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Bonefish (Albula spp.) are a widely distributed group of morphologically indistinguishable marine fish species, that provide a recreational sport fishery, that is important for many local economies. Although the majority of angled bonefish are released following capture, little is known about their behavior or post-release survival. Using ultrasonic transmitters and small visual floats, we assessed behavior and mortality of bonefish following catch-and-release angling at spring water temperatures (25.5-27.3 °C) in two regions of the Bahamas with differing shark abundances. All observed mortality occurred within 30 min of release and was a direct result of predation by sharks. In the low shark abundance areas, all released bonefish survived, whereas in the high shark abundance areas, some mortality (39%) was observed. Exhaustively angled fish exposed to air had problems maintaining equilibrium following release. These fish typically spent substantial periods of the first 30 min post-release remaining stationary, then moved in rapid bursts. The results of this study, highlight the benefits of angling and releasing bonefish quickly, minimizing handling and particularly air exposure. Furthermore, when shark predation threat is high, anglers should avoid releasing bonefish in the immediate area. The conservation of exploited recreational bonefish fisheries will depend upon the development and dissemination of science-based catch-and-release strategies.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine ammonium nitrogen uptake by cherrybark oak and overcup oak as affected by soil redox conditions. Seedlings of the two species were grown in laboratory microcosms for 60 days in soil suspensions incubated at three separate Eh levels (+560, +340, and + 175 mV). In both species, uptake of added 15N labeled nitrogen (N) (NH4Cl) and photosynthesis activity decreased with decreasing soil redox potentials. Net photosynthesis in cherrybark oak decreased by 72.9 and 100% in response to the +340 and + 175 mV treatments as compared to control plants, respectively. Similarly, net photosynthetic rates were reduced by 53.7 and 65.8% in overcup oak under + 340 and + 175 mV treatments, respectively. A significant correlation between net photosynthesis and leaf 15N content was found in cherrybark oak (r=0.866, P=0.01) but not in overcup oak (r=0.648, p>0.05). However, in overcup oak, the correlation between net photosynthesis and total leaf N content was significant (r=0.911, P=0.01). Maximum 15N uptake was measured at the highest soil redox level (+560 mV). Uptake of 15N in cherrybark oak decreased from a maximum of 1.83 mg under aerated (+560 mV) treatment to 0.11 mg under reduced conditions (+175 mV). Similarly, 15N uptake in overcup oak decreased from 2.37 mg under the + 560 mV treatment to 0.28 mg under + 175 mV treatment. Greater uptake of soil and fertilizer nitrogen was measured under the soil redox conditions in which adequate plant growth was recorded. Moderately reducing soil redox conditions (+340 and + 175 mV) adversely affected both plant nitrogen uptake and net photosynthetic activities of the two species.  相似文献   

 Microcosms were used to determine the influence of N additions on active bacterial and active fungal biomass, cellulose degradation and lignin degradation at 5, 10 and 15 weeks in soils from blackwater and redwater wetlands in the northern Florida panhandle. Blackwater streams contain a high dissolved organic C concentration which imparts a dark color to the water and contain low concentrations of nutrients. Redwater streams contain high concentrations of suspended clays and inorganic nutrients, such as N and P, compared to blackwater streams. Active bacterial and fungal biomass was determined by direct microscopy; cellulose and lignin degradation were measured radiometrically. The experimental design was a randomized block. Treatments were: soil type (blackwater or redwater forested wetlands) and N additions (soils amended with the equivalent of 0, 200 or 400 kg N ha–1 as NH4NO3). Redwater soils contained higher concentrations of C, total N, P, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, B and Zn than blackwater soils. After N addition and 15 weeks of incubation, the active bacterial biomass in redwater soils was lower than in blackwater soils; the active bacterial biomass in blackwater soils was lower when 400 kg N ha–1, but not when 200 kg N ha–1, was added. The active fungal biomass in blackwater soils was higher when 400 kg N ha–1, but not when 200 kg N ha–1, was added. The active fungal biomass in redwater wetland soils was lower when 200 kg N ha–1, but not when 400 kg N ha–1, was added. Cellulose and lignin degradation was higher in redwater than in blackwater soils. After 10 and 15 weeks of incubation, the addition of 200 or 400 kg N as NH4NO3 ha–1 decreased cellulose and lignin degradation in both wetland soils to similar levels. This study indicated that the addition of N may slow organic matter degradation and nutrient mineralization, thereby creating deficiencies of other plant-essential nutrients in wetland forest soils. Received: 7 April 1999  相似文献   

为研究饲养密度和玩具对育肥猪生产性能、行为和生理指标的影响及其交互作用,确定育肥阶段适宜饲养密度范围.该研究基于中国相关标准和生产实际,采用3×2双因素设计(3个饲养密度水平×有/无玩具),分别设置0.75、1.05和1.35 m2/头密度水平,在各饲养密度水平下设置玩具组和空白组.结果表明,1.35 m2/头饲养密度...  相似文献   

光源与机械刺激下蝗虫的运动行为   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为提高光电诱导机械捕集蝗虫设备的捕集效率,本研究利用LED光源和自制的行为反应试验装置采用对比试验法,测定了蝗虫在诱导光源与机械刺激作用下的运动方向性和运动敏感性,探讨了蝗虫对外界刺激的神经反应与运动行为间的相互关系。结果显示:不同因素刺激下蝗虫表现出不同的运动行为。机械刺激作用下蝗虫的运动敏感性提高,但无明显的运动方向性;诱导光源作用下蝗虫具有明显方向选择性,但运动敏感性随时间逐步衰减;机械刺激与光源刺激耦合作用下蝗虫既有较强的方向选择性,又有持续的运动敏感性。  相似文献   

我国湿地分类与分布特征及水问题分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
 为探讨我国湿地的保护和合理利用问题,提出实用性较强的中国湿地类型分类系统;论述各类湿地的分布特征;分析我国湿地保护与利用中存在的水问题,如湿地生态需水严重短缺、水体污染加剧、泥沙淤积日益严重、生物多样性下降等;并以黑龙江扎龙湿地为例,对其主要水问题进行具体分析;提出破解湿地水问题的重要途径。  相似文献   

American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) are colonial-nesting birds and their breeding sites are concentrated in a few small areas, making this species especially vulnerable to factors that can influence productivity, such as disease, disturbance, predation, weather events and loss of nesting habitat. Nearly half of the American white pelican population breeds at four colonies in the northern plains: Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in North Dakota, Bitter Lake (Waubay NWR) in South Dakota, Medicine Lake NWR in Montana, and Marsh Lake in Minnesota. Thus, sustained productivity at these colonies is crucial to the health of the entire species. During the latter half of the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons, unusually high mortality of pelican chicks was observed at these colonies. West Nile virus (WNv) was identified as one source of these losses. In 2004–2007 we monitored three major colonies in the northern plains to assess mortality of chicks during the late breeding season. We documented severe weather events, disturbance, and WNv as factors contributing to chick mortality. Before WNv arrived in the region in 2002, chick mortality after mid-July was 4%, and then jumped to as high as 44% in the years since WNv arrived. WNv kills older chicks that are no longer vulnerable to other common mortality factors (e.g., severe weather, gull predation) and typically would have survived to fledge; thus WNv appears to be an additive mortality factor. Persistence of lower productivity at American white pelican colonies in the northern plains might reduce the adult breeding population of this species in the region.  相似文献   

 Microcosms were used to determine the influence of N additions on active bacterial and fungal biomass, atrazine and dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) mineralization at 5, 10 and 15 weeks in soils from blackwater and redwater wetland forest ecosystems in the northern Florida Panhandle. Active bacterial and fungal biomass was determined by staining techniques combined with direct microscopy. Atrazine and 2,4-D mineralization were measured radiometrically. Treatments were: soil type, (blackwater or redwater forested wetland soils) and N additions (soils amended with the equivalent of 0, 200 or 400 kg N ha–1 as NH4NO3). Redwater soils contained higher concentrations of C, total N, P, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, B and Zn than blackwater soils. After N addition and 15 weeks of incubation, active bacterial biomass in redwater soils was lower when N was added. Active bacterial biomass in blackwater soils was lower when 400 kg N ha–1, but not when 200 kg N ha–1, was added. Active fungal biomass in blackwater soils was higher when 400 kg N ha–1, but not when 200 kg N ha–1, was added. Active fungal biomass in redwater soils was lower when 200 kg N ha–1, but not when 400 kg N ha–1, was added. After 15 weeks of incubation 2,4-D degradation was higher in redwater wetland soils than in blackwater soils. After 10 and 15 weeks of incubation the addition of 200 or 400 kg N ha–1 decreased both atrazine and 2,4-D degradation in redwater soils. The addition of 400 kg N ha–1 decreased 2,4-D degradation but not atrazine degradation in blackwater soils after 10 and 15 weeks of incubation. High concentrations of N in surface runoff and groundwater resulting from agricultural operations may have resulted in the accumulation of N in many wetland soils. Large amounts of N accumulating in wetlands may decrease mineralization of toxic agricultural pesticides. Received: 26 June 1998  相似文献   

糜子不同种植方式对土壤酶活性及养分的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
【目的】土壤酶参与土壤中多种生化活动,是衡量土壤生产力的指标之一。本文比较分析了不同种植方式下糜子生育期间土壤酶活性的动态变化以及成熟期土壤养分含量和糜子产量,旨在探明糜子连作障碍和连作减产的产生机制,为糜子高产高效栽培提供理论依据。【方法】以西北农林科技大学农作一站小杂粮轮作连作长期定位试验为平台,设轮作(T1)、隔年种植(T2)、连作2年(T3)、连作3年(T4)4个处理,在糜子播种期、苗期、拔节期、抽穗期、灌浆期、成熟期测定0—20 cm根际土壤中过氧化氢酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶、蔗糖酶活性以及成熟期0—20 cm根际土壤养分含量,对同一时期不同处理间的酶活性和成熟期不同处理间土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷、全钾、速效钾含量以及土壤p H值进行方差分析,并分析土壤养分和酶活性以及糜子产量之间的相关性。【结果】1)土壤过氧化氢酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶活性随着连作年限的增加而降低;碱性磷酸酶在连作2年处理的活性较低。2)随着连作年限的增加土壤p H值升高,土壤速效钾严重积累,速效磷消耗较多,说明连作导致土壤盐碱化。3)过氧化氢酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶活性与糜子籽粒产量呈显著正相关,土壤p H值与籽粒产量呈显著负相关;蔗糖酶活性、有机质含量与产量具有一定的相关性。【结论】糜子连作改变了土壤酶活性及土壤养分含量,导致土壤腐殖化和熟化程度减慢,土壤次生盐渍化加重,土壤养分不均衡,植株生长发育受到影响,造成籽粒产量的下降。因此,在糜子生产上要进行合理的轮作倒茬,从而减缓连作障碍,实现糜子高产优质。  相似文献   

In this context of climate change, agroforestry systems are acknowledged to have a good potential to increase carbon storage in agricultural areas. However, the carbon storage potential of agroforestry systems still needs to be quantified accurately, especially for hedges. The objectives of this study were to (1) add references to the existing literature on the potential for soil organic carbon (SOC) storage near hedges and (2) identify the main factors that influence the variability in this potential. To this end, we sampled soil in the adjacent fields of 25 hedges in France with mixed crop-livestock agriculture, with sampling on both sides for 20 hedges and sampling on only one side for five hedges, giving a total of 45 study sites. We measured SOC stocks to a depth of 90 cm at distances of 1, 2, 3 and 10 m from the hedge. The results showed that hedges have a strong potential to store carbon in soils, with a mean increase of 15% in SOC stock within 3 m of the hedge. This increase in SOC stock had high variability because of site characteristics. Additional SOC stocks were the largest in rotations of annual crops and grasslands with a permanent grass strip 1 m wide near the hedge, followed by rotations of annual crops, permanent grasslands and rotations of annual crops and grasslands. Large additional SOC stocks because of the hedge were also associated with soils that had a high C:N ratio. The contribution of this type of land management to soil carbon storage thus depends on the local context in which it is implemented.  相似文献   

Various interactions occurring between organic chemicals and soil constituents participate in the determination of the fate of these pollutants, including their biodegradability. These relations need to be characterized in order to design and successfully implement a bioremediation application. In the present study, biodegradation of spiked and aged crude oil contamination in two dissimilar soils was related to their composition. GC-FID analysis of bulk soil samples as well as sand- and <63 μm fractions showed considerable differences in contaminant distribution and degradation behavior within these fractions. Whereas a freshly spiked silty soil showed reasonable degradation (51%), degradation was not significant after ageing. By contrast, a sandy soil was degraded by 25% (recently contaminated) and 19% (aged). Biodegradation occurred in the fine fraction only, with a comparably high content of organic carbon whereas hydrocarbon concentration remained constant in the sand fraction. This was correlated with sorption to the fine fraction where hydrocarbon concentrations were higher by over an order of magnitude compared to the sand fraction. Soil composition, biology and chemistry exert a pronounced influence on microbial degradation in respect to (i) contaminant availability and (ii) the structure and density of the microbial community.  相似文献   

有机肥施用模式对环水有机蔬菜种植氮磷径流的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水环境敏感区域以有机生产代替常规集约化农业,对保护生态环境、提高水库水质和保障居民饮用水安全具有重要意义。实际生产中,如果为追求产量盲目施用有机肥会增加氮磷径流流失风险。为在保障产量的前提下减少氮磷流失,本研究于昆明松华坝水库集水区,以不施肥(CK)和常规施用化肥(CF)为对照,在有机生产方式下设置不同类型有机肥[牛粪(DMC)、鸡粪(CMC)以及二者与豆饼的混合有机肥(HH)]及用量(与CF处理等氮素投入100%、80%和60%)的有机肥施用模式,共计11个处理(CK、CF、0.6DMC、0.8DMC、DMC、0.6CMC、0.8CMC、CMC、0.6HH、0.8HH、HH),分析其对土壤径流氮磷流失阻控效果和作物产量的影响。研究结果表明,在有机种植方式下,施用有机肥可使施肥初期(0~25d)总氮径流浓度比常规施化肥降低26.3%~73.9%,生育期总氮累积浓度降低32.8%~67.0%。单施牛粪和鸡粪导致径流水总磷浓度比CF提高49.1%和12.3%,施用混合有机肥或减氮施用牛粪和鸡粪总磷浓度则比CF处理降低15.8%~52.5%。氮素投入水平和施肥类型对径流水氮磷浓度、土壤硝态氮和速效磷含量有显著影响。等氮素投入下不同肥料类型的径流水总氮浓度为化肥牛粪混合有机肥鸡粪,总磷浓度为牛粪鸡粪混合有机肥化肥;土壤硝态氮含量为化肥牛粪、鸡粪混合有机肥,速效磷含量为鸡粪牛粪混合有机肥化肥。以60%氮素水平施用有机肥对径流水氮磷累积浓度和土壤硝态氮含量削减效果最佳,但土壤速效磷仍有累积风险。混合有机肥处理的青花菜产量最高,而单施牛粪或鸡粪存在减产风险。综合来看,与常规施用化肥相比, 60%氮素投入加牛粪、鸡粪和豆饼混合有机肥的施肥模式可在产量提高16.7%的前提下,使径流水总氮、硝态氮、氨态氮浓度分别降低66.5%(18.94mg·L~(–1))、67.2%(11.11 mg·L~(–1))和66.2%(6.57 mg·L~(–1)),总磷降低52.5%(0.5 mg·L~(–1)),可作为推荐施肥类型和用量在松华坝流域有机蔬菜生产进行推广。  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations in the soil and crop uptake from incorporated green manure and urea in flooded rice was studied in field experiments. Release of plant-available nitrogen (NH4 +-N) from green manure was slightly delayed compared with that from prilled urea (PU) because Sesbania rostrata L. and Aeschynomene afraspera L. released the N gradually after their decomposition, whereas N became available immediately after PU application. Exchangeable NH4 +-N concentration in soil peaked at 163 mg kg–1 in the transplanted rice (TPR) and 198 mg kg—1 in broadcast-seeded rice (BSR) at 0 and 1 week after PU application. Broadcast-seeded rice depleted NH4 +-N faster than did TPR because of the crop‘s vigorous growth in the former during the early stage. Soil solution NH4 +-N followed a similar trend to that of soil NH4 +-N. Incorporation of S. rostrata and A. afraspera increased the concentration of P, K+, Fe2+ and Mn2+ in soil solution more than did the application of PU. However, zinc concentration decreased in all treatments. Both PU and green manure increased the N status of the rice plants and enhanced the uptake of P, K, Fe, Mn and Zn by the rice crop. This suggests that application of green manures improves the uptake of these nutrients by the crop. The highest apparent N recovery was obtained with PU followed by green manure. Received: 11 November 1996  相似文献   

不同施肥措施对洞庭湖区旱地肥力及作物产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用长期定位试验方法,研究了洞庭湖区非粮食作物棉花-油菜轮作下,农民习惯施肥(TF)、配方施肥(NPK)及有机肥和化肥不同配比模式[有机肥来源氮占配方肥总氮量的50%(50%OM)、30%(30%OM)和10%(10%OM)]的作物产量和土壤养分的变化,以期为相应作物种植制度下的合理施肥提供参考。研究结果表明:在本试验施肥量及有机无机肥配比下,有机肥和化肥配施显著提高了棉花和油菜的产量,且以50%OM处理产量最高,各处理产量的顺序为50%OM30%OM10%OMNPKTFCK(不施肥对照);当有机氮施用量占总氮量的50%时(50%OM处理),棉花和油菜产量分别比NPK处理高24.52%、29.57%,比习惯施肥(TF)处理分别高46.03%和49.07%。同时,施用有机肥各处理作物产量的年际变化均不到20%,明显小于NPK、TF和CK处理,即施用有机肥不仅能促进旱地作物高产,同时也能保证其稳产。有机肥与化肥配施能增加土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮和速效钾含量,且以50%OM处理效果最好,与试验前比较的增加幅度分别达57.5%、38.2%、65.1%和48.1%;土壤有效磷含量有随施入磷素量的增加而增加趋势;而CK处理土壤有机质和养分含量则均呈逐年下降的趋势。各处理土壤有机质和养分含量(Y)随试验年限(X)的变化均可用方程式Y=a X+b来表示。在洞庭湖区肥力较高的旱地土壤中,合理的有机肥和化肥施用比例对保障非粮作物高产稳产和耕地地力提升尤为重要,且本试验条件下当有机肥来源氮占总施氮量的50%时能获得最佳效果。  相似文献   

Linkages between forest dynamics and ecosystem processes are poorly understood and this limits our ability to adequately estimate future changes in forest ecosystems due to human-induced global change. In particular at the single tree level, our understanding of temporal and spatial changes of belowground properties during forest succession is limited. Thus, our aim was to test whether we find a spatial and temporal gradient in nutrient availability and an associated shift in microbial community structure with increasing distance and age of single trees. We found that inorganic nitrogen was less available below the crown of single trees, while soluble organic carbon (DOC) was much more abundant, in particular in the inner zone of influence, i.e. close to the stem. The fungal:bacterial PLFA ratio was greater while microbial biomass carbon (MicC) was lower below the tree crown, indicating a strong influence of trees on spatial patterns of microbial biomass and community structure. Moreover, the positive correlation between MicC and total extractable N, and the negative correlation between fungal:bacterial biomass and δ15N, suggested that the microbial biomass was N limited below the tree crown and as a consequence nutrient cycling was presumably decelerated compared to open conditions. We also found a temporal pattern of increasing surface soil C and N content with increasing tree age (up to 250 years), underlining the significant role of single trees in creating spatial and temporal heterogeneity in forests.  相似文献   

现行蛋种鸡本交笼虽具备较大活动空间并能满足鸡只自然交配行为,但其饲养环境依然相对贫瘠,缺乏环境富集装置,存在啄羽啄肛等行为问题。该文探究了蛋种鸡本交笼中3种不同类型产蛋窝的使用效果及其对啄羽啄肛行为及生理应激反应的影响。结果表明,3种产蛋窝Nest1(长?宽?高)(90 cm?40 cm?60 cm)、Nest2(45 cm?40 cm?60 cm)、Nest3(70cm?52cm?60cm)在32周龄时窝内蛋比例分别为80.5%?7.8%、67.4%?8.1%、87.3%?7.6%,Nest1与Nest3窝内蛋比例、探窝次数及趴卧次数显著高于Nest2(P0.05),Nest1、Nest2、Nest3产蛋鸡只探窝时间无显著差异,设置产蛋窝后鸡只发出的攻击性啄、严重啄羽、轻度啄羽频次显著低于对照组(P0.05)。3种产蛋窝血浆皮质酮浓度无显著差异,但显著低于对照组(P0.05),对照组及Nest2总死淘率显著高于Nest1与Nest3(P0.05),对照组因啄死淘率显著高于Nest1、Nest2、Nest3(P0.05)。产蛋窝的设置可以满足鸡的行为需求,降低啄羽啄肛行为的发生、生理应激及因啄死淘发生风险。  相似文献   

植被和降雨是水土流失的关键因素,探究二者对水土流失的影响对开展水土保持具有重要意义。该研究基于鹰潭红壤生态试验站5种植被结构类型的径流小区2016-2018年93次降雨、径流、泥沙观测资料以及各小区植被结构参数,利用自组织映射(self-organizing maps,SOM)方法,根据雨量、历时、60 min最大雨强、平均雨强、降雨集中性等特征指标划分降雨模式,研究了不同降雨模式和植被结构类型的水土流失特征,并采用冗余分析(RDA)定量研究降雨与植被对林下水土流失的影响。结果表明,SOM方法能客观识别红壤区4种典型侵蚀降雨模式,R模式(短历时、大雨强、雨量集中)是造成水土流失的主要降雨模式,R模式(多雨量、大雨强、长历时)最具侵蚀性破坏力;植被结构类型显著影响水土流失,水土保持功能从大到小依次为:灌草混交林、草地、低灌林、乔木林、高灌林。RDA分析表明,降雨模式与植被结构类型能够改变降雨、植被对水土流失的影响,随着降雨模式由弱到强转变,植被的水土保持功能逐渐减小,降雨影响增强,水土流失由植被主控演变为平衡控制、降雨主控;随着植被结构类型...  相似文献   

黄土高原矿区煤炭产量占全国70%以上,大规模开采活动导致区域内生态环境退化与土壤侵蚀加剧。然而,当前鲜有矿区土壤侵蚀时空特征及其与环境变化关系的定量研究,限制了煤矿区土地复垦与生态修复进展。为了探究矿区土壤侵蚀特征及其与环境变化的关系,为黄土高原煤矿区生态环境治理提供理论指导,该研究以彬长矿区为研究区,利用修订的通用土壤流失方程(revised universal soil loss equation,RUSLE)分别模拟了矿区全区2003—2019年及沉陷区2014—2019年土壤侵蚀速率,探究了矿区全区及沉陷区土壤侵蚀特征,定量研究了降雨、地形和植被对土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明:1)2003—2019年间,彬长矿区土壤侵蚀速率整体呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05),年份间差异较大,2003年土壤侵蚀最为严重,侵蚀速率为85.56 t/(hm2·a),2009年侵蚀程度最低,侵蚀速率为15.54 t/(hm2·a)。微度、轻度侵蚀主要分布于城区、黄土塬和河流阶地等平坦地区,其空间分布在不同年份间基本保持一致,其余侵蚀类型主要分布于煤矿开采区...  相似文献   

The performance of Sesbania rostrata varies widely from site to site. This makes it difficult to predict the N yield and biomass of this plant in marginally productive soils, and to arouse the interest of farmers in green manure technology. Three consecutive pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to evaluate growth, nodulation, N2 fixation (C2H2 reduction assay and 15N dilution method), and N yield of 6-week-old S. rostrata on 13 physicochemically different wetland rice soils of the Philippines and on three artificial substrates. The performance of S. rostrata on the unfertilized controls was compared with two fertilizer treatments containing either P (100 mg P kg-1 dry soil) or P+K (100 mg P kg-1 and 200 mg K kg-1 dry soil). In the control soils and substrates, the N yield of S. rostrata varied between 20 and 470 mg N per pot, with the N rate from N2 fixation ranging between 0 and 95%. In three of the nutritionally poor soils even Mn toxicity symptoms apparently occurred with S. rostrata. P application alleviated these symptoms and increased the overall N yield considerably, mainly through increased biological N2 fixation. An additional increase in N yield was obtained by the PK treatment. Multiple regression analysis between soil characteristics and the N yield of S. rostrata showed that the original level of P (Olsen-extracted) and Mn in the soil accounted for 73% of the variance in biomass production by S. rostrata among the unfertilized soils and substrates.  相似文献   

重庆市山地血橙园不同种植模式土壤理化性质关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了重庆市璧山县河边镇血橙核心示范园区的血橙 红薯(Ⅰ)、血橙 花生(Ⅱ)、血橙 玉米(Ⅲ)、血橙 茄子(Ⅳ)、血橙纯林(Ⅴ)5种模式下0~10 cm和10~20 cm土壤理化性质, 并用灰色关联法进行综合分析, 探讨了不同种植模式血橙园减小土壤容重, 增加土壤孔隙, 提高土壤养分含量效果差异的原因。结果表明: 同一种植模式不同土层比较, 土壤容重、非毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度, 土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量均随土层深度的增加显著减少, 毛管孔隙度、全磷、全钾则在测试土层间含量变化不大。不同种植模式下相同土层土壤容重、孔隙度、土壤的养分含量差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05)或极显著水平(P<0.01), 且相同土层不同种植模式比较, 模式Ⅴ土壤容重最大, 非毛管孔隙、总孔隙度、有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾均最小, 而毛管孔隙度大于模式Ⅱ, 全钾则表现为0~10 cm土层含量略高于模式Ⅱ, 10~20 cm土层含量最低; 各种植模式改善土壤理化性质效果在0~10 cm土层为: 模式Ⅰ>模式Ⅲ>模式Ⅳ>模式Ⅱ>模式Ⅴ, 在10~20 cm土层为: 模式Ⅰ>模式Ⅳ>模式Ⅲ>模式Ⅱ>模式Ⅴ。各模式地表植被生物多样性、地下根系分布、农作物的生物学及生态学特性不同, 是导致各模式改善土壤理化性质效果差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

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