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Tropical mammals represent some of the most threatened species, but also the least known because they tend to be difficult to study. To objectively evaluate the conservation status of these species, standardized methods are urgently required. The sun bear Helarctos malayanus is a case in point: it is cryptic, difficult to detect and consequently classified on the IUCN Red List as Data Deficient, and the highest priority for bear conservation research. In this study, we apply a detection/non-detection sampling technique using camera trap data with environmental covariates to estimate sun bear occupancy from three tropical forest study areas with different levels of degradation and protection status in Sumatra. Sun bear detections, and encounter rates, were highest in one of the primary forest study areas, but sun bear occupancy was highest in the degraded forest study area. Whilst, sun bears were recorded at a greater proportion of camera placements in degraded forest, these records were often on only one occasion at each placement, which greatly increased the final occupancy estimate. Primary forests with their large fruiting trees undoubtedly represent good sun bear habitat, but our results indicate that degraded forest can also represent important habitat. These forests should therefore not be considered as having limited conservation value and assigned to other uses, such as oil palm production, as has previously happened in Sumatra. Estimating occupancy between years will yield information on the population trends of sun bears and other tropical mammals, which can be used to provide more reliable conservation assessments.  相似文献   

The range of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea) has undergone a widespread yet unexplained contraction in south-eastern Australia since the mid 1970s, and the species is now listed as endangered in the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and as vulnerable in the federal Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 2000. Although the cause of the range contraction is unknown, remedial action is necessary to ensure the long-term viability of remaining populations. This can include habitat creation around existing populations and reintroduction projects. However, the habitat requirements of this species are poorly understood. We examined the habitat at 43 waterbodies on Kooragang Island, Australia, with the aim of producing a set of variables which could differentiate between those occupied by L. aurea and those where the species was absent. L. aurea was found in 21 waterbodies and breeding was confirmed in four. Aspects of waterbody physiognomy and water chemistry could not explain L. aurea distribution. The plant species Juncus kraussii, Schoenoplectus litoralis and Sporobolus virginicus were significant predictors of the presence of L. aurea, as was the diversity of vegetation on the banks of waterbodies. The presence of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) did not influence waterbody occupancy and tadpoles were found co-existing with this introduced fish. The distribution of waterbodies occupied by L. aurea was aggregated. A waterbody was more likely to be occupied if neighbouring waterbodies within 50 m were also occupied. Habitat creation projects for this species are most likely to succeed if wetland habitat is created in proximity to an existing population.  相似文献   

Monitoring programs serve to track changes in the distribution and abundance of species. A major problem with most monitoring programs is that species detection is imperfect and some populations are inevitably missed. Therefore, in most monitoring programs the true distribution of a species will be underestimated. Here, we report a field test of the reliability and performance of a commonly used method to monitor the distribution of amphibians (anuran call surveys). We surveyed the distribution of four anuran species in western Switzerland, and estimated detection probabilities to account for imperfect species detection and used these estimates to adjust our estimate of site occupancy (i.e., distribution). Next, we assessed how detection probabilities were affected by weather and how site occupancy was affected by site specific covariates. For one species (Hyla arborea), call surveys proved efficient in determining the regional distribution with only few site visits because detection probabilities were relatively high. The call surveys apparently missed many populations of another common species (Bufo calamita) because detection probabilities were lower. Two other species (Bombina variegata and Alytes obstetricans) were uncommon and strong inference from the analysis is not possible. Thus, multispecies surveys may be inefficient for rare species. Estimates of detection probabilities were used to calculate how many site visits are necessary to infer the absence of a species with some predetermined statistical certainty. The implications of “false absences” are important in ecology as they are known to bias usual habitat suitability models and overestimate extinction/colonization events in metapopulations. Large-scale monitoring programs would benefit from the application of an estimation-based approach to monitoring the distribution of species.  相似文献   

Barred owls (Strix varia) have recently expanded their range and now encompass the entire range of the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). This expansion has led to two important issues of concern for management of northern spotted owls: (1) possible competitive interactions between the two species that could contribute to population declines of northern spotted owls, and (2) possible changes in vocalization behavior and detection probabilities of northern spotted owls induced by presence of barred owls. We used a two-species occupancy model to investigate whether there was evidence of competitive exclusion between the two species at study locations in Oregon, USA. We simultaneously estimated detection probabilities for both species and determined if the presence of one species influenced the detection of the other species. Model selection results and associated parameter estimates provided no evidence that barred owls excluded spotted owls from territories. We found strong evidence that detection probabilities differed for the two species, with higher probabilities for northern spotted owls that are the object of current surveys. Non-detection of barred owls is very common in surveys for northern spotted owls, and detection of both owl species was negatively influenced by the presence of the congeneric species. Our results suggest that analyses directed at hypotheses of barred owl effects on demographic or occupancy vital rates of northern spotted owls need to deal adequately with imperfect and variable detection probabilities for both species.  相似文献   

Estimates of the number of waterbirds (principally wildfowl) wintering in Great Britain are presented, based on data from the period 1994/1995-1998/1999. These update the previous estimates for 1987/1988-1991/1992. National estimates are used to derive 1% thresholds for waterbird species which in turn form the basis for the identification of nationally important wetland sites for subsequent conservation and protection. Estimates are also used to assess changes in numbers of those species for which monitoring data are insufficient to calculate annual indices of population change. Data for calculating the estimates come from a variety of sources including the Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS, a long-term scheme which counts waterbirds by day at wetlands), goose roost censuses, site-based surveys and published reviews. Generation of the estimates is made difficult by a number of methodological and data quality issues. To account for some of the methodological problems affecting WeBS data, new methods for generating estimates have been used which account for birds missed during the counts in a more comprehensive manner. These result in large increases in the estimated numbers for many of the relevant species, although most are still considered to be underestimates. To assess the biological change in numbers since the last assessment, estimates generated from the same methods used previously are also presented. These indicate that while the majority of species have experienced increases in numbers since the late 1980s there have been some notable declines. There is however scope for improving the accuracy of estimates derived from extensive, volunteer-based monitoring schemes such as WeBS.  相似文献   

The inability to utilize a fungal siderophore as source of iron nutrition by most of the rhizobial cultures isolated from pigeon pea, could be considered a negative fitness factor since hydroxamate siderophores are found in significant amounts in natural soils. Thus these cultures were engineered to use ferrichrome a prototype of hydroxamate type siderophore. Pigeon pea Rhizobium spp. IC3123 and ST1 harboring Escherichia coli fhuA gene, responsible for uptake of Fe3+-ferrichrome, were obtained by transformation with pGR1, a broad host range plasmid carrying the fhuA gene under the control of the lac promoter of E. coli. Expression of fhuA in transformed rhizobial strains IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 was confirmed by the ability of the plasmid-bearing strains to utilize iron bound to ferrichrome. Inoculation of pigeon pea plants with fhuA expressing rhizobial strains in pot experiments showed a significant increase in plant growth as well as nodule density as compared to those inoculated with the parent as well as the empty vector-bearing strain. Inoculation of pigeon pea seedlings with IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 led to marked increase in shoot fresh weight, nodule number per plant, chlorophyll content of leaves and effective nodule symbiosis when compared with plants inoculated with the parent strains IC3123 and ST1. The positive effect of IC3123::pGR1 and ST1::pGR1 treatment on plant growth was more significantly observed when ferrichrome producing Ustilago maydis, known to secrete ferrichrome, was co-inoculated along with the transformed rhizobia. The presence of fhuA gene in rhizobial strains also led to an increased survival and root colonization.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2004,116(3):319-326
The limpet Patella ferruginea Gmelin, 1791, endemic to the Mediterranean, is the most endangered marine species on the list of the European Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitat of Wild Fauna and Flora (1992). Its Mediterranean range has progressively contracted to a few restricted areas and the species is now threatened with extinction. Seventeen stations were sampled along the littoral zone on the coast of Ceuta, North Africa, for quantifying environmental factors (water movement, siltation and suspended solids), and 70 transects were selected for P. ferruginea sampling. The study revealed the presence of a well-established population of P. ferruginea with values of density and size of 0.67 individuals m−1 ±0.96 and 48.94 mm±11.61 respectively (mean±standard error of mean). The biggest densities of P. ferruginea were found inside the harbour of Ceuta. The limpets were more abundant on artificial harbour stones than on natural rocky shores, and the areas under the highest human pressure were characterised by the lowest densities and the smallest specimens probably due mainly to the predation for food and fishing. Human pressure is probably the main contributing factor to the currently endangered status of P. ferruginea. Programmes of environmental education to avoid its collection for fishing, food or for fun as decorative objects should be conducted, and further experimental studies dealing with the reproductive biology of this species are needed to properly assess the future programmes of conservation.  相似文献   

Changes in soil organic matter (SOM) can affect food security,soil and water conservation,and climate change.However,the drivers of changes in SOM in paddy soils of China are not fully understood because the effects of agricultural management and environmental factors are studied separately.Soil,climate,terrain,and agricultural management data from 6 counties selected based on representative soil types and cropping systems in China were used in correlation analysis,analysis of variance,and cforest modeling to analyze the drivers of changes in SOM in paddy soils in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River Plain from 1980 to 2011.The aims of this study were to identify the main factors driving the changes in SOM and to quantitatively evaluate their individual impacts.Results showed that the paddy SOM stock in the study area increased by 12.5% at an average rate of 0.023 kg m-2 year-1 over the 31-year study period.As a result of long-term rice planting,agricultural management practices had a greater influence than soil properties,climate,and terrain.Among the major drivers,straw incorporation,the most influential driver,together with fertilization and tillage practices,significantly increased the accumulation of SOM,while an increase in temperature significantly influenced SOM decomposition.Therefore,to confront the challenge of rising temperatures,it is important to strengthen the positive effects of agricultural management.Rational fertilizer use for stabilizing grain production and crop straw incorporation are promising measures for potential carbon sequestration in this region.  相似文献   

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