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鹅人工授精是一项科技含量较高的新技术,该技术的推广对提高鹅的种蛋受精率及繁殖率,增加农民养鹅的经济效益很有意义。因此,吉林省东丰县牧业管理局从1994年开始着手试验和推广工作,收到了很好的效果,具体介绍如下。 1.采精前的准备 器材准备;采精台1个,集精瓶和输精器若干,脱脂棉球、生理盐水  相似文献   

在人工授精前,凡是采精、输精及与精液接触的一切器械和用具都必须彻底清洗、消毒,然后存放在瓷盘内,用消毒过的纱布盖好待用。  相似文献   

犬的人工授精技术初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1 犬的采精技术1 1 采精前的准备器材  5 0ml灭菌烧杯 ,2 0ml灭菌试管、灭菌凡士林、温度计、水浴锅、灭菌纱布、棉花、塑料袋、鲜牛奶、青霉素、链霉素、冰箱、显微镜。台犬 选择一体况与采精公犬体况相近的发情母犬为台犬 ,用温水洗净擦干台犬的肛门、外阴 ,对烈性台犬要戴口笼。公犬的准备 公犬在采精前不宜做大量运动 ,采精前要排净粪便 ,采食后一小时内不宜采精 ,采精前用温水洗净擦干包皮 ,给公犬戴上有宽漏缝的犬笼 ,以防采精不当咬及采精员。采精员准备 剪短磨平指甲 ,洗净消毒双手 ,右手涂上凡士林。1 2 采精 (徒手按摩…  相似文献   

传统的种鸡饲养方式大多是网上平养或地面散养,依靠本交来生产种蛋,这种饲养方式,公鸡饲养数量多,特别是肉种鸡饲养,公母比例需保持1:8~1:10比例,严重地影响了种鸡场的经济效益。种鸡散养不便防疫,种蛋卫生难以保障,容易导致鸡白痢、马立克氏等传染病的垂直传播,给养鸡业带来  相似文献   

1采精将发情母羊保定在采精室内,一人负责辅助种公羊控制爬跨速度,另一人蹲在发情母羊右后方,手持准备好的假阴道贴在发情母羊臀部,入口朝下与地面成35°~35°角,当公羊爬跨时,轻轻将阴茎导入假阴道内保证假阴道与阴茎成一直线,公羊射精完毕后,采精人员随公羊爬下退出假阴道,并将集精瓶口朝上,排出空气后取下。2精液品质检查2.1精液外观正常精液为浓厚的乳白色混悬液体,略带腥味,如果有其他颜色或有臭味的精液不能使用。2.2精液量成年波尔山羊每次采精量有1~2mL。2.3精子活力在室温37℃条件下检查呈直线运动的精子百分数,超过80%的精液才…  相似文献   

人工授精对养羊业的生产有着重要意义 ,许多单位采用了此项技术 ,但在操作过程中如果不注意一些问题 ,势必造成很多不利的影响。笔者结合多年实践 ,浅谈绵羊人工授精中须注意的几个问题 ,供同行参考。1 采精前的消毒1 1 玻璃器材 (如集精杯、输精器 )、纱布、毛巾等应煮沸消毒。1 2 金属器械 (如开腔器 )应用 75 %酒精和酒精灯火焰消毒 ,不要煮沸 ,防止生锈。1 3 橡胶制品如假阴道内胎、水温表等应用 75 %酒精消毒 ,而不应用 1%的碳酸钠溶液消毒 ,尤其是用盆装的温开水、生理盐水清洗时 ,不能将用过碳酸钠液的假阴道内胎清洗干净 ,多次…  相似文献   

严伏文 《中国家禽》2005,27(13):24-24,26
正常精液为乳白色浓稠液体。如果精液呈现黄色,则混有粪便;如果呈粉红色,则混有血液;如果有乳白色的棉絮状物,则含有尿酸盐。这些异常的精液都会严重影响种蛋的受精率,应当弃用。  相似文献   

以下对自养公猪进行有效的精子来集、处理并在猪群内进行人工授精的方法,是保勃·约纳尔博十多年来在英国和爱尔兰200多个养猪场进行现场操作和试验,对猪的繁育性能进行统计后总结出来的。1 保持卫生: 卫生是现场人工授精(AI)成功的关键,因此取决于与精子有关的所有的一次性使用工具的卫生状况。同时还要考虑经济成本,因  相似文献   

1 采精前的准备 采精用的公狐保定架、集精杯、稀释液、显微镜、电刺激采精器等器械和用品,要事先准备好。采精室要清洁卫生,要用紫外线灯照射2~3h进行灭菌,室温要保持在28℃~35℃之间,根据精液保存方式的需要,可置备冰箱,水浴罐和液氮罐等。 操作人员要剪短指甲,将手洗净消毒,所用的集精器皿都要灭菌处理,采精室环境要安静。2 采精方法2.1 徒手采精法:采精时将公狐放进保定架内或由其他人员配合辅助保定,使狐呈站立姿势,操作人员用手快速而有规律地按摩狐的包皮,促使阴茎勃起。银黑狐和北极狐的采精方法有明显的差异,该方…  相似文献   

近年,猪的人工授精技术在我国南方较为普及,但新疆养猪场在猪的人工授精方面尚未大范围开展工作。随着高瘦肉率猪种的不断引入,应激敏感的问题日益严重,有的公猪或母猪在自然交配后会突然死亡,给生产带来很大损失。本场开展猪的人工授精工作已有多年,在生产实践中获得了满意的效果。现将猪人工授精技术加以介绍,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the method for sperm extraction and artificial insemination in snakes. Ten adult healthy snakes (4.6) were included in the study (Pantherophis guttatus 1.3; Hydrodynastes gigas 1.1; Corallus hortulanus 1.1; and Sanzinia madagascariesis 1.1). Massage of the ventral aspect of the caudal third of the male snake body for 2 to 3 minutes was performed successfully for the semen collection. Both female and male P. guttatus and H. gigas were placed in brumation, with the female snakes being assessed for ovarian activity after emerging from dormancy. Only females showing ultrasonographic evidence of vitellogenic follicles were included in the study. S. madagascariensis and C. hortulanus were maintained at the same temperature through the year, and the ovarian activity was assessed ultrasonographically prior to artificially inseminating the animal. With the aid of a rigid endoscope, fresh semen was delivered through the cloaca and into the females’ oviducts using a catheter connected to the syringe. The technique failed in female S. madagascariensis and H. gigas. Two female P. guttatus laid eggs 2 months after artificial insemination, with hatchlings emerging following 2 months of development within the eggs. The third female corn snake did not lay an egg. The female C. hortulans produced eggs 4 months after insemination. The manual massage method of sperm collection in male snakes and endoscopy-assisted insemination in female snakes may be useful for conservation programs.  相似文献   

猪精液冷冻技术试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从稀释液和解冻液的筛选,平衡时间、平衡温度、冷冻剂型的选择等方面进行试验。试验结果:猪精液冷冻后活率为30%-60%;解冻后的复苏率为51.42%-58.72%;保存30天的冻精与保存360天的冻精受胎率无明显差异(P>0.01);冻精保存期一年以上;输精受胎率达63.64%(60%-66.66%),平均窝产仔6.1头。  相似文献   

家蚕原种人工饲料适应性品系的选拔   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
陶鸣  张国政 《蚕业科学》1994,20(4):201-205
研究了家蚕中、日系原种与杂交种对人工饲料适应性的差异;经累代定向选择,建立了苏5、青松人工饲料适应性品系,该品系对人工饲料适应性比非选拔系有明显提高,配以优良的原种饲料,进行原种稚蚕人工饲料育,综合成绩基本达到桑叶育水平。  相似文献   

对定西西泰养殖有限公司猪的人工授精操作过程所用的方法、设施设备、操作技术等问题进行分析。手握法是对公猪采精的最简单方便的方法,目前本公司建立三元杂交繁育体系生产商品肉猪,既提高了制种效率,也充分发挥了公母猪的生产潜力,对原精液精子数为2亿/mL的精子作1:1或1:0.8稀释,连续输精三次,间隔8h每次输精80mL,同时准确而有效的做好发情鉴定工作,对于提高受胎率将有很大的作用;特别是应用繁殖节律的调控技术对工厂化养猪实行全进全出,对提高猪场经济效益有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

浅谈青海省高寒牧区人工草地的利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了青海高寒牧区人工草地利用中存在的问题 ,并提出相应对策。  相似文献   

Egg yolk (EY, control) is an essential ingredient of diluents for boar semen cryopreservation. Pasteurized egg yolk (PEY) reduces hygienic risks in processing and is easier to standardize. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effect of PEY (treatment) on frozen-thawed boar semen. In a split-sample approach (n = 13 boars), it could be shown that there is neither an influence (p > .05) on post-thawing motility (PTM: 5, 30 and 120 min) nor on morphologically intact sperm, percentage of acrosome defects and membrane fluidity using a PEY extender compared to the control. Mitochondrial activity (p = .043), membrane integrity (p = .015) and PTM 300 min (p = .023) were slightly affected in the treatment group. Overall, sperm quality was at a high level in both experimental groups. Further studies are needed to determine the impact of PEY on the fertilizing capacity of boar ejaculates.  相似文献   

The increasing use of frozen semen, the high cost of a dose of semen from some stallions, and the inability of some stallions to cope with their demand has triggered an incentive to reduce the number of spermatozoa from the traditional 500 PMS to significantly lower numbers per insemination. Two techniques have been described to deposit low sperm numbers in the uterus. Although experimental results have been reported for the rectally guided deep horn insemination (RGDHI) and endoscopic deep horn insemination (EDHI) techniques, little information is available in clinical settings with respect to the results of either method. This article reports on a comparison of the rectally guided insemination and hysteroscopic techniques in a clinical setting over three breeding seasons. Semen frozen in 0.5-mL straws and concentrations of 40 to 200 million per straw was available from 88 stallions whose fertility with frozen semen ranged between 0% and 100%. Of the 2544 inseminations performed 1279 were done by RGDHI, which resulted in a 43% seasonal pregnancy rate compared with 45% for the 1265 inseminations using the EDHI technique. There was an overall, but nonsignificant, advantage for the EDHI technique over the RGDHI and semen usage was slightly lower when using the EDHI procedure. There was no difference in fertility among breeding seasons for either technique. However, fertility of some stallions was increased by increasing the sperm numbers in the inseminates. From these data and results from others, it is evident that lower sperm numbers deposited by rectally guiding a flexible pipette to the tip of the horn or by using an endoscope to deliver the semen will result in acceptable pregnancy rates with frozen semen in commercial settings.  相似文献   

取受精囊里的精液(含异科精子)应用离体人工授精经卵孔入卵;即,蓖麻蚕(?)→多化性家蚕(?)及家蚕(?)→蓖麻蚕(?),并作细胞学观察,表明停滞在第一成熟分裂的卵细胞被远缘精子活化,过后,入卵的精子演变则受卵细胞质所控制.但,尚未见雌雄原核的融合,似系假受精作用.无论怎样,精子中心粒一旦与卵细胞器配合而聚成具功能的中心体,可促使子核岛出现调整和分裂.囊胚的形成,是造胚子的临界期.我们曾分别从对照组(家蚕(?)→家蚕(?),30/160)及科间授精组(蓖麻蚕(?)→家蚕(?),2/754)得到子代.讨论了精-卵相互作用等.  相似文献   

王利娟  常枨 《猪业科学》2020,37(6):102-104
在世界上主要的猪肉生产国中,猪人工授精(AI)技术的应用率在90%以上。尽管猪冷冻精液技术在不断进步,但由于其效率不高,在猪场实际生产中并不多见使用。在猪人工授精技术中,液态精液是目前应用最广泛的精液,与传统的牛冷冻精液不同,其独特的精子微胶囊保护膜技术,可以对猪精子进行更加完善的液态保存,因此液态精液是目前猪人工授精使用的主要方式。文章综述了猪精液保存技术在人工授精中的应用,并展望了今后的发展方向,为人工授精技术助力恢复生猪生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Rabbit farmers and insemination centres have established new requirements relating to males (genetic, nutritional and environmental factors) and rabbit insemination techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate buserelin acetate on the reproductive performance of nulliparous, multiparous lactating and multiparous non-lactating does inseminated on three commercial farms. Two thousand two hundred and three commercial crossbred does belonging to three commercial farms were inseminated with pooled semen from males of two selected meat lines; R line (UPV rabbit selection centres, Spain) in farms 1 and 2, and PS Hyplus 59 line (Grimaud Frère, France) on farm 3. Ejaculates from 12–20 males from each line were pooled and diluted to twelve million sperm per millilitre by adding TRIS–citrate-extender. Diluted semen from each male line was split into two fractions, the first without buserelin acetate added to semen (Control group) and the second fraction was supplemented with 10 μg of buserelin acetate per millilitre (Buserelin group). Receptive females (red colour of vulvar lips) were inseminated with 0.5 mL using a standard plastic curved pipette. Artificial insemination with semen extended with buserelin resulted in lower pregnancy and kindling rates irrespective of the physiological status of females or the farm (78.7% and 76.0% vs 85.8% and 83.4%, buserelin extender group and control respectively, P < 0.01), although does from both treatment groups had a similar litter sizes (10.4 and 9.6 total and alive born, respectively). This study opened up new prospects for changing rabbit insemination procedures.  相似文献   

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