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To assess the influence of acidic deposition on the forest ecosystem, it is necessary to evaluate the gross amount of acidic deposition. In this paper, we discuss the variation of sulfate (SO4 2?) and nitrate (NO3 ?) loads as well as related concentration from 1991 to 1999 in the Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) plantation in Kochi, southwest Japan. The annual precipitation varied significantly from 1,700 to 3,900 mm during the study period. The annual sulfate concentration of rainfall was about 15 µmol L?1, including about 80% non sea salt sulfate, while the annual nitrate concentration of rainfall was increased. The sulfate and nitrate concentrations of the through fall and the nitrate concentration of the stem flow were equal to or slightly higher than those of rainfall. However, the sulfate concentration of the stem flow was higher than that of rainfall, 21 to 55 µmol L?1. The sulfate and nitrate loads of rainfall were measured to be 27 to 46 and 14 to 43 mmol m?2 y?1, respectively. The sulfate and nitrate loads of the through fall were the same or slightly higher than those of rainfall. In contrast, the sulfate and nitrate loads of the stem flow were less than those of rainfall. Combined sulfate loads of the through fall and the stem flow reached about 1.5 times that of the sulfate load of rainfall.  相似文献   

生态系统健康影响因子及评价方法初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了生态系统健康的概念、内涵及其影响因子,从生态学层次(包括生态系统水平、群落水平、种群及个体水平)、物理化学层次(包括水质、大气质量状况、土壤物理化学性质等)、人类健康与社会经济发展层次(包括社会稳定性、收入指数、人口增长率等)等三大方面构建了生态系统健康评价的指标体系。具体的介绍了生态系统健康的活力、组织结构、恢复力的评价方法和计量模型,最后提出了生态系统健康评价所急需解决的问题和建议。  相似文献   

Adequate soil conditions and fertilization as a cultural practice are the basis of fruit crops production. This study was conducted in 2011 and 2012 to determine impact of soil application of complex nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) mineral fertilizer alone and its mixture with cattle manure (M) and natural zeolite (A) on yield, fruit physico-chemical traits and leaf micronutrient amounts at 120 days after full bloom (DAFB) in “Idared” and “Melrose apples grown on heavy and acidic soil under Serbian conditions. Results showed that NPK increased yield in “Idared” and both NPK+A and NPK+M in “Melrose.” Fertilizer applications were not influenced by fruit physico-chemical attributes, but differences between cultivars were significant. Fertilizers induced changes of leaf micronutrients amount, but effect was not consistent. In “Idared,” NPK+A and NPK+M mixtures improved amounts of the most micronutrients, whereas in “Melrose,” NPK and mixture NPK+A+M increased leaf micronutrients in more cases. According to deviation from optimum percentage (DOP and ΣDOP indexes), excessive leaf iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) was found and deficiency of manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and boron (B). “Melrose” exhibited much better balanced nutritional values for nutrients as compared to “Idared,” whereas NPK+M in “Idared” and NPK alone in “Melrose” promoted better balanced nutritional values. Since the impact of nutrients on the studied features is not consistent, more research will need to be conducted to investigate the long-term effect of NPK alone or in mixture with natural zeolite and manure fertilization on apples.  相似文献   

The use of samplers for rainfall, throughfall, and stemflow was studied in Chamaecyparis obtusa forest in Kobe to develop a suitable simplified collection method for long-term monitoring of the effect of acid deposition on the forest ecosystem. A filtrating bulk sampler, widely used in Japan due to its convenience, was modified for rainfall- and throughfall-sampling. The pH value, NH4 +- and NO3 ?- concns. did not change within a two-week sampling period, and the collection efficiency of the modified type relative to the wet/dry sampler was 97% (mean). The three samplers (shampoo-hat, vinyl chloride tube, and gauze type) were used for stemflow sampling. Collection efficiency of the samplers was in the order of shampoo-hat> vinyl chloride tube> gauze and that of the gauze type varied significantly with rainfall condition.  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,广东沿海城市逐步成为经济发展的热点地区。飞速的经济发展、快速的城市化进程以及有机氯农药的历史使用等原因,使得广东省内环境介质受到持久性卤代烃和重金属污染,这些污染物最终主要通过食物影响到处于生物链终端的人类。本文运用随机抽样的方法对广东省经济较发达的12个沿海城市居民的膳食情况进行问卷调查,分析其膳食营养状况。同时,结合该地区食物中持久性卤代烃和重金属的污染水平,对居民通过食物摄人的污染物进行人体暴露水平评价。结果表明,广东省沿海城市居民对蛋类、豆制品、乳品及水果的消费量均高于广东省平均水平,而蔬菜、禽肉和谷物的摄入量却低于广东省平均水平。与国家推荐摄人量相比,居民对蔬菜的摄入量仅为推荐量的一半,乳品的摄入也明显偏低。若以每标准人为单位,广东省沿海居民日均摄入能量低于全国平均值,占参考摄入量的90%,视黄醇、硫胺素、核黄素的日均摄入量也低于我国推荐值,而蛋白质和脂肪的日均摄入量则明显超出推荐值。而且,广东省沿海城市居民每日通过食物对持久性卤代烃的摄人量没有超过世界粮农组织和世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)规定的每日允许摄入量。讨论了膳食中铅、砷、镉、铬4种金属的人体暴露情况,金属铅、砷和铬的暴露水平处于安全线内,但是金属镉的日均摄入量与FAO/WHO规定的最大耐受量相同。  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury deposition by wet and dry processes contributes mercury to terrestrial and aquatic systems. Factors influencing the amount of mercury deposited to boreal forests were identified in this study. Throughfall and open canopy precipitation samples were collected in 2005 and 2006 using passive precipitation collectors from pristine sites located across the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota, USA. Samples were collected approximately every 2 weeks and analyzed for total (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg). Forest canopy type and density were the primary influences on THg and MeHg deposition. Highest THg and MeHg concentrations were measured beneath conifer canopies (THg mean?=?19.02 ng L?1; MeHg mean?=?0.28 ng L?1) followed by deciduous throughfall (THg mean?=?12.53 ng L?1; MeHg mean?=?0.19 ng L?1) then open precipitation (THg mean?=?8.19 ng L?1; MeHg mean?=?0.12 ng L?1). The greater efficiency of conifers at scavenging THg and MeHg from the atmosphere may increase the risk of mercury related water quality issues in conifer-dominated systems.  相似文献   

基于1980s,1995年,2000年和2005年四期的土地利用矢量数据,借助ArcGIS技术,对退耕还林(草)前后的陕西省土地利用状况和生态系统服务价值进行了评估;进而借助SPSS探讨了土地利用程度对生态系统服务价值的影响。结果表明:相比于改革开放初期,退耕还林(草)前陕西省土地利用程度增加,而后随着退耕还林(草)的实施又逐步下降,生态系统服务价值在退耕还林(草)前后的变化趋势则与之相反。经线性拟合检验,退耕还林(草)前后4个年份陕西省各县土地利用程度综合指数与单位面积生态系统服务价值的相关系数绝对值均超过0.7,且在0.01水平上显著,说明二者之间存在较强的负相关性。  相似文献   

Ionic fluxes in a semi-mature stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.), on a spodosol in eastern Ireland, were monitored over an eight-year period, 1991–1998. The paper focuses on the long-term viability of forests in this region. Input-output balances, proton budgets and critical loads suggest that the long-term sustainability of forests in the region is threatened unless atmospheric emissions of anthropogenic substances can be controlled.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - In this pilot study, we evaluated the usefulness of the alkaline comet assay as a biomonitoring tool at the level of plankton communities affected by varying...  相似文献   

通过对水泥硬壳覆盖条件下水热盐运移及其对枣树生长发育和根分布的影响研究发现,水泥硬壳覆盖可抑制土壤水分蒸发,提高土壤最低温度,降低土壤最高温度,使表层土壤脱盐率达22.2%.水泥硬壳覆盖条件下水热盐运移有利于枣树生长,可提高枣产量31.7%,使枣树根表聚.  相似文献   

Data from a 49-year-long organic–mineral fertilization field experiment with a potato–maize–maize–wheat–wheat crop rotation were used to analyse the impact of different fertilizer variations on yield ability, soil organic carbon content (SOC), N and C balances, as well as on some characteristic energy balance parameters. Among the treatments, the fertilization variant with 87 kg ha?1 year?1 N proved to be economically optimal (94% of the maximum). Approximately 40 years after initiation of the experiment, supposed steady-state SOC content has been reached, with a value of 0.81% in the upper soil layer of the unfertilized control plot. Farmyard manure (FYM) treatments resulted in 10% higher SOC content compared with equivalent NPK fertilizer doses. The best C balances were obtained with exclusive mineral fertilization variants (?3.8 and ?3.7 t ha?1 year?1, respectively). N uptake in the unfertilized control plot suggested an airborne N input of 48 kg ha?1 year?1. The optimum fertilizer variant (70 t ha?1 FYM-equivalent NPK) proved favourable with a view to energy. The energy gain by exclusive FYM treatments was lower than with sole NPK fertilization. Best energy intensity values were obtained with lower mineral fertilization and FYM variants. The order of energy conversion according to the different crops was maize, wheat and potato.  相似文献   

The foliar N content of bryophytes and Calluna vulgaris (L.) has been shown to be an indicator of atmospheric N deposition in the UK at a regional scale (1000km) and more recently on a smaller scale in the vicinity of intensive livestock farms. This work extends the geographical scale of the relationship between foliar N concentration of Calluna vulgaris and other ericaceous shrubs and N deposition with 2 measurement transects, one extending from northern Finland to southern Norway (2000 km) and the other extending from central Sweden to Stockholm, south east Sweden (330 km). Included in the second transect is a region of complex terrain in the Transtrand uplands, where the variation in N deposition with altitude and canopy cover was quantified using 210Pb inventories in organic soil. The relationship between foliar N (FN) and N deposition was shown to increase linearly with N deposition (ND) over the range 0.8% N to 1.4% N according to FN = 0.040ND + 0.793 (r2 = 0.70). The data are entirely consistent with earlier studies which together provide a valuable indicator of critical loads exceedance, the threshold value being approximately 1.5% N, which is equivalent to a N deposition of 20 kg N ha?1 y?1.  相似文献   

相对湿度作为干燥介质的重要参数,对干燥热质传质过程和干燥品质具有显著影响。但由于相对湿度对干燥过程的影响机理及优化调控机制尚不明确,导致相对湿度的调控方式多依靠经验,造成干燥效率低、品质差、能耗高等问题。对于传质过程,降低相对湿度能够增大对流传质系数,加快物料表面水分蒸发;而对于传热过程,升高相对湿度能够增大对流传热系数,加快物料升温速率。相对湿度较高时,物料升温速率快,内部水分迁移量增大,但表面水分蒸发量较小;而当相对湿度较低时,物料升温速率较慢,内部水分迁移量较小,但表面水分蒸发量较大。相对传热和传质过程的影响此消彼长,互相耦合。高相对湿度主要体现为对传热过程的影响,低相对湿度主要体现为对传质过程的影响。高相对湿度能够抑制物料表面的结壳,并能够提高复水性,降低收缩率。阶段降湿及多阶段降湿干燥方式下物料表面形成和保持了蜂窝状多孔结构,能够提高干燥效率和品质。基于监测物料温度的相对湿度调控方式被验证为较忧的相对湿度控制方式。阶段降湿干燥方式适用性的实质为:干燥过程中所体现出的对流传热热阻和内部导热热阻的相对大小,及对流传质阻力和内部传质阻力的相对大小,不同干燥条件和物料种类、厚度会影响以上传热传质阻力的大小,从而呈现出不同适应性的结果。当阶段降湿干燥过程中传热毕渥数>1且传热毕渥数>0.1时,说明阶段降湿干燥过程适用于此物料的干燥。该文综合论述了相对湿度对果蔬热风干燥过程中热质传递及干燥品质的影响,优化调控策略及适用性范围4个方面内容,明确了果蔬热风干燥过程中相对湿度的影响机理,为相对湿度的优化调控提供理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

近50年以来,塔里木河下游生态环境曾因人类不合理开发利用而导致严重退化。自2000至2013年实施的人工生态输水工程对胡杨为主体的荒漠河岸林的恢复及其生态系统服务功能的提高产生了积极影响。通过问卷调查的方法分析了利益相关者对塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林生态系统服务的认知程度。结果表明:88.1%的被调查者对荒漠河岸林生态系统服务有深刻的认识,7.8%的人不清楚;84%的被调查者认为荒漠河岸林在防止沙(荒)漠化方面的效益最高,仅有8.1%被调查者认为提供建筑材料和动物饲料等方面效益最高;被调查者对人工输水后生态环境变化的感知度依次为:灰尘和沙尘暴减弱沙(荒)漠化减少胡杨长势改善胡杨幼树增多河岸林面积增加;被调查者对人工输水的支付意愿有所差异,其中15.1%的人对其态度模糊,7.8%的人不愿意支付,有36%的被调查者愿意支付工资的1%,15.4%的被调查者愿意支付工资的1%,12%的人愿意支付工资的2%,3.8%的人愿意支付工资的3%,7.9%的人愿意支付工资的3%。问卷调查的结果表明,被调查者对塔里木河下游荒漠河岸林生态系统服务的认知度和支持率相当高,体现出生态输水的社会效益显著。  相似文献   

We investigated the fate of added N and its effect on N fluxes in a long-term nitrogen fertilisation experiment. Ammonium nitrate was added annually (30 years) at mean rates of 0 (N0), 35 (N1), 73 (N2) and 108 (N3) kg N ha?1 yr?1 to a spruce forest in Sweden, which initially showed signs of N deficiency. Net N mineralisation and N leaching were measured in situ together with soil N pools. We used the PnET-CN model to model the maximum sustainable net N mineralisation rate. The short-term fate of added N was studied by addition of 15NH4Cl. In N1 and N2 most of the added N (80–120%) was retained in the system, compared to 45% in N3. A major fraction was retained in the organic horizons (58–79%). The internal N fluxes had increased considerably as a result of the N additions. Net N mineralisation in N1 had increased by a factor 10 and litterfall N flux by a factor 4. The PnET-CN model could not mimic the fast changes in tree growth and N mineralisation, but the maximum N mineralisation rate seems realistic. The ratio of actual to maximum mineralisation rate indicates that the N1 treatment now is close to N saturation, and nitrate was occasionally found in soil solution from the B-horizon in N1. The N retained was probably to a great extent immobilised directly by mycorrhizal fungi, as indicated by the high amounts of 15N found in the L and F layers and by the great fraction of 15N found in amino sugars compared to amino acids.  相似文献   

研究了几种全营养混合基质的理化性质及其对人参果生长发育和产量的影响,结果表明:生活垃圾、羊粪、玉米秸杆、糠醛渣、肥沃土壤,容积比为0.20∶0.15:0.15:0.10:0.40,加入酵素菌速腐剂、人参果专用肥,发酵处理后配制成全营养混合基质有利于人参果的生长发育,与对照(传统土壤栽培)比较,容重降低0.31gcm-3,总孔度、毛管孔度、空气孔度分别增加11.71%、6.12%、5.59%;自然含水量、蓄水量分别增加106.93g kg-1、122.46m3hm-2;有机质、速效N、P、K、阳离子交换量分别增加16.70 g kg-1、29.97mg kg-1、11.37 mg kg-1、35.25 mg kg-1、5.73 cmol kg-1;人参果株高、茎粗、单果重、单株果重、产量、产值、利润分别增加21.70 cm、0.55 cm、43.29g、0.59kg/株、21.78 t hm-2、4.36万元hm-2、3.25万元hm-2。不同处理间的差异显著性经LSR检验达到显著和极显著水平。  相似文献   

宁南山区退耕还林还草的生态补偿机制探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对宁南山区退耕还林还草生态补偿机制存在问题的分析,指出宁南山区退耕还林还草存在土地利用结构调整损失补偿困难,补偿机制缺乏针对性、系统性,退耕政策缺乏稳定性,补偿不及时等问题。针对补偿机制存在的问题,从资源的外部性理论、公共产品理论和可持续发展理论出发,指出应通过建立生态银行筹集资金,应从退耕的全过程寻找补偿的对象,国家应建立专门的退耕还林还草管理机构以提高运作的效率。最后,构建从政策、资金、技术方面共同补偿的较为完善的模式。  相似文献   

玉米施镁对氮磷钾肥料利用率及产量的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
玉米施Mg与N、P、K肥料利用率呈曲线共系,适量施Mg对玉米吸收N、P、K的促进作用极显著。与仅施N、P、K肥的对照相比,玉米施用MgO 66.7kg/hm~2可分别提高N、P、K肥料利用率27.61%、18.03%和118.73%,增产6.19%;分别提高籽粒蛋白质、赖氨酸和淀粉含量3.40%、7.14%和17.15%,降低脂肪及糖分含量2.59%与10.86%,而过量施用Mg有抑制N、P、K在植株体内积累的趋势,对产量无益。  相似文献   

The landscape structure of a multipond system, runoff type andP-pollutant transport in an experimental watershed was studiedduring 1995 and 1998. A multipond system is a wetland system composed with many tiny ponds and ditches. In this watershed, it was found that such a system effectively controls the hydrological process through its huge storage capacity. The multipond system has a high interaction of land/water ecotones,which decreases the flow velocity systematically and results ina high sedimentation of the particulate matters.The multipond system intercepts runoff and creates either continuous or discontinuous flow. The retention efficiency of the system was very high in both cases but differed in nature. During continuous runoff on 1 May 1998, in a subwatershed Baojiatang, the retention rates of water, total phosphorus (TP),dissolved phosphorus (DP) and suspended solids (SS) by the multipond system were 83.0, 93.9, 90.9 and 94.9%, respectively.During discontinuous runoff on 29 June 1998, runoff volume generated from all lands was 1841 m3, but no surface waterwas exported and the system retention rates of TP, DP and SS were nearly complete. The removal of particulate phosphorus bythe system was more effective than removal of DP and thus DP wasthe main form of phosphorus exported from the watershed duringcontinuous flow. Because of such control, the export amount ofphosphorus was greatly reduced. The output of TP and DP was 0.013 and 0.012 kg ha-1, respectively, from Liuchahe watershed in 1995, and they were 0.037 and 0.030 kg ha-1 in 1998 correspondingly.  相似文献   

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