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Ten Boran steers were infected with Trypanosoma vivax, transmitted by Glossina morsitans centralis; five steers with a T vivax clone from Nigeria and five with a T vivax clone from Kenya. Eleven days after infection all 10 animals were treated with 0.5 mg kg-1 isometamidium chloride. Four steers infected with the Nigerian T vivax and all five infected with the Kenyan T vivax were completely cured. When different steers received a single prophylactic dose of 0.5 mg kg-1 isometamidium chloride and subjected to monthly tsetse-transmitted challenge with the same T vivax clones, complete protection was afforded for at least two months against challenge with the Nigerian T vivax, but for less than one month against the Kenyan T vivax. The findings indicate that the level of sensitivity of a T vivax population to the prophylactic activity of isometamidium chloride cannot be concluded from sensitivity studies based on the therapeutic action of the drug.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Boran cattle were injected with isometamidium chloride (1 mg/kg bodyweight) to investigate the duration of drug-induced prophylaxis against infection by metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma congolense and to determine if specific antibody responses to the organism were mounted by animals under chemoprophylactic cover. Complete protection against either single challenge by five tsetse flies infected with T congolense, or repeated challenge at monthly intervals by five tsetse flies, lasted for five months. Six months after treatment, two-thirds of the cattle were resistant to challenge, irrespective of whether subjected to single or multiple challenge with trypanosome-infected tsetse flies, or titrated doses of in vitro-cultured metacyclic forms of T congolense (5 X 10(2) to 5 X 10(5) organisms), inoculated intradermally. No animal which resisted infection developed detectable skin reactions at the site of deposition of metacyclic trypanosomes or produced trypanosome-specific antibodies. It was concluded that drug residues effectively limited trypanosome multiplication at the site of deposition in the skin, thus preventing subsequent parasitaemia or priming of the host's immune response.  相似文献   

In large parts of Africa the control of livestock trypanosomiasis relies on the use of trypanocidal drugs. Resistance against the available compounds is developing rapidly in the trypanosome population. The effect of the development of drug resistance on the fitness of the trypanosome is not well known. To determine the effect of the development of resistance to isometamidium chloride on the trypanosome's transmissibility, transmission experiments were conducted. Use was made of three isogenic clones of Trypanosoma congolense with different susceptibility to the drug. The infection rate in Glossina morsitans morsitans differed significantly between clones and was significantly higher in tsetse flies infected with the T. congolense clone with the highest level of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Chromosome profiles of 10 Trypanosoma (T.) congolense populations with different isometamidium sensitivities were compared using the pulsed field gel electrophoresis technique. The aim was to elucidate whether there was a karyotype pattern specific to eight isometamidium resistant phenotypes. Analysis of the profiles indicated that all populations displayed several discrete bands at the region of small, intermediate and large chromosomes. The highest similarity was observed between two isolates originating from Burkina Faso, indicating that they had the same genetic origin. Other eight strains exhibited different patterns in terms of chromosome size and numbers such that there was no characteristic karyotype pattern that was established specifically to identify resistant populations and discriminate them from the sensitive ones. This study has revealed that isometamidium resistance is not correlated to karyotype profile in T. congolense.  相似文献   

Summary Isometamidium chloride was administered as a single prophylactic dose of 0·5 mg kg−1 body weight to each of 10 Boran (Bos indicus) steers. At monthly intervals following drug administration, groups of five cattle each were challenged with one of two differentTrypanosoma vivax populations transmitted by infectedGlossina morsitans centralis; one with a stock (IL 2982) from Galana, Kenya and the other with a stock (IL 2986) from Likoni, Kenya. Prophylaxis was afforded for less than one month against the GalanaT. vivax and for one month against the LikoniT. vivax. In a therapeutic study a further 10 Boran steers were similarly infected with either of theT. vivax populations; five steers per population. Eleven days after infection all animals were treated with 0·5 mg kg−1 isometamidium chloride and all were cured. These findings demonstrate that, as defined in the field, the two KenyanT. vivax populations express a high level of resistance to the prophylactic action of isometamidium yet a low level of resistance to the therapeutic action of the drug. The results also indicate that differences in drug resistance between different isolates play a major role in determining the apparent period of prophylaxis afforded by isometamidium chloride.
Resumen Se administró cloruro de isometamidio en dosis profilácticas sencillas de 0·5 mg kg−1 de peso corporal a cada uno de 10 novillos Borán (Bos indicus). Con intervalos de un mes después de la administración de la droga, grupos de cinco animales cada uno recibieron una descarga con una de dos cepas diferentes deT. vivax, transmitidas porGlossina morsitans centralis infectadas; un grupo con la cepa (IL 2982) de Galana Kenya y el otro con la cepa (IL 2986) de Likoni, Kenya. La acción profiláctica duró menos de un mes contra la cepa Galana y por un mes contra la cepa Likoni. En un estudio terapéutico, otros 10 novillos Borán fueron infectados con una de las dos cepas (cinco animales por grupo). Once días después de la infección, todos los animales se trataron con 0·5 mg kg−1 de cloruro de isometamidio, curandose todos. Estos hallazgos demuestran que como en el campo, las dos cepas deT. vivax tienen un alto nivel de resistencia a la acción profiláctica del isometamidio y una baja resistencia a la acción terapéutica de la droga. Los resultados también demuestran que la diferencia en la resistencia a la droga de las dos cepas, juega un papel importante y determinante en el efecto profiláctico inducido por el cloruro de isometamidio.

Résumé Du chlorure d'isométamidium a été administré à la dose individuelle unique de 0,5 mg par kg de poids vif à 10 bouvillons Boran (Bos indicus) à titre prophylactique. A un mois d'intervalle, après l'administration du produit, deux groupes de 5 animaux ont été soumis à l'une des deux populations différentes deTrypanosoma vivax transmises parGlossina morsitans centralis; l'une avec la souche IL 2982 provenant du Galana (Kenya) et l'autre avec la souche IL 2986 de Likoni (Kenya). La protection a été inférieure à un mois contreT. vivax Galana et égale à un mois pourT. vivax Likoni. Lors d'une étude thérapeutique, un autre lot de 10 bouvillons Boran a été infecté dans les mêmes conditions avec l'une et l'autre des populations deT. vivax, à raison de cinq animaux pour chancune d'elles. Onze jours après l'infection, tous ont re?u une dose unique individuelle de 0,5 mg par kg de chlorure d'isométamidium et tous ont été guéris. Ces résultats démontrent que, telles qu'elles sont présentes sur le terrain, les deux souches kenyannes deT. vivax présentent un haut degré de résistance à l'action prophylactique de l'isométamidium, en dépit d'un niveau peu élevé de l'action thérapeutique du même produit. Les résultats montrent également que la variation de la résistance au produit entre différents isolats joue un r?le majeur dans la détermination de la période apparente de protection assurée par l'isométamidium.

Summary Two methods of trypanosome control in Boran cattle kept under very high trypanosomiasis risk were compared: the traditional intramuscular isometamidium chloride prophylaxis with a parasite detection and intravenous isometamidium chloride treatment method. The results were related to a control group under diminazene aceturate treatment. Isometamidium chloride at 0.25 mg/kg as routinely used by the ranch was of little benefit by either method, with breakthrough infections occurring as early as one week after treatment. When isometamidium chloride at 1 mg/kg was used, the curative intravenous method appeared to be superior to the intramuscular prophylaxis with regard to cost of drugs and to a 31% higher weight gain over a 30 week period. Weekly infection rates in the intravenous group decreased over time, despite an increasing trypanosomiasis challenge, with a mean interval of 6.4 weeks between treatments as compared with 4.3 weeks in a diminazene aceturate control group. It was concluded that isometamidium chloride given intravenously had not only a very good therapeutic but also a considerable prophylactic effect of not less than four weeks.
Resumen Se compararon dos métodos para el tratamiento de la tripanosomiasis en ganado Borán, en un área de alto riesgo: El tratamiento profiláctico convencional con Samorín vía intramuscular (IM), contra un método de detección del parásito y la inyección intravenosa (IV) de Samorín. Los resultados se compararon con aquellos de un grupo tratado curativamente con Berenil. Samorín en dosis de 0.25 mg/kg como se emplea de rutina en las ganaderías, fue de poco beneficio via IM e IV, con recaídas una semana después del tratamiento. Sin embargo, cuando se utilizó Samorín en dosis de 1 mg/kg, el método curativo IV fue superior a la profilaxis IM, con relación al costo de la droga y a una ganacia de peso de 31% durante un período de 30 semanas. La tasa de infecciones semanales en el grupo inoculado vía IV, disminuyó con el tiempo, a pesar del aumento de la descarga infectiva con tripanosomas, con una media de intervalo de 6.4 semanas entre tratamientos, comparado con 4.3 semanas en el grupo tratado con Berenil. Los hallazgos permiten la conclusión, de que el Samorín aplicado vía IV, tiene efecto profiláctico y curativo, no menor de cuatro semanas.

Résumé Deux méthodes de lutte contre les trypanosomoses chez le bétail Boran soumis à un risque trypanosomien très élevé ont fait l'objet d'une étude comparative: la prophylaxie classique avec le Samorin en intramusculaire avec recherche préalable du parasite, puis par voie intraveineuse. Les résultats ont été rapprochés de ceux du lot-témoin soumis à un traitement curatif au Bérénil. Le Samorin à la dose de 0.25 mg/kg couramment employée au ranch a donné peu de résultats quelle que soit la méthode utilisée, avec des résurgences de l'infection parfois une semaine après le traitement. Avec l'emploi d'une dose de 1 mg/kg, la méthode curative par voie intraveineuse semblait plus efficace que la prophylaxie par voie intramusculaire, si l'on se réfère au co?t des médicaments et à un gain de poids supérieur de 31% sur une période de 30 semaines. Les taux hebdomadaires d'infection dans le groupe traité par voie intraveineuse ont diminué avec le temps, en dépit d'une pression glossinaire accrue, avec un intervalle moyen de 6,4 semaines entre les traitements à comparer avec 4,3 semaines dans le groupe témoin traité au Bérénil. Les résultats permettent de conclure que le Samorin par voie intraveineuse possède, non seulement un très bon effet thérapeutique mais également une action prophylactique très importante dont la durée est au moins de 4 semaines.

The protective efficacy of isometamidium chloride (ISMM) and diminazene aceturate (DIM) against Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma congolense and Trypanosoma vivax infections in cattle under a suppressed tsetse population was assessed in southeast Uganda. A total of 66 and 57 trypanosome-infected cattle were treated with ISMM and DIM, respectively together with 177 trypanosome-free animals not treated were followed for 12 months, checked every 4 weeks. There was no statistical difference in the mean time to infection with any trypanosome species in animals treated with ISMM or DIM. However, the mean time to trypanosome infection was significantly longer for treated animals than controls. The mean time to infection with each of the three trypanosome species differed significantly, with the average time to T. vivax infection the lowest, followed by T. congolense and then T. brucei. The protective efficacy of DIM was as good as that of ISMM; implying curative treatments against trypanosomosis are sufficient for combination with tsetse control. Isometamidium chloride or DIM had the highest impact on T. brucei and T. congolense infections in cattle.  相似文献   

The duration of a single isometamidium chloride (Samorin) prophylactic treatment against Trypanosoma congolense ILNat. 3.1 and T. congolense IL 285 was examined in 24 Boran steers with regard to (1) the dose of drug, (2) the level of metacyclic challenge and (3) the influence of infection with an unrelated serodeme at the time of treatment. The cattle were repeatedly challenged at monthly intervals between 2 and 7 months following treatment, either by five infected Glossina morsitans centralis or by intradermal inoculation of 5 X 10(3) or 5 X 10(5) in vitro-derived metacyclic trypanosomes. A dose of 1 mg kg-1 afforded complete protection for 4 months and 0.5 mg kg-1 for 3 months against the two T. congolense serodemes examined, irrespective of the method or weight of challenge. In another group of cattle, which had an established infection at the time of treatment, the duration of chemoprophylaxis against an unrelated serodeme was the same as the other groups which had no previous experience of trypanosome infection. Antibodies to metacyclics did not appear in any of the cattle as long as the chemoprophylaxis was effective. An exception to this was the group challenged with 5 X 10(5) in vitro-derived metacyclic parasites, in which low antibody titres were detected. In all cases these proved to be non-protective. It was concluded that, under the experimental conditions employed, (1) there was a direct relationship between drug dosage and the duration of chemoprophylaxis, (2) the weight of metacyclic challenge did not affect the duration of chemoprophylaxis and (3) when used to treat an existing infection, isometamidium chloride exerted the same degree of chemoprophylactic activity.  相似文献   

Resistance to the drugs used to control African animal trypanosomosis is increasingly recognised as a constraint to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. The most commonly used tests for detection of trypanocidal drug resistance are tests using mice or ruminants, but these suffer from lack of standardisation and hence it may be difficult to compare the results of different investigators. Tests in mice are less expensive than tests in ruminants, but while tests in mice they may be useful as a general guide to resistance in a geographic area they should not be extrapolated to cattle on an individual trypanosome level. Moreover, the commonly used protocols are too laborious for their application to large number of trypanosome isolates on an area-wide basis. This paper presents guidelines for standardised testing of trypanocidal drugs in vivo, and introduces a simplified single-dose test for use in mice, which is convenient for use in areas with limited laboratory facilities. The single-dose test is appropriate for characterisation of geographic areas in terms of trypanocidal drug resistance using large numbers of trypanosome isolates, for making comparisons between areas, and for monitoring changes in trypanocidal drug resistance over time. Multiple-dose tests may be used to determine the degree of resistance of individual stabilates to be determined precisely in mice are also described, but for logistical reasons these will rarely be conducted on more than a few stabilates, and testing of a larger number of stabilates in the single-dose test will generally provide more useful information. Finally, we describe tests in cattle that may be used to determine the efficacy of recommended curative doses of trypanocidal drugs for the treatment of infection with individual trypanosome isolates, including Trypanosoma vivax, which is rarely infective for mice.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to measure accurately levels of the trypanocidal drug isometamidium in the serum of treated cattle. The assay requires only 5 microliters of test serum, is sensitive to a level of 0.5 pg ml-1 and is highly specific. Cross reactivity does not occur with the two other widely used trypanocidal drugs diminazene aceturate and homidium bromide. Serum drug levels are detectable for up to six months in cattle after a single dose of 1 mg kg-1 intramuscularly, the maximum period under field conditions for which effective prophylaxis can be maintained against tsetse challenge. Application of the assay will aid the rationalisation of treatment campaigns and assist in assessing the occurrence of drug-resistant trypanosome populations.  相似文献   

We tested the efficacy of two formulations of isometamidium in a tsetse-infested farm in North Cameroon from 20 August 2000 to 5 January 2001. A total of 90 adult cattle were used in three groups of 30 each corresponding to two treated and one untreated control. Drug efficacies were evaluated in terms of reduction of parasite incidence in the host's blood, maintenance of packed-cell volume (PCV) and weight gains. Both drugs reduced the incidence of parasites even though re-infections 2 weeks after treatment were common. PCV values were similar in both treated groups but higher than in the untreated control. Body weight changes followed a similar trend with the control losing weight from a mean of 427+/-119kg at the beginning to 398+/-93kg in 4 months. Weights increased from 375+/-76 and 396+/-110 to 396+/-69 and 418+/-112kg in the Veridium and Trypamidium groups, respectively. Efficacy was similar between the two formulations of isometamidium in the prophylaxis of bovine trypanosomosis. However, the presence of parasites in some animals barely 2 weeks after treatment suggested that either infections were not cleared or residual drug effects were not sufficient to prevent re-infections.  相似文献   

An interference phenomenon that delays superinfection with a trypanosome species different from that used for the initial infection has been found to occur in goats. Following tsetse transmission of Trypanosoma brucei to goats already infected with T. congolense, there was a delay in chancre development, as well as in the appearance of T. brucei and anti-T. brucei antibodies in the blood when compared to previously uninfected goats. However, there was no delay in the establishment of a tsetse-transmitted superinfection with T. vivax in goats already infected with either T. congolense or in animals already infected with a different serodeme of T. vivax.  相似文献   

The prefemoral lymph nodes of two calves and a sheep infected with a stock of Trypanosoma congolense transmitted by Glossina morsitans were examined histologically for the presence of trypanosomes. Ten days after infection trypanosomes were found in the subcapsular sinuses of the nodes of a calf and the sheep but parasites were absent from the blood at this time. Trypanosomes were also detected in the prefemeral lymph node of the other calf on examination 30 days after infection, when parasites were also present in the blood. These observations provide further evidence that extravascular foci of trypanosomes develop in infections with T congolense and indicate that it should not be regarded as a strict plasma parasite.  相似文献   

Boran (Bos indicus) heifers were immunised by infection with local Theileria parva parva, T p lawrencei and T mutans stocks and treated with parvaquone and later exposed to natural tick and tick-borne disease challenge in the Trans-Mara Division of Kenya. The Theileria species parasites in the challenge were maintained in African buffalo and cattle and the tick vectors were supported by several species of wild Bovidae and domestic livestock present in the area. Thirty immune cattle were observed for 30 weeks while grazing on a ranch in the Trans-Mara Division. Of these, 15 were immersed in toxaphene at weekly or twice-weekly intervals while 15 cattle remained without acaricide application. Cattle which became pregnant were withdrawn from the experiment. There was no evidence of any clinical tick-borne disease in either group of cattle during the experiment. Five species of ixodid ticks infested the cattle during the experiment and cattle which were not treated with acaricide had far more ticks. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus was the most abundant tick species, with a mean infestation of 46 adults per animal in the undipped cattle. This tick also appeared to be the cause of the observed reduction in weight gains. Major haematological parameters did not differ significantly between the groups. Behavioural studies showed that the undipped cattle spent less time grazing and ruminating. This study has shown that, at the expense of some loss in productivity, zebu cattle, immunised against ticks and theileriosis, can be kept despite tick infestation.  相似文献   

The concentrations of isometamidium circulating in poorly nourished Zebu cattle which showed morbidity, mortality, and biochemical and histopathological evidence of hepatotoxicity, following frequent treatments with isometamidium chloride and diminazene aceturate were investigated using the isometamidium-ELISA. As few as two isometamidium treatments one month apart were associated with significant weight loss, and cattle treated with diminazene aceturate after three or four isometamidium treatments suffered a 50% mortality.
Although there were no obvious, marked elevations in isometamidium concentration which might have allowed the use of the ELISA as a predictor of a potential toxicity problem, concentrations did increase significantly with the number of monthly treatments administered, suggesting drug accumulation, and the increases were significantly higher in cattle to which diminazene had also been administered. In cattle treated with both trypanocides, weight loss and serum glutamate dehydrogenase levels were correlated with isometamidium concentrations. These observations, together with the histopathological findings, support the hypothesis that the morbidity and mortality observed were related to the repeated treatment with isometamidium in conjunction with diminazene aceturate, and that the pathogenesis involved a component of hepatic damage.
It is therefore recommended that cattle, particularly those under nutritional stress, are not subjected to repeated treatments with isometamidium at intervals as short as one month, and particularly not with concurrent administration of diminazene.  相似文献   

Summary Two series of breed group comparisons for maternal traits were conducted at one location in Kenya. Data were collected on breed group series I for three years (Boran, 1/2 Red Poll-1/2 Boran (1/2 RP-1/2 B), 1/3 Red Poll-2/3 Boran (1/3 RP-2/3 B) and 2/3 Red Poll-1/3 Boran (2/3 RP-1/3 B)) and on breed group series II for five years (Boran, 1/2 Santa Gertrudis-1/2 Boran (1/2 SG-1/2 B) and 1/2 Red Poll-1/2 Boran (1/2 RP-1/2 B)). The advantage in calf weight weaned per year per cow calving of 15.4% for the mean of three Red Poll-Boran crossbred groups over the purebred Boran in breed group series I can probably be accounted for by maternal heterosis. Thus the Red Poll breed probably does not exceed the Boran breed in additive maternal genetic effects in the environment where these data were collected. But the results suggest that the Red Poll breed exceeds the Boran breed in additive direct genetic effects for size while the Boran breed exceeds the Red Poll breed in additive maternal genetic effects as expressed by calf weight weaned per year per cow calving. Breed group series II comparisons show the Boran and the 1/2 SG-1/2 B breed groups do not differ (P>0.05) in calf weight weaned per year per cow calving. The 1/2 SG-1/2 B breed group has maximum expected maternal heterosis; thus, it is indicated that the Boran breed exceeds the Santa Gertrudis breed in additive maternal genetic effects but the Santa Gertrudis breed exceeds the Boran breed in additive direct genetic effects for size.
Cruses De Ganado En Programas De Produccion De Carne En Kenia II. Comparacion De Boran Puro Y Boran Cruzado Con Red Poll Y Santa Gertrudis
Resumen Se llevaron a cabo dos series de comparaciones entre grupos de ganado, buscando diferencias en rasgos maternos, en un rancho privado en Kenia. Los datos se colectaron del grupo I duranto 3 años (Boran, 1/2 Red Poll-1/2 Boran (1/2 RP-1/2B), 1/3 Red Poll-2/3 Boran (1/3 RP-2/3 B) y 2/3 Red Poll-1/3 Boran (2/3 RP-1/3 B), y del grupo II durante cinco años (Boran, 1/2 Santa Gertrudis-1/2 Boran (1/2 SG-1/2 B) y 1/2 Red Poll-1/2 Boran (1/2 RP-1/2 B)). La ventaja en peso de terneros destatados por año de nacimiento de 15.4% para la media de tres grupos cruzados Red Poll-Boran, sobre el Boran puro en el grupo I se debe posiblemente, a la heterosis materna; entonces, la raza Red Poll probablemente no exceda a la raza Boran en efectos genéticos maternos aditivos en el medio ambiente donde se tomaron los datos. Pero los resultados sugieren, que la raza Red Poll excede a la Boran en efectos directos genéticos aditivos, en tamaño, mientras que la raza Boran excede a la Red Poll en efectos genéticos maternos aditivos, en peso de terneros destetados por año por nacimiento. Las comparaciones del grupo II mostraron que la raza Boran y el grupo (1/2 SG-1/2 B) no difirieron (P>05) en peso de los terneros destetados por año por nacimiento. El grupo (1/2 SG-1/2 B) tuvo el máximo esperado de heterosis materna se sugiere entonces que la raza Boran excede a la Santa Gertrudis en efectoss genéticos maternos aditivos, pero la Santa Gertrudis excede a la Boran en efectos directos genéticos aditivos, en tamaño, específicamente.

Croisements Bovins Dans Les Programmes De Production De Viande Au Kenya. II. Comparaison Entre Le Boran Pur Et Le Boran Croise Avec Les Races Red Poll Et Santa Gertrudis
Résumé Deux séries de comparaisons de groupes raciaux pour les caractères maternels ont été faites au même endroit au Kenya. Les données portaient sur les séries de groupes raciaux suivantes: pour la série no I, les données ont été recueillies pendant trois ans (Boran, 1/2 Red Poll×1/2 Boran (1/2 RP×1/2 B), 1/3 Red Poll×2/3 Boran (1/3 RP×2/3 B) et 2/3 Red Poll×1/3 Boran (2/3 RP×1/3 B) et pour la série no II pendant cinq ans (Boran, 1/2 Santa Gertrudis×1/2 Boran (1/2 SG×1/2 B) et 1/2 Red Poll×1/2 Boran (1/2 RP×1/2 B)). On peut probablement imputer à l'hétérosis maternel la supériorité en poids de veau sevré par an par vache mettant bas de 15,4 p. 100 pour la moyenne des trois groupes de croisés Red Poll × Boran par rapport au groupe Boran pur dans la série noI. De ce fait, la race Red Poll ne dépasse probablement pas la race Boran en effets additifs génétiques maternels dans le milieu où ces données ont été recueillies mais les résultats suggèrent que la race Red Poll dépasse la Boran en effets génétiques additifs directs pour le format alors que la race Boran dépasse la Red Poll en effets génétiques maternels additifs tel qu'il est exprimé par le poids de veau sevré par an par vache mettant bas. Les comparaisons des groupes raciaux de la série noII montrent que le groupe racial Boran et le 1/2 SG×1/2 Boran ne diffèrent pas significativement en poids de veau sevré par an par vache mettant bas. Le groupe racial 1/2 SG×1/2 B avait l'hétérosis maternel maximal sepéré. De ce fait, il est montré que la race Boran dépasse la Santa Gertrudis en effets génétiques additifs maternels mais que la SG dépasse la B en effets génétiques directs pour le format.

A standard radioactive chromium (51Cr) release assay was used to assess the in vitro phagocytosis and lysis of bovine erythrocytes by cultured splenic, bone marrow and peripheral blood monocyte-derived (PBM) macrophages isolated from healthy and Trypanosoma congolense and T. vivax-infected cattle of the Boran and N'Dama breeds. Recombinant cytokines (rHuTNF-alpha and rBolFN-gamma) and non-acid-dialysed peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMNC) culture supernatants stimulated these PBM for enhanced activities. The stimulants caused increases in the rate of erythrocyte phagocytosis and lysis by cultured PBM in a concentration-dependent manner. But very high stimulant concentrations caused deceased in vitro erythrophagocytosis. However, bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and acid-dialysed PBMNC culture supernatants did not cause any increase in cultured PBM erythrophagocytosis. In vitro erythrocyte phagocytosis and lysis by splenic, bone marrow and peripheral blood monocyte (PBM)-derived macrophages of Boran breed of cattle infected with Trypanosoma congolense increased from 14 days post-infection (DPI) onwards and thereafter maintained at various levels above pre-infection. Cultured splenic macrophages showed the greatest erythrocyte destruction capability while PBM-derived macrophages was the least. The rates of in vitro erythrocyte phagocytosis and lysis were higher with the cultured PBM of the Boran than those of the N'Dama cattle during T. congolense infection. The rate of in vitro erythrocyte destruction was however, similar in both groups of cattle during T. vivax infection. These results correlated positively with the dynamics and degree of anaemia developed by these groups of animals during both T. congolense and T. vivax infections. Cattle infected with T. congolense and T. vivax developed varying degrees of normocytic normochromic anaemia during infection. Boran cattle developed a more severe anaemia, and had to be treated with diminazine aceturate, than N'Dama cattle during T. congolense infection. Both breeds of cattle developed a milder but similar degree of anaemia during T. vivax infection. None of the animals were treated. The results of this study indicated a role of in vivo macrophage stimulatory factors, notably cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in host's serum, as well as parasite antigens, which may act singly or in concert, in the process of enhanced erythrocyte destruction, hence anaemia by the mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS) during bovine trypanosomosis.  相似文献   

Samples for histological studies were taken from the genitalia of 14 bulls (five infected with Trypanosoma vivax, five with T. congolense and four uninfected control animals), slaughtered 12, 22 or 30 weeks post-infection. Infection with Y58 strain of T. vivax and strain 2295 of T. congolense caused various grades of lesions in the male reproductive organs, especially the testes and epididymides. T. congolense produced more severe degenerative changes than T. vivax. It is concluded that in long-standing cases, the result of trypanosome infection is either serious infertility or even sterility.  相似文献   

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