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The food value of three cultures of Phaeodactylum tricornutum composed of three different cell forms was measured for the larvae of the bivalve molluscs Ostrea edulis and Crassostrea gigas. While all three types supported good growth of both species of larvae, there were no significant differences in food value between the three and the Isochrysis galbana controls. Increasing the feeding rate of one type of P. tricornutum culture had no marked effect on the growth rates, survival or settlement of C. gigas larvae in the range equivalent in terms of dry weight to 25–200 cells I. galbana/μl.  相似文献   

A recirculating culture system is described, suitable for mass rearing of larvae of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) and other larval forms.  相似文献   

In this study the employment of zeolitic products on microalgae culture is continued. In this case some new products are tested, especially ZESTEC-56. All of which have been prepared in our laboratory. The diatom Chaetoceros gracilis is used. A commercial fertilizer is experimented on as a nutrient. The optimum dose of this fertilizer has been calculated. The best yield (g diatom/litre) of the culture concern the zeolitic products called ZEBEN-56 and ZECER-56, although a dose of 5 mg/liter of ZESTEC-56 produces important cellular growth, particularly when associated to a silicate solution.  相似文献   

The dietary value of dried, commercial Chlorella was compared with that of living marine Chlorella, and yeast, in relation to growth of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis raised individually and by batch culture methods.A concentration of 50 μg/ml of dried Chlorella powder is near an optimal density for rotifer growth. The dried material in suspension is less effective for growth than living marine Chlorella, although it is much more effective than a suspension of yeast at the same density (50 μg/ml).In batch culture (12-l glass vessel), the rotifers grew from an initial inoculation of 13.2 individuals/ml to a density of 434 individuals/ml by the 16th day. About 107 rotifers could be removed from one batch culture in five harvests in the 41-day experimental period.The results indicate that dried Chlorella powder is an effective food for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis.  相似文献   

Female blue crabs were induced to produce eggs out of their normal spawning season. One group of crabs, held in the laboratory at 19° C, was fed every 7 days; another group, held at 15° C, was offered food at the same interval. Photoperiod simulated ambient winter conditions in both groups. Of ten crabs held at 19° C, two produced egg masses and one died when spawning was about to commence. Among those crabs not producing egg masses during the experiment, ovarian development at 19° C proceeded further than among those held at 15° C.Survivorship of larvae from induced eggs raised on a rotifer diet was comparable with that for naturally spawned larvae through the first 28 days of development.Zoeae survived well to metamorphosis when fed a diet of rotifers during the first two stages, followed by Artemia salina nauplii. However, only six zoeal stages were present instead of the usual seven. Possible explanations for this observation include genetically controlled variation, variation due to origin of eggs (induced), or effect of diet.Survivorship and growth were not adversely affected when synthetic sea water was used as the culture medium.  相似文献   

The quality of the microalgae provided on Paracentrotus lividus larvae rearing is a primordial factor having a direct (nutritional properties) and indirect (water quality) impact on growth, competence and survival. Skeletonema costatum is a diatom commonly used in the bivalve cultivation. However, the use of this diatom in P. lividus larval cultivations is poorly known. The Rhodomonas spp. is a microalgae commonly used in sea urchin larvae culture. Three different diets were tested on P. lividus larvae and post‐larvae cultivation (D1—Rhodomonas marina, D2—S. costatum, D3—mixture of both algae). Larvae fed with the D2 diet (55.8%) and D3 (39.9%) had a survival at 15 DAH higher than D1 (5.5%). The low survival in D1 could be due to the higher microbiological load on microalgae (Vibrio alginolyticus and V. pectenicide). Larvae fed with S. costatum (D2) showed a lower development than other diets. The competency index was lower for larvae fed with the D2. These results show that microalgae diversified diets contribute to a better development of P. lividus larvae. During the settlement and post‐settlement phase, there was also a lower growth of the sea urchin fed with the D2 and a higher survival for D3.  相似文献   

Rotifers were fed on a laboratory-cultured alga, Platymonas (= Tetraselmis) suecica, and/or a diet composed of commercial single-cell proteins. They were given to sea-bass larvae up to day 15–20 after hatching, while Artemia nauplii were supplied from day 9–13. At day 21, the survival rate of fish obtained with rotifers fed on compound diet ranged between 32 and 82%, and their mean weight between 5.0 and 7.8 mg. When rotifers were fed either only on algae or on a mixture of 33% algae and 67% compound diet, the growth and survival rates of sea-bass were not clearly different to those obtained with rotifers fed on compound diet. No significant difference was observed when these rotifers were enriched with nutrients just before distributing them to fish. However, these rates appeared to be quite high in comparison to those obtained by several other authors. We can therefore recommend rotifers fed on compound diet as being, even without enrichment, convenient and low-cost food for sea-bass larvae.  相似文献   

Four types of food were tested to determine their effects on the growth and survival of larvae of the penaeid shrimp Penaeus japonicus Bate. The food types were live cells of Candida utilis (yeast), freeze-dried Candida utilis, microparticulate diet, and microencapsulated diet (commercial product). The diatom Chaetoceros gracilis was fed to larvae as a control. Two sets of experiments were carried out; the first was run in outdoor 1.5 ton tanks, and the second in indoor 1.2 ton tanks. In the outdoor experiment, the best survival and growth from nauplius to postlarva stage were obtained using microparticulate diet. During the first week of culture, freeze-dried Candida utilis resulted in the highest growth and survival among examined diets, but both factors dropped dramatically after the mysis stage. In the indoor experiment, the best growth and survival were obtained using live cells of Candida utilis from nauplius stage to end of mysis stage followed by brine shrimp. Tested diets were analysed for their contents of crude protein, total lipids, total carbohydrates, amino acid profiles and fatty acid contents.  相似文献   

Carp (Cyprinus carpio) larvae were fed on measured numbers of Artemia nauplii, and daily growth of the larvae monitored for a period of 10 days in order to determine the effect of varying feeding levels. A 34% reduction in specific growth rate was observed over the experimental period. At a temperature of 24 ± 0.5° C, carp larvae were found to require 200–250% of their body weight of Artemia nauplii per day for optimal growth and food conversion during the first five days of feeding, reducing to 100–120%/day over the following five days. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to potential economies of Artemia cyst use in hatcheries.  相似文献   

Using standard equations, we have concluded that the light intensities which have been used by investigators attempting to induce maturation and spawning are up to 4000 times higher than would occur over the spawning grounds of Penaeus setiferus, a species for which successful controlled spawning has yet to be achieved. We recommend that future attempts at captive maturation and spawning with that species be conducted at light levels of no more than 12 μW cm?2 and that the intensity at which other species of shrimp are matured and spawned be examined relative to natural light levels on their spawning grounds. It is further recommended that the need for light of blue or green color be evaluated for its role as a promotor of maturation and spawning. The intent of these modifications in current spawning procedures is to eliminate the need for eyestalk ablation in captively spawned penaeid shrimp.  相似文献   

Brachionus plicatilis is used in aquaculture to feed larval fish and crustaceans. It is well established that different prey species alter rotifer productivity. Isochrysis galbana is one microalgal prey that is commonly fed to rotifers, and there are several strains of this flagellate available to aquaculturists. As microalgae strains may differ in their composition and growth attributes, we rigorously examined if growth and biochemical differences in I. galbana strains elicit differences in the growth and biochemical attributes of B. plicatilis. Four I. galbana strains and one strain of the flagellate Nanochloropsis were grown under standard conditions. Growth rate, cell volume, production, and composition (dry weight, carbohydrate, protein, lipid) were measured. Significant differences occurred between strains in all of these attributes (at times 2 to 3 fold), but no clear pattern emerged that one strain was superior. Of note was that for some measurements, strain differences were significantly greater than differences between species. The strains were then fed to rotifers, and a number of parameters were measured: growth rate, reproductive rate, fecundity attributes, a number of developmental rates, and composition (dry weight, carbohydrate, protein, lipid). There were significant effects of prey strain on some of these attributes, but none was dramatic (rarely more than 10% and occasionally up to 30%), suggesting that aquaculturists need not be too concerned regarding which I. galbana strain they use. However, we do indicate subtle differences, induced by different prey strains and suggest that for maximum productivity these differences should be considered.  相似文献   

美洲西鲱仔鱼不可逆点及仔、稚鱼摄食特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在水温(20.5±1.0)℃的条件下,采用实验生态学的方法,对美洲西鲱(Alosa sapidissima)仔鱼在饥饿状态下的生长、形态、不可逆点(PNR)及仔、稚鱼期的摄食节律进行了研究,旨在阐明美洲西鲱早期发育过程中的摄食规律和特点。实验结果表明,美洲西鲱初孵仔鱼全长(7.45±0.15)mm,体质量为(2.15±0.03)mg,卵黄囊体积为(5.99±0.13)mm3,第5日龄,仔鱼卵黄囊被完全吸收。对照组仔鱼全长及体质量随着卵黄囊的消耗、外源性营养的建立逐渐增加;饥饿组仔鱼自6日龄开始,全长及体质量开始呈现负增长,至10日龄全部死亡。美洲西鲱初孵仔鱼初次摄食时间在3日龄,摄食率为46.67%,5日龄摄食率达到最大为89.29%,PNR发生在7~8日龄,综上所述,美洲西鲱仔鱼最佳投喂时间应在2~3日龄。美洲西鲱仔、稚鱼摄食节律研究表明,美洲西鲱早期仔鱼(4日龄)昼夜摄食高峰出现在14:00,平均摄食量达到0.14 mg;晚期仔鱼(17日龄)在10:00和14:00出现较高的摄食量,分别为0.92和1.36 mg;28日龄稚鱼在10:00、14:00和18:00 3个时间段维持着较高的摄食量,摄食量分别为1.77、2.45和1.55 mg,属于典型的白天摄食类型,且随着仔稚鱼的生长发育,摄食高峰期逐渐延长。美洲西鲱仔、稚鱼各阶段的日摄食率分别为20.08%(4日龄)、29.48%(17日龄)和12.41%(28日龄),可将其作为美洲西鲱日投喂量的参考标准。  相似文献   

In the present study, the use of predigested proteins as an ingredient of microdiets offered to gilthead seabream larvae was tested. The protein source (freeze-dried squid powder) was hydrolysed with protease (trypsin and pancreatin). Different levels of raw squid protein and hydrolysate (100% protein, 50% protein/50% hydrolysate, 100% hydrolysate) were added to the microdiets to produce a dietary protein level of 65%. For comparison, cofeeding of Artemia nauplii and microdiet as well as microdiet supplemented with pancreatin were also offered to the larvae. The final average dry weights of 32-day-old larvae were 1.65 ± 0.04 mg, 1.38 ± 0.06 mg and 1.13 ± 0.1 mg, respectively, for larvae cofed 0%, 50% and 100% hydrolysate microdiets and Artemia nauplii. Survival of larvae was not affected by protein source. The survival of larvae cofed Artemia nauplii and microdiet was significantly higher than that of larvae fed exclusively on microdiet (68% and 80%, respectively). These results suggest that the use of hydrolysate (at 50% greater) as a protein source in diets for seabream larvae is not to be recommended.  相似文献   

The grey mullet, Mugil macrolepis (Aguas) Smith could be induced to spawn by the administration of pituitary alone from the same species. The threshold dose was found to be three and four glands as the first and second injections after a 6-h interval. About 40% of the experiments were successful. The hand-stripped eggs were artificially fertilized with milt by the dry method.The embryonic development of the eggs are briefly described. The majority of the fertilized eggs hatched out about 23 h after fertilization. The salinity of the water ranged from 29 to 31‰ and temperature from 26 to 29°C.A method for the large-scale rearing of mullet larvae is outlined. “Seasoned greenwater” is produced by keeping slightly manured brackish water for about a fortnight in small tanks which can be exposed to sunlight in the afternoon. Blooms of Chlorella sp. developed and the larvae fed on the microplankton. The larvae at about 1 cm in length fed exclusively on copepods. Hence copepod cultures were maintained simultaneously in manured cisterns for feeding the mullet larvae until they accepted artificial feeds.  相似文献   

Pavlova lutheri was cultivated in carboys using batch technique and in a flat alveolar photobioreactor (FAP), using initially batch and then semi‐continuous techniques. Growth and productivity of the cultures were compared and their nutritional quality was assessed by analysing their biochemical composition (gross composition, fatty acids and sterols) and by evaluating their food value for Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae as bispecific diet in association with Chaetoceros calcitrans forma pumilum. The highest productivity was achieved with the FAP operating in semi‐continuous mode. Gross composition of P. lutheri was similar in all cultures, while cellular organic matter content of the microalga grown in FAP in semi‐continuous mode was lower. Significant differences in fatty acid content were detected with respect to the n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acid fraction, which was lower in cells cultivated in the FAP in semi‐continuous mode. As concerns the main individual fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) content was higher in cells cultivated in the photobioreactor in batch mode than in carboys. The neutral lipid fraction contained seven principal sterols and the comparison among the cultures evidenced different proportions and different patterns. No differences were observed among larvae fed diets containing P. lutheri grown in carboys or in the FAP.  相似文献   

In the field of live food science, newly inbred strains resulting from cross-mating are of interest, especially if these strains have valuable characteristics, such as high fecundity or suitable size for the mouth of larvae. We conducted cross-mating trials using Japanese and German strains of Brachionus plicatilis and reproductive parameters were characterized and compared among their progenies. Two hybrid strains A and B were obtained from the cross-mating between a Japanese female and German male, and between a German female and Japanese male, respectively. Percent mictic female production and fertilization in both hybrid strains were lower (0%), compared with the parental strains (16.7-78.4%). Strain A did not reproduce sexually, but was capable of asexual reproduction. Higher population growth was observed in the hybrid strains within crosses relative to parents. The population growth rates of parental strains were 0.31, while those of hybrid strains ranged from 0.35 to 0.37. Lorica length of hybrid strains was intermediate between the two parental strains. Using the cross-mating technique, it may be possible to produce new rotifer strains with phenotypes useful to aquaculturists.  相似文献   

The author discusses the recent development and present status of a Eucheuma seaweed farming industry in The Philippines. He describes Eucheuma cultivation methods, assesses farm productivity, and considers the economics of Eucheuma farming by Filipino families. The author concludes with a discussion of current problems and an evaluation of future prospects for the industry.  相似文献   

长毛对虾海水养殖环境以及虾肠道微生物群落结构研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为了研究长毛对虾养殖环境以及对虾肠道微生物种群结构的特征,实验分别采集养殖区进水口水体、养殖池底泥、养殖池水体以及长毛对虾肠道样品,采用构建16S rRNA基因克隆文库的方法对不同样品间的微生物群落组成进行了研究。结果表明,4组样品中共获得621条序列,操作分类单元(OTU)总数达212个,表明养殖环境微生物群落结构具有高度的多样性。从遗传进化树分析发现,进水口水体中细菌优势种群为蓝细菌(53.97%)、α-变形杆菌(13.76%)和γ-变形杆菌(10.58%);养殖池水体细菌优势种群为蓝细菌(33.55%)、γ-变形杆菌(14.84%)、厚壁菌(14.19%)、拟杆菌(12.26%)和α-变形杆菌(9.68%);养殖池底泥细菌优势种群大部分属于厚壁细菌(79.12%);对虾肠道细菌优势种群为厚壁细菌(75.79%)、梭杆菌(13.68%)和γ-变形杆菌(10.53%)。在目分类水平上,养殖池底泥、养殖池水体和对虾肠道中芽孢杆菌占有较高的比例,分别占克隆数的69.78%、13.55%和72.63%;进水口水体和养殖池水体中红细菌的比例较高,分别占克隆数的10.05%和9.68%。本研究分析了养殖环境以及对虾肠道微生物的群落结构,揭示微生物从水源到对虾肠道内的演替规律。总体上,本养殖系统微生物群落结构良好,但在养殖池水体和对虾肠道中也检测到黄杆菌类群和少量的弧菌。本研究有助于了解养殖环境对于对虾肠道微生物组成的影响,并为长毛对虾病害的预防提供参考。  相似文献   

The feeding efficiency of larval, post larval and juvenile Dover sole (Solea solea L.) was studied by using Artemia stained with five different food colourings — brilliant blue, pink, lemon yellow, red “C” and black.The results show that the feeding efficiency is markedly improved by this treatment. The maximum feeding efficiency was found using black stained Artemia and minimum for the unstained control. This clearly suggests that the contrast perception of the food in relation to the illumination of the background is of major importance especially during the critical weaning period of the larval stage when feeding is being established.  相似文献   

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