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Although forest fragmentation can greatly affect biodiversity, responses to landscape-scale measures of woodland configuration in Europe have been examined for only a limited range of taxa. Almost all European bat species utilise woodland, however little is known about how they are affected by the spatial arrangement of woodland patches. Here we quantify landscape structure surrounding 1129 roosts of six bat species and a corresponding number of control locations across the UK, to examine associations between roost location and landscape composition, woodland proximity and the size of the nearest broadleaved woodland patch. Analyses are performed at two spatial scales: within 1 km of the roost and within a radius equivalent to the colony home-range (3–7 km). For four species, models at the 1 km scale were better able to predict roost occurrence than those at the home-range scale, although this difference was only significant for Pipistrellus pipistrellus. For all species roost location was positively associated with either the extent or proximity of broadleaved woodland, with the greatest effect of increasing woodland extent seen between 0% and 20% woodland cover. P. pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Rhinolophus hipposideros, Eptesicus serotinus and Myotis nattereri all selected roosts closer to broadleaved woodland than expected by chance, with 90% of roosts located within 440 m of broadleaved woodland. Roost location was not affected by the size of the nearest broadleaved patch (patches ranged from 0.06–2798 ha ± 126 SD). These findings suggest that the bat species assessed here will benefit from the creation of an extensive network of woodland patches, including small patches, in landscapes with little existing woodland cover.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification in Northern Ireland has brought about large-scale changes to the landscape with a detrimental effect on biodiversity. Between 1996 and 1998, we surveyed a stratified random sample of 1 km squares for bats using a spot-sample technique and time expansion bat detector to establish linear and area habitat associations. Bats strongly selected water bodies with bankside vegetation, treelines, and deciduous and mixed woodland edge, avoiding open areas such as upland/unimproved grassland and improved grassland. Of three sympatric pipistrelle species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus, P. pygmaeus and P. nathusii), two were shown to forage in different habitats; P. pipistrellus being more of a ‘generalist’, foraging in a wider variety of habitats than P. pygmaeus, a ‘specialist’ which foraged in a smaller range of habitats. Nyctalus leisleri selected parkland/amenity grassland, deciduous woodland edge and rivers/canals and avoided improved grassland, hedgerows, whilst Myotis spp. selected deciduous woodland centre, lake/reservoir margins and rivers/canals. Reduction in area and quality of inland water, deciduous woodlands and field boundaries in Northern Ireland may impact on bat populations. Habitat management should focus on improving those habitats which are selected by bats, including the maintenance and enhancement of connecting linear habitats.  相似文献   

Cryptic species are similar in morphology, and make interesting subjects for relating morphological differentiation to ecological resource partitioning. Can species that are morphologically almost identical occupy different ecological niches, and hence potentially need distinct conservation planning? The discovery that the most widespread bat in Europe - the pipistrelle - comprised two cryptic species (Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Pipistrellus pygmaeus) that emit echolocation calls at different frequencies provides a remarkable model system for investigating links between morphology, echolocation call design and resource partitioning. We investigated resource partitioning between the two cryptic species of sympatric pipistrelle bats by radio tracking breeding females. Habitat selection was investigated by using compositional analysis. P. pygmaeus selected riparian habitats over all other habitat types in its core foraging areas, whereas P. pipistrellus, although preferring deciduous woodland overall, was more of a generalist, spreading its foraging time in a wider range of habitats. Although morphologically very similar, the cryptic species show quite different patterns of habitat use. Our findings suggest that large-scale differences in habitat preferences can occur between sympatric bat species that are virtually identical in flight morphology; hence morphological differences may be a weak indication of ecological differences between taxa. Conservation planning needs to take account of these differences to meet policy and legal obligations associated with these protected cryptic species.  相似文献   

In an attempt to increase the accuracy of roost emergence counts for a monitoring programme, the exits of two Pipistrellus pygmaeus roosts were illuminated with light of different colours and intensities. Light intensity affected bat emergence more than light colour. At one roost there was no significant difference in the bat emergence pattern between when the roost exit received no illumination and when it was illuminated with red light. The use of the latter is proposed to increase the accuracy of bat roost emergence counts.  相似文献   

A total of 66 samples of roadside hedgerow were examined in a 200 km2 area of Shropshire not far from the Welsh border. The mean numbers of vascular plant species in samples of increasing length could be expressed as 17·2 × (length of hedgerow in metres/2)0·2 5. This equation varied somewhat between samples, but not greatly, and the correlation between this variation and the distance to the nearest wood was not significant at the 5% probability level. Association analysis of the floristic data, did, however, provide a fairly clear division into hedgerows with some ‘woodland’ species and hedgerows with few or no ‘woodland’ species, and this difference was not accompanied by any corresponding difference in apparent age of the hedgerow. It is concluded that these ‘woodland’ species do not spread readily throughout the hedgerow network, and that hedgerows do not appear to act as efficient ‘corridors’ for the passage of such plants.  相似文献   

The maintenance of connecting habitats such as hedgerows in production landscapes could become increasingly critical as species migration is expected to accelerate with climate change. Species of particular conservation interest that could benefit from connecting habitats especially in agroecosystems are native forest herbs. It is still unclear, however, which hedgerow habitats have the best potential of supporting diverse forest herb communities, making it hard to target particular structures for conservation. Our objective was to identify the local and landscape characteristics of hedgerows that could help predict their potential at maximizing the richness, abundance, and diversity of native forest herbs of temperate deciduous forests of North-East America. We used multiple regression, Moran’I correlograms, and conditional autoregressive models to assess the effect of landscape and historical variables (hedgerow age, amount of adjacent forest cover, connection to forests and other hedgerows) and of local variables (hedgerow width, canopy cover, cover of other species) on the response variables. The results show an increase in forest herb diversity and abundance in hedgerows with time and with increasing nearby forest cover. Local factors such as greater width and reduced cover of other species also relate to a greater abundance and diversity of forest herbs in linear habitats. The fact that forest herb communities can reassemble in hedgerow corridors with time implies that there could be long-term benefits in maintaining and even creating linear habitats where there is a pool of dispersing forest herbs.  相似文献   

Recent declines in North American honeybee populations have highlighted the importance of native bee conservation, and the need for research on the ecological requirements of native bees in farmland. In this study, we investigated the value of hedgerows as foraging habitat for native bees in mosaics of small-scale agriculture and natural vegetation in two riparian landscapes in southeast Arizona, USA. In the summers of 2002 and 2003, we surveyed bees and flowers in four habitats: hedgerows, agricultural fields, woodlots, and native woodland. We asked: (1) How do hedgerows compare to other available habitats in bee abundance and species richness? (2) How does bee species composition in hedgerows compare to species composition in agricultural fields and woodland? (3) How do flower resources in hedgerows compare to those in fields and woodland?We found that hedgerows were attractive foraging habitat for native bees, especially in early summer, when hedgerows tended to have higher species richness than other agricultural or natural habitats. Cumulative species richness was highest in agricultural fields, although cumulative species richness did not significantly differ among fields, hedgerows, and woodland. While bee faunas overlapped among habitats, bee assemblages in hedgerows were more similar to those in woodland than to those in fields. The hedgerow herbaceous flora was roughly intermediate to that of fields and woodland; hedgerows also supported high densities of woodland-characteristic shrubs. These flowering shrubs were important in attracting bees that were otherwise uncommon in the landscape, including some species that are potentially valuable pollinators of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Bat activity and benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled at nine paired sites, upstream and downstream from sewage effluent discharges into Irish rivers. Bat activity was measured using broadband acoustic detectors and macroinvertebrates by three 30-s standard benthic kick samples per site. Biological indices of water quality were significantly lower downstream from sewage outfalls, relative to upstream. The soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus) was significantly more active (as measured by bat passes per unit time) at downstream sites, while Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) was less active. These results contrast with those of a similar study in England, where P. pygmaeus were less active, and Myotis spp. were more active downstream from sewage outfalls. We suggest that P. pygmaeus were more active downstream in our study because of a preference for preying on small orthocladiinid Chironomidae (non-biting midges), which were significantly more abundant downstream. M. daubentonii may prefer Trichoptera (caddis fly), which were significantly more abundant upstream. Organic pollution may then affect bats, but its effect appears to be more complex than previously implied. Implications of changing nutrient levels in freshwaters for populations of M. daubentonii and P. pygmaeus may be different from what is currently suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

Single trees and small patches of trees in farmland are conspicuous components of agricultural landscapes around the world, but their value for the conservation of biodiversity is not well known. In this study, arboreal mammals were censused by using hair-sampling tubes in small patches of woodland (single trees to patches <1.0 ha) in cleared farmland adjacent to a linear network of woodland known to support resident populations of arboreal mammals. Ninety-one small isolates were stratified by size (single trees or small patches) and distance from the linear network to test the capacity of animals to cross habitat ‘gaps’. The genus Petaurus (small gliding marsupials), the most commonly detected taxon, was recorded in 31% of hair-tubes (98 of 316). It occurred in 21% of sites in isolated trees and patches, and in all linear strips. A logistic regression model demonstrated that Petaurus sp. was most likely to occur in isolates in close proximity to linear strips and other patches of woodland. Ninety-five per cent of sites at which this taxon occurred were within 75 m of the linear network. This threshold corresponds with the maximum distance that animals can glide in a single movement between trees. The size of isolates did not influence utilisation rates. Such isolates are smaller than a single home range and were probably used to supplement home ranges centred on the linear network, by providing additional foraging habitat and den sites. Protection and restoration of isolated trees and small woodland clumps in cleared landscapes contributes to mammal conservation and this study provides quantitative data that can assist landscape design and habitat restoration in rural environments.  相似文献   

Scattered trees and small patches of vegetation among farmland are typical of rural landscapes throughout the world, often comprising a significant proportion of remaining habitats for native fauna. Insectivorous bats can use such isolated resources owing to the high mobility of most species, but little is known of the relationship between bats and tree density, or of the impact of incremental loss of trees in the landscape. Bats were surveyed at 30 sites in south-eastern Australia, in five habitat categories representing a range of tree densities from remnant woodland blocks (>35 trees/ha) to sparsely scattered trees (<1 tree/ha), and open paddocks devoid of trees. Sampling was undertaken by using harp traps and ultrasonic bat detectors. The abundance of potential arthropod prey was assessed by using light traps. Eleven species of insectivorous bats were recorded and bats were widespread in all habitat categories; all species were recorded around scattered trees. Overall activity, as revealed by detectors, did not differ significantly between the four treed categories, but in open paddocks there was a lower level of activity and a different community composition. However, a regression model revealed a significant quadratic relationship between activity of bats and tree density, with highest activity at 20-30 trees/ha. All species were recorded in open paddocks, but for eight of the ten species this represented <7% of their total activity recorded across all habitat categories. For six species, significant positive correlations were found between activity levels and the abundance of potential arthropod prey. In contrast to bat detectors, trapping results showed a significant difference in overall abundance of bats between wooded habitats, with decreased abundance as tree density declined. This study highlights the value of scattered trees as foraging habitat for bats, and emphasizes that, in rural land mosaics, such small and isolated habitat components have value for the conservation of biodiversity, and require greater recognition and protection.  相似文献   

Hedgerows are an important component of the cultural landscape and may have an invaluable role in maintaining biological diversity. Adjacent land use potentially has an important influence on the species composition of hedgerows. In the Mediterranean region, hedgerows are considered as remnants of past practices and their function may be linked with the prevailing agrarian systems, in turn related to societal change. In this paper, the characteristics of hedgerows in Central Spain, and their interactions with adjacent fields were studied in order to understand their contribution to maintaining woody plant species richness in the cultural landscape. The hedgerow typology of the region were found to respond jointly both to environmental and livestock farming-related variations in adjacent land uses. The variation in the management intensity of the landscape is reflected in the composition of the woody plant species of hedgerows, varying from species of open landscape to woodland species. Moderate degrees of grazing allow for higher values of woody plant richness in hedgerows compared with those hedgerows separating systems subjected to a higher livestock loads or to abandonment processes. Thus, hedgerows potentially contribute to the functionality of these cultural landscapes and provide a basis of important ecological and historical value in landscape conservation planning. These conclusions have important implications in the development of landscape conservation and protection policies.  相似文献   

At the farm-scale, hedgerow, degraded hedgerow and fence field boundary types were sampled for overwintering carabid and staphylinid beetles. Distinct beetle assemblages were evident and the structural and botanical characteristics of the boundary types were good explanatory factors of the differences. Each field boundary type supported unique species not found elsewhere; nine species were contributed by hedgerows alone and six species each from degraded hedgerows and fences. Using a systematic complementary site selection method we determined that all field boundary types were of equal importance for full representation of carabid and staphylinid species at the farm-scale. Additionally, fence habitats supported generalist predators of crop pests in greatest densities, whilst degraded hedgerows were most valuable in providing refuge to species vulnerable to disturbance and habitat fragmentation. Contrary to expectation, woodland species were not more evident in hedgerows than either degraded boundaries or fence habitat. This study provides empirical evidence that some components of biodiversity and sustainable farming are best maintained by retaining habitat heterogeneity, including features currently considered of limited conservation value.  相似文献   

The role of hedgerows as reservoirs for beneficial arthropods in agroecosystems has been extensively studied, but their importance as habitats for springtails (Collembola) is largely unknown. Population recovery in arable fields by epigeal Collembola can occur either from population sources in non-crop habitats or in-situ reproduction of field-dwelling species. In this study we investigated the recovery of springtail populations in a spring-sown cereal crop following a physical disturbance due to tillage. To investigate the role of a hedgerow in population recovery, replicated lengths of hedgerow were isolated from the field using exclusion barriers.Some species of Collembola (e.g. Isotomurus spp., Bourletiella hortensis) were consistently more abundant next to the hedgerow than within the field. Areas of the field adjacent to barriered sections of hedgerow developed significantly different populations and community structures compared to unbarriered ‘controls’. Abundance of several species in the field (e.g. Isotoma viridis, Sminthurinus elegans, Sminthurus viridis) was reduced by hedgerow barriers, providing the first evidence that hedgerows could be important source habitats for the colonisation or recolonisation of arable fields by Collembola.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare and test differences in the conservation value of hedge bottom vegetation on organic and conventional farms. The studied hedgerows (28 organic and 28 conventional) were on average 14 years old and established in the same way, except that organic hedgerows were established and managed without use of pesticides. We investigated three sample plots of 10 m2 in all hedgerows together with a set of 13 explanatory variables. There were no differences in soil texture between hedgerow types but organic farms had higher pH and lower conductivity. Organic farms had higher total N values, which are explained by a slightly higher content of organic matter. There was highly significant interaction between farming type and neighbouring crop type according to soil phosphate concentration. Significantly more plant species were found in the organic hedgerows. The species compositions in organic hedgerows appeared significantly more similar to semi-natural communities when compared with other plant communities. We conclude that organic farming is slightly superior with regard to conservation of herbaceous diversity of hedgerows in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes. The possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

天然降雨下川中丘陵区不同年限植物篱水土保持效用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对遂宁水土保持试验站内不同坡度(10°和15°)植物篱小区及对应对照小区为期7年的水土流失定位观测,探究了天然降雨条件下香根草植物篱和新银合欢植物篱在其生长年限增长过程中对紫色土坡耕地水土流失的影响。结果表明:(1)当植物篱开始发挥其水土保持作用时,减流率(年均)达10.5%~20.0%,减沙率(年均)达53.5%~54.5%,减流作用随年限增长波动较大,减沙作用逐渐趋稳;(2)10°香根草植物篱水土保持效果最优,其减流和减沙作用均在生长年限为1年时开始发挥,10°新银合欢植物篱次之,其减沙作用较减流作用提前约1年凸显,15°香根草植物篱最弱,其布设小区多数次降雨减流率均明显低于10°植物篱小区;(3)总体上植物篱能够降低坡度对坡耕地水土流失的加剧作用,其中径流流失减少28.9%,泥沙流失减少11.3%,并削弱降雨量与径流泥沙的相关程度;(4)平均径流系数和降雨引发泥沙量随植物篱年限增长逐渐趋稳,其中10°小区香根草植物篱和新银合欢植物篱对特大暴雨(12 h降水总量140.0 mm)和大暴雨(12 h降水总量为70~140 mm)下产生的径流系数消减明显,达15.0%~34.4%,各植物篱对所有降雨等级平均单位降雨所产生泥沙量均有明显消减作用,达34.1%~48.5%。  相似文献   

[目的]研究植物篱不同部位土壤持水性能的分异特征,指导植物篱系统的设计与经营管理。[方法]在测定柠条、山杏两种典型植物篱土壤水分物理参数的基础上,利用van Genuchten模型比较分析植物篱系统带内、带间的土壤水分特征曲线及其参数。[结果](1)两种植物篱在土壤总孔隙度、水稳性团聚体含量、渗透系数等方面均高于耕地(对照),其中柠条植物篱带内土壤总孔隙度(66.36%)、水稳性微团聚体含量(35.50%)和有机质含量(44.1g/kg)比带间分别高7.34%,1.95%和25.64%。山杏植物篱的这3项指标带内比带间分别高11.93%,29.33%和21.48%。(2)柠条、山杏植物篱带内土壤脱湿过程中凋萎系数分别是耕地的7倍和3.25倍,田间持水量分别是耕地的1.46和1.25倍,柠条植物篱土壤保水优势更明显。(3)在相同的土壤水吸力下,土壤吸湿与脱湿过程中带内土壤的水分含量均明显高于带间,带内土壤的持水性更高,这与带内较高的黏粒含量相一致;柠条带内土壤水分含量高于山杏带内,二者均高于耕地。[结论]植物篱的二相结构能明显促进带内黏粒、微团聚体和养分的富集(有机质),进而提高带内土壤的持水性能和饱和渗透性能。  相似文献   

带状种植是1种以固N植物篱为核心、农作物与植物篱相间种植的农林复合经营模式,植物篱通过修剪避免对农作物遮光,其枝叶作为覆盖物和有机肥,可提高土壤肥力。阐述了植物篱枝叶N素矿化和利用、枝叶有机碳矿化及其对土壤有机质的影响以及固N植物篱对土壤P素和其他矿质元素的供给状况,并评价了该模式下土壤养分和有机质动态。  相似文献   

Fragmented remnant woodlands in agricultural landscapes are of high conservation value world-wide. Many eucalypts in agricultural landscapes of Australia are in decline. We aimed to investigate nutrient enrichment as a process that may contribute to eucalypt decline. We studied remnant woodlands that had been exposed to distinct recent and current livestock grazing treatments: Currently Intense Grazed; Recently Intense Grazed (until 3 years ago); Recent Intermediate Grazed; and Recent Lightly Grazed by livestock. We assessed soil nutrient status and penetrability, eucalypt foliar nutrition and stable isotope ratios for N and C, attributes of understorey vegetation, and tree health. Soils of the Currently Intense Grazed treatment had high levels of ammonium and Colwell-P. Total N, P, C:N ratio and soil penetrability were generally high in Currently Intense Grazed and Recently Intense Grazed treatments relative to Recent Intermediate Grazed and Recent Lightly Grazed treatments. Foliar N, N stable isotope ratios, P and carbon stable isotope ratios (δ13C) were generally higher (less negative δ13C) in trees on Currently Intense Grazed and Recently Intense Grazed treatments than in trees on Recent Intermediate Grazed and Recent Lightly Grazed treatments. Soil surface litter, tall and low shrubs and rock were positively correlated with tree health. Grasses and eucalypt foliar N, P and δ13C were negatively correlated with tree health. Soil nutrient enrichment increased with increasing grazing intensity and was associated with increased weed invasion and with poor tree health that was in turn correlated to increased foliar N and P and less negative δ13C in woodland trees in this study. We argue that minimising soil nutrient enrichment of fragmented remnant woodlands is important, given the association of elevated soil nutrition with poor tree health, to ensure the persistence of eucalypts in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Hedgerows are key features in agricultural landscapes performing diverse functions that are both economically and ecologically significant. Here, we quantify how the characteristics of a relict hedgerow network of a Spanish cultural landscape (Guadarrama mountains in the north of Madrid region) have changed over a single decade both inside and outside the boundaries of a Protected Area, the aim of which is to conserve cultural uses and biodiversity. A gradient of abandonment of pasture systems was detected, including a decline and loss of woody species from hedgerows associated with grazed areas towards shrub encroachment zones. These tendencies were similar inside and outside the boundaries of the Protected Area. The results highlight the management weaknesses of the Protected Area in order to achieve its objectives. Based on the results, we propose to include a specific conservation status for hedgerow landscapes in the regulatory framework of Spanish protected areas. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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