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研究了重离子束辐照选育的高蛋白酵母、木霉、黑曲霉和乳酸杆菌的不同添加比例及发酵时间对马铃薯渣中粗蛋白和粗纤维含量的影响.结果表明:在发酵条件、发酵时间相同的情况下,黑曲霉∶绿色木霉∶诱变酵母菌∶乳酸杆菌最佳配比为1∶3∶3∶2,发酵后马铃薯渣中的蛋白含量为15.39%,粗纤维含量为12.12%;在发酵条件、菌种比例相同的条件下,最佳发酵时间为8d,发酵后马铃薯渣中的蛋白含量为15.12%,粗纤维含量为11.86%.  相似文献   

为探究降雨对露地蔬菜上农药沉积的淋失影响,以百菌清为供试农药,以小白菜为代表作物,采用人工模拟降雨研究了不同降雨强度、雨滴大小、降雨间隔、降雨次数、降雨连续性、小白菜生育期及室内外生长环境对百菌清在小白菜上沉积量的淋失影响.结果表明:百菌清在小白菜上的残留量随着降雨强度增大而降低;随着雨滴直径增大而降低;随着降雨间隔时间增加而升高;随着降雨次数的增多而降低,达到一定次数趋于稳定;且间断降雨对百菌清的淋失作用大于连续降雨.小白菜生长前期百菌清淋失率远低于生长中后期.施药24 h后,室内生长小白菜上百菌清的淋失率高于室外.百菌清施药后48h内,残留量受降雨影响较大;48h后在小白菜上具有较高的抗雨刷性.  相似文献   

A repetitive pattern of a triangular luminance profile may be perceived as a triangular-wave grating or as a square-wave grating. This illusion may reflect the operation of cortical phase-selective mechanisms that are biased toward particular phase relations and favor abrupt luminance gradients.  相似文献   

Visual FoxPro具有较强大的数据存储和加工能力。但是对于复杂报表的输出却显得很脆弱。为了能够输出较为完美的数据报表,往往与其他软件配合完成,以达到理想效果。利用OOP思想及教据格式转换与Excel软件配合使用即可完成上述功能。  相似文献   

放射性锆在红壤中的淋溶特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用模拟土柱法研究了放射锆(^95Zr)在两种红壤(泮畈红壤和红黄壤)中的淋溶特性和垂直迁移。结果显示:1)淋溶收庥水中^95Zr的含量甚微,接近于0,且随着总淋溶水量的增加(250-750ml),淋溶水中^95Zr的总量几乎没有变化,表明^95Zr一旦被土壤吸附,则不易被水流解吸;(2)滞留于土壤中的^95Zr绝大部分分布在土壤表层,泮畈红壤和红黄壤分别有90.05%-97.47%和96.02%-97.16%的^95Zr滞留于0-0.4cm土层范围内,表明二种红壤^95Zr均有较强的吸附能力;比较其变化动态,红黄壤对^95Zr的吸附能力略强于泮畈红壤。  相似文献   

CUMMINGS V 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1960,131(3414):1675-1676
Local introduction of atropine and dibenzyline into human skin was carried out by iontophoresis. Both thermoregulatory and emotional sweating were blocked by atropine but were not blocked by dibenzyline. It would seem that emotional sweating produced as a result of a physical stress situation is partly or predominately under cholinergic control.  相似文献   

The application of single molecules as templates for nanodevices is a promising direction for nanotechnology. We used a pair of suspended DNA molecules as templates for superconducting two-nanowire devices. Because the resulting wires are very thin, comparable to the DNA molecules themselves, they are susceptible to thermal fluctuations typical for one-dimensional superconductors and exhibit a nonzero resistance over a broad temperature range. We observed resistance oscillations in these two-nanowire structures that are different from the usual Little-Parks oscillations. Here, we provide a quantitative explanation for the observed quantum interference phenomenon, which takes into account strong phase gradients created in the leads by the applied magnetic field.  相似文献   

A rapid, convenient technique for precision pressure measurement in the diamond-anvil high-pressure cell, which makes use of the sharp-line (R-line) luminescence of ruby, has been developed. The observed shift is -0.77 +/-0.03 reciprocal centimeters per kilobar for R(1) and -0.84+/- 0.03 reciprocal centimeters per kilobar for R(2) to lower energy and is approximately linear in the range studied (to 22 kilobars). Line-broadening has been observed in some instances and has been tentatively identified with nonhydrostatic conditions surrounding the ruby sample.  相似文献   

为考察用金属盐与硼化物复合处理杉木后,处理材中硼的抗水流失性,采用3种硼化物(硼酸、硼砂、四水合八硼酸二钠)和3种金属盐(硫酸锌、乙酸锌和无水氯化钙),用两步法来复合处理杉木。针对每种金属盐设计了正交试验,考察硼化物种类、金属盐种类和浓度、后处理条件对硼保持率的影响,并进行了流失试验。结果表明:①将硼化物和金属盐分两步来处理木材,从而提高硼的抗水流失性是可行的;②处理材中硼的保持率随着金属盐浓度的增大而增大,同时也随着后处理温度的升高而提高;③无水氯化钙对硼的固着效果相对最好,其次是乙酸锌,而硫酸锌对硼的固着效果相对较差;④硼酸与无水氯化钙、硼砂或四水合八硼酸二钠与乙酸锌的组合比该种硼化物与其他2种金属盐复合处理材的硼的保持率高。   相似文献   

本文应用HACCP对冷冻干燥芦笋生产过程进行危害分析,确定了关键控制点,提出监控、纠偏措施,提高了产品的卫生质量与安全,并为冻干芦笋生产企业推行HACCP质量管理体系提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

硅凝胶植物纤维复合材料的微观构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将植物纤维基超低密度材料浸入硅溶胶中,采用溶胶—凝胶两步法制备具有良好物理性能的复合材料;采用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)以及傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)对复合材料的微观构造进行表征.结果表明:凝胶颗粒不仅覆盖、粘附在发泡材料的纤维表面,同时还填充在材料的内部孔隙中,使材料的密实化程度得到提高,衍射强度降低;同时,在复合材料中发现一些硅凝胶的疏水性基团.表明这种方法可提高材料的防水、防霉以及隔热、隔音等性能.  相似文献   

填闲作物防治保护地土壤硝酸盐淋溶损失的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
填闲作物在设施蔬菜生产轮作体系中的应用是近年防治土壤氮素损失和土壤硝酸盐淋溶的新兴措施.研究表明,这一措施的应用,能有效地控制氮素的淋溶,对设施蔬菜生产产生了显著的经济效益和生态效益,同时对设施蔬菜可持续生产具有重要的意义.根据国内外文献资料,概述了填闲作物在保护地蔬菜种植中的作用、土壤硝酸盐淋溶的阻控机制及影响填闲作物阻控硝酸盐淋溶的因素.  相似文献   

猪粪发酵饲料的菌种筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以平菇(Agaricus tabularis)、猴头(Hericium erinaceus)和滑菇(Pholiota nameko)等食用菌为菌种,对其猪粪发酵生产饲料的效果进行了比较筛选研究。结果表明,以滑菇为菌种对猪粪进行发酵生产饲料,菌丝生长速度快,菌丝致密且粗壮发达,发酵时间短,对猪粪的除臭效果较好。发酵饲料的蛋白质、脂肪、总糖含量分别达18.9%、0.77%、16.14%。  相似文献   

Promotion of tubulin assembly by aluminum ion in vitro   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
It has been proposed that aluminum ion is a contributing factor in a variety of neurological diseases. In many of these diseases, aberrations in the cytoskeleton have been noted. The effects of aluminum ion on the in vitro assembly of tubulin into microtubules has been examined by determining the association constants for the metal ion-guanosine triphosphate-tubulin ternary complex required for polymerization. The association constant for aluminum ion was approximately 10(7) times that of magnesium ion, the physiological mediator of microtubule assembly. In addition, aluminum ion at 4.0 X 10(-10) mole per liter competed effectively with magnesium ion for support of tubulin polymerization when magnesium ion falls below 1.0 millimole per liter. The microtubules produced by aluminum ion were indistinguishable from those produced by magnesium ion when viewed by electron microscopy, and they showed identical critical tubulin concentrations for assembly and sensitivities to cold-induced depolymerization. However, the rate of guanosine triphosphate hydrolysis and the sensitivity to calcium ion-induced depolymerization, critical regulatory processes of microtubules in vivo, were markedly lower for aluminum ion microtubules than for magnesium ion microtubules.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of methyl phosphate bound to the triethylenetetramine-cobalt(III) ion is much faster than the hydrolysis of either dimethyl phosphate bound to the same cation or methyl phosphate bound to the pentamminecobalt-(III) ion. The rate enhancement is attributed to bidenate coordination of the methyl phosphate. This feature suggests a pseudorotation mechanism analogous to that proposed by Westheimer for the hydrolysis of ethylene methyl phosphate. Stabilization of bidentate coordination might play a role in metal ion activation of phosphate-transfer enzymes.  相似文献   

为了研究降水对根层 (1.2m)水分渗漏和氮淋失的影响 ,采用Hydrus 1D模型模拟近 30年实际气候条件下京郊冬小麦田的水氮运移过程。结果表明 ,传统水肥管理 (灌溉量 2 70mm ,施氮量 15 0kg·hm-2 )冬小麦农田 ,降水量小于 5 0mm时 ,水分渗漏量均值为 5 .0mm ;降水量在 5 0~ 10 0mm ,对应水分渗漏量均值为 2 3.6mm ;当降水量为10 0~ 15 0mm或大于 15 0mm时 ,平均水分渗漏量为 36 .9或 12 5 .6mm。对应的氮淋失量分别为 1.5、5 .8、9.6和 4 0 .4kg·hm-2 。水分渗漏及氮淋失主要发生在冬小麦返青期和拔节期灌溉后 ,因此应减少早期灌溉量并应避免过早施肥。水分渗漏量可表示为降水指数的指数函数 ,而氮淋失量则与水分渗漏量呈线性相关。在可预测降水条件下 ,文中给出的经验关系式可用于估测水分渗漏量和氮淋失量。  相似文献   

为探究镧改性生物炭伴施养殖肥液灌溉条件下土壤磷素的淋溶特征和阻控效果,采用土柱模拟试验对比镧改性生物炭和石膏、沸石传统阻控剂对磷淋溶的阻控特征,及镧改性生物炭不同添加量(1%、3%和5%)和不同施用方式(0~20 cm和0~10 cm混合)的影响效果。结果表明:磷淋失阻控效果呈现镧改性生物炭 > 石膏 > 沸石,且镧改性生物炭处理阻控效果最好(P<0.05);镧改性生物炭施加处理总磷淋失量比对照处理削减了16.3%~58.3%,随镧改性生物炭施加量增加削减效果显著升高,这主要是因为生物炭对磷酸盐和有机磷发生了吸附;镧改性生物炭0~20 cm和0~10 cm施用方式总磷淋失量分别削减23.4%~58.3%和16.3%~45.0%,全土层混合削减效果更显著(P<0.05);镧改性生物炭对正磷酸盐和有机磷的吸附机制主要是沉淀作用与络合作用。研究表明,在有机无机复合磷素输入条件下,镧改性生物炭的应用能够明显阻控磷淋失。  相似文献   

采用改良的冷冻溶融法,用豆磷脂替代卵磷脂制备了碘醚柳胺(Rafoxanide,Raf)脂质体,并对其药物特性进行了测定与观察。用此法制备出的碘醚柳胺豆磷脂脂质体包封率高达57.54%。电镜下显示碘醚柳胺脂质体以多层脂质体为主,粒径大多分布在0.1~1.0μm之间。室温条件下贮存75d后,其包封率由原来的57.54%下降到52.32%,提示用豆磷脂脂质体具有良好的稳定性。分别按0.15mg/kg,0.3mg/kg,0.6mg/kg体重剂量给肝片吸虫病患羊皮下注射碘醚柳胺脂质体,3d后剖杀,发现0.3mg/kg体重以上剂量组的患羊肝脏内的虫体全部崩解死亡。  相似文献   

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