospheric CO2 did not result in large shifts in taxonomic composition of the bacterial or fungal communities or the functional gene inventories in the shotgun metagenomes.  相似文献   

 土壤生物结皮是由细菌、真菌、藻类、地衣和苔藓等形成的一种混合体,作为干旱半干旱地区生态系统的组成部分,它对生态系统镶嵌格局和生态过程有不可忽视的影响;同时,土壤生物结皮通过影响局部水分条件,可以起到稳定土壤表层、减少土壤侵蚀、增加土壤氮养分的作用:因此,土壤生物结皮能够为土壤表层提供一种天然保护的作用,对干旱半干旱地区退化生态系统的恢复具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

A limiting factor to the no-tillage system in arid and semi-arid regions is the possibility of soil densification from lack of tillage. This research examines the extent and duration of the effects of periodic (rotational) zone-tillage over 2 years, on selected soil physical and chemical properties and crop yields. In the first year four tillage treatments were applied: conventional tillage with mouldboard plow (CT), minimum tillage with chisel plow (MT), no-tillage (NT) and zone-tillage subsoiling with a paraplow (ZT). In the second year, the ZT plots were returned to NT to follow the residual effects of ZT. The soil was a loamy sand (Calcic Haploxeralf) from semi-arid Central Spain and the crop rotation was grey pea (Pisum sativum L.)–barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Crop residues on the soil surface after sowing grey pea were 85% in NT plots, 55% in ZT plots and 15% in MT plots. When comparing NT and ZT, the immediate effects of subsoiling on soil physical properties were significant (P < 0.05). Soil strength as measured by cone index approached 3.0 MPa in NT and was reduced to <1.0 MPa by ZT over 300 mm sampling depth. Soil moisture content and bulk density were improved by ZT. No-till and ZT favoured surface accumulation of soil organic carbon (SOC), total N and available P and K. Stratification ratio of SOC was not different among tillage systems, but soil N stratification ratio followed the order NT > ZT > MT > CT. Grey pea yields were reduced by 3 Mg ha−1 in the NT and MT compared with ZT. Crop residues on the soil surface after barley sowing were 80% in NT, 56% in ZT, and 12% in MT. At the end of the second year, soil strength, soil moisture and bulk density in ZT declined to NT levels at all soil depths. The positive effect of ZT in increasing SOC in the top layer had also disappeared. However, total N, and available P and K concentrations under NT and ZT were still significantly higher than in MT and CT. Stratification ratios of SOC under NT and ZT were >2 and more than two-fold those under MT and CT. Nitrogen stratification ratio under ZT increased and no significant differences between NT and ZT could be reported. Barley yield was 0.6 Mg ha−1 higher in ZT compared with NT. Our results suggest that ZT improved the physical and chemical condition of the soil studied in months following subsoiling. These positive effects, however, diminished with time and only some residual effects on total N and available P and K content in the top-layer were still evident after 2 years.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the dominance of N forms should shift from dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) to nitrate along a gradient of increasing N availability. We aimed to apply this model at a local scale within a semi-arid ecosystem showing a high spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of vegetation and soil resources. By doing this, we seek a better understanding of the N cycling in spatially heterogeneous ecosystems. We took soil samples from the three major sources of spatial heterogeneity: the grass Stipa tenacíssima, the N-fixing shrub Retama sphaerocarpa, and open areas. We also sampled the biological soil crust (BSC) located in the latter areas as another source of spatial heterogeneity. BSC microsites were classified by four levels of soil coverage, ranging from high coverage (66%) to bare soil. The proportion of nitrate, ammonium and DON was determined in all microsites. DON was the dominant N form for open areas, while nitrate was dominant under the canopy of Retama; these microsites contained the lowest and highest N availability, respectively. Under BSC, DON was the dominant N form. We found high temporal variability in the dominance of N forms for all microsites. Our results suggest that the biome-derived model of Schimel and Bennett (2004) explaining N form dominance across N availability gradients may be extended to local gradients.  相似文献   

The landscape of many semiarid rangelands is characterized by a two-phase, shrub–intershrub vegetation mosaic, each phase having different soil properties. However, this broad subdivision groups together types of intershrub surface cover that may also differ in their soil properties and play important roles in ecosystem functioning. In the northern Negev region of Israel, we examined the soil properties associated with flock trampling routes and rock fragment clusters, as well as those associated with the remainder of the intershrub area and shrub patches. Moisture content, organic carbon content, bulk density and calcium carbonate content of the soil were determined for the above four types of cover, inside and outside long-term grazing exclosures. Soil was sampled in the peak of the growing season and in the end of the dry season, on a north- and a south-facing hillside, and from two depths. The shrub patches exhibited the highest soil moisture and organic carbon contents, and the lowest bulk density and calcium carbonate contents. The trampling routes showed opposite trends. The rock fragment clusters and the remainder of the intershrub area did not generally differ and had intermediate values of these properties. Grazing did not have a significant effect on soil properties at the whole-plot scale, but there were highly significant interactions between grazing and type of cover. Compared with the former trampling routes in the exclosures, the active trampling routes outside them had higher bulk density and lower moisture and organic carbon contents. The intershrub area had higher moisture and organic carbon contents under grazing than in the exclosures. Grazing increased the spatial heterogeneity of the soil properties examined via the creation of a network of trampling routes on the hillsides. The routes themselves, which constituted over 20% of the landscape cover, had degraded soil properties but they led to the improvement of the properties of the remainder of the intershrub area via functionally important source–sink relationships. The study of the soil of regions in which such networks are apparent should be duly cognizant of this intershrub subdivision in addition to the widely recognized shrub–intershrub dichotomy.  相似文献   

Preferential flow may strongly affect hydrology at different scales. Measurement of preferential flow however remains very difficult. Tracer-infiltration profiles are often used to measure the degree of preferential flow at plot scale. These experiments are time-consuming, costly and destructive. As a result existing dye-tracer studies are often based on a limited number of profiles. The aim of this study is therefore to select a limited number of soil and landscape characteristics with high predictive value for the degree of preferential flow. 18 rainfall simulations with a dye-tracer and additional site measurements such as soil type, vegetation type and soil physical parameters were performed in a 1 km2 catchment in the Dehesa (Extremadura, Spain). A stepwise multiple regression procedure was used to select variables with a high predictive value for the degree of preferential flow.  相似文献   

Application of crop residues to soil and reduced or no tillage are current management practices in order to achieve better water management, increase soil fertility, crop production and soil erosion control. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of wheat straw mulching in a no tilled Fluvisol under semi-arid conditions in SW Spain and to determine the optimum rate in terms of cost and soil protection. After a 3-years experiment, mulching application significantly improved physical and chemical properties of the studied soil with respect to control, and the intensity of changes was related to mulching rate. The organic matter content was generally increased, although no benefit was found beyond 10 Mg ha1 year1. Bulk density, porosity and aggregate stability were also improved with increasing mulching rates, which confirmed the interactions of these properties. Low mulching rates did not have a significant effect on water properties with respect to control, although the available water capacity increased greatly under high mulching rates. After simulated rainfall experiments (65 mm h1 intensity), it was found that the mulch layer contributed to increase the roughness and the interception of raindrops, delaying runoff generation and enhancing the infiltration of rain water during storms. Mulching contributed to a reduction in runoff generation and soil losses compared to bare soil, and negligible runoff flow or sediment yield were determined under just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rate. It was observed that during simulations, the erosive response quickly decreases with time after prolonged storms (30 min) due to the exhaustion of available erodible particles. These results suggest that the erosive consequences of intermediate intensity 5-years-recurrent storms in the studied area could be strongly diminished by using just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rates.  相似文献   


Soil pH's were evaluated at three time intervals following land clearing at two locations in the Matanuska Valley. Seasonal fluctuations of pH values over a seven‐year period as determined in water (pHw,) and 0.01 M CaCl2 (pHs) were additionally evaluated at these locations. A statistical rise in soil pH occurred at both locations with clearing and subsequent cultivation. Soil reaction differences related to season and year were not consistent and were not related to a definite pattern. No relationship between monthly or seasonal precipitation and the soil reaction was found. The correlation coefficient between pHw and pHs was highly significant. Work of other investigators is discussed in the interpretation of the data collected.  相似文献   

It is known that rock fragments on the surface of soils can enhance infiltration and protect the soil against rainfall erosion. However, the effect of rock fragments in natural forest soils is less well understood. In this article, we studied the influence of rock fragment cover on run‐off, infiltration and interrill soil erosion under simulated rainfall on natural bare soils in a Spanish dehesa (managed holm oak woodland). We studied 60 plots with different rock fragment cover ranging from 3% to 85% under three simulated rainfall intensities (50, 100 and 150 mm/h). Surface run‐off appeared later and sediment yield values were smaller in soils with greater rock fragment cover. Rock fragment cover also increased infiltration rates. The final infiltration rates were 54–98% at a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/h, 31–88% at 100 mm/h and 20–80% at 150 mm/h. The interrill soil loss rates were decreased by rock fragment cover and increased with rainfall intensity. The soil loss rate was always small (0.02–1 Mg ha/h) when rock fragment cover was 75% or more. Rock fragment cover was related to soil loss rate by an exponential function.  相似文献   

Abstract. Changes in soil physical and chemical properties associated with different land uses including natural savannah were compared in Nigeria. The study was conducted on large unreplicated sites. There was a significant coarsening of texture, depletion of organic matter and nutrients and increase in bulk density under Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Mangifera indica (mango) plantations, and also under arable and fallow conditions compared with under natural vegetation. The soil conditions were slightly better under Mangifera than under Eucalyptus , and in the fallow land than the arable land and tree plantations, but the differences were mostly non-significant. The land uses studied were less efficient than the natural savannah in protecting the soil from loss of organic matter and nutrients by offtake or surface washing. The options open to Nigerian smallholder fanners are discussed in relation to sustaining soil fertility and productivity.  相似文献   

An internal drainage experiment was conducted to examine soil water content variability in space and in time. It is shown that the flux-gradient model used to describe water flow in field soil profiles, based on the Darcy–Buckingham equation, yielded results of extreme variability and questionable validity. The problem lies in the representativeness of a site due to soil variability, horizontally and vertically in time, which added to the character of the hydraulic conductivity versus soil water content relation, which in many cases can be approximated by exponential functions, leads to coefficients of variation up to 170% in the estimation of soil hydraulic conductivity values.  相似文献   

近40年来陕西省耕层土壤pH的时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以陕西省耕层土壤为研究对象,利用1980s第2次土壤普查数据和2017年的705个样点分析数据,基于地统计学和ArcGIS分析耕层土壤pH时空变化特征,并采用相关分析和方差分析方法探讨其影响因素,对于陕西农业可持续发展及生态环境保护具有极其重要的意义。结果表明,陕北、关中及陕南地区耕层土壤pH均值依次为8.25、7.91、6.25,分别为弱碱性、弱碱性和弱酸性;各行政区耕层土壤pH排列顺序为延安榆林铜川咸阳渭南西安宝鸡商洛安康汉中。时间上,与1980s相比,陕北和关中耕层土壤呈碱化趋势,陕南耕层土壤呈酸化趋势;各行政区除榆林、安康、汉中和商洛耕层土壤呈酸化趋势,其余各市耕层土壤均呈碱化趋势。空间上,陕北和陕南耕层土壤pH拟合的最优半方差函数模型为线性模型,关中耕层土壤pH拟合的最优半方差函数模型为高斯模型,均表现出较强的空间相关性。陕北耕层土壤pH空间分布呈零星斑状特征,关中和陕南耕层土壤pH空间分布呈东部高于西部特征。坡向、海拔与陕西省耕层土壤pH显著相关,坡度越小,海拔越高,pH越大,不同类型的土壤pH存在差异。建议陕北和关中地区防治土壤盐碱化问题,陕南地区防治土壤酸化问题,以促进农业可持续发展和保障区域粮食安全。  相似文献   

环渤海沿海区域土壤养分空间变异及分布格局   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
大尺度研究土壤养分空间变异和分布,是实现区域平衡施肥和精准化农业的重要前提,大批量土壤养分的实验室分析比较费时费力且耗资较大,地统计及GIS插值技术可以有效解决这一问题。利用432个采样点,进行环渤海沿海区域0~30 cm和30~60 cm土层土壤养分空间变异和空间分布格局研究。土壤养分指标包括土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、有机质及全氮。对各土壤养分指标进行传统统计和地统计分析并采用kriging进行空间插值成图。结果表明:同一养分指标变异程度在0~30 cm和30~60 cm土层均相近;各养分指标在两土层均具有良好的空间结构性;研究区土壤有效磷和速效钾含量相对丰富,碱解氮、有机质和全氮含量较缺乏,总体而言本研究区域土壤养分较缺乏,30~60 cm土层各养分含量较0~30 cm土层更加缺乏。  相似文献   

Several ectomycorrhizal fungi, including Hebeloma cylindrosporum, actively release large quantities of phosphatase enzymes into their growth medium. We fractionated the phosphatase activity of the ectomycorrhizal association between H. cylindrosporum and its host plant, Pinus pinaster, with the aim to quantify its spatial and temporal variation in response to contrasting soil phosphorus conditions. Seedlings were grown in mini-rhizoboxes and the phosphomonoesterase activity of rhizosphere soil, released by roots, surface-bound to roots or mycelium was determined spectrophotometrically with the p-nitrophenyl phosphate method or microscopically with the ELF-method as a function of culture time. We showed that acid phosphatase activity of the soil and the root increased with mycorrhizal association. We also observed that the phosphatase activity associated with ectomycorrhizal plants was related to soil type. All phosphatase fractions decreased over culture time, except the proportion of hyphae exhibiting phosphatase activity in the extramatrical mycelium, which increased over time. The specific fractions of phosphatase activity associated with the mycorrhizal plants were clearly related to the soil phosphorus type and content. Soils showed an increase in acid phosphomonoesterase activity with mycorrhizal association, supporting a role for this enzyme in the degradation of soil bound phosphorus. The gradually increasing proportion of hyphae in the extramatrical mycelium exhibiting alkaline phosphatase activity, particularly under low phosphorus conditions, indicates an induction of alkaline phosphatase activity by phosphorus limitation.  相似文献   

土壤盐碱化问题严重制约着盐碱地生态绿化环境和农业可持续发展。为研究客土造林后滨海盐碱地土壤盐碱化状况的空间分布格局及影响因素,该研究开展实地调查采样,结合地统计学、经典统计学和Kriging插值等方法分析徐圩新区滨海盐碱地0~10、>10~20、>20~40、>40~60、>60~100 cm土层土壤盐分分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:1)研究区5个土层土壤电导率均为中等强度变异,pH值是弱变异。大多数土层土壤电导率和pH表现为弱空间相关性,由随机因素引起的空间变异性较弱,自相关引起的空间变异性较强。水平方向上看,研究区从西向东盐碱程度逐步加深,垂直方向上,土壤电导率随着土层深度增加而不断变大;2)研究区客土0~100cm土层土壤电导率均值为2.91 dS/m,属于轻度盐渍化土;原土0~100cm土层土壤电导率均值为31.00 dS/m,属于极重度盐渍化土,原土上只有极少数耐盐作物能自然正常生长。客土土壤电导率明显低于原土,但pH值与原土差异不大,客土土壤盐分表聚和底聚现象明显,存在返盐返碱的问题,长期来看,客土造林并不是该地区绿化最好的方式。3)影响研究区土壤电导率的因素有河流湖泊水体电导率和pH值、土壤pH值、海拔、植被、气候等。研究对于提高重度盐碱土的开发利用率和改善景观绿地建设,指导制定精准盐碱地综合改良措施、管理制度等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in multi-scale spatial variation in soil chemical properties, which may be controlled simultaneously by biotic and abiotic factors, have not been studied in tropical dry forests. We evaluated the spatial variation of physico-chemical soil properties, plant litter and terrain attributes at multiple scales in a tropical dry evergreen forest using multivariate geostatistics. Soil samples were collected at different depths using nested interval sampling during 1- and 10-m intervals in both the wet and dry seasons. We measured pH, exchangeable cations (Ex-K+ and Ex-Ca2+), acidity (Ex-H+ and Ex-Al3+), particle size (clay and sand contents), and forest floor mass (Oi and Oa). Pronounced spatial variation in pH was observed in surface soil (0-5 cm) but not in deeper soil (5-55 cm). Multi-scale spatial structures with short (20 m) and long (86 m) ranges were observed in the auto- and cross-variograms of soil, litter and slope gradient. Pronounced multi-scale structures were observed simultaneously in pH and Ex-Ca2+ both in the wet and dry seasons. Only a short-range structure was observed in Ex-K+ and Oa, whereas a long-range structure was pronounced in sand contents and slope gradients. Although the variograms had similar shapes between wet and dry seasons for almost all variables, the short-range structure of the cross-variogram between Oa with pH and base cations was more pronouncedly developed in the wet season than in the dry season. Scale-dependent correlation coefficients suggest that a small-scale spatial variation in pH was connected to heterogeneous litter accumulation via base-cation input, whereas long-range spatial variation was simultaneously linked to particle size and slope gradient. This multivariate geostatistical approach applied within a stand detected biotic and abiotic factors controlling spatial variation in soil properties at both short and long distances.  相似文献   

Soil erosion causes sequential eco-environmental problems in the Loess Plateau of China. Therefore, vegetation restoration measures were adopted in this area by converting steep cropland into alternative land uses in order to remedy the erosion problem and alleviate land degradation. As part of the effort to understand the potential of this management practice in sequestering nutrients, the present study assessed the impact of vegetation restoration on the distribution of phosphorus (P) and aboveground biomass on a sloping land in this area. The study compared four land uses, Korshinsk Peashrub (KOP), alfalfa (ALF), natural fallow (NAF), and millet (MIL). KOP, ALF and NAF were adopted as vegetation restoration patterns, while MIL was an example of crop land. For the sampling time the average aboveground P pools of KOP, ALF, and MIL were 1.118, 0.406, and 0.091 g m− 2, respectively. The magnitudes of the aboveground biomass and tissue P concentration of the three land uses followed the same order. Both vertical and horizontal distributions of soil Olsen P of KOP were relatively uniform. Soil Olsen P of ALF accumulated significantly at the down-slope position within the surface 60 cm soil profile. The down-slope accumulation of soil Olsen P was significant at the depth of 80 to 100 cm and 0 to 20 cm for NAF and MIL, respectively. The soil Olsen P concentrations in deeper soil layers of KOP and ALF were clearly lower than that of NAF, while MIL had apparent higher concentrations of soil Olsen P in the 0 to 20 cm layer of soil. Generally, the vegetation restoration did not present a significant effect on total soil P level, with the average values of 0.722, 0.751, 0.747, and 0.729 kg m− 2 for KOP, ALF, NAF, and MIL, respectively. However, an apparent accumulation of total soil P at the down-slope position was observed for NAF and MIL treatments. For ALF and KOP, the soil Olsen P and the soil moisture content were correlated positively to the aboveground P pool. For MIL, however, the higher aboveground P corresponded to a higher soil Olsen P but to a lower soil moisture content. Results from the four years of data suggest that ALF is the fastest absorber of soil P, while KOP is the best vegetation to sequester soil P of the soil–plant systems in this study.  相似文献   

以受多环芳烃长期污染农田土壤中苯并[a]芘(B[a]P)为研究对象,采用室内模拟试验研究了pH、水分和温度对土壤中B[a]P的动态变化的影响。结果表明,供试污染土壤中B[a]P能被土著微生物快速去除,其消减过程受到pH、水分和温度的影响。初始pH为4.6、5.9和7.3的泥浆中B[a]P在7天内的去除率分别为43.8%、37.8%和14.0%。在土壤水分为22%、43%、65%和87%田间持水量,温度为28℃条件下培养80天后土壤中B[a]P的去除率分别为42.5%、96.6%、96.3%和34.3%。在土壤pH为4.5,土壤水分为60%±5%田间持水量,温度为25℃和40℃条件下土壤中B[a]P的半衰期分别为33天和16天。可见,pH、水分和温度等环境条件对土壤中B[a]P的消减过程具有明显的影响,可通过人为调控强化B[a]P污染土壤的生物修复。  相似文献   

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