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对细叶桉3个种源50个自由授粉家系的生长性状和形质性状进行种源间和家系间差异分析和家系遗传变异及相关分析,结果表明细叶桉主要性状种源间和家系间差异都极显著,种源间的差异大于家系间的差异,来自澳大利亚昆士兰州的Laura种源优于其它种源。细叶桉家系生长性状和形质性状呈中度至强度遗传;枝下高、干形和冠幅与生长性状遗传相关极显著。运用指数选择法对50个家系进行多性状综合选择,初步选出5个优良家系,可望获得22.23%的综合遗传增益。  相似文献   

从广西南部桉树主要栽培区丘陵台地立地类型现有林人中收集的95株解析木及91株固定标准地内平均优势木调查材料,选用LnY=A+B×X^c公式模拟出巨尾桉和尾叶桉的导向曲线。最后确定了广西丘陵台地两种桉树的立地指数表。经检验,达到了较高的估测精度。  相似文献   

赤桉幼林种源试验*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以赤桉4批试验林的42个种源为研究材料,分析了4~8年生幼林种源间的生长差异,及与原产地地理位置的关系。试验结果表明:(1)种源间树高生长差异极显著,胸径和材积生长除第三批试验林外,均达极显著水平。(2)低纬度种源生长快,高纬度种源生长慢;沿海种源生长好,内地种源生长差。4批试验林种源产地不同,受经纬度影响程度不一样。(3)经指数综合评定,第一批试验林评选出13663、13692,第二批试验林评选出12501、13928、13935,第四批试验林评选出17297、15050共7个速生优质种源,这些种源大部分分布在澳大利亚沿海地区,3个来自昆士兰州北部,2个来自北澳,2个来自西澳州。  相似文献   

The loss of foliage through pruning of live branches may reduce tree growth or it may be compensated by photosynthetic up-regulation of the remaining crown. Here, the changes in light-saturated photosynthesis following pruning to remove 50% of green crown length were examined in 4-year-old Eucalyptus pilularis Sm. and Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. trees. The objectives of the study were to: (1) compare leaf-level physiological (light-saturated photosynthesis (Amax), stomatal conductance (g), transpiration (T), dark respiration (Rd), quantum yield (Φ), light compensation point (Γ), water-use efficiency (WUE), nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE)) traits in species with contrasting crown dynamics and structure, (2) examine the effect of crown position on these traits, and (3) examine the effect of pruning on Amax, g, T, WUE, NUE, leaf N and P concentrations and specific leaf area (SLA). Prior to pruning there were no differences in Rd, Γ and Φ between E. pilularis and E. cloeziana but differences in Amax, T, g, leaf N, leaf P, WUE, NUE and SLA. Whereas the rate of physiological processes (Amax, T, and g) and leaf N and P concentrations increased with crown height, Rd, Γ, Φ and SLA declined along this vertical gradient, except in the upper crown of E. cloeziana where Amax, T and g were not different to the lower crown. No up-regulation of photosynthesis or changes in leaf physiology occurred between 6 and 13 months after pruning in either species. The results provide an important basis for modelling pruning effects in process-based tree growth models.  相似文献   

[目的]通过尾叶桉与赤桉杂种F1材质性状的遗传参数估算及其分析,为桉树杂交育种材性改良亲本选配和交配设计提供理论依据。[方法]以尾叶桉与赤桉6×6正反析因交配杂种F1测定林为材料,并以相应亲本自由授粉的半同胞子代作对照。9年生时,对各小区的杂种和家系(5株小区,6次重复)选取2株平均木,在胸高1. 3 m处沿南北向钻取木芯,共984个,测定木材基本密度、纤维长、纤维宽和纤维长宽比,利用ASReml-R估算4个材质指标的特殊配合力、杂种优势、父母本单株狭义遗传力、遗传相关和表型相关系数。[结果]表明:尾叶桉与赤桉正反交的杂种木材基本密度优于对照,呈明显的杂种优势;反交组合杂种其木材基本密度优于正交组合杂种,正交组合杂种的纤维特性优于反交组合的;在正交组合杂种中,木材基本密度、纤维长和纤维长宽比的母本效应低于父本效应;而反交组合杂种中,4个材质指标的母本效应均高于父本效应。木材基本密度和纤维特性指标受中至低遗传控制。正反交组合杂种中,除纤维长宽比外,其余3个材质指标的显性效应大于加性效应。对于遗传相关,杂种的木材基本密度与纤维宽呈极显著的负相关,与纤维长宽比呈极显著的正相关,与纤维长呈不显著负相关,纤维长与纤维宽呈显著正相关。对于表型相关,除纤维宽与纤维长宽比呈不显著正相关外,其余性状间均呈极显著正相关。[结论]尾叶桉与赤桉杂种的材质性状遗传差异因亲本和交配方式而异,表明通过种间杂交和正向选择进行材质性状的遗传改良具有潜力。  相似文献   

The most common canopy trees in the savannas of northern Australia, Eucalyptus tetrodonta and E. miniata are also two of the most common species harvested to make didgeridoos, the traditional musical instrument of northern Australian Aboriginal peoples now experiencing high demand from international markets. Most of the trees of the area naturally have hollow cores, or pipes, due to termite activity, but little is known of the relationships of the cores to size of tree, tree growth or survival. In a wooded savanna of northern Australia, 267 individual trees with known growth and survival rates were cored to determine degree of termite-piping. Generalized linear modelling and multi-model inference showed that frequency of piping increased with diameter (dbh) tree for E. tetrodonta, but >85% of E. miniata trees were piped regardless of dbh. Growth (dbh increment) and survival (4-year) were size-dependent. Survival of both species decreased strongly with degree of piping (pipe ratio). For any given diameter, the growth rate of E. miniata trees was independent of pipe ratio, but for E. tetrodonta trees decreased strongly with pipe ratio. From modelled data, a 10-cm tree with pipe ratio of 0.60 was very vulnerable, growing at 0.0 cm year−1 with 46% survival rate, whereas a 40-cm tree, even with large pipe ratios (0.80), grew 0.05 cm year−1 with 98% survival rate. Traditional methods of tree harvesting remove only those smaller hollow trees that are already suffering low growth rates and are likely to die before reaching maturity, whereas current large-scale commercial methods also remove trees with higher growth and survival rates—those trees most likely to contribute to sustainable tree populations. Incorporating traditional selection and harvest methods into current commercial operations would help ensure longevity of this source of livelihood for indigenous peoples of the region.  相似文献   

不同种源巨桉生长与材性变异*   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
不同种源巨桉生长与材性变异王豁然,柴修武,郑勇奇,臧道群,方玉霖,王维辉关键词巨桉,种源,材性变异在我国南方,巨按(EucalyptusgrandisW.HillexMaiden)是生长最快的桉树之一,现已被选作世界银行贷款国家造林项目的主要树种。中...  相似文献   

Detailed studies have been undertaken to define pruning regimes for Eucalyptus nitens, but little is known of E. globulus responses to pruning although this is a more commonly planted species. This paper describes experiments that aimed to identify (a) levels of pruning that reduce E. globulus growth, (b) physiological processes contributing to those growth responses, (c) the incidence of decay and factors influencing decay incidence following pruning of E. globulus, and (d) comparative responses of E. nitens and E. globulus to live branch pruning. Results of a field experiment indicated that removal of between 30 and 50% of the crown length was appropriate for E. globulus plantations verging on canopy closure. The significant reduction in height growth associated with removal of 50 or 70% of crown length suggested pruning should remain below 50% of crown length if reduced stem growth of pruned trees was to be avoided. Stem volume was only significantly reduced over the period of the experiment by 70% pruning, but it was estimated that standing volume following removal of 50% of crown length would be reduced by 82 m3 ha−1 over a 20-year rotation if there were no other silvicultural interventions. The growth responses observed were probably related to large reductions in leaf area following 50 or 70% removal of crown length. Trees responded to pruning by changing patterns of biomass partitioning to favour stem growth at the expense of branch growth. A glasshouse study determined that light-saturated net CO2 uptake (Amax) increased following pruning. E. nitens seedlings had both a higher baseline Amax and higher Amax following pruning than did E. globulus, which could partially explain the greater effect of pruning on E. globulus growth than has been observed for E. nitens in other studies. This result, as well as apparently different patterns of foliage distribution through the crowns of E. globulus and E. nitens, suggested that models of pruning responses need to be parameterised for both species. In addition, a more conservative pruning regime may be appropriate for E. globulus than E. nitens. Pruning increased the frequency of branch traces with decay infection, and there was a trend towards increasing decay outbreaks with increasing pruning severity. Decay outbreaks were more likely to occur following pruning of high angle or larger diameter branches.  相似文献   

[目的]研究广西国有东门林场25年生大花序桉种源生长与形质性状的遗传变异,筛选优良种源及单株,为大花序桉良种繁育及中大径材培育提供优质遗传材料。[方法]采用方差分析、构建性状选择指数方程综合分析等方法,对11个大花序桉种源进行生长与形质性状遗传变异分析及选择。[结果]表明:大花序桉胸径(DBH)、树高(H)、单株材积(V)、树干通直度(ST)和树干圆满度(SF)在种源间呈极显著差异;上述5个主要性状的种源遗传力(H2)为0.634 0.895,单株遗传力(h2)为0.136 0.342;以DBH、H、V、ST和SF 5个性状指标构建大花序桉种源/单株选择指数方程,按标准选择出4个优良种源和13株优良单株,优良种源平均材积遗传增益达11.2%,优良单株平均材积遗传增益达29.7%,选择效果尚好。[结论]大花序桉5个主要性状遗传变异在种源水平受中度至较强遗传控制,在单株水平受弱度遗传控制。优良种源D47、S14127、B47和S12195生长材性兼优,可用作培育优质中大径材。  相似文献   

蔷薇属植物种子休眠原因及催芽方法研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔷薇属植物种子普遍具有综合性深休眠特征,果皮和种皮内含有较高水平的ABA,可能是导致休眠的主要原因之一。针对其休眠特性,催芽方法有:酸蚀裂口、激素浸种、低温层积等。  相似文献   

[目的]为了解雷州半岛尾巨桉速生人工林生态系统的C、N、P分配格局及化学计量特征。[方法]采用空间换时间的方法,选取雷州半岛4种不同林龄(1、3、5、7 a)的尾巨桉人工林为研究对象,对尾巨桉叶片、凋落物及土壤的C、N、P含量及化学计量特征进行测定分析。[结果]表明:C、N含量表现为叶片凋落物土壤,P含量表现为叶片土壤凋落物,且3个库间差异显著;土壤的C含量随林龄增加而增加,N、P含量差异不显著,土壤C∶N随林龄的增加而增加,说明土壤有机质分解速率逐渐下降;凋落物的C∶N为54. 07 92. 18 ( 25),表明尾巨桉林下凋落物分解速率较慢,N元素成为主要限制凋落物分解的元素,凋落物的C∶N随林龄的增加先增加后下降,凋落物分解速度先降低后升高;叶片的N∶P为10. 80 12. 98,说明中幼林龄尾巨桉受N限制较明显。相关性分析表明:凋落物养分元素含量受叶片限制,土壤养分含量受凋落物限制,表明生态系统内部C、N、P元素在植物、凋落物与土壤之间实现了运输和转换。[结论]雷州半岛尾巨桉中、幼林龄时期土壤有机质及凋落物分解速率较慢;随林龄的增加,土壤有机质、凋落物分解速率下降,N元素成为其主要分解限制性元素,林分生长受N限制明显。  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and 85 marri (Corymbia calophylla) trees were measured and assessed, and the numbers and sizes of hollows in these trees were determined by destructive sampling; 665 hollows were located and measured. The relationship between tree diameter and tree age was determined from counts of annual growth rings on 162 of these trees. Large trees and trees with moderately senescent crowns individually bear the most hollows. Although the number of hollows found in individual trees increased with tree diameter, the distribution of tree diameters in the forest is skewed and the large number of small trees with diameters between 40 and 80 cm contribute approximately 50% of all hollows in the jarrah forest. The distributions of entry size, and of hollow depth, are highly skewed, with small hollows occurring more frequently than large hollows. Although jarrah trees bear more hollows than marri trees and the distribution of entry sizes is similar for both tree species, the hollows in jarrah are significantly smaller than the hollows in marri. Most hollows are cylindrical in shape, vertically oriented and occur in dead wood in the tree crown. Relatively few hollows (14%) occur in the tree bole or at crown break. Counts of hollows made from ground level are inaccurate as estimates of the actual number of hollows in trees.  相似文献   

Seed mass and emergence time may influence fitness of plants. The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of seed mass and emergence time on the performance of seedlings of Castanopsis chinensis, a large evergreen tree species with limited tolerance of shade. The treatment consisted of three light regimes: 100%, 15% and 2% of full sunlight. Germination rate and germination time showed a significant correlation with seed mass. Germination rate differed among the three light regimes. Early-emerging large-seeded seedlings in 100% light produced the heaviest seedlings, while those resulting from smaller late-emerging seeds and grown under 2% light regime produced the lightest seedlings. Relative growth rate (RGR) decreased with seed mass in all three light regimes, and seedlings of C. chinensis have a higher RGR in high and intermediate light levels compared to low light. In contrast, the effect of emergence time on RGR was not significant. The growth of C. chinensis seedlings were significantly influenced by seed size, emergence time, and light conditions. For each month, the mean height of seedlings was significantly greatest for large-seeded seedlings and significantly lowest for small-seeded ones, irrespective of emergence time and light conditions. Regeneration success of C. chinensis appears to be regulated by the interactive effect of seed mass, emergence time and light regime.  相似文献   

The damaging effects of mistletoes Amyema spp. on host eucalypts in rural Australia concern many landholders, but few data are available to evaluate mistletoe impacts or formulate management strategies. We used an experimental disinfection approach to determine the effects of a putative pest mistletoe, Amyema miquelii, on its two principal hosts, Blakely's red gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi) and yellow box (Eucalyptus melliodora), on pastoral properties in northern New South Wales. For each host species, pairs of nearby trees were matched for heigth, diameter at breast height, level of mistletoe infestation and distance to neighbouring trees. One tree per pair was chosen at random and all the mistletoes pruned. After 33 months all treated trees were still alive, but among control trees seven of 29 red gums and one of 20 yellow box trees had died. The difference in survival between treated and control trees was significant for red gum. Among surviving pairs of trees, treated trees of both species had significantly greater diameter increments and significantly more foliage than untreated trees. After 33 months, the average increase in relative host foliage biomass attributable to removal of mistletoes was 22% in red gum and 24% in yellow box, compared with untreated controls. The average increase in radial growth attributable to mistletoe removal was 55% in red gum and 49% in yellow box. Diameter increment was negatively and linearly related to mistletoe infestation level in control trees of both species. The differences between infected and disinfected trees in this experiment may underestimate the impact of Amyema miquelii on host growth because small amounts of host biomass were unavoidably lost during disinfection. In a separate experiment, loss of host biomass had a significant negative impact on diameter increment. Although the results indicate that control of serious Amyema miquelii infestation of individual trees will be worthwhile in terms of immediate host survival and higher growth rate, prudent long-term management may well allow for the loss of small numbers of farm trees to mistletoes when planning tree recruitment and utilisation.  相似文献   

赤桉、细叶桉和巨桉幼林施磷量的确定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在广东省阳西县 ,对赤桉、巨桉和细叶桉进行 10个 P处理水平的施肥试验 ,结果表明 :造林后 1~ 6 4个月期间 8次测定的树高和 9~ 6 4月期间 6次测定的胸径在 10个 P处理水平间和 3个树种间均有显著或极显著差异 ,P肥对促进 3种桉树树高和胸径生长的肥效明显 ,3个参试树种对P肥的需求也有明显差异 ,表现为 6~ 2 4个月期间观测的生长指标存在树种与 P肥的交互效应。各树种肥效明显的高峰区域的开始和持续时间也不同 ,为筛选施 P量创造了条件 ,讨论了参试树种造林时必须的施 P量  相似文献   

In the conservation and management practices of natural forests, sound reproduction and regeneration form the basis of the maintenance and viability of the tree populations. To obtain and serve biological information for sustainable forest management, we investigated reproductive biology and inbreeding depression in seeds of an important dipterocarp tree species, Shorea acuminata (Dipterocarpaceae), by both field and laboratory experiments. Results of parental analysis of immature and mature seeds showed that selfing rates varied greatly, from 7.6 to 88.4% among eight mother trees, and the mean overall selfing rate was 38.3%. Observed outcrossing events within a 40-ha study plot were predominantly (76.5%) short-distance events with a mating distance (md) ≤ 100 m. Since the selfing rate sharply decreased with increase in the number of flowering conspecifics (i.e., individuals of the same species) within a 100-m radius from the mother trees, the local density of flowering conspecifics appears to be the key factor determining the outcrossing rate in S. acuminata. However, the extremely high selfing rate (88.4%) observed for one tree could not be simply explained by the low local density of flowering conspecifics. Instead, differences in its flowering phenology (its flowering peaked ca. a week earlier than most of the other examined individuals) may have severely limited its receipt of pollen from other conspecifics, and thus promoted selfing. Since there were no significant differences in the proportion of selfed progeny between immature and mature seed stages, there was no evidence of selective abortion of selfed seeds during seed development. However, the seed mass of outcrossed progeny was heavier than that of selfed progeny, and heavier seeds showed higher success rates at germination and seedling establishment. These results suggest that inbreeding depression resulted in reductions in seed mass and may reduce the fitness of selfed seeds in S. acuminata. In addition, the outcrossing rate of S. acuminata was more sensitive to low local conspecific flowering-tree densities than that of a sympatric bee-pollinated dipterocarp species with greater pollination distances. These results suggest that the management of local adult-tree densities is important for avoiding selfing and inbreeding depression in future generations, especially in a species like S. acuminata with predominantly short-distance pollination.  相似文献   

对混合接种VA菌根真菌苏格兰球菌霉和ECM真菌彩色豆马勃影响尾叶桉苗期矿质营养元素吸收情况进行了研究。接种苗根真菌对苗木吸收N、P、K和B产季了较大的影响,主要体现在促进苗木对上述营养元素的吸收和积累。  相似文献   

尾叶桉无性系幼林施肥效应的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在广东省开平市镇海林场进行了尾叶桉无性系幼林施肥试验,4.5a试验结果表明,8个不同施肥处理(肥料配方)间的生长差异极显著,尤以N75P200K50处理最好,其平均树高为15.23m,平均胸径为11.07cm,每公顷材积为107.5m3。8个施肥处理均与不施肥处理有极显著的差异。最好施肥处理的平均树高、平均胸径和每公顷材积分别是不施肥的1.3、1.65和3.1倍。以最佳施肥处理N75P200K50的经济效益最好,投入与产出比为1∶2.2,与施肥量最高的处理相比,投入少,产出大,内部收益率为25.96%。  相似文献   

雷林1号桉叶片营养诊断研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对雷林1号桉叶营养诊断的采样时间、诊断方法,用临界值法和诊断施肥综合法诊断雷林1号桉施肥“中试的营养状况。结果表明:;雷林1号桉叶片营养诊断的最佳采样时间是8月龄,其N、P、K临界浓度为17.2、1.3、4.9,DRIS参数为K/P、P/N和N/K。  相似文献   

Sawflies (Perga species) are leaf-damaging pests of the major plantation tree species Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus. This work describes the patterns of quantitative genetic variation in susceptibility to attack by Perga affinis ssp. insularis, based on data from a large open-pollinated trial containing genetic material from throughout the geographic range of E. globulus ssp. globulus. Forty three per cent of the trees in the trial exhibited damage from sawflies in either their sixth or seventh growth seasons. The incidence of damage was genetically based, with significant variation between geographic races of E. globulus ssp. globulus and highly heritable (h2=0.43±0.05) variation in damage incidence within races. Susceptibility to sawfly damage significantly affects plant fitness with both genetic and environmental correlations demonstrating that sawfly damage causes slow growth and increased mortality of trees. Mild and severe sawfly damage resulted in 16 and 31% reduction in the basal area of surviving trees, and the effect was consistent across races and families. Based on this data, we propose a model predicting relative plantation productivity of races of different susceptibility under different infestation regimes.  相似文献   

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