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为探讨作垄覆膜处理对南方型黑杨苗期生长特性及根系生长的影响机理,对作垄与作垄兼覆膜两种扦插处理方式下黑杨生长及根系分布差异进行了研究。结果表明,作垄兼覆膜处理下的苗木树高及地径分别较仅作垄扦插增长24. 47%和10. 68%,能够有效的增加苗木的干物质积累;通过作垄兼覆膜处理的苗木根系生长良好且分布均匀,能有效的吸收土壤中的水分和养分,为苗木地上部分的生长提供有利的条件。  相似文献   

通过近几年对中华红叶杨的引种繁殖研究,总结了其快速、实用的繁殖技术。从选地、整地、起垄、覆膜、插穗截制与处理、扦插及管理等方面介绍了中华红叶杨起垄覆膜硬枝扦插繁殖技术,并就起垄、覆膜、渗灌等方面分析了该技术繁殖速率高的原因。  相似文献   

樟河柳原产于山西省 ,以其适应性、速生性、抗逆性、树干通直、耐盐碱、耐水湿等特性 ;1999年被自治区列为林业科技推广项目之一 ,我市积极承担育苗 ,并采用ABT生根粉处理插穗和覆盖地膜配套技术 ,经 1年来的试验 ,取得了良好的效果。现将此技术总结如下 :1 试材与方法1.1 整地选择地势平坦、排灌方便、虫害较少、土质肥沃的粘壤土作圃地。结合整地。每公顷施入磷肥 150 0kg ,尿素 2 2 5kg ;打磨保墒。1.2 作垄覆膜土地平整后进行作垄 ,垄宽 6 0cm ,高 15cm ,垄面土壤要求细碎、无土块 ,作垄后立即覆膜 ,将膜拉平并压土 ,防止…  相似文献   

一、概述容器育苗已经在我国南北各省逐渐发展起来。温室容器育苗可以人为控制环境条件,缩短育苗周期,苗木规格化,便于实现工厂化育苗。用容器苗造林具有成活率高,没有缓苗期,可以延长造林季节,适合造林困难地区等优点,因而容器育苗和用容器苗造林已引起广大林业工作者的重视。但在容器苗的试验和生产中,苗木  相似文献   

泥质海岸盐碱地主要造林树种造林效果调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文通过对泥质海岸防护林示范区不同树种、不同品系在相应的造林措施下,造林成活率、保存率及幼林生长状况的野外调查,结果表明:毛白杨无性系73、96号,刺槐无性系鲁42、鲁10、741杨及抗虫榆,能适应泥质海岸盐碱地的立地条件;经济树种珠美海棠在土壤含盐0.2%以下时才能保证成活;梨树只要选择强壮的苗木,采用二剪砧萌芽后解绑的砧木处理方式,营造经济林的成功率是可以保证的;苹果在该地区的限制因子主要是土壤盐碱和早春生理干旱;覆膜保墒措施可以缩短枣树的缓苗期,对生长有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

苗木修去侧枝,可以减少蒸腾失水,干旱地区用此法造林可以提高造林成活率5%左右,苗木浸根可以补偿越冬所失水分,苗木浸泡3—4天可增重15%左右,浸根可以提高苗木造林成活率并缩短缓苗期。  相似文献   

山楂(Craegus L)属蔷薇科,仁果类。以往山楂春季播种后须第二年才能发芽出苗。要使山楂在播种的当年出苗,关键是种子的采收时间及其处理方法;同时苗期管理是培育壮苗不可忽视的技术措施。  相似文献   

云杉木箱苗即以木箱作容器,将云杉大苗假植和移栽,以缩短缓苗期,提高苗木成活率,保证栽后景观效果。  相似文献   

目前,檫树已成为我国南方山区和丘陵区广泛栽培的用材树种,现阶段一般采取冬播育苗,因而种子休眠期长,出苗率不高,苗木不整齐。1982—1983年,我们采取檫树种子自然冷冻、激素和一般砂藏(对照)三种处理,进行春播育苗试验,结果前二种方法都具有打破种子休眠,缩短育苗期,达到出苗早而齐,成本低,苗木质量好的目的。  相似文献   

在描述中甸山楂形态特征及生物学特性的基础上介绍了苗木培育中的种子采集与调制、播种方法及苗期管理等技术,重点探讨了"干湿变温沙藏法"对缩短育苗周期,降低育苗成本的关键作用。  相似文献   

以福建山樱花(Cerasuscampanulata)1a生实生苗为材料,研究了移植时间、叶量及土球对移植成活率和苗木生长的影响。结果表明,移植时间对成活率、地径和苗高生长都有极显著影响,以休眠期移植效果最好,其成活率、地径和苗高均最高,分别为97.07%、1.86cm和1.85m。在抽梢期和生长旺盛期移植时,摘叶移植的成活率为83.80%,是带叶移植的1.18倍,但对地径和苗高生长影响不大;带土球移植的成活率和苗高分别为81.76%和1.55cm,分别是不带土球移植的1.12倍和1.07倍,但地径生长差异不大。福建山樱花苗木移植在休眠期进行最好,其次是萌动期,在抽梢期和生长旺盛期移植,需将叶片全部摘除并带土球。  相似文献   

2019年3月,在浙江省温岭市采用1年生和2年生红豆树Ormosia hosiei实生苗造林,幼苗分别为地径2 cm带土球及营养钵苗、地径4 cm带土球截顶苗和全冠苗,于2019年10月测定苗木的高度、地径,分析不同试验处理(苗木规格、苗木类型、截干方式、施肥处理)对红豆树当年生幼树生长的影响.结果表明,在相同施肥措施...  相似文献   

通过采用留植、移植、剪根移植3种不同方法培育杨大苗的试验,结果表明:3种方法培育的杨大苗质量有明显区别。留植苗在苗高、地径上有优势,但根系不好,侧根数少,主侧根过粗,起苗时易造成机械损伤,造林不易成活;而移植苗较留植苗质量有所改善,侧根数增多,起苗时机械损伤较少,造林易成活;最好的是剪根移植苗,克服了以上2种方法所有弊病,苗木质量优良,造林成活率高。  相似文献   

赤霉素和多效唑对天女花移植苗生长的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为探讨植物生长调节剂在天女培育中应用的可能性,采用土施法研究了赤霉素、多效唑对天女花移植苗生长的影响。结果表明:赤霉素可以显著促进移植苗的新梢高生长,多效唑可以显著抑制新梢高生长;多效唑可以显著延缓叶片的建成速度、减小叶长和叶宽,赤霉素要以显著加快叶片的建成速度、增大叶片和叶宽;赤霉素、多效唑均可显著增加侧枝的分枝数。  相似文献   

Effects of chilling-dependent photoinhibition on gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, growth and nutrition of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden seedlings were assessed for 70 weeks after transplanting 9-month-old seedlings in early winter. One month before transplanting, the seedlings were assigned to fertilized or nutrient-deprived treatments. Immediately after transplanting, half the seedlings in each nutrient treatment were placed in shadecloth tree shelters. The experimental site was at an altitude of 700 m, which is considered marginal for the establishment of E. nitens plantations in Tasmania because of low mean annual minimum temperatures. Overnight frosts followed by sunny morning conditions in the first 20 weeks after transplanting (early June to early October) caused severe photoinhibition. Predawn maximal photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and maximum net photosynthesis (Amax) were depressed in nutrient-deprived seedlings compared with fertilized seedlings, although shading partially alleviated this difference. Neither Fv/Fm nor Amax recovered to values observed before transplanting until > 20 weeks after transplanting. During this period, non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) was high in seedlings in all treatments, although NPQ was lower in shaded, fertilized seedlings than in seedlings in the other treatments. Total foliar nitrogen (N) concentration increased up to 42 weeks after transplanting in the nutrient-deprived seedlings in parallel with increasing relative growth rate (RGR). Fractionation of N- and phosphorus (P)-containing compounds indicated that differences in protein N accounted for the treatment differences in total seedling N. Nucleic acid P increased and inorganic P decreased during growth periods, although total seedling P remained constant. Among treated seedlings, height growth was greatest in shaded seedlings: this was probably a result of apical dominance effects because RGR was higher in unshaded seedlings than in shaded seedlings. Thus, the shade treatment alleviated chilling-dependent photoinhibition and maximized growth during winter, but limited growth during warmer periods and therefore overall growth.  相似文献   

通过油茶组培苗移栽基质、时间和施肥肥料浓度对苗木生长影响的试验,结果表明,组培苗移栽成活率最高的基质是红心土,高达98.26%;但为利于苗木的生长,移栽方式是以先把瓶苗移栽于7cm×11cm的红心土营养杯内培养60d,苗木恢复生长,并长出2~3张叶片时再移栽到9cm×13cm椰康基质营养杯内培养适宜苗木生长,培育120d,苗高9.48cm,比使用红心土的苗高(4.04cm)高134.6%;施肥浓度为1%时,油茶组培苗生长效果良好,培养100d,苗高比施肥前高5.428cm,比对照的高143.8%。  相似文献   

【目的】探究‘凤丹’牡丹种苗的最适移栽时期,为其丰产栽培技术提供参考。【方法】以3年生‘凤丹’牡丹实生种苗为试验材料,设置8个移栽时期,通过大田对比试验,分析移栽后根系活力、叶片光合性能及生物量的变化;采用主成分分析和综合评价的方法对不同移栽时期的成苗效果进行评价。【结果】移栽期可能通过移栽时气温、土壤温度和移栽后土壤积温等环境因素影响‘凤丹’牡丹新根和植株的发育,适时移栽显著促进牡丹苗体的生长发育。在不同的移栽时期,‘凤丹’牡丹植株生长期间的新根总数、木质化新根数、根系活力、叶面积、叶片SPAD值、净光合速率、枝条粗度、根生物量、枝条生物量、总生物量和壮苗指数均有一定差异,而枝条长度和根冠比没有显著差异。9月29日与11月28日移栽相比,单株木质化新根质量和叶面积分别增加了90.26%和51.22%,根系活力和净光合作用速率分别提高了93.53%和60.98%,单株生物量增加了46.00%。经通径分析、主成分分析和综合评价表明:9月29日移栽的‘凤丹’牡丹成苗效果最好。【结论】本研究依据植株生物量、壮苗指数与移栽期气象环境要素的依赖关系,明确9月中旬至10月下旬,日均气温15~20℃气侯条件,是‘凤丹’牡丹的最适移栽期。  相似文献   

泡囊丛枝状菌根对南洋杉幼苗的接种效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用泡囊丛枝状菌根(VAM)菌对慢生型树种南洋杉幼苗进行人工接种,1年后的测试结果,接种VAM处理的幼苗其菌根感染率达100%,而对照株仅自然感染10.3%,接种处理幼苗的生长与对照比较,平均高增加36.5%,地径增加16.6%,平均冠幅增加36.7%,枝条数目中56.7%,接种株的生物量与对照比较,地上部分平均干重增加100.52%,地了下部分干重则增加155.76%,表明地表球囊霉9004菌株  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that wood chips can serve as a mulch to improve the growth of young trees by facilitating the development of their root systems, inhibiting weed germination, and suppressing weed growth. The present study was carried out in Ghorogh Nursery, Golestan Northern Iran, in order to investigate the impact of wood chips application on root growth of oak (Quercus castaneifolia) seedlings and control of weed. A three centimeter wood chip layer was used on the soil surface as the mulch treatment with bare soil as the control. The number of new roots, the length of exciting roots and the density of weeds were measured after 5 and 12 weeks. Results showed that wood chip application had significant positive effect on the length of excising roots after 5 and 12 weeks compared with control seedlings. Also, weeds were reduced to near zero levels in treated plot. Our findings suggested that wood chip layer on the soil surface in the nursery can conserve soil moisture and prevent nutrient leaching from the rooting zone as well as diminish weed growth which consequently lead to production of high quality seedling.  相似文献   

Low precipitation and high evaporation rates hinder the establishment of tree seedlings in arid environments. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of covering different fractions (0, 30, 70 and 100%) of the wetted area surrounding seedlings of Acacia saligna (Labill.) H.L. Wendl. with a black polyethylene sheet on the seedlings development and water use. The cover treatments were applied to plots with and without Acacia seedlings. Within the mulched areas at all depths, soil temperatures close to the edges were lower than at the corresponding depth close to the center, but still higher than in the non-mulched plots. In plots with Acacia seedlings, the total soil water losses were similar among treatments. However, the cumulative evaporative losses near the soil surface were lower with larger mulched areas. During early growth stages, roots grew deeper in the 30% mulch treatment and more laterally in the other mulched treatments. The non-mulched treatment produced the smallest root system. Larger canopies developed in the mulched treatments and the gross water use efficiency increased with the increasing fraction of the mulched area. Optimum utilization of stored soil water and seedling development were attained with the 70% mulch treatment.  相似文献   

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