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室内用生物测定方法评价了七星瓢虫的5个虫态对取食转(Bt+CpTI)双价基因棉(SGK321)和常规棉(石远321)棉蚜在不同密度下捕食功能的影响.结果表明,捕食功能反应符合Holling-Ⅱ方程模型.由模型得出在一定范围内捕食量随猎物密度的增大而增大;其寻找效应均随棉蚜密度的增加而降低.捕食量除在成虫期N =80,2...  相似文献   

通过田间观察测定七星瓢虫成虫及高龄幼虫对苹果蚜的捕食控害效果表明,瓢虫捕食时蚜虫群体燥动不安持续时间1min12s,蚜虫腹部和后肢翘起、腹管不断分泌排泄。七星瓢虫2种虫态对苹果蚜虫口密度捕食性能可用Holling-Ⅱ型方程很好地拟合,瓢虫自身不同密度捕食性能可用Hassell数学模型较好地反映。七星瓢虫不仅直接捕食,还惊扰苹果蚜食无定所,生活紊乱,繁殖率下降,捕食控害效果明显。捕食效果在一定范围内随蚜虫密度的增加而增加,随瓢虫密度的增加而下降。盛发初期0.067hm2果园人工助迁3000头,2周后苹果蚜自然  相似文献   

 通过田间观察测定七星瓢虫成虫及高龄幼虫对苹果蚜的捕食控害效果表明,瓢虫捕食时蚜虫群体燥动不安持续时间1min12s,蚜虫腹部和后肢翘起、腹管不断分泌排泄。七星瓢虫2种虫态对苹果蚜虫口密度捕食性能可用Holling-Ⅱ型方程很好地拟合,瓢虫自身不同密度捕食性能可用Hassell数学模型较好地反映。七星瓢虫不仅直接捕食,还惊扰苹果蚜食无定所,生活紊乱,繁殖率下降,捕食控害效果明显。捕食效果在一定范围内随蚜虫密度的增加而增加,随瓢虫密度的增加而下降。盛发初期0.067hm2果园人工助迁3000头,2周后苹果蚜自然  相似文献   

龟纹瓢虫生物学特性及其对棉铃虫捕食功能的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
研究结果表明,龟纹瓢虫近年来田间发生量逐年增多,1994年6月中下旬至7月初百株累计虫量最高可达604头,占天敌总发生量的89.5%,这段时间恰与二代棉铃虫发生盛期相吻合。龟纹瓢虫成、幼虫虽喜食蚜虫,但此期田间蚜虫发生量甚少,故对棉铃虫有一定控制作用,其捕食量随幼虫龄期及猎物密度增高而增多.温度15~35℃范围内均能正常生长发育,但发育历期随温度升高而缩短,捕食量也随温度升高而增多,捕食功能反应符合Holling(1959)Ⅱ型反应,故可用圆盘方程拟合。对于龟纹瓢虫更深一步研究,可进一步为棉铃虫综合防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

2 0 0 1年田间小区试验研究了转 Bt基因棉和转双价基因 ( Bt+ Cp TI)棉对棉苗蚜及其天敌种群动态的影响 ;室内研究了转基因抗虫棉对两种棉蚜天敌的生物学影响。结果表明 ,转基因抗虫棉对棉蚜种群数量的影响不明显 ,未达显著水平。单作转基因棉田棉蚜发生期比麦套棉田提前 5天左右 ,发生数量是麦套棉田的 1 .6倍 ,表明麦棉套作可有效的控制苗蚜的为害。室内研究表明 ,异色瓢虫对用 Bt棉处理的的棉蚜的捕食量比对照增加 2 2 .0 % ,棉蚜茧蜂对用 Bt棉处理的棉蚜的寄生率降低 2 3.5 %。  相似文献   

异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜捕食能力比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
异色瓢虫(Harmonia axyridis)和七星瓢虫(Coccinella septempunctata)是核桃黑斑蚜(Chromaphis Juglandicola)的重要捕食性天敌,为了评价2种瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜的捕食能力,室内条件下测定了异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫对不同密度核桃黑斑蚜的捕食量。结果表明:异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜的捕食功能反应均符合Holling-II型圆盘方程。2种瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜的日最大捕食量:异色瓢虫>七星瓢虫,分别为490.1961头/d和387.5969头/d,瞬时攻击率:异色瓢虫>七星瓢虫,分别为1.0034和0.9218,处理时间:异色瓢虫<七星瓢虫,分别为0.0020 d和0.0026 d。2种瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜的寻找效应均随猎物密度的增加而降低,且异色瓢虫的寻找效应高于七星瓢虫。Holling-III型功能反应新模型拟合得出,单头异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫的最佳寻找密度分别为149.4104头和147.9904头。异色瓢虫和七星瓢虫对核桃黑斑蚜均具有较强的捕食能力,且异色瓢虫捕食能力强于七星瓢虫。  相似文献   

2001年田间小区试验研究了转Bt基因棉和转双价基因(Bt+CpTI)棉对棉苗蚜及其天敌种群动态的影响;室内研究了转基因抗虫棉对两种棉蚜天敌的生物学影响.结果表明,转基因抗虫棉对棉蚜种群数量的影响不明显,未达显著水平.单作转基因棉田棉蚜发生期比麦套棉田提前5天左右,发生数量是麦套棉田的1.6倍,表明麦棉套作可有效的控制苗蚜的为害.室内研究表明,异色瓢虫对用Bt棉处理的的棉蚜的捕食量比对照增加22.0%,棉蚜茧蜂对用Bt棉处理的棉蚜的寄主率降低23.5%.  相似文献   

麦套夏播转Bt基因棉田主要害虫及其天敌的发生规律   总被引:68,自引:6,他引:68  
1997年在田间系统研究了转Bt基因棉品种中棉所30(R93-6)在麦套种植方式下,对棉田主要害虫及其天敌种群的影响。结果表明,转基因棉对棉铃虫(Heliothisarmigera)和棉造桥虫(Anomisflava)有良好的抗性,发生高峰期百株幼虫数量均显著低于对照品种中棉所16(早熟品种),但转基因棉田仍需防治三、四代棉铃虫;和常规棉相比,转基因棉自然控制田和转基因棉综合防治田的棉蚜(Aphisgosypi)分别增加33.1%和减少25.1%、红蜘蛛(Tetranychuscinnabarinus)分别增加138.9%和减少18.5%、棉蓟马(Thripstabaci)分别增加346.0%和315.3%、白粉虱(Trialeurodesvaporariorum)分别增加63.8%和29.0%、棉盲蝽(Lyguslucorum)分别增加57.1%和减少18.9%、棉叶蝉(Empoascabigutula)分别增11.5%和14.2%、龟纹瓢虫(Propylaeajaponica)分别增加11.8%和45.5%、草间小黑蛛(Erigonidiumgraminicola)分别减少3.6%和3.6%、草蛉(Ch  相似文献   

小花蝽生物学特性及其对主要棉虫控制作用的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小花蝽(Oriusminutus)是棉田主要天敌类群中的一种。发生时间长,数量多,捕食范围广。小花蝽以成虫越冬,在河南安阳地区每年发生7个世代。各虫态历期与温度关系密切,随温度升高而缩短,适温范围为25~33℃,相对湿度为70%~90%。小花蝽为杂食性天敌昆虫,在田间发生数量不随某种害虫消长而波动。棉田内以6月中旬数量最多,恰与第二代棉铃虫盛期相吻合。成、若虫均能捕食害虫,捕食功能反应均属HollingⅡ型反应,对棉铃虫初孵幼虫捕食功能反应参数,雌成虫a'=1.0401,Th=0.03856,雄成虫a'=0.5152,Th=0.06882,一昼夜捕食上限分别为26.9头和14.5头。雌成虫对棉铃虫卵和捕食功能参数a'=0.8309,Th=0.12846,一昼夜捕食上限为7.8粒。对害虫的控制能力随害虫密度升高而下降,害虫成活率上升。益害比为1:1时捕食率为94.8%,防效为78%;1:3时捕食率为80.6%,防效为58.7%。小花蝽在棉田生态系中的发生量,棉麦间作田大于单作棉田;在单作棉田中生长旺盛棉田大于一般棉田和夏播棉田。  相似文献   

本试验在室内条件下研究了多异瓢虫、方斑瓢虫和褐斑和瓢虫对桃粉蚜的捕食功能的反应,以及种内干扰等。结果表明,3种瓢虫对桃粉蚜的日捕食量有差异,其功能反应属于Holling-Ⅱ型圆盘方程效应;随着空间复杂性的增加,捕食率降低;捕食率随天敌密度的增加而迅速下降。  相似文献   

简述了酶技术、膜技术、树脂吸附技术等若干食品加工新技术在浓缩苹果汁生产中的应用.  相似文献   

对模拟脂肪的配制工艺参数进行优化,并对显著影响模拟脂肪乳化稳定性的乳化剂、蛋白质和盐等因素进行进一步研究,确定最优配比.实验结果表明,油水比70:30(w1/w2)的条件下,主要影响成分的最优配比为单甘酯1.6%(w/w1 w2)、蔗糖酯0.4%(w/w1 w2)、大豆分离蛋白0.5%(w/w2)、乳清浓缩蛋白0.1%(w/w2)、氯化钠0.1%(w/w2).65℃条件下预热25 min并在19 000 r转速下乳化3×30 s,可获得稳定性更好的模拟脂肪.最终确定的模拟脂肪工艺为:预热→乳化→脱气→冷却.  相似文献   

膳食纤维蔬菜纸贮藏品质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对膳食纤维蔬菜纸的品质、贮藏条件及其营养成分变化进行了初步研究.结果表明,选择避光、低温的贮藏条件和透气、透湿性比较小的复合包装材料,既能有效地避免产品受潮变质,同时又可以减少维生素C氧化损失,最大限度地提高产品的贮藏质量.  相似文献   

植物提取物对桃采后褐腐病(Monilinia.fracticola)的防治研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在室温条件下,用3种植物提取物2号、5号和12号的不同浓度处理对桃果实采后褐腐病防治效果进行了探讨.结果表明,与仅接种褐腐病菌(M.fracticola)的对照(ck)相比,提取物2号的3个浓度处理均能显著抑制褐腐病菌对桃果实的侵染(P<0.01),并且浓度越高抑制效果越明显,其中用50mg/mL浓度处理的桃果实腐烂率为0;提取物5号处理也能显著抑制桃果实采后褐腐病的发生,用12.5 mg/mL浓度处理的防治效果最佳,腐烂率也为0;提取物12号的3个浓度处理得到的果实病斑直径基本相同,而发病率是随着提取物浓度的升高而明显降低,但总体效果均显著好于ck(P<0.01).  相似文献   

The rigid-viscoplastic finite element formulations for the analysis of non-stationary deformation in the edge rolling is established on the basis of the simplified 3-D. element. A new method for obtaining inital velocity field is developed in this paper. It has been used successfully to analyse the non-stationary deformation in the edge rolling of lead plates. The calculated results are found to be in good agreement with those obtained from expriements.  相似文献   

Dryland wheat is the major contributor to wheat production in the world, where water deficiency and poor soil fertility are key factors limiting wheat grain yields and nutrient concentrations. A field experiment was carried out from June 2008 to June 2011 at Shilipu (latitude 35.12°N, longitude 107.45°E and altitude 1200 m above sea level) on the Loess Plateau (a typical dryland) in China, to investigate the effects of rotation with soybean (Glycine max) green manure (GM) on grain yield, total N and total Zn concentrations in subsequent wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and on nitrate-N and available Zn in the soil. The benefits of crop rotation with soybean GM on wheat grain yields became more evident with time. In the second and third years, the grain yields of wheat rotated with soybean GM reached 4871 and 5089 kg ha−1 at the 108 kg N ha−1 rate. These yields were 21% and 12% higher than the highest yields of wheat under a fallow-winter wheat (FW) rotation. Rotation with soybean GM reduced the amount of N fertilizer required to obtain wheat grain yields and biomass levels similar to wheat grown in the FW rotation by 20–33%. In the first 2 years, average grain N concentrations over all N rates increased by 6% and 12%, and those of Zn increased by 26% and 14% under the soybean GM-winter wheat (SW) rotation, compared with the FW rotation. The increased grain N and Zn concentrations were found to be related to the increased concentrations of nitrate-N and available Zn in the soil, particularly at the sowing of winter wheat. However, grain N and Zn concentrations were not improved by rotation with soybean GM in the third year. This was attributed to the dilution effect caused by the more grain yield increase than its nutrient export. In conclusion, planting soybean for GM in fallow fields reduced the need for N fertilizer to enhance wheat yields in this dryland region. Change in wheat grain N and Zn concentrations was related to soil nutrient concentrations, and to the balance between increased grain yield and its nutrient export.  相似文献   

Developing tolerant genotypes is crucial for stabilizing maize productivity under drought stress conditions as it is one of the most important abiotic stresses affecting crop yields. Twenty seven genotypes of maize (Zea mays L.) were evaluated for drought tolerance for three seasons under well watered and water stressed conditions to identify interactions amongst various tolerance traits and grain yield as well as their association with SSR markers. The study revealed considerable genetic diversity and significant variations for genotypes, environment and genotype × environment interactions for all the traits. The ranking of genotypes based on drought susceptibility index for morpho-physiological traits was similar to that based on grain yield and principal component analysis. Analysis of trait – trait and trait – yield associations indicated significant positive correlations amongst the water relations traits of relative water content (RWC), leaf water potential and osmotic potential as well as of RWC with grain yield under water stressed condition. Molecular analysis using 40 SSRs revealed 32 as polymorphic and 62 unique alleles were detected across 27 genotypes. Cluster analysis resulted in categorization of the genotypes into five distinct groups which was similar to that using principal component analysis. Based on overall performance across seasons tolerant and susceptible genotypes were identified for eventual utilization in breeding programs as well as for QTL identification. The marker-trait association analysis revealed significant associations between few SSR markers with water relations as well as yield contributing traits under water stressed conditions. These associations highlight the importance of functional mechanisms of intrinsic tolerance and cumulative traits for drought tolerance in maize.  相似文献   

White clover living mulch (LM) increases the uptake of phosphorus (P) and the yield of the main crop by promoting the colonization of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM). However, the extent to which the P fertilizer application rate can be reduced by using LM is not yet known. This study aimed to address this question. Two field experiments were conducted from 2008 to 2009 (Experiment 1) and from 2009 to 2010 (Experiment 2) at the fields where the available P of soil fluctuated near the lower limit of the optimum P level (43.6 mg kg−1: Truog method). Experiment 1 had a randomized block design, and Experiment 2 had a split-plot design with a factorial arrangement of two cropping systems (LM and no LM) with three P application treatments (0 kg ha−1, 43.6 kg ha−1, and 87.3 kg ha−1). LM increased P concentrations in the early stages of growth and the yield of corn. This can be attributed to the increased AM colonization rate in the early stages of growth. The yield and total digestible nutrient yield of corn in LM with no P application was comparable to the maximum yield in no LM with or without P application. Therefore, LM could make unnecessary P fertilization in soils where P fertilization is required for silage corn.  相似文献   

野生食用菌最佳冻结与贮藏温度的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了3种野生菌的冻结曲线,比较了液氮、速冻仓、冰箱预处理工艺对速冻品质的影响.发现鸡枞、牛肝菌、干巴菌的冻结点温度分别为-1.4℃、-1.1℃、-0.8℃;野生食用菌速冻后的冻藏温度在-18℃以下为适宜.  相似文献   

冷却猪肉主要腐败微生物生长模型的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在4℃、7℃、12℃条件下,分别对托盘和真空包装的冷却猪肉进行了假单胞菌、乳酸菌和肠杆菌生长过程中的动态监测,并由此建立了微生物数学生长模型,为冷链失控条件下冷却猪肉的货架期预报奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

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