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Potatoes were grown under a permanent rain shelter in mobile containers in soil with and without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). The plants were either subjected to an early drought stress period from planting until 43 days after planting, to a late drought stress period during tuber bulking or to a drought control. Leaf water potentials, stomatal diffusion resistances for water vapour, transpiration rates, dry matter accumulation and water use efficiencies of the plants were determined periodically. Both drought and nematodes decreased leaf water potential and increased stomatal resistance.Drought led to a higher water use efficiency, cyst nematode infection, however, reduced the water use efficiency at early stages of growth, and increased it at later stages. It is concluded that at least two main growth reducing mechanisms exist of which the relative importance varies with time. Firstly, reduced apparent assimilation rates, which are unrelated to a change in the water balance caused by the initial attack by the cyst nematodes. Secondly, a reduced dry matter accumulation resulting from a decrease of water uptake. Effects of drought and cyst nematode infection on plant growth and water relations were not always additive mainly because infected plants used up less water leading to less drought stress.  相似文献   

A good agreement was found between drought induced water-use efficiencies and carbon isotope fractionation of potato plants of the same age. Discrimination of13Carbon isotope increased with plant age and with the rank order of the distinguished plant organs. In young plants, nematode infection (contrary to drought) reduced13C discrimination but also reduced the water-use efficiency, leading to the conclusion that nematode infection, by slowing down the plant metabolism may have reduced the extrusion of13C. Towards senescence both nematode infection and drought reduced13C discrimination and increased water-use efficiencies indicating that then nematode caused water stress in the plants.  相似文献   

In two experiments in the Wageningen Rhizolab with potato cv. Mentor planted in soils with or without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida, W) the number of roots per cm2 was observed two weekly by video camera, in horizontally placed minirhizotrons at depths varying from 5 to 100 cm. In both experiments initial root growth was more rapid in the top soil of the uninfected soil. In the first experiment under optimal water supply, root formation continued longer in the top 30 cm of infested soil leading to twice as many roots at the end of the growing season as in uninfested soil. In the subsoil from 30 to 100 cm, however, root formation was strongly reduced by cyst nematodes leading to an uneven distribution of roots throughout the profile. In the second experiment potato cyst nematodes only increased rooting in the top soil with reduced irrigation. Potato cyst nematodes did not affect the water use efficiency of the crop whereas reduced irrigation increased water use efficiency by about 22%. Without potato cyst nematodes the soil profile was depleted of mineral nitrogen until a depth of 1 m whereas with high initial population densities no nitrogen was taken up in the subsoil between 30 and 100 cm. The spational heterogenity of roots and nitrogen in the soil is an important mechanism of damage. This finding may lead to improved cultural practices and breeding for tolerance.  相似文献   

Potatoes were grown under a permanent rain shelter in mobile containers in soil with or without potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). The plants were subjected to an early drought stress period starting at planting until 43 days after planting, to a late drought stress period starting at 43 days until senescence at 92 days and to a drought control. Dry matter weight and characteristics of leaves, stems, stolons and roots were determined at periodic harvests. The early drought stress and nematode infection affected many plant organ characteristics in similar ways. Numbers of leaves, specific leaf area, plant height, specific stem weight, leaf area ratio, mean tuber weight and harvest index were reduced by both stress factors at early stages of growth.Later on, interactions between both stress factors which influence the development rate of the plants led to more diverse plant reactions. Plants of all treatments rapidly senesced at about 90 days after planting. Uninfected plants had then depleted the soil nutrient supply whereas the plants grown in the inoculated soil senesced as a result of the potato cyst nematode infection.  相似文献   

In field experiments carried out in 3 years with and without fumigation and irrigation 4 cultivars of potato differed in their tolerance of cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida). Ground cover, tuber and foliage fresh and dry yields were determined at regular intervals. From these measurements, intercepted radiation, radiation use efficiency for production of total and tuber dry matter and the apparent amount of intercepted radiation at tuber initiation were calculated and compared for all the treatments. The results indicate that cultivars which best maintained ground cover in the absence of nematodes also maintain it best in the presence of nematodes. Such cultivars gave the highest yields at all levels of nematode infestation because the radiation use efficiencies were far less affected by nematodes than was intercepted radiation. The similarity of the responses to nematode infection and to drought and the absence of interaction between these two stress factors facilitated crop simulation modelling. The relationships found here may well be wider used, though they will have to be validated for other cultivars and growing conditions.  相似文献   

氮磷钾及有机肥对马铃薯生长发育和干物质积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采取田间试验,探讨不同施肥处理对马铃薯生长发育及干物质积累的影响.结果表明,N1PKM处理(氮300 kg·hm-2,磷200 kg· hm-2,钾200 kg·hm-2,有机肥17.5 t·hm-2)的马铃薯叶片叶绿素含量最高,比对照处理的叶片叶绿素a、b、总量分别高出15.12%、18.18%和36.37%。施用磷肥有效促进了叶面积的增加,N1PKM、N1P、N1PK、P处理的叶面积比对照分别高出27.78%,24.57%,20.26%和20.16%。其中施用磷肥促进马铃薯根系生长的效果最明显,而单施钾肥、有机肥对根长发育的影响不明显。氮、磷、钾、有机肥配比施用可以促进马铃薯地上及地下部的生长,采用氮磷钾与有机肥配合施用时,马铃薯干物质累积总量N1PKM> N1PK> N1K>N1P。N1PKM处理的马铃薯生物量较对照显著提高了117.1%,可以作为旱地马铃薯的施肥方案。  相似文献   

Plants of four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars were grown in pots in a greenhouse at five densities ofGlobodera pallida between 0 and 300 eggs per gram of soil. Photosynthesis and transpiration of selected leaves were measured at 30, 37, 49 and 60 days after planting. Stem length was recorded at weekly intervals. Plants were harvested 70 days afteer planting and various plant variables were determined.At 30 days after planting, when second and third stage juveniles were present in roots, both photosynthesis and transpiration rates were severely reduced byG. pallida. In the course of time these effects became less pronounced. Water use efficiency was reduced byG. pallida between 30 and 49 days, but not at 60 days after planting. The results suggest independent effects ofG. pallida on stomatal opening and on photosynthesis reactions. There were no consistent differences among cultivars in the response of leaf gas exchange rates and water use efficiency to nematode infection. Reduction of photosynthesis byG. pallida appeared additive to photosynthesis reduction due to leaf senescence.Total dry weight was reduced by 60% at the highestG. pallida density. Weights of all plant organs were about proportionally affected. Shoot/root ratio was not affected and dry matter content was reduced. Stem length and leaf area were most strongly reduced during early stages of plant-nematode interaction. The number of leaves formed was only slightly reduced byG. pallida, but flowering was delayed or inhibited. Reduction of total dry weight correlated with reduction of both leaf area and photosynthesis rate. Leaf area reduction seems the main cause of reduction of dry matter production. Tolerance differences among cultivars were evident at 100 eggs per gram of soil only, where total dry weight of the intolerant partially resistant cv. Darwina was lower than that of the tolerant partially resistant cv. Elles and of the tolerant susceptible cv. Multa. The tolerance differences were not correlated with leaf photosynthesis and transpiration. Apparently these processes are not part of tolerance of plants.  相似文献   

Damage in winter wheat caused by the grain aphidSitobion avenae F., was studied in the laboratory and at field level.Honeydew substitute solution was applied to flag leaves of winter wheat plants. One and fifteen days after application, the rates of net carbon dioxide assimilation and transpiration were measured. The rate of dark respiration was significantly higher one day after application of honeydew substitute as compared to the control. Other parameters describing the carbon dioxide — light response were not significantly affected. Fifteen days after honeydew substitute application, the two experimental years yielded different results. Under hot and dry conditions, the rate of dark respiration was higher while the late of carbon dioxide assimilation at high irradiance, the mesophyll conductance and the leaf nitrogen content were lower than for the untreated control. In addition, chlorotic symptoms were visible. At moderate temperature and relative humidity, the initial light use efficiency was significantly lower fifteen days after treatment with honeydew substitute whereas other parameters were not significantly affected.In field experiments at two locations natural aphid populations consisting of mainlyS. avenae were treated weekly with an aphicide from crop development stages DC 71, 73, 75 and 77, respectively, to create infestations of different size and duration. In the unsprayed controls densities reached 15.8 and 44.4 aphids per tiller, amounting to 182 and 544 aphid-days, respectively. Crop samples were analysed weekly, starting at flowering. At the smaller natural infestation, no significant effect on any yield component nor on yield was found at any treatment. The larger infestation caused a significant reduction of leaf area index, leaf weight, amount of water-soluble carbohydrates and grain weight on various sample dates when the infestation was not sprayed before DC 75. No effects were found on tiller and grain density nor on nitrogen content of plant parts at harvest.Samenvatting Schade in wintertarwe veroorzaakt door de grote graanluisSitobion avenae F., werd bestudeerd in laboratarium-en veldproeven.De vlagbladeren van wintertarweplanten werden behandeld met honingdauw-substituut-oplossing. Eén en vijftien dagen na behandeling werden de netto fotosynthesesnelheid en de transpiratie van de behandelde bladeren gemeten. Na één dag werd een verhoging van de donkerademhaling gemeten in vergelijking met de controle. Vijtien dagen na behandeling werden verschillende resultaten gevonden in de twee experimentele jaren. Onder warme en droge omstandigheden in 1986 was de donkerademhaling oger terwijl de fotosynthese bij verzadigende lichtintensiteiten, de geleidbaarheid van het mesofyl en het stikstofgehalte van de bladeren lager waren dan in de controle. Ook werden chlorotische vlekken waargenomen. Bij gematigde temperaturen en relatieve vochtigheid in 1987 werd een verlaging van de initiële efficiëntie van lichtbenutting gemeten.In twee veldexperimenten werd een natuurlijke aantasting van voornamelijkS. avenae op verschillende tijdstippen chemisch bestreden. Op deze wijze werden aantastingen van verschillende omvang en duur verkregen. Vanaf bloei van het gewas werden wekelijks gewasmonsters geanalyseerd. Een natuurlijke aantasting vanaf DC 71 met een bladluisindex van 182 en een piekdichtheid van 15,8 bladluizen per halm, leidde niet tot significante reduktie van de gewasproduktie. Een aantasting beginnend in DC 71 met een bladluisindex van 544 en een piekdichtheid van 44,4 leidde tot significante verlaging van de bladoppervlakteïndex, de blad biomassa, de hoeveelheid water-oplosbare koolhydraten en het korrelgewicht. Geen effekten werden waargenomen op halm-en korreldichtheid of op het stikstofgehalte van plantedelen bij de oogst.  相似文献   

“超细纤维”渗灌是一种通过纤维毛细作用,将水分从超细纤维毛细芯传递到植物根部土壤的节水灌溉方式。试验在宁夏永宁县玉泉营农场的摩尔多瓦(Vitis vinifera L.cv. Moldova)葡萄园中进行,灌溉方式分为环状超细纤维表面渗灌(A*0)、埋深10 cm的环状超细纤维渗灌(A*10)和常规沟灌(CK),每株单次灌水量为30 L,灌水周期为1个月。结果表明,在相同的灌水量下,A*10和A*0的土壤含水量变化较CK更稳定,叶水势总体上高于CK,说明“超细纤维”渗灌能够维持较为稳定的水分状态,延缓了葡萄所遭受的水分胁迫。A*10和A*0的副梢生长量比CK分别提高了92%和57%;A*10的粒重比CK提高了8.1%,且A*10的产量比CK提高46.8%,说明“超细纤维”渗灌对葡萄的生长起到了促进作用。A*0和A*10的果粒可滴定酸和可溶性固形物水平与CK差异不大。成熟期A*0和A*10的果粒脯氨酸含量低于CK,是由于“超细纤维”渗灌能够缓解葡萄所受到的水分胁迫;A*0和A*10的花色苷含量高于CK,分别比CK提高了5.2%和14.3%,表明A*10供水均匀连续,有利于花色苷的累积。收获时,A*0和A*10的可溶性蛋白含量高于CK,其中A*10比CK高29%。,说明“超细纤维”渗灌有助于葡萄可溶性蛋白的合成。因此,“超细纤维”渗灌不仅比沟灌水分利用效率高,且能在一定程度上提高葡萄品质。  相似文献   

为了研究施氮对盐角草生长及其钠离子累积的影响,本研究通过5个氮肥水平大田小区试验分析了不同施氮量对盐角草生长和钠离子累积的影响.结果表明:施氮能够显著增加盐角草茎秆、籽粒和同化枝的产量;在0 ~ 600 kg/hm2范围内,盐角草的生物量及籽粒产量随着施氮量增加而呈现直线增长的趋势.施氮对盐角草茎秆、籽粒和同化枝中的Na+含量无显著影响,但盐角草同化枝中的Na+含量显著高于茎秆和籽粒.施氮能够促进盐角草各部分对Na+的累积,600 kg/hm2的施氮量条件下,盐角草的Na+累积量平均达到了9668 kg/hm2,较不施氮的2045 kg/hm2增加了370%.因此,本研究表明,施氮能够促进盐角草对盐渍土的改良效果.  相似文献   

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