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GIBBS  J. N.; DICKINSON  J. 《Forestry》1975,48(2):165-181
The superiority of the benzimidazole fungicides, and in particularof carbendazim (MBC), over other fungicides was shown by injectionexperiments on both artificially inoculated and naturally infectedyoung elm. With carbendszim the degree of control depended ingreat measure on the formulation, and some evidence was obtainedthat the commercial formulation of carbendazim hydrochloride(Lignasan) produced in 1974 was less effective than an experimentalformulation of the same chemical. Benefits from injection withLignasan were most marked on trees below 25 m in height. Theeffect of various factors such as time of day, season, weatherconditions and tree size on the rate of fungicide uptake areconsidered.  相似文献   

The possibility for the combined control of Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and Scolytus multistriatus was tested in Italy. Two elm clones [U. pumila × U. minor (clone B) and U. glabra var. pendula grafted onto U. pumila × U. minor pollards (clone A)] were treated by stem injection of different blend or concentrations of fungicides and insecticides. Then, adults of S. multistriatus, either loaded with spores of two isolates of O. novo-ulmi (H328 and 182) or provided of their natural load of conidia, were forced to feed in twig crotches of the treated trees. After 48 hours all insects were checked (dead or alive). One month later, the same twigs were cut off and brought to the laboratory. From each twig, three discs almost 1?mm thick were then taken (0, 3 and 6?cm over the point where the insect fed). The wood discs were inoculated in selective substrate and stored until the development of O.?novo-ulmi colonies. All thesis containing insecticides give good results against S. multistriatus. Similarly, all thesis containing fungicides show a good fungus control independently from the fungal isolated. The percentage of fungal transmission obtained from insects carrying the natural load of conidia was lower than percentages obtained from beetles artificially loaded. Both beetle sex and position on the foliage never influence insect mortality or O. novo-ulmi infection. The best results were obtained injecting the Carbendazim?+?Acephate blend in the clone A. High chemical concentrations did not improve the general results.  相似文献   

GIBBS  J. N.; GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1977,50(2):145-154
During the exceptionally hot, dry summer of 1976 the large elmbark beetle, Scolytus scolytus, was able to invade and successfullybreed in apparently healthy, undiseased elms. A conspicuousfeature was the clustering of wasps, bees and ladybirds on thestems, attracted by sap exudation. The trees were probably sufferingfrom drought, although many showed no symptoms. The phenomenonoccurred mainly on shallow soils over limestone; trees on chalkwere not generally affected. In 1976, and to some extent in 1975, the downward developmentof Ceratocystis ulmi through the tree was less than in previousyears, and only a low proportion of the numerous maturationfeeding wounds became infected. However the drought does notappear to have significantly influenced the course of the epidemic. The attacks by S. scolytus on undiseased trees are discussedin respect of 19th Century reports of attacks on elms, and itis concluded that the ability of S. scolytus to assume a moreprimary role may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

甲醛检测气候室控制系统的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是人造板生产和消费大国,2010年产量已达1.53亿m3,连续多年位居世界第一(钱小瑜,2011),人造板产品广泛应用于家具制造、室内装饰等方面,与人们的生活息息相关.然而90%以上的人造板生产过程中要使用脲醛树脂等含醛胶黏剂(顾继友,2006),其产品在使用过程中会缓慢释放游离甲醛,威胁着人类的身体健康,甚至有致癌的危险.世界各国对甲醛给人体带来的危害都高度重视,相继以法律的形式规定室内空气中甲醛浓度的限量值,并且将人造板的甲醛释放量作为产品质量高低的重要指标.  相似文献   

介绍了PLC的应用特点及真空断路器机械寿命测试中存在的问题。测试真空断路器机械寿命通常采用单机串行控制,测试效率低;而采用PLC控制可实现多机并行控制,不仅提高测试效率,还明显提高测试过程的可靠性,是一种行之有效的检测手段。  相似文献   

榆尺蠖危害树种有榆、杨、柳、苹果、梨、沙棘、柠条、花棒等,此害虫繁殖快、危害严重,是我国北方地区阔叶树种主要食叶害虫之一。我们根据榆尺蠖成虫早春上树产卵的特性,做了绑毒绳和抹毒环两种方法防治榆尺蠖对比试验,试验结果表明树干抹毒环法防治榆尺蠖效果达97.5%,毒绳防治效果仅17%。为防治榆尺蠖提供了科学的试验数据。  相似文献   

随着航空护林事业的发展,灭火直升机数量的不断增加,安全问题越来越突出,无论是机降灭火,还是索降灭火,都要严格把关,积极配合,协同作战,提高机降队员技术水平和反应能力,杜绝超标准飞行.  相似文献   

开发了灌木切割力测试平台控制系统,该系统可以控制灌木切割刀具的参数,精确测定这些参数对灌木切割力的影响,进而为设计高效的灌木收割设备提供依据.  相似文献   

山茶花又名茶花(Camellia ja pomica),为山茶科山茶属植物。山茶花花姿丰盈,端庄高雅,为我国传统十大名花之一,也是世界名花之一。山茶花为常绿阔叶灌木,树冠优美,叶色亮绿,花大色艳,花期又长。盆栽点缀客室、书房和阳台,呈现典雅豪华的气氛。在庭院中配植,与花墙、亭前山石相伴,景色自然宜人。  相似文献   

简要介绍日本松材线虫病的发生历史与现状、法律措施、行政措施及政府预算,这对开展松材线虫病工作有一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

要确保直升机和机组人员、以及机降扑火队员的安全,必须提高调度人员素质,灵活指挥;坚决杜绝飞机带故障飞行,严格试车制度;飞行员克服人个英雄主义,树立安全第一意识;讲科学、避免超载;观察员要严格把关,加强登机管理;按要求作业,提高机降扑火队员素质。  相似文献   

调查研究了陕西关中地区冬枣病虫害种类及危害情况,确定以枣尺蠖、桃小食心虫、枣瘿蚊、枣粘虫、枣龟蜡蚧、枣炭疽病、枣锈病等为主控对象。提出以农业防治为基础,植物检疫、物理防制、药剂防治和生物防治相结合的无公害防治措施,组建了一套适用的控制体系。经过实施,取得明显的经济、社会和生态效益。对陕西冬枣产业发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

关中地区冬枣丰产栽培技术主要措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据关中地区的实际情况,从苗木繁育、定植建园、肥水管理、整形修剪、病虫害防治、果实采收等方面介绍了冬枣的丰产栽培管理技术,以期为推广冬枣栽培技术和加速“一村一品“建设提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

植物内生真菌产生的次生代谢产物具有丰富的生物学功能多样性和化学结构多样性,也蕴藏着生物活性的多样性,在植物病害防治中具有重要的应用潜力。对其在病害防治中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

松材线虫病是世界上最具危险性的森林病害之一,自2000年传入湖北省以来,已在13个市州82个县(市、区)发生,对全省森林资源危害十分严重。通过进行松树树干注射免疫激活剂药效试验及使用不同剂量对比试验,研究注射免疫激活剂对松材线虫病防控效果。结果表明,不同剂量的药剂注射对松材线虫病防控效果存在差异,通过方差分析,各处理与对照组在5%水平上均有显著差异,说明打孔注药效果显著;正常剂量与增加剂量无显著差异,因此生产性防治时,使用更经济的正常剂量处理即可。进行树干注药的松树感病率都小于1.00%,感病率最低为0.09%,九峰国家森林公园、丹江口市松涛山庄、黄梅县五祖寺风景旅游林场、武当山景区4个地区没有整株枯死树,病死率为0;未进行树干注药的对照组松树感病率最低为3.00%,最高达15.00%,病死率最低为1.00%,最高达11.00%。丹江口市松涛山庄和武当山景区的试验结果是树干注药后2 a的调查结果,病死率都为0,说明树干注药后2 a仍对松树有保护效果,可显著降低病死率。  相似文献   

面对我国启动实施的六大林业重点工程和林业五大转变,就森防工作如何应对林业发展的新形势,作了较为详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

简要介绍木材干燥控制技术发展的过程及现状,并阐述木材干燥远程控制系统的工作原理,认为远程控制技术是木材干燥控制技术发展的主要方向之一。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和城市建设规模的不断扩大,城市的生态环境有了很大的改善。但园林树木病虫害也随之发生,且极为普遍。盛夏是园林树木各种害虫、病原物等活动高发期,针对树木遭受病虫害不同程度危害的现状,提出几点防治建议。  相似文献   

文章主要论述了枣疯病、斑点落叶病、干腐病、缩果病、枣锈病和炭疽病6种病害的主要症状、发病规律、防治方法及枣尺蠖、枣芽象甲、枣瘿蚊、枣粘虫、枣龟蜡蚧和黄刺蛾6种虫害的危害状、发生规律、防治方法。  相似文献   

增强病虫害防治能力提高森林资源的质量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对江西森林病虫害发生现状、成因及防治存在的主要问题,阐述提高森林质量、增强病虫害防治能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

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