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Six isonitrogenous (350 g kg−1 crude protein) and isoenergetic (17573 kJ kg−1) experimental diets incorporating raw and fermented sesame ( Seasamum indicum ) seed meal at 200, 300, and 400 g kg−1 into a fishmeal based diet were fed to rohu Labeo rohita fingerlings for 60 days and the growth performance and feed utilization efficiency of the fish was studied. The antinutritional factor phytic acid, from raw sesame seed meal, could be reduced below detection limit by fermentation with lactic acid bacteria ( Lactobacillus acidophilus ). Fermentation of the oilseed meal resulted in reduction of the tannin content from 20 to 10 g kg−1. In terms of growth response, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, a diet containing 400 g kg−1 fermented sesame seed meal resulted in a significantly ( P  < 0.01) best fish performance. In general, growth and feed utilization efficiencies of fish fed fermented sesame seed meal diets were superior to those fed raw oilseed meal diets. Apparent protein digestibility (APD) values decreased with increasing levels of raw oilseed meal. APD was, however, significantly ( P  < 0.01) higher at all levels of incorporation of fermented sesame seed meal, while diets containing raw oilseed meal resulted in poor protein and lipid digestibility. Carcass protein and lipid contents of fish fed fermented sesame seed meal diets increased with increasing level of incorporation, being highest with 400 g kg−1 fermented oilseed meal-containing diet. The results showed that sesame seed meal may be incorporated in carp diets up to 200 g kg−1 and 400 g kg−1 in raw and treated (fermented) forms respectively.  相似文献   

A 60-day feeding experiment was conducted in the laboratory to evaluate the effect of oral administration of the beta-adrenergic agonist (BAA), salbutamol, on growth, nutrient utilization and whole-body composition of rohu Labeo rohita (Hamilton) fingerlings (average weight 5.51 ± 0.07 g) acting as a repartitioning agent in intermediary metabolism and redistributing nutrients for muscle synthesis. Two diets (diets 30/0 and 40/0) were formulated containing 30% and 40% crude protein to serve as basal diets containing the same ingredient composition. Another four diets (diets 30/3, 30/6, 40/3 and 40/6) were prepared in the same way to contain either 3 or 6 mg kg−1 BAA salbutamol at each protein level making the total of six experimental diets. Rohu fingerlings were fed with the experimental diets in three replicate treatments at a restricted feeding regime equivalent to 2% of body weight (BW) day−1. A significant (P < 0.05) interaction effect was found between dietary protein level and BAA treatment. Dietary incorporation of BAA at both protein levels significantly (P < 0.05) increased growth and nutrient utilization in terms of weight gain (%), specific growth rate (SGR), feed:gain ratio (FGR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER). BAA treatment at the 6 mg kg−1 concentration led to a 12% rise in growth with the 30% protein diet and a 6% rise with the 40% protein diet, above their respective controls (without BAA treatment). However, no significant differences were found by raising the BAA concentration from 3 to 6 mg kg−1. The apparent digestibility values for protein, lipid and energy were only higher with the 30% protein diets containing BAA. At both protein levels tested, BAA exerted a significant (P < 0.05) positive influence on protein retention and a negative influence on lipid retention efficiency, although the differences between the 3 and 6 mg kg−1 BAA diets were not significant. This indicated that BAA acted as a repartitioning agent in suppressing lipid deposition in favour of protein accretion. BAA induced significantly (P < 0.05) higher whole-body protein and lipid relative to the untreated groups. The condition factor improved significantly (P < 0.05) in the BAA-treated dietary groups. The fillet percentage displayed a direct correlation and the frame percentage a negative correlation with BAA concentration in the diets. The results indicate that the BAA, salbutamol, was effective in producing growth enhancement, improved body composition (higher protein and lower lipid accretion) and efficient nutrient utilization at the 3 mg kg−1 dietary incorporation level and thus has a potential for application in formulated diets for the Indian major carp, rohu, under culture conditions.  相似文献   

Ten isonitrogenous (350 g kg1-crude protein) diets incorporating raw and soaked deoiled sal (Shorea robusta) seed meal at 200, 300,400, 500 and 600 g kg?1 into a fish-meal-based diet were fed to rohu, Labeo rohita (Ham.), fingerlings for 60 days and fish performance was studied. Tannin from raw salseed meal could be reduced from 34 to 7 g kg?1 by soaking in water for 16 h at room temperature. In terms of growth response, food conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, a diet containing 200 g kg?1 soaked salseed meal resulted in significantly (P < 0.01) the best performance of the fish. Apparent protein digestibility (APD) values decreased with increasing level of oilseed meal. Carcass protein was highest in fish fed diets containing 200 g kg?1 soaked salseed meal. The results showed that deoiled salseed meal can be incorporated in carp diets up to 200 g kg?1 and 300 g kg?1 in raw and treated forms respectively.  相似文献   

A 56‐day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate growth, feed utilization and body composition of fingerling rohu, Labeo rohita (4.5 ± 0.2 cm; 2.58 ± 0.04 g), fed five isonitrogenous (350 g kg?1 crude protein) and isoenergetic (15.7 kJ g?1 metabolizable energy) diets in which the main protein contributors were: diet I, fish meal (FM); diet II, soybean meal (SBM); diet III, groundnut meal (GNM); diet IV, equal amounts of SBM, GNM and canola meal (CM); diet V, equal amounts of FM, SBM, GNM and CM. Fish were stocked in triplicate groups of 25 fish held in 70 L flow‐through tanks (water volume 55 L) and fed twice daily (0900 and 1700 hrs) to apparent satiation. Fish fed diet I exhibited the highest (P < 0.05) values for live weight gain and specific growth rate (% per day). Feed conversion and protein efficiency ratio were better (P < 0.05) in fish‐fed diets I and II. Fish‐fed diet II exhibited lower (P < 0.05) fat and ash contents in carcass. Based on these findings, a 70‐day trial (Experiment II) was conducted with six diets fed under the same conditions where FM was incrementally replaced with SBM. Fingerling L. rohita (6.7 ± 0.4 cm; 4.07 ± 0.02 g) were used for the study. Crystalline l ‐methionine was added to diets containing more than 250 g kg?1 SBM. This second study showed no significant (P > 0.05) variation in growth, feed utilization and carcass composition for fish fed the different diets. In conclusion, SBM was more effective than GNM or CM, as FM was replaced in feeds for fingerling L. rohita and could completely replace FM when supplemented with methionine and fortified with minerals under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

The effects of periphyton, grown on bamboo substrates, on growth and production of two Indian major carps, rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and gonia, Labeo gonius (Linnaeus), were studied at the Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. For each species, five ponds were provided with bamboo substrates and five ponds without substrate (control). Ponds were stocked at a rate of 10 000 ha?1 in both treatments. There was no discernible difference in water quality parameters between treatments. A large number of plankton (39 genera) showed periphytic nature and colonized the bamboo substrates. Rohu grew faster, resulting in a 77% higher net production (P < 0.05) in the ponds with bamboo substrates compared with the ponds without substrate. In contrast, the growth and production of gonia did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) between the substrate and control ponds. Rohu seems to be a more suitable candidate for periphyton‐based aquaculture systems than gonia.  相似文献   

Hydrothermically processed Prosopis juliflora (PJ) seed meal as a supplementary diet for Labeo rohita is found to be rich in protein (330 g kg?1) having antinutritional factors in permissible limits and containing essential amino acids adequately except lysine, methionine and cysteine. Ten iso‐nitrogenous and iso‐energetic diets with crude, soaked and autoclaved seed meal at 20%, 35% and 50% replacement of fish meal were tested (D1–D9, respectively). The growth of fish (weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio) fed diet D4 (soaked seed meal at 20% replacement) was higher among the test diets, but lower than reference diet (RD). Diets with 50% seed meal resulted in lowering of growth, carcass composition, digestive enzyme activity and digestibility compared to test diets at 20% and 35% inclusion levels in the respective groups. Hydrothermically processed seed meal improved the growth compared to unprocessed one, though not up to RD level. This could be because of amino acid imbalance and presence of non‐starch polysaccharides in seed meal. Looking to the easy availability and its nutritional quality, processed PJ seed meal can be incorporated in carp diet at lower inclusion level.  相似文献   

The genetic variations of rohu (Labeo rohita, Hamilton) sampled from five hatchery populations (Arabpur, Brahmaputra, Comilla, Kishorganj and Natore) and three major river populations (the Halda, the Jamuna and the Padma) were analysed by allozyme electrophoresis. Ten enzymes encoded by 11 loci were screened, and six were polymorphic. Alleles at three loci (Est‐1*, Gpi‐1* and Gpi‐2*) proved variable for hatchery and river populations, and the Mdh‐2* locus exhibited heterozygous genotypes for river populations only. Polymorphic loci per population (27.3±5.3%), heterozygous loci per individual (15.5±1.2%) and relative gene diversity (0.27±0.08) in river populations were higher than those for hatchery populations (25.5±1.8%, 10.7±1.6% and 0.25±0.01 respectively). Also, the observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) (0.09±0.03 and 0.14±0.04 respectively) in river populations were higher than those in hatchery populations (0.08±0.01 and 0.11±0.01 respectively). The lower levels of genetic variability in hatchery populations suggested the occurrence of inbreeding and/or genetic drift. The pairwise population differentiation (FST) values showed a lower level of genetic differentiation between hatchery and river population pairs. The unweighted pair‐group method with arithmetic mean dendrogram of Nei's genetic distances showed a relationship between the genetic distance and geographic distance. The populations were clustered into three groups: the Padma in one group, the Halda in second group and the Jamuna, including five hatcheries, in the third group. Highly diversified rohu individuals were observed in the Padma and Halda Rivers, whereas less genetically variable individuals were found in the Jamuna River and five hatcheries. These findings can be useful for rohu hatchery propagation to enhance the sustainable aquaculture production.  相似文献   

The in vitro inhibitory effect of protease inhibitors from four seed extracts (soybean, grasspea, black gram and horse gram) on digestive proteases of rohu was assessed by enzyme inhibition assay and substrate sodium dodecyl sulphate‐polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. High proteolytic activity was detected in the intestinal extract of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings at two different pH ranges (8–8.5 and 10–11). That protein digestion occurs mainly in the alkaline condition in this fish without a stomach is evident from very high trypsin activity (0.95±0.04 benzoyl‐dl ‐arginine‐p‐nitroanilide U mg protein−1) in the intestine. In case of grass pea seed, more than 50% inhibition of alkaline protease activity was recorded when the ratio of inhibitor to enzyme was 9.41 μg U−1. More than 40% inhibition of protease activity was recorded in case of horse gram seed when the ratio of inhibitor to enzyme was 5.51 μg U−1. Black gram at 11.0 μg U−1 and soybean seed proteins at 62.75 μg U−1 resulted in 50% and more than 30% inhibition of digestive protease activity in rohu fingerlings respectively. A plot of the inhibition values obtained by changing the relative concentrations of enzyme/inhibitor resulted in different dose–response curves for different protein sources. The use of substrate gel electrophoresis allowed the visualization of the aforementioned differences in inhibition. Each seed extract produced a characteristic profile of protease inhibition. It is concluded that protease inhibitors present in plant protein sources adversely affect the digestive proteases in fish and hence there is a need to eliminate/reduce the amount of such inhibitors through proper processing before incorporation into aquafeeds.  相似文献   

Twelve experimental diets (D‐1 to D‐12) in a 4 × 3 factorial design (four protein levels: 250, 350, 400 and 450 g kg?1 and three lipid levels: 50, 100 and 150 g kg?1) were formulated. Carbohydrate level was constant at 250 g kg?1. Rohu fingerlings (average wt. 4.3 ± 0.02 g) were fed the experimental diets for 60 days in three replicates at 2% BW  day?1. Weight gain (%), specific growth rate (% day?1) and feed gain ratio (FGR) indicated that diets containing 450 g kg?1 protein and 100 or 150 g kg?1 lipid (diets D‐11 and D‐12) resulted in best performance, although results were not significantly different from those of diet D‐9 (400 g kg?1 protein and 150 g kg?1 lipid). Protein efficiency ratio was highest with diets D‐6 (350 g kg?1 protein and 150 g kg?1 lipid) and D‐9 (400 g kg?1 protein and 150 g kg?1 lipid) (P > 0.05) and declined with higher and lower protein diets at all levels of lipid tested. Elevated lipid level (50, 100 or 150 g kg?1) did not produce better FGR in diets containing 400 and 450 g kg?1 dietary protein (P > 0.05). The combined effects of protein and lipid were evident up to 400 g kg?1 protein. Growth and FGR showed consistent improvement with increased lipid levels from 50 to 150 g kg?1 at each protein level tested except with diets containing 450 g kg?1 protein. Apparent nutrient digestibility (for protein, lipid and energy) did not show significant variation among different dietary groups (P > 0.05). Whole body protein and lipid contents increased significantly (P > 0.05) with dietary protein level. The results of this study indicate that rohu fingerlings are adapted to utilize high protein in diets with varying efficiency. The fish could utilize lipid to spare protein but there is no significant advantage from this beyond the dietary protein level of 350–400 g kg?1 in terms of growth and body composition.  相似文献   

Eight isonitrogenous (approximately 35 % crude protein) and isocaloric (17.58 kJ g?1) diets incorporating raw and fermented sesame oilseed meal replacing other feed ingredients including fishmeal at 10, 20, 30 and 40 % levels by weight into a fishmeal-based reference diet (RD) were fed to rohu, Labeo rohita, fingerlings (mean initial weight 3.19 ± 0.09 g) for 80 days. Two phytase-producing bacterial strains (LF1 and LH1 of Bacillus licheniformis) isolated from the foregut and hindgut regions of adult L. rohita were used for fermentation of oilseed meal for 15 days at 37 ± 2 °C. Fermentation of sesame seed meal was effective in significantly reducing the crude fibre content and anti-nutritional factors such as tannins and phytic acid and enhancing available free amino acids, free fatty acids and mineral concentration. In terms of growth, feed conversion ratio and protein efficiency ratio, 30 % fermented oilseed meal incorporated diet resulted in a significantly (P < 0.05) better performance of rohu fingerlings. In general, growth and feed utilization efficiencies of diets containing fermented oilseed meal were superior to diets containing raw meal. The apparent digestibility of protein, lipid, ash and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, manganese, copper and iron) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in fish fed diet containing 30 % fermented oilseed meal in comparison with those fed RD. The maximum deposition of protein in the carcass was recorded in fish fed the diet containing 30 % fermented seed meal.  相似文献   

Dietary phosphorus requirement of fingerling Labeo rohita (6.1 ± 0.13 cm; 1.88 ± 0.05 g) was quantified by feeding seven isonitrogenous (350 g/kg crude protein) and isocaloric (16.72 kJ/g gross energy) purified diets with different levels of phosphorus as 3.5 (basal diet), 4.6, 5.7, 6.5, 7.8, 8.9, and 10.1 g/kg. Triplicate groups of fish were fed at 0800, 1200, and 1600 h to apparent satiation for 8 wk. Live weight gain (LWG; 494.68%), specific growth rate (3.18%/d), feed conversion ratio (1.54), feed efficiency (0.65), protein gain (PG; 1.26 g/fish), protein efficiency ratio (1.86), and phosphorus utilization efficiency (98.78%) improved significantly (P < 0.05), with increasing dietary phosphorus level up to 6.5 g/kg. However, phosphorus contents of vertebrae and scale increased significantly up to 7.8 g/kg. Dietary phosphorus levels significantly affected serum phosphorus concentration and alkaline phosphatase activity. Broken‐line analysis based on LWG; PG; and whole‐body, vertebrae, and scale phosphorus against dietary phosphorus indicated the optimal phosphorus requirement of fingerling L. rohita at 6.56, 6.58, 6.56, 8.02, and 8.44 g/kg diet, respectively. In order to restrict superfluous phosphorus in the diet, inclusion of 6.56 g/kg phosphorus is recommended for optimal growth of fingerling L. rohita.  相似文献   

Sugarcane bagasse (T1), paddy straw (T2) and their mixture (T3) were added to mud‐bottomed, manured cement tanks in triplicate to study the effect on bacterial biofilm production and growth and survival of rohu, Labeo rohita. All tanks were stocked with fingerling rohu at 10 000 ha?1. The total plate count (TPC) of bacteria in water and on substrate did not differ significantly between treatments. The mean phytoplankton and zooplankton density in water was the highest in T2, followed by T3 and T1. The growth of fish was significantly (P<0.05) higher in T2 and T3 compared with T1. Significantly higher RNA values were recorded in T2 and T3 compared with T1. Similarly, T2 and T3 registered higher DNA values than T1. RNA:DNA ratio was higher in T2 compared with T1. However, T3 did not differ significantly from T1 and T2. Both intestinal and hepatopancreatic protease and lipase activity was higher in T1 and T2 compared with T3 and both differ significantly from T1. Intestinal amylase activity was higher in T2 and T3 compared with T1, whereas hepatopancreatic amylase activity was higher in T2 compared with T1 and T3. The results demonstrated that production of L. rohita can be significantly increased by the introduction of biodegradable substrates into culture systems where fertilization is employed.  相似文献   

Two new cell lines, designated RE and CB, were derived from the eye of rohu, Labeo rohita , and the brain of catla, Catla catla , respectively. The cell lines were maintained in Leibovitz's L-15 supplemented with 20% foetal bovine serum. The RE cell line was sub-cultured for more than 70 passages and the CB cell line for more than 35 passages. The RE cells are rounded and consist predominantly of epithelial cells. The CB cell line consists of predominantly fibroblastic-like cells. Both cell lines are able to grow at temperatures between 25 and 32 °C with an optimum of 28 °C. The growth rate of the cells increased as the foetal bovine serum concentration increased from 2% to 20% at 28 °C, with optimum growth at concentrations of 15% or 20% foetal bovine serum. The cells were successfully cryopreserved and revived at different passage levels. The cell lines were not susceptible to four marine fish viruses. Extracellular products from Aeromonas sp . were toxic to the cell lines. When the cells were transfected with plasmid eukaryotic green fluorescent protein (pEGFP [Clontech, Carlsbad, CA, USA]) vector DNA, a significant fluorescent signal was observed suggesting that these cell lines could be a useful tool for transgenic and genetic manipulation studies. Polymerase chain reaction amplification of mitochondrial 12S rRNA from rohu and catla confirmed that the cell lines originated from these fish species. The cell lines were further characterized by immunocytochemistry using confocal laser scanning microscopy.  相似文献   

Three isonitrogenous (320 g kg?1 crude protein, casein and gelatine) semi‐purified diets with 80 (L8), 130 (L13) and 180 (L18) g kg?1 lipid (sunflower oil at increasing levels and cod liver oil fixed at 50 g kg?1) at three digestible energy levels (12 096, 13 986 and 15 876 kJ kg?1 dry weight) and were tested, in triplicate, on rohu fingerlings (3.2 ± 0.08 g) at two different temperatures (21 and 32 °C). Fish were fed to apparent satiation, twice daily, at 09.00 and 15.00 h, 7 days a week for 56 days. Maximum growth was obtained at a lipid level of 80 g kg?1 (L8) at 21 °C (439.37%) and 130 g kg?1 (L13) at 32 °C (481.8%). In general growth rate was higher at 32 °C than at 21 °C at all lipid levels. Tissue monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) contents decreased with increasing lipid level at 32 °C, but the reverse occurred at 21 °C. At 21 °C, Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) level increased significantly (P > 0.05) over initial values, but was affected insignificantly by dietary lipid level. At 32 °C, fish fed diet L13 had more n‐3 fatty acid (FA) in liver and muscle than the other two dietary groups while at 21 °C, both liver and muscle FA profiles exhibited significant change (P > 0.05) in n‐3 and n‐6 FA content which corresponded to variation in percent addition of dietary lipid. However, n‐3/n‐6 ratio was higher for fish fed diet L13 at 32 °C and diet L8 at 21 °C and may be correlated with fish growth.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted for 60 days to delineate the effect of both gelatinized and non‐gelatinized corn with or without supplementation of exogenous α‐amylase at two level of protein 35% (optimum) and 27% (sub‐optimum) on growth, tissue composition and protein sparing effect of carbohydrate in the diet of Labeo rohita fingerlings. Three hundred and sixty fingerlings (average weight 10.00±0.15 g) were randomly distributed in 12 treatment groups with two replicates for each. Twelve semi‐purified diets containing either 35% or 27% CP were prepared with different levels of α‐amylase (0, 50, 100 and 150 mg kg?1) and starch type [gelatinized (G)/non‐gelatinized, (NG)] viz. T1 (NG, 35% CP, 0 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T2 (G, 35% CP, 0 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T3 (NG, 27% CP, 50 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T4 (NG, 35% CP, 50 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T5 (G, 27% CP, 50 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T6 (G, 35% CP, 50 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T7 (NG, 27% CP, 100 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T8 (NG, 35% CP, 100 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T9 (G, 27% CP, 100 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T10 (G, 35% CP, 100 mg kg?1α‐amylase), T11 (NG, 27% CP, 150 mg kg?1α‐amylase) and T12 (NG, 35% CP, 150 mg kg?1α‐amylase). The fish were acclimatized to the experimental condition for 24 days during which control diet (NG, 35% CP) was fed. Weight gain percentage, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio and apparent net protein utilization of NG corn‐fed groups at 42.43% were significantly higher (P<0.05) than the same level of G corn‐fed groups. We conclude that 42.43% NG corn supplemented with 50 mg α‐amylase kg?1 feed at sub‐optimum level of CP (27%) significantly enhanced the growth and protein in L. rohita fingerling. Addition of dietary α‐amylase to G corn had no added advantage on growth of L. rohita fingerling.  相似文献   

Six iso‐nitrogenous (350 g protein kg?1) and iso‐caloric (4100 kcal kg?1) diets with or without probiotics supplementation namely T1 (Basal feed (BF) without probiotics; control), T2 (BF + Bacillus subtilis and Lactococcus lactis), T3 (BF + L. lactis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae), T4 (BF + B. subtilis and S. cerevisiae), T5 (BF + B. subtilis, L. lactis and S. cerevisiae) and T6 (BF + heat‐killed bacteria of B. subtilis, L. lactis and S. cerevisiae) were fed to Labeo rohita fingerlings (6.0 ± 0.06 g) for 60 days in triplicate tanks (30 fish per tank). In all probiotic‐supplemented diets, the probiotic concentration was maintained at 1011 cfu kg?1 feed. After 60 days of culture, the fish fed combination of three probiotics at equal proportion (T5) had higher (P < 0.05) growth, protein efficiency ratio, nutrient retention and digestibility and lower (P > 0.05) feed conversion ratio over other treatment groups. Total heterotrophic bacterial population in intestine was drastically reduced on 15th and 30th days of sampling than the initial value (0 day of sampling) for T3, T4 and T5 groups. Except T6, the gut colonization of respective probiotics, which were supplemented through the diets, was also increased up to 30 days of culture of fish and thereafter remained constant.  相似文献   

A 360‐day feeding trial was conducted to observe the influence of varying levels of dietary protein on growth, reproductive performance, body and egg composition of rohu, Labeo rohita. Twenty fish (40.4 ± 0.24 cm; 852 ± 4.9 g), stocked in outdoor concrete tanks (200 m2), in duplicate, were fed diets with varying levels (200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 g kg?1) of crude protein exchanged with carbohydrate to apparent satiation, twice daily, at 09:00 and 17:00 h. Higher (P < 0.05) weight increment was discernible in fish fed dietary protein ≥300 g kg?1. Gonadosomatic index was comparable (P > 0.05) among fish of different dietary groups except those fed 200 g kg?1 protein diet which produced least values. Egg diameter remained unaffected (P > 0.05) by variations in levels of dietary protein. Relative fecundity was maximum (P < 0.05) in fish fed 250 and 300 g kg?1 protein diets. With the exception of fish fed 200 g kg?1 protein diet, fertilizability (%) remained unaffected (P > 0.05) by variations in dietary protein level. Hatchability (%) followed the trend of variations almost similar to that of fertilizability. Proximate composition of muscle and eggs varied significantly (P < 0.05) with dietary protein levels. For broodstock L. rohita, a dietary protein level of 250 g kg?1 was found optimum with regard to its reproductive performance, egg quality and composition.  相似文献   

Defatted Jatropha kernel meal (DJKM) was irradiated through electron beam radiation at 25 kGy (IJKM). After irradiation, PEs and phytate were decreased by 36.67% and 55.27%, respectively, with slight reduction in total hydrolysed amino acids in IJKM. A 45‐day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the utilization of irradiated Jatropha kernel meal (IJKM) in the diet of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings. Five isonitrogenous (300 g/kg CP) and isoenergetic (15 MJ/kg GE) diets such as T0 (control, without IJKM), T5 (50 g/kg IJKM), T10 (100 g/kg IJKM), T15 (150 g/kg IJKM) and T20 (200 g/kg IJKM) were prepared and fed to fish of respective treatments. Fish fed diets containing T15 and T20 groups exhibited significantly lower (p < .05) weight gain, FCE, PER, ANPU, HSI, ISI, survival rate, nutrient and energy digestibility, than the other groups. Fish of higher IJKM fed groups (T15 and T20) also showed lower muscle moisture, protein, ash and higher muscle lipid content. The liver catalase and SOD activities significantly decreased in the higher IJKM fed groups. It is concluded that IJKM (irradiated by 25 kGy electron beam) can be incorporated up to 100 g/kg in carp feed with the replacement of 33% soybean meal and 28% ground nut oil cake without compromising growth performances of Labeo rohita.  相似文献   


Rohu (Labeo rohita) is the most popular fish in South Asia. Its farming is often constrained by shortages of seed due to low survival (20%–30%) during nursing. Hypothesizing that probiotics might help, varying doses of two multistrain commercial probiotics were tested at hatchling (days 8–38), fry (days 38–68), and advanced fry (days 68–98) stages. The first probiotics (P1) consisted of Bacillus subtilis, Pediococcus acidilactici, and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and the second probiotics (P2) of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacilli plus yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), microalgae (Spirulina sp.), and phytase. Low, medium, and high doses of P1 (1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 g/kg) and P2 (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g/kg) were tested, supplementing the control diet, which consisted of mustard oil cake (40%), rice bran (30%), wheat flour (20%), and fish powder (10%). At the hatchling stage results showed that medium and high doses of P1 increased survival by 14.4% and 16.2% respectively over the control. Similarly, medium and high doses of P2 increased survival by 22.1% and 22.3% respectively compared to the control. Survival of hatchlings and fry increased linearly (P < 0.01) with the increase in the doses of P1. The dose of P2 had a quadratic relationship with the survival based on which dose of 1.5 g and 1.7 g/kg feed was found to maximize the survival of hatchlings (72%) and fry (99%) respectively. Regression analysis also showed that maximum specific growth rate (SGR%/day) of fry could be obtained with the estimated dose of 3.3 g/kg diet for P1 and for 1.5 g/kg diet for P2. Therefore, tested probiotics are beneficial during the nursing of Rohu hatchlings and fry or before the age of 68 days but not for nursing afterwards.  相似文献   

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