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Hearing subjects unfamiliar with American Sign Language and deaf native signers made triadic comparisons of movements of the hands and arms isolated from American Sign Language. Clustering and scaling of subjects' judgments revealed different psychological representations of movement form for deaf and hearing observerd. Linguistically relevant dimensions acquired modified salience for users ofa visual-gestural language. The data indicate that the modification of natural perceptual categories after language acquisition is not bound to a particular transmission modality, but rather can be a more general consequence of acquiring a formal linguistic system.  相似文献   

Babbling in the manual mode: evidence for the ontogeny of language   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Infant vocal babbling has been assumed to be a speech-based phenomenon that reflects the maturation of the articulatory apparatus responsible for spoken language production. Manual babbling has now been reported to occur in deaf children exposed to signed languages from birth. The similarities between manual and vocal babbling suggest that babbling is a product of an amodal, brain-based language capacity under maturational control, in which phonetic and syllabic units are produced by the infant as a first step toward building a mature linguistic system. Contrary to prevailing accounts of the neurological basis of babbling in language ontogeny, the speech modality is not critical in babbling. Rather, babbling is tied to the abstract linguistic structure of language and to an expressive capacity capable of processing different types of signals (signed or spoken).  相似文献   

A new sign language has been created by deaf Nicaraguans over the past 25 years, providing an opportunity to observe the inception of universal hallmarks of language. We found that in their initial creation of the language, children analyzed complex events into basic elements and sequenced these elements into hierarchically structured expressions according to principles not observed in gestures accompanying speech in the surrounding language. Successive cohorts of learners extended this procedure, transforming Nicaraguan signing from its early gestural form into a linguistic system. We propose that this early segmentation and recombination reflect mechanisms with which children learn, and thereby perpetuate, language. Thus, children naturally possess learning abilities capable of giving language its fundamental structure.  相似文献   

本文采用PDS提供的API开发工具对项目管理软件Project以及Sharepoint进行二次开发,使用磷语言编程配合PDSAPI实现对Project server和Sharepoint软件中的数据进行整合;并通过一个具体的实例描述了二次开发的过程。  相似文献   

Humans collaborate with non-kin in special ways, but the evolutionary foundations of these collaborative skills remain unclear. We presented chimpanzees with collaboration problems in which they had to decide when to recruit a partner and which potential partner to recruit. In an initial study, individuals recruited a collaborator only when solving the problem required collaboration. In a second study, individuals recruited the more effective of two partners on the basis of their experience with each of them on a previous day. Therefore, recognizing when collaboration is necessary and determining who is the best collaborative partner are skills shared by both chimpanzees and humans, so such skills may have been present in their common ancestor before humans evolved their own complex forms of collaboration.  相似文献   

每种语言都有自己的音节节拍规律,语言学习应从语音知识开始.语音符号具有浓烈的民族性,不同的民族有不同的语音系统,其中韵律是语言最核心的本质.朗读是掌握一门语言语音知识最基本也是最重要的手段.阅读离不开内部言语活动,语音符号有利于提高阅读理解能力.笔者通过多年的英语教学发现,语音符号在英语学习中起到了非常重要的作用.英语学习也不例外,英语语音符号是文字符号的基础,是打开文字符号大门的钥匙.所以笔者呼吁,英语教师们,尤其是少儿英语和小学英语的教师们在教学中应重视语音符号的教学,这样才能更好地提高英语教学并克服聋哑外语.  相似文献   

Two male and two female chimpanzees were each taught ten signs of American Sign Language. The acquisition rates of the signs were compared on the basis of the number of minutes required in training to reach a criterion of five consecutive unprompted correct responses. After the ten signs had been acquired, the chimpanzees were tested in a double-blind procedure for nine of the signs. All four chimpanzees acquired all of the signs. Some signs were consistently easier to acquire than others, and individual differences between the four chimpanzees were found in the acquisition rates and tests.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic antibody vaccine for type B viral hepatitis in chimpanzees   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Anti-idiotypic antibodies (anti-Id) that contain an internal image component that mimics the surface antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBsAg) were used to immunize chimpanzees. Four injections of the rabbit anti-Id preparation elicited an antibody response to HBsAg (anti-HBs). The antibody specificity appeared to be against the anti-Id, since the anti-Id immunogen was shown to bind the chimpanzee anti-HBs. Two chimpanzees immunized with the anti-Id, along with two control animals that were either untreated or received a nonimmune rabbit immunoglobulin G preparation, were challenged with infectious hepatitis B virus. Both control chimpanzees developed clinical and serological characteristics consistent with an active hepatitis B virus infection, whereas the two anti-Id treated chimpanzees were protected from infection. Since chimpanzees provide a relevant model of a human response to hepatitis B virus immunization and infection, these results indicate that anti-Id preparations such as that described here might be candidates for vaccines against human diseases.  相似文献   

The Physics Interviewing Project assists graduate physics departments in evaluating foreign applicants. Supported by some 20 universities, two interviewers, both working scientists, travel abroad and interview students individually for about 1 hour each. Prospective teaching assistants are rated on physics knowledge, problem-solving ability, and English language proficiency. Ratings on all interviewees are sent to all supporting schools and other schools as requested. The Project aids able students from countries that have no physics Ph.D. programs (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand) to obtain assistantships and Ph.D.'s abroad, assists in the technological development of those countries, and helps U.S. schools in selecting the most promising foreign candidates. A similar program should be beneficial in other sciences.  相似文献   

Significant differences in the distribution of human-type and simian-type blood groups have been demonstrated in chimpanzees classified into subspecies or "races" on the basis of morphological traits. The differences in chimpanzees are analogous to racial differences in the distribution of blood groups in man.  相似文献   

由于保障机制和社会支持网络的断裂,农村聋哑人为满足生活需求只得进城乞讨。在城乡二元体制下,农村聋哑人城市乞讨存在多重困境。对合肥市农村聋哑人城市乞讨现象的深入调查,得出如下结论:虽然农村聋哑人进城乞讨的影响因素具有多重性和复杂性,但通过加强家庭保障与政府保障、自我发展与文化关心、社会工作组织与政府救助机构的互动,能够富于成效地帮助农村聋哑人在多元主体互动与社会资源整合的基础上,获得有尊严的生活出路。  相似文献   

香日德巴隆异地开发扶贫项目是把青海省东部干旱的黄土高原山区的部分贫困人口迁到香日德巴隆地区.本文以香日德巴隆扶贫开发移民迁出区为研究区域,用定性与定量的方法,分析项目的经济效果、社会效果及生态效果.结果显示:香日德巴隆异地开发扶贫项目的实施,有效地促进迁出区社会、经济的发展和改善迁出区的生态环境.同时发现存在如下一些问题:搬迁农户选择的不完全合理、未搬迁农户的发展障碍及人力资源的流失.并提出针对以上问题的建议:坚持“以人文本”的思想,充分考虑农民的利益;转变扶贫方式,就近安置未搬迁农户;加强职业技能培训,提高劳动力素质.  相似文献   

Bipedal chimpanzees reorient the pelvis to achieve an upright posture but retain the same pattern of femoral flexion and extension as in quadrupedal walking. Major differences from human gait are the abducted, relatively more flexed excursion of the femur and the timing of pelvic tilt, which raises during the swing phase. The femoral head morphology in the fossil hominid Australopithecus robustus is evidence of an approximately vertical excursion of the femur in contrast to the adducted pattern of modern man and the abducted pattern of chimpanzees.  相似文献   

A troop of olive baboons, Papio anubis, has developed systematic predation, which includes hunting and sharing of meat. Although meat-eating among nonhuman primates-baboons and chimpanzees especially-had been discovered in earlier field studies, systematic predation had been reported for chimpanzees and humans only. Starting as an adult male activity in the olive baboon troop, this tradition rapidly expanded to include capture and consumption of prey by adult females and juveniles of all ages and both sexes. Infants eat but have not been observed to capture prey.  相似文献   

To study the evolution of recombination rates in apes, we developed methodology to construct a fine-scale genetic map from high-throughput sequence data from 10 Western chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes verus. Compared to the human genetic map, broad-scale recombination rates tend to be conserved, but with exceptions, particularly in regions of chromosomal rearrangements and around the site of ancestral fusion in human chromosome 2. At fine scales, chimpanzee recombination is dominated by hotspots, which show no overlap with those of humans even though rates are similarly elevated around CpG islands and decreased within genes. The hotspot-specifying protein PRDM9 shows extensive variation among Western chimpanzees, and there is little evidence that any sequence motifs are enriched in hotspots. The contrasting locations of hotspots provide a natural experiment, which demonstrates the impact of recombination on base composition.  相似文献   

中俄东线天然气管道工程是“一带一路”倡议下中俄两国深化合作的成功典范,作为跨境输气管道的代表性项目,前期工作特征与经验具有重要的参考借鉴价值。阐述了中俄东线天然气管道工程项目的背景与意义,梳理了其商业谈判、预可行性研究、可行性研究、项目申请报告编制及核准等前期工作,介绍了针对中俄东线天然气管道工程复杂技术经济工况的专题研究过程,总结了中俄东线天然气管道工程前期工作的创新成果。研究表明:中俄东线天然气管道工程这类大型跨境能源管道项目,其前期工作涉及外交、商业、技术、经济等多层次问题,需要投入更多的人力、研究资源及更充裕的时间,以保障项目的顺利实施。  相似文献   

中国经济的快速发展吸引了世界各国的目光,中国悠久的历史、文化、哲学对世界具有长期的吸引力和影响力,在此背景下,汉语国际传播呈现出前所未有的多元化发展态势,对对外汉语教师的综合素养提出了更高更专业的要求。优秀的对外汉语教师不仅需要具备扎实的学科专业知识、较强的教学能力、广博的中国文化知识及跨文化交际能力,还要培养自己的学习和研究意识并具备良好的职业素养。对外汉语教师是中国语言文化的使者,其优良的综合素养有助于促进中外语言文化交流与合作。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and thus the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) it causes, was inadvertently introduced to humans by the use of an oral polio vaccine (OPV) during a vaccination campaign launched by the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA, USA, in the Belgian Congo in 1958 and 1959. The "OPV/AIDS hypothesis" suggests that the OPV used in this campaign was produced in chimpanzee kidney epithelial cell cultures rather than in monkey kidney cell cultures, as stated by H. Koprowski and co-workers, who produced the OPV. If chimpanzee cells were indeed used, this would lend support to the OPV/AIDS hypothesis, since chimpanzees harbor a simian immunodeficiency virus, widely accepted to be the origin of HIV-1. We analyzed several early OPV pools and found no evidence for the presence of chimpanzee DNA; by contrast, monkey DNA is present.  相似文献   

The remarkable ecological and demographic success of humanity is largely attributed to our capacity for cumulative culture, with knowledge and technology accumulating over time, yet the social and cognitive capabilities that have enabled cumulative culture remain unclear. In a comparative study of sequential problem solving, we provided groups of capuchin monkeys, chimpanzees, and children with an experimental puzzlebox that could be solved in three stages to retrieve rewards of increasing desirability. The success of the children, but not of the chimpanzees or capuchins, in reaching higher-level solutions was strongly associated with a package of sociocognitive processes-including teaching through verbal instruction, imitation, and prosociality-that were observed only in the children and covaried with performance.  相似文献   

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