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Twenty-seven compounds were screened as potential inhibitors of juvenile hormone esterases. Of these compounds O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosphoramidothiolate provided the best inhibition for the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hubner), and the yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L., while the juvenile hormone esterases of the house fly, Musca domestica L., were best inhibited by a juvenoid carbamate (1-(m-phenoxy-N-ethyl carbamate)-3,7-dimethyl-7-methoxy-2E-octene). The inhibition patterns of T. ni and T. molitor are similar, while those of M. domestica are relatively different. Further studies on the juvenile hormone and α-napthyl acetate esterases of T. ni showed that they could be differentially inhibited. Diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate and an alkyl trifluoromethyl ketone selectively inhibit the hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate and juvenile hormone, respectively, while O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosporamidothiolate inhibits both enzymes. The juvenile hormone esterases of T. ni also appear to be unique enzymes that are selective for juvenile-hormone-like molecules. The in vivo inhibition of T. ni juvenile hormone esterases by O-ethyl-S-phenyl phosphoramidothiolate slows the in vivo hydrolysis of juvenile hormone and results in delayed pupation and malformed larvae that resemble larval-pupal intermediates. Thus, the esterases involved in juvenile hormone metabolism appear to be important in juvenile hormone regulation.  相似文献   

Several reagents reported to be singlet oxygen quenchers and/or radical scavengers and to be protectants against photooxidative damage to isolated systems in vitro were examined, in vivo, for protective effect on the larvae of the house fly (Musca domestica L.; Diptera:Muscidae). A standardized erythrosine-sensitized phototoxic test procedure was used. β-Carotene appeared to show some protective effect. Other dietary additives exhibited no measurable degree of protection to the larvae in vitro; on the contrary, mortality increased in the presence of butylated hydroxytoluene, ascorbate, and diazabicyclooctane.  相似文献   

The effects of p,p′-DDT and four of its analogs on electrical activity in the central nervous system of the cockroach, Periplaneta americana (L.), were investigated. Cockroaches were injected intraabdominally with an organochlorine compound at LD50 96-hr doses (except for p,p′-DDE). Extracellular recordings were made from the central nervous system at 1 hr, 24 hr, or 3 weeks postinjection. p,p′-DDT, methoxychlor, and p,p′-DDD induced behavioral changes (tremors, jitters, hyperexcitability) and repetitive firing in the central nervous system prior to 1 hr postinjection. By 24 hr postinjection, most behavioral signs of poisoning had disappeared, though repetitive firing could still be readily elicited in the central nervous system. Cockroaches injected with o,p′-DDT, however, usually required about 48 hr before overt signs of poisoning became apparent. Cockroaches treated with p,p′-DDT or o,p′-DDT behaved normally at 3 weeks postinjection but still displayed a significant occurrence of repetitive firing in the central nervous system. A mechanism is proposed to explain how a cockroach might recover behaviorally from a sublethal dose of an organochlorine compound but still display repetitive firing in its central nervous system. A direct “cause and effect” relationship between repetitive firing in the central nervous system and mortality (and external signs of poisoning) is therefore questioned.  相似文献   

An esterase which hydrolyzes the ester bond of trans-permethrin has been partially purified from homogenates of larvae of the cattle tick. The final (gel filtration) step showed two distinct peaks of p-nitrophenylbutyrate-hydrolyzing activity. The trans-permethrin-hydrolyzing activity of the lower-molecular-weight enzyme cochromatographed with the p-nitrophenylbutyrate-hydrolyzing activity of that enzyme. Little trans-permethrin hydrolysis was observed in the high-molecular-weight peak. The yield of the low-molecular-weight enzyme increased on extraction of the homogenates with Triton X-100. Inhibition studies using the low-molecular-weight enzyme and trans-permethrin as substrate indicated that hydrolysis was due largely to a carboxylesterase (EC  相似文献   

Treatment of the house cricket Acheta domesticus (L.) with tetraethyl pyrophosphate and dicrotophos causes a depletion of the catecholamine stores of the central nervous system. Fluorescence microscopy of the brain and frontal ganglion 30 min after knock-down revealed a reduction in the catecholamine-specific fluorescence of the corpus centrale and frontal ganglion neuropile. In the corpus centrale the effect was much more pronounced and less variable with dicrotophos than with tetraethyl pyrophosphate, whereas both compounds appeared to have similar effects on the frontal ganglion. The possible relationship of this depletion to symptoms of intoxication requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The toxicity and neurological effects of mirex, chlordecone, and four hydrogenated mirex analogs were evaluated on the American cockroach. The severity of poisoning symptoms correlated with the ability of each compound to increase spontaneous activity and prolong synaptic afterdischarge in ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. Afterdischarge across the metathoracic ganglion was consistent with a characteristic wing splaying symptom in mirex-poisoned cockroaches. The actions of hemicholinium-3 and nicotine on nerve cords from mirex-poisoned cockroaches are described and are consistent with a hypothesis that the increased spontaneous activity and afterdischarge are the result of enhanced transmitter release in ganglia of poisoned animals.  相似文献   

It had been reported that a Japanese multiple-resistant strain of house fly, Hirokawa, had a high malathion-carboxylesterase activity as well as a normal level of esterase activity to α-naphthylacetate (NA). This is different from the situation in several other malathion-resistant strains, where high malathion-carboxylesterase activity goes together with a low level of activity to α-NA. This had been explained by the so-called “mutant ali-esterase theory,” which assumed that the opposite changes in activity to malathion and α-NA were the result of one and the same change in an ali-esterase. In the Hirokawa strain the esterase degrading malathion seems to be responsible for about 64% of the activity to α-NA. This was concluded since the two activities were equally sensitive to denaturation and to two organophosphorus inhibitors. Moreover activity of malathion was inhibited by α-NA, and that of α-NA by malathion. Most of the latter activity was inhibited competitively. Inhibition of activity to malathion was lower, however, than to be expected on the basis of competitive mutual inhibition. This case of resistance to malathion therefore seems to involve a different kind of “mutant ali-esterase” than in other strains. Increased hydrolysis of the insecticide seems to be achieved without loss of activity to α-NA, although Km is different. The strain further showed an unusually high β-NA hydrolysis and malaoxon-carboxylesterase activity (about 3- and 200-fold, respectively, that of another malathion-resistant strain G).  相似文献   

The factors which cause lindane resistance in the Third Yumenoshima strain, a strain of house flies highly resistant to insecticides, were studied using hexadeuterated lindane. Hexadeuterated lindane has the same physicochemical properties as lindane, but the former is much less biodegradable than the latter. The LD50 ratio of lindane to hexadeuterated lindane in this strain, deuterium isotope effect on LD50 values, was larger than that in SNAIDM, a susceptible (nonresistant) strain. The penetration rates of labeled and nonlabeled lindane through the insect cuticle were about the same for both strains. Thus, penetration rate does not cause resistance. The metabolic degradation of lindane in the resistant strain in vivo occurred much faster than in the susceptible strain. This was also the case for lindane degradation processes in vitro such as microsomal oxidation and glutathione conjugation. In both strains, significant isotope effects were observed in the degradation rates in vitro of labeled and nonlabeled lindane. Therefore, principal biodegradation and detoxication pathways should include reactions which cleave the CH bonds. When the much less biodegradable d6 counterpart of lindane was applied to both strains, the susceptible strain became much more highly intoxicated than the other within 20 to 30 min. This indicates that a combination of both greater degradability and probably lower sensitivity at the action site are the main factors underlying resistance in the Third Yumenoshima strain.  相似文献   

As a result of toxicity tests, it was established that all cyclodiene-resistant strains of the German cockroach are also resistant to picrotoxinin, a plant-origin neurotoxicant. Two of the cockroach strains which exhibit a distinct cross-resistance pattern to picrotoxinin (i.e., LPP and FRP) are the ones that have been purified genetically by backcrossing against the susceptible (CSMA) strain. This cross-resistance pattern appears to be specific to picrotoxinin and does not extend to other neuroexcitants such as bicuculline, beta-bungarotoxin, and DDT. The nervous system of the resistant cockroach was found to be less sensitive to picrotoxinin. Furthermore, it was determined that nerve components from the resistant cockroaches have significantly lower binding capacity to [3H]α-dihydropicrotoxinin. The most likely explanation for the above phenomenon is that these cockroaches have developed the cyclodiene resistance by altering the nerve receptor for picrotoxinin.  相似文献   

The in vivo metabolism of phenthoate (O,O-dimethyl S-[α-(carboethoxy)benzyl]phosphorodithioate) was followed in rats after oral administration of a nontoxic dose of 100 mg/kg. The same metabolic study was conducted following coadministration of 0.5% O,S,S-trimethyl phosphorodithioate (OSS-Me). When administered alone, phenthoate was metabolized principally by carboethoxy ester hydrolysis and cleavage of the PO and CS bonds, resulting in at least six metabolites. The primary urinary metabolite excreted was phenthoate acid. Coadministration of 0.5% OSS-Me did not alter the types of metabolites excreted. However, a reduction of the carboxylesterase-catalyzed product (phenthoate acid) was observed, indicating that the enzyme responsible for the major pathway of phenthoate detoxication was inhibited. Alternate detoxication processes did not compensate for the reduction in carboxylesterase-catalyzed detoxication. It was concluded that inhibition of the carboxylesterase enzymes is the major cause of the potentiation of phenthoate toxicity by OSS-Me.  相似文献   

Knockdown and lethal activities of meta- and para-substituted benzyl (1R)-trans-chrysanthemates against the house fly were measured under synergistic conditions using piperonyl butoxide as an inhibitor of oxidative metabolism and NIA 16388 as an inhibitor of hydrolytic degradation. The variations in these activities were quantitatively analyzed in terms of physicochemical substituent effects using electronic, hydrophobic, and steric parameters of the aromatic substituents, and regression analysis. The most significant parameter in determining these activities is the steric bulkiness represented by the van der Waals voluem, the effect of which is highly specific to substituent positions. The substituent effects on knockdown and lethal activities against the house fly are shown to correspond well, respectively, with those on the convulsive and lethal activities against the American cockroach. The relationship between these symptomatic activities against the house fly and the neurophysiological activities determined by using excised nerve cords from American cockroaches were also quantitatively analyzed. Each house fly symptomatic activity was found to be analyzable by a linear combination of the neuroexcitatory and neuroblocking activity indices when the transport factor was separated by using the hydrophobicity parameter.  相似文献   

The short-term disposition and metabolism of topically administered [14C]chlorpyrifos was assessed in the black imported fire ant (Solenopsis richteri Forel) in the presence and absence of the mixed-function oxidase inhibitor piperonyl butoxide. Chlorpyrifos is readily absorbed into an internal organosoluble fraction which was quickly converted into a water-soluble fraction. The radioactivity was slowly excreted over a 24-hr period. Piperonyl butoxide slowed the conversion of the internal organosoluble radioactivity to the water-soluble fraction. Thin-layer chromatography indicated that piperonyl butoxide slowed the conversion of chlorpyrifos to material remaining at the origin, presumably water-soluble metabolites. The results of acid hydrolysis studies indicated that the water-soluble radioactivity was comprised mainly of conjugates. Although very little chlorpyrifos oxon was recovered in the metabolism experiments, in vitro studies on fire and head homogenates showed the compound to be an extremely potent anticholinesterase, with an I50 of 4.6 × 10?10M, while a major metabolite, 3,5,6-trichloropyridinol, was an ineffective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was used to measure dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations in the brains of crickets (Acheta (Gryllus) pennsylvanicus) and cockroaches (Periplaneta america) treated with the organophosphate dicrotophos. Organophosphate treatment did not cause depletion in dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine concentrations although reserpine treatment caused a reduction in the concentrations of both amines in the brains of these insects. Fluorescent histochemical studies of cricket brains confirmed these observations.  相似文献   

14C-labeled Prolan or 1,1-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-2-nitropropane was found to be some-what more biodegradable than DDT. This insecticide, although highly resistant to microsomal metabolism, was degraded by elimination to 1,1-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-1-propene, and by reduction to 1,1-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-2-aminopropane. The major degradative pathway, however, was by oxidation to 1,1-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-2-propanone, to 1,1-bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-pyruvic acid, to bis-(p-chlorophenyl)-acetic acid, and ultimately to p,p′-dichlorobenzophenone. Therefore the ultimate degradative products of Prolan are identical to those produced from DDT.  相似文献   

Separate populations of Senecio vulgaris were found that evolved partial tolerance to s-triazine herbicides and others that were totally resistant (plastid resistance). In plants from the susceptible, tolerant, and resistant populations, about one half of applied [14C]atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) was rapidly N-dealkylated to the des-ethyl and des-isopropyl products. These products were relatively inactive in inhibiting photosystem II and did not compete with atrazine. After 6 days, less than 25% of the applied [14C]atrazine was metabolized to water-soluble degradation products but they were not 2-hydroxy derivatives. Less than 2% of the applied atrazine was incorporated into methanol-insoluble residues. The results on metabolism do not explain the tolerance of Senecio to atrazine. However, our results show that N-dealkylation of the s-triazines is more active than previously reported.  相似文献   

The distribution of 14C-acid-, 14C-alcohol-, and 14C-cyano-labeled deltamethrin and selected metabolites were followed in the liver, blood, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord after iv administration of a toxic, but nonlethal dose (1.75 mg/kg) to rats. Approximately 50% of the dose was cleared from the blood within 0.7–0.8 min, after which the rate of clearance decreased. 3-Phenoxybenzoic acid (PBacid) was isolated from the blood in vivo, and was also the major metabolite when 14C-alcohol-labeled deltamethrin was incubated with blood in vitro. Deltamethrin levels in the liver peaked at 7–10 nmol/g at 5 min and then decreased to 1 nmol/g by 30 min. In contrast, peak central nervous system levels of deltamethrin were achieved within 1 min (0.5 nmol/g), decreasing to 0.2 nmol/g at 15 min, and remaining stable until 60 min. peak levels of deltamethrin did not correspond to the severity of toxicity, although the levels of non-pentane-soluble radiolabel did appear to correlate with motor signs of toxicity. Experiments with brain homogenates, using in vivo concentrations of deltamethrin, failed to reproduce the pentane-unextractable radioactivity in vitro nor was any metabolism demonstrated.  相似文献   

The sciatic nerve-sartorius muscle preparation from the frog, the nerve-muscle preparation from the crayfish, and the abdominal nerve cord preparation from the crayfish have been compared for their sensitivity to various insecticides. The crayfish nerve cord was the most sensitive to insecticides and had a broad spectrum of sensitivity. A method was developed with this preparation to compare a large number of synthetic pyrethroids for their potencies to stimulate and block the nerve which is the primary target site. Both stimulating and blocking actions on the nerve can be assessed with this preparation. Certain pyrethroids are active insecticidally despite their weak nerve action, whereas some other pyrethroids are relatively moderate in killing insects despite their potent nerve action. Thus the new method can be effectively used to establish the true structure-activity relationship of synthetic pyrethroids or any other insecticides acting directly on the nerve.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase from fourth instar Anopheles albimanus larvae was studied in vitro. The acetylcholinesterase from both the resistant and susceptible strains behaved as a single enzyme “type,” with straight pseudo first-order insecticide inhibition lines which intersected the Y axis at 100%. The enzyme from resistant larvae was more slowly inhibited than the susceptible enzyme; bimolecular rate constants (ki) differed by approximately 1.2- to 6-fold for a range of organophosphorous compounds and 17- to 1570-fold for the carbamates. There was a good correlation between the levels of resistance and the acetylcholinesterase inhibition rates.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of trans-permethrin and α-naphthyl acatate by midgut, fat body, and cuticle homogenates from Pseudoplusia includens (Walker) was monitored during the development of the last instar. The midgut homogenates appeared to have two pH optima (7.6 and 8.6) for the hydrolysis of trans-permethrin, the fat body homogenates had one optimum (7.4–7.8), and the cuticle homogenates had a major optimum at 6.6. Hydrolysis of both substrates peaked during the late feeding stages for midgut and cuticle homogenates, although relative changes were not the same. Hydrolysis of trans-permethrin peaked during the late feeding stage in fat body homogenates, while hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate continually increased through the prepupal stage. Thus, the hydrolysis of α-naphthyl acetate is not necessarily associated with the hydrolysis of trans-permethrin. The LD50 values for trans-permethrin on the different stages appeared to reflect the influence of hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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