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SUMMARY: Records of 220 thoroughbred horses presented to the Randwick Equine Centre or the University of Queensland Veterinary Teaching Hospital for surgical management of carpal injury were reviewed. Details of racing performance were obtained, enabling evaluation of racing success following surgery. Age and sex matched control horses not known to have suffered carpal injury were selected from the Australian Stud Book and the Australian Racehorse Register. Control and treated populations were compared in terms of overall career racing success.
Radiographs or xeroradiographs from 198 horses were available for evaluation. The dorsomedial aspects of the distal articular surface of the radial carpal bone and the proximal articular surface of the third carpal bone were the most commonly observed locations of osteochondral fracture. Bilateral carpal injury was found to be sufficiently common to warrant routine radiographic examination of both limbs. The dorsolateral-palmaromedial oblique, flexed lateral and dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique (skyline) projections were the most useful views for evaluation of carpal degenerative joint disease. Surgical removal of osteochondral fractures by arthrotomy or arthroscopy was found to be a suitable method of treatment.
Arthroscopy was associated with a significantly shorter convalescent period than arthrotomy. Seventy-six percent of the treated population returned to racing following surgery. Average earnings following surgery were 20 000. However, the median value was only 1400 and 48% of the treated population failed to earn more than 1000. Male horses in both the treated and control groups performed significantly better than females. Treated horses performed significantly better than the randomly selected control population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a tenoscopic method to divide the carpal flexor retinaculum and decompress the carpal canal. STUDY DESIGN: Cadaver specimen study and prospective trial. ANIMALS: Twelve cadaveric limbs, 4 clinically normal horses, and 2 clinically affected horses. Methods-A tenoscopic approach to the proximolateral aspect of the carpal sheath was used to identify and facilitate endoscopic division of the inner and outer layers of the carpal flexor retinaculum in cadaver limbs. The technique was further evaluated in 4 normal and 2 clinically affected horses. RESULTS: Anatomic dissection, intraoperative observation, necropsy, histologic evaluation, and both short- and long-term clinical follow-up indicate that a tenoscopic approach that divides the inner layer of the carpal retinaculum can successfully decompress the equine carpal canal. No iatrogenic damage to surrounding structures was evident, division of the retinaculum was adequate and permanent, and clinical morbidity was negligible. Resolution of effusion was evident in both clinical cases of carpal canal syndrome and lameness resolved in the 1 horse in which long-term follow-up was possible. CONCLUSIONS: Tenoscopic release of the carpal flexor retinaculum could provide a minimally invasive method to quickly, safely, and effectively decompress the carpal canal. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Tensocopic release of the carpal flexor retinaculum is a safe alternative to open division of the retinaculum to decompress the carpal canal in horses with carpal canal syndrome.  相似文献   

Arthroscopic mosaic arthroplasty in the equine third carpal bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE--To investigate survival and function of autogenous heterotopic osteochondral grafts in a site where injuries are common. STUDY DESIGN--Three osteochondral grafts were harvested arthroscopically from the femoropatellar joint and transplanted to the third carpal bone (C(3)). Nine months later, histologic, histomorphometric, and biochemical comparisons were made between the transplanted grafts in C(3) and tissue adjacent to the recipient site, the opposing radial carpal bone (C(r)), the donor site in the femoropatellar joint, and the sham-operated contralateral C(3). ANIMALS--One mixed-breed pony and 5 Standardbred horses aged 3 to 8 years old. METHODS--Using instruments modified for equine use, four 4.5-mm-diameter osteochondral grafts were harvested arthroscopically from the distal aspect of the lateral trochlea of the right femur and inserted into the radial facet of the right third carpal bone. The fourth graft was kept as a donor-site control sample. Three months later, regular exercise was started and at 6 months, repeat arthroscopy was conducted to evaluate healing. The horses were euthanatized 9 months after transplantation, and comparisons were made between the grafts, opposing radial carpal bone, and contralateral third carpal bone. The assessment criteria included paravital staining, a modified Mankin scoring system, and biochemical analyses for collagen type, total collagen content, and sulfated glycosaminoglycan concentration. RESULTS--All horses were sound 21 days' postoperatively. At 6 months, all 18 grafts were intact but somewhat soft and opaque compared with surrounding carpal cartilage. Nine months' postoperatively, the bony portions of the grafts were well integrated with the recipient sites, but 6 grafts had histologic evidence of cartilage degeneration. From biochemical analysis of grafts, there was little or no new repair tissue invading the experimental sites, but sulfated glycosaminoglycan (proteoglycan) loss from the transplanted cartilage was marked. CONCLUSIONS--Heterotopic transfer of osteochondral grafts from the distal aspect of the lateral femoral trochlea to the third carpal bone is feasible with minor modifications of human mosaic arthroplasty instruments. The bony portion of the osteochondral grafts was quickly remodeled to provide subchondral support to the transplanted articular cartilage. The loss of proteoglycan from the transplanted cartilage indicates that the grafts might have been injured during harvesting or insertion, or, more likely, did not remodel to meet the demands of a new biomechanical environment. CLINICAL RELEVANCE--These findings suggest that arthroscopic resurfacing of focal osteoarticular defects will not be successful in the long term unless donor and recipient sites can be matched with respect to cartilage thickness, biochemical constituents, and physical properties. Mosaic arthroplasty may be indicated in selected cases in which no other options exist to create a confluent cartilage-covered surface.  相似文献   

The most consistent published ideas on the function of the carpal joint of the horse concern the elasticity of the joint, and its limits to extension. Most of these are not well substantiated experimentally. Compression stress appears to be absorbed by the intercarpal ligaments as the carpal bones are separated by a wedge action during loading. Overextension is prevented by occlusion of dorsally located stop facets on the rows of carpal bones, and by the support of a stay apparatus.  相似文献   

In order to establish the incidence of vacuum phenomenon in horses' carpal, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints, stress-flexed radiographs were made of normal joints, joints with known pathology and in anaesthetised horses with joints under traction. Focal intra-articular radiolucencies were identified in normal stress-flexed carpal, metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints. These radiolucencies can be confused with those associated with pathological conditions.  相似文献   

An alcian blue precipitation method for quantifying the hyaluronic acid (HA) and sulphated glycosaminoglycan concentration (SGAG) in solutions containing both compounds was assessed. The assay was found to be rapid and reliable in solutions containing 0 to 200 mg of HA/dl and 50 to 1,000 micrograms of SGAG/dl, and was not affected by the presence of protein, hemoglobin, or methemoglobin in concentrations normally found in synovial fluid. The HA and SGAG concentrations in intercarpal synovial fluid from 13 clinically normal and 11 arthritic horses were evaluated. A relationship was not found between the concentration of HA and SGAG and any other synovial fluid variable. The SGAG concentration was found to be markedly high in several of the synovial fluid samples from arthritic horses, but did not correlate with the degree of articular cartilage erosion.  相似文献   

Echocardiographic evaluation of 23 horses with aortic insufficiency was performed, using M-mode (n = 23) and 2-dimensional real-time echocardiography (n = 14 of 23). Echocardiograms were evaluated for abnormalities of aortic and mitral valves and alterations in motion of these valves. Changes in left ventricular chamber size and function, as well as aortic root size, were evaluated. The presence of other cardiac disease was also evaluated. Horses with aortic insufficiency had significant increases (P less than 0.01) in mean values of left ventricular chamber size, aortic root diameter, and shortening fraction. Left ventricular free wall thickness also was significantly decreased (P less than 0.01). Valvular abnormalities were seen echocardiographically in all 23 horses. Eighteen horses with aortic insufficiency had thickened valves, whereas two horses had lesions associated with vegetative endocarditis. High-frequency vibrations of the septal leaflet of the mitral valve were noticed in all horses, whereas similar vibrations of the aortic valve were seen in six horses. The presence of a bounding arterial pulse correlated significantly (P less than 0.05) with increased left ventricular chamber size at end diastole and shortening fraction, indicating a marked left ventricular volume overload. A reliable diagnosis of aortic insufficiency can be made with the detection of bounding arterial pulses in concert with a holodiastolic decrescendo grade II to V/V murmur with maximal intensity over the aortic valve area, radiating toward the left cardiac apex.  相似文献   

The normal radiographic anatomy of the equine larynx was determine by use of xeroradiography and dissection. The body and laminae of the thyroid cartilage, the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilages, and the dorsal lamina and arch of the cricoid cartilage had radiographic evidence of mineralization (calcification) and/or ossification in clinically normal horses. There was a significant (P less than 0.01) increase in the degree of mineralization of the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages with advancing age. Horses with diagnosis of arytenoid chondrosis (arytenoid chondral dysplasia, arytenoid chondropathy) by use of endoscopy had radiographic changes that included: enlargement with increased density of the arytenoid cartilage region, abnormal patterns of mineralization (dystrophic mineralization or osseous metaplasia), abnormal contour of the corniculate process(es) and laryngeal masses, sometimes obliterating part or all of the lateral laryngeal ventricles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize the texture, mineralogic features, and chemical features of enteroliths obtained from horses. SAMPLE POPULATION: Enteroliths from 13 horses with colic. PROCEDURE: Enteroliths were harvested from 13 horses that underwent ventral midline celiotomy for treatment of colic or necropsy because of colonic obstruction and rupture caused by enteroliths. Dietary and environmental history were determined via questionnaires or evaluation of medical records. In 7 horses that underwent surgical treatment for enterolithiasis, samples of colonic contents were obtained via an enterotomy in the pelvic flexure. Colonic concentrations of magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), sulfur (S), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), and potassium (K) were determined. Enteroliths were analyzed via electron microprobe analysis and X-ray diffraction. RESULTS: Enteroliths varied widely regarding degree of porosity, presence and distribution of radiating texture, and composition and size of the central nidus. A distinct concentric banding was identifiable in all enteroliths. Struvite was the predominant component of all enteroliths, although Mg vivianite was identified in 5 enteroliths, and there were variable quantities of Na, S, K, and Ca in the struvite within enteroliths. Despite an abundance of Ca in colonic fluids, Mg-phosphate minerals were preferentially formed, compared with Ca-phosphates (apatite), in equine enteroliths. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Enteroliths comprise 2 major Mg phosphates: struvite and Mg vivianite. There is wide variability in macrotexture and ionic concentrations between and within enteroliths.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: One of the most common causes of lameness in racehorses is osteoarthritis (OA). Pathogenesis is not clear and pathological processes of the different joint tissues interact in often progressive events. The interface between cartilage and newly synthesised bone has been shown to be particularly enriched in bone sialoprotein (BSP), a cell-binding matrix protein. OBJECTIVES: To establish whether changes in the concentration of BSP may serve as a marker for early biochemical changes of the subchondral bone. METHODS: Articular cartilage, cartilage/bone interface and subchondral bone of the proximal third carpal bone from 3 Standardbred trotters were analysed ultrastructurally for the presence of BSP in normal and degenerative areas. RESULTS: A marked increase of BSP in the cartilage/bone interface with degenerative changes of the bone and cartilage compared to the morphologically intact cartilage/bone interface was noted, but levels of the protein were distinctly lower in the distal bone. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that BSP has the potential to be used as a marker for changes in bone metabolism in the subchondral bone. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Tools to monitor early biochemical changes within the connective tissues of the joint in vivo are essential in studies of the pathogenesis of OA. These could be used to monitor and understand such changes in relation to load, exercise, training programmes, inflammation and the development of OA.  相似文献   

This preliminary study was designed to determine whether the neurotransmitter substance P was present in the middle carpal synovial membrane of the normal horse and whether the neuropeptide could be identified in the synovial fluid of normal horses and those with joint diseases. Immunocytochemistry on middle carpal synovial membrane biopsies from fresh cadavers was used to demonstrate substance P-containing neural elements. Substance P was most abundant in the subintimal portion of the membrane, with occasional filaments coursing via synovial fronds to the intimal portion. Radioimmunoassay techniques were used on acidified acetonitrile-preserved synovial fluid samples to measure substance P concentrations. Fluid from 9 joints of 5 normal horses and 6 joints of 4 horses with joint diseases were analysed. Disease conditions included acute and chronic osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis. Synovia from normal horses contained a mean concentration of substance P significantly less than that of horses with joint diseases (P less than 0.05). Elevated concentrations of neurotransmitters in diseased joints suggests a potential contribution to the pathophysiology of joint disorders in horses.  相似文献   

We compared the radiographic and scintigraphic findings in the third carpal bone of horses performing different work disciplines and investigated their relationship with lameness. Horses had undergone carpal radiography including acquisition of a dorsoproximal-dorsodistal oblique (DPr-DDiO) image of the distal row of carpal bones and/or scintigraphic examination of the carpi. Cause of lameness, breed, age, and work discipline were recorded. Increased opacity in the third carpal bone was graded, ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake calculated objectively, and increased radiopharmaceutical uptake graded subjectively. Relationships between radiographic, scintigraphic, and clinical findings were assessed statistically. Increased opacity in the third carpal bone (P = 0.003) and ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake (P = 0.015) were associated with the work discipline. Increased opacity in the third carpal bone was associated with both increased radiopharmaceutical uptake grade (P = 0.002; rs = 0.59) and ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake (P = 0.013; rs = 0.46). Increased radiopharmaceutical uptake and increased opacity in the third carpal bone were not always observed concurrently. Lameness related to the middle carpal joint was associated with increased opacity (P < 0.001), ratio of radiopharmaceutical uptake (P = 0.037), and increased radiopharmaceutical uptake grade (P < 0.001). Radiographic and scintigraphic abnormalities were observed in horses performing all disciplines, indicating that high-speed exercise may not be the only factor determining the development of osseous disease in the third carpal bone. Both increased opacity and increased radiopharmaceutical uptake were more likely to be seen in horses with lameness related to the middle carpal joint than in horses with other sources of pain.  相似文献   

Dorsal carpal osteochondral injury is a major cause of lameness in horses undergoing high intensity training. Intra-articular corticosteroid treatment is used commonly to manage exercise-associated articular pain, but its use remains highly controversial in the equine athlete. This project, therefore, aimed to compare the mechanical properties of intra-articular MPA and diluent-treated middle carpal subchondral and cancellous bone in horses undergoing a short-term treadmill exercise programme. It was hypothesised that subchondral and cancellous bone mechanical properties are influenced by intra-articular administration of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA). Eight 2-year-old female horses had MPA or diluent administered into contralateral middle carpal joints at 14 day intervals, for a total of 4 treatments per horse. Horses underwent a standard treadmill exercise protocol until euthanasia (Day 70). Standard sites were located on the dorsal aspect of third, radial and intermediate carpal bones. Osteochondral samples from each test site were divided into subchondral bone and cancellous bone portions. These were dried, resin-embedded and gold-coated. Microhardness measurements were obtained at each test site. No significant effect of intra-articular treatment was detected. At each site, cancellous bone trabecular struts had an 18-19% higher microhardness value than the overlying subchondral bone. These findings indicate that intra-articular administration of MPA at this dose has no effect on subchondral or cancellous bone adaptation to short-term exercise and, therefore, on the propensity of carpal bones to injury. Further investigation into the calcified cartilage layer, effect of different corticosteroid preparations and diffusion of medication are required.  相似文献   

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