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陇东地区冬小麦产量构成因素的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了冬小麦产量主要是由每穗籽粒数、每穗籽粒重、单株成穗数和不孕小穗率构成。同时分析了产量构成各要素与气候因子之间的关系表明:每穗籽粒数主要由拔节至孕穗期的积温所决定,而降水、日照等因子此期均能满足其生长需求,对其影响较小;穗籽粒重的高低主要由灌浆速度、乳熟期叶面积指数及乳熟至成熟期的日平均气温所决定;单株成穗数的多少与越冬至返青期的降水量和越冬开始期测定的分蘖数、大蘖数成较高的正相关,而与三叶期测定的总株数成负相关;不孕小穗率只与开花至乳熟期的日照时数成较高的负相关,而与其它各因子相关性较小  相似文献   

Canopy temperature (CT) is often related to potential yield and is a possible yield indicator in breeding programs. However, it is difficult to evaluate genetic variations of CT accurately in large-scale investigations, such as breeding programs, because CT is strongly affected by environmental conditions. In this study, to precisely evaluate these genetic variations, we determined the environmental factors that affect CT measurement and proposed a convenient normalization method to minimize their influence. We measured the CT of CT-high or CT-low cultivars in the field under various conditions. We found that as the sun and shade levels were alternated, the CT changed within seconds; the position in the field also critically affected the CT. However, even under these conditions, the differences between cultivars became clearer if CT was normalized by neighboring lines. Additionally, we revealed that CT measurements between 12:00 and 15:00 maximized the difference between cultivars. Using our normalization technique under the favorable conditions specified can help breeders select high-yield lines using CT in breeding programs.  相似文献   

D. R. Knott 《Euphytica》1979,28(1):37-40
Summary If selection based on F3 yield tests is to be effective, the yield tests must be successful in discriminating among yield genotypes. The available literature indicates that simple tests with limited or no replication are not very effective, although more extensive, replicated tests may be.Data from an experiment comparing F3 yield tests with a single seed descent procedure showed that F3 selection based on a two-replicate test with single seed descent procedure did not justify the extra work involved.  相似文献   

Using a pair of near-isogenic lines(NILs) of winter wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) contrasting for the Ppd-D1 and ppd-D1 alleles, in eachof Mercia and Cappelle-Desprez, experimentsin two seasons (1997/8 and 1998/9) on aloamy medium sand examined differences inflowering date, resource capture, biomassproduction and grain yield responses toirrigation. Drought did not occur for anysustained period in unirrigated conditionsin 1998 due to high seasonal rainfall. In1999, drought developed post-floweringunder unirrigated conditions. Ppd-D1on average advanced flowering by 12 days inMercia and 9 days in Cappelle-Desprez.Earlier flowering with Ppd-D1 was dueto a shorter thermal duration from cropemergence to GS31, with no effect on thethermal duration from GS31 to GS61. In bothgenetic backgrounds, Ppd-D1 decreasedabove-ground dry matter (AGDM) at harvestin irrigated conditions by 0.3–0.9 tha-1 (p< 0.05), but thiswas compensated for by increases inharvest index (HI), so that grain yield wasconserved. Although Ppd-D1 decreasedmaximum green area index (GAI) by 0.8–1.9this was countered by greater maintenanceof green area after flowering, so thatradiation interception during grain fillingwas conserved. The Ppd-D1 alleledecreased season-long crop water uptake inthe Mercia NILs in irrigated conditions by39 mm. Effects of drought in 1999,averaging across NILs, were todecrease machine-harvested grain yield by 0.6 t ha-1 in Mercia and by 1.8 tha-1 in Cappelle-Desprez (p<0.05). The Ppd-D1 and ppd-D1NILs, though, responded similarly todrought in both genetic backgrounds. Earlyflowering with Ppd-D1 decreasedpre-flowering water uptake underunirrigated conditions by ca. 25 mm,but increased post-flowering uptake by only10 mm, compared to ppd-D1. This was aresult of smaller season-long water uptakefor Ppd-D1 compared to ppd-D1.Ppd-D1 decreased stem solublecarbohydrate measured shortly afterflowering under drought by ca. 0.3 tha-1. Effects of Ppd-D1 onother drought-resistance traits, such aswater-use efficiency (WUE; AGDM per unitcrop evapotranspiration) and maximumrooting depth, appeared to be neutral. Itis concluded that the effects of the Ppd-D1 allele appeared to be largelyneutral on yield potential and late-seasondrought resistance in the UK's temperateenvironment in these genetic backgrounds.However, there were indications that Ppd-D1 may offer scope for breeding winterwheat cultivars with more efficientproduction of grain DM per unit seasonalcrop evapotranspiration, associated withimproved HI, compared to currentlycommercial UK genotypes.  相似文献   

N. Robert 《Euphytica》2002,128(3):333-341
The stability and genotypic mean of four traits, grain yield, grain protein content, alveograph W and bread volume, were evaluated in three multi-location trials, each covering two years. The stability of each genotype was evaluated by environmental variance (s2 E), interaction variance (s2 W) and variance of the ranks of the phenotypic values corrected for the genotypic effect (s2 R). The bootstrap method was used to study correlations between the genotypic mean and the three stability statistics and to calculate their accuracy. The repeatability of the stability statistics was measured by correlations between the values obtained in each of the two years. In addition, theoretical smaller trials were generated by random sampling and the stability values calculated were correlated with those of the original trial. Environmental variance appears to be usable both for yield and for quality traits, but there is a risk of counter-selecting a high genotypic mean of W. Whatever the trait and statistic envisaged, stability is poorly repeatable and its evaluation requires several years and a large number of locations per year to minimise sampling and environmental effects. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Three populations of winter wheat were formed by crossing Avrora to Sage, TAM W-101, and Danne. Approximately 10% of the F2 plants from these crosses were selected for high and low levels of number of tillers per plant, number of kernels per spike, 1000-kernel weight, and grain yield. Forty-eight solid seeded F3 lines obtained from the selected F2 plants were then selected for high and low expressions of yield components and grain yield. Realized heritabilities were estimated. Indirect responses of yield to yield component selection and direct response to selection for grain yield were measured. Heritabilities were low for tiller number, number of kernels per spike and kernel weights but were high or intermediate for grain yield when selection occurred in the F2 generation. When selection was practiced in the F3 generation, heritabilities for tiller number and yield were low, but were intermediate to high for number of kernels per spike and kernel weight and high heritabilities were found for kernel weight. Selection for kernel weight often increased grain yield; however, direct selection for grain yields was usually as effective.Journal article no. J-4488 of the Oklahoma Agri. Exp. Stn., Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding strategies can benefit from periodic evaluation of genetic gains for physiological and morphological traits, and their contribution to yield progress over time in a particular environment. The objective of this research was to expand the recent work at Virginia Tech on genetic yield improvement in soft red winter (SRW) wheat and determine the magnitude of progress for several physiological traits in 50 SRW wheat cultivars released from 1919 to 2009. Physiological traits evaluated here were extensively reported in the literature to be relevant for future wheat breeding as they directly contributed to yield increase under optimum and suboptimal environmental conditions; these traits include canopy temperature depression (CTD), flag leaf width (W), flag leaf area (LA), flag leaf dry weight (DW), flag leaf specific area (SLA), SPAD (soil plant analysis development) chlorophyll reading, and grain 13C isotope discrimination (Δ). Replicated experiments were performed at Warsaw and Holland, VA, in 2009–2010 and 2010–2011 growing seasons. Results showed that three traits consistently changed in magnitude over time and, at the same time, were significantly (p < 0.01) related to yield; they were LA, smaller leaf area-higher yields; DW, lighter leaves-higher yields; and Δ, higher Δ-higher yields. CTD decreased in magnitude and SLA, W, and SPAD chlorophyll reading did not significantly change over time. Our data suggest that further yield increase in the SRW wheat grown in eastern Unites States can be achieved through selection of cultivars with smaller leaves, and with high Δ.  相似文献   

Summary Hard white winter wheat (HWWW) occupies a very limited area of the USA, but its purported advantages suggest that its production in the major hard red winter wheat (HRWW) region may be feasible. Objectives of our investigations were to develop experimental HWWW lines that combined desirable attributes-grain yield, functional grain quality, and resistance to preharvest sprouting-in single genotypes for comparison with popular cultivars in the major US RHWW region. Forty-four lines from seven parental combinations were tested in randomized complete block designs at three Kansas locations during the 1981–82 and 1982–83 seasons. Agronomic traits, grain yield, grain quality, and preharvest sprouting were measured. Plant characteristics and grain yield were similar in the HWWW experimental lines and the HRWW check cultivar, Newton. Mean grain SDS-sedimentation value and grain protein content of most experimental lines equaled or exceeded that of the check. Dough mixing times frequently were shorter for the experimental lines than for the check cultivar, whereas loaf volumes were greater. Falling number usually was similar in all geneotypes, but -amylase was higher in field-harvested grain of white lines than the check; both measures were more favorable than grain trade standards. We concluded that production of high yielding, high quality hard white winter wheat genotypes is feasible in the US breakbasket.Contribution no. 84-349-J, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506 USA.  相似文献   

Earlier studies showed that the ratio of the weight of the wheat ear to stem at anthesis (ear:stem ratio) may give a better indication of potential yield than harvest index because it is determined early in the life cycle and is not affected by post anthesis stress. These studies concluded that selection for high ear:stem ratio at anthesis may lead to further improvement in grain yield of wheat. The present work was undertaken in the field to identify lines varying in ear:stem ratio in breeding populations and to study its implications for yield improvement.At anthesis stem length, ear length, tiller number, dry weight of stem and ear and ear:stem ratio were measured in 14 crosses on F2 single plants and F2 derived lines grown in the F3, F4, and F5 at three locations in Western Australia over four seasons. In addition, biomass, grain yield and yield components were measured on selected crosses at two locations on F2 derived lines grown in the F4 and F5. There was a considerable range of ear:stem ratio between and within the crosses studied. Although ear:stem ratio was strongly correlated with stem length, there was substantial variation within stem length classes. Ear:stem ratio had a high mean broad sense heritability (82%), whereas HI, grain yield and above ground biomass had lower heritabilities, 68, 55 and 35% respectively. Ear:stem ratio was strongly correlated between generations and sites indicating stability of this character. Ear:stem ratio had a significant positive correlation with grain yield, HI, grains per ear and per m2. The correlation of grain yield with HI was equal or slightly higher than that of grain yield with ear:stem ratio.Ear:stem ratio offers promise as a predictor of HI and yield potential where post-anthesis moisture stress can influence HI. Ear:stem ratio measurement is unlikely to be adopted for selection purposes in routine breeding programs, as it is laborious and time consuming. However, ear:stem ratio could be used to identify superior parental genotypes and early generation selections from special crosses in terms of its ability to partition assimilate.  相似文献   

Y.P. Fedoulov 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):101-108
Morphophysiological and physicochemical parameters of sets of winter wheat genotypes were measured. High correlations were found between survival percentage of the winter wheat check variety under freezing and electroconductivity tests, stem electrical resistance after electric shock, and intensity of delayed leaf fluorescence at low temperatures. These correlations decreased when the number of varieties was increased to 35-100. Complex attribute of frost resistance was divided into large components using factor analysis. Biological interpretation was achieved for the first six components. Quantitative values for each component of frost resistance in the various genotypes were determined. The determination coefficient of multiple regression equations, where function was a level of frost resistance and arguments were the component's value for each genotype, varied from 0.80-0.94 over 10 years. It was proposed that the received equations might serve as a model for frost resistance and indicate which component of frost resistance determines the survival of plants in particular ecological conditions. The component structure concept of frost resistance is suggested and possible applications of this concept are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

冬小麦生物量及氮积累量的植被指数动态模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用遥感技术实时监测小麦生长状况,依据监测结果适时促控,可提高产量。本研究以高产小麦品种周麦27为试验材料,在不同试验地点设置了水氮耦合的大田试验,筛选出了适宜监测冬小麦地上部氮积累量和生物量的植被指数,并构建了不同产量水平下优选植被指数的动态模型。结果表明,(1)不同的水氮耦合模式显著影响小麦冠层光谱变化,在350~700nm和750~900nm表现相反的反应特征;(2)对2个农学生长指标反应敏感且兼容性好的植被指数主要有修正型红边比率(mRER)、土壤调整植被指数[SAVI(825,735)]、红边叶绿素指数(CIred-edge)和归一化差异光谱指数(NDSI),其与产量间相关性较好的时期为拔节至灌浆中期;(3)双Logistic模型可以很好地拟合植被指数的动态变化,高产和超高产水平下拟合精度较高(R^2>0.82),而低产水平下相对较低(R2=0.608~0.736)。比较而言,CIred-edge和SAVI(825,735)用于评价小麦长势较为适宜。研究结果对作物因地定产、以苗管理、分类促控具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The most important breeding objectives in crop improvement are improving grain yield, grain quality, and resistances to various biotic and abiotic stresses. The objectives of our study were to compare two crossing and four selection schemes for grain yield, yield traits, and slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) based on additive genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum), and to identify the most efficient crossing and selection methodologies in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. Segregating populations were derived from 18 simple crosses and the same number of top (three-way) crosses. Half of the crosses were derived from Yecora 70 and the other half from Veery #10 as the common leaf rust susceptible parents. The four selection schemes were: pedigree, modified bulk (F2 and F1-top as pedigree, selected lines in F3, F4, F2-top, F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), selected bulk (selected plants in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), and nonselected bulk (bulk in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations). A total of 320 progeny lines, parents and checks were tested for grain yield, other agronomic traits and leaf rust resistance during the 1992/93 and 1993/94 seasons in Ciudad Obregon (Sonora State, Mexico) which represents a typical high yielding irrigated site. The influence of the type of cross and the selection scheme on the mean grain yield and other traits of the progenies was minimal. The selection of parents was the most important feature in imparting yield potential and other favourable agronomic traits. Moreover, the highest yielding lines were distributed equally. Progeny lines derived from Veery #10 crosses had significantly higher mean grain yield compared to those derived from the Yecora 70 crosses. Furthermore, a large proportion of the highest yielding lines also originated from Veery #10 crosses. Mean leaf rust severity of the top cross progenies was lower than that of the simple cross progenies possibly because two parents contributed resistance to top cross progenies. Mean leaf rust severity of the nonselected bulk derivatives was twice that of lines derived from the other three schemes. Selected bulk appears to be the most attractive selection scheme in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB), one of the most destructive diseases of wheat in many parts of the world, can reduce the grain quality due to mycotoxin contamination up to rejection for usage as food or feed. Objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with FHB resistance in the winter wheat population ‘G16‐92’ (resistant)/‘Hussar’. In all, 136 recombinant inbred lines were evaluated in field trials in 2001 and 2002 after spray inoculation with a Fusarium culmorum suspension. The area under disease progress curve was calculated based on the visually scored FHB symptoms. For means across all environments two FHB resistance QTL located on chromosomes 1A, and 2BL were identified. The individual QTL explained 9.7% and 14.1% of the phenotypic variance and together 26.7% of the genetic variance. The resistance QTL on 1A coincided with a QTL for plant height in contrast to the resistance QTL on 2BL that appeared to be independently inherited from morphological characteristics like plant height and ear compactness. Therefore, especially the QTL on 2BL could be of great interest for breeding towards FHB resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) kernel weight is an important yield component and seed quality factor that appears to be declining with recent cultivar releases in the major U.S. wheat region. The objectives of experiments were to detmrmine the relationship between planted and harvested 1000-kernel weights and their effect on grain yield and grain protein percentage. Twelve popular hard red winter wheat cultivars were grown with recommended practices at 10 Kansas locations for three years. Rank correlation coefficients between kernel weights and grain yields and protein percentages were calculated.Correlations of planted and harvested kernel weights over all cultivars with grain yield were inconsistent, being positive for some locations and years and negative for other locations and years. Planted kernel weights and grain yields of individual cultivars were not related, but harvested kernel weights and grain yields were correlated positively for eight of the 12 cultivars. Harvested kernel weights and grain protein percentages frequently were correlated positively at individual locations, but always were correlated negatively for individual cumtivars. It was concluded that high stable harvested wheat kernel weight is important as a component of grain yield under a range of environments and that improving this trait would benefit all segments of the wheat industry.Contribution No. 84-395-J, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506 USA.  相似文献   

南通近四年冬小麦种植的气象条件分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用2003~2007年南通气象局的气象资料和南通市农业局的冬小麦试验资料,分析了南通市近四年冬小麦各生育阶段的气象条件。然后采用综合对比的方法,分析了南通市气象变化特点对冬小麦产量及其构成因素的影响。  相似文献   

为探讨淹水时间和播种深度对不同小麦品种出苗率及冬前幼苗健壮程度的影响,在控制条件下对四个不同类型品种进行了研究,结果表明:播种后淹水1-4天,可导致五种播深TN18的平均出苗率降低22.43%,越冬期单株干物重降低21.56%;JM20分别降低23.43%和18.46%;SN8355分别降低9.66%和19.86%;LM14分别降低6.21%和23.20;说明淹水对TN18 JM20两品种出苗率的影响显著低于SN8355和LM14。淹水可使3cm地温降低0.470C,5cm降低1.150C。在淹水时间相等条件下,随播种深度的增加,对出苗率和幼苗质量的影响逐渐增大;在播深相同时,淹水时间越长影响越大。在播深2cm~6cm范围内,播种越浅出苗率和越冬期单株干物重越高,淹水对其的影响也越小,浅播是降低渍涝地区渍涝灾害的有效措施;但由于浅播分蘖节基本处在2cm处,不利于抗寒和抗旱,因而该结果仅适于渍涝麦田应用。  相似文献   

稻茬小麦氮高效品种产量构成和群体质量特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在稻麦两熟条件下,将2016—2017和2017—2018年江苏扬州参试的24个和江苏睢宁参试的23个小麦品种按氮肥表观利用率(NUR)划分为高效(NUR≥50%)、中效(NUR 40%~50%)和低效(NUR≤40%)品种类型,比较其产量、产量构成因素和群体质量指标的差异,为稻茬小麦品种选用和大面积高产高效生产提供参考。结果表明,两年度在扬州均表现出高效的品种为扬麦25和宁麦21,在睢宁为淮麦35。扬州和睢宁氮高效品种产量分别高于6500 kg hm-2和7000 kg hm-2,均显著高于其他类型。与氮中效和氮低效品种相比,氮高效品种具有较高的穗数,穗粒数和千粒重品种类型间差异不显著。不同品种间产量和穗数与NUR均呈线性正相关。氮高效品种具有较高的孕穗期和开花期茎蘖数,分蘖成穗率,乳熟期叶面积指数,孕穗期、开花期和成熟期干物质积累量,花后干物质积累量和成熟期各营养器官干物质积累量。不同氮效率品种类型间花前干物质转运量和收获指数差异不显著。相关性分析表明,两地不同品种类型间孕穗期和开花期茎蘖数、乳熟期LAI、主要生育时期干物质积累量、花后和...  相似文献   

北部冬麦区冬小麦越冬冻害时空变化特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用我国北部冬麦区43个气象站点1951—2014年气象资料,综合考虑越冬期最大降温幅度、极端最低气温、负积温、平均气温、降水和风速等冬小麦越冬冻害致灾因子,采用主成分法构建冬小麦冻害指数(FII),FII值越大,冬小麦遭受冻害越严重。结合历史冻害灾情资料,验证冻害指数在研究区域的适应性。采用M-K方法分析冬小麦冻害的突变特征,探究北部冬麦区越冬冻害的时空分布特征。结果表明,FII能较好地反映北部冬麦区冬小麦冻害情况。近60年北部冬麦区冬小麦冻害指数的年际变化均呈显著下降趋势。1980年前后冻害指数发生突变,气候变暖后我国北部冬麦区冬小麦冻害发生的频率、程度和范围明显减少;而由于气候变化的不稳定性增加,自2000年以来,冬小麦中度到重度冻害有所增加。冻害指数的空间分布总体呈现随着纬度和海拔高度的增加而加重的趋势。燕太山麓平原副区遭受冻害最为严重,黄土高原沟壑副区和晋冀山地盆地副区遭受冻害较轻。  相似文献   

基因型和环境对小麦产量、品质和氮素效率的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以不同基因型的小麦品种(13个强筋小麦品种和2个中筋小麦品种),不同试验地点(馆陶、宁晋、藁城)和不同施氮水平(0、180、240和300 kg hm–2)的田间试验,综合分析基因型、环境对小麦产量、品质、氮肥利用率的影响,以期为优质强筋小麦品种选育、栽培调控及高产提质增效的协同目标提供科学依据。研究表明,不同小麦品种产量在9289~10,088 kg hm–2之间,强筋小麦品种平均产量9548 kg hm–2,比中筋小麦品种减产3.1%。藁城、宁晋、馆陶三地的产量分别达9932、9433和9223kghm–2。不同小麦品种籽粒蛋白质均值14.5%,湿面筋28.5%,沉淀指数39.5mL,稳定时间15.4 min,拉伸能量87.5 cm2,最大拉伸阻力428.8 BU。藁优5218、藁优5766、冀麦738、科农2009、师栾02-1、藁优2018、冀麦867综合品质表现较好。馆陶和宁晋的小麦品质性状相对较好,藁城的品质较差。氮肥利用率随施氮量增加呈降低趋势, N180处理的氮肥农学效率、氮肥吸收利用效率、氮肥生理利用率最高,依次为4.3 kg kg–1、26.2%、16.6 kg kg–1。兼顾产量、品质、效率三方面,藁城适宜种植品种有冀麦738、冀麦867、师栾02-1;宁晋有师栾02-1、科农2009、冀麦738;馆陶有藁优5766、藁优2018、师栾02-1。综合考虑小麦产量、籽粒品质和氮素利用率, 180 kg hm–2为本研究条件下的最佳施氮量。  相似文献   

Wheat breeding for end-product use   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
W. Bushuk 《Euphytica》1998,100(1-3):137-145
High grain yield is the primary objective of most wheat breeding programs around the world. In some countries, for example Australia and Canada, a new wheat cultivar must meet a prescribed level of quality before it can be registered for commercial production. For most traditional uses, wheat quality derives mainly from two interrelated characteristics: grain hardness and protein content. Grain hardness is a heritable trait but it can be strongly affected by abnormal weather conditions such as excessive rainfall during the harvest period. Protein content is weakly heritable and strongly dependent on environmental factors such as available soil nitrogen and moisture during the growing season. In addition, each end-use requires a specific 'quality' in the protein. Quality is determined by the molecular structure of the major proteins of flour which, in turn, controls the interactions of the proteins during the breadmaking process. Durum wheats have the hardest grain texture and are usually high in protein content. They are especially suited to the production of pasta because of their highly vitreous grain (high milling yield of semolina), unique combination of storage proteins for good cooking quality of pasta, and high yellow pigment content required for attractive appearance of cooked product. All three characteristics are highly heritable and can be readily improved by conventional breeding. Recent research has shown that the presence of γ-gliadin 45 is a reliable marker of good cooking quality. This marker is now used for screening early generation material in many durum wheat breeding programs. Common (hexaploid) wheats cover a wide range of grain hardness and protein content. The hardest wheats of this class, generally highest in protein, are used for pan bread. Considerable progress has been achieved in research of the molecular properties of flour proteins that are required for highest bread quality. The key protein component in this regard is glutenin. Segregating breeding populations can be screened by electrophoresis or high performance liquid chromatography for the presence of desirable glutenin subunits. Common wheats of medium hardness and lower protein content are used for other types of bread and noodles. Wheats with softest texture and lowest protein are used for cakes and cookies. In some end-uses, e.g., Chinese-type noodles, starch quality is important together with protein quality; this feature should be taken into consideration in developing a screening strategy for wheats for this application. Screening tests that reflect end-use requirements for most of the known products are available, and should be applied in testing wheats according to intended use. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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