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The Black Sea is a semi-enclosed body of water that differs from the adjacent Mediterranean Sea in terms of its biodiversity, oceanographical and ecological characteristics. There is growing international concern about pollution in the Black Sea and other anthropogenic threats to its fauna. The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) is one of three species of cetaceans living in the Azov-Black Sea basin. Despite considerable research on bottlenose dolphins elsewhere, the extent of human impacts on the Black Sea populations is unknown. Previous attempts to award special conservation status to Black Sea cetaceans have failed specifically because policy makers have viewed their ecological and evolutionary uniqueness as equivocal. This study assessed divergence between Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean bottlenose dolphins for 26 cranial measurements (n = 75 adult bottlenose dolphin skulls) and mitochondrial DNA (n = 99 individuals). Black Sea bottlenose dolphins are smaller than those in the Mediterranean, and possess a uniquely shaped skull. As in a previous study, we found the Black Sea population to be genetically distinct, with relatively low levels of mtDNA diversity. Population genetic models suggest that Black Sea bottlenose dolphins have so little gene flow with the Mediterranean due to historical isolation that they should be managed separately.  相似文献   

Surveys primarily aimed at determining dolphin encounter rates were conducted from small inflatable craft in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters between 1997 and 2004. During 633 surveys totalling 21,276 km of effort, observations of cetaceans and other marine species spotted in a study area of 480 km2 were systematically recorded. Common dolphin encounter rates declined 25-fold across the study period, steadily decreasing from 2.18 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0.09 encounters/100 km in 2004. Encounter rates of tuna also declined significantly. Swordfish encounter rates dropped from 1.03 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0-0.12 in 1998-2004. Encounter rates of bottlenose dolphins did not show significant trends. The decline of high-order marine predators feeding on epipelagic prey was consistent with the hypothesis of prey depletion, likely resulting from intensive exploitation of local fish stocks, particularly anchovies and sardines. The catholic feeding habits and opportunistic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins may allow them to withstand the effects of overfishing at their present low density.  相似文献   

Illegal, large-scale driftnets are still used in several Mediterranean areas. According to international official sources, Morocco harbors the bulk of this fleet in the Mediterranean. To ascertain its biodiversity impact, 369 fishing operations (worth 4140 km of driftnets set) made by the driftnet fleet targeting swordfish (Xiphias gladius) based in Al Hoceima (Alboran Sea) were monitored between December 2002 and September 2003. Parallel surveys were made in the main Mediterranean ports and in that of Tangiers, in the Gibraltar Straits, to estimate the total fishing effort. Results showed an active driftnet fleet conservatively estimated at 177 units. Estimated average net length ranges from 6.5 to 7.1 km, depending on the port, though actual figures are suspected to be much higher (12-14 km). Most boats perform driftnet fishing all year round, resulting in very high annual effort levels. A total of 237 dolphins (short-beaked common dolphin, Delphinus delphis, and striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba), 498 blue sharks (Prionace glauca), 542 shortfin makos (Isurus oxyrinchus) and 464 thresher sharks (Alopias vulpinus) were killed by the boats monitored during the sampling period, during the peak of the swordfish fishery, along with 2990 swordfish. Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) was also caught (46 individuals). Estimates for a 12-month period by the whole driftnet fleet yielded 3110-4184 dolphins (both species) and 20,262-25,610 pelagic sharks distributed in roughly equal proportions for P. glauca, I. oxyrinchus and A. vulpinus, in the Alboran Sea alone; further 11,589-15,127 dolphins and 62,393-92,601 sharks would be killed annually around the Straits of Gibraltar. Dolphins suffer from annual take rates exceeding 10% of their population sizes in the Alboran Sea; this unsustainable impact is particularly worrying for D. delphis, because its last remnant healthy population in the Mediterranean occurs in this area. Average catch rate for swordfish, the main target species, amounted to only 0.8 individuals/km net set. Pelagic sharks are actively targeted by a part of the fleet.  相似文献   

This study arose from recommendations given in response to a legislated ecological assessment of the South Australian Sardine Fishery in 2004, urging it to: (i) attempt to mitigate operational interactions with marine mammals if excessive levels were detected; and (ii) improve the accuracy of their reporting of these events.An initial observer program revealed high rates of encirclement and mortality (1.78 and 0.39 dolphins per net-set, respectively) of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). This equated to an estimate of 1728 encirclements and 377 mortalities across the entire fleet over the same period. The average time taken for fishers to respond to encirclements was 135.93 ± 3.72 min and 21.3% of encircled animals subsequently died. During that time, fishers only reported 3.6% of encirclements and 1.9% of mortalities recorded by observers.A code of practice (CoP) was subsequently introduced aimed at mitigating operational interactions. A second observer program revealed a significant reductions in the observed rates of dolphin encirclement (0.22; down 87.3%) and mortality (0.01; down 97.1%) with an estimate of 169 and eight, respectively. The average time taken for fishers to respond to dolphin encirclements also reduced to 16.33 ± 4.67 min (down 76.9%) and the proportion of encircled animals that subsequently died reduced to 5.0%. Agreement between industry reports and observer records improved, with the fishery reporting 57.9% and 58.9% of the rate of encirclements and mortalities, respectively, recorded by observers.A number of avoidance and release strategies in the CoP may have been responsible for these improvements. In particular, fishers were required to delay or relocate their activities if dolphins were observed prior to fishing and to release encircled dolphins immediately or abort the fishing event if release procedures were unsuccessful. Future improvements to the CoP include: (i) improved response times when an encircled dolphin is detected; (ii) better use of behavioural cues for deciding when to abort a net-set; (iii) ceasing fishing during rough weather; and (iv) continuing to increase reporting accuracy by fishers. It is also recommended that the abundance, movements and boundaries of the common dolphin population in the region be determined, so that the impact of fishing activities on their status can be established.  相似文献   

Commercial fishing has repeatedly been identified as a major causal factor for global declines in fish stocks. Recently, recreational fisheries have also been considered as having the potential to contribute to fisheries declines. Here, we take a global focus, contrasting the characteristics of commercial and recreational fisheries relevant to conservation and sustainability of exploited fishes in both marine and freshwater environments. We provide evidence to support our assertion that the same issues that have led to global fisheries concerns regarding commercial fishing can have equivalent, and in some cases, magnified effects in recreational fisheries. Contrasts revealed that the issues of bycatch and catch-and-release, fisheries-induced selection, trophic changes, habitat degradation, gear technology, fishing effort, and production regimes are remarkably similar among fishery sectors. In recognition of this conclusion, we present a new vision for recreational fishing that positions it on the same scale and urgency as commercial fisheries. Efforts to manage and conserve fisheries must recognise that issues and threats are similar in these fundamentally and philosophically different fisheries, as may be the solutions. Failure to recognise the similarities will further polarise these sectors and retard efforts to conserve aquatic resources. Fishing activity of any kind, whether commercial or recreational, has the potential to affect negatively fish and fisheries, as well as aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas can enhance fish stocks within their boundaries, but the circumstances in which they might also supplement stocks or enhance fisheries outside their boundaries are less clear. Using visual survey and fishery data, we assess the impacts of increasing fishing effort, and of the establishment in Hawaii of a network of areas closed to aquarium fishing, on the prime-target species, yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens), and draw conclusions about MPA impacts on long-term fishery sustainability. Between 1999, when 27.8% of the coastline was closed to collecting, and 2007, the number of active fishers and total catch of yellow tang doubled. Prior to MPA establishment, yellow tang densities were similar at sites open to fishing and those slated for closure. By 2007, closed areas had five times the density of prime targeted sized fish (5-10 cm), and 48% higher density of adults than open areas. Densities of adults in ‘boundary’ areas (open areas <1 km from nearest MPA boundary) were significantly higher than in open areas far from MPA boundaries, which was indicative of spillover at that scale. Given the long life-span of yellow tang (>40 years) relative to the duration of protection and the increasing intensity of fishing, the likelihood is that protected areas will become increasingly important sources for the adult fishes which will sustain stocks and the fishery over the longer term.  相似文献   

Oil extracted from blubber of the Ganges River dolphin, Platanista gangetica, is used as a fish attractant in India and Bangladesh. This oil fishery is associated with the mortality of hundreds of dolphins every year. Oil from fish scraps was field tested for 121 days during 1997-1999 in the Ganges at Patna and was a very effective alternative to dolphin oil as a fish attractant. Fishing with fish oil resulted in higher catches and greater income per person per hour (Rs. 17.8±12.5) than fishing with dolphin oil (Rs. 11.6±9.3). However, there is no statistically significant difference between the results from fishing with dolphin and fish oil. Oil from fish scraps is inexpensive and can be made readily available to all the fishermen. Its widespread use would help in conserving the endangered Ganges River dolphin.  相似文献   

Prescribed or natural drawdowns occur frequently in reservoirs but their effects on fish populations have been barely studied. As a consequence of a severe drought and the need to optimize water quality, a partial drawdown was prescribed in autumn 2005 to a eutrophic reservoir that provides water supply to a large metropolitan area (Barcelona, Spain). In order to avoid a potential massive fish kill given the reduced oxygen availability and high fish abundance, preventive purse seine fisheries were performed to reduce the fish stock. The fisheries had little effect on the fish assemblage because final population size structure and species composition did not change significantly. The species composition of the purse seine catches varied significantly during the drawdown with higher proportion of bleak (Alburnus alburnus) in pelagic water during the days of worst water quality, confirming that bleak is more tolerant than roach (Rutilus rutilus) to poor water quality and a potential good indicator of water pollution. The weight–length relationship (i.e. condition) of roach and bleak also varied significantly during the drawdown following the same tendency in both species, losing and recovering their weight (4.99% in roach and 5.96% in bleak) in only 16 days. The close relationship found between water quality and fish condition demonstrates that fish condition can be a good metric of the well being of fish, even for extreme short-term changes.  相似文献   

Marine reserves are increasingly advocated not only as conservation but also as fisheries management tools to safeguard the decline of coastal fishing resources. Still, conclusive evidence of their functioning is lacking, amongst others due to the influence of spatio-temporal variations in fish populations and habitat heterogeneity which could hamper a sound data interpretation. We conducted a spatial analysis of the benefits of the Medes Island Marine Reserve by combining geostatistical and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools. Concurrently, we analysed effects of trends reflecting habitat heterogeneity and spatial structuring of data on spatial predictions of fish catch per unit effort (CPUE) and length. Predicted spatial patterns showed the complexity and simultaneous action of trend factors leading to mostly non-linear gradients in CPUE and length data. CPUE of total fish and CPUE and length of common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus) increased close to the Integral Reserve due to direct and indirect reserve effects. CPUE and length of striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) slightly increased also near the Integral Reserve, but distinct reserve effects could not be identified due to the strong influence of artificial reefs. We conclude that the spatial dimension of the Buffer Zone, where artisanal fisheries are allowed, permits in general protection only for target species, favouring a habitat with no discontinuities from the reserve outwards. Our spatial approach to assess reserve benefits provides major insights into complex systems like coastal marine reserves in the northwestern Mediterranean. In addition, it contributes to a crucial aspect of marine conservation, viz. the decision on the spatial dimension of protected areas.  相似文献   

渔船二氧化碳排放是全球温室气体排放评估中通常被忽视的领域,对全球变暖过程具有不可忽略的驱动作用。渤黄海是中国重要的海上粮仓和生态环境治理区域,查明渤黄海渔船生产作业过程对温室气体排放贡献较大的环节,对区域碳循环研究、碳排放管理及减排降碳措施制定具有重要意义。为探明渤黄海区域海洋渔船二氧化碳排放的时空变化特征,揭示渔业生产活动对气候变暖的影响程度,该研究基于2020和2021年的海量渔船管理及动态船位数据,提取了航段位移、航段内渔船航速、发动机负荷因子、排放因子等状态参数,构建了渔船二氧化碳排放动态计算模型,分析了渤黄海区域9种作业类型渔船的二氧化碳排放强度,给出了渔船年度及月度排放的空间分布特征。结果表明:1)渤黄海区域各类机动渔船在2020和2021年的二氧化碳排放总量分别为450万和945万t,总体呈现出近岸低、外海高的分布特征,热点区域主要分布在渤海湾渔场、滦河口渔场、海东渔场、烟威渔场、石岛渔场、石东渔场、海州湾渔场及大沙渔场。2)拖网和刺网渔船是二氧化碳年度累计排放的主要贡献者,但就单船单位航行时长二氧化碳排放量而言,辅助船最高,围网渔船次之。3)不同年份相同月份的渔船二氧化...  相似文献   

Along the east coast of the United States, by-catches of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in gillnet fisheries exceed removal levels set under the US Marine Mammal Protection Act. One measure proposed to reduce this mortality is the use of acoustic alarms, or pingers, which have proven effective in reducing by-catches of other small cetaceans, but have not been tested with bottlenose dolphins. We examined the responses of bottlenose dolphins to a commercial gillnet equipped with functional (active) and non-functional (control) Dukane NetMark® 1000 alarms near Fort Macon, NC. Between 5 April and 10 May 2001 we used a theodolite to track 59 groups of dolphins around the net. Choice of treatment was random each day and the two shore-based observers were unaware of whether alarms were active (13 days) or controls (9 days). There were no significant differences in the number of groups observed (P=0.315; 1−β=0.835) or in the closest observed approach to the net (P=0.307; 1−β=0.828) between treatments. However, dolphins entered a circular buffer approximately 100 m around the net more frequently with control than active alarms (P=0.015). We conclude that some dolphins responded to the alarms by avoiding the net, but caution that the potential efficacy of alarms is confounded by dolphin behavior. Most dolphins were aware of the net, regardless of the status of alarms, and some dolphins fed on fish in the net or discarded by the fishing vessel. We believe that it would be unwise to use pingers in these fisheries because of the limited behavioral responses we observed in our experiment. Furthermore, the responses we observed are likely to diminish or change over time as dolphins habituate or sensitize to these alarms. Further research is required to understand the behavior responsible for entanglement.  相似文献   

This study presents a comparative analysis of protected and exploited Mediterranean Sea food webs using standardized ecological models of two ecosystems: the Central-North Adriatic Sea (highly exploited) and the Miramare Natural Marine Reserve (Northern Adriatic Sea, protected since 1986). Food webs are analysed in terms of structural and functional traits including trophic levels, transfer efficiency, trophic role of species and keystoneness, trophic spectra and other synthetic ecological indicators. Our results highlight similarities between food webs of the Adriatic Sea, differences that are likely due to the impact of fishing and differences that should be related to other factors. Analysis of biomass distribution along functional groups and of trophic spectra indicates that protected area presents higher mean trophic level of the community, higher biomasses, lower production and generally lower transfer efficiency than fished area. Our results indicate that measures of food web complexity (system omnivory index and ascendency), as well as pelagic/demersal and fish/invertebrates biomass ratios are higher in the protected area than in exploited ecosystem due to fishing-induced changes. Thus, this study highlights that marine protected areas can efficiently contribute to maintain structural and functional traits of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

We detail the first direct, at sea monitoring of small cetacean interactions with Peruvian artisanal drift gillnet and longline fisheries. A total of 253 small cetaceans were captured during 66 monitored fishing trips (Gillnet: 46 trips; Longline: 20 trips) from the port of Salaverry, northern Peru (8o14′S, 78o59′W) from March 2005 to July 2007. The most commonly captured species were common dolphins (Delphinus spp.) (47%), dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) (29%), common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (13%) and Burmeister’s porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis) (6%). An estimated 95% of common dolphin bycatch was of long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis). Overall bycatch per unit effort for gillnet vessels (mean ± sd) was estimated to be 0.65 ± 0.41 animals.set−1 (range 0.05-1.50) and overall catch (bycatch and harpoon) was 4.96 ± 3.33 animals.trip−1 (range 0.33-13.33). Based upon total fishing effort for Salaverry we estimated the total annual average small cetacean bycatch by gillnet vessels as 2412 animals.year−1 (95% CI 1092-4303) for 2002-2007. This work indicates that, in at least one Peruvian port, bycatch and harpooning of small cetaceans persist at high levels and on a regular basis, particularly in driftnet vessels, despite the existence since the mid-1990s of national legislation banning the capture of marine mammals and commerce in their products. It is concluded that the coast of Peru is likely still one of the world’s principal areas for concern regarding high small cetacean bycatch and there is clearly an urgent need to increase the geographic scope of observer effort to elucidate the full magnitude of this issue.  相似文献   

The present study is the first to determine priorities for the location of marine reserves using spatial prioritization software in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. We used biophysical data from visual census surveys on: fish species abundance, presence of various habitat types, and percent coverage of seagrasses and canopy algae. Efficient conservation planning requires spatially explicit information on how proposed management will affect stakeholders, which in this region was very limited. We created novel socio-economic cost indices to account for fisheries and tourists. Our fishing metrics were based on fisher behaviour including information on the location of ports and areas often inaccessible to fishers due to high wind exposure. We developed a cost index for tourism based on the availability of beds for tourists. We examined how the spatial priorities for marine reserves varied using different combinations of these socio-economic cost metrics. We found about 17% of sites were a high priority regardless of which cost metric was used. We also compared, for the first time in the Mediterranean, our results devised using systematic conservation planning approaches with priorities developed by two non-systematic methods, the Natura 2000 proposed marine reserves and sites that local fishers proposed for protection. Only a few sites identified by our approach were the same as those recommended as part of Natura 2000 or the fishers’ proposals. This suggests that much more work is needed to harmonise existing proposals with the principles of efficient systematic conservation planning.  相似文献   

Community-managed, no-take marine reserves are increasingly promoted as a simple, precautionary measure to conserve biodiversity and sustain coral reef fisheries. However, we need to demonstrate the effects of such reserves to those affected by the loss of potential fishing grounds and the wider scientific community. We surveyed changes in fish communities in five small marine reserves in the central Philippines and three distant Control sites over seven years. We conducted underwater visual censuses of 53 fish families within the reserve (Inside), with a kilometre of the boundary (Outside) and at Control sites. We found significant differences between fish communities Inside and Outside the reserve only at the two sites with strictest compliance with fishing prohibition, while there were significant differences to distant Control sites in all cases. The strongest responses to reserve protection were found in predatory fishes (groupers and breams) and in butterflyfish. Other abundant fish families showed weak effects of protection. For all taxa analysed, we found significant effects of reserve Site and Site × Treatment interactions. The detection of fish responses to reserves is complicated by potential spillover effects, site-specific factors, particularly compliance, and the difficulty of identifying appropriate control areas.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of marine reserve protection on the biodiversity of aquatic assemblages (i.e. nekton) in subtropical eastern Australia was examined within two small (<6 km2) marine reserves and four non-reserve areas. The two marine reserves, and their corresponding non-reserves, were located in different geographical locations within Moreton Bay (north and south) and sites were surveyed with multiple hauls of a seine net. Species richness, evenness, density and mean size of the inshore communities were compared between the reserves and non-reserves. No statistical significant difference was detected in species richness between the areas however species evenness was significantly lower in the only non-reserve site impacted by commercial net fishing. Mean size of nekton was found to be significantly greater in the marine reserves compared to non-reserves but no statistical significant difference was found in the density of nekton between the study sites. Multivariate analysis revealed differences in community composition, particularly between the geographical locations where areas were impacted by different types of fishing pressure (recreational v commercial). These results highlight the impact commercial fishing can have on entire nekton assemblages, not just on targeted species. Our study demonstrates that the small marine reserves in Moreton Bay are protecting marine biodiversity and are thus at least partially achieving their management objective (to enhance the zone’s marine biodiversity).  相似文献   

Fishers’ attitudes and perceptions are critical for the success of fisheries protection areas with their associated biota, and a failure to understand fishers’ behaviour may undermine the success of such fisheries management measures. In this study, we examine fishers’ perception of a long-established exclusive fisheries zone around Malta and to investigate if the perceptions depend on fishers’ demographic, economic, social characteristics and fishing activity of the fishers. A questionnaire survey was undertaken to evaluate the demographic characteristics, economic situation (costs and revenue) and fishers’ activity and behaviour, together with their perception of the Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ). A total of 241 interview responses were analysed which was a response rate of 60%. The perception of most fishers was that the establishment of the FMZ has had an overall negative impact on their fishing activity and that the zone is not important for the protection of local fish stocks. When asked about the beneficial effect of the zone for fishers, most fishers from all backgrounds said that the zone does not benefit commercial fishers, but benefits mainly recreational fishers. The most evident differences in the perceptions and attitudes were between the full-time, part-time and recreational fishers. Fishers that have been fishing for more than 35 years and fishers from the main fishing village also had different attitudes from other fishers towards the FMZ. The results of this study suggest that the proportion of individual income derived from fishing was the strongest factor that influenced attitudinal differences, with home port and fishing experience having less important effects. The main differences in attitude among fishers were related to the protection and conservation effects of the zone, enhancement of resources and conflicts among user groups. The heterogeneity among fishers’ attitudes revealed by the present study has important implications for the implementation of spatial closures. Some sectors of stakeholders may require additional incentives to accept restrictions on access if spatial management is to achieve its intended objectives.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are considered as an effective tool in marine coastal management, and considered able to enhance local fisheries through adult fish spillover. Indirect evidence of fish spillover could be obtained by horizontal gradients in fish abundance. To address this question, the existence of gradients of fish abundance and biomass across marine reserve boundaries was assessed in six Mediterranean MPAs using underwater visual censuses performed at various distances from the core of the MPA, in integral reserve (IR), to buffer zone (BZ) and fished areas. A reserve effect was evidenced with higher values of fish species richness (×1.1), abundance (×1.3), and biomass (×4.7) recorded inside MPAs compared to adjacent fished areas. Linear correlations revealed significant negative gradients in mean fish biomass in all the reserves studied after the effect of habitat had been removed, whereas negative gradients in abundance were less conspicuous. Generalized additive models suggested two main patterns of biomass gradients, with a sharp decrease at the IR-BZ boundary or at the BZ-fished area boundary. It was estimated that fish spillover beneficial to local fisheries occurred mostly at a small spatial scale (100s of metres). The existence of regular patterns of negative fish biomass gradients from within MPAs to fished areas was consistent with the hypothesis of adult fish biomass spillover processes from marine reserves and could be considered as a general pattern in this Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

针对以往海洋机动渔船捕捞能力评估研究中考虑影响因素较少,对各影响因素的主观权重值和客观权重值综合分析不足,不能给出渔船单船捕捞能力量化值等问题,该研究提出了考虑多影响因素的渔船单船捕捞能力评估模型。首先,考虑多种影响渔船捕捞能力的因素,建立单船捕捞能力评估指标体系,将其分为可量化指标和不可量化指标,并初步制定了不可量化指标评估标准。其次,利用专家、渔民调查问卷中的数据,运用层次分析法计算各指标主观权重值,结果表明各指标权重依次为:捕捞装备(10.76%)、功率(9.35%)、拖网(7.40%)、作业时长(7.14%)、总吨(4.85%)、探鱼仪器(4.74%)、刺网(3.98%)、船长(3.18%)、张网(2.83%)、围网(2.38%)、钓业(2.06%)、作业环境(1.92%)、钢质材质(1.89%)、罩网(1.65%)、玻璃钢材质(1.55%)、船龄(1.26%)、木制材质(1.21%);渔具相关指标权重依次为:网具主尺寸(40.23%)、网具结构(14.93%)、装配技术(9.26%)、制造材料(5.08%)。最后,为兼顾主客观权重优点,基于加法合成法、博弈论法、最小鉴别信息法对各指标权重值进行组合计算,以获得目标权重值,并根据某省渔船数据对建立的模型进行验证分析,通过Spearman等级相关系数法计算捕捞能力评估值与实际渔获量之间的等级相关系数,结果表明基于博弈论法得到的结果相关性最高,相关系数为0.937,证实了组合权重值和评估模型的科学性和合理性。研究结果可为渔业管理部门制定科学合理的渔业资源调控政策提供依据。  相似文献   

Natural refuges can play a fundamental role in protecting species from overexploitation but have not been adequately quantified in the marine environment. We quantified the effect of a depth refuge on all fish species in an artisanal coral reef fishery in Zanzibar, Tanzania by comparing changes in fish species richness and relative abundance with depth at five fished and three unfished reefs across the region. Commercial species richness was depleted by 15.1% at shallow depths in fished reefs, but there was no difference between the reefs deeper than seven metres. Non-commercial species were not affected by fishing or depth. Evidence for similar patterns in fish communities in other countries and depth-limitations to artisanal fishing methods imply this effect is widespread. The depth refuge effect could be sustaining coral reef fisheries and should be taken in to account before implementing policies or subsidies that encourage or allow fisheries to exploit deeper waters.  相似文献   

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