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Allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. were confirmed in Petri dish and pot experiments in our previous studies. However, the degree to which such effects under controlled experiments exist in more complex ecological settings remains to be tested. Thus, the present study was carried out by incorporating different proportions of ground litter of E. camaldulensis in soil. The growth of three agricultural crops: falen(Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp.), chickpea(Cicer arietinum L.), and arhor(Cajanus cajan(L.) Millsp.), and two tree species, kala koroi(Albizia procera(Roxb.) Benth.) and ipil ipil(Leucaena leucocephala(Lam.) de Wit) were tested. There were inhibitory effects of leaf litter on germination, shoot and root growth, leaf number, and collar diameter as well as a reduction of nodulation by legume crops(25–80%reduction). The extent of the effects was dependent on the proportion of leaf litter, the species and the type of traits. In contrast to shoot growth, the effect on root growth was more severe. No effect on germination was found with the agriculture crops while the two tree species showed reduced germination. The effect was greater in the presence of higher proportions of leaf litter mixed in soil while in some cases lower proportions stimulated growth. Not all species were suppressed; A. procera, C. cajan, V. unguiculata showed compatible growth while C. arietinum and L.leucocephala were found incompatible. This study provides evidence that E. camaldulensis has allelopathic potential under field conditions and a careful selection of associated crops in agroforestry systems is highly recommended.  相似文献   

The antitermitic activities of leaf oils and their constituents, taken from three clones of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in Thailand, against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki were investigated in contact and noncontact tests. The termiticidal mechanism was also examined. Antitermitic tests demonstrated that E. camaldulensis leaf oils were both contact toxicants and fumigants to C. formosanus with LC50 values ranging between 12.68 and 17.50 mg/g by the contact method, and between 12.65 and 17.50 mg/petri dish (100 cm3) by the noncontact method. p-Cymene and γ-terpinene were primarily responsible for the contact toxicity and 1,8-cineole was responsible for fumigation. From the investigation of termiticidal mechanism, E. camaldulensis leaf oils exhibited the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity and showed the common symptoms of a neurotoxic mode of action against C. formosanus. Part of this report was presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Tsukuba, March 2008  相似文献   

Allelopathic effects of different doses of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaf litters were investigated through an experiment in the green house of Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Three popular agricultural crops: Falen (Vigna unguiculata), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Arhor (Cajanus cajan) and two widely used plantation trees: Sada koroi (Albizia procera) and Ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) were selected as bioassay species. Experiment was set on tray at room temperature 27℃. The effects of different doses of leaf litter extracts were compared to the control. Results suggest that leaf litters of E, camaldulesis induced inhibitory effects, It was also found that the effect depend on concentration of extract and litterfall, type of receiver species. Higher concentration of the materials had the higher effect and vice versa. Though all the bioassay species were suppressed some of them showed better performance. Vigna unguiculata, Cicer arietinum are recommended in agroforestry based on this present Experiment output. In mixed plantation, Leucaena leucochephala is a better choice while compared to Albizia procera.  相似文献   

In this study, the response of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia mangium kraft pulp to different options of ECF bleaching was investigated. Oxygen-delignified pulps of both species having similar kappa number (c.a. 12) were used. Both the pulps were prebleached using conventional ClO2 stage (D0), combined use of ClO2 and O3 (DZ), hot acid treatment before D0 (AhotD0) and hot acid treatment before (DZ) i.e., Ahot(DZ), hot ClO2 treatment (DHT) and Ahot followed by DHT (AhotDHT). All prebleached pulps were finally bleached to 90%+ ISO brightness using D1 option. The overall benefits of other options were not considerable compared to D0 and (DZ). From the ClO2 consumption point of view, for a certain species, the option Ahot(DZ) was the best. Instead of D1 in final bleaching, pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO) was also investigated in the case of D0 and (DZ) prebleached pulps. (PO)-bleached pulp produced higher brightness stability but lower viscosity compared to D1.  相似文献   

The success of tree plantings in agricultural landscapes within dry and variable rainfall regions is often below expectations. The aims of this study were to investigate techniques for establishing a local native species (Eucalyptus pauciflora) and an exotic species (E. nitens) in the Midlands of Tasmania, a tree-denuded region that has been grazed for over 100 years in Australia. We established trials at the Sorrel Springs and Woodland Park properties. We compared six establishment techniques: control; understorey nurse planting; spot burn; mulch; tree-guard and; self-watering tree-guard. Three months, 1 and 6 years after planting we measured tree height, health index and mortality. At Sorrell Springs tree-guarded treatments had greater height than other treatments at year one, but there were no effects of treatment at year six on height, health or mortality. At Woodland Park mulch, burn and tree-guarded treatments had greater height 1 and 6 years after planting. At year six tree-guarded treatments had lower mortality than other treatments. At Sorrell Springs height of E. nitens was greater than E. pauciflora at year one but not at year six. At Woodland Park height of E. nitens was generally greater at year six but having almost double the incidence of mortality relative to E. pauciflora. We conclude that expensive tree-guarding is only warranted where high browse pressure is expected and that on such sites species with tough leaves that are resistant to browsing should be considered. Further that in environments marginal for growing trees, best practice establishment technique is generally as effective as additional treatments of understorey nurse planting, spot burning or mulching.  相似文献   

Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae are the dominant trees in Southeast Asian tropical forests where they play an important ecological role and are also important commercially. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi on the growth of dipterocarp species in peat soils. Seedlings of Shorea pinanga were inoculated with spores of two ectomycorrhizal fungi, Pisolithus arhizus and Scleroderma sp. were grown in pots containing sterilized peat soil for 7 months. The percentage of ectomycorrhizal colonization on S. pinanga exceeded 86%. Colonization of S. pinanga roots by ectomycorrhizal fungi resulted in increased shoot height, stem diameter, number of leaves, and shoot fresh and dry weight. Survival rates of S. pinanga were greater for inoculated seedlings than control seedlings. These results suggest that inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi can improve the early growth of S. pinanga grown in tropical forests and that this technique will accelerate the rehabilitation of degraded dipterocarp forests.  相似文献   

The problem of salinized soils has become one of the most serious constraints to agricultural and forest productivity. With the purpose of enhancing salt stress tolerance of Populus tomentosa, we transformed this tree species with spermidine synthase (SPDS) genes derived from an apple by an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Four transgenic clones were confu'med by PCR and Southern blot analysis. As well, the expression of introduced SPDS genes was analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR.  相似文献   

Nodal segments from secondary branches of saplings of Phyllostachys bambusoides were inoculated in MS medium to assess the in vitro morphogenic response of leaf sheath through the induction to callogenesis by Picloram(4-amino-3,5,6-trichloropicolinic acid) at different concentrations of carbohydrate under the same conditions with presence or absence of luminosity.In our experiment,secondary explants were kept in MS medium containing 8.0 mg·L-1 of Picloram for the callus formation.Calluses were transferred in MS medium supplemented with sucrose,fructose and glucose(control,2%,4% and 6%).Results show that Picloram induced the callogenesis in leaf sheath.The secondary embryogenesis was formed in yellow-globular callus.The sucrose as carbohydrate source in the absence of light was more efficient to induce rhizogenesis.Glucose was more efficiency in the presence of light.Callogenic induction and further embryogenesis evidenced the competence and determination of leaf sheath cells.  相似文献   

The possible horizomal transfer of transgenes is of great concern when the transgenic plants are released imo the field. To test the possible transfer of nptII of transgenic trees into soil bacteria, we have used a stool DNA preparation kit to isolate the DNA from the soils in the rhizospheres of two non- and eight transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees. All the samples have provided the corresponding PCR products in the amplification with bacterial 16S RNA specific sequences, which indicates that the quality of the isolated DNA is adequate for amplification. The nptⅡ specific band has been amplified in three soil samples from the transgenic trees and even treated with filtration before the DNA isolation. This indicates that nptII DNA exists in the soil, although it is still unclear whether the DNA was in the soil particles, in the soil bacteria or in the Agrobacterium comamination which was used for the E. camaldulensis transformation. Two approaches on isolation of bacterial DNA have been suggested for testing the possibility of this event in the future.  相似文献   

Inoculation with edible fungi bestows an added value on mycorrhized plants since production of mushrooms as a secondary crop can be an economically-valuable resource in forestry management. In order to establish a protocol for controlled mycorrhization of Pinus halepensis with the edible fungus Lactarius deliciosus, several factors such as fertilisation (35, 60 or 120 mg total N and 13.5, 27 or 54 mg total P), potting substrate (sphagnum peat or sphagnum peat/vermiculite) and fungal inoculum (mycelial slurry produced in a bioreactor, alginate beads or peat/vermiculite) were assessed. The most effective inoculum was mycelial slurry at a dose of 10 ml/plant. The two potting substrates assessed were compatible with mycorrhiza formation. The greatest number of mycorrhized seedlings was obtained with a moderate level of N (35 mg/plant) or P fertilisation (27 mg/plant). Inoculation did not produce a consistent growth effect on P. halepensis, but seedlings met the quality requirements, making them suitable for planting out.  相似文献   

Young trees were harvested to explore non-destructive methodologies to estimate live branch dry weights in young fast-growing Eucalyptus species under different spacing and fertilizer treatments. Branch growth can vary with silvicultural management such as spacing, fertilizing and thinning, and over relatively short periods in response to environmental conditions. Many published regressions based on standard measurements of height and diameter are site, age and treatment specific. The aim of this study was to improve our capacity to predict woody crown dry weight, based on stem measurements, and to minimize (or eliminate) treatment effects on the resulting model. In young trees, branches are temporary support structures for foliage and are often discarded as the base of the green crown rises. As temporary structures they represent an investment of biomass and nutrient elements, and are subject to selection pressures to maximize the return on investment by the tree. Trees were harvested from existing plantation experiments located in south-eastern Queensland for E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden (ranging from 0.28 to 15.85 m in height, to 5 years old) and south-western Australia for E. globulus Labill. (0.10–34.4 m in height, to 10.2 years) in order to examine the impact of spacing, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on early growth. Relationships to estimate crown woody biomass from non-destructive measurements were developed, and these relationships tended to have different slopes and intercepts for trees with predominantly juvenile foliage and those with intermediate or adult foliage. Dry weight of whole-crown live branch wood (Wbranch) was related to heights and/or diameter at breast height (DBH), but the regressions parameters were different, depending on treatment. The relationships became more generic (i.e. less dependent on treatment effects) between Wbranch and stem sectional area at the height of the base of the green crown (SACB), consistent with the pipe model theory (R2 > 0.91 for the two species for trees with intermediate/adult leaves). However, Wbranch was more closely related again to the stem volume above the base of the green crown and treatment effects were not significant (VCon,gc, R2 > 0.93). Branches exit the stem below the green crown, and for E. grandis the best relationship was on stem volume above the lowest live branch (VCon,llb, R2 0.94). Limited sampling from four other species with similar or contrasting crown characteristics indicated that the relationship could be applied quite generally. Individual E. grandis branch woody dry weight was closely related to the conical volume of the main (first order) branch (Vcon,br, R2 0.98). The whole crown equivalent, branch woody dry weight plus stem dry weight above the lowest live branch, was also closely related to the stem volume within the woody crown (VCon,llb, R2 0.97–0.99). While the slope of this relationship was still significantly different between trees with juvenile and intermediate/adult foliage, it had a similar form, suggesting that trees with juvenile foliage allocated a different proportion of their woody biomass within the crown to branches than older trees.  相似文献   

Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and rice weevil Sitophilus oryzae (L.) are considered to be the major insect pests in storage. Essential oils from aromatic plants are recognized as proper alternatives to fumigants. Thymus persicus (Ronniger ex Rech. f.) is one of these plants that have medicinal properties and is indigenous to Iran. The essential oil was obtained from aerial parts of the plant and analyzed by GC and GC–MS. Carvacrol (44.69%) and thymol (11.05%) were the major constituents of the oil extracted. In this experiment, fumigant toxicity of the essential oil was studied against T. castaneum, S. oryzae at 27 ± 1°C and 60 ± 5% RH in dark condition. The adult insects were exposed to the concentrations of 51.9, 111.1, 207.4 and 370.4 μl/l air to estimate median lethal time (LT50) values. The fumigant toxicity was increased in response to increased essential oil concentrations. The LT50 values at the lowest and the highest concentrations tested were ranged from 28.09 to 13.47 h for T. castaneum, and 3.86 to 2.30 h for S. oryzae. It was found that S. oryzae adults were much more susceptible to the oil than T. castaneum. After 24 h of exposure, the LC50 values (95% fiducial limit) for T. castaneum and S. oryzae were estimated to be 236.9 (186.27–292.81) and 3.34 (2.62–4.28) μl/l air, respectively. These results suggest that T. persicus essential oil merits further study as potential fumigant for the management of these stored-product insects.  相似文献   

We studied morphological, biochemical and physiological leaf acclimation to incident Photon-Photosynthetic-Flux-Density (PPFD) in Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Quercus suber (cork oak) at Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands of southern Portugal. Specific leaf area (SLA) decreased exponentially with increasing PPFD in both species. Q. ilex had lower SLA values than Q. suber. Leaf nitrogen, cellulose and lignin concentration (leaf area-based) scaled positively with PPFD. Maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), capacity for maximum photosynthetic electron transport (Jmax), rate of triose-P utilization (VTPU) and the rate of nonphotorespiratory light respiration (Rd) were also positively correlated with PPFD in both Quercus species, when expressed in leaf area but not on leaf mass basis. Q suber showed to have higher photosynthetic potential (Vcmax, Jmaxm and VTPUm) and a higher nitrogen efficient nitrogen use than Q.ilex. Leaf chlorophyll concentration increased with decreasing PPFD, improving apparent quantum use efficiency (Φ) in both Quercus species. We concluded that, in Q.ilex and Q.suber, leaf structural plasticity is a stronger determinant for leaf acclimation to PPFD than biochemical and physiological plasticity.  相似文献   

This study evaluated oxalic acid accumulation and bioremediation of chromated copper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood by three brown-rot fungi Fomitopsis palustris, Coniophora puteana, and Laetiporus sulphureus. The fungi were first cultivated in a fermentation broth to accumulate oxalic acid. Bioremediation of CCA-treated wood was then carried out by leaching of heavy metals with oxalic acid over a 10-day fermentation period. Higher amounts of oxalic acid were produced by F. palustris and L. sulphureus compared with C. puteana. After 10-day fermentation, oxalic acid accumulation reached 4.2 g/l and 3.2 g/l for these fungi, respectively. Fomitopsis palustris and L. sulphureus exposed to CCA-treated sawdust for 10 days showed a decrease in arsenic of 100% and 85%, respectively; however, C. puteana remediation removed only 18% arsenic from CCA-treated sawdust. Likewise, chromium removal in F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes was higher than those for C. puteana. This was attributed to low oxalic acid accumulation. These results suggest that F. palustris and L. sulphureus remediation processes can remove inorganic metal compounds via oxalic acid production by increasing the acidity of the substrate and increasing the solubility of the metals.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The relationship between Xenorhabdus nematophilus and Photorhabdus luminescens, the bacterial symbionts of the entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, against the diamondback moth, P. xylostella (L.), pupae showed the pathogenic capability of P. luminescens to be over that of X. nematophilus. They gave 60 and 40?% mortality with LC50 values of 5?×?104 and 5.5?×?105 cells/ml, respectively.The number of bacterial cells influences the rate of killing the pupae of P. xylostella and a direct correlation between mortality of the pupae, percentage of deformed adults and the spraying dose with significant differences were observed. An inverse correlation found between the no. of eggs laid/female, percentage of hatching, adult survival and the spraying dose. These bacterial effects have been attributed to different toxic bacterial enzymes which damage the haemocytes and inhibit activation of the humoral immune system of the insect.  相似文献   

A study of material thinned from a 9-year-old Eucalyptus dunnii progeny trial revealed that E. dunnii has light yellowish wood that is relatively uniform in color, and varies little within and between trees. The variation in color between half-sib families is small, but is statistically significant (P = 0.008). Most of the color variation relates to the yellowness (CIE b*) of the wood, which in heartwood is moderately heritable (h = 0.6). The color of the endgrain, especially its lightness (CIE L*) and whiteness index (E313), is correlated with basic density, hardness, and rates of shrinkage. The CIE rectangular opponent scale (L*, a*, b*) appeared to be the most informative about wood color and properties, and no additional information was gleaned from an analysis of full spectral data in the range 400–700 nm.  相似文献   

Several species of the large family of tropical plants Annonaceae have been intensely investigated over the last 20 years, mainly because of the discovery of annonaceous acetogenins. These compounds are powerful cytotoxics, with potential applications as insecticides, antiparasitics, acaricides, fungicides, and antitumor drugs. Annona montana Macfad. (Annonaceae) grows in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, where an infusion of leaves is used for the treatment of lice, influenza, and insomnia. The major acetogenins from a Bolivian collection of A. montana, annonacin (1), cis-annonacin-10-one (2), densicomacin-1 (3), gigantetronenin (4), murihexocin-B (5), and tucupentol (6), were evaluated for their antifeedant and toxic effects on Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), a serious pest affecting corn crops in Argentina. All the acetogenins produced 100% mortality during the larval or pupal stages at 100 μg of treatment per gram of diet. In addition, compounds 2, 3, and 4 deterred more than 80% feeding at the same dose. Relative toxicity values of LD50 for the strongest larvicidal compounds 1, 2, and 4 were determined, indicating that the three compounds are effective natural insecticides. This is the first report on the antifeedant and toxic effects produced by the particular type of acetogenins, the mono-THF acetogenins, on the lepidopteran S. frugiperda. No correlation was detected between the toxicity of the mentioned compounds to larvae and the known capacity of the acetogenins 1, 2, and 4 to inhibit the NADH oxidase, indicating that the inhibition of the mitochondrial complex I is not the only cause for larval mortality of S. frugiperda.  相似文献   

Biochemical changes associated with flowering in Bambusa arundinacea Linn and Bambusa nutans Wall. ex Munro were analyzed. Gregarious flowering was initiated in natural areas and plantations of B. arundinacea in late 2014 and reached full bloom in early 2015, whereas sporadic flowering recorded during 2014–2015 in vegetatively propagated plants of B. nutans. Leaf and nodal shoot samples from flowering culms/shoots and nonflowering culms/shoots were collected in February 2015 at the initiation of fruit filling, then analyzed and compared for soluble sugars, phenols and peroxidase activity. In both species sugars were higher in leaves of flowering culms/shoots and lower in nodal shoots of flowering culms/shoots compared to the nonflowering. Phenols were lower in leaves and nodal shoots of flowering B. arundinacea, but higher in leaves and decreases in nodal shoots of B. nutans. Peroxidase activity increases in leaves and nodal shoots of B. arundinacea after flowering but increases in nodal shoots and decreases in leaves of B. nutans.  相似文献   

Generic equations are proposed for stem, branch and foliage biomass of individual trees in even-aged pure stands of Cryptomeria japonica, Chamaecyparis obtusa and Larix kaempferi. Biomass data was collected from a total of 1,016 individual trees from 247 stands throughout Japan, and five regression models were assessed by root mean square error, mean bias, fit index (FI), and AIC. The results show that a power equation using diameter at breast height (dbh) and height is the most suitable for all species and components. This equation is more accurate than the familiar power equation that uses ‘dbh2 height’, and it expresses the greater volume of branch and foliage mass of trees with a lower height/diameter ratio. A power equation using dbh is more reasonable for models with dbh as the only independent variable and more accurate than a power equation using ‘dbh2 height’ for estimating branch and foliage mass. Estimating error for branch and foliage mass is larger than that for stem mass, but the entire aboveground biomass can be estimated with an error of less than 19%, except in the case of small trees with dbh less than 10 cm.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate biomass allocation and nutrient pools in aboveground biomass components in 18-month-old plantations of Eucalyptus saligna and E. urophylla × E. grandis (i.e. E. urograndis) in Brazil. The plantations were established by pulp companies in a large area comprising three soil types (Acrisols, Vertisols and Leptosols) in the grassland biome in southern Brazil, and an operational regime of planting and maintenance fertilization was used to ensure full availability of nutrients. Vertisols showed the highest availability of soil nutrients, and the P and Ca concentrations in aboveground biomass were also highest in this type of soil. The nutritional status of both species indicates great consumption of nutrients, particularly of P, K and Ca. At this early age, canopy biomass components still made the largest relative contribution, although debarked stem biomass already accounted for 41.5% and 37.4 of total aboveground biomass in E. saligna, and E. urograndis, respectively. Nutrient concentrations in biomass components were similar across species. For all macronutrients, except Ca and Mg, the concentration gradient followed the order wood < bark < branches < leaves. For all micronutrients, except Cu, the concentration gradient followed the order wood < branches ≈ bark < leaves. At the plantation stage studied, i.e. before canopy closure, the importance of the components as nutrient pools followed the order leaves > branches > wood > bark. The branches hold the majority of Ca reserves in biomass and are a very important pool of Mg, K, P and B. The bark makes a small contribution to total biomass, but stores a similar amount of Ca as leaves, being the second major pool after the branches. Comparison of the nutrients supplied by fertilization and the amounts stored in soil and aboveground indicates that the operational dose should be adjusted to each type of soil after further experimental fertilizer trials, as the supply of N and P appears to be too high, particularly for Vertisols. This is leading to the immobilization of P in biomass components that are not of importance in the biological or biochemical nutrient cycles, thus increasing the risk of larger exports of P during biomass removal.  相似文献   

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