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An open question with regard to the community ecology of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) concerns how to best amplify AMF in the soil, which contains a large proportion of DNA from AM extra-radical mycelium and spores. However, to date, a direct comparison of AMF primers for soil samples, which would systematically assess their amplification efficiency, is still missing. In our present study, we compared and characterized four widely used primer sets targeting AMF 18S rDNA or SSU-ITS-LSU rDNA from three soil samples as follows: (1) SSUmAf/LSUmAr?+?SSUmCf/LSUmBr, (2) GeoA2/Geo11?+?NS31/AM1, (3) AML1/AML2?+?NS31/AM1 and (4) AMV4.5NF/AMDGR. These primer sets were compared in terms of the proportion of Glomeromycota detected, AMF diversity and community composition. Our data revealed that the newly combined primer set 3 was the most suitable one for amplifying AMF from soil samples. It yielded the highest AMF alpha diversity, and was very specific to Glomeromycota. Primer set 2 was unable to amplify Claroideoglomus from soil 1, which was the dominant AMF clade as proved by other three primer sets. Primer set 4 demonstrated its instability among different soil samples, since the proportion of AMF in total sequences varied from 5% to 83%. Although primer set 1 showed the highest proportion of AMF (95–100%) in the soil samples, it captured the lowest AMF diversity, and the operational taxonomic units obtained by this primer set were only 36.4% of that by primer set 4. Taken together, our data suggested that AMF diversity in soil samples could be underestimated by primer set 1, 2 and 4. Our result confirmed the important role of the choice of AMF primers for analyzing AMF communities in soil and explored the most suitable one for amplifying AMF from soil samples.  相似文献   

AM真菌对桑树根围土壤团聚体的影响机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
肖玖军  邢丹  毛明明  王岩 《土壤学报》2020,57(3):773-782
为揭示丛枝菌根 (Arbuscular mycorrhizal,AM)真菌对植桑土壤的影响及机制,采用盆栽试验研究接种摩西管柄囊霉 (Funneliformis mosseae,Fm)和根内根生囊霉 (Rhizophagus intraradices,Ri)对土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon, SOC)、球囊霉素相关土壤蛋白 (Glomalin related soil protein, GRSP)及团聚体组成与稳定性的影响。结果表明:⑴ 接种Ri显著增加土壤大团聚体百分比,并提高平均质量直径 (Mean weight diameter, MWD)和几何平均直径 (Geometric mean diameter, GMD)、显著降低团聚体破坏率 (Percentage of aggregate destruction, PAD)。⑵ 接种Fm和Ri均显著增加微团聚体SOC含量,接种Fm显著降低大团聚体总GRSP含量,而接种Ri却显著增加大团聚体和微团聚体总GRSP含量及易提取GRSP含量。⑶ 接种AM真菌对整体SOC的效应为负,土壤总GRSP对SOC占比在25.5%~76.5%之间,土壤易提取GRSP对SOC占比在4.87%~5.93%之间,且Ri的接种效应高于Fm。⑷ 总GRSP、易提取GRSP和SOC对团聚体组成表现均为正向显著影响,其中易提取GRSP是主要驱动因子,而总GRSP是土壤团聚体稳定性的主要影响因子。综上,AM真菌作用下桑树根围土壤团聚体得以改善并趋于稳定,Ri的接种效应明显大于Fm;土壤团聚体的形成主要依赖易提取GRSP,而其稳定性主要受总GRSP影响。  相似文献   

Landspreading of biosolids (treated sewage sludge) in agroecosystems is a common waste management practice worldwide. Evidence suggests biosolids may be detrimental to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF); however, previous studies focused on arable systems and often unrealistically high biosolids application levels. We investigated the effects of biosolids on AMF communities in grassland and arable agroecosystems, in the context of the natural seasonal dynamics of AMF community composition and diversity. A pasture and arable system under commercial farming management were amended annually with two different types of biosolids, applied at levels meeting current European Union regulations, in a factorial, replicated field-scale plot experiment. AMF root colonisation and community composition were measured in Lolium perenne roots from the pasture and Trifolium repens roots growing in arable soil across the seasons of two years. AMF community compositions were assessed by terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses. Biosolids had no significant effect on AMF root colonisation or community composition in either agroecosystem. Soil chemical analyses indicated several changes in the top 0–5 cm layer of the pasture soil, including small increases in heavy metal concentrations in biosolids relative to control plots. Temporal AMF dynamics were detected in soils from both agroecosystem indicating that the effect of seasonality outweighed that of biosolids application.  相似文献   


Central Anatolia, which suffers from salinity, alkalinity, and drought stresses, is one of the most important cultivation regions of barley (Hordeum vulgare) in Turkey. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) could promote barley production under several stresses; however, only a little information is available for AMF community composition in Turkish arable soils. In this study, barley root samples were collected from eight sites in the Central Anatolian region during the growing season (GS: April) and the harvest season (HS: July) in 2012, and the composition of AMF communities were elucidated based on the partial sequence of the AMF 18S rRNA gene using high-throughput sequencing technology. As a result, barley-AMF symbioses in this region were highly dominated by Glomeraceae (71.8% in GS and 59.2% in HS), followed by Claroideoglomeraceae (10.3% in GS and 15.9% in HS), Gigasporaceae (9.1% in GS and 13.1% in HS), and Acaulosporaceae (5.8% in GS and 7.7% in HS). Compared to Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae families, communities of Acaulosporaceae, Diversisporaceae, Paraglomeraceae, and Gigasporaceae consisted of fewer AMF species. The AMF evenness significantly increased from GS to HS. The most dominant AMF sequence, VTX00248 in the MaarjAM database, was closely related to Rhizophagus, which occupied 25.8% and 14.7% of the total AMF sequences in GS and HS, respectively. The relative abundance of AMF related to Rhizophagus tended to be reduced in HS, suggesting that the species could form mycorrhiza in the early stages of barley growth in this region. On the other hand, the relative abundance of Claroideoglomeraceae and Scutellosporaceae tended to increase in HS. Soil CaCO3 content significantly influenced AMF community compositions in GS, while soil pH and EC showed no significant impact on AMF community compositions. Based on discriminant analysis, 11 VTXs (related Acaulospora, Claroideoglomus, Funneliformis, Gigaspora, and Glomus) showed higher abundance in the barley roots grown in the soil with relatively high CaCO3 content, suggesting that these sequences might be adapted to such an environment.  相似文献   

Two complementary studies were performed to examine (1) the effect of 18 years of nitrogen (N) fertilization, and (2) the effects of N fertilization during one growing season on soil microbial community composition and soil resource availability in a grassland ecosystem. N was added at three different rates: 0, 5.44, and 27.2 g N m−2 y−1. In both studies, Schizachyrium scoparium was the dominant plant species before N treatments were applied. Soil microbial communities from each experiment were characterized using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Discriminant analysis of the FAMEs separated the three N fertilizer treatments in both experiments, indicating shifts in the composition of the microbial communities. In general, plots that received N fertilizer at low or high application rates for 18 years showed increased proportions of bacterial FAMEs and decreased fungal FAMEs. In particular, control plots contained a significantly higher proportion of fungal FAMEs C18:1(cis9) and C18:2(cis9,12) and of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) FAME, C16:1(cis11), than both of the N addition treatment plots. A significant negative effect of N fertilization on the AMF FAME, C16:1(cis11), was measured in the short-term experiment. Our results indicate that high rates of anthropogenic N deposition can lead to significant changes in the composition of soil microbial communities over short periods and can even disrupt the relationship between AMF and plants.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to assess the effect of a combined treatment involving addition of Aspergillus niger-treated dry olive cake (DryOC) in the presence of rock phosphate, plus pre-transplant inoculation of seedlings with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi Glomus intraradices, Glomus deserticola or Glomus mosseae, on the establishment of Dorycnium pentaphyllum L., in a degraded semiarid Mediterranean area. Associated changes in soil labile C fractions, enzyme activities and aggregate stability were also observed. One year after planting, the combined treatment of fermented DryOC addition and inoculation with AM fungi, particularly with G. mosseae (on average 328% greater than control plants), had the strongest effect on the shoot biomass of D. pentaphyllum. Only the fermented DryOC addition increased assimilable P, total N and aggregate stability, the greatest increase being in the soil available P content (about four-fold higher than in the non-amended soil). Both the addition of fermented DryOC and the mycorrhizal inoculation treatments significantly increased enzyme activities of rhizosphere soil (dehydrogenase, protease-BAA, acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase). The microbially-treated DryOC proved to be an effective amendment for improving the soil quality which, in turn, enhanced the success of revegetation with mycorrhizal D. pentaphyllum seedlings.  相似文献   

Changes in soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, and the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are examined along a large-scale aridity gradient from southeast to northwest in China. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen decreased but pH increased with increased aridity. Aboveground plant biomass, spore abundance, and colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi also declined as the aridity increased. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen were positively correlated with aboveground plant biomass, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore number and root colonization were positively correlated with soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and aboveground plant biomass but were negatively correlated with soil pH. A structural equation model suggested that aridity affected soil organic carbon and total nitrogen by limiting aboveground plant biomass. Aridity exerted a large direct effect and smaller indirect effects (via changes in aboveground plant biomass) on the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Soil pH also directly influenced arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance. These results suggest that aboveground plant biomass could be a key factor driving the changes of soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance along this aridity gradient in China.  相似文献   

利用盆栽试验,研究了丛枝菌根真菌(Glomus.caledonium)在不同程度铜污染土壤上对玉米苗期生长的影响。结果表明,即使在土壤施铜量达150mg/kg时,菌根真菌对玉米仍有近55%的侵染率;接种菌根真菌,能显著促进玉米根系的生长。菌根玉米的根系生物量和根系长度,平均较未接种处理分别提高108.4%和58.8%;接种处理的植株地上部生物量达到每盆(3株)10.58g,显著高于不施铜的非菌根玉米。这些结果表明,丛枝菌根真菌对铜污染具有较好的抗性;并且由于菌根的形成,使宿主植物明显地改善了对磷的吸收和运输,并能通过抑制土壤酸化、降低土壤可溶态铜的浓度等机制,增强宿主植物对铜污染的抗(耐)性。在150mg/kg施铜水平时,与非菌根玉米相比,菌根玉米地上部和根系铜浓度分别降低24.3%和24.1%,吸铜量分别提高了28.2%和60.0%,表明菌根植物对铜污染土壤具有一定的生物修复作用。  相似文献   


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are found in the soil of most ecosystems where they form mutualistic associations that affect plants growth. We have investigated the community structure of AMF associated to Retama raetam growing in five regions of Tunisia. The total number of spores was significantly different across sites, ranging from 633 to 1062 spores per 100 g dry soil. A dominance of small spores was revealed. The large subunit region of the rDNA of AMF spores associated to the rhizosphere of R. raetam was sequenced. Sequences clustered into 13 operational taxonomic units. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the majority of sequences were grouped within Glomeraceae and Claroideoglomeraceae families. Only two sequences were affiliated to the Scutellospora genus. These results suggest the dominance of the genus Glomus in the soil rhizosphere of R. raetam. A correlation between phylogenetic analysis, soil chemicals properties, and AMF community richness was also detected.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) differ in their rate and extent of colonization of both plant roots and soil but the mechanism responsible for these differences is unclear. We compared the external mycelium of three AMF isolates (Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum and Gigaspora gigantea) during early colonization of plant roots. We investigated whether an AMF with the most rapid colonization would have higher numbers of infective structures (i.e., infection hyphae and contact points), an AMF with extensive root colonization would have more infection units, and (3) AMF with extensive soil colonization would have large numbers of all external features (including absorptive hyphae, runner hyphae and hyphal bridges). Using specially designed soil and root observation chambers, we followed the development of the external mycelium for 7 weeks. We found that rapid colonization rate was due, in part, to the presence of more infective structures, in particular more infection hyphae and root contact points. Second, the extensive root colonizer had more, larger infection units. Third, data did not support the hypothesis that the extensive soil colonizer had more external structures. These results show that differences in the architecture of the external mycelium are responsible, in part, for variation in the colonization strategy of AMF.  相似文献   

Rubber tree is a very important crop in Thailand, representing an essential source of income for farmers. In the past two decades, rubber tree plantations have been greatly expanding in unfavorable areas, where climate conditions are difficult and soil fertility is very poor. To optimize latex yields, mineral fertilizers have been widely used. A better understanding of the roles of the biological compartment in soil fertility is essential to determine alternative management practices to sustain soil fertility and optimize latex yields. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are widely recognized as beneficial for plants, mainly through their role in improving plant nutrient uptake. The objective of this study was to assess the AMF populations in rubber tree plantations and the impact of both soil characteristics and plantation age on these communities. Our results showed that all rubber trees were highly colonized, regardless of the soil structure and nutrient contents. AMF colonization was not affected by the age of the trees, suggesting that maintaining the symbiosis is likely to be beneficial at all stages. A better understanding and management of the microbial communities would contribute to maintaining or restoring soil fertility, leading to a better tree growth and optimized latex yield.  相似文献   

Crocus sativus L. cultivation is expanding to areas with low soil fertility, where mycorrhizal fungi are supposed to be essential for plants growth and ecosystems functioning. Agricultural practices applied under these conditions should lead to good saffron productivity and quality. Our objective was to study the density and diversity of mycorrhizal fungi populations associated with saffron grown in Taliouine (Morocco) under different agricultural management practices (fertilization type, age and plantation method). Morpho-anatomical studies identified rhizospheric mycorrhizal spores and assessed root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Molecular identification of AMF was realized by sequencing the Large Subunit (LSU) rDNA gene region. Among the eleven species of AMF spores identified, Funneliformis and Rhizoglomus species were the most abundant (> 35%). Modern saffron plantation showed higher roots colonization rates (mycorrhization intensity (100%) and frequency (51.6%)), while in traditional plantations lower mycorrhization frequency values were found (17.4%). LSU sequencing identified five AMF genera and three unknown genomic groups, whereas Shannon diversity index indicated that AMF community composition changed significantly according to plantation age and fertilization type. Our results contribute to a better knowledge of saffron AMF communities and open new perspectives for a rational utilization of the agricultural practices for organic saffron production.  相似文献   

Soil salinity and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) influence the soil hydrophobicity. An experiment was performed to determine the effects of soil salinity and AMF species on soil water repellency (SWR) under wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop. Six AMF treatments, including four exotic species (Rhizophagus irregularis, Funneliformis mosseae and Claroideoglomus claroideum, a mix of three species), one mix native AMF species treatment and an AMF-free soil in combination with four salinity levels (1, 5, 10, and 15 dS m?1) were used. The soil repellency index (RI) increased with salinity increment ranging from 2.4 to 10.5. The mix of three exotic and native AMF treatments enhanced the RI significantly compared to AMF-free soil in all salinity levels with one exception for native treatment at 1 dS m?1. Among individual AMF species, the C. claroideum treatment at 10 dS m?1 increased the RI by 67% compared to AMF-free soil. The native AMF treatment was more efficient in root colonization, glomalin production and SWR development at 10 and 15 dS m?1, compared to exotic species. In addition to the net positive effect of salinity on SWR, the AMF influences on the RI were greatly dependent on salinity levels.  相似文献   

Sugar beet waste has potential value as a soil amendment and this work studied whether fermentation of the waste by Aspergillus niger would influence the growth and P uptake of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Plants were grown in compartmentalised growth units, each with a root compartment (RC) and two lateral root-free compartments (RFC). One RFC contained untreated soil while the other RFC contained soil, which was uniformly mixed with sugar beet waste, either untreated (SB) or degraded by A. niger (ASB) in a rock phosphate (RP)-supplied medium. The soil in each pair of RFC was labelled with 33P and 32P in order to measure P uptake by the AM fungal mycelium, of which length density was also measured. Whole cell fatty acid (WCFA) signatures were used as biomarkers of the AM fungal mycelium and other soil microorganisms. The amount of biomarkers of saprotrophic fungi and both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria was higher in SB than in ASB treatments. Whilst ASB increased growth and activity of AM mycelium, SB had the opposite effect. Moreover, shoot P content was increased by the addition of ASB, and by inoculation with AM fungi. Modification of soil microbial structure and production of exudates by A. niger, as a consequence of fermentation process of sugar beet waste, could possibly explain the increase of AM growth in ASB treatments. On the other hand, the highest P uptake was a result of the solubilisation of rock phosphate by A. niger during the fermentation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the interactive effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculation and exogenous phosphorus supply on soil phosphotases, plant growth, and nutrient uptake of Kandelia obovata (Sheue, Liu & Yong). We aimed to explore the ecophysiological function of AMF in mangrove wetland ecosystems, and to clarify the possible survival mechanism of mangrove species against nutrient deficiency. K. obovata seedlings with or without AMF inoculation (mixed mangrove AMF), were cultivated for six months in autoclaved sediment medium which was supplemented with KH2PO4 (0, 15, 30, 60, 120 mg kg−1). Then the plant growth, nitrogen and phosphorus content, root vitality, AMF colonization and soil phosphatase activity were analyzed. The inoculated AMF successfully infected K. obovata roots, developed intercellular hyphae, arbuscular (Arum-type), and vesicle structures. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization ranged from 9.04 to 24.48%, with the highest value observed under 30 and 60 mg kg−1 P treatments. Soil P supply, in the form of KH2PO4, significantly promoted the height and biomass of K. obovata, enhanced root vitality and P uptake, while partially inhibiting soil acid (ACP) and alkaline phosphotase (ALP) activities. Without enhancing plant height, the biomass, root vitality and P uptake were further increased when inoculated with AMF, and the reduction on ACP and ALP activities were alleviated. Phosphorus supply resulted in the decrease of leaf N–P ratio in K. obovata, and AMF inoculation strengthened the reduction, thus alleviating P limitation in plant growth. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation and adequate P supply (30 mg kg−1 KH2PO4) enhanced root vitality, maintained soil ACP and ALP activities, increased plant N and P uptake, and resulted in greater biomass of K. obovata. Mutualistic symbiosis with AMF could explain the survival strategies of mangrove plants under a stressed environment (waterlogging and nutrient limitation) from a new perspective.  相似文献   

Previous research, mostly in temperate agricultural systems, has shown that management practices such as fallow period, tillage, crop rotation, and phosphorus (P) fertilizer applications can influence the abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), but relatively little is known about their effect in smallholder farmers’ fields in sub-Saharan Africa. In this study, we evaluated the effect of four subsistence crops that form associations with AMF, moderate P fertilization, tillage, and fallow period on the subsequent AMF abundance on three contrasting low fertility soils in south-western Zimbabwe. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance was estimated based on early mycorrhizal colonization of maize (Zea mays L.) or lablab (Lablab purpureus L.) following the various treatments. The previously grown crop significantly affected AMF abundance (p < 0.001). It was highest after lablab followed by pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.), maize, and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), and there were significant positive correlations between AMF abundance and aboveground biomass of pigeonpea, lablab, and maize. Contrary to much previous research, P fertilization, fallowing, and tillage did not significantly decrease AMF abundance. In smallholder farmers’ fields in the semi-arid tropics of sub-Saharan Africa, therefore, growing vigorous mycorrhizal plants prior to the dry season could be more important than minimizing P fertilizer applications, fallow periods, and tillage to maintain or increase AMF abundance.  相似文献   

Recycling of olive mill wastewaters (OMW) into agricultural soils is a controversial issue since benefits to soil fertility should counterbalance potential short-term toxicity effects. We investigated the short-term effects of OMW on the soil-plant system, regarding the diversity, structure and root colonization capacity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and the respective growth response of Vicia faba L, commonly used as green manure in olive-tree plantations. A compartmentalized pot system was used that allowed the establishment of an AM fungal community in one compartment (feeder) and the application of three OMW dose levels in an adjacent second compartment (receiver). At 0, 10, and 30 days after OMW treatment (DAT), V. faba pre-germinated seeds were seeded in the receiver compartment. At harvest, shoot and root dry weights, AM fungal root colonization, soil hyphal length and P availability were recorded in the receiver compartment. In addition, OMW effects on AM fungal diversity in plant roots were studied by DGGE. A transient effect of OMW application was observed; plant growth and AM fungal colonization were initially inhibited, whereas soil hyphal length was stimulated, but in most cases differences were absent when seeding was performed 30 DAT. Similarly, changes induced in the structure of the root AM fungal community were of transient nature. Cloning and sequencing of all the major DGGE bands showed that roots were colonized by Glomus spp. The transient effects of OMW on the structure and function of AM fungi could be attributed to OMW-derived phytoxicity to V. faba plants or to an indirect effect via alteration of soil nutritional status. The high OMW dose significantly increased soil P availability in the presence of AM fungi, suggesting efficient involvement of AM fungi in organic-P minerilization. Overall our results indicate that soil application of OMW would cause transient changes in the AM fungal colonization of V. faba plants, which, would not impair their long-term plant growth promoting ability.  相似文献   

Earthworms and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are known to independently affect soil microbial and biochemical properties, in particular soil microbial biomass (SMB) and enzymes. However, less information is available about their interactive effects, particularly in soils contaminated with heavy metals such as cadmium (Cd). The amount of soil microbial biomass C (MBC), the rate of soil respiration (SRR) and the activities of urease and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were measured in a calcareous soil artificially spiked with Cd (10 and 20 mg Cd kg−1), inoculated with earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus L.), and AMF (Glomus intraradices and Glomus mosseae species) under maize (Zea mays L.) crop for 60 days. Results showed that the quantity of MBC, SRR and enzyme activities decreased with increasing Cd levels as a result of the elevated exchangeable Cd concentration. Earthworm addition increased soil exchangeable Cd levels, while AMF and their interaction with earthworms had no influence on this fraction of Cd. Earthworm activity resulted in no change in soil MBC, while inoculation with both AMF species significantly enhanced soil MBC contents. However, the presence of earthworms lowered soil MBC when inoculated with G. mosseae fungi, showing an interaction between the two organisms. Soil enzyme activities and SRR values tended to increase considerably with the inoculation of both earthworms and AMF. Nevertheless, earthworm activity did not affect ALP activity when inoculated with G. mosseae fungi, while the presence of earthworm enhanced urease activity only with G. intraradices species. The increases in enzyme activities and SRR were better ascribed to changes in soil organic carbon (OC), MBC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contents. In summary, results demonstrated that the influence of earthworms alone on Cd availability is more important than that of AMF in Cd-polluted soils; and that the interaction effects between these organisms on soil microorganism are much more important than on Cd availability. Thus, the presence of both earthworms and AMF could alleviate Cd effects on soil microbial life.  相似文献   

Adequate soil structural stability favours the establishment and viability of a stable plant cover, protecting the soil against water erosion in desertified Mediterranean environments. We studied the effect of soil drying-rewetting, inoculation with a mixture of three exotic arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Glomus intraradices Schenck & Smith, Glomus deserticola (Trappe, Bloss. & Menge) and Glomus mosseae (Nicol & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe) and addition of a composted organic residue on aggregate stabilisation of the rhizosphere soil of Juniperus oxycedrus. The AM fungi and composted residue produced similar increases in plant growth, independently of the water conditions. Under well-watered conditions, the highest percentages of stable aggregates were recorded in the amended soil, followed by the soil inoculated with AM fungi. Excepting microbial biomass C, the soil drying increased labile C fractions (water soluble C, water soluble and total carbohydrates), whereas the rewetting decreased significantly such C fractions. Desiccation caused a significant increase in aggregate stability of the rhizosphere soil of all plants, particularly in the amended and inoculated plants. In all treatments, the aggregates formed after soil drying were unstable, since, in the rewetting, they disappear, reaching the initial levels before soil drying. Our results suggest that the aggregation mechanisms developed by rhizosphere microbial community of the amended and inoculated plants under water stress can be particularly relevant in desertified soils exposed to long desiccation periods.  相似文献   

Improving technologies and the challenge of producing more bio-products while reducing the environmental footprint of humans are shifting paradigms in agricultural research. Harnessing the microbial resources of arable soils is a new avenue to improve the efficiency of nutrient use in agriculture. The objective of this study was to define how crop management influences the contribution of resident AM fungi to nutrient efficiency and crop productivity. The AM fungal communities of 72 organically and 78 conventionally managed wheat fields of the Canadian prairie were described by 454 pyrosequencing and related to crop productivity and N and P use efficiency. Conventional management reduces soil pH and increases the fluxes of all soil nutrients except S, B, and K. Organic management increased the abundance of Claroideoglomus reads. The efficiency of N and P uptake from soil by organic wheat was 2.3 and 1.8 times higher than that of conventional systems. This high N and P uptake efficiency in organic wheat crops was mainly attributable to the low soil fertility of organic fields, as wheat biomass production was 1.44 times greater in conventional than organic systems. Overall, the amounts of N and P taken up by conventional and organic wheat crops were similar. Plant nutrient balance and the abundance of Paraglomus drove conventional wheat production, whereas organic production depended mainly on soil moisture, plant nutrient balance, and abundance of Glomus, which was associated with reduced and nutrient-inefficient wheat production. The high nutrient concentrations at maturity and the low productivity of organic wheat fit a model of limiting CO2-assimilation. The trade-off between nutrient use efficiency and productivity in low input wheat production could be relieved by reducing the abundance of Glomus species, increasing soil moisture and early N availability, or by improving the inherent CO2 assimilation capacity of wheat.  相似文献   

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