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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the costs to the student of veterinary education. METHOD: A questionnaire was completed by 180 fourth-year veterinary students from the four veterinary schools in Australia. Frequencies and median costs were estimated using the SAS System for Windows 95. RESULTS: The median direct living costs were about $5000 per academic year, but were higher in Sydney and for those with additional expenses including children, pets and cars. Other costs associated with the course including text books, equipment and travel to practical work were of the order of $1000, and income foregone while doing practical work placed additional burdens on some. More than half the students from Sydney and Murdoch needed to work to provide basic necessities. Most of this work involved interaction with animals or people. The percentage of Queensland and Melbourne students needing to work was lower, 47 and 24 respectively, and fewer of those worked directly with animals or people. The students expected to repay a median of $14,000 after they graduate, with 70% of this being due to the Australian government as part of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme. CONCLUSIONS: Although parents contributed an average of between one-third and one half of the costs of obtaining a veterinary degree, the extent of parental contributions was very uneven and almost one half of all students needed to work to provide basic necessities. The average total debt on graduation was about half the annual starting salary, but those starting the course from 1997 are subject to much higher charges, and their average debt is likely to exceed one year's salary.  相似文献   

通过对澳大利亚兽药管理的学习和考察,体验了其兽药管理的管理理念.对澳大利亚兽药管理体系、法律法规及兽药注册管理与要求予以概述,以期为今后我国的兽药管理与兽药注册提供参考.  相似文献   

动物医学专业的实践性较强,稳固的基础知识和过硬的实践技能的训练对动物医学人才的培养尤其重要。专业素质养成教育重视专业素质的循序渐进发展,培养学生日渐形成熟练的操作技巧和良好的思维活动能力,为动物医学人才培养所需。此外,加强教师引领作用和探索更多的实践教育途径,能够促进学生不断地积累知识和逐步扎实提升专业技能,充分发挥素质养成教育在动物医学高素质专业人才培养中的作用。  相似文献   

为了解我国高等院校兽医教育的发展现状,准确掌握我国动物医学专业本科生教育培养单位基础数据,分别于2014年和2017年对我国兽医教育单位进行调研,获得了基本情况、培养方案、师资队伍、办学条件等方面的基础数据,并依此构建了我国兽医高等院校兽医本科教育单位数据库.基于该数据库,对我国兽医教育现状进行了分析.  相似文献   

动物福利教育与兽医专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物福利教育是动物保护的基本内容,是动物福利立法的基础。我国传统的兽医专业并没有系统开展动物福利的教育,但随着兽医专业实践的新发展,兽医职业不仅限于动物的健康和保护,更期望实践高标准的动物福利。国际上越来越多的兽医专业本科及研究生教育开展动物福利教育课程,并且建立了一些福利组织。在兽医专业开展动物福利教育可促进兽医专业的国际化、职业化和社会化,加快动物福利立法的进程。  相似文献   

2018年3月,A省B市农业委员会接群众举报,C省某生物药品有限公司涉嫌无兽药经营许可证经营兽药。经立案调查,认定该公司违法事实存在,根据《兽药管理条例》《兽用生物制品经营管理办法》规定,依法作出"没收违法所得50 000元,罚款150 000元"的行政处罚决定。本文对该案的案件定性、违法事实认定、违法所得认定、案件调查范围及D省某生物公司库存产品的处置等内容进行了分析,并结合案情,对生产企业发证地以外经营和设立仓库应如何监管进行了思考,以期为完善兽药监管机制,严格依法行政提供参考。  相似文献   

兽医科学中病毒受体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病毒受体在宿主细胞和病毒的相互作用中起着重要的作用。受体的特性与病毒的宿主范围和组织特异性密切相关,是病毒致病性的关键因素之一。随着分子生物学、细胞生物学、病毒学等学科的发展及新技术的出现,病毒受体研究逐渐成为相关领域的研究热点,其的研究结果可以为阻断病毒与受体的结合提供基础理论,进一步为病毒性疾病的预防与治疗、抗病毒新药物以及疫苗的研制提供新的思路。  相似文献   

作者从兽用电针治疗机的种类、治疗神经系统疾病、消化系统疾病、生殖系统疾病及电针麻醉等方面概述了电针在兽医临床的应用。  相似文献   

详细阐述了现行《兽药管理条例》中“兽药使用单位”界定给监管兽药带来的困惑,并提出了修订《兽药管理条例》中“兽药使用单位”一词、明确建立用药记录的责任主体内涵、修订对兽药使用违法行为的法律责任、及早颁布兽药安全使用规定四条建议,以期为进一步提高兽药安全使用监管水平提供参考。  相似文献   



To investigate the course‐related and other costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia and how these costs are met. The study also aimed to identify sociodemographic and course‐related factors associated with increased financial stress.


Students from seven Australian veterinary schools were surveyed using an online questionnaire. A total of 443 students participated (response rate 17%). Responses to survey items relating to finances, employment and course‐related costs were compared with sociodemographic factors and prior research in the area of student financial stress.


Respondents reported spending a median of A$300 per week on living costs and a median of A$2,000 per year on course‐related expenses. Over half of respondents received the majority of their income from their parents or Youth Allowance (56%). A similar proportion (55%) reported that they needed to work to meet basic living expenses. Circumstances and sociodemographic factors linked to perceived financial stress included requiring additional finances to meet unexpected costs during the course; sourcing additional finances from external loans; an expected tuition debt at graduation over A$40,000; being 22 years or older; working more than 12 hours per week; living costs above A$300 per week; and being female.


The costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia are high and over half of respondents are reliant on parental or Government income support. Respondents with certain sociodemographic profiles are more prone to financial stress. These findings may have implications for the psychological health, diversity and career plans of veterinary students in Australia.  相似文献   

DNA疫苗是继减毒疫苗,灭活疫苗,亚单位疫苗和重组多肽疫苗之后的又一新型疫苗,比其它疫苗高效。安全且易于大量生产。本文对DNA疫苗在牛,猪和鸡一些病毒病上的使用效果及其安全问题等方面的研究近况作一综述。  相似文献   

全面概述了加拿大的兽药管理体系,包括加拿大的兽药定义、主要管理机构及其职责和任务、兽药管理的法律法规和主要内容等,进而对加拿大在兽药管理制度及体系方面的改革和完善进程做一简要介绍,为我国兽药法制化管理的进一步发展提供了可借鉴的信息。  相似文献   

超抗原以极低的浓度就能引起机体免疫细胞、细胞因子和抗体的巨大变化,引起机体一系列病理生理过程。鉴于超抗原的这种特性,医学上已成功将其用于癌症和病毒病的辅助治疗。在兽医科学上,超抗原有望在兽医病理学、兽医药理学、兽医临床治疗和兽医预防方面得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

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