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Anecdotal observations suggest that some vertebrates follow plantation rows when crossing between habitat patches in fragmented landscapes, but the frequency of such behavior was never formally tested despite its potential implications for landscape management. We experimentally tested if the didelphid marsupials Didelphis aurita and Philander frenatus use plantation rows as guidelines when searching for habitat patches in a landscape of fragmented Atlantic Forest in Brazil. Thirty-seven individuals of P. frenatus and 24 of D. aurita were captured in forest fragments and released carrying spool-and-line tracking devices at four distances (30-200 m) from a forest fragment, in a matrix of manioc plantations. Animals of both species used plantation rows to orient their initial movements and used rows as guidelines along their paths for navigating in the matrix. By moving predominantly parallel to the plantation rows animals reduced the tortuosity of their paths and obtained an unobstructed view of the landscape ahead. These results demonstrate that the orientation of linear plantations can strongly influence functional connectivity between habitat fragments. Plantation rows should be oriented to maximize connection between nearby fragments, enhancing dispersal success of these species and probably many other terrestrial vertebrates in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Bird species composition (61 species) of Afromontane forest fragments (n = 19) embedded in a natural grassland matrix or a plantation forestry matrix were compared. Forest bird assemblages in a natural grassland matrix displayed a nested non-random species distribution. Species loss was significantly area-dependent and predictable. Assemblages in the plantation-dominated matrix were also nested but were neither area- nor isolation-dependent and these potential processes had equal influence over bird species composition. Forests patches <50 ha in plantation were more species rich than those in a grassland matrix and visa versa for patches >50 ha. The effect of the matrix is revealed here with arboreal plantation cover promoting dispersal across the landscape, favouring abundant generalist bird species in smaller patches than expected in the plantation matrix, and the loss of some specialists and species living at low densities from large (>50 ha) patches. Because of a significant species-area relationship and possible area-dependent extinction, the largest forest patch in the nested series in a grassland matrix protects most bird species (89%). However, in a plantation matrix the absence of a species-area relationship requires the combination of many larger forest patches to protect most bird species. Plantation forests in the matrix significantly alter forest bird assemblage structure and composition. To avoid the effects of insularisation and to maintain the viability of bird communities in Afromontane forests requires conservation of the larger forests in a natural matrix. However, for forests in a plantation matrix, the management of dispersal processes by manipulation of the matrix may be as important to conserving species and communities as is minimising extinctions. Avoiding placing plantations near large forests, increasing the size of small patches, and where afforestation is unavoidable, placing plantations in the vicinity of small rather than large forest patches, are preferable management practices.  相似文献   

Although clearcuts traditionally have been regarded as detrimental to birds associated with mature-forest, recent evidence suggests that during the post-breeding period regenerating clearcuts can provide habitat for many avian species associated with mature-forest. We examined use of regenerating clearcuts by mature-forest birds during the post-breeding period and evaluated the degree to which birds were sensitive to patch characteristics. From 15 June to 16 August in 2002-2003 we mist-netted and banded birds nine times each year in 12 regenerating hardwood clearcuts (4-7 years post-clearcut) that represented small (4.0-9.3 ha) and large (13.3-18.1 ha) clearcuts in southeast Ohio, USA. Nine nets were systematically deployed within each clearcut and placed 20, 50, and 80 m from mature-forest edges. At each net location, we measured habitat characteristics and sampled arthropod and fruit resources two-weekly. During the post-breeding period we captured 1648 mature-forest birds of 32 species, and several classic forest-interior species were among our most commonly captured species. Seventy-one percent of mature-forest captures were juveniles, which suggests that habitat provided by regenerating clearcuts may play an important role in post-fledging survival. Most post-breeding individuals avoided edges, and instead heavily used the clearcut interiors. Paradoxically, juveniles and post-breeding adults also avoided large clearcuts, and capture rates were up to four times greater in small than large regenerating clearcuts. Overall, our results suggest that regenerating clearcuts may be important resources for mature-forest birds during the post-breeding period, and forested landscapes containing a mosaic of successional stages may hold the most conservation promise for mature-forest birds.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is important for the survival of species that occupy habitat patches too small to sustain an isolated population. A prominent example of such a species is the European bison (Bison bonasus), occurring only in small, isolated herds, and whose survival will depend on establishing larger, well-connected populations. Our goal here was to assess habitat connectivity of European bison in the Carpathians. We used an existing bison habitat suitability map and data on dispersal barriers to derive cost surfaces, representing the ability of bison to move across the landscape, and to delineate potential connections (as least-cost paths) between currently occupied and potential habitat patches. Graph theory tools were then employed to evaluate the connectivity of all potential habitat patches and their relative importance in the network. Our analysis showed that existing bison herds in Ukraine are isolated. However, we identified several groups of well-connected habitat patches in the Carpathians which could host a large population of European bison. Our analysis also located important dispersal corridors connecting existing herds, and several promising locations for future reintroductions (especially in the Eastern Carpathians) that should have a high priority for conservation efforts. In general, our approach indicates the most important elements within a landscape mosaic for providing and maintaining the overall connectivity of different habitat networks and thus offers a robust and powerful tool for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to species survival worldwide due to genetic isolation, inbreeding depression, genetic drift and loss of adaptive potential. However the data on how gene-flow changes following habitat fragmentation is contradictory. If there is significant gene-flow between spatially isolated populations then limited conservation resources could be directed away from projects to ‘establish genetic connectivity’ and used to address other consequences of habitat fragmentation.This research focused on an endangered tree species Gomortega keule (Gomortegaceae) in a fragmented landscape in the Central Chile Biodiversity Hotspot and addressed three questions: (1) How far does pollen move between pollen donors and seed trees and what is the shape of the dispersal curve? (2) Do insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches? (3) Do small populations and single trees contribute to genetic connectivity across the landscape?Paternity analysis results show that G. keule’s insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches, over distances of 6 km, beyond the scale of population fragmentation or genetic structure. Pollen moved from small sites and single trees into large sites, as well as in the other direction, indicating these sites play a key role as functioning elements of the wider population and as stepping stones between sites. Fragmentation at the scale investigated has not led to genetic isolation, thus genetic connectivity per se is not a conservation priority. Other consequences of land-use change, specifically continuing habitat loss and population reduction, still threaten the survival of the species.  相似文献   

White-browed Babblers Pomatostomus superciliosus lived in groups of up to 13 birds in the highly fragmented landscape of the WA wheatbelt. Contacts between these groups and sexual differences in dispersal behaviour interacted with the landscape mosaic at a number of spatial scales to produce a hierarchically structured population with four levels of organization: (1) groups, which were the basic breeding unit; (2) social neighbourhoods, where group interactions were frequent, and male dispersal and female post-natal and breeding dispersal occurred; (3) local population neighbourhoods, which contained social neighbourhoods between which female natal dispersal was frequent; and (4) metapopulations, which contained local population neighbourhoods between which dispersal was infrequent. The boundaries of these structural units, with the exception of the group, were not discrete and were influenced by the structure of the landscape they occupied.Interactions between groups occupying different patches were rare, and the frequency of group interactions was lower in small patches. Male dispersal was restricted to groups within the same patch or in patches less than 1 km apart. Therefore, decreasing patch size and increasing patch isolation resulted in smaller social neighbourhoods. Males generally dispersed to smaller groups and these dispersals may have enhanced the productivity of these groups by increasing their size. Therefore, habitat loss and fragmentation are likely to disrupt social neighbourhoods resulting in lower levels of social interaction and reduced productivity.The size and configuration of local populations were dependent on female natal dispersal, which in turn depended on landscape connectivity. White-browed Babblers used remnant vegetation in preference to other landscape elements when dispersing, but were not dependent solely on corridors. The permeability to dispersal of the boundaries between remnants and agricultural vegetation was dependent on patch configuration. Changes in boundary permeability were found to alter connectivity between habitat patches in a complex and asymmetric manner. Therefore, it is essential to consider landscape connectivity in a spatially explicit context for species that use some elements of the landscape mosaic in preference to others when dispersing.Habitat loss and fragmentation impose a complex set of changes, at a number of different scales, to processes that affect aspects of a species' life history. In order to manage species in fragmented agricultural landscapes it is necessary to understand the hierarchical structure of their populations, and how processes affect the different organizational levels within this structure.  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamics and viability of a marsh fritillary butterfly Euphydryas aurinia metapopulation in a Belgian successional landscape. Based on capture-mark-recapture and winter nest census data, we first estimated demography (survival and recruitment rates, population size, density dependence) and dispersal parameters (emigration rate, effect of patch connectivity on dispersal, mortality during dispersal). Then using RAMAS/GIS platform, we parameterised a population viability analysis (PVA) model with these parameters to simulate the future of this metapopulation under different scenarios.The metapopulation does not seem viable even if natural reforestation is controlled by adequate management. In its present state, the patch system is not able to sustain enough individuals: due to the large temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters, a carrying capacity far higher than currently would be necessary to limit extinction risk to 1%, suggesting the existence of an extinction debt for the species in Belgium. The situation of E. aurinia appears much worse compared to two other fritillary species threatened in Belgium, for which similar PVA are available. It is therefore urgent to increase the carrying capacity of the patch system. How and where it is achieved are of secondary importance for the gain in viability: improvement of habitat quality through restoration, or increase of habitat quantity via enlargement of existing patches and/or creation of new habitat in the matrix. A regime of management based on regular re-opening and maintenance of habitat patches may be the only guarantee of long-term persistence for this critically endangered species in Belgium.  相似文献   

Forest clearcutting is a form of habitat alteration that drastically alters the landscape and may contribute to declines in amphibian populations. Indeed, many studies have documented decreases in amphibian abundances and species richness in clearcuts. The development of effective conservation strategies to reduce the effects of timber harvesting has been hindered by lack of knowledge of the mechanisms underlying these changes in abundance. To better understand the potentially negative consequences of forest clearcutting, we used field enclosures in forested and clearcut habitats to examine changes in the survival and growth of juvenile southern toads (Bufo terrestris) over a two-month period. We also conducted a comparative monitoring study using drift fences and pitfall traps in forests and clearcuts to determine the effect of clearcutting on the abundance of juvenile southern toads. We found no significant effect of habitat on the number of juvenile southern toads captured in forests or clearcuts. In contrast, the average survival of toads in clearcut enclosures was significantly reduced compared to that of toads in forested enclosures (17 ± 5% versus 61 ± 3%). Toads surviving in clearcuts were also significantly smaller than those surviving in forested enclosures (27.9 ± 0.1 mm versus 30.3 ± 0.8 mm SVL). Our results highlight the difficulty in interpreting abundance patterns as a sole metric for habitat comparison. Because there is much interest in studying the effects of habitat alteration on amphibian populations, we recommend that future studies place more emphasis on determining changes in vital rates of populations following habitat alteration.  相似文献   

Presence/absence datasets on birds from two landscapes in southeastern Australia were analysed as a case study to examine the conservation value of small habitat patches. In the Tumut landscape, patch sizes ranged between 0.5 and 97.6 ha; 30 species of birds (37%) were observed in patches of up to 1 ha, and 74 species (91%) were found in patches of up to 10 ha. In the Nanangroe landscape, patch sizes ranged from 0.4 to 15.6 ha, and 74 species of birds (75%) were found in patches smaller than 1 ha. In both landscapes, small patches contributed strongly to species accumulation curves. While large patches are needed by many species to maintain viable populations, it is important to recognise the complementary value of small remnants. In many landscapes, the conservation and restoration of small patches will often be the only feasible management option.  相似文献   

To evaluate the sufficiency of US federal critical habitat designations and a proposed conservation plan in promoting the long-term persistence of the endangered plant Astragalus albens, patterns of genetic diversity and landscape connectivity were examined. A. albens harbors substantial genetic variation and shows no evidence of historic bottlenecks, suggesting little risk of extinction due to genetic homogeneity (A = 2.40; P = 0.50) or inbreeding (f = −0.08) within occurrences. Low genetic differentiation among occurrences (θp = 0.01) indicates relatively high gene flow or little genetic drift. The 91 patches of A. albens were connected into a single network at a distance of 2100 m; 94% of patches were <1000 m from at least one other patch. Managing ecological conditions that maintain large population sizes and connectivity among populations throughout the species’ ecological and geographic ranges will most likely conserve existing diversity. Both reserve networks partially accomplish these goals by including most extant occurrences and >89% of the aerial extent of the species, including the largest populations, and capturing all detected alleles. However, both conservation networks fail to conserve occurrences from one portion of the species’ range, possibly speeding loss of unique local adaptations. In addition, connectivity of the whole network is reduced with the 65 patches designated as critical habitat being connected at a distance of 6200 m and the proposed reserve sites being connected at a distance of 9500 m. Although total network connectivity would be reduced, connectivity at scales most relevant to gene flow (e.g., <1000 m) remains sufficiently in tact to provide a relatively promising outlook for species persistence.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity is a measure of the interaction of landscape structure and a species’ dispersal ability to determine the degree to which a landscape facilitates movement among patches. Dispersal through an inhospitable matrix requires that a species is willing to enter the matrix and can successfully colonize another habitat patch. Many connectivity indices have been developed which incorporate various attributes of the landscape, but little empirical evidence of the accuracy of these indices is available. We studied the ability of white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus), and southern flying squirrels (Glaucomys volans) to move through agricultural fields in west-central Indiana. Radio-collared animals were translocated into corridors that either were connected to or unconnected from an associated forest patch to determine their willingness to enter the matrix. Animals also were translocated into fields to determine how motivation to find resources influences movement through the matrix. All species demonstrated a strong motivation to find the forest. Animals were capable of moving through the matrix successfully, however, we were unable to determine whether they would do so willingly. Initial bearing was an important predictor for successfully reaching a forest patch, which has implications for modeling dispersal. Additionally, abiotic variables, such as temperature and precipitation, had a strong effect on latency to move from the release site. Although weather often correlates with seasonal migration, our study emphasizes the importance of weather in influencing short-term decisions on timing of movement.  相似文献   

Saproxylic Coleoptera are diverse insects that depend on dead wood in some or all of their life stages. In even-aged boreal forest management, remnant habitats left as strips and patches contain most of the dead wood available in managed landscapes and are expected to act as refuges for mature forest species during the regeneration phase. However, use of remnant habitats by the saproxylic fauna has rarely been investigated. Our objective was to characterize the saproxylic beetle assemblages using clearcuts and forest remnants in western Québec, Canada, and to explore the effects of forest remnant stand characteristics on saproxylic beetle assemblages. We sampled both beetle adults and larvae, using Lindgren funnels and snag dissection, in five habitat locations (clearcuts, forest interiors of large patches, edges of large patches, small patches and cut-block separators) from three distinct landscapes. Adult saproxylic beetles (all feeding guilds combined) had significantly higher species richness and catch rates in small patches compared to forest interiors of large patches; the phloeophagous/xylophagous group had significantly higher species richness only. Small patches, cut-block separators and edges of large patches also had the highest snag density and basal area, increasing habitat for many saproxylic beetles. No significant differences in density of saproxylic larvae were found between habitat patches, but snag dissection nevertheless suggests that snags in forest remnants are used by comparable densities of insects. Saproxylic beetles appear to readily use habitat remnants in even-aged managed landscapes suggesting that forest remnants can insure the local persistence of these species, at least in the timeframe investigated in our study.  相似文献   

Using 5 years of patch occupancy data for 384 habitat fragments, we evaluated population and habitat dynamics of the black-tailed prairie dog in urban habitat remnants in the rapidly developing landscape of Denver, CO, USA. Specifically, we evaluated the landscape factors, including fragment area, age, and connectivity, that characterize the habitat fragments most likely to be colonized by prairie dogs, as well as those experiencing local extinctions. In addition, we determined which patch types were most often removed by land development. Sites in proximity to colonies were more likely to be colonized by prairie dogs. Local extinctions were most common on isolated colonies, and older and more isolated colonies were more likely to be extirpated by human activity. In general, smaller and older habitat patches were at the highest risk of being lost to land development. Our results provide observations of dynamic changes to the distribution of a potential keystone species in an urban area, which can be used to inform island biogeographic and metapopulation models for wildlife persistence in developing landscapes. Although populations are currently in decline, most local extinctions are the direct result of human activity, and we suggest that prairie dogs in this area can persist with appropriate management.  相似文献   

Landscape restoration through revegetation is being increasingly used in the conservation management of degraded landscapes. To effectively plan restoration programs information is required on how the landscape context of revegetation influences biodiversity gains. Here, we investigate the relative influence of patch area and connectivity on bird species richness and abundance within urban revegetation patches in Brisbane, Australia. We carried out bird surveys at 20 revegetation sites, and used hierarchical partitioning and model selection to test the relative importance of patch area (the area of revegetation including all directly connected remnant vegetation) and landscape connectivity (the vegetated area connected by less than 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, 40 m and 50 m cleared gaps). We controlled for a number of possible confounding variables within the hierarchical partitioning procedure. Both the hierarchical partitioning and model selection procedures indicated that connectivity had an important influence on bird species richness. Patch area in combination with connectivity were important influencing factors on overall bird abundance. We also carried out the hierarchical partitioning procedure for bird abundance data within a range of feeding guilds, yielding results specific to species groups. Overall our data suggest that greater connectivity enhances the habitat area that colonists can arrive from (resulting in greater species richness), whereas increased patch area allows for increased abundance by expanding the habitat available to species already present in a patch. A combined approach where connectivity and overall habitat area is enhanced across the landscape is likely to be necessary to meet long-term conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Phyllostomid bat diversity in a variegated coffee landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examined bat diversity at two different spatial scales: habitat and matrix, in the Quindío coffee region in Colombia. Habitats were: forest, shaded coffee and associated coffee; and matrices were: associated coffee (M1) and shaded coffee (M2). Three sampling sites from each type of habitat were located at each matrix. The forest areas of the Quindío region are severely fragmented and less structurally complex than coffee patches. The shaded coffee habitat had patches that were larger and more complex. In spite of limited patch size and lower complexity, the forest remnants were those with greatest species richness and demonstrated clear similarities even between the two matrices. This was not observed in coffee plantations, neither in associated coffee nor shaded coffee. On the landscape scale, M2 showed lower β diversity and greater edge density (ED) than M1. This fact explains that greater connectivity between different habitats exists in M2 than in M1. Our results suggest that production and conservation are compatible, as maintenance of forest remnants in a mosaic structure by landowners of the vegetation is sufficient to conserve phyllostomid bats at landscape level.  相似文献   

The monophagous flightless weevil Hadramphus spinipennis causes the frequent local extinction of its host plant Aciphylla dieffenbachii through overexploitation. Both species are endemic and restricted to the Chatham Islands group (New Zealand). The weevil is classified as endangered and the plant as a threatened species. As this herbivore-plant system is locally unstable long-term persistence only appears possible via a metapopulation structure in which subpopulations are connected by dispersal. This paper investigates this hypothesis using a spatially explicit model of a consumer population whose resource is patchily distributed. The parameters are adapted to the H. spinipennis-A. dieffenbachii system. Our model includes local population dynamics and dispersal of the consumer, the destruction of host plant patches due to foraging and their regeneration. The results show that the key factor for long-term persistence is the short-range dispersal of the consumer with high mortality during dispersal. Only this highly inefficient dispersal prevents the synchronisation of local dynamics while ensuring sufficient colonisation of regenerated patches. We also show that although synchronisation through spatially correlated environmental fluctuations may be critical for long-term persistence, it cannot replace the strong effects of dispersal. Thus, in a consumer-resource metapopulation with deterministic local extinction, the strength and spatial scale of consumer dispersal in relation to the spatial and temporal scales of the resource patch dynamics (patch destruction and regeneration, number, size and distance of patches) play a vital role for long-term persistence. The consequence for conservation management is that such metapopulations could in fact profit rather than suffer from decreasing connectivity of resource patches.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are recognized as major threats to biodiversity. Their respective effects, however, are sometimes not well distinguished, even though habitat loss is recognized as the most important source of variation affecting species abundance and richness at the landscape scale. As ‘habitat’ is a species-specific concept (based on species perception of its environment), habitat loss and fragmentation studies should be conducted on a species-specific basis. We here assessed the influence of habitat loss and fragmentation in the context of a boreal forest considering forest clearcutting as an anthropogenic disturbance inducing mature forest loss and fragmentation that has a potential impact on wildlife. Using 16 simulated patterns of mature forest loss and fragmentation and three natural landscapes as replicates, we assessed the respective influence of forest loss and fragmentation on the abundance of 10 bird species common in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. Species–habitat relationships were modeled through habitat use models that were utilized to predict abundance of the 10 species within each combination of loss and fragmentation patterns (3 landscapes × 16 patterns). We used three-way ANOVAs to assess the effects of mature forest loss, fragmentation and replicates (random effect) on species abundance. Our results indicated that: (1) variation in species abundance mostly depended on mature forest loss, followed by static landscape attributes other than cutovers (e.g. streams, lakes, roads) and finally by fragmentation and (2) responses to mature forest loss and fragmentation differed among species, not necessary in relation to the successional status but in relation to their perception of their environment. Decreasing detrimental effects of mature forest loss through conservation of large continuous patches of forest may be suitable to maintain abundances of mature forest bird species. Our results highlight that studies aiming to quantify effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on wildlife should be conducted on a species-specific basis and use several landscape replicates to avoid potentially biased results.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has been shown to influence the abundance, movements and persistence of many species. Here, we examine the effects of forest patch and landscape metrics, and levels of forest disturbance on the patterns of local extinction of five primate and 14 carnivore species within 129 forest patches in a highly fragmented forest landscape of southern Brazilian Amazonia. Classic habitat area effects were the strongest predictors of species persistence, explaining between 42% and 55% of the overall variation in primate and carnivore species richness. Logistic regression models showed that anthropogenic disturbance, including surface wildfires, timber extraction and hunting pressure, had detrimental effects on the persistence of some species over and above those of fragment size. Different species ranged in their responses from highly sensitive to highly tolerant to forest fragmentation. Patterns of local extinction documented here were by no means chance events, and the nestedness of the overall species-by-site matrix was highly nonrandom in terms of the sets of species extirpated from the most to the least species-rich forest patches.  相似文献   

Recent global assessments have shown the limited coverage of protected areas across tropical biotas, fuelling a growing interest in the potential conservation services provided by anthropogenic landscapes. Here we examine the geographic distribution of biological diversity in the Atlantic Forest of South America, synthesize the most conspicuous forest biodiversity responses to human disturbances, propose further conservation initiatives for this biota, and offer a range of general insights into the prospects of forest species persistence in human-modified tropical forest landscapes worldwide. At the biome scale, the most extensive pre-Columbian habitats across the Atlantic Forest ranged across elevations below 800 masl, which still concentrate most areas within the major centers of species endemism. Unfortunately, up to 88% of the original forest habitat has been lost, mainly across these low to intermediate elevations, whereas protected areas are clearly skewed towards high elevations above 1200 masl. At the landscape scale, most remaining Atlantic Forest cover is embedded within dynamic agro-mosaics including elements such as small forest fragments, early-to-late secondary forest patches and exotic tree monocultures. In this sort of aging or long-term modified landscapes, habitat fragmentation appears to effectively drive edge-dominated portions of forest fragments towards an early-successional system, greatly limiting the long-term persistence of forest-obligate and forest-dependent species. However, the extent to which forest habitats approach early-successional systems, thereby threatening the bulk of the Atlantic Forest biodiversity, depends on both past and present landscape configuration. Many elements of human-modified landscapes (e.g. patches of early-secondary forests and tree monocultures) may offer excellent conservation opportunities, but they cannot replace the conservation value of protected areas and hitherto unprotected large patches of old-growth forests. Finally, the biodiversity conservation services provided by anthropogenic landscapes across Atlantic Forest and other tropical forest regions can be significantly augmented by coupling biodiversity corridor initiatives with biota-scale attempts to plug existing gaps in the representativeness of protected areas.  相似文献   

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