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Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is uncommon in cats and dogs and can be challenging to diagnose. Adequate tissue sampling is required for superior diagnostic accuracy. Protoporphyrin IX, a metabolite of 5-aminolaevulinic acid (5-ALA), is a photosensitiser for photodynamic diagnosis (PDD). To the best of our knowledge, no study has reported the use of 5-ALA-PDD to detect MM in veterinary medicine. The present study describes the use of 5-ALA-PDD for MM diagnosis in a cat and dog, as well as the effectiveness of intracavitary chemotherapy. We evaluated the use of PDD with 5-ALA hydrochloride (5-ALA-PDD) in two cases of MM. A 12-year-old cat presented with a 1-month history of respiratory distress, and a 9-year-old dog presented with a 3-month history of mild abdominal distention. We endoscopically biopsied lesions in both the cases using 5-ALA-PDD. Histopathological examination revealed mesothelioma, and immunohistochemical staining was positive for calretinin. Both patients were treated with carboplatin. The cat died of respiratory failure. Although, the dog's condition improved 21 days after the first chemotherapeutic drug administration, the dog died on day 684 owing to cardiac-related issues. 5-ALA-PDD is thus, safe and feasible for the diagnosis of MM in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

HistoryA 2-year-old, entire female, Somali cat weighing 3.8 kg was admitted for a conjunctival graft on the right eye, for treatment of an acute descemetocele. Medetomidine 4.2 μg kg?1 and methadone 0.2 mg kg?1 were administered by intramuscular injection as preanaesthetic medication. Anaesthesia was induced using diazepam 0.26 mg kg?1 and propofol 4 mg kg?1 administered by intravenous (IV) injection. Following endotracheal intubation, anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane delivered in oxygen (1 L minute?1) and nitrous oxide (2 L minute?1) via a non-rebreathing system. Twenty minutes after induction of anaesthesia, one drop of a 10% phenylephrine hydrochloride solution was administered topically to the right eye.Physical examinationAfter phenylephrine administration, a decrease in heart rate (from 95 to 80 beats minute?1) and an increase in arterial blood pressure occurred. The pulse then became difficult to palpate manually and multifocal ventricular premature contractions were observed on the electrocardiogram.ManagementNitrous oxide was discontinued and the isoflurane vaporizer setting was decreased from 1.5% to 0.5%. Lidocaine 1 mg kg?1 IV was administered, this resulted in ventricular bigeminy. The quality of the femoral pulse improved and was regular in rhythm and character. Surgery was completed as fast as possible. The bigeminy progressively disappeared and before disconnecting the cat from the breathing system, there was a normal sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 85 beats minute?1.Follow-upEchocardiography was performed during recovery and showed mitral and aortic valve insufficiency and dilation of the left ventricle, suggesting a reduction in systolic function. Echocardiography was repeated the following day and was normal.ConclusionsIn order to diminish the potential for cardiovascular sequelae associated with systemic absorption of ocular phenylephrine, less concentrated solutions, smaller drop size or different instillation techniques should be considered for topical use in small patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Angiogenesis is tightly controlled in the ocular tissues of domestic animals but its mechanisms are not fully understood. This is largely because of insufficient data on the expression of molecules that impact angiogenesis. Because angiostatin and one of its receptors integrin alphavbeta3 inhibit and promote angiogenesis, respectively, we hypothesized that the normal retina and cornea of domestic animals would express angiostatin but not integrin alphavbeta3. PROCEDURE: Normal eyes of the cat, cow, dog, horse, pig and rat were evaluated for angiostatin and integrin alphavbeta3 by light and electron immunocytochemistry and estern blots. RESULTS: Angiostatin was detected in the corneal epithelium of the cat, dog, horse, pig and rat, but was not found in cow corneal epithelium. Angiostatin was localized in the nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, inner and outer plexiform layers, and the photoreceptor layer of the cat, cow, dog and rat. Horse and pig retinas showed additional staining in the matrix of the inner nuclear layer. Immunogold electron microscopy further confirmed angiostatin in cat retina. Western blots showed angiostatin in corneal and retinal homogenates. Integrin alphavbeta3 was absent in cornea and retina of all the species studied. CONCLUSION: These data show that angiostatin, an inhibitor of angiogenesis, is present while integrin alphavbeta3, which promotes angiogenesis, is absent in normal cornea and retina of the domestic animals in this study with the exception being angiostatin absence in cow corneal epithelium. Therefore, angiostatin may contribute to the anti-angiogenic environment in the normal domestic animal eye while its absence in the cow may contribute to greater propensity for corneal vascularization. Because integrin alphavbeta3 is one of the receptors for angiostatin, its absence may prevent angiostatin from killing normal retinal and corneal cells.  相似文献   

In dogs, faeces quality and nutrients digestibility were affected by different types of cellulose ( Wichert et al., 2002 ). In this study, it was investigated whether there are comparable effects of cellulose type in cats. Seven adult, healthy cats were fed a moist commercial complete cat food with three different cellulose type added at a level of 4% for a 1 week period. Faeces quality was between 1 and 3 on the scale used from 1 to 5. The addition of long fibre cellulose resulted in significantly firmer faeces. Addition of cellulose decreased the digestibility of dry matter and energy, whereas the impact on protein and fat digestibility was not significant. The type of cellulose affected faecal bulk and faecal water excretion. Faecal excretion of sodium and potassium was exponentially correlated to faecal water, faecal bulk and to a lesser extent to faecal dry matter excretion. Faecal calcium, magnesium and phosphorus excretion showed an exponential correlation to faecal dry matter excretion. A weaker correlation existed in all three elements to faecal bulk, whereas the effect of faecal water excretion was small. Results suggest a remarkable likeness between cats and dogs with regard to the digestive physiology of major minerals.  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old male Norwegian Forest cat presented with increased hepatic serum biochemical parameters. Abdominal radiography showed an oval cranioventral mass and ultrasound revealed a mobile mass attached to one hepatic lobe. Computed tomography (CT) confirmed that the mass was attached to the right medial liver lobe. Differential diagnoses were an accessory liver lobe, benign neoplasia, and focal nodular hyperplasia. The mass was removed and histopathology confirmed the mass to be normal liver tissue. Accessory liver lobe should be included in the differential diagnosis of a mobile cranial abdominal mass with a similar ultrasonographic or CT appearance to the liver.  相似文献   

Eyes are the most primarily required sensory organs during the migration of migratory birds and Northern Bald Ibises (Geronticus eremita) are known to make long migrations. This study examined for the first time the structure of pecten oculi in northern bald ibises by using macroscopic anatomy as well as light and electron microscopic methods. In the study 20 eye globes from 10 adult bald ibises were used. The pecten was of pleated type. As in most bird species, it was located on the optic nerve head and projects into the vitreous from the optic nerve head. The wider basal part was observed to attached to retina and its free apical part was found in camera vitrea bulbi embedded in corpus vitreum. The pecten had 13–14 accordion like pleats lying between the basal and apical parts. In addition to arterial and venous vessels, numerous capillary vessels as well as melanocytes were observed within each pleat. The bridge binding the pleats at the apical part showed a stronger pigmentation compared to other parts of the pecten. The results of the study indicated that the general morphology of pecten oculi in northern bald ibises which is a migratory bird species were similar to that in other diurnal bird species.  相似文献   

Cats have certain strongly motivated behaviors, which could be defined as “needs,” that should be understood to provide the cat the best quality of life and assure proper welfare. It is well recognized that cats have several behavioral needs, which if not met, can result in anxiety and secondary behavior problems. These problems can lead to relinquishment or euthanasia. Veterinarians and veterinary nurses have a special role when educating owners. To increase owners' compliance, veterinary professionals should have evidence-based knowledge for the right information to be communicated to feline owners. The goal of the present study was to identify and compare the level of knowledge that veterinarians, veterinary nurses, and pet owners have about cat behavior and to compare their perceptions on this subject. We were also interested in determining whether living with a cat affected the professionals' knowledge base and what they are able to properly communicate to pet owners. It was expected that the veterinarians would have the highest level of knowledge regarding the interpretation of feline behavioral needs. We also hypothesized that those professionals who had or have previously owned a cat would have a better understanding of what cats actually need. A questionnaire, called “questionnaire to assess cat's needs” (QACN), was completed by cat owners, veterinarians, and veterinary nurses. The QACN had 13 different statements about the behavioral needs of cats, and each participant had to select their level of agreement with the statement. The QACN was then scored and a principal component analysis was used to identify meaningful associations. The following 3 components were extracted: elimination, stress releasers, and human stimulation. Contrary to what was expected, the results showed that in some specific areas (stress releasers and human stimulation) veterinarians' and veterinary nurses' knowledge was not significantly different from that of cat owners. This could mean that the role of these professionals in preventing behavioral problems can be very compromised. Those professionals who had owned a cat personally were better at identifying the behavioral needs of cats, with some significant differences (related with stress releasers), compared with those professionals who had never owned a cat. More education about feline behavior should be included when training veterinarians and veterinary nurses for clients to continue to trust these professionals to provide them with evidence-based knowledge about cat behavior.  相似文献   

Hematological, cytochemical and ultrastructural features of blood cells in fishing cat (Felis viverrina) were evaluated using complete blood cell counts with routine and cytochemical blood stains, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. No statistically significant difference was found in different genders of this animal. Unique features of blood cells in this animal were identified in hematological, cytochemical and ultrastructural studies. This study contributes to broaden hematological resources in wildlife animals and provides a guideline for identification of blood cells in the fishing cat.  相似文献   

Six protocols utilizing three fluorescent nucleic acid dyes (thiazole orange, auramine 0, and acridine orange) were evaluated by flow cytometty for clinical utility in the analysis of feline reticulocytes. The dyes showed good to poor correlations with each other and with manual counts. Thiazole orange was the preferred stain. Thiazole orange dye showed distinct peaks corresponding to aggregate and punctate reticulocytes from specimens with marked reticulocytosis. The other dyes detected increases in reticulocyte numbers but subpopulations could not be distinguished. Standardized instrument and gate settings, applied to specimens stained with thiazole orange dye, enumerated aggregate and punctate reticulowes in low celfularity specimens that lacked distinct peaks. Percentages of these cells correlated well with manual counts, offering a simplified technique for routine laboratory use.  相似文献   

Four outbreaks of leukoencephalomyelopathy in colonies of SPF cats on a long‐term diet of irradiated dry cat food were observed in the Netherlands between 1989 and 2001. As a primary defect in myelin formation was suspected to be the cause of the disease and myelin consists mainly of lipids and their fatty acids, we investigated the fatty acid composition of the white matter of the spinal cord of affected and control cats and of irradiated and non‐irradiated food. The irradiated food had low levels of alpha‐linolenic acid compared to linoleic acid as well as a high total omega‐6:omega‐3 ratio of 7:1 in the irradiated and of 2:1 in the non‐irradiated food. The white matter of the spinal cord showed low levels of linoleic acid and absence of alpha‐linolenic acid in affected cats as well as absence of lignoceric and nervonic acid in both affected and control cats. These abnormalities in fatty acid composition of the white matter of the spinal cord may reflect an increased need for alpha‐linolenic acid as a substrate for longer chain omega‐3 fatty acids to compose myelin and thus indicate a particular species sensitivity to dietary deficiency in omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly alpha‐linolenic acid in cats. Our findings indicate that abnormalities in fatty acid metabolism in myelin play an essential role in the pathogenesis of this acquired form of leukoencephalomyelopathy in cats.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the suitability of commercial media designed for humans and cattle for oocyte maturation and embryo culture in the domestic cat. In Exp. I, feline oocytes collected ex vivo were subjected to in vitro maturation in a laboratory‐made culture medium (based on M199) or a commercial medium designed for cattle cells (BO‐IVM®). In Exp. II, ICSI‐derived feline embryos were cultured for 7 days in a commercial human (Continuous Single Culture®) or bovine (BO‐EC®) cell medium. The rates of cleavage, morula and blastocyst formation were evaluated at 24 hr, 6 days and 7 days after ICSI, respectively, and compared between experimental groups. At the end of culture, embryos were assessed for viability and apoptotic changes. In Exp. I, no statistically significant difference in oocyte maturation outcome between laboratory‐made (52.7%) and commercial media (58.9%) was observed. However, the use of a commercial medium prepared for use with bovine cells resulted in a significantly lower variance of the maturation rate. In Exp. II, no statistically significant differences between two commercial media were observed for cleavage (67.5% and 64.5%), morula (39.3% and 47.1%) and blastocyst rates (25.0% and 19.6%), as well as for the percentage of late apoptotic blastomeres. Morulae cultured in medium marketed for humans exhibited significantly more early apoptotic (43.2 ± 31.2% vs. 23.4 ± 23.2%) and necrotic (60.6 ± 47.6% vs. 29.4 ± 22.6%) blastomeres. In conclusion, both commercial media tested are suitable for in vitro oocyte maturation and embryo culture procedures in cats. It is remarkable that a culture medium designed for use in cattle for in vitro maturation of cat oocytes provides more reproducible results.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old intact female Persian cat was diagnosed with symblepharon accompanied by epiphora, brownish ocular discharge, and ocular discomfort in the left eye. Superficial keratectomy (SK) was performed to remove adhesions between the conjunctiva and cornea. To prevent re-adhesion after SK, the detached conjunctival tissue was sutured to the corneal limbus, and a soft contact lens (SCL) was inserted and a partial temporary tarsorrhaphy was performed. The SCL and tarsorrhaphy sutures were maintained for 22 days, and symblepharon did not recur 347 days postoperatively. SK combined with SCL is a relatively easy and cost-effective surgical option for feline symblepharon.  相似文献   

Cauxin, a member of mammalian carboxylesterases (EC, is excreted as a major urinary protein in the domestic cat. Urinary cauxin is derived from the kidney proximal straight tubules. Here, we report changes in the renal expression and urinary excretion of cauxin in cats with tubulointerstitial nephritis (TIN). Immunohistochemistry using anti-cauxin antibody showed fewer cauxin-positive tubules in 15 TIN cases than in normal animals. In areas with tubulointerstitial damage, fibroblasts and inflammatory cells replaced renal tubules, and cauxin-positive tubules consequently disappeared. Urine was analysed in six of the 15 cases. In the two cases with mild tubulointerstitial changes, urinary cauxin was detected using SDS-PAGE with Coomassie staining. In the four cases with severe tubulointerstitial changes, urinary cauxin was below the detection limit using Western blotting. These results indicate that the renal expression and urinary excretion of cauxin decrease with the progression of TIN in cats.  相似文献   

Antibiotics applied to the skin must be formulated in a base that is nonirritant and nontoxic. They may have a narrow or fairly wide spectrum of activity but should produce no local reaction or sensitization; the commensal flora should not be affected unduly. Three antibiotics that have been used topically in humans and animals are fusidic acid, mupirocin and bacitracin, all of which have a narrow antibacterial spectrum. When applied to intact skin, fusidic acid penetrates more rapidly than other antibiotics. Clinically, the frequency of staphylococcal resistance to it and to mupirocin has remained low. Fusidic acid and mupirocin have been recommended for the treatment of acute staphylococcal skin lesions. However, the use of topical antibiotics for the treatment of chronic or recurring dermatitis and surgical or infected wounds may be inappropriate because of possible development of resistance and sensitization. Topical use of bacitracin may produce treatment failure and sensitization.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to check the relevance of using in‐vivo micro computed tomography (µCT) for the diagnosis of possible diseases of the middle and inner ear of the cat. Therefore, on the one hand, differences of the detail detectability between the two imaging methods conventional computed tomography (cCT) and in‐vivo µCT were analyzed. Six healthy cat ears were dissected and scanned several times and the obtained images were compared with each other. On the other hand, histological slices of all ears were prepared and pictures of defined anatomical structures were taken and compared with the identical sectional plane of the µCT‐images. This way it was possible to evaluate the quality and clinical limitations of the in‐vivo µCT. The results show that an in‐vivo µCT is suitable to analyze even the smallest osseous structures, such as the semicircular ducts, the spiral osseous lamina or the ossicles whereas with the help of cCT it is not possible to identify such small osseous structures because of their blurred and less detailed representation. Delicate soft tissue structures as the membranous labyrinth including hearing and vestibular organ cannot be differentiated with as well in‐vivo µCT‐ as with cCT‐images. In‐vivo µCT represent a good possibility for more detailed diagnosis of extremely fine structures which cannot be detected with cCT. Histological slices can nonetheless not be replaced by in‐vivo µCT due to a too low spatial resolution and the limitations of the in‐vivo µCT with regard to the evaluation of soft tissue dense structures.  相似文献   

Six dry dog foods and six dry cat foods with different carbohydrate sources were investigated in digestion trials. Food and faecal samples were analysed for CF, TDF and starch. In dogs, also neutral detergent fibre (aNDFom) and acid detergent fibre (ADFom) were analysed. N-free extract (NfE) was calculated for CF, and similarly for all other fibre analyses. Linear regressions were calculated between fibre intake and faecal fibre excretion. True digestibility was calculated from the regression coefficients [true digestibility in % = (1 - regression coefficient)*100], with the intercept of the equation representing excretion of material of non-food origin. Crude fibre analyses gave the lowest values, and TDF the highest, while ADFom and aNDFom were in between. Variation between diets was lowest in CF and highest in TDF. Total dietary fibre, aNDFom and ADFom in food were positively correlated. Crude fibre in food did not correlate with any other method. The NfE analogue for TDF was closest to the starch content. Methods of fibre analyses in faeces did not agree very well with each other. Crude fibre had the lowest apparent digestibility, followed by ADFom, TDF and aNDFom. For all fibre analyses, there was a significant correlation between fibre intake and faecal fibre excretion. True digestibility was close to zero for CF, with a high uniformity in both species. In dogs, true digestibility of aNDFom was 53%, of ADFom 26% and of TDF 37%; in cats, true digestibility of TDF was 31%. Except for CF, the intercept of the regression equations suggest that faecal excretion of some material of non-food origin is analysed as fibre. A combination of TDF and CF analyses might give good information on the content of total (TDF), unfermentable (CF) and partially fermentable fibre (TDF-CF) in pet foods.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate the sedative and analgesic effects of intramuscular buprenorphine with either dexmedetomidine or acepromazine, administered as premedication to cats and dogs undergoing elective surgery.Study designProspective, randomized, blinded clinical study.AnimalsForty dogs and 48 cats.MethodsAnimals were assigned to one of four groups, according to anaesthetic premedication and induction agent: buprenorphine 20 μg kg?1 with either dexmedetomidine (dex) 250 μg m?2 or acepromazine (acp) 0.03 mg kg?1, followed by alfaxalone (ALF) or propofol (PRO). Meloxicam was administered preoperatively to all animals and anaesthesia was always maintained using isoflurane. Physiological measures and assessments of pain, sedation and mechanical nociceptive threshold (MNT) were made before and after premedication, intraoperatively, and for up to 24 hours after premedication. Data were analyzed with one-way, two-way and mixed between-within subjects anova, Kruskall–Wallis analyses and Chi squared tests. Results were deemed significant if p ≤ 0.05, except where multiple comparisons were performed (p ≤ 0.005).ResultsCats premedicated with dex were more sedated than cats premedicated with acp (p < 0.001) and ALF doses were lower in dex cats (1.2 ± 1.0 mg kg?1) than acp cats (2.5 ± 1.9 mg kg?1) (p = 0.041). There were no differences in sedation in dogs however PRO doses were lower in dex dogs (1.5 ± 0.8 mg kg?1) compared to acp dogs (3.3 ± 1.1 mg kg?1) (p < 0.001). There were no differences between groups with respect to pain scores or MNT for cats or dogs.ConclusionChoice of dex or acp, when given with buprenorphine, caused minor, clinically detectable, differences in various characteristics of anaesthesia, but not in the level of analgesia.Clinical relevanceA combination of buprenorphine with either acp or dex, followed by either PRO or ALF, and then isoflurane, accompanied by an NSAID, was suitable for anaesthesia in dogs and cats undergoing elective surgery. Choice of sedative agent may influence dose of anaesthetic induction agent.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe current prevalence of onychectomy (declawing) in cats is unknown, and education regarding the procedure appears to vary greatly among veterinary schools. The purpose of this project was to determine the prevalence of onychectomized cats near Raleigh, NC and to document the frequency and style (laboratory or lecture) with which the procedure is taught in USA veterinary schools.AnimalsOne thousand seven hundred ninety four cats ranging in age from 8 days to 21 years, of which 938 (52.3%) were female and 1719 (95.8%) were sterilized.MethodsData were collected over a 10-week period regarding cats seen for appointments in five veterinary facilities (two cat-only, two general, and one tertiary). Data collection included signalment and onychectomy status. During this time, 28 veterinary schools were polled regarding education of veterinary students in onychectomy.ResultsThree hundred and seventy four (20.8%) cats had undergone onychectomy. A significantly higher percentage of declawed cats were seen in the general practices compared with the other practice types (p < 0.030). Younger cats had a higher rate of onychectomy (p < 0.001). Twenty-six veterinary schools responded to the survey (93%). Fourteen (54%) of the responding schools did not include in their core curriculum a lecture or surgical laboratory providing instruction in the onychectomy procedure.Conclusions and clinical relevanceAlmost 21% of cats seen in veterinary hospitals near Raleigh, NC were declawed. Less than 50% of veterinary schools in the USA include a mandatory lecture or laboratory to teach the procedure. There appears to be a discrepancy between the popularity of the onychectomy procedure and the emphasis placed on relevant instruction in veterinary schools in the USA.  相似文献   

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