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Hybrid poplars: present status and potential in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TABBUSH  P.; BEATON  A. 《Forestry》1998,71(4):355-364
Past and potential future use of hybrid poplars for wood productionin Britain is considered, and preliminary results of trialswith new clones imported from Belgium in 1985 are given. A seriesof nine field experiments established in 1991, to a common protocol,was analysed using stepwise multiple regression. The superiorvigour of ‘Beaupré’ compared with ‘Ghoy’,‘Robusta’ and ‘Trichobel’ was clearin almost every case. For ‘Beaupré’ (Populustrichocarpa x P. deltoides) altitude emerged as the variableexplaining most variation in tree height after six growing seasons,height declining with increasing altitude. The four best siteswere characterized by low elevation and low rainfall. At the two older sites planted in 1987, at Ampthill and Bedgebury,the ‘interamerican’ hybrids (P. trichocarpa x P.deltoides) were the most vigorous, and the clones ‘Unal’and ‘Raspalje’, which were thought to be too rustsusceptible to release for commercial use in 1990, achievedsimilar stem sizes to those of ‘Beaupré’and ‘Bolelare’. The General Yield Class (based ona reference spacing of 8 x 8 m) calculated for ‘Beaupré’was 8 at Ampthill and 24 at Bedgebury. Future prospects for poplar planting are considered in relationto possible reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

GOSLING  PETER G. 《Forestry》1989,62(1):41-50
Freshly harvested Quercus robur acorns were spread out, twodeep, in trays, and dried/stored (at +2°C over the courseof 28 weeks) to either 45, 40, 35, 30 or 25 per cent moisturecontent (fresh weight basis). Drying/storage significantly reducedthe germination percentage (P< 0.01). The acorns at eachmoisture content were then either ‘soaked’ or ‘notsoaked’, before immediate germination; or returned tothe same cold store at +2°C, this time in loosely tied polythenebags. Soaking raised the acorns moisture content (M.C.), andalso brought about a significant increase in germination capacity(P<0.01). Regardless of the moisture content immediatelybefore soaking, "soaked" acorns in loosely tied polythene bagsstored better than ‘unsoaked’ acorns. All ‘bagged’acorns (whether ‘soaked’ or ‘unsoaked’)stored better than acorns dried/stored in open trays.  相似文献   

Gains in stand volume that result from competition control andfertilization are sometimes reported as ‘percentage gains’.Because percentage gains arithmetically decline over time asstand volume increases, plantation managers have difficultyin using percentage gains to project growth and revenues. The‘age-shift’ method quantifies the year advancementsin stand growth due to silvicultural treatments and, for herbaceousvegetation management, it has been proposed that this metricis less likely to change after the juvenile growth phase. Totest the sensitivity of the ‘age-shift’ method totime and hardwood competition, we used 20-year volume data from11 loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) studies that had early completeherbaceous and woody competition control. Volume growth gainswere expressed in terms of percentages and ‘age-shifts’.On all sites with no woody competition, percentage gains declinedfrom age 8 years to age 20 years. In contrast, age-shift estimateson these plots either remained constant or increased over time.However, in four cases where woody basal areas were greaterthan 4 m2 ha–1 at age 15 years, age-shift gains due toherbaceous control decreased and eventually resulted in volumelosses. When evaluating the response to early herbaceous competitioncontrol, age-shift calculations have promise as a useful predictivetool on sites with low levels of hardwood competition. Fivemethods for calculating age-shift are presented.  相似文献   

THOMAS  P. H. 《Forestry》1967,40(2):139-164
This paper describes some recent experimental and theoreticalwork on the growth and spread of fire in the open and discussessome examples of field data in terms of the theoretical calculationspresented. The lengths of flames from laboratory fires have been relatedto the size and rate of burning of the fuel by formulae derivedfrom a simplified dimensional analysis. The effects of a windblowing across a long fuel bed on the length and orientationof flames are also described. The scaling laws for flame heightsuggest that in the horizontal spread of fire, heat transferfrom the flames above the fuel bed is important primarily withshallow fuel beds. It is suggested that the main effect of a wind on crib firesis aerodynamic. The wind deflects the advancing fire front fromthe vertical, but perpendicular to this deflected front therate of spread of fire, at least for cribs, is roughly the sameas in still air. However, a theory of spread allowing for heattransfer through the fuel bed and radiation from the flamespredicts that there can be a stable ‘fast‘ spreadas well as a ‘slow’ spread. In ‘fast’spread the flames are thick and control the spread. In ‘slow’ spread radiant heat transfer from theburning zone is usually responsible for the spread. The flamesare thin and of low emissivity. The most important factors determiningthe rate of ‘slow’ spread R are pb the bulk densityof the fuel bed and ø the deflection from the verticalof the front of burning fuel which varies with wind speed. Rpb cos ø is approximately constant over a wide rangeof conditions with an order of magnitude of 5–10 mg cm–2s–1.  相似文献   

Forecasting timber production many years in advance has becomea problem of considerable importance in this country becauseof the need to co-ordinate the rapid increase in productionwith the establishment of new timber-using industries. Thispaper describes a change in emphasis in state forest WorkingPlan Inventory methods employed in the predominantly young,coniferous forests of Great Britain and is a development ofthe methods described in a previous paper (‘Problems ofYield Control and Inventory in British Forestry’—D.R. Johnston, 1960, Forestry, 33, 19–36). Total enumerationof the growing stock is no longer the main objective of forestinventory and the new approach is directed towards (a) assessmentof the productive potential of each subcompartment and (b) theintensive enumeration of sample or ‘index’ subcompartmentsinitially and at each re-enumeration as a check on growth predictionsand yield control.  相似文献   

DOBBS  C. G. 《Forestry》1953,26(2):97-110
The frequency of ‘lines’ of denser wood within theannual ring in larch (Larix decidua Mill.) was compared withmonthly records of rainfall and tables of droughts and rain-spellsin the Bristol region. Moderate correlations were found withJune rainfall (inverse), days in summer droughts, and a ratiogiving a measure of the maximum dry-wet contrast between successivemonths from May to August. This ‘contrast ratio’showed a high degree of parallel variation with ‘line’frequency. A study of individual years suggested that the formationof a pronounced ‘line’ is associated with the occurrenceof a spell of dry weather followed by a wet spell during thelater part of the summer. ‘Mid-lines’ were foundto be associated with a June drought breaking in July; late‘lines’ with a dry-wet contrast in July or August,but in some trees these may be suppressed by the stoppage ofgrowth. Vaguer ‘lines’ of lower frequency were associatedin certain years with wet spells not preceded by noticeabledrought. Individual ‘lines’ can thus be identifiedand roughly dated by some weather feature, so that their positionsheds some light on the length of the growing season. It issuggested that ‘lines’ of denser wood may be occasionedby the killing or inactivating of mycorrhizal rootlets eitherby drought or by waterlogging, followed by partial recoverywhen the weather changes. This would accord with the theorythat summer wood formation is normally associated with a developingwater-deficit in the wood.  相似文献   

THE author has called our attention to a mistake in her paper‘Squirrel Populations and their Control’ publishedin the recent Supplement to Forestry ‘Wildlife in theForest’. The mistake occurs in the second paragraph ofpage 19 where the fall in the estimated population of grey squirrelsfollowing a mast failure should be 468 to 66 and not 468 to466.  相似文献   

LADELL  J. L. 《Forestry》1962,33(1):81-82
Discusses briefly a feature observed during an investigationof the structure of leading shoots of 1-year-old Corsican pine(Pinus nigra var. calabrica, Loudon). The feature, which doesnot appear to have been described previously in literature hasbeen tentatively called a ‘Leaf scale trace’.  相似文献   

CANNELL  M. G. R. 《Forestry》1980,53(1):1-21
Recent ideas on ‘silage’ and ‘fuel’forestry call for more information on the total harvestablewoody dry matter produced by hardwoods grown at very close spacingsin fertile soils and coppiced every few years. Yields of oven-driedstems and branches (S and B) are presented here for Populustrichocarpa Torr. and Gray, clone ‘Fritzi Pauley’.Plantings in Bedfordshire at 21 600 trees ha–1 had a meanannual increment (M.A.I.SB) of 5.2 t ha–1 y–1 overfive years, and plantings in the Cambridgeshire fens at 1480trees ha–1 produced 4.8 t ha–1 y–1 over sixyears. Fan-shaped spacing experiments, established in Midlothianby inserting cuttings through black polythene into nursery soilwith added fertilizers, gave 4.6 t ha–1 y–1 at theend of the first year and about 7 t ha–1 y–1 oneyear after coppicing, but only with over 250 000 stems ha–1producing closed canopies with leaf area indices of about 4.Similar spacing experiments planted without fertilizer on farmlandin Gloucestershire, Suffolk, Argyll and Midlothian gave averageM.A.I.SB values of 6.5–7.0 t ha–1 y–1 afterthree years with over 25 000 trees ha–1 and similar valuesafter five years with over 10 000 trees ha–1. Peak currentannual increments (C.A.I.SB) averaged 10–12 t ha–1y–1. The maximum M.A.I.SB, attained in Gloucestershire,was 10.0 t ha–1 y–1 at age 5 with over 20 000 treesha–1, with maximum C.A.I.SB values of about 14 t ha–1y–1 at age 4; M.A.I.SB values of about 11.5 t ha–1y–1 were anticipated at this site by age 6–8. Equivalentstem volumes are given. As expected, trees subjected to competitionaccumulated greater proportions of their woody biomass in stemsrather than branches. Biomass yields of fully-stocked young hardwood stands are independentof planting density. In Britain, M.A.I.SB values of 6–8t ha–1 y–1 can be obtained over 1 or 25 years byplanting 250 000 or 2000 trees ha–1, using vigorous Populusspp, Salix spp or Nothofagus procera on good sites. Advantages and problems of ‘silage’ forestry arediscussed, and it is considered that hardwood fuel coppicescould not meet more than about 2% of national energy needs. The reciprocals of individual tree weights were linearly relatedto planting density.  相似文献   

CROOKE  MYLES 《Forestry》1964,37(1):80-86
Discusses the principal papers read under the main theme ‘LandUse in the Scottish Uplands’ and more briefly those onother subjects such as Pulp Mill Developments, Wind Effects,Computers, Megastigmus, and Red Deer Control.  相似文献   

Coppins  BJ; Coppins  AM 《Forestry》2006,79(3):249-259
During the last 30 years, 434 epiphytic lichen taxa have beenrecorded from the native pinewoods of Scotland. Of these lichens,about 219 have been recorded from the bark, lignum or stumpsof pine (Pinus sylvestris) itself. Eighteen species are, inthe British Isles, confined to these native pinewoods, whichare themselves confined to the Scottish Highlands. A resumeis presented of the habitats and niches available to lichensin the native pinewoods, using examples of the most characteristicspecies for each. The ‘pinewood habitat’ for epiphyticlichens is by no means restricted to pine, but also includesassociated trees, shrubs and subshrubs, especially birch, rowan,holly, aspen, juniper and heather. The strong east–westvariation in the composition of the lichen flora is outlined.By comparison of species lists from pinewood stands of knownancientness with those from mature plantations distant fromthe ‘core’ pinewoods, an additional c. 60 speciescan be considered as indicative of an ecological continuityof the pinewood habitat. From this pool of c. 77 species, aNative Pinewood Index of Ecological Continuity is presentedas a useful tool for biodiversity assessments of pinewoods.  相似文献   

At two English forest nurseries, transplants of five coniferspecies—Picea sitchensis, Picea abies, Tsuga heterophylla,Abies grandis, and Pinus contorta—were grown with fertilizersupplying N, P, K, and Mg in amounts intended to be adequatefor producing healthy green trees with nutrient concentrationsin the ‘sufficiency range’ as determined by earlierexperiments. ‘Luxury uptake’ of nitrogen was obtainedwith top-dressings of ‘Nitro-Chalk’ applied in thenursery during early September, when top growth had nearly ceased.Tests of the effect of this extra N on forest establishmentwere repeated in four successive years under a wide range ofsoil and climatic conditions, keeping the trees in a cold storeduring each winter and planting them on forest sites in England,Scotland, or Wales during the following spring. Except for Grandfir, nitrogen advanced bud-break of all species during the firstsummer after planting and had no deleterious influence on survival.It tended to increase growth of Sitka spruce during the seasonafter planting, but in later years the differences became smallin relation to tree size. The effects on other species weresmall, except for one considerable decrease in the growth responseof Grand fir at a single site. Frost damage of Sitka spruce of Washington origin was severeon a Welsh and a Scottish site where this frost-sensitive provenancewould not normally be grown. At the Welsh, but not the Scottishsite, the nitrogen treatment increased the damage. In the few experiments (confined to Picea sitchensis) whichtested late-season potassium in the nursery, K concentrationswere increased from deficiency to barely sufficiency level;growth in the forest was increased in two of the four experiments.The extra K had no effect on frost damage.  相似文献   

GREIG  B. J. W. 《Forestry》1987,60(2):193-202
‘Peridermium’ stem rust (Peridermium pini (Pers.)Lev.) has been present in Thetford forest for at least 40 years,but has only become a major problem during the last decade.Survey data are presented which show that there has been a dramaticincrease in the disease in crops of Scots pine between 1964,when with less than one per cent of the trees showed symptoms,and 1979, when the figure was 10 per cent. The disease has apparentlyspread outwards from a central focus in the middle of the forest.In four plots the proportion of trees with visible symptomshas increased in five years from an average of 28 per cent to46 per cent. However, only 1–2 per cent of the trees havedied annually, and it appears that many trees with ‘deadtops’ may survive for long periods. The situation in Thetfordseems to contrast with that in north-east Scotland, where limiteddata suggest there has been no appreciable increase in diseaseincidence during recent years. There are only two records ofthe disease on Corsican pine (P. nigra var. maritima (Ait.)Melville) in Thetford.  相似文献   

Dwarf French beans and broad beans were grown at 0.25 m x 0.25m for 2 years with a without cuttings of Populus ‘RAP’at spacings of 2.0 m x 0.5 m and 3.0 m x 0.5 m. The presenceof beans lead to a greater height and diameter growth and greatertotal dry matter production per hectare of the Populus at bothspacings after 2 years. Bean yield was reduced at the end ofthe second year by the presence of Populus; there was no effectat the end of the first year.  相似文献   

The Detection of Viruses with Nematode Vectors in Six Woody Hosts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
COOPER  J. I.; SWEET  J. B. 《Forestry》1976,49(1):73-78
Arabis mosaic virus (AMV) was transmitted to herbaceous hostswith foliar sap from the following donor woody plants: Fraxinusamericana L. with distorted leaves having chlorotic ring patterns,Hedera helix L. with foliar yellow chevrons, rings or blotches,Jasminum officinale L. ‘aureo-marmorata’ Hort. withyellow rings and blotches, Laburnum vossii Hendr. with stuntingshoot proliferation and terminal dieback (button-top) and Spiraeadouglasii Hooker with leaf enations and yellow veins. In threeinstances, affected donors plants were growing in soil infestedwith nematodes carrying virus. Strawberry latent ringspot virus with AMV was transmitted fromone of the H. helix donors; AMV and tobacco rattle virus weretransmitted from roots but not leaves of Populus x euramericana.  相似文献   

LEVISOHN  IDA 《Forestry》1956,29(1):53-59
Observations by the late Dr. M. C. Rayner on a field experimentand the results of subsequent pot-culture experiments demonstratethat the soil activity of mycorrhizal fungi can improve thedevelopment of forest tree seedlings (Picea, Pinus, Betula)before actual mycorrhizal infection takes place. Further experimentsshow that ectotrophic mycelia are capable of stimulating endotrophictree species (Fraxinus excelsior, Cbam?cyparis lawsoniana, Robiniapseudacacia), i.e. that these ectotrophic mycorrhiza-formersbring about growth stimulation of the plant although no infectionis formed at a later stage. It is suggested provisionally thatat least some ectotrophic mycelia, Boletus scaber and Rbizopogonluteolus, may influence seedling growth by attacking soil organicmatter and liberating ‘nutrients’ from which thehigher plant benefits.  相似文献   

Dixon  F.L.; Clay  D.V.; Willoughby  I. 《Forestry》2005,78(4):353-364
The selective herbicide clopyralid is often used to controlcompeting Cirsium arvense in newly planted woodlands. When appliedas an overall spray at different dates in the spring (at 0.2kg acid equivalent (a.e.) ha–1) to 10 tree species (Fraxinusexcelsior, Prunus avium, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus,Populus x canadensis cv. ‘Ghoy’, Pseudotsuga menziesii,Pinus nigra ssp. laricio, Larix kaempferi, Picea abies and Piceasitchensis) it did not reduce survival, and had little effecton growth. However, some species showed distortion of the youngestsprayed leaves or needles for several weeks after treatment,particularly F. excelsior, L. kaempferi and P. x canadensis.Sequential applications of clopyralid (first at 0.1 kg a.e.ha–1 followed by 0.2 kg a.e. ha–1 after 3 weeks),which are often required to control C. arvense, did not leadto increased leaf damage or growth reduction. Mixtures of clopyralidwith selective graminicides (cycloxydim at 0.45 kg active ingredient(a.i.) ha–1; fluazifop-p-butyl at 0.38 kg a.i. ha–1and propaquizafop at 0.15 kg a.i. ha–1) did not causesignificant adverse effects on survival or growth of any species.If herbicides are required to control mixed stands of susceptibleproblem weeds such as C. arvense and grasses which are overtoppingyoung trees, these herbicide mixtures, applied as overall sprays,are less likely to cause damage to trees than attempts to usedirected applications of broad-spectrum foliar-acting herbicides.  相似文献   

The following corrections should be made in the review by Dr.E. W. Jones of Mr. J. M. B. Brown's Studies on British Beechwoodswhich appeared in Forestry, xxvii, number 2. Near the foot ofpage 153, for (61? C.) read (–6?1? C.). In the penultimateparagraph of the review, a bracket has strayed out of placeand the last sentence should read ‘one should be criticaleven in assuming that the formation of mor is necessarily anevil (especially when humus on chalk soil is to be includedunder that definition)’. We regret, too, that at the head of the review, Dr. Jones'sinitials were put in the wrong order.  相似文献   

The growth of seven Picea sitchensis x Picea glauca hybridswas compared with the growth of two P. sitchensis provenancesand Picea glauca var.albertiana at two sites in northern Scotland.The sites were at Aultmore (an exposed, dry site with a mineralsoil) and Shin (a frosty, wet site with deep peat). They wereof the type considered more suited to Pinus contorta than P.sitchensis. At age 10, in 1984, most of the hybrids, at both sites, wereabout 10 and 20 per cent taller than P. sitchensis of Masset(Q.C.I.) and Ketchikan (Alaska) provenance, respectively. P.glauca var. albertiana grew very poorly, especially at Aultmore. At Aultmore, the frost hardiness of three of the tallest hybrids,the two P. sitchensis provenances, and P. glauca var.albertiana,was tested at about 3-weekly intervals throughout 1982 and 1983.Detached shoots were subjected to artificial frosts in a programmablechamber. P. glauca var. albertiana was frost susceptible atbudburst, but at all other times it was relatively very frosthardy (eg. to10°C in mid-August). Also, the hybridswere consistently more hardy than P. sitchensis of even Ketchikan(Alaska) provenance from July onwards. However, the hybridswere less frost hardy than P. sitchensis of Masset (Q.C.I.)provenance in early spring (they dehardened a week earlier inMarch-April) and their buds were equally as frost susceptibleat the time of budburst. In 1983, trees of P. glauca var. albertianaburst their buds about a week sooner than P. sitchensis. It was concluded that P. sitchensis x P. glauca hybrids canperform better than P. sitchensis at sites considered ‘marginal’for P. sitchensis, and that their good performance may be partlyattributed to, or associated with, their greater summer andautumn frost hardiness. A programme of inter-specific hybridizationis being pursued.  相似文献   

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