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Abstract Twenty-five pure-bred and two cross-bred German Shepherd dogs with German Shepherd dog pyoderma (GSP) were treated with enrofloxacin as an antimicrobial therapy. Following 28 weeks of treatment at a dose rate of 5 mg kg-1, administered orally once daily, excellent results were obtained in 23 dogs (85.2%), and fair results in three dogs (11.1%). One dog (3.7%) showed no response. These findings indicate that enrofloxacin therapy is an effective antimicrobial treatment for the bacterial infection in GSP. Resumé 25 Bergers Allemandes de pure race et 2 métis suffrant d'infection bactérienne de type pyodermite du Berger Allemand fürent traités à l'aide d'enrofloxacine comme antimicrobien. Deux à huit semaines de traitment à la dose de 5 mg kg-1 per os une fois par jour donnèrent un excellent resultat chez 23 chiens (85.2%), et une amelioration dans 3 cas (11.1%). Un chien (3.7%) ne répondit pas du tout. Ces résultats montrent que l'enrofloxacine est efficace en tant qu'antibactérien dans le traitment de la pyodermite du Berger Allemand. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Traitment anti-infectieux de la pyodermite du Berger Allemand. Etude clinique ouverte). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.] Resumen 25 perros pastor alemán de pura raza y dos mezcla de pastor alemán que tenian pioderma fueron tratados con enrofloxacina. Después de 2–8 semanas de tratamiento a una dosis de 5 mg kg-1 por via oral una vez al día, se obtuvieron resultados excelentes en 23 perros y resultados moderados en 3 perros. Un perro no respondió. Estos resultados muestran que enrofioxacina es un tratamiento efectivo contra pioderma de pastor alemán. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Terapia antimicrobiana en perros de pastor alemán. Un estudio clinico). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.] Zusammenfassung— 25 reinrassige Deutsche Schäferhunde und zwei Deutsche Schäferhund-Mischlinge mit bakterieller Infektion infolge Schäferhundpyodermie wurden mit Enrofloxacin antimikrobiell behandelt. Nach zwei-bis achtwöchiger Behandlung in der Dosierung von 5 mg kg-1 Körpergewicht, 1 × tgl. oral verabreicht, wurden bei 23 Hunden (85, 2%) sehr gute und bei drei Hunden (11, 1%) befriedigende Behandlungsergebnisse erzielt. Ein Hund (3, 7%) sprach nicht auf die Behandlung an. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, daß Enrofloxacin zur erfolgreichen antimikrobiellen Behandlung der bakteriellen Infektion bei der Schäferhundpyodermie geeignet ist. [Koch, H-J., Peters, S. Antimicrobial Therapy in German Shepherd Dog Pyoderma (GSP). An open clinical study. (Antimikrobielle Therapie bei Deutscher Schäferhundpyodermie (DSP). Eine klinische offene Untersuchung). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 177–181.]  相似文献   

相比其它品种犬,德国牧羊犬倾向于发生相当频繁的问题是免疫系统缺陷综合症。该品种有许多个体带有称作IgA的一种特殊免疫球蛋白缺乏症,这个缺陷基因可能与染色体上通常控制免疫的基因非常接近。一些兽医对此类问题的出现并不很了解,忽略了涉及免疫系统的缺陷和对症治疗,导致错误的开出处方药品,或根本无法处理。因此,有必要对犬的免疫介导疾病有所了解和认识。  相似文献   

Sacral osteochondrosis in two German Shepherd Dogs   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Two young adult male castrated German Shepherd Dogs were referred for evaluation of intermittent episodes of hindlimb pain. Physical examination suggested lumbosacral stenosis, and plain radiographs and computed tomography revealed lesions consistent with sacral osteochondrosis. One dog had osteochondral fragments removed surgically; the other was managed conservatively. The surgically treated dog had complete resolution of clinical signs whereas the dog managed conservatively had repeated episodes of mild pain and received one short course of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication in 18 months. Sacral osteochondrosis has not been previously reported in Australia.  相似文献   

Abstract The mineral analyses of nails from 32 normal dogs were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry or colorimetrically. Data were compared with the mineral analyses of nails from 21 cases of idiopathic canine onychomadesis. German Shepherd dogs were significantly over represented (P < 0.005) in the affected group compared with a reference hospital population. Significant increases in the concentration of calcium (P < 0.05), potassium (P < 0.05), sodium (P < 0.0005) and phosphorus (P < 0.05) were found in nails from affected dogs compared with nails from normal animals. The mineral composition of nails from affected German Shepherd dogs was significantly different from that of affected non-German Shepherd dogs. Normal ranges for the mineral concentrations of normal canine nail are presented for the first time. The different composition of nails from affected German Shepherd dogs compared with nails from other breeds suggests a different aetiology to the onychomadesis, although the cause of the problem remains speculative. Résumé— Des analyses d'ongles de 32 chiens sains ont été déterminées par spectrophotométrie d'absorption atomique ou colométrie. Celles-ci ont été comparées avec celles d'ongles de 21 chiens à onychomadèse idiopathique. Les Bergers allemands sont surreprésentés (P < 0,005) dans le groupe de chiens malades, comparativement à la population de référence. Des augmentations significatives de la concentration de calcium (P < 0,05), de potassium (P < 0,05), de sodium (P < 0,005) et de phosphore (P < 0,05) sont notées dans les ongles des Bergers allemands à onychomadèse idiopathique, par rapport à celles des ongles des chiens atteints, mais non de race Berger allemand. Des valeurs usuelles des concentrations minérales des ongles du chien sont présentées pour la première fois. La composition différente des ongles des Bergers allemands affectés comparéeà celle des ongles des autres races affectées suggère une étiologie différente de l'onychomadèse dans cette race, bien que la cause reste encore imprècise. [Harvey, R. G., Markwell, P. J. The mineral composition of nails in normal dogs and comparison with shed nails in canine idiopathic onychomadesis (Composition minérale des ongles de chiens sains et comparaison avec celle des ongles provenant de chiens à onychomadèse idiopathique). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 29–34.] Resumen El análisis mineral de las uñas de 32 perros normales se determinó por espectrofotometría atómica de absorción o colorimétricamente. La información se comparó con los análisis de 21 casos de onicomadesis idiopática canina. Los perros Pastor Aleman estaban significativamente sobrerepresentados (P < 0.005) en el grupo afectado comparado con la población de un hospital de referencia. Se encontraron aumentos significativos en la concentración de calcio (P < 0.05), potasio (P < 0.00005) y fósforo (P < 0.05) en la población afectada, comparado con uñas de animales normales. La composicón mineral de uñas de perros Pastor Alemán afectados fue significativamente distinta de la de los perros no Pastor Alemán afectados. Se presenta por primera vez los valores de las concentración mineral de las uñas normales en el perro. La composición distinta de las uñas de perros Pastor Alemán afectados comparadda con uñas de otras razas sugiere una etiología distinta de la onicomadesis, aunque la causa del problema continúa siendo motivo de especulación. [Harvey, R. G., Markwell, P. J. The mineral composition of nails in normal dogs and comparison with shed nails in canine idiopathic onychomadesis (Composición mineral de las uñas de perros normales comparada con la uñas eliminadas en la onicomadesis idiopática canina). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 29–34.] Zusammenfassung— Die Mineralstoffanalyse der Krallen von 32 gesunden Hunden wurde mit Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie oder Kolorimetrie durchgeführt. Die Daten wurden mit Mineralstoffanalysen von Krallen aus 21 Fällen von idiopathischer kaniner Onychomadesis verglichen. Deutsche Schäferhunde waren signifikant überrepräsentiert (P < 0,005) in der betroffenen Gruppen im Vergleich zur einer Referenzpopulation der Klinik. Signifikante Anstiege in der Konzentration von Kalzium (P < 0,05), Kalium (P < 0,05), Natrium (P < 0,0005) und Phosphor (P < 0,05) wurden in den Krallen der betroffener Hunde im Vergleich zu denen gesunder gefunden. Die Mineralstoffzusammensetzung der Krallen betroffener Deutscher Schäferhunde unterschied sich signifikant von der betroffener Hunde anderer Rassen. Referenzbereiche für die Mineralstoffkonzentrationen gesunder Hundekrallen werden erstmalig vorgestellt. Die verschiedene Zusammensetzung der Krallen betroffener Deutscher Schäferhunde im Vergleich zu den Krallen anderer Rassen legt eine unterschiedliche Ätiologie der Onychomadesis nahe, obwohl die Ursache der Störung spekulativ bleibt. [Harvey, R. G., Markwell, P. J. The mineral composition of nails in normal dogs and comparison with shed nails in canine idiopathic onychomadesis (Die Mineralstoffzusammensetzung der krallen gesunder Hunde im Verleich zu abgesto ßenen Krallen bei kaniner idiopathischer Onychomadesis). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 29–34.]  相似文献   

The study of sexual dimorphism in dog anatomy, especially with regard to skeletal elements, has received little attention. The present work focuses on elements of the canine stylo- and zeugopodium, less documented than the skull or pelvis in the literature. In order to identify only sex-dependent effects, we analysed a single breed: the German Shepherd Dog. Data come from 25 dogs, with a balanced sex ratio (12 males and 13 females). Four skeletal elements of the forelimb and hindlimb (humerus, radius, femur, tibia) were each measured using seven linear morphometric variables. Univariate and multivariate analyses were then performed on these 28 variables. For all measurements, males are on average larger than females, with a mean sexual dimorphism ratio of 1.07. Sexual dimorphism is significant for 92.8% of the variables. Except of femoral measurements, diaphyseal values show the highest grade of sexual dimorphism. The mean level of disparity is higher in the forelimb (1.08) than in the hindlimb (1.05). A significant dimorphism is shown for the first component of principal component analyses conducted on each skeletal element, and for the second component with humerus measurements. Discriminant functions for sex identification give success rates included between 82% for the radius and 93% for the femur, the latter providing the highest reported score for sex identification in dogs from any skeletal element. These complementary statistic methods highlight a more dimorphic forelimb in size and a more dimorphic hindlimb in shape.  相似文献   

We investigated the prevalence of an anatomic variant of the proximal femur, termed the broomstick-like femoral head and neck formation, and its influence on the Féderation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) hip dysplasia score in 294 German Shepherd dogs. One-hundred and eighty (61%) of the 294 dogs in our study had this anatomic variant. The calculated area of the femoral heads in dogs with a broomstick-like conformation was 4.5 +/- 0.6 cm2 on the hip-extended view. In dogs with a normal femoral head, the calculated area of the femoral head was significantly larger at 4.8 +/- 0.6 cm2 (P < 0.05). In the frog-leg view, there was no significant difference in femoral head area between dogs with the broomstick-like conformation and normal dogs. There was no difference in the antetorsion angle between dogs with broomstick-like conformation and normal dogs. There was also no difference in the distraction ratio between the two phenotypes. The official FCI hip score was similar in dogs with and without the broomstick-like conformation. The average heritability of the broomstick-like conformation was 0.3 +/- 0.1, suggesting heritable influence. We conclude that the broomstick-like conformation is a common finding in the German shepherd dog and has genetic base. The broomstick-like conformation does not appear to be associated with the presence of canine hip dysplasia and it can therefore be assumed to be a normal anatomic variant.  相似文献   

Two types of ateliotic dwarfism in 3 German Shepherd dog puppies are described. Low somatomedin levels in serum and impaired growth of skeletal tissues were found in all 3 cases.One dog (case 2) had a histologically undeveloped adenohypophysis, and the dwarfism was apparently due to a generalized lack of adenopituitary function.The 2 other dogs (cases 1A and IB) had histologically normal adenohypophyses, and their condition was probably due to a reduced response to endogenous growth hormone in peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

The incidence of pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) was investigated in 59 German shepherd dogs from two kindred. The male progenitors were the same in both kindred. In the four litters of the first kindred the incidence of PDA was 24 % (10 dogs out of 41), and there was at least one affected dog in each litter. When one of the litter bitches, later affected with PDA, was mated with one of the obligate carriers of PDA, one of the resultant seven offspring has so far been found to suffer from PDA. In the second kindred when a PDA-affected bitch and a clinically healthy male (heterozygote) were mated, two of the resultant six offspring were found to suffer from PDA.These results indicate that PDA is a disease inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, although the possibility of dominant inheritance with incomplete penetrance cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

德国牧羊犬早孕的B/M型超声诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张燚  张鹏 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(5):208-209
选取30只怀孕德国牧羊犬,在交配后20~40d用B/M超声进行早孕诊断。结果表明,75%的犬于第20天探测到孕囊,第24天可见胎心搏动,第27天怀孕诊断准确率为100%,第30天预测胎儿个数最准确,M型超声心动图可准确判断胎儿存活状态。  相似文献   

Multifocal retinopathy of Great Pyrenees dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forty-four related Great Pyrenees dogs were examined ophthalmoscopically. Focal retinal elevations, multiple gray-tan-pink subretinal patches, and discrete areas of tapetal hyper-reflectivity were seen in 19 dogs, ranging from 13 weeks to 10 years of age. These lesions varied in size from focal spots that were barely visible with the indirect ophthalmoscope to areas that were larger than the optic disc. Complete blood cell counts, serum biochemical profiles, urinalyses, and blood pressure measurements were completed on four affected dogs and all were within normal reference ranges. Photopic and scotopic electroretinography was completed and the a-wave and b-wave amplitudes and latencies were similar for affected and age-matched nonaffected Great Pyrenees and other normal dogs. Electroretinograms that were examined twice during a 3-year period on three affected adult dogs did not reveal significant progressive deterioration of the a or b-wave parameters. Fluorescein angiography was completed on four affected dogs of ages 1 (n = 2), 5, and 6 years. These angiograms were repeated in three of these dogs 1 year later. The blood ocular barrier was intact in these dogs but there was blocked choroidal fluorescence. Postmortem examination, light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy were performed on three affected puppies and two affected adult dogs. These examinations revealed that the lesions in the puppies were limited to bilateral multiple areas of retinal pigment epithelial vacuolation, hypertrophy, and apparent separation from Bruch's membrane, and multiple serous retinal detachments. The affected adult dogs had focal retinal degeneration and retinal pigment epithelial hypertrophy, hyperplasia and pigmentation. Pedigree analysis and test mating confirm that this condition is inherited, probably as an autosomal recessive trait. This condition develops at approximately 13 weeks of age and the focal areas of retinal detachment and retinal pigment epithelial vacuolation progress to permanent and stable focal areas of retinal degeneration, and retinal pigment epithelial hypertrophy and pigmentation.  相似文献   

Four German Shepherd dogs with recurrent deep pyoderma and associated ehrlichioses are described. All the dogs had already received appropriate long-term antibacterial therapy but the clinical signs had consistently returned within 3–4 weeks of cessation of the treatment. Haematological and serum biochemical findings, and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) tests were indicative of Ehrlichia spp. infection. Treatment with doxycycline monohydrate was associated with the return of blood values to within normal ranges and diminution of the IFA titres. No further episodes of pyoderma were observed during a 1–2-year follow-up period.  相似文献   

The case records of 58 German Shepherds (GS group) affected by mitral valve prolapse (MVP) and/or mitral valve regurgitation (MR), and 49 dogs weighing < 15 kg (D group), affected by chronic valvular disease (CVD) were reviewed. The dogs of the GS group were presented more often without a detectable heart murmur (p < 0.01), and less frequently with a high intensity heart murmur (p < 0.01). Atrial fibrillation (AF) was more common in the GS group (p < 0.001). MVP associated with mitral valve thickening was more common in the D group (p < 0.001). Fractional shortening (FS) was lower (p < 0.0001) and end-systolic volume index (ESV-I) was increased (p < 0.0001) in the GS group, whereas end-diastolic volume index (EDV-I) did not differ between the 2 groups. Prevalence and severity of pulmonary hypertension were similar in the 2 groups. Dogs with mitral valve disease weighing more than 20 kg had a 5.8 higher chance of developing decreased FS, increased ESV-I, AF and ventricular arrhythmias. In the GS group, the decreased FS and increased ESV-I were not associated with the presence of AF or ventricular arrhythmias (p > 0.05). It appears that GS may be affected both by mitral valve prolapse and mitral insufficiency. It also appears that a comparatively large proportion of GS shows no major mitral valve thickening or MVP, but still presents with significant mitral regurgitation, possibly suggesting a different cause for the important incompetence observed in most cases.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported methods to estimate the parturition date of dogs using ultrasonographic measurements. However, these prediction models were mainly determined using ultrasonographic measurements of naturally pregnant small- and medium-sized dogs, and no such studies have been performed using dogs carrying cloned fetuses produced via somatic cell nuclear transfer. The present study evaluated the abilities of three reference formulas (Luvoni and Grioni, Milani et al., and Groppetti et al.), all of which were developed using data from naturally occurring pregnancies, to accurately predict the parturition date in surrogates carrying cloned German Shepherd (GS) fetuses. All three formulas were based on the use of inner chorionic cavity diameter (ICC) measurements, obtained via ultrasonography. For evaluation, a total of 54 ICC measurements were collected from 14 pregnant bitches carrying cloned GS fetuses. We found that the clinical accuracy of the breed-specific Groppetti et al. formula was highest among those of the three formulas tested, with 87% and 100% of the estimated parturition dates (calculated based on the ICC measurements) being within 1 and 2 days, respectively, of the actual delivery date. By contrast, the Luvoni and Grioni formula showed relatively low accuracy, and the Milani et al. formula showed higher accuracy than that reported previously for natural pregnancies.  相似文献   

应用基因遗传分离定律方法分析测定, 论证了中国地方狼犬狼青色个体的基因型为aw/aw或aw/at,黑背黄腹个体的基因型为at/at,基因aw对at显性。纯合狼青色的犬与其它毛色类型的犬相配所得后代,其毛色全为狼青色; 经鉴定为杂合子的狼青色犬与纯合的黑背黄腹犬相配,所得后代的毛色分离比为1∶1;经鉴定为杂合狼青色的公母犬互配,所得后代毛色分离比为3∶1。中国地方狼犬与德国牧羊犬相配,其后代毛色完全遵循基因遗传分离规律。  相似文献   

Objective To describe a slowly progressive retinopathy (SPR) in Shetland Sheepdogs. Animals Forty adult Shetlands Sheepdogs with ophthalmoscopic signs of SPR and six normal Shetland Sheepdogs were included in the study. Procedure Ophthalmic examination including slit‐lamp biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy was performed in all dogs. Electroretinograms and obstacle course‐test were performed in 13 affected and 6 normal dogs. The SPR dogs were subdivided into two groups according to their dark‐adapted b‐wave amplitudes. SPR1‐dogs had ophthalmoscopic signs of SPR, but normal dark‐adapted b‐wave amplitudes. Dogs with both ophthalmoscopic signs and subnormal, dark‐adapted b‐wave amplitudes were assigned to group SPR2. Eyes from two SPR2 dogs were obtained for microscopic examination. Results The ophthalmoscopic changes included bilateral, symmetrical, greyish discoloration in the peripheral tapetal fundus with normal or marginally attenuated vessels. Repeated examination showed that the ophthalmoscopic changes slowly spread across the central parts of the tapetal fundus, but did not progress to obvious neuroretinal thinning presenting as tapetal hyper‐reflectivity. The dogs did not appear seriously visually impaired. SPR2 showed significantly reduced b‐wave amplitudes throughout dark‐adaptation. Microscopy showed thinning of the outer nuclear layer and abnormal appearance of rod and cone outer segments. Testing for the progressive rod–cone degeneration ( prcd )‐mutation in three dogs with SPR was negative. Conclusion Slowly progressive retinopathy is a generalized rod–cone degeneration that on ophthalmoscopy looks similar to early stages of progressive retinal atrophy. The ophthalmoscopic findings are slowly progressive without tapetal hyper‐reflectivity. Visual impairment is not obvious and the electroretinogram is more subtly altered than in progressive retinal atrophy. The etiology remains unclear. SPR is not caused by the prcd‐mutation.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was sent to 109 owners of German Shepherds suffering from pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) and to 186 owners of German Shepherds with no known history of PDA. Owners were asked questions about their dogs adolescence, e.g. rate of growth, diseases and training. Detailed questions about feeding, intestinal and skin problems were also asked. In the questionnaire for PDA-dogs questions were divided into two parts: before and after the onset of PDA signs. Based on this study no specific early signs of PDA or causative factors could be found. The role of stress as a triggering factor could not, however, be totally excluded. The frequency of typical signs of PDA was outlined and also some signs not previously reported as typical PDA-signs were noted.  相似文献   



Lumbosacral transitional vertebra (LTV) is a common congenital and hereditary anomaly in many dog breeds. It predisposes to premature degeneration of the lumbosacral junction, and is a frequent cause of cauda equina syndrome, especially in German shepherd dogs. Ventrodorsal hip radiographs are most often used in diagnosis of LTV in screening programs. In this study, value of laterolateral lumbar spine radiographs as additions to ventrodorsal radiographs in diagnosis of LTV, and characteristics of LTV and the eighth lumbar vertebra (L8) in laterolateral radiographs were studied. Additionally, computed tomography (CT) features of different types of LTV were elucidated.


The ventrodorsal pelvic and laterolateral lumbar spine radiographs of 228 German shepherd dogs were evaluated for existence and type of LTV. Morphology of transverse processes was used in classification of LTV in ventrodorsal radiographs. The relative length of sixth (L6) and seventh (L7) vertebrae (L6/L7) was used in characterization of these vertebrae in laterolateral radiographs. CT studies were available for 16 dogs, and they were used for more detailed characterization of different types of LTV. Non-parametric χ2 statistics, generalized logit model for multinomial data, and one-way analysis of variance was used for statistical analyses.


In all, 92 (40%) dogs had a LTV, the most common type being separation of first spinous process from the median crest of the sacrum in 62 dogs (67% of LTV). Eight dogs had eight lumbar vertebrae. Those dogs with LTV had longer L7 in relation to L6 than dogs with normal lumbosacral junctions. When L6/L7 decreased by 0.1 units, the proportion of dogs belonging to the group with L8 was 14-fold higher than in the group with normal lumbosacral junctions. L8 resembled first sacral vertebra (S1) in length and position and was therefore classified as one type of LTV. With CT it was shown that categorizing LTV, based on shape and visibility of transverse processes seen in ventrodorsal radiographs, could be misleading.


We suggest that L8 be included as a part of the LTV complex, and the laterolateral radiographs of the lumbar spine be considered as an addition to ventrodorsal projections in the screening protocols for LTV.  相似文献   

犬髋关节发育不良(canine hip dysplasia,CHD)是犬常见的骨科疾病,传统放射学诊断对降低CHD发病率的作用有限,而基因诊断技术则可以有效促进CHD的育种改良。全基因组关联分析(genome wide association study,GWAS)是一种全基因组范围内的遗传标记的检测技术,对复杂性状功能基因的鉴定十分有效,已成为挖掘畜禽复杂疾病和性状遗传的重要方法。随着犬全基因组测序的完成以及犬不同密度SNP芯片的商业化,GWAS已经成为CHD致病基因筛选的一个重要手段。本文综述了GWAS的定义与影响因素,CHD在国外的育种现状及GWAS在德国牧羊犬中的研究进展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A retrospective survey of ocular defects in Australian Shepherd dogs was conducted following concerns raised by breeders and owners in Australia. This is the first known such study conducted for this breed. RESULTS: Data from this survey indicate that persistent hyaloid remnants (PHR) were the most common eye defect noted in the Australian Shepherd. Collie eye anomaly (CEA) is the second most common defect noted by veterinary ophthalmologists in the breed in Australia, and extra eyelashes (ectopic cilia/distichia) the third most common. CONCLUSIONS: The data also support the hypothesis that PHR may be inherited in this breed. Further investigation is needed to reveal the status of PHR in this breed.  相似文献   

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