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Species diversity of polypores (Basidiomycetes) was compared between woodland key habitats (WKHs) and old-growth forest controls in boreal forests in eastern Finland. WKHs, which were set aside for their rich vascular plant flora, turned out not to be hot spots for the species richness of polypores, nor did their species composition represent the overall species richness of the area. Differences in the total volume of CWD, tree species composition and several CWD qualities were reflected as differences in the species assemblages between the groups. The results indicated that only a fraction of the overall polypore diversity was represented in the small-size WKHs (<0.5 ha), and the protection of red-listed and indicator polypores in WKHs was random. However, rare old-growth forest indicators were found even in small-size WKHs, if the CWD quality was appropriate for them. Nevertheless, our study does not answer the question whether the occurrences of rare and red-listed species will survive in small-size WKHs surrounded by altered environments such as clear-cuts, because our study sites were located in undisturbed areas. The results stress the importance to protect typical old-growth forest patches with high CWD volume and quality in boreal forests.  相似文献   

Forest exploitation has destructed forest habitats in Fennoscandia during last centuries. Vital components of existing forest biodiversity have been identified as small (a few ha) woodland key habitats (WKHs). Many WKHs in boreal forest landscapes are assumed to represent remnant near-natural forests from before the phase of industrial forest exploitation. Thus, WKHs are supposed to (i) exhibit a low degree of exploitation, (ii) have old-growth characteristics and (iii) host Red-list species. Yet, WKHs’ history and biodiversity have not been systematically investigated. Thus, their conservation values remain unclear. This study investigates history and biodiversity of 15 WKHs in central Sweden with retrospective methods and field studies. We analyze (1) forest structure before, during and after the forest exploitation period, (2) existing biodiversity, i.e. species and structural elements, and (3) to what extent human activities (forestry) have influenced current biodiversity. Our results indicate that forest structure within the areas that currently are classified as WKHs has changed dramatically since the mid-19th century, when forests were unaffected by logging. The results suggest that fire-suppression during last century, gradually increased logging until mid-20th century and abandonment by modern forestry during the late 20th century, are main causes behind this transformation. Less than 10% of studied WKHs had biological features that resembled those of pristine boreal forests. Thus, most studied WKHs cannot be classified as near-natural or remnants of pristine forest. We suggest that the program for WKHs give more focus to pre-industrial forest structure, local historical aspects being seriously regarded and ecological restoration efforts being introduced.  相似文献   

The effort of boreal forest conservation has emphasised the preservation of old-growth forests while the role of young successional stages in maintaining biodiversity has remained largely unstudied. We compared the richness of beetle species and composition of species assemblages between managed and seminatural forests in five stages of forest succession. The sites were in boreal sub-xeric pine-dominated forests in eastern Finland. Seminatural study sites, especially the recently burned sites, were important habitats for threatened and near-threatened species. We propose that young stages of natural succession should be included in the network of protected forest areas. On the other hand, the composition of saproxylic species assemblages in seminatural forests differed from the assemblages in managed forests, indicating also the need to improve the forest management guidelines so that they better address the requirements of species protection. Regeneration methods applied should resemble or mimic the natural disturbances more closely.  相似文献   

Migratory frugivorous birds disperse the seeds of many plant species, forming mutualistic associations that render frugivores a priority for conservation in many habitats worldwide. We analysed the distribution of seed-dispersing frugivorous passerines in southern Spain, which is an important area for the conservation of European birds during winter. Frugivorous birds showed similar regional abundance and richness during four winters, although fruit availability changed among years. However, the spatial distribution of frugivorous birds in the area changed among years. These changes were principally determined by annual variation in the distribution of fruits in the area, revealing a clear ability of birds to track the distribution of fruits. The unpredictable distribution of fruits each year suggests that regional fruit crops, rather than selected habitat patches, need to be protected for the long-term conservation of frugivorous bird populations in wintering grounds. Remarkably, the distribution of frugivores was independent of forest development or general cover of shrubs, which helps to reconcile the protection of fruiting shrubs with forest cleaning, an usual management to prevent devastating summer fires that is destroying fleshy-fruited plant communities in many areas of southern Spain. Thus, leaving a part of the fruiting shrubs untouched when cleaning forest undergrowth will allow the settlement of frugivorous birds. Interestingly, both abundance and richness of frugivores decreased with elevation, probably as a consequence of impaired climatic conditions at high altitude, revealing the importance of lowland shrublands as wintering grounds for frugivorous birds. These habitats deserve special conservation efforts, as they are seriously threatened by the ongoing encroachment of agricultural and urban areas along the Mediterranean coasts.  相似文献   

Secondary forests and exotic tree plantations are rapidly expanding across tropical landscapes, yet we currently have a very poor understanding of the value of these human-dominated forest landscapes for biodiversity conservation. Mist netting, point counts and transect walks were used to compare the bird communities of these habitats and neighboring primary forest in north-east Brazilian Amazonia. The extensive spatial scale of plantations and second-growth in our study area enabled us to implement a robust replicated design, with survey plots approximately two to three orders of magnitude larger than most previous studies of land-use change in the tropics, thus minimising the influence of the surrounding landscape. Species richness was highest in primary forest and lowest in Eucalyptus plantations, and community turnover between habitats was very high whether based upon matrices of relative abundance or species presence-absence data, and for both point count and mist net data. Monthly line-transect censuses conducted over an annual cycle showed an increase in the detection of canopy frugivores and seed predators during the peak of flower and fruit availability in primary forest, but failed to suggest that second-growth or Eucalyptus stands provide suitable foraging habitat at any time of the year. The conservation value of both secondary forest and plantations was low compared to conclusions from previous studies. Our results indicate that while large-scale reforestation of degraded land can increase regional levels of diversity, it is unlikely to conserve most primary forest species, such as understorey insectivores and canopy frugivores.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of recent experiments dealing with the role of soil fauna in decomposition, mineralisation and primary production in coniferous forest soils. The experiments have been grouped according to the degree and nature of the ‘diversity gradient' between the ‘more diverse' community and its control: single animal species or an uncontrolled mixture of species versus microbiota only, several known animal species of the same trophic group versus one species only (species diversity), two or more functional groups versus one only, and food chains with predators versus microbes and microbivores only. The evidence available at present suggests that taxonomic diversity and predation have no consistent effects on the process rates in soil, while adding to the ‘functional' or ‘trophic group diversity' results in a more predictable enhancement in mineralisation. Especially the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum seems to be a keystone species in boreal forest soils. However, there are only few experiments in which species diversity per se has been taken as a separate factor, without a simultaneous change in the number of trophic groups or in total decomposer biomass.  相似文献   

Here we quantitatively summarize the conservation ecology of one group of dead-wood-dependent organisms, the polyporous fungi, in boreal Europe. At the substrate scale, the decay stage is the strongest determinant of species richness, with large (>20 cm diameter) downed logs hosting more species than other dead-wood types. At the stand scale, the amount of dead wood is the strongest determinant of polypore species richness; the minimum average amount of dead wood for the occurrence of rare polypores appears to be 20–40 m3/ha. Species-area analysis shows that in mature boreal forests species accumulation levels off at around 20–30 ha. This leads us to suggest a heuristic 20/20/20 rule of thumb: a 20 ha stand, with an average of 20 m3/ha of dead wood of which many are logs >20 cm, is likely to be the minimum for the ecologically justified conservation of polypore diversity at the stand scale in boreal Europe. Equally crucial for polypore diversity, however, is the current and historic extent of suitable habitats at the landscape scale. The time lag between the isolation of a habitat patch and the new equilibrium in the number or occurrence of species seems to be around 100–150 years, indicating that an extinction debt is likely to exist in recently isolated fragments. Only a few studies have addressed the ecological efficiency of the new, biodiversity-oriented forest management tools (retention trees, woodland key habitats). Despite this it seems that the traditional large conservation areas are the most effective means of polypore conservation.  相似文献   

To protect land from commercial exploitation is a common conservation practice. However, this requires large financial resources and it is therefore important to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of different strategies used in the selection of these conservation areas. In this study we compare four strategies and relate the differences in cost-effectiveness to differences in the selection process. We measure conservation benefits both as the amount of three tree structures and as the number of species in three species groups. We also estimate both the information cost associated with selecting conservation areas and the opportunity cost. We found the key habitat strategy to be the over-all most cost-effective. In this strategy, the areas have a flexible size and are selected by the authorities in a national field survey. The least cost-effective strategy was one where the selection was based only on forest classes in a satellite map. Intermediate were the retention group strategy, where small areas are left by the forest owner at harvesting, and the nature reserve strategy, where large areas are selected by the authorities. We emphasize that the differences we found are associated with the selection process and that other aspects, such as long-term survival of species, may rank the strategies differently. We conclude that the cost-effectiveness of a selection strategy depends on the size of the planning area for selection of conservation areas, the size of the conservation areas, the objective of the agent making the selection, and the amount and type of information on which the selection is based.  相似文献   

中国的农业生物多样性保护及持续利用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
中国农区内分布有丰富的野生珍稀濒危物种、生境和遗传基因资源,是农业生物多样性保护的重点。中国农业栽培、繁殖及野生生物物种种类繁多,其物种和生境类型都具特有性,由于农业土地的过度开发和不合理利用,以及农业生态环境污染、过量采集等因素,造成我国农业生物多样性品种和分布面积缩小或消失。我国从50 年代开始保护生态系统的工作,特别是在改革开放以来,我国政府在就地保护、迁地保护、保护规划、法制建设、机构建设、宣传培训等方面,采取了一系列的保护措施,农业生物多样性保护和持续利用取得了显著成效。  相似文献   

Lowland heathland habitats are recognized to be of high conservation value throughout north-west Europe. Current management approaches focus on arresting natural succession to woodland, and include the use of vegetation cutting, burning and grazing by livestock. However, the introduction of grazing has proved controversial, highlighting the need for evidence regarding its effectiveness. A systematic review of the scientific literature was therefore performed, which identified 13 studies with appropriate comparators (such as untreated controls). Meta-analysis of these data indicated that grazing can result in an increase in the ratio of grassland to ericoid shrub cover, but insufficient experimental evidence was available to assess the effectiveness of any other intervention, indicating a lack of replicated studies with controls. Two forms of expert knowledge were also compiled, based on information in the scientific literature excluded from the meta-analysis, and questionnaire responses of heathland managers. While these two evidence sources were generally in close correspondence, beliefs of heathland managers contradicted the scientific literature with respect to the impact of grazing on the ratio of grassland to ericoid shrubs. Incorporating a range of evidence sources in systematic reviews can therefore provide insights into contradictions in the evidence base. While a large majority of practitioners (94%) believe that grazing is an effective management option for lowland heath, evidence for a number of negative impacts on habitat attributes was recorded, highlighting the need for improved monitoring and experimental analysis of the effectiveness of management interventions.  相似文献   

Human-modified tropical landscapes under semi-natural or agro-ecosystems often harbor biodiversity of significant conservation value. In the Western Ghats of India, these ecosystems also provide connectivity between protected areas and other remnant forests. We investigated the conservation value of these landscapes and agro-ecosystems using results from 35 studies covering 14 taxonomic groups. Large, conspicuous taxonomic groups and tree-covered land-use types have received much focus in this area of research in the Western Ghats. We computed a response ratio defined as the log ratio of species richness in human land use to species richness in forest control site from 17 studies. In a meta-analysis, we investigated variation of this ratio across studies with respect to three variables: taxonomic group, the land-use type sampled and the extent of forest cover within the study landscape. Higher forest cover within the landscape emerged as a major positive influence on biodiversity in human-modified landscapes for vertebrates and vegetation while no patterns emerged for invertebrates. Our results suggest that loss of remnant forest patches from these landscapes is likely to reduce biodiversity within agro-ecosystems and exacerbate overall biodiversity loss across the Western Ghats. Conservation of these remnant forest patches through protection and restoration of habitat and connectivity to larger forest patches needs to be prioritized. In the densely populated Western Ghats, this can only be achieved by building partnerships with local land owners and stakeholders through innovative land-use policy and incentive schemes for conservation.  相似文献   

Extent and conservation of tropical dry forests in the Americas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper shows the results of an assessment on the current extent of Neotropical dry forests based on a supervised classification of MODIS surface reflectance imagery at 500-m resolution. Our findings show that tropical dry forests extend for 519,597 km2 across North and South America. Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia harbor the largest and best-preserved dry forest fragments. Mexico contains the largest extent at 181,461 km2 (38% of the total), although it remains poorly represented under protected areas. On the other hand, Brazil and Bolivia contain the largest proportion of protected tropical dry forests and the largest extent in continuous forest fragments. We found that five single ecoregions account for more than half of the tropical dry forests in the Americas (continental and insular) and these ecoregions are: the Chiquitano dry forests, located in Bolivia and Brazil (27.5%), the Atlantic dry forests (10.2%), the Sinaloan dry forests in Mexico (9.7%), the Cuban dry forests (7.1%) and the Bajio dry forests in Mexico (7%). Chiquitano dry forests alone contain 142,941 km2 of dry forests. Of the approximately 23,000 km2 of dry forest under legal protection, 15,000 km2 are located in just two countries, Bolivia and Brazil. In fact, Bolivia protects 10,609 km2 of dry forests, where 7600 km2 are located within the Chiquitano dry forest ecoregion and protected by a single park. Low extent and high fragmentation of dry forests in countries like Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Peru means that these forests are at a higher risk from human disturbance and deforestation.  相似文献   

Stipitate hydnoid fungi (specifically members of the genera Bankera, Hydnellum, Phellodon, Sarcodon) have become the focus of increasing conservation concern, particularly following the detection of widespread declines in abundance. To assess their status in Scotland, 103 field surveys were undertaken, including searches of 50 of the 77 native pinewood sites, traversing a total of 902 km. Hydnoid fungi were encountered on 30 of the searches (29%), primarily in eastern regions of Scotland. A maximum of 8 species was recorded on a single search, 11 species being encountered in total. Of 22 plantation sites surveyed, 11 were found to contain populations of hydnoid fungi. Four species were relatively widespread, both in native woodlands and plantations: Bankera fuligineoalba, Hydnellum peckii, Phellodon tomentosum, and Sarcodon imbricatus. All species tended to be associated with particular microsites, especially riverbanks, tracksides or areas of exposed mineral soil; median values for percentage bare ground cover surrounding each sporome were generally above 50%. Median values for diameter at breast height (dbh) of associated trees were in the range 20-50 cm for all species. Data from the field surveys were pooled with previous records to assess the number of hydnoid species recorded for each native pine woodland. When examined by regression, a positive relationship was recorded between the number of species and woodland area (r2=0.69, P<0.001, n=50). To assess the occurrence of declines, the number of 10 km gridsquares for each species was compared using records made pre- and post-1970. These data provided evidence for declines in only four of the 17 species considered. However, 12 species are threatened with extinction according to the IUCN Red List criteria, owing to their restricted patterns of distribution. The implications of these results for the conservation of hydnoid fungi in Scotland are discussed.  相似文献   

摘要:基于公开发表文章中有关东北地区保护性耕作下大豆农田土壤温度和湿度数据,以传统耕作(CT)为对照,免耕(NT)、少耕(RT)、秸秆覆盖(SM)、免耕秸秆覆盖(NTSM)为处理,应用Meta分析方法定量评估保护性耕作措施对东北大豆农田土壤水热状况的影响程度。结果表明:与CT相比,保护性耕作总体上使东北大豆农田0-170cm土层的土壤体积含水量增加了9.2%,使浅层土壤(0-30cm)温度降低了8.2%;不同气候条件下4种保护性耕作措施均能提高土壤湿度;秸秆覆盖可以提高大豆整个生育时期土壤含水量,且在营养生长期对土壤水热的影响最大,土壤温度随秸秆覆盖量的增加而增加;保护性耕作措施降低土壤温度的幅度随着土壤黏粒减少而降低,提高土壤湿度的幅度随土壤深度增加而降低;免耕秸秆覆盖在不同土壤深度的蓄水保墒效果最明显,在0-20cm土层提高了32.9%的土壤湿度。综上,保护性耕作措施较传统耕作具有增湿降温效应,气温、降水、生育时期、秸秆覆盖量、土壤类型及土壤深度均对保护性耕作下大豆农田的土壤水热状况产生影响。  相似文献   

This paper provides, for the first time, comprehensive data on alpha diversity of soil ciliates from evergreen tropical and temperate rain forests. Thirty-three samples were collected in Australia, Tasmania, Amazonia and Costa Rica and analysed with the non-flooded Petri dish method, which reactivates the ciliates’ resting cysts from air-dried samples. The 175 taxa found contained 34 new species, 4 of which are described in this paper, viz. Platyophrya paoletti n. sp., Lamtostyla abdita n. sp., L. granulifera n. sp., and Apoamphisiella tihanyiensis (Gellért and Tamás 1958) n. gen., n. comb. Although this is a considerable number, it is much lower than one would expect. The data would be even more perplexing if the four rich samples (up to 90 species/sample) from the Manaus floodplain were excluded. We then would be confronted with about 90 taxa in 29 samples, of which 13 contained fewer than ten species. A hypothesis is put forward that the non-flooded Petri dish method is inappropriate for studying soil ciliate diversity in evergreen rain forests because most species have a reduced capacity to produce dry-resistant (protective) resting cysts due to the permanent wetness of their habitats. This view is supported by a comparative analysis of a fresh (containing 40 species) and air-dried/rewetted (2 species only) sample from a cloud rain forest near Merida (Venezuela), and the observation that the capacity of soil ciliates to produce resting cysts often dramatically decreases after prolonged laboratory cultivation in liquid media. Direct microscopy of fresh samples seems to be an appropriate alternative because specimens can be easily collected due to their considerable abundance (≥1000 individuals/g wet mass of litter). Received: 8 April 1997  相似文献   

Fragmentation of natural forests is a major threat to forest biodiversity. In areas with a long history of forestry, the remaining patches of old forests constitute only a minor part of the landscape. In such situations small stands may be valuable and important for conservation. However, as they may suffer from strong edge effects and isolation, their value may be lower than anticipated. In Sweden a national inventory of woodland key habitats (WKHs) has identified about 1% of the forest landscape as sites where red-listed species occur or may occur. Most are small (national median 1.4 ha) and isolated stands within an intensively managed landscape. The present analyses calculate WKH core area based on a range of depths of edge influence, and isolation based on both distance to nearest WKH and a weighted isolation measure that includes all neighboring WKHs and protected forest. These analyses are done on the WKHs in Norrbotten County in northern Sweden and include almost 5000 stands. The actual core area in the WKHs is about 30% given a 50 m edge influence. The degree of isolation is species dependent but the results indicate that only species with high dispersal abilities may effectively utilize the network of WKHs. For species with effective dispersal distances of less than 2 km the network is probably insufficient. The results emphasize the need to create buffer zones, to increase reserve areas and to manage the matrix so that species dispersal is promoted. This likely includes a necessity to aggregate biodiversity efforts on the landscape scale.  相似文献   

Rapidly expanding water resource development in arid and semi-arid zones of Australia threatens the flow regime and ecological integrity of the few large dryland rivers and their immense floodplains. Efforts to manage and conserve the surface waters of these rivers are hampered by limited scientific data on the ecology of their flora and fauna and on their responses to the high natural variability of flow regime that typifies dryland rivers. Irregular floods connect channel and floodplain wetlands to differing degrees and for varying periods of time but the ecological significance of this connectivity is poorly understood. On Cooper Creek, a large dryland river in central Australia, we explored the degree to which assemblage composition varied with connectivity and hydrological regime. Shortly after protracted regional flooding, we sampled aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages from the principal microhabitats in 12 channel and floodplain wetlands. Ephemeral and temporary lakes tended to have fewer taxa than semi-permanent channel or terminal lake habitats. Although hydrological connection had only recently been lost for some wetlands, there was already evidence of divergence in aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Disruption of the natural variability in connectivity and hydrological regime by excessive water abstraction or river-flow regulation threatens the ecological integrity and aquatic macroinvertebrate biodiversity of dryland rivers. Preservation of the irregular flow regime and sporadic connectivity underpins conservation of the mosaic of floodplain wetlands that play such a crucial role in the ecosystem functioning of rivers such as Cooper Creek.  相似文献   

In some areas of the tropics forests are recovering on abandoned cattle pastures. These secondary forests may be important habitats for conserving biodiversity, but we know little about their species composition over the long term. We studied herpetofaunal community changes in a 40 years chronosequence of forest succession on abandoned pastures in Puerto Rico. Twelve submontane sites (100-250 masl) represented four forest recovery stages: pasture, young (1-5 years after abandonment), intermediate (10-20 years), and advanced (40 years). Among these stages we analyzed the relationship of forest structure, microclimate, and herpetofaunal community structure. During succession total forest height increased, new strata of vegetation appeared in the understory, and the forest gained heterogeneity and complexity. Microclimate changed with changes in the physiognomy and structure of the vegetation. Microclimatic shifts were more dramatic in forest <20 years since abandonment. During 1 year we observed 7991 individuals of thirteen reptilian species (60% of observations) and six anuran species. Herpetofaunal richness was similar among stages, but the total abundance increased through succession. Relative abundance of anurans and reptiles was similar between stages, but species dominance changed with succession. Forest >20 years old resembles mature forest in some structural characteristics important to herpetofauna and can provide habitat for forest herpetofauna in disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Lichen and bryophyte communities of spruce and pine plantations in different parts of Britain were surveyed and compared to those of semi-natural pine and oak woodlands. In total, 202 lichen species and 111 bryophytes were recorded. Community composition and species-richness were related to measures of climate, stand structure and deadwood (snags, logs and stumps). Plantations had a less species-rich lichen flora than semi-natural stands related to reduced light availability and lack of old trees. Bryophyte species-richness was similar in plantations and semi-natural stands, and was positively correlated with large diameter (>20 cm), well-decayed logs and stumps. Lichens species-richness was higher on decorticate snags (especially in semi-natural Scots pine stands in the Scottish Highlands). Early successional stands were often the richest for lichens, stumps being important for Calicium and Cladonia species. Three strategies are suggested for enhancing lower plant diversity in planted forests: (1) extending felling rotations; (2) introducing alternative silvicultural systems to clear-felling (e.g. single-tree selection) to foster continuity of woodland conditions and increase deadwood volumes; (3) modifying restocking practices on clear-fells to avoid excessive shading of deadwood.  相似文献   

As in all parts of the globe, rapid climate change in Australia will have significant negative impacts on biodiversity. It also will interact with pre-existing stressors such as native vegetation clearing, altered natural disturbance regimes and invasive species - all of which already have major negative effects on biota in Australia. Strategies to reduce climate change impacts on Australian biodiversity include a mixture of mitigation and adaptation actions (sensuMillar et al., 2007) such as: (1) significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, (2) ensuring bio-diverse carbon capture, (3) better tackling pre-existing stressors on biodiversity, (4) better preparing for the effects of major natural disturbances, (5) significantly improving off-reserve conservation efforts including fostering appropriate connectivity, and (6) enhancing the existing reserve system by making it more comprehensive, adequate and representative. The first strategy above demands a global response otherwise major mitigation attempts in Australia that are not paralleled elsewhere around the world will have little effect on climate change and, in turn, contribute little to enhanced biodiversity conservation. Strategies 2-6 demand multi-scaled responses, particularly at a regional level, given the major regional differences in direct climate change impacts and their interactions with pre-existing regional stressors. Well developed multi-scaled conservation plans to implement these strategies currently do not exist, nor do appropriate institutional arrangements and capacities. Institutional reforms are urgently needed in Australia to develop the land management, monitoring and regional response capabilities required to conserve biodiversity on a continent already significantly modified.  相似文献   

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