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In previous studies, periodic sampling of topsoils on runoff plots on sandy soils at the Hilton experimental site, Shropshire, UK, suggested erosion decreased the topsoil clay content and increased the coarse fraction. However, a comparison of soil and sediment properties suggested erosion selectively removed sand. Therefore, to cross-check the effects of erosion on soil properties, topsoil samples were collected from bare, eroded runoff plots and compared with samples from adjacent non-eroded grassland. Bare, eroded soil was stonier and particularly deficient in sand compared with grassed soil. Textural differences were very marked in the medium and coarse sands, especially the 0.5–1.0 mm fraction. On the basis of mean properties, the grassed soil was a very slightly stony loamy sand and the bare soil a slightly stony sandy loam. Soil organic matter was significantly less in the bare soils than the grassed soils and thus may have contributed to the higher erodibility of sands in bare soils.  相似文献   

Occluded, or intra-aggregate, soil organic matter (SOM) comprises a significant portion of the total C pool in forest soils and often has very long mean residence times (MRTs). However, occluded C characteristics vary widely among soils and the genesis and composition of the occluded organic matter pool are not well understood. This work sought to define the major controls on the composition and MRT of occluded SOM in western U.S. conifer forest soils with specific focus on the influence of soil mineral assemblage and aggregate stability. We sampled soils from a lithosequence of four parent materials (rhyolite, granite, basalt, and dolostone) under Pinus ponderosa. Three pedons were excavated to the depth of refusal at each site and sampled by genetic horizon. After density separation at 1.8 g cm−3 into free/light, occluded and mineral fractions, the chemical nature and mean residence time of organics in each fraction were compared. SOM chemistry was explored through the use of stable isotope analyses, 13C NMR, and pyrolysis GC/MS. Soil charcoal content estimates were based on 13C NMR analyses. Estimates of SOM MRT were based on steady-state modeling of SOM radiocarbon abundance measurements. Across all soils, the occluded fraction was 0.5–5 times enriched in charcoal in comparison to the bulk soil and had a substantially longer MRT than either the mineral fraction or the free/light fraction. These results suggest that charcoal from periodic burning is the primary source of occluded organics in these soils, and that the structural properties of charcoal promote its aggregation and long-term preservation. Surprisingly, aggregate stability, as measured through ultrasonic dispersion, was not correlated with occluded SOM abundance or MRT, perhaps raising questions of how well laboratory measurements of aggregate stability capture the dynamics of aggregate turnover under field conditions. Examination of the molecular characteristics of the occluded fraction was more conclusive. Occluded fraction composition did not change substantially with soil mineral assemblage, but was increasingly enriched in charcoal with depth relative to bulk SOM. Enrichment levels of 13C and 15N suggested a similar degree of microbial processing for the free/light and occluded fractions, and molecular structure of occluded and free/light fractions were also similar aside from charcoal enrichment in the occluded fraction. Results highlight the importance of both fire and aggregate formation to the long-term preservation of organics in western U.S. conifer forests which experience periodic burning, and suggest that the composition of occluded SOM in these soils is dependent on fire and the selective occlusion of charcoal.  相似文献   

Most soil surveys are based on soil geomorphic, physical and chemical properties, while many classifications are based on morphological properties in soil profile. Typically, microbial properties of the soil (e.g. biomass and functional diversity) or soil biological quality indicators (SBQIs) are not directly considered in soil taxonomic keys, yet soil classification schemes are often used to infer soil biological function relating to policy (e.g. soil pollution attenuation, climate change mitigation). To critically address this, our aim was to assess whether rates of carbon turnover in a diverse range of UK soils (n > 500) could effectively be described and sub-divided according to broadly defined soil groups by conventional soil classification schemes. Carbon turnover in each soil over a 90 d period was assessed by monitoring the mineralisation of either a labile (14C-labelled artificial root exudates) or more recalcitrant C source (14C-labelled plant leaves) in soil held at field capacity at 10 °C. A double exponential first order kinetic model was then fitted to the mineralisation profile for each individual substrate and soil. ANOVA of the modelled rate constants and pool sizes revealed significant differences between soil groups; however, these differences were small regardless of substrate type. Principle component and cluster analysis further separated some soil groups; however, the definition of the class limits remained ambiguous. Exclusive reference values for each soil group could not be established since the model parameter ranges greatly overlapped. We conclude that conventional soil classification provides a poor predictor of C residence time in soil, at least over short time periods. We ascribe this lack of observed difference to the high degree of microbial functional redundancy in soil, the strong influence of environmental factors and the uncertainties inherent in the use of short term biological assays to represent pedogenic processes which have taken ca. 10,000 y to become manifest.  相似文献   

The natural abundance of δ15N in disturbed and undisturbed pasture soils was examined. From the disturbed soil, the top 10 cm of the profile was examined and the soil split into fractions based on particle size. Plant shoot and root material contained similar low enrichments in 15N, whereas recently deposited shoot residues were highly enriched. Differences between the soil fractions in observed total N did not reflect similar 15N variation. However, the enrichment of humic material extracted from the largest soil fraction was considerably lower in 15N relative to that from the smaller fractions. The complexity of the humic material from the larger fractions was less according to the E 4 /E 6 ratio. Analysis of the profile from the undisturbed soil showed increasing 15N enrichment with depth which corresponded well with visible soil horizons and showed an inverse relationship with total soil N. This 15N enrichment was mirrored by the enrichment in humic materials down the profile and also corresponded with an increasing chemical complexity as shown by the E 4 /E 6 ratio. Received: 15 March 1996  相似文献   

The effects of grazing on the richness of understorey plant communities are predicted to vary along gradients of resources and tree cover. In temperate Australia livestock management has involved phosphorus addition and tree removal but little research has examined how the effects of grazing on plant species richness may vary with these management regimes. Patterns of understorey plant species richness were examined in 519, 0.09 ha quadrats in grazed pastures and remnant grassy forests and woodlands in southern Australia. Sheep grazing was the primary land use and sites varied widely in grazing frequency and density, tree cover and phosphorus fertiliser history. Using an information theoretic approach the available data provides strong evidence that the effect of grazing on total species richness varies according to available phosphorus and tree cover. Intermittent grazing and no grazing were associated with high total and native plant richness, but only at low phosphorus concentrations. Phosphorus was strongly negatively correlated with richness, particularly at low grazing frequency. Total species richness was positively correlated with tree cover except under frequent grazing at high stocking rates, suggesting that heavy grazing eliminates spatial and temporal heterogeneity imposed by trees. Native plant species richness was negatively correlated with a history of cultivation, positively correlated with tree cover and varied according to landscape position and geological substrate. Frequent high density grazing, particularly when associated with clearing, cultivation and fertiliser addition, was associated with the persistence of very few native plant species. In contrast, the richness of exotic plant species was relatively invariant and performance of the best model was low. While several studies have highlighted the importance of the grazed and cleared matrix for the conservation of native plant species, this benefit may be limited in landscapes where intensive grazing management systems dominate. Strong evidence for interactions between grazing, phosphorus and tree cover suggest that failure to consider other land use practices associated with grazing management systems could lead to erroneous conclusions regarding vegetation responses to livestock grazing.  相似文献   

Afforestation and deforestation are key land-use changes across the world, and are considered to be dominant factors controlling ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. However, the responses of soil microbial communities to these land-use changes are not well understood. Because changes in soil microbial abundance and community structure have consequences for nutrient cycling, C-sequestration and long-term sustainability, we investigated impacts of land-use change, age of stand and soil physico-chemical properties on fungal and bacterial communities and their metabolic activities. This study was carried out at four sites in two geographical locations that were afforested on long-established pastures with Pinus radiata D. Don (pine). Two of the sites were on volcanic soils and two on non-volcanic soils and stand age ranged from 5 to 20 y. Microbial communities were analysed by biochemical (phospho-lipid fatty acids; PLFA) and molecular (multiplex-terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism; M-TRFLP) approaches. Both site and stand age influenced microbial properties, with changes being least detectable in the 5-y-old stand. Land use was a key factor influencing soil metabolic activities as measured by physiological profiling using MicroResp. Pasture soils had higher microbial biomass (P < 0.001), and metabolic activities (P < 0.001), and basal respiration rates were up to 2.8-times higher than in the pine soils. Microbial abundance analysis by PLFA showed that the fungal to bacterial ratio was higher in the pine soils (P < 0.01). Community analysis suggested that soil bacterial communities were more responsive to site (principal component 1; P < 0.001) than to land use (principal component 5; P < 0.001). In contrast, the fungal community was more affected by land-use change (principal component 1; P < 0.001) than by site, although site still had some influence on fungal community structure (principal component 2; P < 0.001). Redundancy analysis also suggested that bacterial and fungal communities responded differently to various soil abiotic properties, land-use change and location of sites. Overall, our results indicate that the change in land use from pasture to P. radiata stands had a direct impact on soil fungal communities but an indirect effect, through its effects on soil abiotic properties, on bacterial communities. Most of the changes in bacterial communities could be explained by altered soil physico-chemical properties associated with afforestation of pastures.  相似文献   

Soil physical structure causes differential accessibility of soil organic carbon (SOC) to decomposer organisms and is an important determinant of SOC storage and turnover. Techniques for physical fractionation of soil organic matter in conjunction with isotopic analyses (δ13C, δ15N) of those soil fractions have been used previously to (a) determine where organic C is stored relative to aggregate structure, (b) identify sources of SOC, (c) quantify turnover rates of SOC in specific soil fractions, and (d) evaluate organic matter quality. We used these two complementary approaches to characterize soil C storage and dynamics in the Rio Grande Plains of southern Texas where C3 trees/shrubs (δ13C=−27‰) have largely replaced C4 grasslands (δ13C=−14‰) over the past 100-200 years. Using a chronosequence approach, soils were collected from remnant grasslands (Time 0) and from woody plant stands ranging in age from 10 to 130 years. We separated soil organic matter into specific size/density fractions and determined their C and N concentrations and natural δ13C and δ15N values. Mean residence times (MRTs) of soil fractions were calculated based on changes in their δ13C with time after woody encroachment. The shortest MRTs (average=30 years) were associated with all particulate organic matter (POM) fractions not protected within aggregates. Fine POM (53-250 μm) within macro- and microaggregates was relatively more protected from decay, with an average MRT of 60 years. All silt+clay fractions had the longest MRTs (average=360 years) regardless of whether they were found inside or outside of aggregate structure. δ15N values of soil physical fractions were positively correlated with MRTs of the same fractions, suggesting that higher δ15N values reflect an increased degree of humification. Increased soil C and N pools in wooded areas were due to both the retention of older C4-derived organic matter by protection within microaggregates and association with silt+clay, and the accumulation of new C3-derived organic matter in macroaggregates and POM fractions.  相似文献   

The potential for wind erosion in South Central Colorado is greatest in the spring, especially after harvesting of crops such as potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) that leave small amounts of crop residue in the surface after harvest. Therefore it is important to implement best management practices that reduce potential wind erosion and that we understand how cropping systems are impacting soil erosion, carbon dynamics, and properties of rangeland sandy soils. We evaluate the effects of cropping systems on soil physical and chemical properties of rangeland sandy soils. The cropping system included a small grain–potato rotation. An uncultivated rangeland site and three fields that two decades ago were converted from rangeland into cultivated center-pivot-irrigation-sprinkler fields were also sampled. Plant and soil samples were collected in the rangeland area and the three adjacent cultivated sites. The soils at these sites were classified as a Gunbarrel loamy sand (Mixed, frigid Typic Psammaquent). We found that for the rangeland site, soil where brush species were growing exhibited C sequestration and increases in soil organic matter (SOM) while the bare soil areas of the rangeland are losing significant amounts of fine particles, nutrients and soil organic carbon (SOM-C) mainly due to wind erosion. When we compared the cultivated sites to the uncultivated rangeland, we found that the SOM-C and soil organic matter nitrogen (SOM-N) increased with increases in crop residue returned into the soils. Our results showed that even with potato crops, which are high intensity cultivated cropping systems, we can maintain the SOM-C with a rotation of two small grain crops (all residue incorporated) and one potato crop, or potentially increase the average SOM-C with a rotation of four small grain crops (all residue incorporated) and one potato crop. Erosion losses of fine silt and clay particles were reduced with the inclusion of small grains. Small grains have the potential to contribute to the conservation of SOM and/or sequester SOM-C and SOM-N for these rangeland systems that have very low C content and that are also losing C from their bare soils areas (40%). Cultivation of these rangelands using rotations with at least two small grain crops can reduce erosion and maintain SOM-C and increasing the number of small grain crops grown successfully in rotation above two will potentially contribute to C and N sequestration as SOM and to the sequestration of macro- and micro-nutrients.  相似文献   

Soil animals are known to stimulate soil microbial activity and thereby to accelerate decomposition of soil organic matter. In this paper, we investigate potential limitations of soil animal effects on soil carbon flow by analysing how animal effects relate to the density of four major faunal groups. Specifically, we analyse the extent to which faunal effects are subject to biotic regulation or to mutual inhibition between groups under different levels of resource supply.In an extensive laboratory experiment, 96 microcosms established in three consecutive blocks were inoculated with nematodes, enchytraeids, microarthropods, and lumbricids. Each faunal group was inoculated in three densities, including combinations of groups. Introduced animal densities were within the natural range of densities in fallow soil. Bare agricultural soil and soil covered with maize litter were used as substrates. The microcosms were kept under constant conditions at 12 °C and 50% water holding capacity for 8 weeks. Soil CO2 evolution was measured daily by means of gas chromatography.Animal effects were on an average relatively stronger in bare soil (+95% CO2; R2=0.76) than in soil with litter (+14% CO2; R2=0.40), where organic matter decomposition was seven times more intense. Higher animal densities generally led to accelerated decomposition up to three times that of the controls. However, beyond a specific density, decomposition rates stopped increasing or even declined, depending on the faunal group. In addition, animal effects were limited by mutual inhibition between groups in bare soil where effects were strong, while stimulatory interactions were prominent in the litter treatments where effects were generally weak.We interpret the limitation of soil faunal effects on soil carbon flow in terms of incomplete habitat exploitation and biotic regulation. Under conditions of substrate homogeneity, such as in the bare soil treatments, animal effects were stronger, but they were limited by overexploitation. Under conditions of substrate heterogeneity, such as in the litter treatments, animal effects were limited by incomplete habitat utilisation. We assume that complementary habitat colonisation by different faunal groups in the litter treatments gave rise to positive diversity effects, but that these effects did not compensate for reduced overall habitat utilisation. We infer that a knowledge of faunal resource utilisation and of mutual inhibition of faunal groups can be exploited for ecological soil management towards stabilisation of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Plant wax compounds (n-alkanes and alcohols) were used to trace C from the dominant pasture species to different water-stable aggregate (WSA) size classes to investigate if changes in the plant community composition caused by grass ley age and N amendment were reflected in the dynamics of intra-aggregate SOM. Age of the ley influenced the formation of aggregates, and fertilizer N application decreased %C and %N of the macroaggregates. Although changes in the plant community composition due to N amendment and ley age were reflected in the concentrations of plant wax compounds in the different WSA classes, the results of this study are more indicative of the direct effect of N fertilizer, than of the effect of dominant plant species, on intra-aggregate OM dynamics. The results of this study were found to support the suggestion that N amendments increase intra-aggregate OM dynamics especially in the smaller WSA size classes.  相似文献   

Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels generally stimulate carbon (C) uptake by plants, but the fate of this additional C largely remains unknown. This uncertainty is due in part to the difficulty in detecting small changes in soil carbon pools. We conducted a series of long-term (170-330 days) laboratory incubation experiments to examine changes in soil organic matter pool sizes and turnover rates in soil collected from an open-top chamber (OTC) elevated CO2 study in Colorado shortgrass steppe. We measured concentration and isotopic composition of respired CO2 and applied a two-pool exponential decay model to estimate pool sizes and turnover rates of active and slow C pools. The active and slow C pools of surface soils (5-10 cm depth) were increased by elevated CO2, but turnover rates of these pools were not consistently altered. These findings indicate a potential for C accumulation in near-surface soil C pools under elevated CO2. Stable isotopes provided evidence that elevated CO2 did not alter the decomposition rate of new C inputs. Temporal variations in measured δ13C of respired CO2 during incubation probably resulted mainly from the decomposition of changing mixtures of fresh residue and older organic matter. Lignin decomposition may have contributed to declining δ13C values late in the experiments. Isotopic dynamics during decomposition should be taken into account when interpreting δ13C measurements of soil respiration. Our study provides new understanding of soil C dynamics under elevated CO2 through the use of stable C isotope measurements during microbial organic matter mineralization.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of different soil tillage and fertilization on chemical parameters, soil structure stability and carbon distribution in water-stable macro-aggregates (WSAma) of loamy Orthic Luvisol. In 1994, the Department of Plant Production of the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra established a long-term field experiment in locality Dolná Malanta. In 1994–2007, the soil samples were collected from the depth 0–0.3 m. The field experiment included two types of soil tillage (conventional tillage—CT and reduced tillage—RT) and three variants of fertilization (1. Co—without fertilization, 2. PR + NPK—crop residues together with added NPK fertilizers, 3. NPK—with added NPK fertilizers). Different tillage and fertilization had statistically significant influence on changes of the soil pH and soil sorptive complex. The values of pH were more favourable in RT than in CT. In NPK (by 26%) and in PR + NPK (by 21%) decreased values of hydrolytic acidity. On the other hand it increased the sum of basic cations. This led to the increase of cation exchangeable capacity. In comparison to CT, a higher total carbon concentration (Ct) was determined in RT. According to vulnerability coefficient (Kv), the soil structure stability was better in RT (4.64 ± 1.54) than in CT (5.15 ± 1.75). Average value of WSAma was higher by 9% in RT and it led to increasing of the sum of mean weight diameters of water-stable aggregates (MWD-WSA) by 11% and increasing of index stability (Sw) by 12%. We determined linear dependences between Ct and critic level of soil organic matter concentration (St) in CT and RT as well as in PR + NPK and NPK. The negative correlation between Ca2+ and St (−0.507**) and positive correlation between Ca2+ and crusting index (0.525**) were detected in CT. The values of Ca2+ were in positive correlation with crusting index (0.363*) in RT. We observed higher concentrations of Ct and labile carbon content (CL) in water-stable micro-aggregates (WSAmi) and WSAma in the size fractions from 25 × 10−4 to 3 × 10−3 m in RT. There were also higher concentrations of Ct and CL in WSAma in the size fractions >3 × 10−3 m in CT. The application of crop residues together with NPK fertilizers increased the concentration of Ct in all fractions of WSAma. On the other hand, Ct concentration decreased by 7% in WSAmi. In PR + NPK, the highest concentration of CL was observed in WSAma in the size fraction 2 × 10−3 to 3 × 10−3 m.  相似文献   

Data from a 16-year field experiment conducted in Shanxi, on the Chinese Loess Plateau, were used to compare the long-term effects of no-tillage with straw cover (NTSC) and traditional tillage with straw removal (TTSR) in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) monoculture. Long-term no-tillage with straw cover increased SOM by 21.7% and TN by 51.0% at 0–10 cm depth and available P by 97.3% at 0–5 cm depth compared to traditional tillage. Soil microbial biomass C and N increased by 135.3% and 104.4% with NTSC compared to TTSR for 0–10 cm depth, respectively. Under NTSC, the metabolic quotient (CO2 evolved per unit of MBC) decreased by 45.1% on average in the top 10 cm soil layer, which suggests that TTSR produced a microbial pool that was more metabolically active than under NTSC. Consequently, winter wheat yield was about 15.5% higher under NTSC than under TTSR. The data collected from our 16-year experiment show that NTSC is a more sustainable farming system which can improve soil chemical properties, microbial biomass and activity, and thus increase crop yield in the rainfed dryland farming areas of northern China. The soil processes responsible for the improved yields and soil quality, in particular soil organic matter, require further research.  相似文献   

Summary Topsoils (0–75 mm) from four different soil types were collected from stock camp and non-camp (main grazing area) areas of grazed pastures in New Zealand, which had been fertilised annually with superphosphate for more than 15 years, in order to assess the effects of grazing animals on the status and distribution of soil S fractions and organic matter. These soils were analysed for organic C, total N, total S, C-bonded S, hydriodic acid-reducible S, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.04 M Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S fractions, and soil pH. Soil inorganic and organic S fractions extracted by NaHCO3 and NaOH extractants were also determined. The results obtained showed that camp soils contain higher soil pH, organic C, total N, total S, organic (C-bonded S and hydriodic acid-reducible S) and inorganic S fractions, NaHCO3-and NaOH-extractable soil S fractions but a lower anion retention capacity than non-camp soils, attributed to a higher return of plant litter and animal excreta to camp soils. In both soils, total S, organic S, C-bonded S, and hydriodic acid-reducible S were significantly correlated with organic C (r0.90***, ***P0.001) and total N (r0.95***), suggesting that C, N, and S are integral components of soil organic matter. However, C: N : S ratios tended to be lower in camp (60: 5.6: 1–103: 7.2: 1) than in non-camp soils (60:6.1:1–117:8.3:1). Most (>95%) of the total soil S in camp and non-camp soils is present as organic S, while the remainder is readily soluble and adsorbed S (i.e. Ca(H2PO4)2-extractable S). C-bonded S and hydriodic acid-reducible S constituted 55%–74% and 26%–45% of total S, respectively, reflecting a regular return of plant litter and animal excreta to the grazed pastures. NaHCO3, and especially NaOH, extracted significantly higher amounts of total soil S (13%–22% and 49%–75%, respectively) than Ca(H2PO4)2 or CaCl2 (<5%). In addition, NaHCO3 and NaOH-extractable soil S fractions were significantly rorrelated with soil organic S (r0.94***), C-bonded S (r0.90***) and hydriodic acid-reducible soil S (r0.93***). Differences between soils in either camp or non-camp areas were related to their sulphate retention capacities, as soils with high sulphate retention capacities (>45%) contain higher levels of C-bonded and hydriodic acid-reducible S fractions than those of low sulphate retention soils (<10%). Long-term annual superphosphate applications significantly increased the accumulation of soil organic and inorganic S fractions, and organic C and total N in the topsoil, although this accumulation did not occur when the superphosphate application rates were increased from 188 to 376 kg ha-1 year-1.  相似文献   

Experimentation with dynamics of soil carbon pools as affected by elevated CO2 can better define the ability of terrestrial ecosystems to sequester global carbon. In the present study, 6 N HCl hydrolysis and stable-carbon isotopic analysis (δ13C) were used to investigate labile and recalcitrant soil carbon pools and the translocation among these pools of sorghum residues isotopically labeled in the 1998-1999 Arizona Maricopa free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment, in which elevated CO2 (FACE: 560 μmol mol−1) and ambient CO2 (Control: 360 μmol mol−1) interact with water-adequate (wet) and water-deficient (dry) treatments. We found that on average 53% of the final soil organic carbon (SOC) in the FACE plot was in the recalcitrant carbon pool and 47% in the labile pool, whereas in the Control plot 46% and 54% of carbon were in recalcitrant and labile pools, respectively, indicating that elevated CO2 transferred more SOC into the slow-decay carbon pool. Also, isotopic mixing models revealed that increased new sorghum residue input to the recalcitrant pool mainly accounts for this change, especially for the upper soil horizon (0-30 cm) where new carbon in recalcitrant soil pools of FACE wet and dry treatments was 1.7 and 2.8 times as large as that in respective Control recalcitrant pools. Similarly, old C in the recalcitrant pool under elevated CO2 was higher than that under ambient CO2, indicating that elevated CO2 reduces the decay of the old C in recalcitrant pool. Mean residence time (MRT) of bulk soil carbon at the depth of 0-30 cm was significantly longer in FACE plot than Control plot by the averages of 12 and 13 yr under the dry and wet conditions, respectively. The MRT was positively correlated to the ratio of carbon content in the recalcitrant pool to total SOC and negatively correlated to the ratio of carbon content in the labile pool to total SOC. Influence of water alone on the bulk SOC or the labile and recalcitrant pools was not significant. However, water stress interacting with CO2 enhanced the shift of the carbon from labile pool to recalcitrant pool. Our results imply that terrestrial agroecosystems may play a critical role in sequestrating atmospheric CO2 and mitigating harmful CO2 under future atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The mechanisms and specific sources of priming effects, i.e. short term changes of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition after substance addition, are still not fully understood. These uncertainties are partly method related, i.e. until now only two C sources in released CO2 could be identified. We used a novel approach separating three carbon (C) sources in CO2 efflux from soil. The approach is based on combination of different substances originated from C3 or C4 plants in different treatments and identical transformation of substances like C3 sugar (from sugar beet) and C4 sugar (from sugar cane). We investigated the influence of the addition of two substances having different microbial utilizability, i.e. slurry and sugar on the SOM or/and slurry decomposition in two grassland soils with different levels of Corg (2.3 vs. 5.1% C). Application of slurry to the soil slightly accelerated the SOM decomposition. Addition of sugar lead to changes of SOM and slurry decomposition clearly characterized by two phases: immediately after sugar addition, the microorganisms switched from the decomposition of hardly utilizable SOM to the decomposition of easily utilizable sugar. This first phase was very short (2-3 days), hence was frequently missed in other experiments. The second phase showed a slightly increased slurry and SOM decomposition (compared to the soil without sugar). The separation of three sources in CO2 efflux from grassland soils allowed us to conclude that the C will be utilized according to its utilizability: sugar>slurry>SOM. Additionally, decomposition of more inert C (here SOM) during the period of intensive sugar decomposition was strongly reduced (negative priming effect). We conclude that, priming effects involve a chain of mechanisms: (i) preferential substrate utilization, (ii) activation of microbial biomass by easily utilizable substrate (iii) subsequent increased utilization of following substrates according to their utilizability, and (iv) decline to initial state.  相似文献   

In carbonate‐containing soils a reliable determination of organic C requires a method that effectively separates organic and inorganic C without altering the organic matter. This study was conducted to determine whether HCl vapor completely removes carbonates even in dolomite‐rich soils and to what extent a widely used acid‐fumigation method has to be modified for humus‐rich soils. Furthermore, it was tested whether HCl fumigation alters organic‐C content. Since C and N parameters are often analyzed simultaneously we also tested the influence of acid‐vapor treatment on N content and on δ13C of soil organic matter. We applied fumigation with 37% HCl for 8 and 32 h using 9 carbonate‐containing soil samples. Inorganic C ranged from 7 to 124 and organic C from 9 to 267 g kg–1. The maximum contents of dolomite and calcite were 940 and 640 g kg–1, respectively. A time of 8 h was enough to completely remove all carbonates. Neither the content nor the δ13C of organic C were significantly affected by fumigation. In contrast, N contents were altered by acid treatment. Based on these results and on our experience in analyzing more than 1000 soil samples, a recommended procedure for acid fumigation of carbonate‐containing soils with a wide range of organic‐ and inorganic‐C contents was derived. Samples pretreated in this way can be analyzed reliably for their organic‐C content and δ13C. Furthermore, N and inorganic‐C contents can be determined with a quality sufficient for many purposes.  相似文献   

Sources of CO2 efflux from soil and review of partitioning methods   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five main biogenic sources of CO2 efflux from soils have been distinguished and described according to their turnover rates and the mean residence time of carbon. They are root respiration, rhizomicrobial respiration, decomposition of plant residues, the priming effect induced by root exudation or by addition of plant residues, and basal respiration by microbial decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM). These sources can be grouped in several combinations to summarize CO2 efflux from the soil including: root-derived CO2, plant-derived CO2, SOM-derived CO2, rhizosphere respiration, heterotrophic microbial respiration (respiration by heterotrophs), and respiration by autotrophs. These distinctions are important because without separation of SOM-derived CO2 from plant-derived CO2, measurements of total soil respiration have very limited value for evaluation of the soil as a source or sink of atmospheric CO2 and for interpreting the sources of CO2 and the fate of carbon within soils and ecosystems. Additionally, the processes linked to the five sources of CO2 efflux from soil have various responses to environmental variables and consequently to global warming. This review describes the basic principles and assumptions of the following methods which allow SOM-derived and root-derived CO2 efflux to be separated under laboratory and field conditions: root exclusion techniques, shading and clipping, tree girdling, regression, component integration, excised roots and insitu root respiration; continuous and pulse labeling, 13C natural abundance and FACE, and radiocarbon dating and bomb-14C. A short sections cover the separation of the respiration of autotrophs and that of heterotrophs, i.e. the separation of actual root respiration from microbial respiration, as well as methods allowing the amount of CO2 evolved by decomposition of plant residues and by priming effects to be estimated. All these methods have been evaluated according to their inherent disturbance of the ecosystem and C fluxes, and their versatility under various conditions. The shortfalls of existing approaches and the need for further development and standardization of methods are highlighted.  相似文献   

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