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The functions of the ovaries were controlled in 92 cattle over a period of 12 to 95 days p.p. Cystic follicles developed in 61% (25 from 41) during reconvalescence period and were correlated with a 4.2 days earlier onset of ovarian function, which was assured statistically. All together in 41 animals cystic degeneration was registered. Cysts having appeared before day 39 p.p. receded spontaneously in 24%, those having developed later remained. By application of the GnRH-analogous Buserelin (Receptal), either exclusive or combined with beta-carotene or Prostaglandin Trometamol-Tiaprost (Iliren) ovarian function could be restored in all cases. Restitution was most rapid when using Buserelin plus beta-carotene (Fertilizing insemination 3 weeks post application), but protracted after the consecutive method of therapy. All 92 cattle became pregnant. The P4-level of all "cyst-cows" were low, i.e. between 0.68 and 0.81 ng/ml of skimmed milk. The increase of conductivity of the cervical mucus to above 30 Ohm turned out an evidence of an ovarian cyst to be present. Restoration took longer in correlation with the increasing diameter of the cysts.  相似文献   

我国饲料工业自70年代初从零起步,短短20几年,已经建立起较为完备的体系,产量居世界第二位,成为国民经济的重要支柱。1999年已经过去,世界已经进入高科技信息的新千年。中国饲料工业也面临新任务,必须继续进步,再上新台阶。  由于我国人口多,人均耕地少,饲料原料资源相对紧张。但总的来说,对资源的利用效率不高,浪费严重。主要是由于畜禽日粮养分不够平衡,尤其是氨基酸不平衡。为满足动物对限制氨基酸的需要,不得不提高日粮蛋白质水平。这不仅浪费了昂贵的蛋白质资源,而且导致环境污染(畜舍内NH3,土壤、地下水NO3)。利用近代仪器设备(…  相似文献   

A comprehensive survey containing 30 questions regarding racial, cultural, and ethnic issues was sent electronically to each of the member colleges within the Association of American Veterinary Colleges (AAVMC) during 2005. Responses were received from 25 of the 28 veterinary colleges in the United States and two foreign colleges. Most colleges had more than one respondent complete the survey. Since the respondents were not identified and were not uniform in regards to position within each college, some responses might have reflected the individual respondent's views rather than the college's actual situation or philosophy. The information gained from this survey demonstrates strong trends in attitudes to and practices with respect to diversity in US veterinary colleges. Three major areas were addressed in the survey-college and university environment and cultures, faculty and curriculum, and recruitment and retention of veterinary students from underrepresented minorities. In many instances, the survey confirmed a lack of knowledge about diversity issues at the respondents' institutions. These survey results will serve as a benchmark for gauging changes in the profession's racial, cultural, and ethnic demographics in the future and as a foundation upon which to build effective diversity programs.  相似文献   

一个重大事件到来之后,人们忙于应对。而事件的深层意义,往往需要事后若干时日,经过反思,人们才能看得清楚,并从而得出规律性的认识。俗语“事后诸葛亮”,常被用来讽刺那些没有预见性的人,其实,能事后明白,倒是难能可贵的。  相似文献   

Animal diseases are known to be the origin of many human diseases, and there are many examples from ancient civilizations of plagues that arose from animals, domesticated and wild. Records of attempts to control zoonoses are almost as old. The early focus on food-borne illness evolved into veterinary medicine's support of public health efforts. Key historical events, disease outbreaks, and individuals responsible for their control are reviewed and serve as a foundation for understanding the current and future efforts in veterinary public health. Animal medicine and veterinary public health have been intertwined since humans first began ministrations to their families and animals. In the United States, the veterinary medical profession has effectively eliminated those major problems of animal health that had serious public health ramifications. These lessons and experiences can serve as a model for other countries. Our past must also be a reminder that the battle for human and animal health is ongoing. New agents emerge to threaten human and animal populations. With knowledge of the past, coupled with new technologies and techniques, we must be vigilant and carry on.  相似文献   

正对仔猪而言,正确的饲喂是至关重要的,即使在其出生前。母猪妊娠期、分娩期和整个哺乳期的日粮会对其本身、其所产仔猪和养猪生产者产生持续不断的好处。猪的饲喂更像一场马拉松比赛而非短跑。到达上市体重的赛程可能需要200 d的时间,并且一切始于一个成功的开始。要成功地使仔猪拥有一个最佳的开始,生产管理的重点应该放在仔猪出生前的生长上,即始于对母猪的护理。  相似文献   

铜和锌对肉鸡线粒体膜通透性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
线粒体是细胞能量合成和贮存以及物质代谢、能量转化的重要场所,线粒体的结构和功能对细胞、组织乃至整个机体功能都起着关键性的作用 [1-2].线粒体膜内外的各种物质进出线粒体的通道我们称之为线粒体膜通透性转换孔(mitochondrial permeability transition pore,MPTP),是线粒体内外信息交流的中心枢纽,其开放状态指示着线粒体正常功能的发挥与否.  相似文献   

以紫花苜蓿金皇后为材料,采用温室盆栽的方法对其在不同浓度Ca2+、Mg2+、Fe2+、Zn2+下的生长及结瘤情况进行探讨,结果表明:不同浓度不同离子对紫花苜蓿地上生物量及结瘤情况影响各有不同,其中Ca2+浓度为90mg/L时植株结瘤数目最丰,促进植株结瘤的作用最为明显;Mg2+浓度80mg/L时植株根冠比最大,为41.56%;Fe2+对植株结瘤数与蛋白质含量的影响作用最不明显,浓度为15mg/L时植株地上生物量干重为0.41g/株,增产作用优于Ca2+和Mg2+;Zn2+浓度为2.0mg/L时地上生物量干重(0.56g/株)和粗蛋白质含量(18.78%)均最高,对植株产量增加与蛋白质含量累积作用最为显著.  相似文献   

Pb2+与Cd2+胁迫高羊茅初期生长生态效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过Pb2+与Cd2+胁迫高羊茅初期生长生态效应的研究表明除对萌发率及Pb2+胁迫下的株高生长有不同程度正向效应外,对其它测定指标在低浓度下正向效应明显,出现峰值;越过峰值则随着浓度增加其抑制生态效应也愈加显著,各指标与胁迫浓度呈极显著负线性关系且相关系数均达到显著水平(r>-0.9100),生长生态抑制效应表现在对根系及单株净初级生产量指标上尤其显著;表明高羊茅对Pb2+与Cd2+污染胁迫有着相对较低的生态阈限值.从生长综合效应分析比较看,Cd2+比Pb2+的负向生态效应相对较强.  相似文献   

CdCl2、SNP、CdCl2+SNP对白三叶草种子萌发生理生化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张芬琴  张华 《草业科学》2006,23(6):32-37
研究了CdCl2、SNP、CdCl2 SNP对白三叶Trioflium repens草种子萌发及相关生理生化特性的影响。结果表明,高于或等于100μmol/L的CdCl2浸种显著降低了白三叶草种子的发芽率、萌发种子内的蛋白酶活性和游离氨基酸的含量,明显提高了萌发种子的电解质泄漏率;在一定的范围内,随着SNP浸种浓度的增加,白三叶草种子的发芽率、萌发种子内的蛋白酶活性和游离氨基酸的含量增加,萌发种子的电解质泄漏率降低,但高于200μmol/L的SNP浸种却明显降低白三叶草种子的发芽率、萌发种子内的游离氨基酸的含量,提高萌发种子的电解质泄漏率;在CdCl2胁迫(浸种浓度≥100μmol/L)的同时,加入200μmol/L的SNP,明显缓解了CdCl2的毒害作用。  相似文献   

[目的]为德宏水牛进一步级进杂交方案的选择提供科学依据。[方法]采用外周血及耳组织细胞培养法与染色体G-带分析对20头德宏本地水牛、25头摩拉与德宏二元杂水牛以及35头尼里与摩拉和德宏三元杂水牛进行了染色体核型分析。[结果]表明:德宏水牛染色体数均为2n=48;二元杂水牛染色体数均为2n=49;三元杂水牛出现2n=49,2n=50两种类型。[结论]从细胞遗传学角度首次阐明了德宏水牛染色体核型特征,揭示了德宏水牛二元杂、三元杂后代染色体多态性遗传规律,并探讨了染色体多态性遗传机理及与繁殖性能的关系。  相似文献   

研究了西藏巴青县野生垂穗披碱草种子萌发与幼苗生长对重金属Mn2+、Pb2+胁迫的生理响应机制,为西藏矿区周边污染土壤和植被修复提供依据。选取西藏巴青县野生垂穗披碱草为试验材料,采用纸上发芽法研究了重金属Mn2+、Pb2+对其种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,Mn2+、Pb2+离子胁迫对垂穗披碱草种子萌发和幼苗生长具有极显著的影响(P<0.01);随着Mn2+、Pb2+浓度的增大,垂穗披碱草种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数及胚芽长表现为下降的趋势;在200 mg·L-1 Mn2+、Pb2+溶液浓度培养下垂穗披碱草种子根较对照略长;随着Mn2+、Pb2+溶液浓度的升高,垂穗披碱草幼苗叶片叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量持续降低而电导率和MDA含量呈上升趋势。垂穗披碱草对Mn2+、Pb2+具有一定的耐受性,可适用于Mn2+、Pb2+轻度污染土壤。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether objective measures of laterality could be used to identify dogs with a high probability of successfully completing a Guide Dog Training Programme. Three categories of laterality (motor, sensory, and structural), were assessed in 114 dogs entering guide dog training. Significant predictors of success were identified: the direction of laterality (P=0.028), paw preference category in the 'Kong' test (P=0.043), hindpaw clearance height (P=0.002), laterality indices for a number of measures in the Sensory Jump test, and chest hair whorl direction (P=0.050). This is the first study to report a structural marker of canine behaviour. All three categories of laterality may be used to predict the suitability of dogs for guiding work, and by identifying predictors of success, resources can be more efficiently utilised on dogs with greater potential.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度Cu2+(200、300、400和500 mg·L-1)、Cd2+(1、50、150和200 mg·L-1)、Pb2+(500、1 000、1 500和2 000 mg·L-1)对8种禾本科牧草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:重金属离子胁迫对禾本科植物种子的发芽和幼苗生长的影响因植物种类及重金属离子不同而有差异。随着Cu2+,Cd2+和Pb2+浓度的增大,8种禾本科草种的相对发芽率、相对发芽指数和相对活力指数均呈不同程度的下降。供试不同浓度的Cu2+,Cd2+和Pb2+对8种植物幼苗生长均有抑制作用,高浓度胁迫下会出现“无根苗”。通过采用性状相对值对本试验进行隶属函数值综合评价,8种禾本科植物耐Cu2+的强弱顺序为:玉米 > 高丹草 > 燕麦 > 黑麦 > 无芒雀麦 > 黑麦草 > 垂穗披碱草 > 高羊茅,耐Cd2+的强弱顺序为:高丹草 > 黑麦 > 玉米 > 燕麦 > 无芒雀麦 > 垂穗披碱草 > 黑麦草 > 高羊茅,耐Pb2+的强弱顺序为:高丹草 > 燕麦 > 玉米 > 黑麦 > 无芒雀麦 > 垂穗披碱草 > 黑麦草 > 高羊茅。  相似文献   

1 材料与方法 1.1 实验动物 仪器、胆汁获得与处理等均同前文(见本刊2006年7期)。 1.2 Ca^2+、Mg^2+对体外牛黄及胆汁主要成分的影响向2000ml胆汁中加入20ml E.coil营养肉汤培养液,在开始滴流运动试验前先将以上混合液在磁力搅拌器的作用下搅拌2h,以使它们充分混匀,然后在反应温度为55℃、转速为60r/min;滴速40滴/min将2000ml胆汁依次滴流到放在恒温水浴锅中的5个容积都为350ml的抽滤瓶中,经20h后,测定胆汁物理性状及Ca^2+、Mg^2+的动态变化。  相似文献   

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